
We are now ready for Synthesis!

You will: Write a speech, plan and create a media festival project, and create a visual for Project Achievement.

Our GoalsReview the speech requirements

Write an introduction, three body paragraphs and a conclusion

Identify the qualities of superior sequential still

Plan a project using a storyboard

Locate pictures for sharing and using

Cite pictures

Writing your SpeechIntroduction

Body Paragraph- First Question Body Paragraph- Second Question Body Paragraph- Third Question


IntroductionGive your name and define your topic.

Explain why you picked this topic.

Define the three main focuses of your speech.

Share an interesting fact. Hook your audience!

Sample Introduction

My name is Jaime Rearley. Your teeth are important. According to USA Today, 47% of people notice your smile when they first meet you. One day, I would like to be a dentist. To become a dentist, I will need to prepare. I will also need to decide what kind of dentist I would like to be. I will also need to become familiar with the tools dentists use.

Half a Minute

Body ParagraphState the focus of this paragraph

Share three to four detailed sentences on this topic.

Restate your paragraph topic sentence.

Mention where your information came from.

One Minute

Sample Body Paragraph In order to become a dentist, I will need to study hard! I will go to college and dental school. According to Dr. Bock, my family dentist, I will need to earn my bachelors degree first. She studied microbiology for her bachelors degree. It is also important to get letters of recommendation. I will need them to get into dental school. After I graduate from college, I will need to take the DAT or Dental Admissions Test. I will apply to dental school. This will require an interview along with my application. Dental school will take four years to complete. Lastly, I will take my dental board exams to earn my license to practice. I will need to study hard to complete college, dental school, and pass my board exam!

1-2 Minutes

ConclusionRestate your topic.

What did you learn about your topic.

Review the three main ideas from your speech.

Sample ConclusionHalf a Minutes

One day I would like to become a dentist. I know it will require a lot of hard work. I will go to college, dental school, and pass my board exam. I love children and would like to be a pedodontist, so I can specialize in children’s dentistry. Dentists use a variety of tools to keep our smiles beautiful! I have a lot of work ahead of me, but I know I will enjoy dentistry!

Now it is your turn!Introduction

Body Paragraph- First Question Body Paragraph- Second Question Body Paragraph- Third Question


Media FestivalA Plan for Creating Superior Projects

What is a Sequential Still?




Clips of Video



Criteria for Scoring

Criteria for Scoring

Criteria for Scoring

Judge’s Form

StoryboardBegin by writing your speech!

Break your speech into segments

Use a storyboard to plan your visuals

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