Download - Chapter a.3

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The Pharmaceutical AlphabetacyChapter A.3

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Previously: Pharmacy Rx and his wife Blair have 3 A generation kids: Albuterol, Acetaminophen, and Amoxicillin. They’re all cute.

Now Blair’s having a pointless birthday.

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It would be great if someone could help Albie with his homework, but both his parents are busy. Blair’s constantly kept hopping with the two

toddlers, and Pharmacy’s doing something or other for work.

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Blair actually rolled the wants to teach Moxi to walk and talk! So exciting.

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Meanwhile, Min has maxed out the xylophone and pegboard, and moved on to the books. He’s also learned to walk, talk, and potty, thank


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Pharmacy got a promotion! He’s now level 7, and I was finally able to finish building the house.

It’s pretty modest now, but the Rxs need to do some investing in the town before they expand the house more.

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Pharmacy got called into work in the middle of the night, poor guy. He definitely doesn’t look very happy about it.

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Blair: “Say ‘easel’, Moxi! Since Albie already has a lifetime want, we might need you to paint portraits.”

Moxi’s the first child that Blair’s taught to talk.

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Then she goes to bed. Poor Blair is being exhausted by the toddlers. She tends to her own needs while they’re having their bottles, and is always

short on sleep.

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Albie goes over to the next door neighbor’s house after school.The Landgraabs named their second child Fidel. Really. Fidel Landgraab.

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Oh no! Are Moxi’s parents neglecting her?Nah, she’s just crying for no good reason. Silly toddler.

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“Say ‘engagement ring’, Moxi! Oh, boolprop, my little girl’s going to grow up and get married someday!”

I think you’re jumping the gun there a little bit, Blair.

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What’s this? Could it be? Is Blair finally going back to work after being on maternity leave for about ten years?

“I’m finally going to catch that Nessie monster!”

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Fortunately, Pharmacy has the day off to take care of his kiddos.

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And, it’s Min’s birthday! As soon as everyone else is gone, Pharmacy brings him to the cake.

Frankly, I prefer to have my sims grow up with as little fanfare as possible. I hate it when they’re pulled out of bed to watch.

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Here’s Min! His favorite color is white, so all his outfits have at least some white in them – even though he’s ginger and white’s not his color.

Min rolled Disciplined as his third trait. He immediately rolled the lifetime wish to be an illustrious author.

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And he promptly rolled up the want to learn the writing skill, so off to the computer he went. Wearing his tuxedo, of course.

“These are my pajamas.”All right, then.

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Albie’s quite pleased that Min rolled the Illustrious Author lifetime want, as Min can now take over the painting duties and Albie can focus on


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Min: “So, Albie, what’s school like? Tomorrow’s my first day.”Albie: “They give way too much stupid homework!”

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“I wuv big bwuther.”

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Moxi: “I go schwool soon?”Blair: “Blurgh, my baby’s growing up soon.”

These slides brought to you by the Committee for Alphabetacy Adorableness.

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Pharmacy: “Ohmiboolprop. There’s someone in the house! And he’s standing right beside me!”

He’s the babysitter. You called him, remember? Because you and Blair both have to work today?

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Albie: “Don’t sit next to me.”Min: “But you’re my big brother!”

Albie: “Don’t sit next to me.”

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It’s Albie’s birthday!I feel like the timetable has gotten mixed up somehow. Even though I tried

to get Blair pregnant right after both Albie’s and Min’s births, somehow Albie and Min are 7 days apart, while Min and Moxi are only 2 days apart.

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Albie’s fourth trait is Dramatic. He looks a lot like Blair.

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Now that Albie’s a teen, he can garden! I’ve been hoping one of the kids would be this generation’s gardener!

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Min didn’t come home after his first day of school, and I found him outside the grocery store doing his homework at about 8 pm.

Apparently he never made it into the grocery store to do his school opportunity, though.

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Pharmacy got promoted again and is now level 9 in the espionage career! Even better, the family finally has enough money in the bank to

make its first investment. They buy a share of the diner.

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The next day, a different babysitter shows up. She’s less creepy, but she seems rather overdressed for this job, which mostly involves cleaning out

the toddler toilet.Note: The babysitter costs $75, and cleans up the house in addition to watching the kids. The maid charges $125 just for cleaning the house.

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After work, Pharmacy goes for a jog. He jogs all the way into town to visit the bookstore, as I’ve decided all my sims need to learn the

charisma skill.

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I didn’t get the cake in the picture, but it’s Moxi’s birthday! No more toddlers, hooray!

Albie and Moxi are far more concerned that the cheap TV’s broken, again.

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Moxi is quite cute. Her third trait is Grumpy.Moxi also tried to roll the illustrious author lifetime wish, but I cancelled

it, since I’m trying to avoid duplicate lifetime wishes.

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Blair’s actually upgrading something, for the first time in forever! The auto-water upgrade is essential for a good garden, I think.

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I’m a little at a loss what to do with Moxi. She doesn’t have a lifetime wish yet, the only trait she has that’s skill related is athletic, and I’ve

already got a painter this generation.So when she rolls the want to work out, I say hop to it.

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But I haven’t had an inventor yet, so that seems like a good hobby for Moxi. Off to the junkyard she goes.

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She invents a smasher! Great job, Moxi!Alas, all too soon she’s run out of scrap.

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Meanwhile, Min finishes writing his first novel. It’s quite a success for a first novel - $80 a week in royalties.

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It’s family Sunday. Albie has a chat with his grandfather.Susan showed up, but then disappeared again, so no one got to talk to


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Blair, meanwhile, uses the gathering for business. She’s been wanting to question someone ever since her last promotion.

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I’m glad I had Pharmacy and Blair learn the charisma skill. Questioning is much easier now, especially since they completed the Celebrity skill

challenge pretty much right away.

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And just like that, the weekend is over. Back to homework, homework, homework.

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After homework, it’s back to the inventing table for Moxi. Naturally, she catches her butt on fire.

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Moxi: “Mom! Dad! My butt’s on fire!”Blair: “That’s nice, honey. Daddy and I are having some grown-up time.”

Fortunately, Moxi made it to the shower in time.

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Meanwhile, Albie goes on an outing with the ex-babysitter.Sitter: “Hey, you’re from a Legacy family, right? Maybe you can take me

to the symphony sometime.”

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Albie: “Oh, yeah, of course. Or maybe the theater.”Naturally, Albie forgets to mention that his family isn’t actually rolling in

cash yet.

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Here’s one super smart burglar, trying to rob a house with two cops in it.

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Pharmacy: “Hee, this is going to be fun.”

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Burglar: “Umm, is there still time to pick another house?”

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It’s a very short fight.Then the burglar runs off, never to be seen or heard from again.

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“Oh, no, not again!”I need to put in an outside shower for poor Moxi.

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Albie needs to build gardening, fishing, and mechanical for his ltw, but none of those really help much with his fun level. So I get him a guitar so

he can put that virtuoso talent to work.

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Hey, look, they’re having a family dinner instead of just grabbing leftovers out of the fridge!

Not that they talk or anything. There is food to be scarfed down, after all.

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Meanwhile, RandomBoy that Moxi brought home from school is left to entertain himself at the dollhouse.

“Red Man says, ‘Why don’t I have any friends?’”Poor RandomBoy.

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Hey, look, it’s Min’s birthday! Not that I forgot or anything. *shiftyeyes*

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Teen Min looks a whole lot like Albie, which is funny because I didn’t think they looked that much alike as children.

His new trait is Virtuoso. Wow, that’s Pharmacy, Albie, and Min. Let’s see if Moxi rolls it too.

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Look at Pharm, wearing nice reflective shades!He’s a super spy now. That’s right, level 10, and lifetime wish achieved!

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As a reward for achieving his lifetime wish, Pharmacy gets a moodlet manager.

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Blair’s dad died. It’s too bad – he barely even knew his grandkids.I’d invite poor Susan to move in with the Rx’s, but there’s no room. And

I’m too lazy to add a room onto the house for her. Oh well.(Note to self: send Albie to steal Grandma’s flame fruit.)

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Pharmacy heads off for a dangerous raid on the criminal warehouse! He confiscates vast amounts of stolen goods, worth a total of…350


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Wearing a very nice outfit, Blair heads to the park to do some questioning after work.

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Min: “No one should read this alphabetacy. My family is far too boring and annoying for the world to see.”

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Min: “That’s complete nonsense, stupid! Our family is totally awesome! Everyone should want to know all about us!”

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Now that Pharmacy’s maxed his career and achieved his lifetime wish, he can actually spend some time with his family. Thus, Moxi is the first

child to be helped with her homework.

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The next morning, it’s time for Moxi to grow into a teen.“I thought I was turning 12, but there are only three candles on the

cake! This is going to be terrible!”

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Moxi’s brothers came to her “party” in their pajamas. That’s what happens when birthdays are first thing in the morning.

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“I was right! That was terrible! I never want to grow up again!”Sorry, Moxi.

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Moxi’s feeling much better after a makeover. She looks a whole lot like her mother and brothers.

Her new trait is Schmoozer. Considering she’s a Grumpy Loner, I don’t know that she’s going to get much use out of it.

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Since she is a schmoozer, though, she sets out to learn the charisma skill, while her mother and Min eat her birthday cake.

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Apparently Pharmacy’s new work outfit is a snazzy tuxedo – appropriate, since he’s an international super spy now.

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Meanwhile, Blair goes to work in a different outfit than yesterday, even though she didn’t get promoted or anything. I’m guessing today’s

undercover assignment is “blind librarian”.

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Apparently Moxi has the day off from school, so she enjoys having the house to herself.

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After learning charisma, she takes Daddy’s police cruiser for a ride. That’s got to be at least a misdemeanor.

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Time to try out that charismatic greet!“I’m Moxi, and I want to get married someday.”

Nice opener.

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“Also, I really want my husband to have a good job and make a lot of money.”

Bella smiles and nods.

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Albie and Min decide to get their homework out of the way before the weekend.

Min: “So, Albie, if I have a half-eaten chicken leg, and you have a half-eaten chicken leg, how much chicken do we have?”

Albie: “No idea, Min.”

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Pharmacy wants to max his athletic, but he’s only at level 6. The moodlet manager will be very helpful in getting him to his goal.

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“Grr! Min…must…die!”

Well, that’s enough of that. Since all the kids are teens now, it’s time for an heir poll!

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Please choose your favorite! Poll is up at

Next time, the Pharmaceuticals go on vacation!

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