


Breaking Up (Your Code) Is Hard To Do

Dan Beil@add_action_dan


Alley Interactive

● We are a full-service digital agency● VIP partner● Hiring!


The Problem

Navigating WordPress’ code base is difficult

Code organization is one large pain point that WordPress has, because it is not regulated





The Problem: continued

Developers not thinking in an OOP mind set.If this doesn’t resonate with you…

Developers not thinking ahead to what can be reused

This leads to too much logic being included in top level (core hierarchy) template files


The Problem: continued

Many developers start coding after finding WordPress and learn from tutorials that, while technically correct, are actually bad practice


Benefits of a Standard Structure

● Frontend developers benefit

● Onboarding / collaboration

● Better Code, Period


Theme Structure● theme-name

○ inc/

■ post-types/

■ helpers.php

○ static/

■ css/

■ js/

○ template-parts/

○ index.php

○ single.php

○ etc...


AbstractingCodeTechnically works, could be optimizedlook for common patterns(source: un-named online tutorial)

What if we use this in 5 places throughout our site?


TemplatePartsThe reusable output

You can now change this HTML All in one place.

Template parts should include output functions, not display logic


Abstracting WP_Query

1. In functions.php2. Or better yet in

inc/helpers.php3. Now able to reuse

the same logic with one function call


Example: continued

Our template file would now look like this



Consider the following

First step towards OOP is becoming more DRY with your codeRemember, “If you write it twice” … “you’ve written too much”This will make you a better developer


Resources to learn

● My articles on


● Design Patterns in WordPress: The Singleton Pattern

○ by Tom McFarlin


● Fieldmanager Code Base

○ by Alley Interactive



Interested in Working at Alley?● We’re hiring!

● If you’re interested, please send your resume & code samples to [email protected]

● More info here:○


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