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Chris FurgalChris FurgalCo-Director, Nasivvik CentreCo-Director, Nasivvik Centre

(([email protected])[email protected])

Susie BernierSusie BernierExecutive Director, Nasivvik CentreExecutive Director, Nasivvik Centre

(([email protected])[email protected])


Centre for Inuit Health and Changing Environments

Centre pour la Santé des Inuit et les Changements environnementaux

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The Arctic Environment is ChangingThe Arctic Environment is Changing


Dominant air and ocean currents carry chemical contaminants to the Arctic where they enter the Inuit food chain

An increasingly warm and unpredictable Arctic climate threatens many aspects of northern livelihoods and health

Climate Change Climate Change

Society and CultureSociety and Culture

Cultures and societies are in a state of social and economic transition while regions strive for autonomy and self-determination

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NASIVVIK – 2007-2010NASIVVIK – 2007-2010FocusFocus

Thematic Focus – Environmental HealthThematic Focus – Environmental HealthCommunity responses to environmental change Food and Inuit health Water and Inuit health Traditional medicines, remedies and Inuit health

Description/Focus of Nasivvik as a NEAHR centreDescription/Focus of Nasivvik as a NEAHR centre Only CIHR funded research Institute exclusive to Inuit regions Engaging Inuit and non-Inuit students and community residents Inclusive of all Inuit regions in Canada with projects and

activities Partner with other NEAHR Centres on Inuit specific activities


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Organization of Nasivvik CentreOrganization of Nasivvik Centre

Nasivvik Board of Directors

Dr Eric DewaillyCo-Director

Université Laval

Dr Chris FurgalCo-Director

Trent University

Susie Bernier, M.Sc.Exec Dir. Nasivvik NEAHR


Stephanie McDonaldIRA


Rynee KokiapikIRA


Shannon O’HaraIRA

Inuvialuit Settlement Region

John LampeIRA


Shared with ArcticNet/NCP

Nasivvik NEAHR Core Research Team EDewailly, GMuckle, PAyotte, CFurgal, PHaddad,

LChan, GEgeland, CFletcherLavalU, TrentU, UMontreal, UNBC, McGill, UAlberta



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Nasivvik Advisory Board 2009Nasivvik Advisory Board 2009Inuit Regional PartnersNunatsiavut Government – Mary DennistonMakivik Corporation – Minnie GreyNunavut Tungavvik Inc. – Andrew Dunford (Chair)Inuvialuit Regional Corp. – Larry Gordon

Inuit National Partners Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami – Eric LoringNAHO-Inuit Tuttarvingat – Dianne KinnonInuit Circumpolar Council-Canada – Eva Kruemmel

Co-Director - Eric Dewailly, Université LavalCo-Director - Chris Furgal, Trent UniversityExecutive Director - Susie Bernier, Université Laval

Observers: First Nations & Inuit Health Branch-Health Canada, Northern Contaminants Program-Indian and Northern Affairs Can, Public Health Agency of Can.


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NASIVVIK – 2007-10NASIVVIK – 2007-10Human Resource DevelopmentHuman Resource Development

Summer Student Internship Program – 4 months ($5,252) Masters Student Scholarships – 1 year renewable once ($17,850 + $3,000) Doctoral Student Scholarships – 1 year renewable twice ($17,850 +

$3,000) Post-Doctoral Fellowships – 2 years non-renewable ($38,000 + $5,000) Travel Scholarships – Graduate student travel to CIHR-IAPH Annual

Gathering of Graduate Students Inuit and Other Trainee Support – e.g. Inuit Winter/Summer Institute

Announcements for new Scholarship and Complementary Funding Opportunities - see AHRNetS Table or


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Traditional Inuit Medicines and RemediesTraditional Inuit Medicines and RemediesCommunity Based Research ProjectsInuvialuit EthnobotanyAurora Research Institute

Gather Inuvialuit Traditional Knowledge on plant uses including nutritional, medicinal and structural

Store and preserve information Present knowledge and educate

Inuvialuit and Canadians


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Water and Inuit HealthWater and Inuit HealthStudent TrainingWater and health unit within Nunavik Water and health unit within Nunavik

Summer Science Camp (Kativik School Summer Science Camp (Kativik School Board)Board)

Investigator Driven Research Projects““Drinking Water and Potential Threats to Drinking Water and Potential Threats to

Human Health in Nunavik: Adaptation Human Health in Nunavik: Adaptation Strategies under Climate Change Strategies under Climate Change Conditions” Martin et al. 2007Conditions” Martin et al. 2007


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Inuit Food and HealthInuit Food and Health


Community Education and Communication Materials – Knowledge Translation

Nutrition and Recipe book for Nunavik and Nunatsiavut country / wild foods. D. Gagnon

Training video for the monitoring of country food quality (muskox and zoonoses, diseases and contaminants). M. Simard

Supporting Inuit communities in the practical implementation of a ban on industrially produced trans fatty acids. E Counil

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NASIVVIK – 2007-10NASIVVIK – 2007-10Emerging Issues in the Inuit Health Emerging Issues in the Inuit Health

Research ‘Environment’Research ‘Environment’Protecting and promoting Inuit specificityEnsuring an Inuit ‘voice’ at higher levels of research program

directionEmerging issues in research ethics (organization, direction,

implications) of importance for InuitScope of granting council ‘eligibility’ and ‘focus’ for capacity

building Indicators of ‘success’ of capacity building initiatives within

research programs (e.g. NEAHRs)Shifting emphasis towards ‘action oriented’ / intervention


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Thank YouQujannamiik




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