
Bed Bug Facts – Know them all

Bed bugs have been big news in recent years. They seem to be thriving in human habitats and are

becoming resistant to pesticides. The only nutritional need for this tick- and louse-like tiny insect is

human blood. Plaguing households back to ancient Egypt, bed bugs arrived in the United States with

the first colonists. Changing pest control and prevention, banning of DDT, and an increase in

international travel have aided a resurgence of them beginning in the 1990s.

Bed Bugs Bites Treatment for You – What is the best?

Getting bed bugs is on most people’s list of worst fears. It is a horrible experience and they’re hard to

get rid of. That’s the truth. There are several myths out there which are simply not true. Bed bugs do

not transmit diseases, but if you were told not to “let the bed bugs bite” when you went to sleep as a

kid, that phrase may ring in a different tone today.

How to Know if You Were Bitten by a Bed Bug

The bites are typically red and itchy. If it’s you’re first time, then you might not notice anything. It can

take days for redness or welts to appear so you might not know where you were when you got bitten.

Most bed bug bites look very similar to mosquito bites. They do, however, have a tendency to bite

many times to find a good blood source so you’ll see bites in straight rows or in zig zags. They may be

clustered as well.

Bites are often on the face, hands, neck, arms, and legs. Usually, you do not feel it when getting

bitten. Most people are sleeping at the time. Bed bug bites are often mistaken for hives or a rash.

While they may go away in a few days to two weeks, the site can get infected if you scratch too much

and open the skin. Some people get allergic reactions to bites, according to the American Academy

of Dermatology. The best bed bugs bites treatment depends on each individual case.

Are There Professional Treatments for Bed Bug Bites?

There’s no specific medical treatment just for bed bug bites. For more severe itching, a physician can

prescribe a stronger corticosteroid. Antihistamines help as well, but there are many types so your

dermatologist will have to determine which one is the best in your situation.

Bed bug bites should be treated professionally if you have many of them or blisters develop. A pussy

discharge may indicate an infection or a large and/or growing area of swelling, hives, and red skin

can form. These symptoms could indicate an infection or allergy. A physician will go about treating

the condition based on your symptoms.

Infections: A small skin infection can snowball into something worse if nothing is done about

it. You might need an antibiotic. Dermatologists prescribe antibiotics or, for a mild infection,

an antiseptic you can just rub on the affected skin. Antiseptics don’t always need a

prescription, however. They can help prevent infections in many cases.

Allergic Reaction: Severe reactions such as swelling, excess redness, severe itching, fever,

etc. requires immediate injections. Some medications used in these instances include

corticosteroids, epinephrine, or antihistamines.

The Best Treatment is Prevention

Most people who are bitten by bed bugs don’t have to do anything. It helps to know what to do just in

case. If you notice bites when you wake up in the morning, check your mattress, carpet, and any dark

area that is perfect for a small bug to hide. Keeping sanitary is helpful, but bed bugs have a way of

creeping in. At the first sign, consult with a pest control company that can offer the most proper and

effective treatments so the bed bugs go away and never come back again.

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