  • 1. CapitulumTertium

2. Dominate: to control, govern, rule, or influence.
Dominant: exercising the most influence or control.
Domineering: overbearing.
Dominus: master
3. Paramount: of chief concern of importance.
Tantamount: equivalent in effect or value.
Surmount:overcome, conquer.
Mons: mountain
4. Suburb: community outlying a city.
Interurban: connecting urban areas.
Urban: relating to a city.
Urbanity: polished courtesy.
Urbs: city
5. Alter: to change; modify.
Alteration: modification.
Altercation: heated argument.
Alternate: to proceed by turns.
Subaltern: lower in position or rank.
Altruistic: concerned for the welfare of others.
Altera: another
6. Dismal: causing gloom or depression.
Maladjustment: in adequate adjustment.
Malady: disease; ailment.
Malaria: disease transmitted by mosquitoes.
Malcontent: dissatisfied.
Malediction: a curse.
Malefactor: an evildoer.
Malevolent: malicious; wishing to do harm
Malice: a desire to do harm; spite.
Malus: bad
7. Malicious: deliberately harmful or spiteful.
Malign: to speak evil of; to slander.
Malignant: causing great harm.
Malnutrition: having a poorly balanced diet.
Maltreat: to treat in a cruel way; abuse.
Malus (continued)
8. Pulchritude: beauty.
Pulcher: pretty
9. Paucity: scarcity; a lack of.
Pauci: few
10. Audio: sound signal.
Audible: able to be heard.
Audience: spectators or listeners at a performance.
Auditory: relating to hearing.
Inaudible: unable to be heard.
Audit: hear
11. Sedate: to calm.
Sedative: having a soothing or calming effect.
Sedentary: requiring much sitting; inactive.
Sediment: material that settles to the bottom of a liquid.
Sedimentary: rocks formed when sediment is deposited and compacted.
Sedet: sit
12. Advocate: supporter; defender.
Convocation: calling together.
Equivocal: ambiguous.
Evoke: to summon or call forth.
Invoke: to call on a higher power for help.
Provoke: to call to anger.
Vocal: relating to the voice.
Vocation: a calling; career.
Revoke: to cancel; to call back.
Vociferous: loud; noisy.
Vocabulary: all the words of a language.
Vocat: calls

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