
3101 Clifton Ave, Cincinnati, Ohio 45220 513.487.3000

MS-763: Rabbi Herbert A. Friedman Collection, 1930-2004. Series C: Zionism/Founding of the State of Israel, 1942-1955.

Box Folder 5 4

Palestine. 1943-1949.

For more information on this collection, please see the finding aid on the American Jewish Archives website.

Samod Smith

Adolf ltobiJon Trtu.rrr

&.rd ;/1 Fqrmdion


Rabbi Herbert Friedman 3001 Forrest Avenue Denver, Colorado

Dear Herb:

December 9, 1948

Mr. Y.H. Rosenkranz, an Israeli, has left New York br train todar, for treatment at the National Jewish Hospital on East Colfllx Street.

I had the privilege of spending some time with Mr. Rosenkranz, who is one of the editors of The Palestine Post - and found him to be one of the best i nformed Israelis I have ever met.

Because he is absolutelr friendless in Denver and in view of the fact that I believe rou will find him a thoroughly en­joyable acquaintance, I am dropping you this note, with the thought that perhaps you might call him up at the hospital. By the way, he speaks English perfectly.

As rou can see from the letter-head, Israel has asked us to take on a new project - and I shall write to rou about it in detail. In the meantime my sincerest apologies for no t keep you better posted. Uy kindest regards to your wife.




NEW You;: 19, N. Y.

COlumbUi 1-1173






Rabbi Herbert Friedman Temple &nan,,_l Denver, Colorado

Dear Ra.bbi Friedman I

Deoember 9. 1948

I wnt to tab this opportunl ty to expreu t o you both personally and offioially.y sincere.t tha~ tor your pkrtioipa. tim in our BieM1al program at Basten by prmouncing the Invo­cation at the llonday aoming •• ss1on. I am del1tbted th.a.t you were able to b. with UI at this b1a'toric and _emor&ble meeting whioh hal been adjudged. by Mny people .. a being the .oat BUCC."­

tul and trui ttul ccm.nntioo that the UniOl1 hal had.

How that the decision to move the h .. .d.quarter8 or the Unlm to 1Iew York haa been made, I hope 1 t will not be too ImE betore we will b. able to implement the action taken and begin our ooncentrated attack UpCll the Vetropoli tan .re. ot !few York where such tremendous potentiali ti •• om..frmt us . Of cour •• , to do 10 we muat, first of all. ca:nplete our camp&1gn tor the HoUli. or Li 'YiDg Judaism .. e.nd I do hope that you. will do eTerythiog in your power to spur your own Siaterhood ioto prcmpt actiQl .. so thAt aa little time "8 poe sible will elllpse in taking advantage of the deoision wb.1oh the Biennial reaohed.

Wi t h every good. wi sh, and with warmest greetings .frca house to hous ... I am.


Confidential Memo From: Aune rtoberts~,: ~ater1ai f or P~e~tiD~ Jl~c 250W . 57St . Jew YorK C1ty

CO 5-1893

A camjJai~n was launcn.d tnis month oy Materi"l lor PaLestIne

to ~rov1de kits for every soldier in lsraei.

Material for Palest~ne wi..l.l. coo~erate in this venture with

"Kits for the Army of Israel," a non-,tIroflt or~anization which Vias ~et

up for this purpose .

These kits are s imilar to the ~acka~es ~rovided by the Red

Cross to American boys during World War ll. They contain underwear ,

toilet articles, a cltarette liLhtst, anj other essentials. Se arate

kits have been assembled for men and for 'lO .. en member5 of the Israeli

arm] , each containln~ those small necessities which hel; to li~hten

the burden of battle 10r the eallant defenders of Israel.

Fraternal and Jewish or&anizat l l.:.I1s nave already i'ledbed their

coo~eration in betting thousands 01 these kits over to Israel's

fighters. The American Zionist Ewergencl Council , the ~ionist Orosni­

zation of America , tne Jewish \"tar Veterans , tne Kni :.,.hts 01 Pytnlas"

the Poale Zi on , and the Pioneer Women's Organization are amonb the

organizations which have subscribed to this worthy program.

In a letter received this week from Colonel. Ben Artzi,

quartermaster for the Israeli Army, he stated, "These Kits will be of

inestimable value to the soldier of Israel. They WiLl not only

provide him with a rew of the comforts of civilian life; they will

ex~ress, what is even more 1m ortant J the concern and faith the

American ~eojlle have for our 1"1 'htinG men . "

Each kit , which costs 10, will contain the following '

For men : underwear, socks , handkerchiefs , toilet articles , towels ,

razor, flashlif,ht, cl~arettes, ciLarette iil-hter , candy , wr1tln~

paper and pen .

- 2 -

For women: underwear, ny-ion hose, towels, handkerchiefs, sc,arf,

toilet articles, flashlight, lipstick, powder, candy, writin~

paper and pen.

The sponsors of "Kits for the Army of Israel" em~hasiz~

the im~ortance of enclosing a ~er50na~ letter in each ~&Ckage which

is sent to Israel. They feel that the "person to ~erson" al'proach

between the sender and the recipient 01' th~ Kit will play an

important part in raising the morale of the Israeli soldier, in that

these letters will bring home to the Israeli fiGhter the Knowled~e

that America i5 wholeheartedly with nim in h1S fi&ht aQainst the

Arab ar::gressors.

"Kits for the Army of Israe.L" may be ~urch"sed at

250 West 57th St., Room 1719, or at al.L 10ca.L Materia~ for Palestine


COLUMBUS 5 ·1893


H.<eId G. J.II",. Executive O;rectco-

J!"", 10, l1K8

Dear Her ••

3uet • personal DOte--

'iret, Mra. Schwart.s baa beID. CO·'nl to our fJ:m.rsdq luna_cms aDd .. lye BIlJored soaalP1A&: Ihoat 1Ou, na1u, _, TOIl!" new ~ (abo cI1d boq • a1rl, d1<!Il f t .bol).te,_te. I also pboud 7 ..... _tIte<'-in~" to .... doe rro. IIer1doo1 th1a put ._ • ....,. for a spec1al toa to IIrs. SIlBrtok. I bops abo cI1d __ in -.0 I fa sare ahe "ould ltaq "'Jevoci U.

Secmd cd the real reason tor this DO~ 1:1 that 1>1/., ~ Iv • brother, kthur ••• "'I1M, up"eta to driTe out V ~ J /. • -to Boul~o1ther the cd of tlda IIODth or ..... 17 in

GP4 /ow,,/- ~~l~ ~~7:: ~ iDto n:!.:~ ~::tU t~~ ~~~ M... . ' K h1a to _ 70U 8Dd bops 70U tt1ll ~ abl. to introdoc.

I ~ bin lINDLt,Pleaae - to the .President or DIaD, whoa TOU

aa.1d lOU knOW.

kat of tbio-ltops 7<>= couf_ 1a iDtorutiDg and thet n1ahu ~teiD hes SOIIethillg good tor 70U-

Bebld. 1Ier~ ~ Tuple _al. 1596 Pearl St. DOIlqr I Colorado


'>~ IIU4red B.lraauow


Rabbi Rorbart ]'rl_ 15VS Pearl SUA.' DenTer, Colo.

Dear Herb:

IIaT 17. 11148

COLUt.4BU5 5·1893

Tho 20 tOIl !'ra1lerload or ... tarlal """ recel," and aD U_Uon ot 11;8 contents wu carried. OIl the DeIlftJ'-ChSoaco '!ruek1D8 CO., IDe. fre1Pt 110U .. ~'I:5870,l,.,a. EYery lta OIl thla :u., ...... ot -..­dona ftlna. 110 tall a UtUs e1113" 1011Dg -)'OIl. 110 1m .. ho .. ru. wark _an. to J'U'l.

I 41411't elh.zo up With J'01l •• ~~ or not; -tbe ee ba::na or nrgeon's _.1zIp mlPPed tl'CD the 1Ior Ase." '''lnhUAU.., thro"p POIlblo and lJtalL tiDally to K.w Yom rta the K. T. cemrel., 0UI8 out ot J'OllE' ott1ee. Do Tou _ aI\T1h1Dg aboo. 1"

All tar the 10 ,," !'raU..,looil IOU haft alread;y prepared, I can ... t giTe ;you 8h1PP1Il& iIlatruoU_ tCl11Bht. OUr .... ho .. 1Il& 11 tuaUcm WiU be claritled Wi thill the un d01 or no aD! I proa1ae to wirl ;you iIl­etruc'Ucma the IDQJII8Dt I kDaw.

We are eheck1ng our recorda to aee wbethU' ft "eatTed troa CheJaIla. Albuquar_ and Wichita and Will lat TOU kno .. TOrT eOOll.

P~eue let ~ know b7 Jl8.U the momen' you Ihlp the b1Docular8 aJZ4 compas ••• to 111. Th1a 1_ true ot all shipments. 1Jnl.,s ... get word by wire or ma1~ prier to receipt: ot merchandia., it: mak .. it wry 41t­ tor our recei"Y1n.s: department:.

IIIl::JP II1ldred B. Jrraa .....

PoB. I a putt1Dg ill a call to lIlT brothar no... I ohculd ha .... 1m ..... I 1m ... all bIportant gu;y iIll!&rb Jri_.


Harold G. Jaffer, Executive Director

Rabbi _bert ~1a_ ~la_el De:a:rel", Colorado


Please reter to 1'118 I 213/1

w. ea_ledp nth thalltlo the orr.., ~ Uet.r I>ap.

It _ .......... slread:r "'lpped, w...a TOU pI .... lie k1n4 .DOUgh to toll ...... re U4 alao wbat the appron..te ~_ ot theM bap te.


COlUMBUS 5· I rm


H.ocId G. JofI ... Eucutivo 0_

Ba_bl IIo1'lIerl ,..1_ '!Wp1e_l Din ftr, Colorado

Dou Ba __ l J'rl.4mIm.

r_ win to Baro14 loft.", IOU J-t plo0e4 001 IQ' 1\80k. ~'l.Y TOOl ha ..... ·t 11_ tllet _14 _ eelle4 to PaJ..ou. to _v_ .... te1a ~t aoUTi U .. ,_ a4 that I _ ...... talrt"l1 1110 plo ...


leo ..... of tlut .uddeR er. wttll 1111* ,laM. eban ... oooa:l"ft4 ... 4 tlle CtcaMq1lnt "Jell' flit a.k1l "Moll I ha .... ha4 to .... lae. Tour Ct~, •• "caa ftl"U't ____ 4 u _tl.Y u tIuIT abOQ14 ban lie ...

I han _t lettera ot SPPftoiatlca w ... art. Bo:nl'beb. Ba41M~ aD4 COiIwD but I 00 aot tlat • l1at ot o'-.r o""u-lbu_. I ~4 eppreeiata TOlD' o_fB& _ ouoh a 11n ap1la 04 I wl.11 __ to aolaloor1ec\p ~tr 814 at oat ••

.u to further 01>1_' ot _tarial. it 10 ••• u :t1a1 that .. haTe a ccapl.w record. of ""1')" U_ whl0h Ie be ing Oftered as a gUt betore we ou. 4et1Dlte1,y ace." th... sin.. ~ reason t~ the .tr1D.p1lOJ' ill th1e _"or 10 * _, coo, ot oroeO-oOUQ>T -111>' a4 the ~r1II& lack ot ocean 01l1PP1ll& taci11 '100.

1'111 TOOl lie soo4 OIIougb ,_ore. to •• 114 _ 8 11n ot ,-. 1 ___ to ohlp. &1T1Bc ,be c.",,'. MJ)ner of paak1DC •• s.s- and W'dghU. it poalble. of t;)a.1 o.aH8 or oartau. I _ 8C1rZ7 to 1IIpoee tiJl1.a burdaa 0Jl TOU. 1nI' I ........ TOU that 1A the 1 .. __ ot .. • r48rl.Y tloor ot __ 101 t. Pal_tine tb1. 10 ... ot the _, ...... tial th1llp.

_",- OIl th1e 4aT ot IIaUOllOl I1148pen4 ••••


~~ ( buo :x..r



",NIh., .... m y .r /7>/V.<

""' wtHT 4fJ6Rns 1'M-4LL ,r ~Jr ''''I'''~ IZFPly.


Rabb1 IIarber~ ~1.dman !l'empl. !lIIanu.l Peach St . DenTer . Col.

Dear lIarb:


'there are no la41es bere t'roa Pal_u.n., Mra . DeTC)rU SereIl1 I!IDd 1l1a. Paba Zaitlu.D, wlao will be 1D yOW' .1 ~ 1D 111.. nan te. 4_. I haft aemd thea to telephone to 7'011 u they Cell br1D& )'OQ up to 'at. 0:8. that h. happene4 in Pal •• Una.

lira . SereR!. whose nmu .a' ave17 be te1llU1ar to fOQ, was engaged 111 tlle work at .t1l.yah and he. boon to C:rprao and Ikl,T in conneotiOD with 1t _

I aJI .ure .be they call , will 40 nerrth1D& TOU OBll to make their steT pleuant .


COlUM' US 5·119]


Februaq 'ZT, 19~

Rabbi Herbert Friedmso )001 Foreet St. DenTer t Colo.

DPr Berbl

I juet retamed to tom and rOUDd )'Our letter. end at the a-e t1ae when I aad. inquiriea 8'hout what ..... be1ll, _e, I di.oovered that :re.tord.,. attemoon the aatter which 10U are interested 1n _8 being tue care ot.


I ... et extcd .,. om eiDcere epoloc1e. for tbe dUetor;r """" ... 111 the cUre affair ... beDdled, w.t ae, Herb, it wa_ out or "1 bed •• III the .emu.. I _ ...... that tlI1n, ..... ell etra1ghtcad out no ••

II;r beet personal regard. to :rou cd TOur oife end I do bope that I will. be aem, ;you in Rew York Ter7 ahortl7·



Jerome P. will Direclc'r

Phone Hanison 5405

M~ Ifu. PaLedi- !JH-C. ltfidwestem DivUion.

220 South State Street ChictlQo 4, Illinois Suite 628

May 12. 1~8

Babbl Herbert Friedman 3001 Yorest Street Denver . Colo.

Irv Rockmore of the ~atlonel Office of Yaterla1 for Pal •• tine inforaed me that you are the person spes.r-hee.d1ng. our effort a 1n Denver. Therefore on the advice of .Mr. Rockmore who feels you to 'be deeply cogn.1z.ant of the needs of this c.a::rpe1gn. I turn to you for help.

It" have obtained through a lfr. !i£.rris of Chicago 25 portable eergency opere.tug lemps. T"nese ll!!DpQ Me at present located. in the. 'WarehousE' ot Mr . Bill Saxon, 923 Cooke Street. in Denver. As shipping costs to our 'pier in New: York from Denver are prohibitive. it has been suggested that Mr . Snxon m1ght be wi.1Ung- to ship gratia .,

I'ould you therefore E! him and request this great favor end contrlbu.tlQD to the eff-ortl Xlndly l:dorm me about the of your converaetlop with~. Saxon.

'll1an.k::1ng TOU, I remain.

Sincere~ TOurs,


~I~ Jerome P. Levitt /.

t 1 ~~~ .. ",>v4.. '" // -... l

COlUt,48US 5- 1893


Harold G. Jaffer, Executive Director

Rabbi ~.rb.rt Fri.dmon 3001 Forest Street Denver, Colo.


• ..,. 10th, 1948

Pleas8 rat'er to: Fil. #202/102

II. ac1mod.dge .-1th deep epprec1dJ.OIl reeeipt or :your donation ot' (Wl8 pair ot' binocu1!'\r8.

It 10 good to lmo. that we IumI rn .. de such 88 1"" .ho tmderst8lld and appreciate the iaportance ot our work and who OlD be relied upon to l .. d their support when the occaaion d8Dn!lllds.

For our records .. ask thd. J'OD sand us the ~ue or :your dOIlation at tbe time or it. dell ft'7 to us.

Sineerel, ~8,

~l~~~ IIams Isaac Imber



Harold G. Jaffer, Executive Director

Rabbi Herbert Pri edit"" 3001 forest Street Denver, Colo.

Deer Rabbi Fr1edmmu


11&7 loth, 1948

Please refer to: PUe 1203/9

Ie eclmo.1edge nth deep «ppreci:&tion receipt ot JOur donation of eight (8)

It Is good. to know that we hsn Mends sacb aa JOU 1t'ho underatmcl sd epprec:1ate the laportmce ot our 1IfOrk SIld who em be rolled upon te l ... d their support when the occasion demends.

For our records we ask thet ,.au Bead us the value ot TOur donation at the time of its de"1J.Terr to us.

loura T8ry truly.

--fa~ ... e. --2.~~ II •• s


J. - If!/

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41 East 42nd Street New York 17. N. Y.

Rabbi Herbert A. F'ri-..n 1696 Pearl Denver, Colo.

Dear Rabbi. i"r1edIl8.D.'

MU rray Hill 2-3320 u. bJe Addrnt-P.lfund

October 28, 1947

I have just learned ot your election to the U.P.A. Council tor the Rocky Uountain area. Coming at a time when the future of Palestine is a Bubjeot of discussion before the United Nations, it is a source of great encouragement tor U8 to know that you have expressed your willingness to advance tbe work of the U.P.A. which is the primary fund raising agency for the constructive work in Palestine.

We are confident that American Jewry will be able to meet the challenge of bringing htmdreds of thousands of Jews out of the horrors of Europe into Palestine, where they will be welcomed and offered the opportunity for creating a new l1.£8 with d1gn1ty .

Needless to say I this gigantic task which will face our people will require the total mob1l1.zatlon of the manpower and resourcea of American Jewry. In that effort we can feel more confident because of your gracious acceptance of membership on the U.P.A. Council.

I look forward to the opportunity of working closely with you on our common project.


S1ncere~ yours,

~ qQ&4.Jr.. Israel Goldstein National Chairman



41 East 4:lnd Strer:t New Yorl< 17. N. Y.

Rablt1 llerb.r~ A. h1_ !Gpll· nn4 1 1695 P-.rl S~r •• ' DI!l'Ylr, Colorado

Dear Rabbi h1_'

MUrray HiIIl·3310 Cable Addren-Pollund

JanU&r,J 18, 1949

!hi. 10 ~o a_lodge 70ur ~.locr" which ani,"", ill Wew York prior to the Atlantic C1t7 Conterenee. in which you urge th, trnited. PaleetlD11 .lppeal. to •• cure the "rYictll of Mr. H1lU7 KorglJlthau. Jr. u the General Cha1l'11a1l of ~he 1949 ""Uod J."hh .lpplOl _1gn.

!he hecuti.1 Ooam1ttee of the uPA adopted a r •• olutlaa to tb11 184 and a 4eleeatloD at praalnlnt ... bere at the c n1\7 called. on Mr. Morgentlw:L tor thi. purpo... On e •• eral other oecaelona representative. ot the UP.! •• t with Mr. Korglnthau in order to &Chi ... thi. purpoee. .u,..t VI haTe not ROCI.ded. in IDduclng )( r. Morgenthan to accept the talk.


c1t &l17 7ourp',,'~

~s p1ro Xx,cut!.1 Vlce-Chalraan

.~r 2. 1949

1I1.s nOl'«1ce ScbulJdnd I7D1ted Palestin. Appool 41. East ~ Street. ,,_ Iorle. II.., Iorle

1fT c1ear Miea Schul kindt

A, 7~ know, Mr. Bartlq Crta 1, C"'nS to Denver to lecture en tho not>1q ot .Baturdo.7. 12 I_b.r 1949. undor tho aUlpl.ce. or our local .1_ !dalt loti YiU.. CO\IDo1l. Follow1Jic tho lect.ure, .there ldll b. a short public recept.1011 tor h1a.

mor tho ...aept1"", I _ th. homo" ot 1irr1t1l1& Hr. c".. t.. q h ..... to _ iDto. "7 _ ot tho _or. ot ...... a m''-7. It. baa __ trodlUooal iD Dever to" _1.111& leot.urero of hi. _tar. to be oocordocl tbi. hoopl.taUt7. The _""' ot tho C-u.t. .. CD ~to are iD ""oord with th1e ."...otic., and vI.ll be prJe4mt to ._ .... C .... lat. 10 the ......nqg.

IIq I uk 10U to _-.I t.h1. l..i1YitaUen to h1II> with our ... st eord1al good wi""... It he doaire., 1 vI.ll be haPP7 t.o invit. the IIQvr of tho nt;r and the Gov ...... r ot tho Stot. to Jo1D with U8. 1 a..ut 1- pleaouro in thlo _Ue ••

Rabbi Herbert. A. 1riocman


Harold E. Steinberg Publicity Director UlIITED PALESTnlE APPEAL 41 East 42 Street Ue,., York. lfe,·, York


September 19. 1947


Panamanian Vessel lianned :By Greek Crew :Brings

Jet-ash Immigrants to Palutine

new York., .. A Pp.namanian ship chartered ,11th the help of .American

dollars, manned by a Greek crew and carrying 3rit1ah guards and Jewish

immigrants is currently plying the \-,aters between the island of Cyprus

and the Palestine mainland bringing former detainees into Palestine

under th~ r~gular monthly quota, according to a cabled report ~sclosed

today by Dr, Israel Goldstein, United 'alestine A~al chairman.

Repatriation from OJprus was resumed this past week under the aegis

of the Je,·1ish !g:ency for Palestine follo,dng protracted Degotiatione

with the Palestine government which withdrel" shipping fscqitles

after the sabotage of the 5.5. Empire Llfe~rd on July 23. There is

nO"t a backlog of lt050 Jeulsh refugees in Cyprus ,·mo ,·,ere to have

been admitt.d dur~ng the last ~ek of July, August, end the first

part of September.

!nle vessel S.S, :zttalia, chartered by the Jewish Agency, has a. capaoit:y

of one hundred . and fifty to t\<JO hundred passengers apart from the

British guards. On its first trip, the ~ftal1a brought to Palestine

one hundred and fif~y Je,·rs of the four hundred and fifty left in Cyprus

from the July quota, The Palestine gpvernment admits monthly se~

hundred end tifty- Jews from Cyprus and an equal number trom Europe.

Oharter~ng costs tot&! $2,800 for one hundred and fifty immigrant. per

journey. The Jemsh AgencY' 1vbich is shouldering the coats of these

eb1pnents derives its American financial suppOrt through the United

Palestine A.~al. as 4o.s. the Palestine Foundation ?und and the Je,,;r1sh

llational Fund. The U.~.A. in turn, in this country raises its funds as

a constituent agency 9f the United Jewish Appeal1s nationldde

$170,000,000 campaign.

Harold E. Steinberg Publicity Dlrecto~ UNITED PALESTINE APPE.u, 41 East 42 Street New York, Ne\i York

J!l]GE =ILE PLAl"'I' TO EMPLOY 0 v:1l 5,000

roR IM14EDIATE RET.J4SE October 24, 1947


Jewish National Fund Provides Land Site.

A huge textile plant which will employ five to six thousand people and serve as a

center for a city of from fifty to sixty tho~Band inhabitants is being built in the

southern Zebulun Valley neal' Haifa on land of tbe Jewish National Fund \1Ihich derives

its American support through the United Palestine Appeal. Dr. Israel Goldstein,

national U.P.A. chairman announced today.

The Jetdeh National Fund, a constituent agenc.1 of the United Palestine Appeal, ac-

quires and ameliorates land in Palestine to be kept in perpetuity in the name of

the J em sh people.

Scheduled to work a five day week on three shifts, the plant will produce five mil-

lion yards of textile a year, a portion cf vblch will be earmarked for export.

Undergoing construction now is the dyeing un~t 1-'hieb will extend over an area of

63 duname (8 dunam 19 one fourth of an acre). :Equip!lsnt has been ordered from the

United States and Switzerland.

Surrounding the plant will be quarters for the employees, many of ,mom are to be

recruited fron the ranl~s of immigrants, stores, parks, playgrounds and a theat~e.

Hhen completed, the enterprise will cover an area of about five-hundred dunams.

Work on the plant, which is beint; built primarilY' to help increase the absorptive

capacity of the country, has been speeded up considerably as a result of the United

Nations ~posal8 to admit 150,000 Jews into Palestine within the next tva years.

w. w. GItANr

"""'- ""'"""" HENRY W. TOLL --- """-'

• MmJAm> OIIGAl1lZA!lOlG

Win the War! Win Jhe Peace! Pr~snve DemOCTflry/

(JoI,,,,,c/o BIta..d.

'" e~Jtuv~




1Ioadqumtam. Albany HeIoL l7lt Slout S_ DenTeI'. Cel T to


MRS.. JUUUS E. lORlG, Al;tinl T,...,...,



r J r h == C&ny 0331 MRS.. J. BURRIS PlRRIN. ChI!irm¥o "V .. c-vn.;n.


ChaIrm.n ~ '-itt. MRS. L A1.UN BECIIC.

Executive .s.a.t..-y

Dear Ilember:

i,e are confident that you tlll1 be interested

to read care tully the encloaed resolution adopted

at our J:7.ecutive C=lttee hleet1n!; I.ednesday.

January 25th.

There 1s no question but that the proble", 0:1:

Palestine is one of utmost importanoe in the post­

war world, The question of the abrogation of the

,Ihite Paper is one <£hi oh cont'ron ts us now. and

one which we consider to be Of great importance

to freedom lovin[. people everYVlhere \1ho are look­

ing to the United Nations tor a v1ctory and a

pence based on justice.

\.;e would appreciate 1 t if you \1Ould indicate

on the enclosed self-addressed post card approval

or disapproval and return it promptly to th1s oIT1ce.




aOl<OLUT ,"a'""1D1l W"'_

"""'" CooouI EOward "-Y.

EI Salv8dor ConwuI F.o.roc:o Gutitrra P.tor

M1lX1C¥1 CoruuI Allen Rodokll",

Dutch Conaul R.not RodtICUU

corw.J. Oominian Reptblk ~ 8. S.-., ...... """"'

• CCiUiJiiED

MI. and Mra. .kt\n P. Akolt Dr. &htt.-d J. ""-" Dr. Jom W. ""-MIa. "- be AmIoI J .. tklt Norris c. ..... c.oI_ e.rx:n,tl

L ~ Bedr. • . Mr. and Mn. .." £. ....., MrL Hor .. W. s..n.n ~ '!oilton. E,. a."..

... Iie¥. WrfI. L BltIrM" ­Dr. Co S. 81_1 Rev. q,.-,. I:f. &., Dr. Ed,d. C. 8ramtI.If Dr. fr.:l 8rafthIIl

-AdmIral 4tJ .. T_ lI.rHfol) Gtod-.y,. Br .. '~· J...,.. BtoWT'\Iow Mrs. H. C. .'It"lttr Prof. W.ItOf M. e.mpt..11 Mrs. F. Il. ClrPct"'''' Hon. R411ph L.., C.rr • MIa. IMn M. Ctwrronrtco'l' H....-y H. CI.k ~ P. eo"v.ww.. MrS. (dw.-d P. Co$tIpn MrLIvtt.. T. Co p;:lh • ..a Mn.T. D. ~ MrL f . C. CUllen Dr. n-ston Drliea Dr • ..,cI ~ Edward 0aY~

.LI. JUcNrd -M. o.vts'" -........ ..... M(. ,.-r.. ...... Wfflt. .H. ~ NA Ii. Ie.. DurtiM

[ct,qrd V. ~_

Dr. Catt C. EckMdf Veryltrl. John J . F~ U . --Mn.. LAIII.r fr~ Dr. caItib F. Gel" Sr. Dr. and Mra. H.old H. Gil. John E. Goriueh ChMlu A. Gr....,.

-U. IJ. Gol w. w. Grn, Jr. """"' ........ -~-. tw-~ HMper

c. , ... "'''CIOo' .~ H..HIrt S. Artn...- tfInry Harry H. ~ ilr., ~ Wm. [, l1u«on MrL JotwI I".. 0IDf Ii. J~ _J_ s.n.ror EdwIn C. ~ "-"'" .....

- Or. A. D. H. ~ Dr. and Mn.. Co J . ~

::.. • C. E. HeI.* Kaw., ~N~Kll .. Mr. iInd Mn. ~ KlOdt ~~ Eo. t.ef ... ,..

~; Ike Inez ~ LiWiI Mta.~H.~

P. ~ c..~ir4oca - M. ... ~

cu, ~ McHendM !tev.,J.,.,u t... McLaow

~ RIrY. W. Scon McMunn • Rev. J_ MfIc~ CQl J_ E. ~n Dr. luIHl M&:i"n AI. G. IMvIl" Mn. SloU. A. MIcNel Di'. DDul:t. Mm. w. B. Mooniw

=~ ..=onk.·Mu1tvf Dr. E....".. NowIT\8ft ~A..~

JudPJ_o-MQ.. W. C. Paf..---o ~. CutHo.rt p--a Ralph B. J\otrwn .

. ...;. ..

., . ,

Mr$. St.IIa ~ MrI. v_ Z. RMd DP. tt ...... ~ .... -Dr. Wallor- E Roloff Cla~. W. RoM CharI.. ftosanb....,. Or. Floteno:a R. S.,bln J. Harold s.kto

-Capt. A..bert L s..p Mt$, Aa:..rt Eo s..p MotTilOn Sh.fn1ttI <c._ ......, .. -.., ._­"'"' ........ M-rw a... F. Stapleton Or. RobMt , L ' Sfearnl 01-. John. St.;J. Harty A. SUUIoI..,

-MaP," J. ~.5wiM"I IUQpJ J. fQt..- s,..... _T_ « ..... J*'ob T,.. Dr. Jiocab v .... Br. Dr. vw.- v .... 1Mt.,. P ... ...",der ..... Il.LV~ Judp JOICIh J. Wabtl _ .... 'tI_ L O. Whlt"r ~ F. L Woodw..s



Mn. Willlilm G. Thorn, Chairman forum Arran._ts Mt1. Ei!''' Belle alot~ MI"I. ~ Burt. Jr. M.... twl R. Cullen Ml~ ~ Dunklee Mn. D. C. Eppi ..... MrL PhOf/p Gr8)' M'- AI-. J«:kICIrI Mrs. Gecrae A. Unc:oIn Mf-. GM>r .. s.r.:s.n Mn. K. Cortlandt ~ ---Mn. "'""- C. 5rnlth Mra. - lMI&w Teyb Mn. EdaoIn Toottvoa-.

Resolution Calling For Abrogation of lihUe Paper of l!ay 1939

.IHLREAS the Lr1tish Ilhite Paper of 1939 issued by the Chamber­

lain Government established a policy of restricted immigration into

Palestine for five years and complete cessation of Jewls~ immigra­

tion into Palestine after April 1st, 1944, and,

'IHEREAS, the said \lhi te Paper WaS disapproved by the League

of lIations and by many of Britain's leading stateamen, including

the present Prime M1n1ster, as being contrary to the language and

spirit of the nandate and contrary to the language and spirit of

the Balfour Declaration which was approved by the United States

Congress a."ld by fifty-two nations

THEREFORE, Be it resolved that the Colorado Branch ef

Citizens for Victory does hereby respectfully petition the

PresIdent of the United States and the Secretary of State to

use their good offices with the uovernment of our Ally, Great

Bd taIn, to the end the t the said I"Ihi te Paper may be rescinded

and that all necessary steps may be taken in due course to re­

open Palestine to immigration.

- . --OR. l.ILLI ~H"


September 19,1947

Rabbi Herbert Friedman Temple Emanuel 16th'" Pearl Sts. Denver, Colo.

Dear Rabbi Friedman.

I am haPP7 to be able to report to 70u that following 70nr stirring aPPeal at tbe Hadas.ah meeting last Wednesd&7, 166 women immediate17 left their names, addressee and mODey with us, which enabled us to send 166 individual17 signed wiree td the Presidsnt that very In addition to this a great number of women promised to write or wire without Our help.

In future meetings, before the 'iret of January, we hope to be able to impress tbe importance of the stratton Bill on our memberabip and have them implement their wishes b7 writing letters to our representatives in Congress.

Krs.Alfred H.Rahn Co-Chalrman,Amer.Affairs Hadassah, Denver Chapter

./J~ tf/.ltie,.,~ (jt tf/.a;IsteM ~ tf/.lteeJoHl oj !J~, !JIIC.


Mezzanine . 227 West 46 Street New Yorlt 19, N. Y.

'tEL. CIBCLE 6-4680 • hientlOll 18

Dear Friend:

An organization ot friends or the Fighters tor Freedcm or Israe~ has been :tormed in the: tJn1 ted States. The need for such an organization 1s made more imperative each d8iY' by the provoca­tive Brit1sh invader Who seems determined to save hie position 1n the IIiddle l!&at bT plunging Bretz Israel into c i vU wr. '!!hUB would be repeated the ghaatl;r pattern ot the recent events in India.

We wish to ieT before the American people the true tact. in respect to our program ot ottoctlntlT combatting the British pro­pepnda aeainst -the val.iont Resut"",,_ lIO ....... nt.

We have published a moving human docu¥nt in the torm ot a Dhort ator,y. It cCXIIDBnc8a with a vivid bresth-tak1D.g descript10n ot on WI action directed oga1not a British installation end carries the reader through 1nap1r1ng pages wherein Jew1IBh youths present a united :trout of heroIsm and courage for the defense or their lI'tae­lend. Found guUtT by the British court, the eiehteen defendant. wre aentenced to the gallova. Eleven or their brethren had 81-readJr been 1t1lled in connection with the action.

The author, "n1melech", vas an active part1:clpmrt in the action deacribed. Beprleved tram the g&l.l.ovs at the last minute, he was later murdered in the Acre jaU-break.

Before we release this story :tor sale to the general pub­lie, VB are me k1 ng 1 t avallabl.e tor preview to kDovn tr1.ends of Jev1ah Eeeiatance. We shall be glad to s8ud you a copy ~ "They Came Up From Bl.ood to as soon as we racei ve a colltrtbut1on to cover the coat of translation, print1Dg, and ma11iDg.

'I!h1. 1. a call tor )"Our help. It 1011 taU UB, 1011 taU ;youree1:t •

1M Jmr ANI LI - XI LI !



• •

(u".'z 1M t, rT tlb',- Pe,er 't • I •• ' 7 5 -& Ilk Z I I 7 S " 3 2; .ao • tJte..:tl.w .... QfttllvllZCW H II to 11.1.

2 J 'St! •

"TIle oolo1'84o JaersenC17 CoaIlOU to;:, Pale.t1ne trusts

that a1l. ra1r-lI1n4e4 p'lOple w1ll blllll& thelz 8IIergles !UI4

HlOureea to JlrBftllt thie a1l1aarrll1BB or ,fUniDe anA re­

pudiation ot the _tivot ooftlnanta." th" rabbis' IIkt ..

mtlllt saU.

TIle ott! ... s or the ulll

La4e_. ~1~1 Dr. 1'.11 A. 1I11l ••• Ylo .... PresUeml Lout •

•• (leh. _uU,.. eecreU!z)' 8114 A. II. Dupler. treasurer.

'rho orean!zaU"... Dh II1'fI at'1"I.Uetea with tho Councu

iSh t .. _. l'ar'DaJiIll. HIodfll108ll. I'tm1or HtI48seeh. l!1znchi. liz­

:ll8all1 " .... -n. iunlOl' 11111'1U111 V'lIIiin 8114 tile Ucnlet Orean1mttOll

ot Ar.erloa.

RESOLUTION adopted by

Admlnistratlve Commlttee of the Synagogue Councll of Amerlca November 17, 1943

Twenty- six years ago, inspired with the desire to right an an­cient wrong, the British Government, after consulting with the Allied Powers, issued the Balfour Declarat1on, solemnly covenanting to help in the establlshment of a national home for the Jewish people in Palestine and endorsed by fifty-two nations, including by unanimous reso1.ution ot the Congress of the United States, the Balfour Declaration provided the baSis for one of the outstanding ooloniz1ng aohievements of modern times. Fertility was restored to a land which has fallen into deso­lation , agriculture and 1ndustry were developed and the means oreated for the absorption of a large additional population . Hundreds of thou­sands of Europe's Jews who might otherwise have passed into Nazi con­centration camps and death chambers found refuge in Palestine. At the same time Jewish colonlzatlon has brought conslderable benefit to the Arab populatlon and contributed signlflcantly to the posltlon of Great Brita!n and the United Nations in the Near East.

But while In Palestine itself the lntent of the Balfour Declara­tion '""s being vindicated by the constructlve work of the Jewish peqile, the world at large was facing a failure In world statesmanship and In­ternational morallty which gave Nazism the opportunlty to prepare its assault on civl1lzatlon. As In. Europe, so in Palestlne, principle was being sacrificed to expedienoy.

Ths Palestine Whlte Paper, issued by the Chamberlaln Government In Hay 1939, restrlcts Jewish land settlement, prohlblts all further Jewish 1mmigration as from Apr il 1944 and virtually rescinds the Bal­four Declaratlon and the terms of the Mandate for Palestlne. The Whlte Paper was condemned at the ~lme by the Permanent Mandates Commission of the League of Natlons and denounced as a breach of trust by many of Brltaln ' s leadlng sta,esmen , inoluding the present Prime Minister . Nevertheless the Brltlsh Government has adhered Inexorably to the pollcy lald down In that document and apDears to be determined to carry out the plan to termlnate Jewlsh immigration Into Palestine from Aprl1 1944.

At a time when the freedom loving peoples of the world look with Inoreaslng hope to the victory of the Unlted Natlons and the restora­tion of a world order based upon Just1oe, there impends an act of grlevous InJustlce to the Jewish people on the part of the British Government .

At a time when the vlctims of Axis aggression look to the United Nat10ns tor l1beration trom slavery and oppression, the Jews of Europe, despol1ed, uprooted and tyrannlzed, chief vlctims of Nazi barbarism, are threatened with an act that would block the gates of their dellver­ance.

At a tlme when the world l ooks to the Uni ted Nations for the re­constitution ot international morality and good faith, the Palestine WIll te Paper cle,qrly repudla tee a promise solemnly undertaken bef'ere the world and \'\Il'ltt e n into internatlona1 law.

WHER.:sFCRE, The Synagogue Counc1l of Amer1ca, represent1ng all ' B.ectlons of' Ol'ganized religious life in American Jewry, addresses i t ­self to the Presldent, the Congress and the people of the United States with the earnest appeal that all apPl'oprlate action be taken to ensure the withdrawal In Its entirety of the Palestlne White Paper of 1939 v~th its unJustiflab1e restrlctlons on Jewish lmmlgratlon and land settlement . It urges that Palestlne be opened wide to Jewlsh 1mmigra­tl0,1 and that terms of the Balfour Declaration and the PalesUne man­date be carried out falthfc11y .

RESOLUTION adopted by

Administrative Committee of the Synagogue Council of America November l?, 1943

Twenty-six years ago, inspired with the desire to rignt an an­cient wrong, the British Government, after consulting with the Allied Powers, issued the Balfour Declaration, solemnly covenanting to help in the establishment ot a national home tor the Jewish people in Palestine and endorsed by fifty-two nations, 1ncluding by unanimous resolution ot the OQngress of the United States, the Baltour Deolaration provided the basis for one of the outstanding colonizing achievements of modern tlmes. Fertility v~s restored to a land which has tallen into deso­l~tlon, agriculture and industry were developed and the means created for the absorptlon of a large additlonal population. Hundreds of thou­sands of Europe's Jews who mignt otherwise have passed Into Nazi con­centration camps and death chambers tound retuge in Palestine. At the same time Jewish co10nizatlon has brougnt considerable benefit to the Arab population and contributed slgnltlcant1y to the positlon of Great BritUn and the Unl ted Nations in the /lear East.

But .~le In Palestine itselt the intent ot the Balfour Declara­tion was being vindicated by the constructive work ot the Jewish peqUe, the world at large was facing a tailure in rlOrld statesmanshlp and in­ternational morality which gave Naziam the opportunity to prepare its assault on civilization. As in Europe, BO in Palestine, principle was being sacrificed to expediency.

The Paleetine White Paper, i.sued by the Chamberlain Government in May 1939, restricts Jewish land settlement, prohibits all further Jewish immlgration as from Aprll 1944 and virtually rescinds the Bal­four Deolaration and the terms ot the Mandate tor Palestine. The Whit. Paper was condemned at the time by the Permanent Mandates Commission ot the League of Nations and denounced as a breaoh ot trust by many ot Brltain's l eading statesmen, includlng the present Prlme Mlnlster. Nevertheless the British Government has adhered inexorably to the po11cy la1d down 1n that document and appears to bs determined to carry out the plan to termlnate Jewlsh 1mmlgrat10n into Palestine from April 1944.

At a time when the freedom loving peoples ot the world look with Increasing hope to the victory ot the Unlted Nations and the restora­t10n at a world order based upon Just1oe, there impends an act of grievous injustice to the Jewish people on the part ot the Britiah Government.

At a time when the vlctlms ot Axis aggression look to the United Nations for l1berat1on from slavery and oppreSSion, the Jews of Europe, despoiled, uprooted and tyrannized, chiet victims of Nazi barbarism, are threatened wl th an act that Vlould b100k the gates of their deliver­anoe.

At a time when the world looks to the Unlted Nations for the re­const1tution of 1nternational morality and good faith, the Palestine Wh1te Paper olearly repudiates a promise solemnly undertaken berore the world and written into internat10nal law.

\ WHEREFORE, The Synagogue Councl1 ot America, representing all aeotions ot organized rellgious lite in American Jewry, addresses it­helf to the PreSident, the Congress and the people ot the United States with the earnest appeal that all appropr1ate aotion be taken to ensure the withdrawal In its entlrety ot the Palestlne White Paper of 1939 with its unjustifiable restrlctions on Jewish immigration and land settlement. It urges that Palestine be opened wide to Jewish immigra­tion and that terms of the Balfour Declaration and the Palestine man­date be carried out faithfully.

In »', 1M6

n 1. ,...111~ th' I .:, __ til ..... eod.. .. or MI. sH 10 .. 1WII: _'n I, _. It, .. r .,11 .teII» Sa _ ..,. lieu..

"ov .. JNIft- wu .... _,,.. .~ .. .., P'IIapt'_ loUr' 11)' Plene 'faa pe ... s. Sa .... 1M .,t *""llU to _ U. I a.!" _111 Ii .. ilea, it "fIrS'- -'1Isna' .... , .,., ri8Il' tM DtlIIC 'coo. leo' d.. f

llUIl., _staat "Illll'«a I .-te, ... ~,.. .. , II1II111 ... r..asrns., PI r ... , oewe4o > • -,,, IInU


IIIIIIAIUl8 8.1.' l4k " Baa ... 0ft1 .. l1li11_ ... ~,D. ••


I IIaft tllba ... UNU, af .. 1I4l~,... __ ..,ante DOyer, e Hn of "1M ,. .. aNa ~ _,,, Eft Vaa PI'S. wll1eIL 111 a '"" a.a nat a' at \b Palitft1M .lhaU. ua t!le ~w1* p.­atti_ 1& 1t. I hall hGte« tllat IQIl sa l/I lIS 1& ..... dar1D8 ... Onsnaa1-.l _ .. _ , ... , _ iIItM .... tIla oppertui" ~ 41.­OWls1a& tlul .\Il" .... ut .".'IGa


1res • te '!b. 111.1" Pqer.

Slne. ,.. •• re too ..... sq.' ... ,.. .. __ ..u.s \0 ,us .. 1'8 ..... we .hould 1111:e to uk ,.. .. 1a4~n .. in •• lna DO. at .. peoJlle at ear eoue11 who a111 lie ill lfuIIllll8tm tIlLo _~

Oa ~.=e.., 10, IIsIIII1 O. lI. B. butu .111 ul.l apea ,..a to talk. at JOar le1llure, 0"-' !h. \'ihlte P"" .. a1 til JOQe lallbi Be ,., A. ftl .. 1 apee. w lie 1& ~ ""e latter put at t _ _ til aIl4 WOQU 1Ue -lbe prirllep ot -1Da ;rott.

Bop .... tlult .. a1'8 110' iatrll41J18 IUl4lalT ~OA J(llD' ti_ aD4' ,..a uI11 .... J'OIII' 1III,J' to sirlall '/llU ... _ a ......... tlIn10 bam .. , I r ,Sn.

B'OIIOftllle 1lIp.. 111" f ""Il Senaw Ottio. Ballauc" We~, D. O.

Dear &mellorl

I have take!! .. Uta '" at aellll1Jl& ~, l1114er lI.parato 0_, • 00117 at "'lIIo Parso'll'" ~. b, Pierre Van Paaas_, mJ.ah is a vor:y tiDo state.lIl' ot tile l'alollUDll II1t_tloa 8114 1ibo lew1ah po­e! tlOn in it. I bt.d hoped tAllt 7011 would be in Danftl' d ZII8 tile CO!lt!l'08s1onal reooslI eo 1IIIat _ lI1!!/1t beve the oppo11;un1 ty ot dis­ouse:l.Jl8 10110 1'1"8sont II1tu tioa "Ii Ul l'Ogiu'4 to The WAlte PIlIPe!'. 51 •• :roll W8l'O too IIDDh eooaplet .ith yoar lII8Il7 duties to take 10_ HOO •• , ,.. sho uld 111:e to ask your lDd1ll8enoe 1n aGainS SOIIl8 at the peopl11 ot OUl' ooWlol1 11110 .111 lie in W!lDll1nston t111B mantb.

On 1""1131')' 10, Rabbi C. E. H. lCauvar will oall upon ;you to talk, at YOIIr le1slI1'II, about 5Jls WAlte I'o\Per with YOll. Rabb1 Herbert A. llI'le<2mlm e%pOots to bo 1n WU!l1:Ist01l \h" l .. 1';t"r part at tho IIIOnth e.nd wOUld 111:8 '&he privll06e of 8e81l1g you.

liop1ll8 that 1011 arll aot lntrud1ne undul7 upon yoUI' thle end tha' 70u 'I'llll 8"11 YOUl' "113' to giving thls Caoo a IIY .... o.thot10 hear1ng, I rema Sn,

Very respeotfUlly youra, •

Rebb1 1oIan1l&l t.a4el'lll8ll, 1'r .. 14oot Oolorndo Emergenoy COW1lIl1

tor 1'e188t1lul


Color ado Emergency Counc~ for Paleetine Headquarters: 611 Rallioal' Excllange Build1na Denver 2, Colorado

Deeply conscious of the plight of four to five million homel ess

Jewe 1n Axle-occupied Europe and COIlv1nCed that the Chrlattan

conscience cannot reat content on pioua resolutions of condolence or

expressions of good will, we plead with our government to intercede and

help aver t a cruel and indefensible blow which now threatens the Jewiah

people in their own national hODle, Palestine .

TWenty-six yeara asP, the Balfour Declarat10n ~teed the estab-

l1sbment of a nat10nal he., for the Jewish people .in Palestine. Since

that time, the Jewe have built their homeland. in one ot the greatest

colonization achievements of our time . However , on March 31, 1944 , under

the terms of the Palestine V411te Paper of 1939, the doore of Palestine

ere to be closed forever to Jews .

Today, as democracy takes the offensive aaa.1nst its enemies, the

1n~uBtlce of The White Pa.,per i8 seU'-evidellt . The door s of P&lestine

must not close.

We, the undersisned., urge the State Department and our Congr-essman

to take all necessary steps in an effort to bring about the abrosation of

The White Paper.



January 10, 1944


C ..... 5 ... e5"'t ...... f.,..."' ..... el Sixteenth Avenue and Pearl StTeet

Denver, Colorado

The Palestine White Paper, issu~d by the Chamberlain

Governmpnt in >,!ay 1939, established a poliey of restrieted

Jewish immigration into Palestine for five years (1939-1944),

ending with a complete prohibition against any ~-igration

after April 1, 1944.

This White Paper was condemned by the League of Nations

and by many of Britain's leading statesmen who were opoosed to

the Chamberlain appease~ent policy, includinv the present

Prime Minister . It was condemne~ because it represented a

flagrant, i~oral violation of a binding promise which Britain

had made twenty-two years earlier. The Balfour Declaratio~,

au proved by the united Statps Con.ress and ratified by fifty-two

nations, was a solemn coAvenant made before the eyes of the entire

world . Its repudiat10n twenty-two years later, with the oassage

of the White Paper was a shockin~ and unexpect blow.

April 1, 1944 is rapidly approachinF, at which time the doors

of Palestine will be shut, destroyinv the hop~s of the remaining

millions of Jews in Nazi-held lands.

At a time when freedom lovln~ Deople ever~here are looking

to the United Nations for a victory based on justice; at a time

C"''''jrej'''t''''''' f ...,,"'''' ... el Sixteenth Avenue and Pearl Street

Denver, Colorado

January 10, 1944


when the whole world is looking toward the United Nations for a

post-war reconstruction based on international morality and fair

play; at such a time, it would be a crashing defeat to the lovers

of democracy everywhere if this White Paper were really to go

into effect .

THEREFORE: The Sisterhood of Temple Emanuel of Uenver,

Colorado, representlnR over five hundred American Jewish Women,

hereby addresses itself to the President, the Congress and the

enlightened public opinion of the United States, with the deep

and earnest appeal that all appropriate action be taken to

ensure the abrogation of the 'I'hite Paper of 1939, and that there

be substituted instead a policy implementing the promise made in

the Balfour Declaration of 1917.

tjUvy·J j @. t:m;, Gz... ~!:ik)(f~

~ ~ ~ riR,fIjfoe.


These women signed this resolut1.n Jan . 11, 19~ at Mrs . Schroeders 1321 E. 14th Av.

tor the abroget1 . n ot the Ylhi te Paper .

Mrs . J . J . Bernard I(rs . John 11111er IOrs . Louery Tbernus Yrs. S. W. Schroder IIrs . W. L. Hamilton Luella A. rurtield Lucretia Stone Yrs . C. B. Engle lIrs . Roberts S. S. Franklin Winifred E. Tamplin R1 ta J . Hicks Mary C. Steele lIollle Tavel Cecilia Judd Ida II . Totten }Irs . L. Cavneh Mrs . Sem Eisen Yrs. J . J . Olde lira . IUnnie Iluhleteln Mrs . Hazel SchrOeder Mrs . Sam (Hilda G. ) Ross

1468 ~dora 1405 E. 11th Ave . ??8 Sherman 503 Downing St .

1114 York St . 136" Corona St .

1545 Cle ncoe 1?83 Craps Denver, Colo . 2564 So . York St . 1252 Corona 609 So. Vine 555 So . IlOwni!lg 1305 Dexter st . North Platte, lIebr. 1410 Gr!ll1 t 560 Karion 1056 Jaol<eon 4358 Bl"JlIIl t Denver, COlo . 15" Karl on st . 4830 .I. ls t Ave .

Denver , Colo . ""



Denver , Colo .

DenTer , Colo .

All thes e women heaxd Mrs . SchrOeder give a very sincere version at Pierre Ven Paasan's Baal<. "The FOrgotten Ally" .


• •• •

• Il88'r ••


• PUlPAY ,

•• 1 .. •

• 1 _Val'

:';.71;!:~~~~~.:~'" . r. rd 1 . G v ~.

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.... , .... - J1/4 ~'"


'\IalEREAS; The Br:1tDh Gov8l"D1I8ll.t issued the Balfour Declara­

tion 26 yearB ~so 1n an effort to restore Paleat1n& as the Jewish

bomeland, and

I\YBEREAS: In years follow1ns, countleee hundreds of European

Jews, dr1ve.n trom thou bomes by Nad persecut1on, have found a

haven in Palestine, and the need of a haftD today 18 sr'sater than

ever, and

'\IalEREAS; These Jews have acccapl1ahed a ptOlleerina achievement

unequaled in prseeDt..da1 colonilat1.OIl, SlId.

"omI:REAS: The CbaoIberlain Whit. Paper of IIaT 1939 rlll clos.

the door. of PalBat1ne to J .... fore •• r atter Merch 31, 19114, there­


"BE IT RESOLVED: That _.!.(D..; • .;:IM"-0"-f,-,0"r"EP"'=1..;za,,,,t_10.;.;".;:l=_ in meoting

__ "'(da=t"e,,' _____ awsala to the Preeldent of the UD.1ted States,

Colorado's Senatore and Bepreeentat1ves, the Secretary of State and

our allies "to take appropriate action to insure the 1IIlthdl-aal of

The Wh1te Paper and urge that Jew1sh '!II!I'gratlon to Palestine 1s not

stopped, and a180 request our go?ertlJDent officiale to fol'Ql'd this

rsaolut1oq. to the Brlt1Eih Fore1f31l OfNce.


"WHEREAS: The Nazi progra.m. of exterm:1natlon of' the Jewish

people, a barbarous program of mass murder unequa..led in the history

of the world, continues unabated, and.

''WHEREAS: Tb.9' United Nations eneased in war upon the forces of

Axis m1l1tarlsm have :frequently given a pledge to restore rel1g1ollB

tolerance and racial secur1ty to all peoples of the earth, and

"IiI!EREAS: 1W.11ons of h~lee. Jft ...... accepted b:r only their

own people 10 Palestine and

'\IiIIEREAS: Tho Balfour Declaration rat1tiod b;r 52 SOT....-nto

guarantee. a Jft1.h home1.8nd In PaleoU"" BDIl

"BE 1'1' Hl!SlL'IED: That the ("""" of orga.llzation) In

me.t1os (date) calle upon our national government and

the governmants of our a.li1ss, PBrtlcularlJ Great Britain, to give

all possible effect to the following program.

"Illlaediate withdrawal b,. the sovermaent of Great ]trlta1n of

the Chamberlain White Paper or 19}9 under which Jewi.h 1lrmfgration

into Palestino 18 restricted and lDlder which this Jewish natloaa.l

homeland will 'be closed to Jews :forever starting Apr1l, 1944.

''BE rr iURltiEk R!SJtVED: That copies of this resolution be

sent to the President of the United States, and to the State

Department of" the United Sts.tes govenuaent I to our United States

Senators with a request that it be forwarded to the toreign otfice

of Great Britain.


"Twenty-su yeare aBO in tbe m1det of a world at war, the government of the BritiBh COl!lDOIlWsalth of Nations, looking to the ~ when peace would be restored and inspired w1th the desire to rlSht an ancient wrons, issued the :sa.lfour Declaration. This solemn covenant and undert.ald.ns to help in the reestablishment of the Jewish National Home in Palestine was Bubsequently endorsed by 52 nations, including by unanimous reeolution the Congress of the United States.

"In the years that followed, hundreds of thousands of Em"ope'a Jews fO\Uld refuge and a home in Palest1ne. They came to a land of past glory" but present decay, whose natural fertility bad been destroyed by encroaching BW8lIlJlB and desert sande; whose bills had been denlJied of tress; and whOBe c1ties had dwindled into mean and etap,nt tc:m1Shlpe. In the course of a pioneering achievement unequalled in pre8eDt-~ colon1zat1on, they drained swamps and planted forssts. Tho,.. 1rr1sated the dry land, developed agrIculture and industry, and built cities_

"But .hile in Palestine itself the idea of the Jew1ah hcaeland was being vindicated in the transformation of a people as .ell aa of a land, the .orld at .large was fac1ng a faUure in world atateeMnabip IIDd in 1nternatlont.Ll lOOra.lit.r which EPlft la.ziBal ite opportun1t.r to prepare ita assault on civ1.l1-zation. As in Europe, 110 in Palestine, principle 11&11 sacrificed to expediency_

''Th. Pal •• t1lle Whit. Paper of IIQ 1939, b:r r.stricting Jewi.h 1JIID1gration and land •• tt1_t, and prohibiting all f'urthor Jewish fBI1gration as from April 1944, threatons tho vorl o:dstenco of tho 1Iat1cmal. Hcao. It does so at a time wben millions of Europe's JettS have perished at the hand of the Nazi oppressor, and .hen it has become clear, as never before, that the solution of tho problem of homeless Jf!lWrY Is in their reoetablishDllmt as a nation in Palestine. The Palestine White Paper was condemned at the tiDe by the Permanent Mandates CO~881on of the League of Rations, and was denounced as a breach of trust b.r 1IIEl.l1, later led BrItain in her hour of darkest trial.

''The Palestine White Paper ie legali.r, 1IIOr&li.r and humanly indefensible. "NI1ERKF\lRE, lIE IT RESOLVED that thiB _ins addresse. itself to the

President of the United States, Colorado'B Senatore and Representatives and to the Secretary of State with the earnest appeal that all appropriate action be taken to ensure the withdrawal in lts entirety of the Palestine White Paper of May 1939 with its unjustifiable restrictions on 1..mm1sration and land settlement . It urges that the sates of' Palestine be opened to Je'fIish ilIIrlsra­tion and that Palestine be reconstituted as a JewIsh CO!!'I!'IOlDIe&lth, to the end that the Jew1sh people may be enabled to take its rightf'ul place in the progressive order of manlt1n.d., which we pray DI1y iS8ue f"rom th1s struasle.

"BE IT FUR'mFJ( RESOLVED that copies of th1s resolution be sent to the President, our Congressmen and Senato~B and the State Department with a request that it be forwarded to the British Foreign Office.


"'henty-eix years ago in the midst of a. world at war, the government of the British Coamomlsa1th of Nationa, 1oolt1nS to the da:7 wh8ll peace would be restored and inspired with the desire to rlSbt an ancient wrong, issued the Balfour Declaration.. This solemn covena.n.t and undertek1ns to belp in the reestablishment of the Jewish National HaDe in Palestine was Bubsequently endorsed by 52 nations, includ1ng by unanimous resolution the Congress of the United States.

"In the years that followed, hundreds of thOWIandS of Europe's Jews fOlmd refuge and a home in Palestine.. They came to a land of Plat glory but ~e8ent deca~, whose natural fertility had been destroyed by encroaching swamps and dssert sands j whoae billa bad been denuded of trees; and whoBe cities had d,,1ndled into mean and atap"t t.ownships. In the course of a pioneering achievement unequalled in prea.nt~ colonization, they drained swamps and. planted forests. They Irrigated the dry land, developed agrIculture and industry, aDd built cltle8.

"But while in Pal.eat1ne itself the 1411& ot the Jewillh h.-land was being vind.1cated in the transro~tlon of a people &II lIell as of a land, the world at large was fac1ng a taUure 1n world statesMnab lp and in 1Atarnational,. which ga". lIazlma ltl! opportunlt1 to p:"epar8 Itl! __ ult on civili­zation. As in Europe, eo 1n Palestine, princ1ple W&8 eaorU1ced to expediency.

"The Pal. •• t1ne White Paper of ~ 1~9, b;y rostricting Jewish lmluation and land s.ttl_t, ODd prohibiting all furthor J .. illh _uat1on a. from April 1944, threatens the TerT existence of the Jlfatlonal BCBe. It does so at a time wben millions of Europe's Jews haft per1ahed at tho hand of the Nazi oppressor, and when it has become clear, &s never before, that the solution of tho problem of bODll!llees Jf/Wr1 is in their reestabliehllent as a nation in Palestine. The Palestine White Paper was coDdeimed at the tble by the Permanent Mandates C0l!ll11s8lon of the League of ltatlons, and was denounced as a breach of trust b,. :ma.ny 1Ibo later led BrIta1n in her hour of darkest trial.

"The Palestine White Paper is lesaU1, anoally and hurneD'y indefensible. '\V!!EREroRE, BE IT ImlOLVEO that thill .eting addr ••••• itself to the

President of the United States, Coloradots Senators and BepresentatiTea and to the Secretary of State with tbe earnest a~ that ~ appropriate action be taken to eneure the withdrawal in its entirety of the Palestine White Paper of Ma;y 1939 with it. unJustifiable reotrictions on 1mIa1grat1on ODd land settlement. It urges that tho sates o~ Palestine be opened to J.,..1ah '""'gra­tion and that Pa10etine be reconstituted as a Jewish C ealth, to the end that the Jewisb poople DBy be enabled to tak~ Its rightful place in the progressive order of l"mk1M , which we pray -1 issue troa this struggle.

"BE IT FUR'l'HER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be sent to the Pres.1dent, our Congressmen and Senators and the State Department with a request that it be forwarded to the British Foreign Office.


''WHEREAS, ThQ Jewish people of Europe are suffering untold

tortures in Hitler's extermlna:tion campaisn, and

'\tlHEREAs, Jews who are able to escape f'rom Naz1 Europe have

no 'Welcome 1n any land except among their bretlaen in Palest.1ne, and

'\tmEREAs, the 10ne haven in Pal.est1ne faces closure to further

JelJI11eh 1mmigrat1on because of the British White Paper which. beOOll186

effective March 31, 1944, and

~, Britain in 1917, thr'ousJ1. the Balfour Declaration,

promised the Jewish people a homeland 1D. Palsat1ne-,

'''IliEI<l!l'ORE BE l'l' RESOLVED: That this ... et1n8 of, _______ _

on'-__________ address an aarnest appeal to our President,

CongrS8SJ1ml and Senators and the State Department to take all appropriate

action to 1naure the withdrawal of the Britieh White Paper. It urges

that tho dOorB of Pal •• tine be kept open to Jew1Bh :b!m1graUon and

the J..,lBh people b •• nabled to their rlg1lttul ploce in tho Land of

Israel, in keep1ng 1I1th the a1mB of this glopal war a8 expressed in

the Atlantic Charter and the Four Freedoms.

'1m IT liURllIER R!S)LVED: That copIes of this resolution be sent

to the President, Colorado's SeDatora and Representat1ves, and the

State Department with a request that "it be forwarded to the :British

Fol-e1sa off1.ce.


~: Thousands of Jews have been persecuted and driven

from their bomes I because of Nazi terrorism, and bave been ~orced

to .eek refuse and

~: 52 natione endorsed the Balfour Declaration, which

the government of the Brit1sh Commomfealth of Natione issued 26 years

a.SO in an efrort to reeatablieh Palestine 8e the Jewish National Home


"WHEREAS: Countless J8'II8 folDld a refuge and a home in Palestine,

developing aer1cul.ture, 1ndustr;y and building cities and

"IiHEREAS: :tho Cbamborla1.n Whit. Paper, which hero further

a.dm1ttance of Jews to Palestine atter March }l, 1~4., null1fies the

guarantee eet .forth in the :Ba.lfoUX' Declarat1on, therefore

"BE rr RESOLVED: Tbat (name or organ1zation) in ""eting

(date) calla upon our President, our government, our

allies, partlcularlJ' Great Britain, to tala! all appropriate action

in an .rrort to abrogate The Whit. Paper or May 19}9 and ursa. that

:Palestine remain open to Jewish immigratIon.

"lIE rr i'URihER RES:>LVED: That copies of this r 'o&olutian be

Bent to the President of the United States, Colorado'8 Senatore and

RepresentatIves and to the State!lnt with a request that it be

forwarded to the foreign off1ce of Great Br1tain.

Rabbi Herbert A. Friedman SOOl Forest Denvor, Colorado

DeAr Rabbi Friedmant

lIay 19. 1949

l'alkiJlg to Dsn Schacht on the t.l.Pf'O~ this 1!'IOrning.. 1 learned Jrilat • terrific job yo~ have ilon r; -t.i-e Sttlt Lake City campaign meeting last u&ht . H. alao told me tbat h.e hu diaeuufJd nth you the quee:t\on of your 'trip to Israel, and you may rest assured tb&.t .e will ~o everything possible to 'Work this mattar out alonr; the linea .. hich life discussed. .. r_ days ago .

Betore lellTin~ Denver .. 1" want to eoavey to you '0lD8 informat;i!)n 1'bieh might be or yal;ue to YO'J and to tho Jewiso cOlID1nUli ty in the mOl'l.ths and years to CCIl. . TheTe lis now in Denver , since l&:<!t yeu-, the Reverend Gl.-nn a. Phillips, who 1s the resident .Bishop of the )fetbodist Church. io this area. Bishop Phillirs, who lived 1n Loa An~el~. until last year, has been one of tha moat devoted and sinee r e frieJXls of our cause, and is one of tne mo.t anent ~lonist. in the non-Jewish clergy. I bad oocaaiou to see him in Denvor yesterday, and he expressed again his desire and willin~es8 to help in every way in the furtherance of the causee in _hich we &re so deeply interested .

I am ot tbe opinion that Btshop Pblllipa can be used. very .crectively, not only froll thlt view-point or publ\.c rflilatiol38, but alao fU!: tne nucleua of -.n American-Chriatian Paleetloe.. Colm1ttee to be ests.blished. 1n this arN. . I tooic. it upon myaelt to mention your name to B-'isb.op Phl1ltr.s a. one ot tbe le8Jling Rabbis in thi. arell, a:nd he expr~s8ed gres.t interest in meeting you . Hi. addrese 15 1820 Broadway. (telephone No . TAbor 7~13)

r trust that this intonation aip.t be aome help to you 1n your .ark; and. I ~ant to extend to you well as to llra . Friedman--lDjf" beat wishes for the forthcoming happy event.





41 Wt41nd5..­Newvork 17. N.Y.

Babl>1 IIerber~ ~. hl_ !aple ",nne] Dewer. Colora4o

MUrray Hill 1-3310 Coble Add..........,.lfund

liars n. 19t.9

Mr. 1l0lltor Me hrDe4 OYU' to _ -roar corre8poDd.el1C. oa a&aaooa U'rt1lah. lac. I ooacraWla\e 7O'l on the t1ra .~aD4 101l ~ook U.cCllU'ag1Dc ~. _1&n.

I DOW 7<10. will be intorooted to boor \ha~ YO haT. aut wire, to in order to die courage thh cupaip. H 10 02.0 1Joportan' ,bat Tf1a. know that tho 10 ..... 11 Con8Ula" bu uw. thh cup&1p to 4 •• 1., u4 to reha1.D. Ira. farther aoUT! U". It 1e the oplD1oJl ot Ute I.rae11 Oonaulat. \hat thoro 10 DO l10ecl for till •• po.lfic CUlPUgn and. .. • relUl' t.M7 haft r.fUa:.d to crant au thorl \7 "qu •• ted b7 thi. c'spa'," tor an appeal to til. count17.

I .. 8Ill'e tbat ., f¥t the ''pouol''e would.. be reluctant ~. CO 02011& if tho7 _ 'ba' tU. cupa1&n va. b.lnc ooD4uc",4 ap1ut the ad.ylce ot the Xt 1 ouu].aH_


Memo from : OT~O SCF~

r;.e"-ional Office 117 ~Iest IIInth Street Los Angeles 15 , Calir. Ka. 6-5571

Jonuary 28, 1949

~'lestern Regional Director

I , In re;>ly to inquir~es lIhich have ree.ched this office regarding the im;)l1ce.tions of the 1;100,000,000 100-'1 granted by the Export­Im"1ort Be.nk to tho Government of Israel , I "TQula li!':e to point out the follOHing !,ertinent fects:

e.. No part of this loen Hill be aV:lllable to moet the needs of the egencies of tJ:e United Je,.,lsh A:->7eel . It l1111 particUlE'..rly not be ;!I.v".!l bJ.e for il!lIiligretlon, resettle­ment end lnnd :purohase , 1'!uch constltute the major needs covered by the United Pplestine Ap?eRl agencies .

b . The lop..ns by the Export-Import Be.nk can be spent only in the Unite Sto.tes for economicr.lly sound inves t ­ments 1n qh1ch there 1s R rensonrble as.eur{'nce of 'Jrof1 t­able return £'nd secur1 ty. They are i"urtherrpore for s~)eclfic !Jroj ecta Fhich are designed to bUild u:? the economic ~otentlrl of the receiving country.

e. On the ot~er hand, the j250 , OOO,000 sought by the United Je''ish Ax>ed in 1949 reI! the irreduei])le minimum re~u1red for 1mnigrC'.tion, rece:)tlon and ~ettlemcnt 1n Israel of the R,nro::1metely 250,000 JeHish immigrants eh~ected to reach t~t country this yeex .

2 . I ta:~ !lleasure 1n advising you that our of:fice he.s nou avail-able for d1str1bution the tno 'f1rst N'e1ls Reels of the Stete of Isrnel entitled ftIsrnel Reborn" end ulsrE'.el 1n Actlonu• These films , whose running time 1s about ten minutes e~c~, describe the historic events surrounding the birth of the StRte of Israel, Rnd includ~ elso actual Dr.ttle scenes shoping the !::ta{;E'.nah in action. Because of the over­whelming demand, booldngs should be Hell in a.dvance .

gay I remind you that the follo'ring Palestine films are also available through our office, and ep-'1 be booked free of ehe.rge by interested orgeniz.tions and grou? sl


Color - running time 20 minutes, Bleck & Hh1te - running time 20 minutes. Blp.c:t & \orhi te _ running time 20 minutes. Blae:' & ,·,hi te - running t1me JO minutes. Color - running time JO minutes, Color - running time 20 minutes . Color - running time 30 minutes . Color - runn1ng t1me 25 minutes. Color - running time JO minutes.

2 _

Upon request , onr office t-'1l1 be glnd to send you descriptive l~luBtrnted brochures of ell above mentioned films .

) . Hey I ce.ll your .ttention to the fact that this office is in a po~ltlon to BU~-"'Ily you "'i'eh 00-"'I1es of the le.test book on 16r2.91: by I . F . Stone, 'iTilIS.IS Is..'V..L).'; .t the reduced price of ;,\2.20 per cOIlY. In addit1on, tie stil::" h!lvC availr:ac ;).. lirnJ.ted r,umb9:" of copies of the firs t I~F. Stone boot, nlJlr::G.~GF.9UND TO Pl.LESrINE' at the reduced ::>r10e of ~1~50) Please use th03 attached order blan1: i f you desire to teke.a~ve.nt~~e of this offer.

4. The National U.P . A. o~fice has mede available to me for free distribution a l1I!l1 ted number of 00:>188 of the follolilng ber.utifully illustrated books!

• PROl-iISED LA~'D I ~1948 NIGHT CF S?ARS" Year Book ~TZ I5.'tAI:L ART CAL:NDAft


By Ellen Thorbecke Published by .he U,P.A. P~~bl~shed by the K'3ren Hn.ycscd !n Jeruse.J..em f

Pub~19hed by the U.P.A.

If you are int eres t ed in r eceiving: cople~ of t hese pub11cations either for yourself or for or.e of your fr~~~aB , pl ease indicate your reques t on the attached order blenk G

•• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

Dr. Otto Schirn United Palestine A~ryeRl 117 Irest Ninth Street Los Angel es 15, Calif.

Dear Dr. Schlrn :

Please send me

co')les of "THI S IS r5..'q.AEL" c.t OZ.r!O . ---'co;1ie5 of "tnlDL'l.GROl1NlJ '1'0 P.'lLESTIllE" at Cl.50. ==::c01)1e8 of ttPP..OMISCO LA!:DII b~r =llen Thorbec:':e J free . _ _ ...;coples of '1948 NIGHT OF S?ARS" Year Bool:, free .

copies of ERETZ ISRAEL ART Cf.LENDAR, fl'ee . ==::copies of "THE CURTApr RISES" , free .

Ohec~: for 0 113 cnclooed.

N~~ ____________________________ __

ADDRESS, ______________________________ ___

City ______ -----Z,one,----.State ______ _



41 East .. 2nd Strftt New York 11. N.Y.

Rabb1 aerbert Jr1edaan f_le Emam1el 1595 Poarl Street _.r Coloro4o

:Dear Rabbi :rrtedMno

MUrray Hill 2-3320 Cable Address-l'alrund

I ..... T&ry' happy to r.ce1Te fra. Mr ... than Roaenberg the ta:tor.u.t1on the.t J'CRl haTe been appoint.ed. a ... ber at the Con."ltaUft "UI> tho lID1ted Pal •• ttn • .AppooJ.. for the purpo •• Gt 4e:t11l111rC tbe belt •• \ho4a and proctdur.1 tor •• tabl1l1h1D1 41rKt. co ., t7 repre.,ntation in the lID1ted Pa~ •• t1De .Appeal.

I .. enclodD& 10., _t.rial which I hope will lel'T' to brluc :1011. IIp to date aD evrent. t •• u,. and will be bapp7 to send 7°U a4d1tloDal iDtormation fro. t1 • • to ttae.

We hope to be 1n • pOlltlon Ter7 loon to con.ult with all comramtT "pre •• IlAt1T •• with referlDOe to the t.pleDent~tlon ot the r •• olutlon ad~ted b7 the UDlted !ale.tine Appeal proTidinc tor co..nn1t7 repre.entation.

1!I¥.os he.

Slncer.~ Tour ••

~~ Beraan L. yei .... Act1Dc 'IatioDal. Oholrua



41 East 42nd Strut New York 17. N. Y.

Rabbi Herbert A. Friedman 3001 Forest Denver J Colorado

Dear Rabbi Friedman:

MUrray Hill 2-3320 Cable Add. d Palfund

W",,,,,, Regional Office 117 WEST Ora: STREEI' & ROOM W


February 25, 1948

As a regular reader of the Intermountain Jewish News, I noticed with great interest Bob Gamzey's editorial in the last issue, reporting on the Z.O.A. qulz program last week in wh1ch you participated.

Among other th1ngs you are quoted as having stated to Mr. Lyle Marriner in answer to h1s question that 'out 9f the $250,00; ,000 to be raised by the United Jewish Appeal this ye~, only $50,000,000 will be spent in Palestine and '200,000,000 Will be spent in the United States by the J.D.C., the U.P.A., and the U.S.N.A."

I do not know, of course, if you have been correctly quoted, but I consider it my duty to rectify the above statement for the records.

As a matter of fact, the overwhelming bulk of both the J.D.C. and U.P.A. budgets are not spent in the United States. Roughly, I would say that out of the $250,000,000, only approximately $35,000,000 to $40,000,000 will be spent in the United States, and the balance in Europe and Palestine by the J.D.C. and the U.P.A.

With kindest personal regards, I remain

OS:HF CC: Mr. Robert Gamzey

Mr. IUlton Grossman

Very corli)l~o'P's ,

Otto SCh1r~ Western Regional Director



41 Eut 4lnd 5 ...... New York 17. N. Y.

Ilabb1 Herbert A. ]!r1edman lege Pearl DenTer t colorado

D ..... IIUII1 ]!r1_:

MUrray HlIIJ-33JO Cable Addren-Palrund

IVestern Rcf!,WruJIOIfiu 117 WEST 9TH S'T'REET • ROOM !!l


Sept_bar 25, 19'7

I toke great pl.eaeure in ~om1Dg lOu that \ho Un! ted Palestine qpool ..... anointed lOU a Me bor ot tha UPA Couocnl tor the Rook;r JIoml1oa1n Area. JIe:y I otter you .,. a1D.oere oo.ngratu.latlona an this aoouiOll.

1!le Tltal role ot Paleatine 111 jewish lite ia now beco.:1.ltg Widel,. a •• opted b,. all ol ...... t. ot \he ._ok population. '!he UPA, the tun4-raisiDg .. _,. ot American JfIWrT tor tho upbuild1llg ot Pal­eatlne, must, ther~re, taka 011. 1nareaa1J18 reepon.slbl11tlea in order to r 80W tate the Uaorptlon ot all thoa. hUDdreds ot thou-­allD4a ot J'ewa 1Ib.o wish to settle there.

_ UPA COmu>ll tor the Il001<,- _tain Area 10 ... posed ot a group ot J8W1ab lea4or. *" ore .1Ilcoraly interested in tho upbuild1llg ot Palaat1lle as a ._ok National HOlle, regardle •• ot their politioal. op1n10D.8. llaabe:rsh1p in th1. group does not inTolT. e.Jl1' ..,t1'1'8 par'tlcipatloD. on your pert.. 'DL18 Counoil 1s :pr1aarl1y con­oerned with prortd1Dg opportunities tor a more ooa}rehensive UDder­otan4iDg ot \he wcrk done in Palestine Wi \h the tuods rei.ed t;hrough the Iln1ted '_ok Appeol. It aponeor. a l1UIIber ot educ .... tlonal 8Ot1'1'110188 4ur1D8 the year, and Ita _Jlbers recUT. oont1-4ctIa1. eDd detailed. 1ntoraaUon QJ1 the work ot the UPA agen.oIea in Peleat1l1e.

Wo ""ul4 like JOu to teol \hat lOU han a persOIlol relaUQ11Sh1p Wi\h the UPA, an4 \hat lOu .".e sIleriDg in a great aeaauro in the TftI:1 aIgn11'lc8I1t work that 18 be1n& oarried on. I shall be Tf1r7 pleased to reoeive any IY68estlons or orlt1olsm~ob would tmproTe our .. U vi ties.

lselina sure ot your t'U.l.l oooperatlon, I _

CliARll!5 BROlIN, Chal=an

't1tel/.M1I$! .".'em JJe fti,"1'~}t;t~1on

Harold E. Steinberg ~ PublicIty Director

OIiITbD PALESTIml APPEAL 41 East 42 Street New York, New York


FOR JEllISB STATE TO TOTAL $283,156,000 IN 1948

rca IMME!)UTE REI$ASE J}J!UIiRY 3. 1948

Budget Of United Palestine Appeal Agencies

Reach Close To Four Times Fiscal Heeds Of Last Year

Nev York •••• At least three and R. hal.f times the total. expenditures of 1947 will

be required in lQ48 by the United Palostine Appool and its constituent agencios

for n Inrgc scnlo developm~nt progrnm in connection with tho establiShment of the

Jewish Stnto and tho integration of an expectod 75.000 newcomers, or a tot81 of

$283,156.000 for tho now yoar AS agninst $73,817,132 spont in 1947, tho bulk cf the '1I1'1t1'

being derlT&4 ~rDa .\mcrlc~ J ewry , Dr. Isrnel Ooldatotn, Unitod Palestino

Apponl nntionnl chnirman announcoo to~.

"The abGorption of 75,000 immigrants _ 51,000 adults, 24,CXX) children .. as 1s

expected in 1948,8 Dr. Goldstein said. Itrl3presents in terms of the total pop,ll ......

tion of the prospective Jevi sh State 8 seven to eight percent influx, an

unprccedontedly large proportion r:f ncwco:lcrs for any sing10 year. which if

applied. to the United Statcs vould moan an iCIDigration of sano 10,500,000 people.

For this vast task facing the new Je~Sh Stato, tho J ews of this country must

make a gignntic offort to provido tho flnnncinl resources through thc United

Jewish Appoal 1 a no.t1o~wido $250.000,000 campnign. in \lhich the U.P.A. is a

consti~ent Agency.~

In both years the cost of immigration including tho provision of fond, clothing,

modicnJ. care on nrrivnl., temporary nod permanent housing. vocational tra.ining

nnd initial equipmont , hends thc c~nd1turcs, yith $17,779,016 spent in 1947,

and on cstimated $95,434,000 r oquir ed this ycnr.

The Jewish Agencyt s agricultural developnent program Wlich involves establishing

new settlements, consolidating those in existence, providing equipment and material

for settlers, irrigation, research and sillilar activities. viII re~ire in 1948

a sum of $27,500,000 .. Last year 1 s Agricultural costs camo to $11,700,147, and

included thc setting up of twenty new scttlemonts, bringing the total number to

330 Jcwish towns and scttlements throughout Palostine.

At tho samo til!lO, urban dovolopacnt and e:r.pnnsion will figur~ importantly in tho

Jewish Agcncy1 s over-all development program for tht" now st~tc. A sum of

(moro) -----

- :J-

$25, 000, 000 18 ear.a!'ked for the promotion of industry and t r ade in 1948 to

provide the thousands of new jobs and Inere~e the supply of goods nDcessary for

the productive integration of neycocCl's.

Protection of Jewish Palestine 1 s hard-won Bettlements and citics 1s oxpected

to account for $25,OOO ,~ this year , An additional three million dollars has

boan allocated for a ran go of divcrslflod activities coming to tho fore in connoction

with tho implomcntatlnn of the United Bat!ons decision : pr~parlng transfer of tno

administration from tho mnnd~tory powor to tho J ewiah StAte: t r aining man Rnd

women for f uturo civil 8crvico ~ promotl~n nnd devolopment - in spite of prescnt

unrest - r)f Arab-J'cwish rolaU.,ns ; supp>rt t)f disabled votorans nnd thoir familios . ycnr t s costs in this cntegory nm.,untod to $4, 575, 464. ns c~mparod with tho

tntal of $28 , 000,000 in 1948.

Tno acquisition of land as vell as ita reclamation and development including such

projects as afforestation, road c~natruction and anti- malerinl work will nece8s~tate

an expenditure of $84, 381,000 by the J ewi!!b NlI.tiono.l Fund. The J .!t.F. 's

program in 1947 entailed nn expenditure of $26 .000. 000.

Financing the aduc"ltion of tho childr..:ln of Immlgrnnts thr ough special grnnts to

the established Hebrew . chool systm ~d :promoting D gcnOl'nl culturnl program

is expected to cost $5, 000,000 in 1948 as ngninst $1, 3?Q,062 ia lCJ47.

Or the $250, 000,000 ,,-hich ie to bo rn.inod hero through the United Jewish Appeal,

it has boon ngrocd. Dr . Goldstein snid, tbrt $146,250,000 will gp for tho neods

of tho United Pnlostino .lppc:1l nnd it. constituent 1'.gencics. wilo tho bn.lance

will be nllocnted to tho Joint Distribution Comoittoo nnd tho Unitod Sorvico

for Now Amoricnns.

The U. P.A. chnirm;o..n snid tho differenco bettlecn tho totnl figuro l'lllocfI.tod to

the Uni ted Palostine APJloru. "Uld :finnnci"l neods nf its progr'UD in Pel ostino

will hf',VO to bo mnde up thr"lugh fund- rn1sing efforts 1n "thor Cl)U1ltrios

including P~lc st1nc lUld by intcrgovcrnm'::! ntttl gt'!"o.ntG and loans.

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