
Bootstrap Components The widgets that bring your site to life

Let's talk about ...

� Text formatting ◦  badges ◦  labels ◦  alerts ◦  panels and wells ◦  Jumbotron

� Button Groups �  Icons (glyphs)


Bootstrap is great about making text look good.

Labels draw attention

�  class="label label-danger" ◦  Bold white letters


Alerts - When there are many words

�  class="alert alert-danger" ◦ Not a pop-up box ◦ Dark words on light background in a rounded-

cornered box


Badges share info at a glance

<button class="btn btn-primary">

Emails <span class="badge">4</span>


� Rounded cornered colored background ◦  Like the unread messages notice on an email icon

in iOS


Panels offset text from normal text � Can have optional panel-header and panel-footer. <div class="panel panel-success"> <div class="panel-heading"> <h3 class="panel-title">Helpful hints</h3> </div> <div class="panel-body"> Studies have shown that having bunk beds clears up floor space for so many activities. </div></div>

Wells make text look inset

� Creates rounded corners and a lightly colored background

<div class="well">

Listen, I know that we started out as foe. But after that courageous act that you ... bridge of Hemdale.


A jumbotron is a message that can't be missed.

<hgroup class="jumbotron">

<h1>KVWN Channel 4</h1>

<h2>The Voice of San Diego</h2>



Groups of buttons look really nice

<div class="btn-group"> <button class="btn">Job Offers</button> <button class="btn">Emails</button> <button class="btn">Videos</button> ... </div>


What are glyphs? �  From Mirian Webster's Dictionary: �  glyph (\ˈglif\): a symbol (as a curved arrow on a

road sign) that conveys information nonverbally. �  Font-based glyphs replaced image-based icons

as of Bootstrap 3.0. � They do the same thing but are more efficient.

Including glyphs on a page is super-easy

� Put them in an empty <span> (or similar)

<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-briefcase"></span>

<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-envelope"></span>

<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-film"></span>

tl;dr Bootstrap allows you to easily create

components like: �  Jumbotron � Wells � Alerts � Badges � Labels � Button groups �  Icons (glyphs)

Further Study

� HTML playground for Bootstrap testing ◦

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