
250 Vimy Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron



[email protected]

Website: Facebook: Public:

Facebook: Members only: 250 Vimy RCACS (Members Only)

This handbook is considered a summary of all rules, regulation & policies outlines in the Squadron Standing Orders, CATOs, CFAOs and QR&Os (Cdts). When a contradiction exists, the higher authority shall prevail.

Updated: September 2019

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Training Timings – Tuesday Evenings ** Timings are subject to change **

Start End Activity

6:15 6:30 Cadets Arrive

6:30 7:00 Uniform inspection/Attendance

7:00 7:30 Period #1

7:30 8:00 Period #2

8:00 8:15 Break

8:15 8:45 Period #3

8:45 9:00 Announcements

Training Timings – Saturdays ** Subject to change**

0900 1030 Drill Team

1030 1230 Band

1230 1430 Marksmanship

1430 1530 Junior Flying Club


● Cadets are grouped by Flights. Each flight has a Flight Commander and a Deputy Flight


● Cadets should inquire with their Flight commander or Deputy Flight commander should they have any questions regarding activities, policies or regulations

● If the cadet is unable to find their Flight Commander or Deputy Flight Commander, the cadet should seek out a Warrant Officer

● If a Warrant Officer is unavailable, please come see an Officer

** Cadets may seek out an officer at any time should they have concerns that require immediate attention ***

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Please contact the following regarding…

General Inquiries Capt Amy Sharpe [email protected]

Volunteering Capt Amy Sharpe [email protected]

Drill Team OCdt Jeff Reeder CI Alex Mahtab

[email protected] [email protected]

Band CI Keigan Leslie [email protected]

Range CI Kendra Beck [email protected]

Training specific communication

Lt (N) Timothy Granter [email protected]

Admin specific communication

Lt Ryan Matthews [email protected]

Supply specific communication

OCdt Jeff Reeder [email protected]

PRIMARY MEANS OF COMMUNICATION is by ELECTRONIC METHODS. Cadets must ensure they provide accurate and up to date information, including changes in phone numbers, address and email account (if applicable).

MISSING PARADES OR EVENTS If you will be unable to make a regularly scheduled parade night or exercise, it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to contact the Squadron via email at:

[email protected] Please do not post on Facebook regarding absences.


Cadets must ensure transportation is available and pickup must be within 15 minutes of the end of the Parade night or activity. Cadets may drive themselves to the cadet activity (Drill Hall) or to meet a bus for an activity provided that the cadet is licensed and insured on the vehicle being driven. Cadets are not permitted to drive themselves to activities when the Squadron provides transportation. Cadets are not permitted to drive other cadets unless written permission is available from both parents. Staff members are not available for transporting cadets unless it is a DND owned vehicle.

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UNIT CADET CONFLICT MANAGEMENT ADVISOR Any incidents of harassment or abuse should be addressed directly to the UCCMA. However, you may approach any other Officer if you feel more comfortable. The chain of command does NOT need to be followed in order to meet with the UCCMA.

Squadron UCCMA : Capt Amy Sharpe & Lt Ryan Matthews

Helpful Websites

National Cadet Website: National Air Cadet League Website:

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SMOKING, DRUGS & ALCOHOL SMOKING & ALCOHOL The use of tobacco and alcohol is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN at all cadet functions or when you are wearing the uniform including travel time before and after cadet activities. It is illegal for minors to drink or smoke or for anyone to sell or give you alcohol or tobacco products if you are under 19 years of age. Anyone breaking these laws will face criminal charges. Cadets caught using tobacco or alcohol in uniform or during a cadet activity will face disciplinary measures in accordance with CATO 15-22 (Conduct and Discipline) and Squadron Standing Orders. DRUGS Possession and use of illegal and illicit drugs are STRICTLY FORBIDDEN at any cadet function or when travelling to and from a cadet function. Anyone breaking these laws could face criminal charges. Violations of this will result in expulsion from cadets as well as local police being contacted in accordance with CATO 13-23 (Drugs).

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Promotion to a rank must be earned on the basis of qualification and merit. Once a cadet has reached the rank of Sergeant, further promotions are based on completion of specific components of the training program, availability of positions within the unit and CO’s discretion.

STANDARDS Prerequisites for promotion are based on: a. NATIONAL STANDARDS – Standards of qualification established by the Director of Cadets

(D Cdts); and b. LOCAL STANDARD – standards of merit established by the Squadron Commanding Officer.

National Standards for Air Cadet Promotion are: Promotion to Leading Air Cadet (LAC): 1) Actively participate in the LHQ mandatory training programme for a period of five months.

Promotion to Corporal (Cpl): 1) Successfully complete Proficiency Level 1 of the LHQ mandatory training programme Promotion to Flight Corporal (FCpl): 1) Completed at least six months satisfactory service at the substantive rank of Corporal; 2) Successfully complete Proficiency Level 2 of the LHQ mandatory training programme; with

Completed Leadership Component and participate in Fitness Program 3) Preferably have successfully completed a Familiarization Summer Course (2 Weeks). Promotion to Sergeant (Sgt): 1) Completed at least six months satisfactory service at the substantive rank of Flight

Corporal; 2) Successfully complete Proficiency Level 3 of the LHQ mandatory training programme; with

Completed Leadership Component and participate in Fitness Program 3) Preferably have successfully completed an Introductory Specialty Summer Course (3


Promotion to Flight Sergeant (FSgt): 1) Completed at least six months satisfactory service at the substantive rank of Sergeant;

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2) Successfully complete Proficiency Level 4 of the LHQ mandatory training programme; and

with Completed Leadership Component and participates in Fitness Program 3) Preferably have successfully completed an Advanced Specialty Summer Course (6 Week). Promotion Warrant Officer Second Class (WO2): 1) Completed at least six months satisfactory service at the substantive rank of Flight

Sergeant; 2) Preferably have successfully completed an Advanced Specialty Summer Course (6 week). 3) Completed Leadership Component and participates in Fitness Program 4) Successful Merit Board Interview Promotion Warrant Officer First Class (WO1): 1) Completed at least six months satisfactory service at the substantive rank of Warrant

Officer Second Class; 2) Preferably have successfully completed an Advanced Specialty Summer Course (6 week). 3) Successful Merit Board Interview














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LOCAL STANDARDS Local standards for promotion are established by the Sqn CO and the Squadron Training staff in order to: a. Establish the MERIT of a cadet; b. Assist in selecting the more meritorious cadet form among peers of equal qualification; and c. Ensure that the participation/involvement in Squadron activities serve as additional criteria

on which cadets are to be evaluated. The following are local standards that can be used: a. LHQ mandatory training programme grading system (evaluation results) b. Participation in optional training; c. Participation in Squadron fund raising initiatives; d. Attendance at mandatory training; e. Uniform marks; f. Attitude; and g. Interviews with candidates for promotion (where applicable); and


Reference: CATO 13-02 Annex A


29 or less Note 1

No Min or Max

No Min or Max

No Min or


No Min or


No Min or


30 to 59 1

60 to 89 1 No Min or

Max 90 to 119 1

120 to 149 1

150 to 179 1

180 to 209 1

Note 1 – Squadrons with a quota of 29 and less are authorized one WO2 AND WO1

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Summer Training Courses

Each summer, cadets will have the opportunity to apply to Cadet Summer Training Centres. The table below shows all courses available to Air Cadets. It also shows what level you must be in to apply (subject to change). Cadets are selected for training based on a wide variety of criteria, for example, cadet participation with volunteer and optional activities, cadet deportment and overall success at the unit, and much more.

Proficiency Level Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5+


General Training (GTC) - 2 weeks

Basic Drill and Ceremonial Course

(BDCC) 3 weeks Drill and Ceremonial Instructor (DCIC) - 6 weeks

Flying Basic Aviation (BAC) 3


Glider Pilot Scholarship ( Additional Pre-requisites required) (GPS) - 6 weeks

Advanced Aviation (AAC) - 3 weeks

Power Pilot Scholarship ( Additional Pre-requisites required* (PPS) - 7 weeks

Fitness and Sports Basic Fitness and Sports

(BFSC) - 3 weeks Fitness and Sports Instructor (FSIC) - 6 weeks

Survival Basic Survival (BSC) - 3

weeks Survival Instructor (SIC) - 6 weeks

Military Band Basic Musician (MB-

BMC) - 3 weeks

Military Band — Intermediate Musician (MB-IMC) - 6 weeks

— Military Band — Advanced Musician (MB-AMC) - 6 weeks

Pipe Band Basic Musician (PB-BMC)

- 3 weeks

Pipe Band — Intermediate Musician (PB-IMC) - 6 weeks

— Pipe Band — Advanced Musician (PB-AMC) - 6 weeks

Aerospace Technology

Basic Aviation Technology

and Aerospace (BATAC) 3 weeks

Advanced Aerospace (AAS) - 6 weeks - Eastern Regional Gliding School (Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec)

Advanced Aviation Technology Courses - 6 weeks - CFB North Bay (North Bay, Ontario) Airport Operations (AATC-AO) Aircraft Maintenance (AATC-AM)

Marksmanship — Air Rifle Marksmanship Instructor (ARMIC) - 6 weeks

Exchanges and Trips — - International Air Cadet Exchange (IACE) - 3 weeks

Staff Cadet — Staff Cadet- 7 weeks or more

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UNIFORM CARE & RESPONSIBILITY Your uniform should be cleaned and pressed. New badges should be sewn on the tunic within 1 week of receiving them. It is a great privilege to wear this uniform, take pride in it! TUNIC & TROUSERS Machine wash on the gentle / permanent press cycle and hang or tumble to dry and iron. Do not use tape on seams of the pants or staple the hemline. The hem of the pants should have the bottom cuff landing at the second from the bottom lace of your parade boots. BOOTS Use Kiwi brand black polish and soft yellow Kiwi cloth. Polish the entire boot to a mirror shine. Use an old toothbrush to apply polish to the welt of the boot. Do not paint, bake, burn shine your boots. To get advice on how to properly a shine your boots, visit this site: SHIRTS Shirts need to always be pressed with sharp creases down the centre of the sleeve. You need to press your shirt even when wearing your tunic. You never know when you may have to remove your tunic. OVERALL Remember, it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to maintain your uniform in top condition. When parts of your uniform no longer fit or are damaged form normal wear and tear, see the Supply Officer immediately to get replacement parts. Your uniform is the property of the Department of National Defence and 250 Vimy Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron. You are required to return all parts of your uniform to the Squadron Supply Officer when you will no longer be a member of the squadron.

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ORDER OF DRESS C-1 – Commanding Officer Parade Uniform COMPOSITION Wedge, shirt with necktie, tunic, trousers with belt, boots and grey wool socks. ● Worn with medals on tunic

● Worn with cloth or embroidered pilot wings on tunic

● Nametag is worn on tunic

ORDER OF DRESS C-4 – Regular Training Dress COMPOSITION Same as C-2, except with the Blue t-shirt replacing the shirt and tie and with the medals replaced by the medal ribbons on the tunic.

ORDER OF DRESS C-4A – Summer Regular Training Dress

COMPOSITION Same as C-4, without the tunic ● No badges are to be worn on the t-shirt ● No medals and no medal ribbons

● No pilot wings

● No name tags

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UNIFORM ASSESSMENT Throughout each month, your uniform will be inspected. Uniform marks will be kept on file at the

Squadron and may be used to determine promotions, parade positions and activity attendance.

Excerpts from CATO 55-04 (Air Cadet Dress Instructions):

WEARING OF UNIFORM Cadets shall wear the uniform when: ● Attending training or proceeding to or from a place of training unless the Squadron CO gives

directives to the contrary

● Proceeding to or from a CSTC; and

● Attending ceremonies or functions at which wearing the uniform is appropriate and authorized by the Squadron or CSTC CO.


● Female cadets are authorized to wear a minimal amount of make-up. ● When wearing the uniform, make-up shall be applied conservatively. ● This precludes the use of false eyelashes, heavy eyeliner, brightly coloured eye shadow or

lipstick, coloured nail polish, and excessive facial make-up.

JEWELLERY The only jewellery that may be worn in uniform shall be a wristwatch, a medical alert bracelet and a maximum of two rings, which are not of a costume nature (necklaces are not permitted). In addition, female cadets in uniform may wear a single pair of plain gold, silver or white pearl earrings in pierced ears. The single earring, worn in the centre of each earlobe, shall be spherical in shape and not exceed 0.6 cm in diameter. No other type of earring shall be worn except for a gold or silver-healing device of similar shape and size, which may be worn while ears are healing after piercing. Only a single earring or healing device, worn in the centre of each ear lobe, may be worn at a time. Male cadets are not authorized to wear an earring or earrings.

TATTOOS AND BODY PIERCING Cadets shall not acquire visible tattoos that could be deemed to be offensive (e.g. pornographic, blasphemous, racist, etc.) or otherwise reflect discredit on the Canadian Cadet movement. Cadets in uniform shall not wear visible body piercing adornments (tongue included), with the exception of female cadet’s earrings. Covering the unauthorised piercing with an adhesive bandage (band-aid) is not acceptable.

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• Hair shall be taper-trimmed at the back, sides and above the ears to blend with the hair-style.

• It must be no more than 15 cm in length and must be short enough so that when the headdress is removed, no hair shall touch the ears or fall below the top of the eyebrows.

• There must not be more than 4 cm in bulk from the top of the head, gradually decreasing to blend with the taper-trimmed sides and back.

• Must be 2.5 cm above the shirt collar.

• A taper trimmed square back style and shaving of all of the hair on the head are permitted.

• Sideburns must not extend below a line horizontally bisecting the ear and must be

squared off at the bottom and taper-trimmed to conform to the overall hair style.

Mustaches: When worn alone, the unshaven portion of the face shall not extend outwards beyond the corners of the mouth. They must be neatly trimmed and not larger than 2cm in bulk, and not extend below the corners of the mouth. Beard Regulations: Must be worn with a moustache, must be neatly trimmed especially on the lower neck and cheekbones. It must not exceed two centimetres in bulk.

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• Shall not extend below the lower edge of the shirt collar (unless given permission by CO when growing hair)

• Exaggerated styles, including those with excessive fullness or extreme height, are not authorized.

• Braids, if worn, shall be styled conservatively and tied tightly; secured at the end by a knot or a small-unadorned fastener.

• A single braid shall be worn in the centre of the back.

• Double braids shall be worn behind the shoulders.

• Hair shall be a maximum length when gathered behind the head and braided which does not extend below the top of the armpit. If the hair is longer than the armpit it must be secured to ensure appropriate length is met.

• Multiple braids and/or cornrows shall be directed toward the back of the head, pulled tight to the head and secured at the end by a knot or a small-unadorned fastener.

• Multiple braids extending below the lower edge of the collar are to be gathered in a bun.

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