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California State Polytechnic University, Pomona


2017 Student UAS Competition

Technical Journal Paper

AUVSI Team Composition:

Team Lead: Andrew Rashid

Department of Aerospace Engineering

Thomas Fergus, Miguel Lopez, Noah Miller, Alexander Rey,

Cristal Ruano-Ramirez, Luis Rodriguez, Kyle Winterer

Department of Aerospace Engineering

Bogdan Pugach

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Faculty Adviser: Dr. Subodh Bhandari


With this being the seventh year that Cal Poly Pomona has participated in AUVSI’s SUAS Competition,

the team fully expects to improve on the successes and performance of the previous years. This year, the

waypoint navigation, search area, air delivery, interoperability, and sense, detect, and avoid tasks will be

attempted. This year, a new airframe was chosen; a hexacopter multicopter will be used. A new camera

system and payload drop system has been designed and built to complete image recognition and air delivery

tasks. Multiple flight tests were conducted to prove the performance of all the system elements, giving the

team the assurance that the system will successfully perform at the 2017 Competition.

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Table of Contents

1.0 System Engineering Approach ................................................................................................................................ 3

1.1 Mission Requirements Analysis.......................................................................................................................... 3

1.2 Design Rationale ................................................................................................................................................. 4

1.3 Programmatic Risk and Mitigations ................................................................................................................... 5

1.2.1 Aircraft Subsystem ...................................................................................................................................... 5

1.2.2 Autopilot Subsystem ................................................................................................................................... 5

1.3 Programmatic Risks and Mitigation ................................................................................................................... 5

2.0 System Design ......................................................................................................................................................... 5

2.1 Aircraft Design ................................................................................................................................................... 5

2.1.1 Airframe ...................................................................................................................................................... 5

2.1.2 Power System .............................................................................................................................................. 6

2.2 Autopilot ............................................................................................................................................................. 6

2.3 Sense, Detect, and Avoid .................................................................................................................................... 7

2.4 Imaging system ................................................................................................................................................... 7

2.4.1 Camera ........................................................................................................................................................ 7

2.4.2 Camera Gimbal ........................................................................................................................................... 7

2.5 Object Detection, Classification, Localization .................................................................................................... 7

2.5.1 Imaging Computer ...................................................................................................................................... 7

2.5.2 Image Processing ........................................................................................................................................ 7

2.6 Communications ............................................................................................................................................... 11

2.6.1 RF Transmitter Design .............................................................................................................................. 11

2.6.2 Radio Frequencies ................................................................................................................................... 111

2.6.3 Antenna Selection ................................................................................................................................. 1111

2.6.4 Ground Control Station ......................................................................................................................... 1212

2.6.5 Mission Planner computer ....................................................................................................................... 123

2.6.6 Airplane Tracking Antenna System ........................................................................................................ 133

2.6.7 Telemetry Processing .............................................................................................................................. 133

2.6.8 Interoperability ........................................................................................................................................ 134

2.7 Air Delivery .................................................................................................................................................... 144

2.7.1 Air Delivery Mechanism ......................................................................................................................... 144

2.7.2 Air Delivery Software ............................................................................................................................. 144

2.8 Cyber Security ................................................................................................................................................ 155

3.0 Testing and Evaluation ...................................................................................................................................... 1515

3.1 Developmental Testing ................................................................................................................................. 1515

3.1.1 Interoperability Performance................................................................................................................. 1515

3.1.2 Sense, Detect, and Avoid Performance ................................................................................................. 1515

3.1.3 Imaging Software .................................................................................................................................. 1515

3.2 Individual Component Testing.......................................................................................................................... 16

3.2.1 Camera .................................................................................................................................................. 1616

3.2.2 Payload Drop ......................................................................................................................................... 1616

3.3 Mission Testing Plan......................................................................................................................................... 17

3.3.2 Overall Performance ................................................................................................................................. 17

4.0 Safety ..................................................................................................................................................................... 17

4.1 Developmental Risks and Mitigations .......................................................................................................... 1717

4.2 Mission Risks and Mitigations ...................................................................................................................... 1717

4.3 Operational Risks and Mitigations ................................................................................................................ 1717

5.0 Acknowledgements ............................................................................................................................................... 18

References ................................................................................................................................................................... 19

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1.0 System Engineering Approach

1.1 Mission Requirements Analysis

True to a Systems Engineering approach, the starting point for Cal Poly’s UAS design was to first dissect mission

objectives and their corresponding requirements to determine system level requirements. A detailed understanding of

the system level requirements is critical as it allows for the determination of the tradeoffs and complexity of each task.

These elements were looked at with respect to their corresponding point value to determine their priority in the overall

design of the UAS. Table 1.1-1 shows the breakdown of a few of the higher point-value mission objectives.

Table 1.1-1: System level requirements of the SUAS-AUVSI Competition


Objective Points



(for full points)

System Requirements Considerations and

Trade Offs Complexity


Flight 12

-no safety pilot


-auto takeoff and


-Autopilot tuned for

chosen platform

-Reliable takeoff and

landing sequence

-auto takeoff/landing is

potential failure point med


Accuracy 15



-valid telemetry at


-ability to handle wind

-turn radius of air vehicle

-telemetry transmission to


-precision turn

radius=lower air speed high





-avoid cylinder

with 30-300ft


-avoid cylinder

with 30-750ft


-customized flight paths

-non-linearized flight

paths=less efficient search



Moving Obs.

Avoidance 10

-avoid sphere

with radius 30-


@ 0-40KIAS

-highly customized code

-high impulse in flight

pattern could result in


failure to follow path

-dynamic flight path, real

time course correction



Characteristic 4

-shape, shape

color, alpha


alpha numeric

color, orientations

-for emergent,

description of


-high resolution




-data management

(onboard or

transmit to ground)

-weight (flight time,

agility) high


Geolocation 4

-location of target



-integration of imagining

and location/telemetry,



Air delivery 10

-8 oz bottle

-80% retention



-drop mechanism

-drop prediction code -weight low

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1.2 Design Rationale

To determine a proper design rationale, it was necessary to combine the system level requirements, overall complexity,

and point values from the previous section with the external factors which included the team’s prior experience,

available man hours, and budget.

Early on it was deduced that available man hours would be the most limiting external factor for this year. Therefore,

the initial design approach involved deciding which tasks would allow for the greatest return on the team’s investment

of limited man hours. To ascertain which tasks needed to be prioritized, it was necessary to identify which mission

objectives were most attainable by using the team’s previous experiences to estimate the amount of design hours and

test hours required to achieve each objective. Based on past team experience it was understood that, for a fixed wing

aircraft, many hours are required to guarantee the reliability of certain mission elements like autonomous takeoff and

landing, waypoint navigation, obstacle avoidance, and payload delivery. Thus, a study was conducted to determine if

switching to a multicomputer platform would deliver better results as seen in Figure 1.2-1 and Figure 1.2-2

Figure 1.2-1: Trade Study of a Fixed Wing Platform

Figure 1.2-2: Trade Study of a Multicopter Platform

Environmental Factors





% of Target



3= within 90%

2=70% to 89%

1=70% to 50%


3=most important


1=less important

Final Score

(Score x Weight)

Hrs of design and test work req per week 8 6 75 2 3 6

Years experinece w/ platform 1 0.8 80 2 1 2

test flight hours req/month 4 6 150 3 2 6

Mission Requiremetns

endurance (mins) 40 20 50 1 2 2

autopilot compatibility

(high=3,med=2,low=1) 3 3 100 3 3 9

auto-take off/landing

easy=3,med=2,hard=1, not possible=0 3 3 100 3 2 6

payload capacity (kg) 5 6.6 132 3 3 9

Total 40

Platform: Multicopter (S900)






% of Target



3= within 90%

2=70% to 89%

1=70% to 50%


3=most important


1=less important

Final Score

(Score x Weight)

Hrs of design & test work req. per week 12 6 50 0 3 0

Years of experinece w/ platform 1 1.5 150 3 1 3

test flight hours req/month 4 3 75 2 2 4


endurance (mins) 40 40 100 3 2 6

autopilot compatibility

(high=3,med=2,low=1) 3 3 100 3 3 9

auto-take off/landing

easy=3,med=2,hard=1, not possible=0 3 1 33.33333333 0 2 0

payload capacity (kg) 5 7 140 3 3 9

Total 31

Platform: Fixed Wing (H9-Valiant)

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This study determines how feasible certain objectives are with each platform. Heavy consideration is given to tasks

such as autopilot compatibility and endurance. A multicopter is predictable with an autopilot out of the box, whereas

a fixed wing aircraft requires hours of tuning for a task such as waypoint navigation to be reliable. Therefore, many

of the elements included on this study translate into a time requirement, a primary limiting factor as identified

previously. Based on this study, it was determined that the multicopter platform would deliver better results based

upon its capabilities and our limiting factors.

Other elements of our unmanned air system were driven by a similar rational. This year, an off-the-shelf aircraft

antenna tracking system as well as an off-the-shelf camera gimbal were used. In previous years, these components

were designed, built, and tested from the ground up. However, buying reliable off-the-shelf designs bypasses lengthy

designing and testing procedures, allowing for more time to be allocated towards other critical system elements.

1.2.1 Aircraft Subsystem

The aircraft subsystem utilizes a modified DJI S900 hexacopter. This model was chosen for its versatility and ease of

use, as well as its effectiveness with other Cal Poly Pomona UAS projects. This hexacopter features six electric motors.

An example of a modification made to the hexacopter was the inclusion of access panels at the nose and rear fuselage.

This modification was made to make the task of accessing the interior of the aircraft for component installations easier.

Other modifications include internal mountings for the security of the two required payload components, cutouts to

accommodate the air-drop subsystem and gimbaled camera, and reinforcement of the landing gear to reduce or

eliminate stress and fatigue from the rigors of flight testing.

1.2.2 Autopilot Subsystem

The autopilot subsystem primarily utilizes a 3DR Pixhawk with Ardupilot software. This was chosen due to familiarity

with the hardware and software of the Pixhawk, as well as the multi-function capabilities of the hardware and open-

source nature of the software. In addition, the airplane is equipped with a GPS receiver and a 915 MHz radio and

antenna to transmit telemetry to the Ground Control Station (GCS). The GCS uses a dedicated laptop computer

running the Mission Planner software for writing waypoints to the multicopter. For safety purposes, a 2.4 GHz radio

is used to allow the safety pilot to take over the aircraft at any time.

1.3 Programmatic Risk and Mitigations

One of the programmatic risks was the difficulty in scheduling a meeting time to work on the project. Because all

members of the team were also full-time undergraduate students, it was difficult to work around everyone’s


A major programmatic risk encountered in completing the project was scheduling a meeting time that worked with

every team member’s schedule. This was mitigated by instituting one general meeting time that worked for most of

the members. Furthermore, the team was divided into sub-teams to allow more flexibility in scheduling the meeting

times. Related to this problem was the risk of not completing the task by the deadlines. This was mitigated by

requesting sub-teams to complete their tasks as soon as possible, with more time and personnel devoted to the

unfinished tasks as the deadline approached. This allowed tasks to be prioritized chronologically and be completed

on time.

Another major programmatic risk that affected the project this year was the risk of being unable to conduct flight tests

due to FAA restrictions on UAS testing, which includes student projects. To mitigate this risk, the team had to find an

airfield that would allow for legal flight testing under FAA regulations. The chosen airfield was Prado Airpark in

Chino, California. Any flight testing done for this competition was done at Prado Airpark.

2.0 System Design

2.1 Aircraft Design

2.1.1 Airframe

This year, the team decided to use a DJI S900 hexacopter. This is the first use of a multicopter, as previous teams

from Cal Poly Pomona utilized a fixed-wing aircraft. This design choice was made due to its versatility and ease of

use. The DJI S900 is a very capable platform. It can accommodate a wide variety of payloads. The airframe

construction consists of carbon fiber, plastic, and aluminum. Carbon fiber makes up the major components of the

frame such as the arms, center frame, landing gear, and the gimbal rails. Plastic makes up a small percentage of the

frame, mainly connections between the arms and center frame. Aluminum also makes up a small percentage of the

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frame as the supporting structure of the gimbal frame. The landing gear is fully retractable. However, this feature

will not be used as it serves no benefit for the current payload configuration. The arms can collapse down to reduce

overall size, mitigating the risk of damage during transportation. The S900 has poor aerodynamic qualities, which

restricts its cruising speed.

Figure 2.1.1-1: Picture of the DJI S900 UAS that will be used in SUAS-AUVSI competition

2.1.2 Power System

The design of the power system for the UAS focused on increasing the endurance of the aircraft. Multicopters are

known for short flight times. The first power system is a large 6-cell 22.2-V 16,000-mAh battery. It is the largest

battery that will fit the airframe. This battery provides the most flight time with the current payload setup. One battery

provides a flight time of 10-15 min.

2.2 Autopilot

The autopilot being used this year is the 3DR Pixhawk, as shown in Figure 2.2-1. This will be the first year this

autopilot will be used. In previous years, an APM 2.6 autopilot was used. The rationale behind switching autopilots is

the fact that the 3DR Pixhawk outperforms the APM 2.6 while retaining some of its best qualities, such as waypoint

navigation and being open source. It was determined that using this new autopilot would not require a substantial

amount of developmental time, as the Pixhawk operates in a similar manner as the APM 2.6. A LIDAR-Lite 2 sensor

from Garmin was integrated into the UAS for autonomous take-offs and landings.

Figure 2.2-1: Picture of the 3DR Pixhawk Autopilot attached to the DJI S900 UAS

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2.3 Sense, Detect, and Avoid

This competition requires the UAS to avoid sets of stationary and moving obstacles, as obtained through the

interoperability server. To avoid the stationary objects, the obstacle avoidance algorithm takes the initial list of desired

waypoints and the list of stationary objects and checks for certain conditions. First, the algorithm iterates through the

list of waypoints and ensures that the path between any single waypoint and its following waypoint does not intersect

with any of the stationary obstacles. In the event that the path puts the UAS on a collision trajectory, a set of waypoints

to path around the obstacle is generated. This set of waypoints is then checked to make sure that the UAS does not

run into another obstacle or goes outside the competition’s boundary area. Functionality of avoiding moving obstacles

is currently under development and is expected to be completed by the date of the competition.

2.4 Imaging system

2.4.1 Camera

A trade study on camera systems was conducted in order to replace the FLEA3 camera used in previous competitions

due to its low resolution and the new target sizes for this year. Other higher resolution and higher frame rate cameras

from Point Grey were researched first due the minimal change in the imaging system. However, these were not

selected due to budget limitations. DSLR cameras were not selected due to weight limiations. In order to meet the

frame rate, resolution, and weight requirements, a modified GoPro camera was selected. The GoPro Hero 4 Black is

capable of 4K video at 30fps, however the HDMI output on the camera is limited to 1080p at 60fps, thus the GoPro

is set to match these settings. A Ribcage Air kit from Back-Bone was implemented to allow CS and C-mount lenses

to be utilized. A 25-135-mm lens is used to allow for adjustments to the field of view without having to change the

flight altitude, thus optimizing our search pattern. During the camera selection process, accessing the images live on

a computer was initially overlooked. An Avio.4K capture card had to be purchased to allow for the utilization of

images on the onboard computer. With the weight and flight time of the multicopter becoming a growing concern,

methods to remove the onboard computer were researched. The GoPro now sends the video live through its HDMI

output (30-Mbps) to an HDMI extender through a CAT6 (1-Gbps) cable. The CAT6 cable then connects to the team’s

M5 Bullet (80-Mbps at 5-GHz), which connects to another M5 Bullet on the ground station. This goes through a CAT6

cable to the receiver HDMI extender where the HDMI cable connects to the team’s AVIO.4K capture card. The live

feed then shows up on the image processing computer on the ground.

2.4.2 Camera Gimbal

A new two-axis gimbal was chosen this year. It features a lightweight carbon fiber construction and brushless gimbals

to stabilize the 530-gm camera and lens. It effectively keeps the camera lens pointed normal to the ground. This is

extremely important for the case that the multicopter is banking or changing altitude above a target. The gimbal has

the capability of rotating approximately ±30◦ for roll and ±30◦ for pitch.

2.5 Object Detection, Classification, Localization

2.5.1 Imaging Computers

Two computers, Computer A and Computer B, are used for manual and autonomous object detection respectively. Computer A Computer A has limited performance requirements and is only used for manual detection tasks. The main objective

of this computer is to receive images from the camera as well as telemetry data from the primary Mission Planner

computer. MATLAB and OpenCV are used to process the images received from the camera. this station displays the

images as a video and the user finds and identifies objects. This software will be further described in section

When the user identifies objects the information is sent using interoperability. Computer B

Computer B has a high-performance requirement. The System must support CUDA acceleration for the Region-Based

Convolution Neural Network. This means the computer must have an NVIDIA graphics card. The main objective of

this computer is to receive images from the camera along with telemetry and autonomously detect the objects. This

software is further described in section When the software identifies, the standard object and the object

descriptions are sent using the interoperability requirements.

2.5.2 Image Processing

Software was written to assist with the object detection, classification, and localization task. Manual and autonomous

software was developed to achieve the requirements for this task. If issues arise the manual target detection software

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can perform all requirements however, its primary usage will be for the off-axis and emergent tasks. The standard

object detection, classification and localization is handled by the autonomous target detection software. Manual Object Detection The manual object detection software provides a simple user interface to allow easy access to the video stream from

the UAV. This software is broken down into four sections: Image Retrieval and Display, video review, object

evaluation, and object classification. Image Retrieval and Display The program retrieves images from the GoPro camera. Then, in real-time, the software saves the image into a pre-set

location and displays the image to the user. During this mode, if a target is seen, the user provides input, which allows

the program to save the picture manually with the location of the target. The information about each image is saved

into a text file within the same folder as the images. The image stream continues until the end of the flight or until the

user decides to end the stream. Video Review During the video review, a target can be saved, similar to the Image Retrieval and Display section. However, this

option includes rewind, pause, and video playback speeds. This is a redundant system, which allows the user to watch

the video during the data processing portion of the mission if there were any issues with finding targets during the

flight. Object Evaluation Each image that was saved as an object in Image Retrieval and Display or the video review phase is displayed for

further review. This allows users to navigate between images before and after the marked picture to determine the best

target picture. If any false positives were included, the user can make a request to remove it from the list of the targets. Object Classification Target classification starts by matching the targets to their corresponding GPS data. The target is then displayed and

the information about the target is provided by the user. The information provided by the user and data from the

telemetry processing is sent using interoperability. Autonomous Object Detection The object detection requirement of this competition presents a unique opportunity to implement machine learning for

target recognition. The human brain is extremely efficient at identifying shapes even when there is significant variation

to what the viewer expects the shape to look like. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to create a program that can

determine variations in shapes. Hardcoding a program with a description of the shape is very inaccurate and usually

results in missed detections and false positives. The software written for the previous year was designed around

contour analysis. It can identify targets and is scale and orientation invariant however, it fails when the contours are

obstructed or the shape is different from what is expected. An issue for which the severity was highly amplified by

high grass and shadows. A different approach was taken this year to overcome the challenges affecting the software

from last year by implementing an Artificial Neural Network(ANN). The object detection software is designed and

programmed in MATLAB R2016B. Artificial Neural Network An ANN is a computational model for machine learning that approximates the behavior of the human brain in

performing various tasks. The most basic unit of an ANN is the artificial neuron which is equivalent to a single neuron

in the human brain. Several artificial neurons are linked together to create a layer. The variations to the connections

between artificial neurons and between the layers are what affect the type of ANN that is created. A large set of data

is used to train an ANN. The training acts to change the strength of the connections between layers and artificial

neurons. The downfall of many Artificial Neural Network is a requirement to provide a large training data set.Two

main factors affected the type of ANN that is used for this competition: The input is an image and the location of the

target is needed.

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are a powerful tool used to identify images. The input into a CNN can be a

mutli-channel image. They have been shown to effectively identify images and are often used in robotics and self-

driving cars. CNNs alone, however, are not capable of determining the location of the detected feature. A problem

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that would prevent accurate localization of the target. A scanning window can be used to determine the location of the

object being detected, however this has an extremely high computational cost.

Region-Based Convolution Neural Network(RCNN), much like a CNN has an input of an image, but it also has the

ability to determine the region of the object within the image. It does this by processing regions within the image that

are likely to contain an object. This substantially reduces the computational cost compared to using a scanning window

with a standard CNN. A high-level diagram of the RCNN is shown in Figure

Figure RCNN high level diagram [7] Training the Region-Based Convolution Neural Network

The most difficult barrier to overcome when using an ANN is obtaining a training data set for the network. Two

methods were used to overcome this issue: Data augmentation and transfer learning.

Data augmentation generated targets within images to provide the RCNN with a larger training set and allowed for

random variation to the target’s characteristics, shown in Figure Images without objects are also used to

train the network on ignoring bad data and reduce false positives. Some of the images generated use Google maps

satellite images of the airfield to increase the accuracy of detection.

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Figure Augmented airfield with an object

Transfer learning allows for training the RCNN on a far smaller number of images than normally required. Normally

to train an RCNN it would require thousands of images of a single object; this would be extremely difficult since there

is a limited number of available images for the standard objects of this competition. To bypass this requirement, the

RCNN is trained on a database of 1.2 million images of random objects. Once the training is complete, the augmented

data of just a few hundred examples generated by the data augmentation software is used to fine tune the RCNN to

detect the standard objects in this competition. Training the RCNN on such a large data set requires a very large

amount of processing power. To increase the speed of training CUDA acceleration has been implemented. CUDA

acceleration has reduced training times from nearly a week to just a single day. Once training is complete the

connections between the artificial neurons, known as weights, are saved. Detection with the Region-Based Convolution Neural Network Detection happens in two steps; the object is identified and the characteristics are extracted. Identification The saved weights from training are used to recreate the trained RCNN and feed images into it. The neural network

returns a probability of the image containing some object and the location of the object within the image, shown in

Figure In some cases the RCNN struggles to identify objects correctly, as shown in Figure 5. Future work

will require increasing the accuracy and precision of the RCNN. This will likely be done through an increase in the

training data set, required confidence, and changes to the learning rates and momentum of the RCNN.

Figure Detection using RCNN

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Figure Object Incorrectly Identified as a Circle. Characteristic Extraction

There are 5 characteristics for the standard object: shape, shape color, alphanumeric, alphanumeric color, and


The shape is determined by the RCNN. Once the object is identified by the RCNN the bounding box of the object is

cropped. The cropped region is converted to the HSV color space and the HSV value is used to determine the color of

the shape and alphanumeric. The alphanumeric determination is performed using Tesseract OCR, an open source

optical character recognition engine whose development is sponsored by Google.

2.6 Communications

2.6.1 RF Transmitter Design

The 3DR that was used for last year’s competition was selected due to ease in connecting it to Mission Planner. To

create a strong connection between the airplane and the ground station, the Ubiquiti Bullet M5 wireless radio was

used. Last year, a lower powered router was used to transmit video to the ground station. The M5 radios were chosen

because they can support a range performance of up to 50 km with up to 100 Mbps. This allows for decent quality

imaging to be transmitted from the ends of the flight zone to the ground station.

2.6.2 Radio Frequencies

The UAS has three radio frequency (RF) sources for its data link. These three sources are for the manual control of

the airplane, telemetry, and video. The manual control for the aircraft is on a 2.4 GHz frequency to ensure no

interference would occur for the safety pilot’s control. The telemetry communication between the autopilot and the

ground station is on a 915 MHz frequency. The video is streamed over Wi-Fi using a 5.8 GHz frequency. All of the

radios use frequency hopping spread spectrum technology to mitigate risk of interference.

2.6.3 Antenna Selection

After last year’s issues with maintaining connection to the camera payload and telemetry, it was necessary to change

the antennas for the ground station to be directional instead of omnidirectional. The antenna selection for the UAS

was narrowed down to what is shown in Table 2.6.3-1.

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Table 2.6.3-1: Comparison of possible antenna selections

Purpose Type of


Polarity Gain


Beam Width






5.8 GHz


parabolic linear 24 12 1.4 64

helical circular 12.5 30 0.15 50

5.8 GHz


whip linear 5.5 180 0.05 11

clover circular 1.4 360 0.05 50

915 MHz


parabolic linear 15 18 2.29 94

Patch circular 8 65 0.45 52

915 MHz


whip linear 3 180 0.05 12

clover circular 1.4 360 0.05 34

The drawback to a linearly polarized antenna is that it does not maintain a strong data link if the two antennas are not

properly aligned. When the antenna is rotated, a linearly polarized antenna undergoes changes in both amplitude and

phase angle, whereas circularly polarized antennas only has changes in its phase [1]. Due to the airplane constantly

pitching and rolling, a linear antenna can potentially lose data. A linear antenna generally has higher gain and range

capabilities compared to a circular antenna. This is due to the difficulties in manufacturing circularly polarized

antennas. A major influence on antenna selection was based on the fact that both antennas have to have matching

polarity to have the strongest connection. The trade study used to determine what antennas were selected are shown

in Table 2.6.3-2.

Table 2.6.3-2: Antennas Trade Study

Purpose Type of


Polarity Gain(dB) Beam


Weight Price Overall

5.8 GHz Ground parabolic 0 10 10 1 7 28

helical 10 5 5 10 10 40

5.8 GHz Airplane whip 0 10 5 10 10 35

clover 10 3 10 10 2 35

915 MHz Ground parabolic 0 10 10 2 6 28

Patch 10 5 3 10 10 38

915 MHz Airplane whip 0 10 5 10 10 35

clover 10 5 10 10 5 40

Due to this trade study, the circularly polarized antennas were chosen for both the 5.8 GHz frequency and 915 MHz

frequency. With the selected directional antennas for the ground station, a tracking system was necessary to maintain

a strong connection for the imagery and telemetry. This system will be described in more detail in Section 2.5.5.

2.6.4 Ground Control Station

The Ground Control Station (GCS) consists of an antenna tracking system and two laptop computers. The two

computers will be utilizing the generator provided, and will consist of two stations. The first station uses the Mission

Planner software, and the other station uses the image processing software which will be further explained. Uniden

handheld radios are used to ensure proper communication between the GCS crew and minimal error and potential

risks by the safety pilot.

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2.6.5 Mission Planner computer The objective of this computer is to use the modified Mission Planner software as the main connection between the

airplane and the GCS. Mission Planner will generate a flight mission after retrieving waypoint path and search area

details from the interoperability server, which will show where the aircraft will fly. The main interface of the Mission

Planner software, as shown in Figure 2.6.5-1, will provide the information requested: altitude, speed, heading, no-fly

zones and obstacles.

Figure 2.6.5-1: Picture of Mission Planner Interface with a Flight Mission

This information will be relayed to the image processing computer to provide the airplane’s telemetry, which is

required for the target information. This computer will also connect to the sUAS interoperability server to collect the

information provided by the server, which includes the mission details and obstacle locations. The team member at

this station will be responsible for watching the airplane’s path for smooth flight as well as monitoring the

interoperability program. The team member must press a button to activate each part of the mission for various tasks

such as the bottle drop or the emergent target. A settings window will allow for the mission to be fully autonomous,

meaning the next task is automatically started. The autonomous setting is currently being tested and is expected to be

ready by the day of the competition.

2.6.6 Aircraft Tracking Antenna System

Due to the selection of directional antennas for the GCS, a tracking system was necessary to maintain a strong

connection for the imagery and telemetry. It was decided to purchase an off-the-shelf tracker primarily to ensure more

time was spent on mission critical tasks. The antenna tracker includes a slip ring, continuous rotation servo, metal

geared servo for the tilt motion, and 3DR Pixhawk with ground station firmware. The continuous rotation servo and

slip ring allows the tracker to rotate as many times as needed during a mission. The Pixhawk uses GPS and altitude

data from the multicopter to predict its position. The tilt portion of the tracker assembly used a servo with a 120◦

rotation and has a built-in potentiometer for the measurement of the tilt angle based on the pulse width modulation.

The tracker is controlled using the Mission Planner software, which already included a piece of code for the tracker.

2.6.7 Telemetry Processing

The telemetry processing was amended to the Mission Planner software. The software retrieves flight information

from a communication link between the Mission Planner and the Pixhawk called MAVLink. This information, which

is received at 10 Hz, is saved as doubles for: latitude, longitude, altitude, airspeed, and heading. The data is used in

five tasks: the primary objective; actionable intelligence; emergent target; interoperability; and Sense, Detect, and

Avoid (SDA). To achieve this, the retrieved data is first saved to a text file in a shared folder. The primary image

processing computer then retrieves the information from the file so that the telemetry can be associated with an image.

The data is also sent to the interoperability server and the SDA software. Interoperability and SDA are discussed

further in sections 2.6.3 and 2.6.4, respectively.

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2.6.8 Interoperability

The interoperability program works through Mission Planner and the Web Server that is provided during the

competition to upload and download information to and from each. It was discovered that the code needed to be

written in C# in order to properly communicate information to and from the Mission Planner software. In previous

years, the interoperability program was directly added into a Mission Planner file. This year, a separate file with all of

the interoperability functions was made and added into the Mission Planner Visual Studio project in order to make

working with the code easy. Buttons and forms were added for configuring the interoperability program. The program

is a modification of the Mission Planner code and is split into two parts. The first half of the program runs requests

and functions that are not needed to be updated at 10 Hz. Those requests and functions include the login Post request

to the Web Server and the Mission Details Get request. In order to ensure that all of the requests work properly, the

login request is saved into a cookie. Each time a request is made, the cookie is called for the request to be made. The

other half of the program includes the requests to receive obstacle information and to upload UAS telemetry data at

10 Hz. The program acquires the UAS telemetry information from the Mission Planner and then uploads that

information to the server at 10 Hz to meet the objective requirement given in the competition rules. In previous years,

all responses were saved as a string and then parsed by a function written to parse these specific responses. This year

the Newtonsoft Json.Net is used to deserialize the Json response from the server in order to make working with the

code easier for the future. The obstacle information is deserialized using Json.Net and then sent to the obstacle

avoidance part of the code.

2.7 Air Delivery

2.7.1 Air Delivery Mechanism

The water bottle drop system was designed for the purpose of the air delivery task. The drop system consists of a drop

mechanism, a parachute, and shock absorption. The parachute is secured to the top of the water bottle and the shock

absorption material will be secured to the bottom of the water bottle. The drop mechanism is a 3D printed casing that

encloses the water bottle and its components as designed in SolidWorks; This model is shown in Figure 2.7.1-1. The

drop mechanism features one servo and two hinged doors. The doors are held shut by one servo. Rubber bands are

attached to the doors and the bottom of the drop mechanism. The servo swings away from the doors, allowing the

water bottle to fall out. The rubber bands stretch as the doors open and pulls the doors shut once the water bottle exits

the drop mechanism

Figure 2.7.1-1: SolidWorks model of the Drop Mechanism

2.7.2 Air Delivery Software

To determine the optimal position to drop the water bottle, a combination of MATLAB and C# was used. First some

assumptions were made to simplify the problem: Wind acted in a plane parallel to the ground, the hexacopter will be

in steady state flight parallel to the ground with the drop mechanism perpendicular to the ground. With these

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assumptions, the flight of the bottle will be that of a simple projectile. Determining the position comes from calculating

the displacement of the bottle with an initial velocity equal to the hexacopter’s flight speed. To account for the wind

and drag on the bottle and parachute, a 4th order Runge-Kutta Method was used in MATLAB to solve the resulting

nonlinear, differential equation. With the displacement, the change in position was then calculated in terms of latitude

and longitude. The optimal drop position was then determined by subtracting the change in position from the known

coordinates of the intended target.

2.8 Cyber Security

The potential security threats are mostly between the ground station and the UAV. These potential threats are between

the 3 radio connections from the UAV to the pilot or ground station. The connections are the Pixhawk telemetry

connection, GoPro Hero 4 black video stream, and the radio control system connections.

The UAV is connected to the Mission Planner ground station using MAVLink which is well known for not being

secure. MAVLink is designed to make sure the packets can be sent without loss but it is not designed to keep other

people from connecting to the same device. To solve this issue, the Xbee radio system is used to connect the UAV to

the Mission Planner ground station. The Xbee radios offer a 128 bit AES encrypted connection which helps prevent

unwanted outside connections and unwanted data leaching. [4]

The Bullet M5 is used to transmit the GoPro Hero 4 Black’s video stream down to the ground station. The data is sent

down using an HDMI extender which uses an TCP/IP to send the data to the receiving HDMI extender device. This

connection is not secure, although a Bullet M5 is used to transmit the ethernet connection through a 5.8 Ghz radio.

The Bullet M5 is setup to use the WPA2-AES to protect the video stream that is transmitted to the ground station.

The radio control system is a Spectrum DX18 transmitter and the Spectrum DSMX remote receiver uses DSM

technology which features a Globally Unique Identification number which ensures the connection to the receiver

remains between the two devices.

3.0 Testing and Evaluation

3.1 Developmental Testing

3.1.1 Interoperability Performance

In order to test the interoperability software, a Django web server provided by the competition judges was created

using Virtual Box as a computer. A separate computer with the Mission Planner modified with the interoperability

code connects to the server to test the validity of the program. Each change made to the code is tested with the server.

It was found that the program is reliable in achieving a download and display at a rate of at least 1 Hz which complies

with the Competition Rules.

3.1.2 Sense, Detect, and Avoid Performance

Evaluation of the stationary obstacle avoidance portion of the sensing, detection, and avoidance software was done

through MATLAB. By plotting a hypothetical field of objects and waypoints, a simulated path was generated. Four

different scenarios were considered when testing the software algorithm. The first situation was for pathing around a

single object. The second situation was for pathing around a group of overlapping obstacles. The third situation was

for pathing around an obstacle located on the border of the boundary area. The fourth and final scenario was for

waypoints placed within an obstacle. All of these situations were validated as successful. The software for avoiding

moving obstacles is expected to meet the mission requirements in time for this year’s competition.

3.1.3 Imaging Software

Due to the variety of issues that can occur during flight, the imaging software underwent extensive testing and the

program was designed with redundancy in mind. At every stage of the design and programming, it was tested for

possible failures. The goal was to develop a program that was stable and reliable during unforeseen events. After

completion of the program, it went through an initial testing phase to confirm that the software acted as intended. A

mockup stationary test was setup where all the elements of the flight were present. The test was initiated as it would

be during flight, and each section of the software that was discussed in 2.6.1 was tested. Once this was complete, the

code was tested to see how it handles interruptions and the software was terminated in the middle of the video

streaming and restarted. Upon its restart, the code continued where it left off as intended. It was also tested for the loss

of video stream. Upon the loss of video, the code notified the user of an issue and went to an outer menu where it

waited for the user to reinitiate a video stream. During the testing phase, when the code was shut down to save the text

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file, an issue was encountered where a part of the data was lost. The issue was fixed by backing up all the saved data

before any alterations are attempted of the data. This solved the issue of data loss, and added increased safety in case

the main save file is corrupted.

The autonomous object detection software from section was designed and tested using a team of engineers.

The primary user and system requirements that the software was designed around are listed in Table 3.1.3-1: and

Table 3.1.3-2. The user interface was tested for potential failure by giving randomly chosen users access to the

software user interface. The software held up for several minutes before unexpected action by a user caused a fatal

error. Although slightly comedic, this notified the developers of a weakness to the system. Further error handling was

added to prevent a user from crashing the software. The software was tested on multiple computers and the software

was compatible with all systems tested. The software was well documented for easy maintainability and adaptability

to future requirements. The software was also tested to ensure high reliability and availability for the duration of the

competition time.

Table 3.1.3-2: System Requirements Table 3.1.3-2: User Requirements

3.2 Individual Component Testing

3.2.1 Camera

With a new camera system, extensive testing was done on the ground before integration with the vehicle. Targets were

placed at various distances ranging from 150 to 250 feet away from the camera and recorded on the GoPro. Various

camera settings were tested, but a resolution of 1080p at 60fps was selected due to the maximum output of the camera

and still high definition resolution. The focal length was adjusted to find a good field of view for initial testing and

these images taken on the ground were tested on previous image processing code to determine that the image quality

is satisfactory. While the frame rate could be lowered to reduce the bit rate and increase the exposure time, the GoPro

uses a CMOS sensor which could lead to image distortion at low frame rates. Given the slower speed of the hexacopter,

the ideal focal length and frame rate is still being tested in flight in order to reduce the search time while still

maintaining high resolution images and minimize risk of missing targets. The video transmission system (see 2.4.1)

was tested component by component. First the GoPro was connected to the HDMI extender over CAT6, with the

receiver connected to a monitor. Next the M5 Bullets were configured and connected, after displaying images on a

monitor and receiving images over a capture a card, a program was written to captures images during flight. This

ensured that the images capture card during flight was still satisfactory after being converted several times.

3.2.2 Payload Drop

The payload drop system has completed several successful drop tests to date with no mishaps. The drops were

simulated by holding the drop mechanism a few feet off the ground and manually triggering the drop mechanism. The

mechanism has been tested by both physically moving the release servo and by computer command. The water bottle

and parachute successfully clears the bay doors without being caught. The water bottle drop system has been tested

multiple times in flight and has been determined safe and effective for competition.

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3.3 Mission Testing Plan

3.3.1 Flight Testing

This UAS has completed ten flight tests in the previous academic year and eight further flight tests this year, for a

total of eighteen flight tests overall. These tests were performed at Prado Airpark in Chino, California. These flight

tests were student led and student conducted, following detailed flight cards and pre-flight checklists. About two flight

tests were performed during each trip, with a break between each test to change flight batteries and modify autopilot

parameters. The 8 flight tests this year were completed without the occurrence of any significant mishaps. Waypoint

navigation was successfully accomplished during flight testing.

3.3.2 Overall Performance The subsystem testing and full mock up system testing has given evidence that the UAS will be successful at its

expected mission of autonomous flight, search area, actionable intelligence, off-axis target, emergent target, air-drop,

interoperability, and SDA tasks. First, the hardware-in-the-loop testing of the autopilot system has shown that the

UAS can successfully accomplish autonomous waypoint navigation, search area, off-axis target, payload drop and

emergent target tasks. Secondly, the imaging system has been built with redundancies and was tested thoroughly with

success. Interoperability was extremely successful and has provided the team with great confidence for this task. Tasks

such as payload drop, autonomous takeoff and landing, and SDA tasks are expected to be functional at this year’s

competition, but with less confidence.

4.0 Safety

4.1 Developmental Risks and Mitigations

The most critical developmental risks originate from the fact that a new aircraft platform is being used for this year.

The team’s limited experience with a multicopter platform means that testing the behavior of each subsystem during

flight is a potential risk due to limited understanding of how it will behave on a multirotor platform. Waypoint

rewriting during flight was identified as one a critical risk due to a limited understanding of how a multirotor would

behave to real-time changes. This is a concern specific a multicopter platform because unlike a fixed-winged platform

which is generating lift through forward motion, any unpredicted changes to a multirotor throttle could result in fatal

flight behavior. This risk was mitigated through rapid safety pilot response until it could be verified that the aircraft

responded consistently and safely to real-time waypoint rewriting. Another critical developmental risk is with complex

subsystems such as imaging. The software intended to be used for autonomous image recognition was a developmental

risk itself due to its complexity, which may result in it not being developed in time for the competition. The mitigation

for this risk comes from the ability to approach image recognition manually during the competition if necessary.

4.2 Mission Risks and Mitigations

The system’s safety methodology is based on redundant subsystems to ensure that the aircraft never poses a threat to

personnel or property. The electric motors, autopilot, and payload subsystems all have their own dedicated batteries.

This ensures that the loss of one electrical subsystem does not cascade throughout the entire UAS. The autopilot

telemetry frequency is separate from the safety pilot’s radio control frequency. This prevents the failure of both

autopilot and telemetry in the event of RF interference. In the event that both the autopilot GCS and the safety pilot

cannot communicate with the aircraft, the autopilot is programmed to loiter until connection is reestablished. If this

does not occur in a predetermined time period, a failsafe is triggered where the aircraft will immediately land in order

to prevent damage to personnel or property. There are two ways that the flight termination failsafe can be triggered.

At any time, the ground control station operator can manually trigger an abort that will send a failsafe command to

the aircraft. Alternatively, if the autopilot has lost its telemetry link with the ground for more than 20 seconds, it will

automatically trigger the failsafe. This ensures that the flight can be terminated in a safe way in all possible scenarios.

4.3 Operational Risks and Mitigations

Allowances for safety are made at every step of flight operations. A checklist is followed prior to each flight in order

to verify the operation of all critical systems. Safety pilot, GCS operators, and ground crew work in conjunction to

ensure that all functions of the system are checked. The checked tasks include:

● Checking and recording the voltages of all batteries and safety of battery mounting

● Inspection of all the servos, GPS, and communications wiring and connections

● Powering up the aircraft system and radio and verifying telemetry connection to aircraft

● Transmitter calibration and range check

● Checking all sensor outputs, including the accelerometers, voltmeter, ammeter, Lidar light

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If a component fails to pass a check, the flight is suspended until the problem can be determined and remedied. A

safety pilot and observer are always present to maintain line of sight with the aircraft and take over the control in the

case of a malfunction. They both stay in constant contact with the GCS operators to ensure that the aircraft is monitored

at all stages of the mission.

A procedure was also made to mitigate any risks that could happen midflight, see Table 4.3-1. Midflight is the most

dangerous time of a mission, and therefore all risks that could occur during it should be mitigated with the

personnel’s safety being the most crucial factor.

Table 4.3-1: Potential Risks and Mitigation methods midflight

Risk Mitigation method

Loss of command and control link Have the safety pilot immediately take over and attempt

to establish communications. Alert bystanders of

situation. If communications cannot be reestablished,

have the safety pilot land the aircraft. If neither option can

be done, allow the aircraft to timeout and trigger its


Loss of position or line of sight

Command the autopilot to loiter until line of sight can be

reestablished. Alert bystanders of situation. If line of sight

cannot be reestablished, command the failsafe condition

to minimize potential damage to personnel or property.

Unresponsive flight controls

Command the autopilot to loiter until problem can be

resolved. Alert bystanders of situation. If the problem

cannot be resolved, trigger the failsafe command to bring

down the aircraft safely.

Loss of electric power

Before taking off, all personnel in the area will be a safe

distance away from the flight area. Safety pilot will alert

all present if loss of electric power happens midflight.

Ground control station failure

Immediately have the safety pilot take over and land the


5.0 Acknowledgements

The Cal Poly Pomona AUVSI team would like to thank Northrop Grumman for sponsoring the project. The team

would also like to thank SolidWorks for providing access to the 3D solid modeling software for this project. The team

would finally like to thank our advisor Dr. Subodh Bhandari for his help and support in guiding the team in the correct


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[1] Milligan, Thomas A. "Properties of Antennas." Modern Antenna Design. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1985. 22.


[2] “Spreading Wings S900 – Highly Portable, Powerful Aerial System for the Demanding Filmmaker.” DJI Official.

N.p, n.d Web.15 Apr. 2017.

[3] “Gopro Hero4 Black Specs.” CNET . N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Apr. 2017.

[4] Digi International Inc. (2008). XBee-Pro 900: Data Sheet. Retrieved from

[5] Ubiquiti Networks Inc. (2015). AirOS 5:User Guide. Retrieved from

[6] Horizon Hobby, Inc. (2012). SPM9645 DSMX Remote Receiver User Guide. Retrieved from

[7] Leonardo Araujo Santos (2017). Object Localization and Detection. Retrieved from

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