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Breakthrough Mastermind Profits Shane Farrell & Bryan Harkins © 2014


Thank you for picking up Breakthrough Mastermind Profits! You made a

great decision to start in many cases or continue to grow your online

business. When we started trying to “make it” in internet marketing it was a

TOUGH GO to say the least.

We bought reports almost daily, spent thousands of dollars, chased every

method out there but it wasn’t until we discovered a group of marketers to

work together with that we saw almost overnight success.

A couple years ago we actually met on Facebook in a group set up to

support buyers of a WSO on selling solo ads. While the training was good,

we felt we were missing a few pieces to really make it successful and so

did a few other members of that group. We all decided to start a small

mastermind group to help each other, have a place to share strategies and

what was working for us daily to grow our solo business.

It made an immediate difference in our list size, effectiveness of the method

and in our profits. From there we have also joined and or started

masterminds in a couple other niches on our own and together and realize

the only “missing piece” to making it online, is being part of a group of

people with the same goals and drive as yourself.

Many of you know us already from our previous best selling reports that

shows you what works NOW in internet marketing. We only teach and

share what we do every single day online. Nothing outdated or untested.

We know we find it refreshing when others do the same for us and we hope

you will as well.

There is no better feeling being able to control your income as a direct

result of your efforts and knowledge. Using this easy to set up

breakthrough mastermind profits method, you will be growing your

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business everyday with like-minded marketers who are all going in the

same direction → UP!

Looking forward to hearing your success stories as so many before you

have shared!

Table of Contents Module 1: Breakthrough Mastermind Profits Overview ........................................................... 5

Module 2: How It All Works ......................................................................................................... 7

What a Mastermind Group is NOT ............................................................................................. 7

Napoleon Hill's Definition ............................................................................................................ 8

What You'll Get From Belonging to a Mastermind Group .......................................................... 9

Module 3: Choosing Your Mastermind Niche............................................................................ 9

Module 4: Setting Up Your Mastermind ................................................................................... 14

Module 5: Files to Include .......................................................................................................... 19

Module 6: Laying Out The Ground Rules ................................................................................ 21

Module 7: Recruiting Mastermind Members ............................................................................ 22

Module 8: Putting It All Together! ............................................................................................. 27

Module 9: Scaling Up For More Profits .................................................................................... 28

Module 10: Breakthrough Mastermind Profits Conclusion ................................................... 29

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Disclaimer: This report makes no warranties or guarantees express or implied, as to the results provided by the strategies, techniques,

and advice presented in this report. The publishers of this report expressly disclaim any liability arising from any strategies, techniques,

and advice presented in this report. The purpose of this consumer report is to educate and guide. Neither the publishers nor the

authors warrant that the information contained within this consumer report is free of omissions or errors and is fully complete.

Furthermore, neither the publisher nor the author shall have responsibility or liability to any entity or person as a result of any damage

or loss alleged to be caused or caused indirectly or directly by this report.

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Module 1: Breakthrough Mastermind Profits Overview

This quote from Dwight sums it all up. Going at it alone in this business will

leave you frustrated, alone and constantly looking for answers. Does

watching other marketer’s success stories often leave you scratching your

head in wonder?

It used to for us as well! We would buy the same product as others and

read their success testimonials wondering why we weren’t getting the same

results. Wondering what they knew or secret they had that we didn’t have

access to.

In short, we were a sunken boat using the analogy above and were left

unaffected by the rising tides (or in this case, success of others.)

Once we discovered mastermind groups, in which a group of people all are

working on the same method share and collaborate together, did the tide

help raise us up as well!

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There are mastermind groups for every conceivable niche and method

online, mostly in private FB groups. We are going to teach you how to start

your own with other marketers at the same level and more experience as

yourself in your chosen niche or method and show you and your

mastermind group how to absolutely CRUSH IT online or offline.

Take this example from below which shows how

mastermind groups relate to the law of averages. You may have also heard

this theory related to your personal income is related to your 5 closest


This relates to the law of averages, which is the theory that the result of any given

situation will be the average of all outcomes.

When it comes to relationships, we are greatly influenced — whether we like it or not —

by those closest to us. It affects our way of thinking, our self-esteem, and our decisions.

Of course, everyone is their own person, but research has shown that we're more

affected by our environment than we think.

While it's ideal to be closely surrounded by positive, supportive people who want you to

succeed, it's also necessary to have your critics. According to a study in the Journal of

Consumer Research, "Tell Me What I Did Wrong: Experts Seek And Respond To

Negative Feedback," novices have a preference for positive feedback, but experts want

negative feedback, so that they can make progress.

We are going to walk you through the steps to setting up your own

mastermind group using Facebook groups. This can be done using any

method in internet marketing from list building to kindle books and we are

going to share with you the most popular and profitable groups to set up.

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Whether you are just starting out or already making thousands a month,

you will be able to find like-minded marketers ready to increase their


After you choose your money making method, we will review how to recruit

new members, set up rules, systems for accountability, goals and how to

work together and each scale your business to new levels.

Module 2: How It All Works

Mastermind groups offer a combination of brainstorming, education, peer

accountability and support in a group setting to sharpen your business and

personal skills. A mastermind group helps you and your mastermind group

members achieve success.

Participants challenge each other to set important goals, and more

importantly, to accomplish them. The group requires commitment,

confidentiality, the willingness to be creative and brainstorm

ideas/solutions, and support each other with total honesty, respect and

compassion. Mastermind group members act as catalysts for growth,

devil’s advocates and supportive colleagues. This is the essence and value

of mastermind groups.

What a Mastermind Group is NOT

● It's not a class! You are not teaching methods from scratch but

rather finding people who are already involved in the niche that is the

method of the group. The main focus of a mastermind group is the

brainstorming and accountability support among the group members.

● It's not group coaching! Mastermind groups are about the

MEMBERS sharing with each other, not about the main admin

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coaching individuals in a group setting. You get everyone's

feedback, critique, advice and support.

● It's not a networking group! While you may share methods and

resources with each other, it is not the main focus of the group.

However, through your connections with other members, you will find

plenty of joint venture opportunities, traffic and affiliate sharing, and

internet marketing networking.

Napoleon Hill's Definition

The concept of the "mastermind alliance" was formally introduced by

Napoleon Hill in his timeless classic, "Think And Grow Rich," though

mastermind groups have been around since the beginning of time. Even

Benjamin Franklin belonged to such a group, which he called a Junto.

Napoleon Hill wrote about the mastermind group principle as:

"The coordination of knowledge and effort of two or more people, who

work toward a definite purpose, in the spirit of harmony."

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He continues…

"No two minds ever come together without thereby creating a third,

invisible intangible force, which may be likened to a third mind [the

master mind]."

If you haven’t read Think And Grow Rich yet, please take the time to

download the book here for free with no opt-in.

What You'll Get From Belonging to a Mastermind Group

In a mastermind group, the agenda belongs to the group and each

person's participation and commitment is key. Your mastermind

partners give you feedback, help you brainstorm new possibilities, and set

up accountability structures that keep you focused and on track. You create

a community of supportive marketers who brainstorm together to move the

members to new heights.

You'll gain tremendous insights which improve your business and personal

life. Your mastermind group is like having a objective board of directors, a

success team, and a peer advisory group, all rolled into one. In short, you

are move your IM hobby into a real solid business.

Whether you find an existing mastermind group to join, or start a group of

your own, you'll love what this group process can help you accomplish.

Module 3: Choosing Your Mastermind Niche

The beauty of this method is that you can use it in any niche, with any

method. Most people fail at IM because they go at it alone. Any method will

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work if given enough time and with enough support. Support and motivation

comes from the other group members.

To narrow down your focus and to increase opportunity for success, follow

a complete guide or training series. Then you have the other mastermind

members to help tweak, critique, support and offer twists and results.

Let’s look at the most common niches to start a mastermind group:

1) Listbuilding

Here you will find the most willing members as this is one of the foundation

methods to full time income. There are several areas you can target in list

building, known as sub-niches.

a. Freebie Seekers: Driving traffic to squeeze pages in exchange for a

free gift. Then working to monetize those subscribers. With a

mastermind group you can all exchange bonus spots, clickbank, links

inside reports. Share OTOs that are converting, traffic sources and

squeeze page critiques.

b. Solo Ad Selling: There are tons of coaching programs based on

selling solo ads. This is an awesome area to start a mastermind

group. Work together to share strategies to grow massive lists and

sell clicks.

c. Buyer lists: This is best achieved with product creation covered next

but you can also use the group to trade bonus download spots for

paid products.

2) Product Creation

If you look at 99% of full time marketers, they all offer products for sale.

Building a buyer list pays off daily with email marketing to these buyers.

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A mastermind group in this niche helps its members critique products they

are creating each step of the way. From researching new product ideas,

writing the product, sales copy, affiliate attraction and support in emailing

their buyer lists for each other.

3) TeeSpring

This marketing niche has blown up over the past year and there are so

many different people teaching ways to crack into TeeSpring with profits.

Any niche where you see forums and FB groups flooded with questions on

a method is an opportunity for a mastermind group.

With this niche you can share optimized FB ad campaigns, winning tee-

shirt designs, follow up campaigns, methods for testing campaigns and

scaling up.

4) Facebook

FB ads can be a mystery to even those who buy a WSO on the topic and

fall short achieving the advertised results. Facebook ads can be used for

list building, affiliate marketing, joint venture (affiliate) attraction, group likes

and website traffic.

5) CPA

We see CPA mastermind groups daily in Facebook and this is an area that

is in high demand in the WSO section of the Warrior Forum. The demand

and profits are there which means mastermind groups will work with CPA.

Since there are dozens of methods to bring CPA profits, choose just a few

so you don’t have 12 members all promoting CPA offers 12 different ways.

6) SEO

SEO changes daily with updates from Google. What worked a few months

ago is often ineffective by the time you buy a new WSO. This is a niche

where you need up to the second information for marketers who are

working on SEO every single day. This makes it perfect for a mastermind

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group for all members to share working strategies and critique others SEO

methods and websites.

7) Kindle

We have seen several high priced mastermind groups in the Kindle niche

and there is no reason why you can’t do this for free with a group of active

authors and marketers. This will help you get reviews once live, critique on

content and cover art, group buys on your ebook and share strategies for

ranking and optimizing your book listings.

8) Udemy

Again, several high priced coaching mastermind groups exist already

covering Udemy strategies so it’s perfect to attack with a mastermind

group. There are tons of WSOs on the topic so it’s a matter of working this

method with your mastermind group until you have a proven system that

everyone is benefiting from.

9) Adsense

Adsense is not as popular as it was a few years ago when SEO was much

easier but there are still marketers quietly killing it off clicks on Google

adsense ads. Mastermind discussions will help members critique blogs, ad

placement, keywords and niches to attack and especially traffic sources.

10) Blogging

We have both been in a mastermind group for blogging many years ago

and know the effectiveness of this method especially for newbies into IM. It

is a foundational method that comes with a lot of questions and WSOs that

often teach conflicting information. Makes it perfect for a mastermind.

There are several goals a blog can have from affiliate commissions, list

building, niche blogging, amazon blogging, adsense blogging, authority

blogging and more. When setting up a blogging mastermind group, choose

just one vertical in this massive niche to set everyone up for success.

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11) Offline Marketing

The main barrier to success in offline marketing is sales and motivation. A

mastermind group in this niche helps motivates everyone to achieve sales

goals, sharing closing and prospecting methods and scripts, services to

perform and prices to offer.

12) Pay Per Click (PPC)

The biggest reason for failure in PPC is wasting money and setting up

campaigns that are not optimized for success. New marketers waste too

much time chasing campaigns that may never convert. A mastemind group

can drastically cut down learning curves and searching for niche offers and

networks that have traffic that will convert. Members can critique ad copy,

bid pricing, landing pages and follow up marketing to the new leads or

conversions on existing traffic.

13) Amazon

The biggest affiliate platform of them all, Amazon is one with dozens of

strategies to make commissions for yourself. With so many methods from

PPC, blogging, FB, banner traffic, video reviews and more, choose just one

to two that your mastermind will focus on so members can work together

instead of all working on different methods and reducing effectiveness

while profiting with the Amazon affiliate platform.

14) Ebay

Ebay has always been a hot topic in the WSO section and in the forums.

From dropshipping to arbitrage ebay presents multiple methods of

monetization that you can share strategies, products, traffic and profits to

build a powerful group.

15) Video Marketing

One of the hottest niches to attack and among products sold in JVZoo and

the Warrior Forum. There are so many different ways to use video

marketing that it can be overwhelming for some.

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16) Fiverr

Setting up simple gigs to make $5+ at a time to profit is perfect for a

mastermind group. We have seen high priced coaching offers and multiple

new WSOs every week come out on Fiverr. This makes it an easy

mastermind idea especially for people new to IM that need quick cash that

can build into a long term stable income.

You’ll need a method or guide to follow for your chosen niche. An easy way

to start if you are brand new is a WSO. On best selling WSOs it’s not

uncommon to have 500+ buyers, threads that go pages long and even FB

groups set up to support members.

We actually met a couple years ago in a Facebook group for solo ad selling

that was set up to support buyers of a solo ad selling WSO. From that

group of a couple hundred people, there were about 10 people that were

very active, asking a lot of questions, putting the teachings in action and

wanting to succeed. But it was hard with a group that size.

A few of us decided to set up our own private FB group for our own seller

mastermind to share strategies for list building, selling solos and help the

others build their business as we grew ours.

If the WSO you are interested in using as your method, you can reach out

via private message on the warrior forum to those who have posted

reviews or questions in the thread and ask if they want to join your

mastermind group on the method you are all implementing together.

Module 7 reviews how to recruit mastermind members but is

also great to research possible niches and methods for your

new group. We cover four ways to find members but the

training is also the perfect fit to research your group niche!

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Module 4: Setting Up Your Mastermind

The easiest place to set up your mastermind group for free and in minutes

is using a private or secret Facebook group. You can do this on your own

domain with WP and a bunch of plugins but why spend the money being

fancy when FB gives us everything we need and makes it super easy.

We prefer “secret” so it does not show in recommended group feed in FB

right hand columns.

If your group is set to “private” you will get requests to join every day which

is against keeping it a smaller tight-knit group of marketers.

Let’s walk through the steps to create a group in Facebook

1. From your home page, go to the Groups section on the left side

menu and click Create Group.

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2. Click + Create New Group at the top of the page. A window will

appear, where you'll have to add a group name, add at least one

member to start and select the privacy settings for your group.

3. Privacy Settings: With a Closed group others on FB will be able

to see your group in “Suggested Groups” and ask to join not

knowing that you have a close mastermind group. Secret will not

be visible to other FB users and is a preferable setting to us

setting up our groups.

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4. Click Create, choose an icon if you wish and you are done.

5. Once the group is created, you'll be taken to the group. To get

started, click at the top right of the group and select Edit Group

Settings. From here you can add a group description, tags, set a

group email address and add a group picture.

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6. Customizing Your Mastermind Group:

We recommend adding a description and cover photo to start to treat this

as a REAL MASTERMIND and not just another low quality group with a few

hundred members that no one takes action or makes money.

Little things like that while they seem insignificant, make a difference. Add

an description now of the group niche and goals, then go to Fiverr and

order a header banner for the group with the group name as the text.

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Module 5: Files to Include

The “Files” tab section is where you will keep easy organization of your

group documents and training.

Here is what we include in every mastermind group:

1) Rules (We discuss those in the next section)

2) Training Guide (The method that is guiding the group)

3) Spreadsheet of member projects (Depends on chosen niche)

4) Resources or Tools members are using

5) Depends on your chosen niche and method how much content will be

stored here but keeps it easy to find instead of searching through the

FB group threads which will get a mile long after a few months.

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Here is an example of some of the files included in our mastermind


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Module 6: Laying Out The Ground Rules

The rules of your mastermind are what keep people moving towards the

same goal. You will occassionaly have marketers that join and aren’t willing

to be a team player or start off strong and then fade away. These rules will

help keep the structure and integrity of the group.

10 Common rules you should implement into your mastermind group:

1) Members must post updates at least every 7 days.

2) No posting of other outside methods or projects. Keep your work on

this method the focus of the mastermind.

3) Don’t be a jerk! We are all here to support each other and grow.

4) Contribute and offer your opinions to other member questions. Those

that support the most, get the most support back.

5) Don’t start new threads, keep your updates and questions in your

own thread.

6) No stealing/jacking of others work.

7) Don’t be afraid to share your work and ask for help when needed.

8) If you don’t follow the rules, you may be removed from the group

without notice. (You can also implement a 3 strike rule to give people

a chance to fix their behavior)

9) Recommend new members that can help us all grow.


The rules keep members accountable but it will take work from you, the

admin as well. If you are less experienced but set up the mastermind as the

admin, team up and allow 1 to 2 others to be an admin as well or co-launch

a group as we did with our mastermind.

The most important rule is #1. Requiring members to post at least once

every 7 days keeps them active in the group. You don’t want a mastermind

group with only a few active members and a bunch of ‘watchers.’ Facebook

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and IM forums are already filled with ‘watchers’ and your group is there to

actually help people grow their business, not suck their time.

#8 is also one to consider. We have a 3 strike rule and have seen this in

other mastermind groups as well. If someone breaks three rules over time,

you can ban them. This puts it on the member you are removing and not on


For example: a member goes 7 days without posting, Strike 1. You warn

them and they are active in the group again. Then after a month you notice

they aren’t contributing by only asking questions for themselves and not

helping others, Strike 2. Remind them of the rules again. Then a month

later again you find they copy someones FB ad campaign that was shared

in the group. Strike 3 and removed them from the group from the members

tab in your FB group.

Having a clear written policy to remove members will save tons of

headaches and FB stalkers in the future.

Module 7: Recruiting Mastermind Members

Members are KEY to making a mastermind successful. A few bad apples

can ruin the whole bunch and this starts with your recruiting efforts.

Using the information in this Module is also an

AWESOME way to do niche or method research

for your mastermind method. The four methods

of finding mastermind members can also be

used to determine a niche.

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When you add new members, introduce them and have a standard

introduction that includes links to the rules, outline of methods you are

using for the group and have the new member also introduce themselves

and their experience.

Broader Niche FB groups

This FB group was set up for support of the WSO “List Building

Breakthrough.” You can see on the right hand side there are 824 current

members. Members post questions and some updates to their progress

growing their list using the steps taught in the pdf report.

Now, 824 members is WAY too many for a mastermind group but fine for

general product support. We met in a large FB group like this that was set

up as support to a older WSO. You will see a small group of marketers that

are really active in big groups like these and those are the ones to break

out and create your own small mastermind group with.

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Buyers in WSO Threads

Looking through the first page of the Warrior Special Offers sub-forum in

the Warrior Forum, I see 6 easy products that you can use as a base for

your mastermind group in multiple different niches.

Look for products that have over 100 replies with positive reviews and

success stories mixed in from buyers.

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This tells you the method is working and people are taking action on it. If

you have bought also and see merit in the method being taught and want to

scale it up, send out PM’s to those who have replied in the thread and ask

if they are interested in joining a mastermind group with a select group of

buyers to work the method to become as profitable as possible for


Niche Forums

Each of the main niche sub forums in the Warrior Forum or ANY forum for

that matter present an awesome opportunity to find mastermind members.

Spending just 15 minutes reading through any of these sub forums and

you’ll see active members that contribute and help others, people active in

the niche and broader method.

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Here again you should PM and tell them about your mastermind group.

Warrior Forum Local Meetups, Mastermind Groups and Warrior

Events Sub Forum

Post your new mastermind group here and also check out others to see if

they fit your goals. The more structure the group and not just another open-

ended mastermind with no method or rules in place, the better your

success will be.

The mastermind groups that are just city based are better for networking,

not necessarily a method mastermind which we are after to grow your

business strictly online.

Go to the WF: Local Meetups, Mastermind Groups and Warrior Events Section Here

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Module 8: Putting It All Together!

You Have Rules, a Method/Niche and Members...Now What?

Now it’s time to take massive action and get it done!

Let’s discuss how to put all of these parts together to make your

mastermind group as successful as possible.

FB groups can quickly get out of hand if members are allowed to start new

threads. It will become disorganized and members won’t be able to learn

and help.

1) Every time you bring in a new member, start them their own thread.

This is where they will post questions, share their work and

successes and ask for critique and reviews.

2) In that new thread, introduce the member, give a little background

info and post the links to the rules, method and any other trainings

the mastermind is following to catch them up to speed.

3) Limit the number of members in the group. The larger mastermind

groups become, the less effective they are. This will depend on your

niche and method but generally over 50 members and it get’s hard to

keep track and continue to keep everyone growing.

-Start small and take your time approving new members. Groups with

even 5 members can be extremely powerful and some of the best

groups we are in have less than 10 super-motivated people that all

want everyone to grow as quickly as possible.

4) If members go a week without posting updates, tag them in their

thread and ask how its going. This helps keep people active and

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reminds them they need to be taking action. After all, thats the reason

they joined and you wanted them in the group. You learn from others

experiences and projects and they learn by being in the group. An

inactive member is a benefit to NO ONE.

5) You’ve chosen one method to work until scaled up large in your

mastermind group. You should be asking questions, sharing what is

working with the method, asking others to do the same. Even very

effective WSOs have a missing piece or two that can only be found

from masterminding with other marketers implementing the same

method. We truly believe masterminds to be the “missing piece” to

success in IM.

6) Stick with the method long enough to get it

Module 9: Scaling Up For More Profits

Once you have a working mastermind group where members are growing

their business and getting results in your niche, there is one simple way to

really explode your IM income.

You can start charging for access to a PAID MASTERMIND. This is also

known as group coaching. This is really simple to do. Create a new group

using the same method you and your other members are currently using.

Depending on your success stories and how much income a new member

can REALISTICALLY earn if follow the method, rules and accountability set

up, this will decide an appropriate fee to charge for access.

If your list building mastermind group is helping members add 2,000 new

subscribers a month through free traffic methods such as click-banking,

forum posting and ad-swaps along with creating an income of $2,000 a

month after 3 months, you could charge an easy $500 one-time fee.

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Set an expiration of 6 months and an easy goal of 10 new members a

month. That would cap your group at 60 members and $5,000 a month


To make things even easier, split the coaching duties with another member

from your free mastermind group and raise the price to $1,000. Now you

are working 50% less and making the same income.

You want to make the entrance fee an amount that will make it affordable

to the largest audience possible and still allow the students to be profitable

and successful as quickly as possible.

The more profitable and higher income results you are able to achieve in

the niche your free mastermind is earning among members, dictates the

fee. Some niches like product creation lend themselves to higher entrance

fees since members are able to earn more money much faster vs other


Module 10: Breakthrough Mastermind Profits Conclusion

We sincerely hope you stake out and create your own mastermind group in

your niche. We have seen nothing faster that acts as the catalyst to

success for marketers. Stop searching for that “missing piece” to success

as you have FOUND IT.

Being held accountable to others for your success and goals will drive you

to action like you have never experienced before.

Take your time and be patient when searching for others to join your new

mastermind group and on the other side, don’t stay in mastermind groups

which are filled with members not keeping their word or taking action on the

method. It needs to work both ways for the fastest route to success.

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Breakthrough Mastermind Profits Shane Farrell & Bryan Harkins © 2014

To review the steps you just learned:

1) Choose your niche and method you are going to CRUSH.

2) Set up your FB mastermind group, add descriptions, at least one

member to start, upload a cover image.

3) Upload your files: Rules, Methods, Trainings

4) Create a thread for each member.

5) Recruit members active in your niche.


7) SCALE to a PAID mastermind and PROFIT.

Get started today on your mastermind group and you can have an active

group of marketers who all share the same goal working together to push

each other and learn from.

We look forward to hearing your success stories!

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