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HISTORYIn 1941, Alex Osborn, an advertising executive, found that conventional business meetings were inhibiting the creation of new ideas and proposed some rules designed to help stimulate them[footnoteRef:2]. He was looking for rules which would give people the freedom of mind and action to spark off and reveal new ideas. To think up was originally the term he used to describe the process he developed, and that in turn came to be known as brainstorming. He described brainstorming as a conference technique by which a group attempts to find a solution for a specific problem by amassing all the ideas spontaneously by its members. [2:]

INVENTORAlexander Faickney Osborn is a father of brainstorming. He was born on 24 May 1888 in New York, USA and he died on 5 May 1966 in New York, USA[footnoteRef:3]. Osborns employment career began with jobs in newspaper reporting with both the Buffalo Times and Buffalo Express, the assistant secretary for the Buffalo Chamber of Commerce, sales manager of the Hard Manufacturing Co. and began his renowned advertising career with the E.P. Remington agency of Buffalo. [3:]

Osborn became increasingly active as an author, and published several books oncreative thinking. In 1942,How To Think Upwas published, in which Osborn presented the technique ofBrainstorming, which had been used at BBDO. Eventually, Osborn's writing career overtook his work in advertising, and in 1960, after more than forty years, he resigned from BBDOsboard of directors.RULES OR REQUIREMENTS1. Postpone and withhold your judgment of ideas Its mean do not pass judgment on ideas until the completion of the brainstorming session. Besides that, ideas should be put forward both as solutions and also as a basis to spark off solutions. Even seemingly foolish ideas can spark off better ones.

2. Encourage wild and exaggerated ideas It's much easier to tame a wild idea than it is to think of an immediately valid one in the first place. The 'wilder' the idea the better. Shout out bizarre and unworkable ideas to see what they spark off. No idea is too ridiculous. State any outlandish ideas. Exaggerate ideas to the extreme.

3. Quantity counts at this stage, not quality All activities should be geared towards extracting as many ideas as possible in a given period. The more creative ideas a person or a group has to choose from, the better. If the number of ideas at the end of the session is very large, there is a greater chance of finding a really good idea.

4. Build on the ideas put forward by others Build and expand on the ideas of others. Then, try and add extra thoughts to each idea. Use other people's ideas as inspiration for your own. Creative people are also good listeners. Combine several of the suggested ideas to explore new possibilities.

5. Every person and every idea have equal worth Every person has a valid viewpoint and a unique perspective on the situation and solution. Each idea presented belongs to the group, not to the person who said it. It is the group's responsibility and an indication of its ability to brainstorm if all participants feel able to contribute freely and confidently.

PROCESS AND DETAIL IMPLEMENTATIONThe process and detail implementation of brainstorming are clearly define the topic to be brainstormed[footnoteRef:4]. The topic is the main point where to know what the story about. The topic also important to be precise. The better the question, the better the result. The other things, the topic are very important because it is the title to a story. [4:]

The second process are aim to generate as many ideas as possible in 20-30 minutes. After read some story or some news or get a topic, try to find few ideas as can or share the ideas to others members. From that, we can get the best ideas or can add more information to our knowledge. Besides that, if the process is still lively, let it process continue a bit longer. Be careful not to end prematurely. A short lull very often leads to a new wave of ideas. Next, dont change, criticize or evaluate any idea. Commenting ideas is the quickest way to derail or even shut down a dynamic brainstorming session. But, if people dont understand what is meant by an idea we must get the clarification. Beside that, encourage each member to present as many ideas as possible. For the example, if one or two or other than that are dominating the discussion, it is perfectly acceptable to ask others by name if they have any thoughts or ideas. Taking some initiative to bring everyone into the discussion is part of the facilitators role.Lastly, keep going all ideas have been presented. Brainstorming not will be stop until get all ideas from the others member. It is because, in group or in classroom we can get many ideas and some ideas can be use or usually it meaningful to the topic discussed. Before the meeting or discussion end, must evaluate the result that have a long list of ideas. So, to make the result need to separate the jewels from the junk and create a manageable list of feasible ideas that are worthy of further investigation.Sometimes it is obvious how to prioritize the ideas and this step can be done on the fly. In other cases, the complexity and scope of the issue is such that additional tools may be required to complete this phase. Two tools that are often use are The Nominal Group Technique and the Prioritization Matrix

EXAMPLE OF CASE STUDY IN USING BRAINSTORMINGProblem issueThe Ghost Town Project, Intuitive PicturesThe Ghost Town Project (GTP) is a multi-platform initiative where online engagement has real world implications and influence. The project brings online communities, locals and experts together to rebuild and restore landmark buildings in different locations. Ghost Town Project uncovers the intimate story of how and why a site was abandoned, and also looks to the future with the help of a restoration team of historians, architects and conservationists.From the fall 2012 until spring 2013, Intuitive Pictures The Ghost Town Project was one of seven projects to participate in the CFC Media Labs digital entertainment accelerator, ideaBOOST. The program employs the best practices from techs lean startup movement and other disciplines. The programs goal is to help companies navigate the entertainment and technology startup market, sharpen their product vision, and refine their strategies to target audiences and generate sustainable revenues. As part of this program, the teams were exposed to a number of participatory design techniques. Each team made use of several techniques in order to further the development of their projects.Method: The Brainstorming technique was used to inform the learning and discovery phase of the Ghost Town Project. A component of a larger 3-hour Focus Group, the brainstorming session called on participants to generate a list of potential sites for revitalization.Participants: Participants in the Brainstorming session were members of the general public who had expressed an interest in the restoration of old or abandoned sites.Supportive methods: In addition to Brainstorming, the Ghost Town Project team made us of two other methods during their 3-hour Focus Group: Survey and Make Tools.Goals: The GTP team was early in the development of its concept and needed to get feedback from the public on the core concept and proposed direction. As Brainstorming is a group problem solving/creativity technique, it was ideal for generating multiple options for possible future sites for restoration.Process summary: Participants in the Brainstorming session were informed that the focus of this exercise was to explore possible sites for future restoration projects. Armed with the basic rules for effective brainstorming, the group of participants proposed potential sites for exploration.Results: A broad list of potential sites was generated by the group and complemented a short list previously identified by the GTP team. The process of discussing the merits of these sites enabled the group to identify a short list of locations with strong potential and to draft the criteria for choosing future sites for the Ghost Town Project to profile.Outcomes: Participants also chose the previously identified Heidelberg Inn at the Keansburg Amusement Park in New Jersey, USA as the restoration site to launch The Ghost Town Project. ideaBOOST is the CFC Media Labs accelerator that emphasizes Audience Engagement for entertainment platform development.

PRO AND CONS OF BRAINSTORMINGFor the pros of brainstorming are it doesnt have to be perfect, just needs to be done. Brainstorming also deadline is fast approaching and it deals with the crisis that will be put out the fire. Furthermore, brainstorming will be stay on top of change and the customer wants it as soon as possible. Besides, it will be more creative under time pressures and can beat out the competition. Lastly, brainstorming quick fix is addictive[footnoteRef:5]. [5:]

For the cons of brainstorming are it due to quickness and also the mistakes are made. It because the brainstorming comes ideas from the others member and sometime that ideas will be effect for the result. The quality of brainstorming also suffers and the shortcuts dont allow for creativity and it will change to a creative process. The other cons of brainstorming is the customers arent well-served and the lastly it reactive response may be knee-jerk.

CONCLUSIONAs the conclusion, brainstorming are important in group discussion or meeting. Brainstorming is simple and it also doesnt mean easy. It is a process for generating new ideas. Besides, it uses a set of specific rules and technique which encourage and spark off new ideas which would never have happened under normal circumstances. In brainstorming session have risk that involved in the early stages and the overall benefits are enormous.

6 HATSINTRODUCTIONSix Thinking Hatsis a book byEdward de Bonowhich describes a tool for group discussion and individual thinking involving six colored hats[footnoteRef:6]. "Six Thinking Hats" and the associated ideaparallel thinkingprovide a means for groups to plan thinking processes in a detailed and cohesive way, and in doing so to think together more effectively. In 2005, the tool found some use in the United Kingdominnovationsector, where it was offered by somefacilitationcompanies and had been trilled within the United Kingdom'scivil service. [6:]

HISTORYFor the first time in history it has become possible to see creativity not as a mystique process but as the behavior of a self-organising information system formed from neural networks. From the same basis he have developed the deliberate tools of lateral thinking. The term lateral thinking is now part of the language and the tools are in use with individuals and organizations around the world. The six hats method of constructive thinking is rapidly supplanting the traditional argument type which is so lacking in constructive, creative and design energies.

INVENTORThe Six Thinking Hats method was invented by Dr. Edward de Bono in the early 1980s. Dr. Edward de Bono is widely regarded as one of the foremost expects in the fields of creativity and Lateral thinking. Dr. de Bono was the first person to propose that the human brain is a self organizing system. It was from this understanding that he had for the underlying principles that he developed his thinking tools and creativity methods that have helped people and organizations revolutionize their thinking by bypassing the normal thought-blocks that impede their everyday thinking.

RULES OR REQUIREMENTS1. Blue hat : Managing the Thinking Control hat Organizes the thinking Sets the focus and agenda Summarizes and concludes Ensures that the rules are observed

2. Green hat : New Ideas, Possibilities Creative thinking Seeking alternatives and possibilities Removes faults Doesnt have to be logical Generates new concepts

3. Black hat : Risks, Difficulties and Problems The skeptical view Reasons must be given Points out thinking that does not fit the facts, experience, regulations, strategy, values Points out potential problems

4. White hat : Information Information we know Information we need How are we going to get that information? Determines accuracy and relevance

5. Yellow hat : Benefits and Feasibility The optimistic view Reasons must be given Needs more effort than the black hat Considers both short and long term perspectives Finds the benefits and values

6. Red hat : Feelings, Intuition, Gut Instinct Permission to express feelings No need to justify Represents feelings right now Keep it short A key ingredients in decision making

PROCESS AND DETAIL IMPLEMENTATIONThe first thing of process in six hats is agree on the subject focus. Thats mean, we must need to declare the derails of subject matter before the meeting. It will help participants subject Matter focus. Besides that, it also helps to prevent loss of focus and help participants to collect all the data about it. Next, prepare for the discussion. For the first, participants should have organized facts and figures. Participant also must prepare to present data and information that from white hat session in the meeting. In this process must avoid the need for a break-out for collection of data.The other thing, gather information. Participant will be gathering information by using different hats. For the example, white hat must establish the facts, yellow hat is what the positive of the end objective you are seeking to attain, what is excellence , how would you know and what would it be like to be there. Next, black hat is what is broken and needs to be fixed, what do we have to be careful of and what must we avoid. For the red hat is about the feeling, emotion, hunches and instincts and the green hat where creative ways of attaining your intended objective are. New ideas, approaches. Lastly, blue hat is thinking process. All are expected use blue hat to ensure the session and successful.

EXAMPLE OF CASE STUDY IN USING 6 HATSProblem issueThe Technopark management is looking at whether they should construct a new building. The amount of available vacant office space is coming down and economy is doing well. As part of their decision making process, they decided to use the Six Thinking Hats during the meeting.Solution On this problem issue, the decision has been made. There are: White Hats: Analysis of data on the trend of un-rented office space versus the growth in demand shows that by the time the building is completed there would be severe shortage of un-rented office space with the increasing demand for office space. Red Hats: Feel that the design of the new building would be very attractive and modern. Hence, the potential tenants may like it, though it may not be cost effective. There is a feeling that some of the companies in the old buildings & companies in incubation center might be attracted to the new building because of better facilities. Prospects of business expansion & more employment opportunities may seem attractive to the government & management and they look forward to the project. Black Hats: Worry that the government projections may be wrong, and over estimating the strength of the economy. Since the cost per square feet would be double the current cost, it may be difficult to rent out and therefore the company must be prepared for this possibilityYellow Hats: If economy holds up and government projections are correct, we may even achieve the 100% occupancy rate of the new building, and the company stands to make a higher profit. If companies in old building & incubation center also move to the new building as Red Hats feel, the company may even successfully sell the new building before the next economic downturn and make a substantial capital gain. Green Hats: Old building spaces vacated by the companies moving to the new building could be renovated to look trendier with some creative alterations to the basic design and some additional facilities. This would again attract companies to these old buildings with more revenues because of renovation / additional facilities. Special discounted rates in new building could be offered to the companies in old buildings & incubation center to motivate them to move to the new building. Considering the increasing fitness awareness, propose to convert some spaces vacated in the old building into a Health Club, which would bring additional revenue.Blue Hats: Needs to keep the meeting focused on the agenda. At the same time, there should be a balance between the companys original objectives in proposing the new building and the possibility of enhancing the plan by considering the new business opportunities that may be identified. Must ensure that all members are able to contribute to the discussions meaningfully without letting anyone dominate the meeting.

The Six Thinking Hats Tool KitBlue Hat Thinking- Process Thinking about thinking What thinking is needed? Organizing the thinking Planning for action

White Hat Thinking- Facts Information and data Neutral and objective What do I know? What do I need to find out? How will I get the information I need?

Green Hat Thinking - Creativity Ideas, alternative, possibilities Provocation - "PO" Solutions to black hat problems

Yellow Hat Thinking- Benefits Positives, plus points Logical reasons are given. Why an idea is useful

Black Hat Thinking - Cautions Difficulties, weaknesses, dangers Logical reasons are given. Spotting the risks

Red Hat Thinking - Feelings Intuition, hunches, gut instinct My feelings right now. Feelings can change. No reasons are given.

PRO AND CONS OF 6 HATSPROThe pro of six hats are allows one to say things without risk. It very strong in preventing the Spiral of Silence[footnoteRef:7]. Besides, it creates awareness that there are multiple perspectives on the issue at hand. It also provides a convenient mechanism for switching gears, thinking in deliberate different ways and set rules for the game of thinking. Next, temporarily focus thinking on one aspect and helps individuals expand their thinking capacity by adopting a perspective that is not necessarily their own. It leads to more creative thinking through unhampered dialogue that builds on each others contribution. From six hat also improves communication, since egos are not threatened and people are never personally attacked. Lastly, improves decision making, because attention is given to all aspects of a problem or opportunity [7:]

CONSThe Six Hats is one approach to teaching thinking, and teachers should be cautious of excluding others. Besides that, it is very lucrative business. While it can speed up a marketing campaign, there are also great risks involved. It is not uncommon for black hat sites to be threatened with legal action, especially if the content is recycled from another source. To an experienced, six hat (black hat) site may appear unappealing or suspicious.

CONCLUSIONAs a conclusion 6 hats touching on how the human mind to be applied in the field of management and daily problem solving. The hats are categories of thinking behavior and not of people themselves. The purpose of the hats is to direct thinking, not classify either the thinking or the thinker. Indeed, by wearing a hat that is different from the one that one customarily wears, one may change upon a variety of new ideas. Wearing a hat means deliberately adopting a perspective that is not necessarily ones own. It is important that all group members are aware of this fact. A group member must dearly identify the color of the hat he is wearing while making a statement. Wearing a dearly identified hat separates ego from performance. The Six Hat Method is useful even for individuals thinking by themselves.


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