

Food Safety


Frank Yiannas Vice President - Food Safety

Walmart on twitter @frankyiannas

“We return to Greece in order to rediscover the

archetypes of our mind and of our culture.”

– James Hillman

American Psychologist, 1926 - 2011

Copyright Yiannas Food Safety & Health 2

Food Safety & Health

Today’s Supermarket

Estimate of Foodborne Disease per Year in the U.S.

Source: Food Related Illness and Death in the U.S., CDC

48 million cases

128,000 hospitalizations

3,000 deaths

1 in 6 people annually

Food Safety & Health

PFGE, Credit Cards, & Google

The Race



In Common?

Food Safety & Health


trust bust

Changing Food System

Emerging Pathogens


Consumer Trust Bust

Social Media +

Foodborne Surveillance

Challenges to the Food Safety

Food Fraud & Authenticity

Global Trends in


Food Safety & Health

Are we WINNING the battle against foodborne disease?


the battle against

foodborne disease?


Traditional Food Safety Strategies



•Micro Testing

Beyond Food Safety Management - Food Safety Culture

“If the only tool you have is

a hammer, you tend to see

every problem as a nail.”

- Abraham Maslow


1908 - 1970


Food Safety = Behavior

Beyond Food Safety Management - Food Safety Culture

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Food Safety Program

Beyond Food Safety Management - Food Safety Culture

Copyright Yiannas 17

Food Safety Culture

Beyond Food Safety Management - Food Safety Culture

Copyright Yiannas Beyond Food Safety Management - Food Safety Culture 18


1. What is culture?

2. Why the focus on culture?

3. Who creates culture?

4. How is a safety culture created?

Copyright Yiannas Beyond Food Safety Management - Food Safety Culture 19


1. What is culture?


Culture is shared patterns of

thought and behavior that

characterize a social group,

which are learned through

socialization processes and

persist through time.

- Social & Behavioral

Foundations of Public Health

What is culture?

Food Safety Culture – China & the World

Copyright Yiannas Beyond Food Safety Management - Food Safety Culture 21


1. What is culture?

2. Why the focus on culture?


In major safety incident investigations, an

underlying root cause is

a) faulty design

b) operator error

c) improper training

d) organizational culture

Why the focus on culture?

Food Safety & Health 23

“In our view, the NASA organizational culture had

as much to do with this accident as the foam.”

- Columbia Accident

Investigation Board (2003)

Copyright Yiannas Beyond Food Safety Management - Food Safety Culture 24


1. What is culture?

2. Why the focus on culture?

3. Who creates culture?


“Organizational cultures are created by

leaders, and one of the most decisive

functions of leadership may well be the

creation, the management, and – if and

when necessary – the destruction of


- Edgar Schein

Organizational Expert

Who Creates Culture?

Food Safety Culture – China & the World

Copyright Yiannas Beyond Food Safety Management - Food Safety Culture 26


1. What is culture?

2. Why the focus on culture?

3. Who creates culture?

4. How is a safety culture created?

“Food safety culture

is a choice.”

- Frank Yiannas

Food Safety Culture, 2009

Copyright Yiannas

Attributes of a Food Safety Culture

1. Create Food Safety Expectations

2. Educate & Train All Associates

3. Communicate Food Safety Frequently

4. Establish Food Safety Goals & Measurements

5. Consequences for Food Safety Behaviors

Copyright Yiannas Beyond Food Safety Management - Food Safety Culture 29


Consequences Educate & Train


Goals & Accountability


Food Safety Culture Continuous Improvement Model


Beyond Food Safety Management - Food Safety Culture 30


Food Safety Management


Food Safety Management

• Focuses on processes. • Focuses on processes and people.

• Primarily based on Food Science. • Based on Food Science, Behavioral

Science, and Organizational Culture.

• Simplistic view of behavior change. • Behavior change is complex.

• Linear cause and effect thinking. • Systems thinking.

• Creates a food safety program. • Creates a food safety culture.

Food Science + Behavioral Science

Source: Yiannas, Food Safety Culture, 2008

1. Create Food Safety Expectations

3 Basic Beliefs & Food Safety

The quality of expectations determines the quality of our actions.

- A. Godin, French Writer (1880-1938)

Food Safety CBL

Real Risks

2. Educate & Train Associates on Food Safety

“I truly believe that people anywhere will respond to the same motivational

techniques we use – if they are treated right and are given the opportunities

to be properly trained." - Sam Walton

Estimate of Foodborne Disease per Year in the U.S.

Source: Food Related Illness and Death in the U.S., CDC

48 million cases

128,000 hospitalizations

3,000 deaths

Save the Children

Thousands Starving


One Source: Small, Loewenstein, and Slovic (2007)

Stories are better than Statistics

48 Million Americans


One Lauren Randolph


3. Communicate Food Safety Frequently

Weekly Food Safety Message

When dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of

logic, but creatures of emotion. - Dale Carnegie

Mr. Rollback - Darrell


4. Establish Food Safety Goals & Measurements

“Set high goals, encourage competition, and then keep score.”

- Sam Walton

Store Self Checks

Food Safety Audits

High Five Quick Check

Handheld Technology

95% 93%


100 3rd party food safety audits

1,400,000 SPARK rotisserie chicken temps

10 regulatory inspections

Paradigm Shift

n = All


5. Consequences for Food Safety Behaviors

On-the-Spot Recognition

Store #

Annual Award

Zero Violation Certificate



The consequence of an act affects the probability of it occurring again.

- B.F. Skinner

Copyright Yiannas

Attributes of a Food Safety Culture

1. Create Food Safety Expectations

2. Educate & Train All Associates

3. Communicate Food Safety Frequently

4. Establish Food Safety Goals & Measurements

5. Consequences for Food Safety Behaviors


Providing safe &

affordable food,

so people in Greece

& throughout

Europe can live


on twitter @frankyiannas

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