Page 1: Choice\>fi% makb bill a drunkard; II wara a mar-ay 14 tk4 lOTlng wife and Infant obll-dr*} tojmtirdar lham


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**r ' fend!!*

i O PATH T B I MLUftf w h o *MIA«» t b t

pr^Mfi^ th« proflU m po l tml t i f • d tbtaohlng and

many of lh# b#bl#at, b^fw I g l fUd, and btrt of our IbW

bjr tha oat of ateohollo llq* I tha i|iioalton la, who pajra

II It a wall aaUbllahad a vaat maJoriV of iho m l *

•Hon, (MiMparUm, and lab, to-day, niraaa our fair

traolljr or remotaly Iraoablo oai wlak*! , haarllaaa and

, M i i M i i i D human avdoatlona, lha i | ^ tndMariblnaU irafflo In Intoxicating

K/: J l l v M ftot w h o p t f i iba blllf ^ i U < 0 # t « t b a drankwIV--hottatt ih<l»

and wrafah* h*<)py homa, ob«

^pN< ' aarv4 tka oara worn, haggard and T % * H pranUttraly ftirrowa^ elittk of tha

* wMblOf that man wbo, yaart kgot

t ** proiilaUd to lofr*, oharUh and pro* &*i laat bar] throtif h w«al or woai too fat* b o W M l r w M o f f o t i t h A i l baautv haTO

; , iM , ' tO Itfal

K> C M taitba drankaru? I aftaij mklng tha tqualor t o A H U b r t h a l o n a a h a ( i |

L H / ffc4<

•ttat iaUlIIWiar

1 f a l l o w HaM ^tfat l &

of on

at-to In

In tha

m wt i garl


ataai aJtatil

nltylof mania o wttofno


t* bi





ft tha ohaak, how tha oyim wn dim from daya and f9,faara of patlanl night ly and ll itanlng for tha itag->

of thai blaar-ov«<t and raatara w h o waa onoe har

manly protector; nota tha l#r wrlnklad brow and NH tbal tha iama right hand/ It a law thort yaara ago waa

i bara at tha marrlaga mo on an I of dronkan paa* bar tha blow which laid

log at hla fbat and laft thai tokan of ttia hallUb malign

I aean tba tattaratr gar* hla man 'a Innoaant children, akulk and hlda fbr ihama I of thalr tattarad raga, o and aaa all this and a tlmaa mora and you can tha baggtry, want and

naaa of fiva hundred ihotit* (bmlllaa a partial aniwar to

ton, • 'who paya tha hllla?M

utterly Impoaalbja that ay§, nxtfitba and yaairt, aya arowdlng upon afhturlaa aary» dabauohary and da-fall Inltnltaly wofM than Iho oanaa of It all should

lolaratad and llooitftod by man who maka mtiM«r,

araoo and thaft a arlma lajjaojuatly punlihabla by tha

a n l ralantlaaa hand of tha law. r i a charity to rob a man of

yV{V ^irarjr aaVlhly pojaaaalon rathar than \>fi% makb b i l l a drunkard; II wara a mar-

ay 14 tk4 lOTlng wife and Infant obll-d r * } tojmtirdar lham In aold blood In ireNrciMO to transforming tha tariff hnaband and Indul^ant fathar In t o l a d i m on of habitual dronkan-

l l l t ter aat Are to and oottitima ohiiroh In thla broad land, yaa

ft'],?: a Ihluaakd t lmoi butter than maka J ' ' V ' draJhar ia of an equal numbar of j ; j ( ' , ' : • o b i e l t l a a n a . And y<t, ihU town

: p | y\ andkrarar olhar» whora rum la aold, | | * ^ i ; • hMWorlcocif lrmod i o l i than tbora *( ' *> ara | a a l « a In IhU liquid damnation.

v fj'^l U I tholj laglt lmato than to hold aaoh 1 1 V ? ^ a a w rtjlpofiilbla ft>r making at laaat

*ona iViifikardr A n d l f t o b a a con­firmed drunkard It a terrible etir«o, thanftha Ihimaallar ha« aatuu^d and «| i ia | bai^ an awful ra»|>on»lblllty.

ar j mo trail to oall attention to fhla i«tb|kol at thl i tlma bacauto It U Ilia qpmtiloti report an*l belief that

ifawart In Intoxleatlng Iwreiv pgaa|ln t i l a county barn hoblofbro

aocaitomad to and aro now In Iba l a b l l o f aalllng llquom to man Wboftara Wall Known to IK> liielliicd l o g J l Inloxlcatad and utterly neg-laot liotH. thalr biiilnaaa and tbair fkmlllaa. |j No, man'a lorn of gain

\$4*9\1 -ahould pfbmpl him to »ell oyen tha

fcaw TOrJl will bo bald a$ Sai Iba l t d o f Baptam^ar. v

, Tho 4aaambly railroad U?#a Ing aommltlaa data adjourn meat about t h * mlddta of Aug Saratoga.

roatmaatargeaeral Key arrlr

3allfbx t Thuredaf ntomlng. I larnooo ba waa tha guaal of ( i # a r w

al Butler on board tha yaobl Amal l ck . Titn ZirtA W A H Kimti>. Drltlab Ibraaa bara dafeatad Uatowayo and bla 70,000 earagaa a daaparata fight and tl\p war la eldarad aa lubatantlally ended,

Tha ralua of braadstufb eTp from tho Unltad Htataa In c montha andlng wi th May laat, ax ad Iho combined Taluaa of cot io tobaaeo axported—a remit nere for© raallftad* • ,

Tha war department IIIIR roc Information con Arming tho p porta of a flghl between Lieut, and troopa and 400 Indiana a l I Creek. They aro itippotad to part of Hitting llulk'cearagea.*

Tha tflennlaftotinclt of Orahg of tha world mat al Ottawa, We day* There wara preeenl rap Urea from Kngtand, Bcotland, I and tha United Htatei. Tho fo Ing were elected officer*: Wm« aon, Ireland^ praaldant; ll» Me M, I*.| Ontario, vice president*

Tha managera of life Manh Daach baring ^groialy ln iu l ted |n»a UraolltUh people by! a t tampt ln i to prohibit t h o l | Ajom r la l t lngBthe ftaaobi tha lopping Jawp, In p e w York, fro taported to have d to defray iho expeneaa of dally axnarafotiM from the ! city to waterlog place, Hy advertising ahrawd laotlce It Is expected partlaa Of negroes can be aant dally* <

fsH- '



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ed to Id d

g t re






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* *


B m-

flral i i l o t b r tho Oral glaM to euch J>eO|le. I t Ueepeclally ^Mr>hai i i l l i l e^ | h | i g f | | J | i ' w f | o |

to e<lit lnlialo aall to them After they ara Ifcloilcl led, If IhU practice It aoniptoai It will rataa am h a •torm

•Ho indignation ai to mutcrtally »Mrlth Iho prOlliN on «alee to

Who do not ge t drunk, hecAuee ml tiltlaen oau or will lyok mi iy great leogth of time with

InAllfcrettrai ami tee one of nelghbore dragged down to

«llai||rulu[elmply that the »trnlrr In ltq]loti may profit by lite dim ruction Ol a tfllow *nan. If the iti^lrre wUb t o a r m a a k ppbll^ «rntiu not wl ibh Will oratil the entire ira«ln wllh In-

all jhey hnfe to d«f U to e<m+ Unuejjtosail to thoee i sbo «ro too

of will and pttrpoae to fefreln tVomlkettlng drunk »nd rfumliilug In thikt aofcdltlon for da)« at it time,

] • celrta^t ae tbnt It U ootfngo-onalji wit l e d and wholly wioiig to do thV#a OTi!ngt,thoy will eoon bare

it'ajilfeparAte battle to prerent lo« j earti In to

'In tie from voting

tha near future. m

i t o II

Large l i r e al Oawago. m

QiWkdo, JULY 24.—At 9.30 th la iro nlng lira broke out In the Kdjllro mllle and elarator run by DoolBule, A met A Co., which waa In a Mori time all In flamee. It oommunldjpd to the llaclproclty mllle and elemtor owneil and run by Htdwoll ft AP^9« alto to tha Lake Ontario mllle anil el­evator, all of which ara now burgling floroely. Loee eo far, cetlmateH M • lftOt0OOJ '

, gin ij |'in Mrrm^ - . MkrroW taeape from b^lagBarled M i l e

ItoxAiuav N. C\, Jrt . t 3 1 . — I ) A u g the terrible wind elorm of M o w ay the houee of M n . Adelaide Ilitiftqn waa blown down and tha ladjr o o r v o d with debrle. $he waa flnaty t A e n out apparently dead and peoparalpne wero made yeetdrday p. m. ~ f ormer burUL After tho funeral term the ca4ket waa being remored Kjgthej heareej eh0 raited up and ankcd W i t t tble all meant. Her eudden rcnra l oroatod Oonetarnation aa well *opoy and It waa fouud that the had Al ly been In a trance. Hbo le perfaitly well and lu'ja tow hours wan supatlii-tending Workuien clearing a w a y # i c r wreckod dwoll lqg.

rWritiee fer f ua ciotrvaaitat^N lien HIJ3IDATMOKXIXU KKAUIMIi


n*m itia irnwrii iati aerlpin rroiae«e»

"ifletweeii tire workU ltr« beyer* tike a *t 'TwUl nlgtiliMMl mom upon the liorlion'i Hon tllllv do we knom thai whlah wo nr«w How !•«• whel we m^y »MI.W


ifere begitineth the Second ter of the Kplitle of L i g h t :

Ae no pne thing e i lete for hjgolf alone, but each le dependent tiponjWio other, and together fdrmlngone ;|lu* penduoua whole, lot u« partlall | | | l« luntrate the , #myetery of being Bid the riddle of to bo," by man Ing a jbw comparisons of some ol the ) # t n whloh help to foi'm the "innkn u^Jflof

i . Hi a


frfV"' m A *

it jai ' .en-i

•KNl lOOlfRM r i l l OITT Ae. T i l l Naivr York Kf preea one of the

mbloel democratic papers In New Yorlj denbonoaa Oor. Itobinson as a Itralilaaa fraud, In the following for-elblaMaaiar. It says;

• • l i thafboo of hie deiiuooiatlon of the f e w okpUal at Albany as an ei~ penaira i 4 t r a e e t and his own message w bet s in tie claimed that any more mohfir eil>ande4l upon that bulbllng WOojdbeworto UISII thrown away, ho l i s t w l f tar slgqed bills emiroprU-llngWI,000,000 to continue the "oot-r t g i v ' Tpa gorarnor hantensd to. •atoj h|nOsl claims eUowod by the atate) boetia of audit solely because Ike (UlmtUitf were antl-Tlbleti dem-

isx an# yel he approved bills g lr-Itlg ^ i trs faaent oom|>ensatloMi to cor-Utlnlof Tllden'e workers who Itad

sin pie red by hluiself. "* ucluJ]Robinson signer! hills ton*

trail (brough the lagUlature hy l i b M.'Wee<C amiroprlatlng some

|M oociatruci for tbe state a mm riattsburg to l>4itue-

K isfn In Ullnton eountx, and i o n M c t l o n with asiperln*

*m \ <


iifwft rl lsbury and comptroller Ol-tlj v irtual ly - r gara way'' tha entire

rtllfHMl t d t b a t e m l u e u l patriot And OWhW alaloaman Hinltb M. WoeiV^nd b|a ffeo*ereeiieret

,\who ara extend* tag |h« lino to some Iron ore beds O t f l M by Mr. Weed and Mr. Hamuel j f l l U i a n , near Uhaay lake, In the adrne] eouuty* It does not mitigate IbO Ouleejie thai the legislative act Mri4l l iod | lhla eonvaralon of tha rail-wM Mr Wood hlmeeif put tho - l i t -114 jikerMisi tho bill which made this pefclilosi o / t h e railroad a poeelblll


1 1

. lU(itod,rt, of AdMM, Mohtlr-M>f "••'• ComMltlM or lb*

(irMpb«ok-L»bor party, hM ftttJI for • tM«l« Oonftnilon \A

•4 Ulkvi. A«|Ml W, H* ifet • f MNnMltef » (lovtmor

ttytoaiiri . .»,• . \y-h.$k

The futjumloilo wbfti iitagul lUrre tbousaml 11tttrs appears but visible |Mohil; ttl| I yet It Is but fa presume that thl* creatine Is en ed with Instinct, common, pro tlonntcly peiheps with other *nll lal creations^-poscsilng a physique Mat eiui act ii|*4Mitbe oflVnslvo and delfiki-slve — provided with everytltmg necesssry nir its existence, and bis c m fully tuqlcid by tho all ob«err|lig *yi\ settle eAtam»*v whloh fiilU to Uio ground. » (Hi<« tit' these; antmalfd urealures, fo rbc full grown wb stands In aliMiit thn mttft ot I to H4»00O,000,000,000,000. And tltln teriiirdltitc a inriv l« fllleiriu* W anhutitn beings oft v very order, vail and form. In Hie vcgrtnblo klngd a«lmll tr ^nrlpty * xl**tf. It ban b eiilenlsted tlmt «omo plant* gt iipun iowp Iravi't* and other sbrul Inflnttlseuial Ihnt * HiotKand wo not rqusl In bulk a single tt<*m most; and If w«» i*ornpsre a *tf*m mote with some of the Urge trcHtkif t!alifurnU and llraxll, wo llud cjpe will exceed the other no lens tUfcn 9,985,984,000,000 times and this luarieo interval, too, Is* filled up will) *r*rj variety of shrub, tree and phmt Of gentle breath end hue. {

I d l snre a uiowowt at our solar s|a-lem, the renter of Whhih Is larjfcr than a mlllioit Worlds like our o Could the mm be fol lowed out, the planets Meroufy, Venu«,f Kar Mars, Jupiter, Hsturn, Uranus Ncptnne,Wlth their satalll(es,iwcn one In ngmber, together with gatorolds lying bet wen tbe orbit* Mars and Jupl l l r be plsopd Ihorcj 4nd the whole be shaken by s< mighty power, they wofild rattle ll to many p«;ss In a largo In fiat bladder. i The fixed «Ur*—iuns—centers I f Other and dMicront solar syste ^oiuWmorotbntt thirty tlmos lar than our sun, probably ditto

Jg h t a u d h e a t t o a planetary kin oOi, tho -amkller of which w o f l l

^urpasa In alxc tbe planet Jupiter, ^ll peopled with anlmsteil and' In Ibctual bclngk, grositor, perhaps I

Ia In Intellect and morality, as I orhtathejr Inhabit surpass onr o

tn siao and grandour r -eaob differ trou\ the other* In Its spherolelil 4hapo—Its diurnal revolution—as 4f surfaao^-constltutlon pr atm fhera— number of satellites— natti Of. eeaeoqewocoentrlcltr of orbi 4lataaao Arom, iho common tonic fresantlng an aror varying plotu af d a subject for solemn mid sole tllLu raiaarob, orarwhalmlog t 4nlte mind In Ibf eonsHlaratlon of t 1 feroatooaa of Hit1 m l ^ ^ 1 "a"1

•Imariislous thlngt doth IfsV WhlO ^o oosoot comprehend^ f hue

a, tbe principal fdari of I vbo omplfo, oopporod with wb

&ai*Tt^ Is bui an[ atom, k IWlo point In apace, a speck on tho o u p a lot Immensity, an animalcule In Iho ocean, G o d ! A n d yet th l i "little pore of matter" occupying aa It wfro . btU tha •paoe of a grain of aand" tho aea shore, fartalshes W h a | j s -play of tha plenltode of Divlno power that tbe common understanding Ian form no adequate conception of |heJ performance of Its sesreral functltns In the economy of nature. We tan form some Idea of hills which i s e above the surfecee of otir plains; but to contemplate * the mountainous scenery of BwlUorland, the stuyin-duous r*ofto of the Andes, the II malayan monnlalns Ih l%iUs, whlro masses of earth and rocks in ovary Tarloty of shape extond hundred J of miles Indifferent directions,aud rtar their pj^fectiug Summits beyond l i e regionjof the clouds, wo find s o k e Idlfilculty in form Ing an adequate c | h -jceptlon of tho objecta of our con­sideration. For to use the wordiiof a great writer mid traveller, "Ainfj t t thoso trackless regions of interne alienee and solitude, we cannot ctjn-tomplatc, but with feelings of akrc jsiid admiration, the 0iiorm''U* m a w s pi varlgatcd matter which lie around pencath and above us. Tbe in illd abora aa It were to form a dotlnfte dea of these objects o f opprosfclko rand cur, and feels linablo to graip ha unjust objects which compose the urroundlng scenQ." And what arc hose compared with the bulk of the

Whole earth ? Tho Pucitlo orekn would hide them ail from view, w<*o they hurled from tltoir bases and pi t -alplted therein; savo perhaps^ t i e tops of some of tho taller might ai>-pear above the surface of its w a t o * , as an Island of no considerable sig­nificance, j

Wo can form a conception of some bf •ho rlvcra which flow through l i e land, watch their rise and full ailkl sho turbulency of their waters wh augmented by rains, or mcltii mows; but, who can fully compr nond tho Amaroi^ or tho 8t . Ln eenoe. What are they, com par with that river in tho ocean, t Gul fbtre*m? What is superior tjhc Atlantic, or to the P a d He ?

In view ot the gonoral plcturo aturo in her two great spheres, tt

dranologtcat and tho . telluric, terrestrial; beginning wltll the sta Which glimmer amid nobuluo in tl romotcd tealms of space, and, paesln] fVom planetary system to tho veg table covering of tho earth, descoiu lpg to the minutest organism* whin float in tho atmosphere find nro It Visible to the naked eye, giving du liromiuenoo to the rousldcratlon 1 the exlstanco of onm common bon encircling the whole organic natur What knowledge does* tho mo It vrned possess In comparison wit that which Is to bo known? Whit relation does bo bear to bis fcltotf creature^and to universal creation f Arc the creatures of thin infdKiilnVnn sphere tho only ones to attract tM notice of tho Divine Author, t o r e ccivo his blessings, or dlsapproba tlons ? Qan puny inun who nrru ptcs so dlmunitive a speck in ere atlon, pcriotrato to the utmost limit the universal rmplro? As wcl might w e suppose that a Piiail could penetrate with one glanco thp depths and most secret cavorifk of the ocean, or that tho animalcule confined to a single drdp of water In tho crovico of a rock could with one comprehensive vlow ekplore the regions of a contl-J nent. j

What then la man In comparison wkth tho 1 bolngs peopl ing worlds throughout Immensity, but a worm of tho dustman insect of an hour I Upw arrogant, possessing s^ little I

iThily* s j I "ilaa promt iiwm, . , • |

ftresiAd In llttte brief anthorlrV, !. < PUyi inch fiuiUntie trloki before, hlih hcmvi*n, At msks thoknjrelA we«|i.M

, Ami map apsumo-i to walk, where angels d ire not tread. 0 •

If then in church, ' tho minister shall readii '•Ijrheii I consider the heavens, tho work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars which thou hnst ordained, what is mart that thou art mfetdfulof him, or the, son of man that thou tlsited him ? Let us, like the Psalminf; remember our Insigni­ficance and huipble Oit»Sclvc« before Him who Mmeteih out tho heavens with a sptu|i, who sprend^th them out as a curtaie, and hi-ingeih forth thus^ hoijts by the greHlness of his might,1f



Whit thbjr. bad no t l f ht or , thoy hare taken t h u w a y to

Out of tho d ir t race thalr ambV-o o g h t o n them.'r They were

hamed to keep tbe ball and bat. furlhcrraore^the Red mocking

lltfjfrifl have the ball end bat In illMJ possesion 'before thla season dill4~M'and don't you fortfei it."

is a truthful statement o/fuots WkP occurred,, When tho 81.

ub has another letter pu{>-\0J they bad better tell Ibu truth t toast tell bofb sldos of a *t4ty<



. r r g i r m


i am

r i C P B B M OOtTBT^ Coamtj of

re ltfotsdam Hajulstono Company

employs sixty bauds, > .

antOn canio meeting] party, the H a n d s e t FHdiy .

e S|. Lawrendo Circular?-Confer-will thect in the Union 'Church lor Hill, August 5th. ,

bn p(randy lias been 'apiioiutcd' paHftjer at llrookdnh) and Ham I.

kjlilitrit North i inmmondj

fit. Q.[Vinti*vi\U or' INMsdkm, re-y attempted Hiiicidc hy thloral h in^in^, doiUult >-H Insanr. *. N|ch<)ls, a farmer, of Lisbon, ten sheep killnl by li^htbing. in tonp lant wei*k Wednendtiy. e {*t. Lfiw'^ifco Cor^tirunliy

fgflits Templar made an cxi UIHIOU

r;4„|c>caiMlriu I!»i|y laM TucscUy.

^fiu rrcsliytorlan Society."of the rfe had a grand tlaio on •tiheirre-

xctjirsiou to itlui Thuus:fii«l IHI-Vb jtiulustcM* VMU. • t

arsi Welch flf Wnlt,ofIMtHi|iun, takpu their litilo steamer to the

wrcoco as (t prlvato pleadsro ^ so says tho l\)tsd<nn IhraUL

tflftbo annual oxedrsion and picnic of q^'|{pOgi|enNbtirg City Hand takes I^ljb T)itirsda)s August 14rlh, by *JWfnci Arm^trong,to ftrifinoll Tarfe.

0 Afiveiit elder who ia pNact ing ent at tin) liurg ofletH $100 for iccthat anylchrislian evt*r k(r\yi

3ny !as the Mabbath until 300 after Christ, f j

J rgdl ft. . W|>od Ihe'suieessful ^l||JK>r|ng man 1 now working In

Icinjty of IUi|Kboro.* Jin will ;o Ht Antwerp Where l i* luu sev-ddrs to fill. » • , "j ;

Taj of the *6lid' hn^inHn men itsdi^m have'|N titiono I clio over-

» , renoe.—DUaiond Cole slid Itslxal Cole, pUltitlffli, vi. Jrannle Cols. Jaba ColsiDsnlel Cole, AdelU Cole, Clara U. CojK l,ydl»JDols and Rphraim Cole her husband, Andrew dole, Lo-rsnio Cols, hymmn Colo, Adtlasrt C»lsiChett«r Cols, Kpbraim Cole, Edwin A. Carpenter tn.

Kr*oa and at general jraardian ot Adalbert lo, Cbeat^r Cole and Kphralm Colej Infants

under the aire of twenty-one tears. Ch#iter II. Hpragne. Bteln Cote, Laura Cole, Almira Cole. Walter lliltsf and James Hrovvn Ifi porSon and ni executor of the Ltit will *n»i (untalnent of A peer Cole, flcreased, defendiint«« f <

To tho al>ove named df>feudsnt<i:> Von nro hereby summoned to nn^wor (lie complaint In this action, nnd to ser^c a copy of yourjaiiswer on the plaintiff'* Attorney* within twenty day* after the service of this Mimmlms, exoltmive of the* day of «er%'|ce; ftn<l'fn<'a«eiof your failure to appear or *rtiwi*rt JurfSnicnl will bs tak«n SKainHt Tou by default for the rt-Uef duniandi-d in the complaint. Dated thin At li <iay <Jt Juno, 1»7!». I .

COX<;KH AULKAKON, rhiihtlfTH Adorneys, ofllce arid poat-oflloo addrcHrf« fiouvcrnetir, Ht. Lawrence county, N. Y. i

To Andrew Cole, LorenzoCo^e, A«!olbtrtC<»lo, Lvman Cole, Htcin Cole, Alutlrn <;olit Lydia Colo and Kphriani 0>1<* her huMMtnd anjl Laura

^Ufsr than l i s canals named In (he first saeton of Ibis trtkR.

% From any etaeM of grots receipts of the pr*Tiou* year, beyond the expenditures for col-faesJont sDi^rintendenoa, ordinary and extraor­dinary repairs on* the canals named In the first section of this articl*, for the year next subse­quent therettk

3. By the transfer thereto, of the nflm of fonr luindred thousand dotjars now iu the treasury, whieb his bfen paid therein in unmisnce ot tbe raquirets)ents of act, chapter four bundrcd and twcntr-Sveof the laws of eighteen htin<fre«l

iiy*six, for the deepen nel of the canal. All of wh|ch fund so herehv ami serenly^six, for the deepening ol the chan-

C«le; The f<rri'goiujc stuunioiil ii servsd ni>on •iiidiy puhllealion pursuant to an onlecof Ifon.

V, 1». Abbott, Hpecial County Jntlge of *|t. Law


reiiee eounty« dated the With dav of .h|»y, IH70. nnd flltnl with the complaint in the otflilB of the Clerk of ht. Lawrence county, ;tt Caihon, St, Lawrence county. j

CilMCKKA (iLKASOK, lMff* Att 1 ^, K*Mw7i tioitrtriK'iirjN. V.

.:. ,' . - .,...- • -j * p

aii^HiftT'a ruo(XA*iATi<>N. rtl'ATKOKNKW YOHK, {_fl 1 , County of St.. Lawrence, \ j

The undersigned, bhcritf <»f ."aid CdiiiitV in cotifonulty to a precept to Irim In this behalf directed ntd delivered,l>v UIIH.MH proCla^nation, ie<|iiirei all per<4oiiA bound to irppoir nt a County Court and Court of Se^ion*, to he held at the Court House, in Canton, on Monday, the jsth duy of AhKUHt,uc\t,ut 10 o'clock,in 0»e foW'-nonn, tjyico|(iu/anci'orothewiHc,t<iapped4" there­at, and the underMi^iied herebyro'iuire.f a l l b n -ticen of the pe;ice,eoronerM atid oilierof)l<ti?r» who have taken any recognizance for tho Sppuar-ance of any prr«mi al 4ho »*aid comt,,«r mho have taken any inquisition ami examination, or exatuiuatlon of any Benton or witne^H, (A return Pitch-rcMKigiii/aiicb, in<juiHition and efatilii|a« tion, to thefaid Court, at the o|H'nhiK t^iiieof on the llrst daypf itn titling.—Signed at the Sher­iff'* onico on the *lst day <»f July. JH7tf. ;

gW*?» O. <>. WIIKriLKIt, Sjicrinr. C O I V C C H R C N T R r K O I J T l O N W

i*roi>uahtit AmeyuUu* nt* lo the J


COXCinikKXT MC80L H'MLY PnipoMi»(f Amrwtmvnt* to Section Hir&t Arti-

c/e 7VM, ami ticvtvmx 1Svo%FivetiniUiiwof Ar­ticle Thrert o / the f 'im*titntion, Provitfyti/ for

» liienniftl Netihms of the Lef/iMhiturc. f

RrMiJvett (if the senate concur) , That^cc t lon J «ix of article ten of the coimtlhitioti bo Amended * no an to read as fo l l ows : f

rtBOTioN «, T h e polltienl yenf and l e r U l a i h l j tcvni nhnLI »»egin on the Hr^r day of Js i iuar>, and theleglHlature hball, every second vl'ar. a s ­semble on the flrnt TiiOHdar after the first Mon­day in i lauiiarv, unto** a different day tJiall bo aii]N>iutod bv law. \

JicMtdvnd [\t the senate concnr) , That sf'ctlons t\fb, tlve-Hnd nix ot art icle three of the c<)n.dilu­tion bo H«iende<l HO H* to read IH fol lows i

HUV. S. T h e sciiatii fdinil roiini.i! of thifftv-two mombersi aivl the Kenatom nhaH bo ehof en for four yeairt. T h e nwsenihly HIIIIII <'(U»Mhty»f one hitmlr<M| and 'twenty e ight nieintyet'!*, wl*> nhall \>v ehoHen for two year.'*, ::

HKO. rt. T h e atftrrnihly shall conpht of o i e hun­dred an'l twenty -e ight memherH elected lor t w o yearn. The mcmlM-n* of AsHcmhlf Hhall |JO ap­portioned a m o n g the several cnuntitt*iof the state by the lcf,-iihtturrv an nearly a« umi br ,ae-c o n l i n g to the uiiiuher of their reHneetjve in-habi tn i i t s ; exc lud ing iilfens, ami shall he I'hosen \>v s ing le dlstrictN. T h o a«u«emblv distr icts nhalt r«ms|iii an at nreneut oigaaly.ed,"until after thccnuiuorntiott of th<» mhatdtantM of tUc hiatc in the yea* e ighteen hundred and e lgh |y - l lve . T h e leifiHlsJurc, at Iti flrnt hctHloti, afl turn of evorv e i iumemt ion , Hhall apportion tho

created shal l he inves ted In s tocks or bonds of th is s tate or fcho United Mate*, and may, nmfer the direction; and e n a c t m e n t of the leg is lature from t ime hi t ime be appropriated to make ui» any def ic iency to m e e t the ordinary or extranr-d inary c x p o t u h l u r e * of the c a n a U beyond the requirement* and restrict ion^ of the second sect ion of <II1H nrticle, or for i»ermancnt iin-provomeut t»| t | ie canals . A n d in addit ion here­to, iu c g s e o^ any extraordinary neceH^itv aris­ing out of a n y unforneen or uuprovhfed for disaster to the canals , the l eg i s la ture may, in its d i scret ion , by a vo le of t w o th ird* of 'all the meml>ers e l e f led to each branch of the leg is la­ture, appro))«'iat'0 a Mint in any one r e a r not e x ­c e e d i n g five* hundred thousand dollar*, out of t h e general fund for the purpose* of canal re­paration a m i roKinratiou, which laM mdntioncd HURI shall be restored to the ureneral fuhd from the fund h f i e t n created a** soon as may l*c,nnd in pre ference ts any other el/i i iu upon Mich fund.

true* ft. s t r ike out sect ions four, l ive and s i x ; m a k e M*cth*u* MCVOU, e ight , n ine , t en , clev<Hi, t w e l v e , tnlrtben and fourteen to read ScrtJoiut four, l ive, 4 l* . s e v e n , e ight , -nine, ten and e l e v e n . ;

Mac II. Tljc present canal funded debt ohall hereafter IH» named a general fund del)t, and Hhall be red ironed and paid at the l ime or the t ime* w h e n tlie s a m e becomes d u e bv taxat ion , ami the p a y m e n t of the principal and ImercM thereof Hhall he provided for by a Kinking fund In the name manner us now, e x c e p t that the in­c o m e from tbe cana l s t«oall not he cal led upon lor that MiruoFC.

HKV. 12. T i n s art ic le of t h e e o t i s t f t u t i o h h e i e b v reconstructed nhall IHJ atid remain art ic le heveh of the const i tut ion, in plac«> nu<4 Mlead of art ic le s e v e n of the f o n s t i m t l o n hereby a inended.

HTATK OK N K W YOIIK; ) I N S E N A T K , May 22, Ih7«. >

Thoforegn^iig resohttiott MUS duly panhed. Hv order of the Sqnafe,


IN ASHKMIILV, May l.t, |H7f>. j . The foregoing resolution WIIK duly payi*<'*l. lly order of the AHsemhlv.

KDWI». M.'.IOIIXFO.V, Clerk.

' » * I o * I


M >i>

4.L-Ami well did the niangcrtic&it perform all this pro

through tboir adrartisomenta,—ScronUm (BJU) Daily



Sflccial AwitaceiHeiit.1

C O l O T a TS A P E R F E C T P A N O P L Y OF S P L E N D O R !

Earth^ Great *' tarivass/fcolos^I A GIANT A k o N O THE D W A k l ^ ; | i

' " ii .1 - " I I •: • . .•-•f ' i i . - f A V i L : ' " " ~


onfofco tli^ law ngajhVl the iiitoxicjttiiij lienors, j l ..

fi%a people of 'r^tailuiti wiil tiittkn 4jfwci»rsiifii toAltjxtiiMlci* lh)|(?n thu 7|) i | l f Ailgust. Tfcty wiHrjarl-lvo ut (^tiflfcbtirg on thl r :4:> a.' nu train aildp^^C^hu stofinjpr llptuy |*Innth.

rtftlowln^ ^(jtitlrtiiiin wljo huvc* iMlitatt'ritwl, to ^latl^honi/ lioin A t^)|l||0 tho South ; Woodn, report :\ h l t y i l W ; vi / : ('. l\ Ih»ltns <<* l | t r t # , II. Alclrit!h( \V.- <:i<lh, nii<i

- S.Mlfh Ham

iiiciiihcni.ftf iirthetuhly amon;c the several coun-. - . 4 * . • , lies of the Mate in the manner aWti^alS; and Of t|lO pot ir Of Ihl l t t o w n t o llifcro J th«' l«Kinl »»f superv^ors in Mich eoittiftot an

may he entilleo! under wueh apporti«»niient to more than one mcmhcrf exHeju tho cily ami eouuty of New Vork.aml in sai«l CUY aiHlfcounlv the hoard of ahleimem>f naht <ilv shall jiHseni-hle at mieh time a-* the leKinlahiie makiitK such iipportionin»nt Hhall preserihe, ami ifJvloV their renpectivo founties into asseinhly districts, eseh of whhlHli.^lrietrt Khali co:;»ii*t of conven­ient an<t eontiKiioiiH territ«>rvte«jual fo the mini-her <if meaihers of iiMscmiuv to whiclj ntich counties HIIUII ho enticed, ami hhall c<un«n to ho tiled in tbeofiieu^of the seoretary of ntifle mid the elorks of their respective .cnfinliv% a tle-horipliou'ot. Mich di itrict-i, HpecifviiiK Ihf iiillii-her of eaclidiHtrift and thu population ihcieof, accordlnir to the la«l incccdiiiK cnumerafi|«Mi, as near as can be ascertained; and the api*ution-ineiitand dirtiricln nlmll remain uualtereli iinlll another euutuerathui «*(I;I|| he made an Ijerein provided. No town Khali he divided in the for­mation of a**»iiihlv district*. Kverv foiiuly heretofore etttaM^hed and separately iu^an-i/edy except the eouutv «.f Hamilton, nljalt al-wavrf i,e iiiliiled to one memher of aH^mhlv. and no new canity hhall he hereafter dreeted uhleHH I U |Mtpuintion nhall entitle it lo ij mem­her. The eountvof Hamillon nhall e!e«{t whh tin* county of KuKnit, jimjl the populattortof jliu county of llnmilroii hhall, according to thS ratio, he eut|t|:«t lo a uu tnher. Hut th» leKtflaluro nny aholinh the said eoumv of Ilumilidii and annex the territory thereof to Muntfotheriounly oi eountlfi. Nothing in tiiis Heelion t»h;ill pie-vent oivhioy, at any time, of count ids ar.d to«i»M, and the Erection of new town* ae*(c.)Uti-te-4 hy tlw legislature. ]

SKC. «I. Kaeh of the legislature hhall receive far lim Msrvieea an niiiiual sauirv of *e\en hundred ami llfty dtdlars. The nuttnheiv of either Jiou»>i' hhall nlho reeeivo lhehiim*of ono <Tollarfor e\ery ten milen thoy nhail triixel in jroink t.» and returning from thoir pISon of iiteeling once in oartii seiitdon on the musiT usual route. When the *ciiale and a nemhly <i t* iwn-vonp4l injeilra or special sesahm, upon I]M; call nf tho governor, <*sch memher of the legislature (dial! rcu<ise an additionftt allowanee of l«n dol­lars a day, and sunators, when the nenat*y alone I H eon vetted in extraordinary *e**ioH, orj when Hervlng an niemhentof the court for trial pf im-i>eaehmeliU; ami HUCJI mciiihers of the ^<>m-hly, not exceeding nine in munher, nn hlwll he Mp|Niiute.d managers of an Impeachment! Hhall receive ah Additional allowance of ten doUars a dav T

tlaiih wo ni'iiv l o worthy of His uotieo.. K| ntijoy Ills tpniilfoltl lilo^itiirR. AIHI hen> on l»lh ttii-^ ojir Harotit

tnotiiln^ h'Hsoii from tho. KpUtle of Uicht. ] b\ V\n WATKica.

sir.TTEU« r i i o i n Till*: P I o n ^

! Jluoilssr aide of lite »f»ry;

Allow »not through iho * olumns ot J'our i*xi'ollt4iit pspor, to tnaki^ roply to a very liisuttlii|lr and Untruthful common InU ion hoadoii "ThO Na-t lo4rXHtpr / ' In your Issuo of July 17th, 1H70, in which it chnTgos tho \Ua blockings II. II. (;iii!> with "tin-|Miholploil ; dUhonoKty." It ttUo charges th^m with winning tho hull ami Imt Mi, ntt uitflortMttKlril way, wolch is mi untruth. Tho "ItouV'

^woli tho bait itlui hut fairly tty n, aeoro of tl to 9. The Ht. KogU, of Stook-holhif playiHl agrttuo In August, IHT8, of Which tho Htookholin correspon­ds lit s<iys: 'Mlirough four of defoat" wns brokob up by tho "Itmsselaor' roughs." l t d o o i u o t look muoh (llke riofent when, at tho end of the eighth Inning* tho scoro stood 27 nnd lA in favor of thS Uvd Stockings; nor did tho li. 8. club hsvo itn umptro who hs<l( four bushels ol outs bet oh tho guife, Th4 rumpus the S. corros-potident rcl^rs to, w*« sfurtod by a

[wubstitulo iff the r4t, Kegis, who got into ^ quartet with a mart who was not a member o f ' t h e iL 8. oluU It was through fear of defeat that tho 8t. Uegls club broke up tho ganlo b^ thoir refusal to llnish it, A fblrgasiie waa played at Canton, In which the Ked tHookifft were squarely defeat­ed* j At thii close of tlie game, the Hocrotaryot the "lted*">resefited n written challenge, whloh theHU Itegis club roftisotl to accept, on the grounds that % ohalUuge had been presented that uiornlrig, and that In oase they won the ball and bat the club'which presented tbe challenge In tbe morn­ing Should haYo the flrsi chance at it. The- losing i lub did make a cbilfentfe and was entitled to the game. Oh thetroundsj that tbe K. 8, club ive** ^Qtiftlcdto tjhe /Jrst challenge, which the pt. Itegis refu*#d them, they re* ftiaeU to delhrer tbe| ball god b a t The 8t**Uh*>lji> i a m s ^ w J d n t saya, refer-ring to tbe ^reaeqtlng.'rf,' I N bat to

| t N > l a c J M I

1*W>V< ("trnii i i f of i h

njfilw vhoc (» ft; fory, l.i.t w m ! | I lu-re ^l^pDh^utncM tlf* entire .Jolyj uuike oNWri'c,' valued jtt i?.|00. llo^ on M|^)''6(,r)00;Jniii!J-:itiro(ll,l0a The tMi|£cliraKP had i\vui rciuoit'il tl,c tlp|erv.ure. \ I '" .. . j j

|i(||||t|t»f!)rcr nnnjrd Rrul^M F«»v,

aljlfcNJf miotic cru-ihc^ was Fevorely if i i ^ M n l y ! Injured iTrotu a hlwt. A MNw+*<*"" Htrtipklhimon lhr|bhouU ilt?jr>;il|i ii'ii$ thougfil. that^ho would n^»|j^i^e. !_. ' . . j . -

iQl|ki l |owJhg g£n(kmifra w tho ^i^lfbifrgclub, who won thejrecenf! | 0 # atOtfawa, will go IH UJtira to

lOji ftt*!!! at ihftt place vhz : A. an, James Ive«, Win, MtuU It. Pickup, M. S. [,ro nnd Jr

qi- Mcrritt returned (Tern a 0, Adirondacks to his homo

itn, a few days since,' in a lit ion of health, and wa« o n -I|H 'bed tor Sotn • da\ H. l ie SO

IVeicd ay to lie aide to* return York \tVit week.-—(ftttifott

(tfd\ ••

• # K

• » ,

w m tin it:




m bOff



sb of Andrew O'Noll iff Lls-Mtpiek bv lightning last week

VljliilWI1!^' t\tu] Mias.hMiuieTiiggaii9

jn tho kitchen, n:rri*owly iAt or iibouL thn same time

^ belonging; to ItohoM NVl-i l were in »t tichl «iu an ad-iihi, were «-ttu<:k IUMI Mlltd tiilg. (>'N(»irs (hifiiflge, fiboirt i^ered hy a policy jn the M)II lnfi.,(:ovt ol Wfiterlown.

Atlyertiiiomonts. « 'NON, M. I>. i . -I ' l ivslol in, fiur-

uio. (*ru<JimtC|MrUIU {:<illcfre,Mon. i l

! i


w w •«#;g

lA^IJoonllatoCSllo^o *'hyhjciiiiiniiii<l Jil^lior.OxHOW, N. V. |r20niil

G jlaki!!£ h i Rcpairiiig.


wi t

d-B. SMITH; ;. [Kvonrs ongjiRn<l In CA11 It I \Oft nn<l iltnnktng, ro|i:i|rinjf A c . Its* by Ms long 1 «x|»fnonce n\\i\ nninrlrtr workman

" fit an cnvl«l>le r<>|inuito?i im a fltKt nmrv fI«'"i no>v devoting

iCIAL A T T E N T I O N bg Ijtf MI U* bmnuha*, mul g\i irentecs

ilfork t tt'ilt is fiintlxlKMt in Oi l.pgt |tk« Mumnrr. I'rlcns Ui f very itM.'im.o S«lo \o\y U* fuit l ie timiM.

('. ». HttTH, St.f (Jotivciiipuv, N. Y,

f AKt' l» <IltM krpt «v»nhtnnllr m\ Imi il * IWKIII fj» unloron tlio mo*t r«MiMon-

i s7-jmf 1 ~~ ' 3 fKHTjNUIIOirSE


mleQhi/ Cmtth{*s?c*


|Wli^|r are the ion*4nB uiiy tl*9 Wsst-'TIiro»IicrM six* better thHii uiiy other

rimstf*uct1 on linlmplrt wlHiout fin tin-ovcittnulsUon of lK»It*.|HiJI*vt<, $lmrts

li*g*9 wsii thcrefen© <IuniI)l<', raKilv AM iriiuiring |0»» than tlio usual

to i.pprste tborw r-coi

mn#ttons. f

|M>wSr very; mplsto Cy)jtiir«rnti{l rohTSvr

iiial separating mimritr. i prfocf cleaningstiparaHi^ . ,, . Ion tq tho»« qiialiiits thoy nr* mt\\\e jttisf smt workmanlike manner, itrc »he<l and have avsry oonveuleBro for


0iUnf nnd ensuring th«lr conUmiotis orlriff Iho tin well nt&nnff*<l

daririg Iho thresfitsg season, when reli nt&nnff*<l. well lintntieed ifr ' all the tdhntng

anc|jsiilt when at work wIlh'Hit hatofor, A. O. UiTKiJ AgAit


tltiiivemeurV J*. Y.


IME WORKS III© fiat I on. on the »omr,iWatSrtown

mrg BSK.. W. UjM^Cunniill, Pr^pri^ I one Is made from tbe celebrated

IJLimo Hiooa of ^iohvlllo.' ft has on Tannery tliiOoii Putty ijoat, Hani ik or moss Wsrlt, suors or under

slanka quick jjmTfets stow. >Kor It has no superior, wing of pure

r. and wUI not nib oft like other limes. Iime7at wholesaW an<! retail I» bitla

nSv0 faetory. nssr IL, l*i*bnrgrfa,Y«

K. Aftewtk •i»Mlsr. V. t«*


I have eoiirtmreit tho ptc><,odiiig eopy of eon-rurrtMit 4i!imftith»iiH, wi th Iho nrighial foi iei ir-rent r e ^ l u t i o i i i on file m thi* orllce, and do hereby eertifv that the name are rorrect Iran-prrl|»U therefrom ond of the whole of Maid or l« -InalM.

VVitii(»sf my hand and iho sral of o f l lo fo f f lhe Heerelnrv of htat*', St the r.iivof

i L. H) j A lbany , thl* twenty- t l rnp luv of J n l v In the year one thousand e ight hundred and aeve i i tv-n ine .

A L U ; * C. IIKA( fII f *••• «20wl t i Secretary vf Mate.

•z •_ ;' ' • _j_ N e a r i n e t h e E n d .

T h e p e r s i s t e n t w a i l a r c w h i c h h a s b e e n * w a g e d a g a i n s t t h e P o ­tato Hee t l e is c a u s i n g a rapid dis ­a p p e a r a n c e of thi<> jx is t i ferous in­s e c t . A p p r e c i a t i n g t h e fact that t h e p l a g u e is Hearing a n e n d , w e p r o p o s e t o rfc-double o u r efforts t o w a r d s , its final b a n i s h m e n t . W e h a v e a l a r g e a m o u n t o f P U R K / P A R I S G R E K N o n h a n d , a n d in o r d e r t o e n a b l e e v e r y p o t a t o raiser t o use freely

th i s d e ^ t l v d e a l i n g in sec t p o i s b n , w e h a v e r e d u c e d t h e pr i ce o f it t o the . n o m i n a l s u m o f g() c e n t s j>er p o u n d . T h i s is a g r e a t sac -rificL\ but wC: feel in d u t y b o u n d t o m a k e it. N o w is t h e o p p o r ­t u n e t i m e t o g i v e t h e P o t a t o h u g h i s d e a t h - b l o w . , . W e warrant' e v e r y p o u n d o f Par i s ( i r c e n in

| o u r s t o c k t o b e Strictly Pure.

W e g u a r a n t e e it to b e as pure a s in t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s , a n d finally, 7c>£ will uot le umlersolil a n d if

a n y dea ldr u n d e r b i d s t h e a b o v e pr ice , d o n o t b u y until y o u h a v e c a l l e d u p o n us . In ad­d i t i o n t o Par i s ( i r c e n , w e h a v e o n h a n d e v e r y t h i n g iir t h e D R U G L I N K , s u c h a s P A I N T S ,

O I L S , D V E S , W H I S K I E S I O K M K D I - J

CAI. P U R P O S K S , S H O L K ' S I N S I X T



L A J / A C K & COX f Next door to Fuller I i6use, Gouver-neutVN. V. . #M

t dehiro to Ray t f&ll uao r ^ l thin paper, that I the Conteetioiiarv fldvcrliKtHl for ha!«> In theic | e^iinmni, lui-* all \m*n »«ld^f|ol un« onnec* of Mu* nM %Uu\ U+\. t IIHVI J* <

PufCi 'Sredh*; Stock I t • * • ' \ ^ H

Hut Jul lMir<hn«<>a, In il* i»Imi. V<m %iHt t>« Kliro t<>temo! i \ i t i j | Imt \%v Y l N K ^ T <;OI>UH if you piiitiinHc of mi?. j

I am flrta|»atfit to RIVI* MM^i|it Indurrmciili* U* fanw' othrin to hu ! ia \ c ^utlntniK I'MIO.

Eubker1 Paint, N o w , \\h :hink. ( Ktknd-*^} i h o i ' t id of *dl r c n d v l mix«-d fahw* in tl^» w o i | l . | V i s s i : i » K l t l o f t | IHM;*«IIW«| it IH n i n d a f m m K»c b *«t U»<l, /.inr and oil , wiife tho u<Id{tion (A l'Qr« Uul»lK>r. T h e mnuuf tet iuvr* «>;r r I l(Klf<»rtt.HiJi frallou of tlioir ii:ii>tl which li.«- fctot « hir>JO-«tn<:nit of l n d m Uuhhorglw itn r^nnpohiU'ilU - •

Wo uijMild rcfort inv w fin <\<Hi\re l«> Inqtiirfl n» U> tho ijUAlfiv of thU'ti.-iMJ!, it* Mr. M. A. 1'orter nnd I!. +t I lI lN, j>inuerM . ,

I»oi! l»lm de«'oivcd hv] t l iMd: \v\\* Hiv thrjr h u v i M h i u n t H K l t l ' A l N T ( l » l l l look wel l In «>v«*ry p|<kajr*' to**eo if tlih n4ftio nnd (rudo-niHrk in prJu(4l Ihorton, To^Umy'

• « JL.*-


% ¥%fl

« \

r^^;- \T. - : ' fv^

goln^ niii0n<1iii(MiU his rnforrvd lo the k'^isjimire to ho ehoien nt iho n«xt K«mcrnl «lt>f tlon <)f «<»n-ntorn, nnd that In roiifornuty (o BOctkm ino < f nrilrlo tl trteiMi of tL« ronfi|iliillon( It h i pub-linhed forjthrfu uionthH provioti* U* tho tvno of such i:Itfr||io!i. . T

^TATt: OF NKW YORK: J J I fN NKNATir, MilV i.\ lHli». ^

Tho foiMK'jhig rcHolutfnnn wore duly panned. Kvor-hilof tho Svnuio, j


IN AHHRMOLV, April i, I8]!». y Tho rtitotolutf ri'AolmioiiH WIN- <lnly |ijrai<o<l. il) ordcilof Iho A ••omhly. * ]

Ki>wi>. M. .iOU>r?ON, f1r*k.

co\\'ritnKNr UFMOL UTI<>$ Vi'0)*o*i)if/ bn Atnrndutint to Article Sit tof the

<''tn*fitntu.n, j . Uenolvnt IfJIic n**rinhly nonriir), Tl ini *c*e*

({OIIM t«%'i;|vc( nhit Ihirit^n of a r i u l o ^|.\ <if Iho roiiitilufloii^ hu nimmdcd ^» UH to ro;td ait f«>i-low»: . J

8«<\ ]}. Vho »U|i>rior r o u r U f iho city of Nofr York, Iho co)tri nt («>i»Hnon ploax of t h o c i w and county < f Nnw \ 01 k, tho ttiiporior r.ourt on Huf-falo t and thejeity court <if( l lntoklM), Art! r i n t i o -U<M|, with thu | iouu/ i l uud'jtirihdictiou the f now several ly Inwo, and Mirh further oivi l nmlVrlm-innl juriH'lioiion n« may ho OoitfomM h^ law, Tho Niiiioriorjoourt nt N e w YoikHhull hojooin-p* Mod vls tlio «ix JinixfH in ofUco)il the iidotption ot iljif* in-ijclfj, .'linl Iheir huocu.H>or^. Thonuur i * I rtonnoon i»lJ.i«* of N o w York, of Iho three jndtf*'* thon ih ollleis^ nnd their MirceHxortl, and three additional jihl^iM. T h e Htiiierlor e o i r t of Hidhil'% of l l |e judges n«nv in oflloe, iind (their n.iieeea^ors; n|»d Iho eity roUi't of IJrookltn, of HIU'II nilMihoriof kelKeM(*no( e x c e e d i n g lhrie (:iM may ho p t o v | d e d ; h \ law. T h e jmljreM of | nai«i eoiirlH in itftyt'je'iit the itdopiinu of II.U aiiie.le, ait» e, ntjiitiril imtir the expirat ion of t h e i r term t. A e| i |cf jud^e rhall hi> appointed hi' the Judged of «>arjJi of hiii*[ cuiirH, fi-om ( h c i n o w t i mimlit'r w ho shall ucr i;> HU< ^ dtirilig IIIM o i i e i a l term. VawnclcMjin lhe)ortIee of {IteJie igrrtni inrd in fhtn >e i > t ion t «ieenmng othei*wUo than h l ' o x -pn.^imt of U»fhu, Hhall ho tilled in tho t a m e manner H*. ^a'rjnicieH in ihe Mipremt; eouriJ Tto-Ieiii^htliii4< hiiiy'provhio ftn- itetailiiiK JU»I;^JK of the Ktiperlor 'h'hrl and noiirt of common pl^an of Now \ o r k f (m hold mretilt* and wpoelal lentoM of tho tfti}'t<Miie four ! in that o i l y ; aiwl for<!rtfilllii^

Hrookh n to l*r'!(l r i i -ij-t in

re-il ui re. J

>K<!. 13. .hi-ci!ce=» of Hie supreme m i n i ihull he e lnnon hy tlho eh Ohn s of then n'fjo ••*! i v|* Ju-dieial d f tr i i ' t - . .Iihl/*es u| all OVIIIIN meitii6i>ed in the la*U p i e c e Jing OO-MIOHI, *.|ia!l heclio-«ili l»v the eh ctor* of i lu 'r i t io s re-*peolively in wlticli *nid r.oin tnare ins t i tuted/ '1 he oMoial tcr i i^ of •»Hid j p s i i c i s nnd Jtiitjre^ \ \ | M hhall !»•,« *u»JMe«l after (he ndoption of HIM artiole. *.U&\\ De 0>ur-teen w a t i , from and iix'lU'ling the hint <l;ii' <d January nc»\t aftei their e leet ion llnr n«» p e p o n KIIJIII liul'l Iho oilico of jtMiiee or judge, of {any *'0n\ longoi than until and .in'iioiiog llnMl.i-t day of Uvv*.-mher next , after he ^Ii;iII h0 seventy yo;iii» of a^i*. The compcii^tMou of ex t*ry jtitige of the ronrt of appoaU and of every jti*fi<^ of ihctMipieino court, w lnuo tvnn *>t olhVo »htU l»»» aloii l ited pursuant to ihH 'provis ion, nnd w h o *hal! Itavei»er\ed a^ fiieh Judge or jiiriUreHeii > e.irH or IIUH'O, *di'»H he eiipii!ini>i| din ing t l i j i<*-i u a m d e r nf tho (eliji for wfn*h i|»> 1.1 eie«*teil(

too •Mtj'ietiii; f.oiui HI nun o i iy ; ini'i for«;rrai Judgeai of the j:iiv court of Hrooklyn to ljo|<l eu iH an>l Kpoijial l i m n of the Hiiprome o\oil K i n g i ronnt.% a-* the pul»lic m i c n ^ i n ma}

Mt*»iviit (If t»e a H< hildv coiwtir) , T h a u t h e orepkhiir ameiit lment he reh-rred to I he logi^-atur« lo he chosen at the nex t general clenTloii

of nenatorn. and that in conformity to reei ion one of article, t h l i t e e n o f the con>ti initou t if he potil lslo-t Joi three mofiiliH previous to the d ine id witch e lect ion. }

HTATH OF SEW YOHK: I , IH A H H K M I I I . Y , Mav &>. IMTii.K

Tl.e fiiregolng resolution wat t lu fy pa^Md.j It. order of (ho Axsetuhlv. * !

KhWD. M; .roriNSov, vh RTATK ol- NKW YOKK: \\

4N S E N A f i , May ii, IH7J>. Tin' foregoing rn*<ri.inoii wan duly pasi»e<l.

. Jlv onler «»f the Ornate. JOHN \V. VROOJIAX, Cterx

CGXi tJMUKXr HEStiLrTTOfr Vrbpirtiny lv Amend Ai tide Seven of the Qm-

*t.ittitu>v. I Jtaah-ett (If the «f nkto ronniir\ Thhf hrtjele

t>e\en i»f Jhe c.oiMUtulhm !•* heioliy aiui'ndeii HO a* to read a* fo l low: |

HKCTION I. beeihm rttBt and ecellon seconf of arto'le >eveti6f tho c'mMliutiim of the slate L e h c e h y ahrogated and annullod. » f

Hut?. I. Scelhm tlir/jw of naid article •tlmltf f»o elinnged lo Motion one, «n<l tlio Mlid teetlan thai I hereafter read a* follows: f

.SKC. L 1 helegi*lMiito Hhall not le«f«f, eell|</r otherwise di^iKwe of the Erin canal, iheO^wigo eanal, the Cham plain canal, the II lar it Uiverpi-nal, or tho C*i>t»xtt nnd tfeintva* oaniil, hut t iey nhall remain Chu pn>i»erty of the Itate, and i n -dc/ ita muna/eineut lorover. Tho rato.i of foil on person* and proporty tran»p<»»trd i»n Iho pa-

| nal* t'htell not ho reduced b«|ow thote for I ho { vrnr eighteen lmndr>«f and llfty-1 wo, Gxcepqhv

\he cnnml bo?ir<lt with tbo c^nrufrfneo of the teglH^wiire. All eoairaeU for w<»rk or material* on an\ c?uial, idiall be mad© with the perfou who Hhall hirer tn do or provide tbo aajua at the lowest price, with ftJle&uate n^urlty for their performance. No a*tri componnatioo *hall)be ma«le to any contractor, Imt if, from anv tinlfir-*een cjuue.the temi^ of any contract ihall nr#?« to Iws unjuat and oppre-Miiro, tho oaiial 1>oinl mar. n|»on the Application of the ooutracer, cancel aucli umtracV

tho e


A t h t i a t d i o o f t i


, OH lX)W«r Tbllr. i1 f ' , . BaftriM atOUtt^

8*c. 3. Hereafter tton, "«i||ierinteiMJen«e o

xn* nil It area for collte-irdlnary or extraortli-


<& CO., N6.8 Oouit St.

W A f E R T O W N ,

I I A V E l l h s T OI»i-:SKl> A LOT OK

EngH:h Furnitur; Creionses! The lines! n^Aorimentof Ilir^Ogood** cvtrHfinwn

itl thin maiket. Al><*


whlc,h w e offer at lc*«» than eo.-f of importat ion? W e re^peetfullv Invite an examinat ion of

IIHMO goiwN, it* we a m nell ing ihem at lower pticea can he aflToidod e N e w h e i e ,

t y " V V e n r e coti-fanlly rece iv ing ,nldltfon< lo ruir wtock of

nmmz:. And cart *hnw t^e h| rg^-if and heal a MO it me nt ti U i i ! i e

cannot he heate ever ethihlted I

Lll l io l


•U) ami at piiciM that

H ' a t e r l o w n , S*. Y . mmmtn

Crockery. 1 ~ -

1879! 18791


Oh! Stan<h M WooilevfflTomc Block',

WATEilTOWIT, N. Y. t Wo ipirori largoPtock of

, / .. .. i . . '

[Baby Carriages! •From fivoiliiltrcnt iiidnufaeturcni,

whkli j»ivci ui a fine n**ortniciit< We ftlno Irnl Iir^cly In »• " ICK C i t r U M Vi:EKZER8,

illtFRl('2KKATORS f k


• . . . • •

Onle s by taail pro'iHply attended ] to, mpl Hatlsfttction Kiiara?itcet1.

imrr rcoaira on tho canal* native^ in the •eeilnn of thli Article, Ph»!< not exwed, hi vear, their $ro** reeelpta lor the previoiw year.

^»c L 1 here ahall IM> crcate<tka fuinl, nnilor the conl-ol and fl» map* mentol Iheoomn}ia«il4n-


ere or vbe canal fund, whtoh ahall he ttadeumo the folk wing manntr. • • iWyk J

1. Of all fttidi taai aUy ha 4*firad f vm afar toftae.eate or other diapoaltloB ol may oai

•8o In tbe original.

"• ;" £'••:.' i

! We ifiro.HUb^dlinjK


olii^filier liwUi >vpn Siinl in yoiir

• ; W^ITf i , A L L E K A C o . ,

(5 ty l [ . 15 Woodruff Uouse Block-

S i ' d ' k ^ l Water CliiMtrntly'on draliffht 0t»d rrihl.

W rfer«*i.iti Iniect r o l l e r , I'ly I'apcr, To-halt, ;n i j C\ <'« y lh i0 | ' in th<» li|»e Ol juacl ieal UHV«

ItKMI^tUKU TII|S I'LA-qF. ;i, \

J W M . W H l t N E V ' S


iffE rtiiibT'ciTY

iC O M P A N Y ;

npee:fully call n j e e n t M ^ i o their F.I> COIM'KK (it'DK I J t i l l T S i N G

telicviojf that it i'»-4#e»JcM ad>Hiita-PEitioit hi.any el her I f t he in:; hat hi Its <u)o-tttj( Hfui nnd nppli-

cati<4) are coinhlneil .'ill lhe. re^iui^it'^ of a l'njitKr.«:r L r i m r N i f a L'o^nroroii

I Lnnen<«,t Anyt?. IKTff. T tho jih<!or.*.lxiHd, a reii<leilt <>| Kiel town, <ia

hei-eliv <*rtif>' Hat on ihciCTtl* day of July, iHTrt, the rorojtK.tty Mrflitnin^ Koi^Oo.. erectejl n p - i «in my tdfio haniH tlieit Opi^er Tol»i» Itti'1,'* ami | gave meii fruaranteecd pi-<ilo<Mion for ton teara; that on If he evening of t^<i*drt< Aw&l in t/ie midxt of a heavy tiniudcr •eoirr i \ the HM1 jian htrnck on my uagoti ham. ao<| attinned my man who wa^puillnx hay In «lpsi;i«k. aixl ho fell in the rnrki Tho coucu»-*ioij i ;u| wO great Ihat the rodn \\t1ka dUtlroJtlv lo^rd fcd rattle l>y the f.iuiilv \dthiu the hoiMe, H>»l I Contl<hntiy be-l i e v e t h j t the r^t rfa\ed mi liarti. \

]j . •loHajlVI 0- MA|«»iIALI*.

{ UTIOAJ 3i. f*i dilH *l, I*»7». v*i Cily Mghtnpiir Iftod ^oV iXMlnhnre i my lojiiaoMindjhjiitte. -I am HjitiHfie l Coinpapy'a w<Lr$*.jii nil reepeeta.

<juenKOTwl pioIej[Mf|iil and their ex-perienrtk'in the bualncai* eijabiea Ihem to toil them opjn n proiK»r nianijerUI Inaure the haiety of hinhliDgM. They havi ( teetimoniaN from Muneof (fur l«e I eilizenn. » j

I ' l|<jtn4,^toSlCT)foriu ^Ofllce. of Ccmintft'hi Ahnorv, ) | IM<»N, N.j l j .J i l ly 12;iPT8,S

T o whota l l mav c^»iircrn :l ] t j We h a f c had t h e ^ u i e i t j Ci( irXlKbinlng Ho*l

Co*-* CopiSur Tube to<l enedteJl f on our worku, a l to the f i n i e han been erc)ele<| OU the rc»h!cnce and huriij^f >Ir. r f u l o ltrtlii||j{|t>ii. T h e work has ln'co^htnc to our hal i4ajiw>a, and U' l iov iog their rodjlo he at ipci ior to|a|ivthlliK of the kind We have I r u r HOOD, w e c-<aoiint!«d them to nny one who Lai« nrrd of their lvari|ftjFcand Work.

V»iir>* trulv, K. K k i f i r p T O N ftNIXH. I yKHi'lHtWiuin, V t t J u l y 5rlT77.

Thli* i»i j o certify that I I a<| mf b|iildliifrH fur-niHhed Willi the improved k <p]ptr Tube JJght-nitig ro<l|in Hie l.'ftu of J u n e , ;%#& «m the J'.Mu of J u n e , th# liirhtuintf Htruelk ^ i d ro<U on my hou^e and m c l l c l one of UlO'|>t>lat>, hut <ii<I not do any d.linnve to the btiiji||n|f. It tore up the Kround a l the l>ot(*>in o( the ioj[ t throw ing <Urt Into the l iautrv Window 4»dl U t o home milk p a n s J rarrSK L O V K R N .

r n q u a l | ! l c d Approval ha^ Ipe*;n g i v e n our cojuluctofc* by t in'fol low Ing* WOlI-known btiai-iieijH and Icient iUc men . I ' : J . II. Wajle, l»reH. Wehtnrh 'tJTnlon Tetfara-pn

fo. ,! i ;

Silas II. dougla^, I*rof. ClieiiUtr>% University, allelic \ i • ' J

Samuel A Dufflehl, Trof. Ulh6ml«trv. I»ctn»it,^ Mic|»j: J ! j T

Vnit JSaii'J Bimtla, Var% MkuKfend InatitulO. I>r. J. G.Jlolland (Tiinoth}' •riieomh) hprlng

lleld.llaHi. j Tmf. Gea KaMtAH,l*r<»i. ^ o j i l o n TJnnfr„ N. T. Hon. Hcirj. 1'. Wade, Jcflet.^n, Oh^». Hon. .1. U. Blaine, Speaked l\<iu*ti>t Repreacn-

lativiA. j Gen. JohS A. IMx. Sow Y<irai-:f, ^ I'r«.f. .f. W.SterliiiK, V r o f J i a t / ^ h i l . f n . of

W i n . ' .•; t

Dr. K<l <HlbhrI«t, V. S. Naia) Ho|pllal.Chelg<»a. Trr>f. Kd Hitchcock. Frof. Amherit fob Ma an. I'rof. Kainlttel ht, John, (J|eie(a|wl/Ohio. 1'rtd. K.ijlerlinir, ClovelHa«.Hlh*4

AKeiiUtof the roneHt c i te ^iffittitng Ito*! Co., re now at the Van Ilurtu |lOiifp»'where ordere

1^ ^JrjFsi

i : 4lMa> n. t \.>:<'-•"

X^rf A'


GREATEST RAILE04D SHOW OH lAMHfr At GtiuvernduV, Saturday, A u ^ ^

c'n ui fill rLo.Vc^f %11--«i»I ty of e<mii fiinl mona^fri** a^on iim<\—^\*v/v/;/4- (.V. , / ) \&srniitg ltcfftxfcr. Juno 7.-

Q Xowartc for s , \w • «* t -

* * : < ,

f Tean&ciulcntly (Irand M oil \t»\ M<t*totiomc Gratfnet* J PtHttitHiy tk* Mt



tit/f/rrb (tifff Orrrwkrlmtity Aggregatum a*el Monster ConwlidaUon, i **f AUwl Show* vtt the face of the Globe. - , - . . . „ . /

'lOO ARE NIC AND GYMNASTIC CELEBRITIE&} % ; • A anotiK whom are the following well known Princlpei ArUalai i V /> . / ^ i ^ 1 ^ " *

iMlw 4 I O U J K .IIKOWN, irm IVail t 8KKSRIST HUOTlIERg. id] Pli

(;on f or-


n wil l be T h e v wl

rfctdvTil itoui pra}mi>ljy atlci UalHo eunvanjl the (oivo |0 ]>crr

ndiHl to. rM>n

IV ml illl.JJZ. . '>— 1 — l#t%a>v»iav^va^va>txii ltj<M art»)ti Tjian «.;i a . *• \ j m y*ur«Jaa«' a... i > ( 1

an i II

* f i

If yoa mrt* a mvi of Ml frorlu»rc*t ' , , - f fcM

*• !t(r-i nvf i^> . i-f**:.»fiV:t^

I f yoa ar*»froun<? r*«.1

fCr i i i . rJ . \» '» } f i r 1L.;O^ l ^ U ^ L aat i*-li o(t

r y« d o|-*»,ttbenevrT J*J»J fpat : Jt 'f tcr irir or B l l /aanap.WJco •

Whoever y#a are, wh •*(•'. T y«' fbat w a r *Y*to'»t, *~'U < :o

•ue^tjUui^ A »l:u-!t tut.4

faaaaodaa •tow*. H>U W«. li

^ ^ Y o n a r U l W ctir-4 l . , ^ » « ^

If yea are atmnW wr-*k an«l loy V rrftl!*1^ " ! ••T ^ InJatuiwUi. Vurr'Tia;«t'*«|ae-t*lt.

I t aaaj • # • • 7««r ttfr. I t M » i » w 4 ki»a>a4a>

Ta«II«pl'«#f"; ^uiwh.1 !*•* t• t ^P»#«i,|i«i|»#rUr Wfll . «ik«fk' * »j*."v I tn; •hUru /•»» 'iruirft**. •

• •fow-ir^N)!, w*. pt j J, luter or rtir"<|lny0u

€<mt plaint, til*


Dauchy &$ tla. . . . . i j . . . . * . . . . PF A MA^P* '^ d l idANS, $|,lo0 I'iniM.s „id\ 11/111 lifc^-'«v>: I^Tu (nAtt* only t'.*;r>; t :t•.'."» < bmn-ip* "hly f7tf.7-"». Tn-jmrmhoi'- Ke<lue< lion luiiiij, Uio' MitUuiiiuu r p/tuij.-. J l .o i i^ heeii ch»t- |$| Mavorfrf mv rl^y anil e!:tn?-ted Willi it* h.e.d-* hhoiihl tir Mifl(.i (oni pi<>d <»f uiv re>|»*MifitHiJltv.* «i c i rcu laH nt\4 il!o«tiate«l newu|>apeet fee . Adltr*** U A | S l h l . !•*. UK A T-T V , WM'IJn^tun, N. ^ . • K*«'W*

A ( i i ; M H l V t \ T l J I ) Kor ttelieit and l>«t-e-i->< 'Ui^'l'*' '-in :! I | . >kd iind-||flile« 1'ih-i^ reduced +>t per «x':tt.j NAlp)^AI, I ' r n i i M i -iN<i < «»., rliil.uhlphiai, Pa. ;rio*4

Qt I )(U\ /'<durn* m |<) davtf oh f j in mvei*to<l. nr 1 -4lM| Ofllcbil ItjriMirUj tlm\ •fnforuialion fri'e. I.ikor: pfifliH wfeklvon pU> i»plion<« of $HMo f.Vll AldreiH.iT. I ' G T t f li^XvitillT St CO., Ihtnkujrs ;w IVidlft. X. \ w '* r^i*«

I or tIu* Afi'Oii. ; M'ilo KTTA, <Uv only. L \ li<mi^u M'iln JOS'KPrilXK,

ITririiU^. M'nic LOI'ISK miOWKjQii^cri of

I lie Hiilo ^HiltUe. ,y , { M'lle L K B A N C , rn»tu!or Kqucs-

trionrn*. M M I P . S T , F.KON, inn WAlor (jupdii. KOMKO .SKHASTIAN, Champion

•Som<M»K:iull l(l«l(r, j M. SCAKI^\K f Uu? Kim»iAU Won-

rlrT, in l l u r t i r U i f , IliirttlM and •r . f o c k i ? ) Ki | i i i !}-tt iti i i A d a .

nominal (tymnaatic GrooV>In C A D D E L U ) Hfid VICTOBBL

Moimrcha of the Bar IIorlaonta Mr. LUKKUlVRRS.a tPat i jJrak i

iho Countryman from Co%do« without a doubt the funnf Kqnestrian Act orer introdu

MOIH. SEfGRI8T f 8 College of Can! Wonder?, tlio moat thorough I oil netted troupe of d o g i Ui t world.. ' , #

#. %7 . 1 he OHgtaai Wild AmtrtdUn ChiUJrrJj

Aud a ho«t of Iveapere, Tumblrra]] AcroOau, KfpicMriana, etoM etc


/ * - i

Tlie Most Comprehensive Museum and Men»carie ii or occn iunl<-i Ci.nvnKn Hoofs, routuiDinir inorc rarr nnii exola«lv« foatarM ot UM '£oola(i«p r>K<lnin, Aplinslc nnil Inniiluiito >Voilri, I.ifc-lik^olijecwof McciianloiU Skill, UIMI «r«r VM -oil f tr |iuMic liif|K-rtloti, j ,

Colossal 8 Centre-Pole Teats. Seating 8.000 P4itoag:ity r.nrttt:SH, die l.:<*itv*l Kk^lmnJ iii tho World, ami cost mora Uuw mmj II Mlrpkami*. "f

Marred; Street Display and BBalistic l a r t i p s Festal Ercry l a i i n i | • | : At 10 0!Clocl\ >•-^ r : < - : y ; : - ' r f ;

VIIC^UA} h\ Prof. Sutton** IInalcal Bri/rad* of 80utocea. 6 n c m|l« of Gk>r*Ao*a OHMtml rageanlr^i Nothinf IIMll oror aeen. . ,

AlhtlLsToxi ro Oat,. CHILDUKX UNDKtt W YKAlOS, 2* Cent*. HP$CIJVI. NOTICK.—Nocamcaof rJtanoe ot wliat<fvtor Uo»cn|Hf|>n ailowod upom Uaa ah H*

Tbe Vo\ic4 ^uiliorliloa ait* #ea|>ecifuUy reqtteatait to co-«f*>r*te wtlh our 8PECIAL >KTKt:TIVK FoltOK anil auppre^n ttui4ioo prevalent vt«a.

. m

I 4 /

UHU A Kh*nt %bnw f rr»m t**cInnlnir to aad» and *rc notice an ent lro-aW^e* of UuU t^Wtlf el«m#nl rtllv fnllutt-itt;; O-MirclInK exlitbitlooa.—Jersey (Sty (N. J.) Journal^ Jooa Dttt. - - (

i rerfonnttoccs Daily. Doors Open alj anilTjh to.; Performancel

I « , Commences One IFwr Later, i , ' i

! 1,006 t:M<:lr>ANT c u ^ n l o N E D O P E H A I ditAlttfiff^^ -iritt'atto E.hfol at CAXTdN, Aufrut Atk, ami At)AXS, AuffUi XL

i fc._„_ ii i " ' ' II •aaaaaataaaai nwm

Ai$\W\B\mT\l\®\N\t i3ea.d.I j b H A T i l


. N



Salft of Choice Summer AT-

• " t ' ' ' • ' McAlistbr Blocks fioiivcrncur*



T O T H E P U B L I C : T h e recent advariedin all cotton'and] wool fabrics denotes a revival of trade. I niadfc large purchases!%JK previous to the, and consequently can pffcr you s ixxial t inducements in the way of L O W PRICES, as can be seen fromP* the following cjuot.itious: \ / -


CAPCIH2: n r u it n y a f

r» isv MA. jiia'<lHi35'N AiTEKS! ISi'x |T.M\r4

The #>nl\j comli|ni^»tiof the Imt-Main:ii<a dirtierWliliitiiOlrearoiiiai jcditml Frc^ich hraiiijl) tor rln»!era, Ktifi!«*r;t morhiiH, <T,^nj'» an.| pain*, ttliiirrlxr-a *$*\ <h>fci*aryi ilvhpfp»«iat TJMHlfMiry, fiiiut of i\mv ami arlivit>

r*, nnil | v<»itllnic «l# (laiiaok-«|o|ralitfifi|re of tvater, f(MN|'anil<i|i«a|>T A^k tor

SaiilWs Jamaica

In tho attajiiarh mint \h>\\t]

ulll£Cr. hvatcr* '«**»i;«t-«l*-fli44|>': SANFOrfb 8 JAMAICA! OlNCER.

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Jlt'ifrrtiv rralalilu- m\\ alt.iftltiteh liirmloHi* uriitnniiiofi pw mnuvinir t|ptni>« KIIKCKMNL I

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D O . WOOD. A' « i " ' '•4! tr-


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