Page 1: Bibliografia articolo autoefficacia strength & conditioning  corsale


STRENGTH & CONDITIONING. Per una scienza del movimento dell’uomo Anno III - Numero 10 / Ottobre-Dicembre 2014

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14.Mennea PP e Menarini D (2012). La corsa non fi nisce mai. Limina, 2012.15.Schunk DH, Hanson AR & Cox PD (1987). Peer model attributes and children’s achievement behaviors. Journal of Educational Psychology, 79, 54-61.16.Scraba, PJ (1990). Self-modeling for teaching swimming to persons with physical disabilities (Doctoral dissertation, University of Connecticut, 1989). Dissertation Abstracts International, 50, 2830A.17.Short SE, Bruggeman JM, Engel SG, Marback TL, Wang LJ, Willadsen A, Short MW (2002). The effect of imagery function and imagery direction on self-effi cacy and performance on a golf-putting task. The Sport Psychology, 16, 48-67.18.Steca P, Militello J e Gamba, A (2010). BEBS: Basket Effi cacy Baliefs Scales. Firenze: Giunti O.S.19.Steca P, Greco A, Castellini F e La Torre A (2012). AEBS Athletics Effi cacy Beliefs Scale. Fi-renze: Giunti O.S.20.Weinberg RS & Gould D (2003). Foundations of sport and exercise psychology (3rd ed.) Cham-paign, IL: Human Kinetics.21.Zinsser N, Bunker L & Williams JM, (2006). Cognitive techniques for building confi dence and enhancing performance. In JM Williams, Applied sport psychology (5th ed. 349-381). New York: McGraw-Hill.

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