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Photo: Chris Kirchhoff, MediaClubSouthAFRICA.COM 

A research-driven institution committed to excellence

ChooseWITS A guide for postgraduate students

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Wits University, one of Africa’s premier research

universities, understands the need to be innovativein this digital age and offers postgraduate students

a broad spectrum of opportunity in a wide variety of

elds. The focus is on sustaining globally competitive

standards of excellence in learning, teaching and


Our postgraduate students are afforded a platform

to engage in real life research issues that affect not

only the surrounding communities but the country,

continent and the global village at large. Higher

degree qualications at Wits result from more ma-

ture teaching and learning requirements as well as adeeper and more academic focus.

Wits is strategically located in Johannesburg, a

worldclass city and there are therefore countless op-

portunities for research students to engage with and

present solutions that will contribute to our country’s

knowledge base and build our future.

The Vice-Chancellor and Principal of Wits University

believes that successful democracies and econo-

mies are characterised by, amongst other factors,

successful higher education institutions. He says:

“Wits is a model of a successful South African universi-ty – able to lead in contributing to the advancement

of democracy, the success of the South African na-

tion, the strength of the economy and the health of

the people of the country by providing intellectual

leadership and accountable engagement. We be-

lieve that research-intensive universities contribute

to wealth creation, poverty alleviation and nation

building and overall, to the national prestige of a


However, South Africa’s young researchers and re-

searchers in training have to be nurtured in an en-vironment where discovery and creativity is encour-

aged and where ideas are discussed freely in a spirit

of openness and tolerance.

Staff and postgraduate students are actively en-

couraged to push the boundaries of knowledge by

tackling fundamental research questions, producing

publications of the highest quality, and sustaining

the interplay between teaching and research. Wits

is committed to ensuring that a new generation of

researchers is drawn from a diverse range of young


We look forward to welcoming you to Wits in the near


Welcome to


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Welcome to Wits

Our University ....................... 4

Research .............................. 4

Johannesburg ......................6

Postgraduate studies .......... 6Honours courses .................. 7

Postgraduate Resources .... 7

Faculty Information

Commerce, Law &

Management ................... 8

Engineering & the

Built Environment ............ 10

Health Sciences ............. 12

Humanities ...................... 14

Science ........................... 17

Applying to Wits................. 18

Tuition fees ......................... 20

Closing dates. .................... 23

Accommodation .............. 27

Funding options ..................27


International Study

Information ......................... 28

Visas ................................. 28

Medical aid .................... 30

Credit conversion .......... 30

Language policy ........... 31Financial information .... 31

 All information was correct at time of publication, but the University reserves the right to amend conditions without prior notice.

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Renowned for its research excellence, Wits has made

a signicant global contribution to important elds of

study over the years. Wits is committed to signicantly

increase the number of research chairs, boost its post-

graduate numbers and invest in research equipment.

Although other knowledge-intensive industries exist,

universities remain the wellspring of talent in the

knowledge arena. It is only at universities that the

deep reservoir of basic research is available to inform

applied research which leads to innovation and thus to

technology breakthroughs. It is only universities that can

mass-produce scarce skills.

Wits University:• accommodates seven research institutes, 20

research units and 10 research groups.

• is positioned 24th by the Times Higher Education

Rankings among the world top 100 universities fromwhich Fortune 500 CEO’s graduated.

• has intensied its research drive by developing a

younger cohort of active researchers.

Our University

Wits has a distinct and proud reputation for its academic

and research excellence, innovation, enlightened

discourse and its ability to provide a platform to allow

differing voices to be heard. It has a proud record of

standing up for social justice, freedom and democracy

and is inspired to build on its current achievements to

create a better future for all.

Wits at a glance

The University is structured into ve faculties which

comprise 34 schools.

Wits’ vast campuses are spread over 400 hectares in

Braamfontein and Parktown.

The University has 20 residences which accommodate

20 % of the student population.

Wits is:• one of only three universities in Africa to feature

in the top 400 (from amongst 23 000 universities

worldwide) in three separate international rankings.

• the proud owner of a highly strategic and powerful

micro-CT scanner, the only device of its kind in South

Africa, which enables palaeontologists to peer

inside fossils and see the ner details of their internalstructures, without using destructive methods of


• home to the Global Change and Sustainability

Research Institute launched in 2011.

• the institution that maintains the highest proportion

of independent nancial support amongst South

African universities.

• a leader in the evolutionary sciences and the

curators of priceless faunal, oral and hominid

collections including the Taung Skull, Little Foot and

the Sediba fossils.

• proud of the four Nobel laureates and the 91

Rhodes Scholars that have emanated from the


• the intellectual hub of Africa and has over 40 key

projects actively running in several African countries.

• the recent recipient of the award for the  Most

Enabling Institutional Environment for Educational

Researcher in Africa  received by the School of

Education. The award recognises the critical role of

education in social and economic development,

and acknowledges the role of research in the

formulation and implementation of educationalpolicy and reforms.

Wits established the Centre for Indian Studies in Africa,

the rst of its kind on the African continent. The Centre

supports research, teaching and public debate about

India and its growing presence across the continent.

The Marang Centre for Maths and Science Education

was the winner of the 2008/9 National Science and

Technology Awards for their outstanding contribution to

science, engineering, technology and innovation. The

Centre was honoured for its innovation in pioneering

a new approach to the teaching of science and

mathematics in schools.

Seven Witsies have been awarded prestigious National

Orders by the Presidency for their continuing contribution

to science, art and medicine in the country. In 2013, a

further six Wits alumni were awarded National Orders.

In recent years, Wits has revived its public intellectual

engagement activities and has positioned itself as the

intellectual hub of South Africa. The University provides

a platform for intellectual debate and critical thinking

across many disciplines.


With its more than 130 000 graduates

in its 92-year history, Wits has made

and will continue to make its mark na-

tionally and internationally.

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• is the only African university chosen by top

international recruiters to be ranked in the Global

Employability University Ranking which was published

in the New York Times recently.

• hosts 19 prestigious South African Research Chairs:

 » Local Histories and Present Realities

 » Exploration, Earthquakes and Mining Seismology

 » Bio-inorganic Chemistry» Sustainable Process Engineering

 » Medical Entomology and Vector Control

 » Fundamental Physics and String Theory

 » Protein Biochemistry and Structural Biology

 » The Origin of Modern Human Behaviour 

 » Vaccine Preventable Diseases

 » Pharmaceutical Biomaterials and Polymer-

Engineered Drug Delivery Technologies

 » Mathematics Education

 » Social Chair in Development Planning and


 » Intelligent Systems

» Theoretical Particle Cosmology

» Radio Astronomy

 » Health Policy and Systems

» HIV Vaccine Translational Research

 » Bioinformatics for African Populations

 » SKA Chair in Radio Astronomy

» Theoretical Particle Cosmology

• houses six Centres of Excellence focusing on Bio -

medical TB Research, Strong Materials, Aerospace,

Advanced Drug Delivery Technology, Viral GeneTherapy and Palaeosciences.

• is proud of its more than 200 rated scientists of

which 16 are A-rated – international leaders in their


• is home to the Origins Centre, a world-class

international tourist site at Wits, which includes

exhibitions on the Khoisan and Rock Art and tells the

unique story of humankind’s creativity.

• hosts the Gauteng City Region Observatory, a high-

level research facility that assists in policy formulation

and benchmarking.

• The School of Public Health co-chairs the Consortium

for Advanced Research Training in Africa (CARTA)

initiative which aims to develop and deliver an

innovative model for doctoral training in sub-

Saharan Africa and to strengthen the capacity

of participating institutions to conduct and lead

internationally-competitive research. A number

of funded programmes exist specically directed

towards the enhancement of the skills and abilities of

senior students and younger staff.

• The School of Construction Economics &

Management produces almost half of the Building

and Quantity Surveyor graduates from the six

research-led universities in South Africa.

Postdoctoral Fellowships

Wits is implementing a plan to grow our research in-

tensity over the next ten years. Part of this plan will

be to support in excess of 200 postdoctoral fellows.

Postdoctoral Fellowships are a wonderful opportunity

for honing newly acquired research skills. They nor -

mally extend over two years and allow the candi-

dates to take their independent research to a new

level. Simultaneously the candidates can explore the

life of an academic. Refer to our website for more



Research Institutes

Wits has developed three multidisciplinary research in-

stitutes, which seek to produce highly specialised forms

of knowledge to tackle the challenges of the 21st Cen -

tury. These are the Global Change and Sustainability

Research Institute, the Sydney Brenner Institute for Mo-

lecular Bioscience, and the Evolutionary Studies Insti-

tute. The latter Institute combines the strengths of Wits’

Institute for Human Evolution, the Bernard Price Institute

for Palaeontological Research, and many allied disci-

plines and aims to expand and extend South Africa’s

position as the global leader in the palaeosciences.

The launch and formation of the Wits Research Insti-

tute for Malaria (WRIM) provides an environment to

enhance the ground-breaking research already tak-

ing place at Wits into one of Africa’s deadliest diseases.WRIM aims to produce top quality research and re-

searchers that will benet malaria control in Africa and

place it amongst the leading malaria research groups

in the world.

Research thrusts

The University has nine approved research thrusts or

areas of research strength.

• Biodiversity


• Evolution of the Species and National Heritage

• Cities

• Materials Science and Engineering

• Mineral Resources, Exploration and Mining

• South Africa/India

• Diseases of the Lifestyle: an emerging African


• Molecular Biosciences

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Johannesburg, Joburg, Jozi, Egoli ... vibrant, passionate,

diverse. A city of contrasts. The nancial and commer -

cial hub of Africa and the largest city in South Africa, it

has something for everyone.

Modern sky-scrapers live side by side with 19th Century

buildings, markets, bazaars and “spaza” shops. Never

far from view are the mine dumps, the result of gold min-

ing activity in the mineral rich Witwatersrand range of


Many international organisations have ofces in Johan-

nesburg. There is also an informal economy consisting of

cash-only street traders and vendors.

Johannesburg is as much a concrete jungle as it is

green – it is the largest urban forest with 10 million trees

in the city.

Johannesburg’s residential areas range from luxurious,

wooded suburbs, to shanty towns and squatter settle-


The suburbs of Melville, Newtown, Parkhurst, Norwood

and Greenside are popular for their bohemian atmos-

phere, street life, and many restaurants and bars.

The city is home to several media groups which own a

number of newspaper and magazine titles. Johannes-burg is also home to the Constitutional Court – South

Africa’s highest court.

Museums include the Apartheid Museum and the Hec-

tor Pieterson Museum. The Museum Afrika covers the

history of the city of Johannesburg and houses a large

collection of rock art. The Johannesburg Art Gallery fea-

tures South African and European landscape and gu-

rative paintings.

Art galleries all over the city offer visitors a choice

of art – contemporary, ceramic, Islamic, water-

colour, and the like, including the world-class Wits

Art Museum situated on the eastern corner of the

Braamfontein campus.

The Walter Sisulu Botanical Gardens has been a popular

outing venue and is situated on the western outskirts of

the city.

The Cradle of Humankind, a UNESCO World Heritage Site

is 25 kilometres to the northwest of the city. The Sterkfon-

tein fossil site is famous for being the world’s richest hom-

inid site and produced the rst adult  Australopithecus

africanus  and the rst near-complete skeleton of an

early Australopithecine.

Visitors to Johannesburg and Wits can nd out more at - click on Places and Spaces.


Many more careers are becoming multidisciplinary

and people need to acquire new skills to match

these ever challenging roles.

People are also changing careers more often, creat-

ing the need to enhance one’s skills to keep up with

these career moves. Rapid developments in knowl-

edge across disciplines also requires one to con-

stantly update one’s understanding and skills base.

Life long learning has become an imperative.

Wits offers you the opportunity to become globally

competitive and locally relevant with a qualication

from one of South Africa’s leading universities.

It is a university that is renowned for its high calibre

graduates, academic standing and research ca-

pabilities. Wits challenges you to create new knowl-

edge boundaries and to develop original thinking

which is the cornerstone of intellectual growth.

Our research focus ensures that Wits students and

staff operate at the leading edge of disciplines.

Approximately one third of the student body at Wits

comprises postgraduate students. Wits is thus dedi-

cated to providing quality training to postgraduate

students as one means of ensuring a continuous sup-

ply of active and motivated researchers, while at the

same time enriching the University’s undergraduate


Each of our ve Faculties offers study choices at

the Honours, Masters and PhD level either full-time

or part-time depending on the particular degree

and by coursework or through research based


Distinctly Wits

91 Rhodes Scholars have originated from Wits. Only

a limited number of these coveted scholarships are

awarded to outstanding students worldwide.

Following the award of a substantial grant, the Con-

sortium for Advanced Research Training in Africa

(CARTA), a joint initiative of the School of Public

Health and the African Population and Health Re-

search Center (APHRC), focuses on Wits’ commit-

ment to expanding its footprint in Africa. CARTA’s vi -

sion is to develop the capacity of African universities

to produce globally competitive graduates who will

lead research to improve health and development

in Africa.


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at WitsKick off your postgraduate

career with an honours degree

from Wits. A highly regarded

honours degree is your gate-

way into a world of possibility.

Why you should consider enrolling for

an honours degree

Expand your horizons with an honours degree from Wits.

Honours study gives you a far deeper understanding of

your eld of study. In addition to increasing your knowl-

edge base, an honours degree hones your critical writ-

ing and research skills. The advanced skills and knowl-

edge you gain are respected and sought after in the

 job market, both locally and abroad.

An honours degree is also a pathway to further study

and higher degree research. Through research you are

able to make a difference to the world and contribute

to the development of knowledge in your particular

eld of study.

Wits offers a comprehensive choice of honours pro-

grammes across ve faculties, intellectually stimulat-

ing research areas, excellent supervision and research

support, as well as funding for meritorious students and

those in nancial need.

Honours degrees run over a year of full-time study or

two years part-time.

Read the information contained in the faculty pages

for a list of honours programmes on offer at Wits, or con-

tact the Student Enrolment Centre for more information

about your eld of study.

Resources forpostgraduates

As a research driven univer-

sity committed to increase the

quality and quantity of its re-

search output, Wits recognises

that support and development

is a key component to success.

Graduate Support Division

The Graduate Support Division (GSD) is a cross-faculty,

cross-discipline graduate centre that provides a home

for the intellectual and social life of postgraduate re-

searchers. It also acts as a facilitator to increase aware-

ness of postgraduate needs on campus. It therefore

aims at improving the overall quality of the postgradu-

ate experience across all ve faculties and offers fo-

cused strategic thinking about the implementation of

the 2022 vision to rmly establish Wits’ reputation as a

research intensive University.

This is achieved through ensuring that postgraduates

have access to resources, a rolling enrichment pro-

gramme including workshops in research methods,

data analysis and research writing, and an annual

cross-faculty postgraduate symposium where students

present their work in progress.

The presence of the GSD has resulted in a greater

awareness of responsibility to postgraduate students on

campus and to the extension of existing offerings to a

wider range of students. The GSD also works with the

Humanities Graduate Centre to offer workshops and

support in a number of areas (see page 14).

Postgraduate Association

The Wits Postgraduate Association (PGA) is a student

representative body for postgraduate students at the

University. The mission of the PGA is to promote and

enhance the interests of postgraduate students by in-

teracting with the postgraduate student body and Uni-

versity management; upholding academic excellenceand integrity, facilitating the allocation of relevant re-

sources for postgraduate research; and enhancing ac-

cess of resources to postgraduate students.

Did you know?

A senior researcher from the Evolutionary Studies In-

stitute, recently named a new species of theropod,

or meat-eating dinosaur, an ancient ancestor of to-

day’s birds. The dinosaur, which lived more than 161

million years ago and was discovered in a remote

region of Xinjiang, north western China, is named Aorun zhaoi,  after the Dragon King in the Chinese

epic tale Journey to the West.

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Research Development

Research development opportunities cover:

• Mentoring/coaching – one-on-one discussions with

experienced researchers;

• Skills enhancement – training in the “art and craft” of

doing research;

• Advocacy – assisting to remove or reduce (internal)

hindrances to research;

• Recognition – recognising achievements;

• Exploiting networks – linking researchers with appro-

priate funders, for example.

The scope of the impact of the Research Development

directorate is conveniently grouped into three areas:

Initiatives focused on the new generation of research-

ers, emerging researchers and established researchers.

University Library

There are two main libraries (Wartenweiler and William

Cullen), and 14 branch libraries which make up the

University of the Witwatersrand Library. Students have

access to 1,000,000 book volumes, 400,000 journal titles

and 46,000 updated electronic resources.

The Wits Library plays a major role in southern Africa

both in the provision of information for study and re-

search, and in the preservation of rare materials which

record the heritage of South Africa. The Library offers

a “walk” through the history of information, from the

beautiful collections of incunabula, early printed books

and rare manuscripts to the resources of the Internet

and the global information village.

The Africana Collection contains exquisitely illustrated

volumes on the ora, fauna and exploration of the

southern half of the continent of Africa. Material housed

in the Historical and Literary Papers department deals

with the early days of trade unions, political trials, organ-

isations and people banned during the apartheid years,

and contains documents and information entrusted to

Wits which are unavailable elsewhere. For researchers

in the social sciences it is a wealth of information.

The Wits Library keeps abreast of the technology, is

linked by a network to other libraries throughout the

country, and via the Internet to information resources


Student ServicesAll registered students at Wits have access to resources

such as the Campus Health and Wellness Centre, theDisability Unit and the Counselling and Careers Devel-

opment Unit, as well as the use of sports facilities through

the Wits Sports Associations.


Faculty ofCommerce, Lawand Management

The Faculty of Commerce, Law

and Management aims to con-

tribute to the advancement of

governance, justice and eco-

nomic development throughdeveloping and increasing

knowledge and skills.

Schools and Research Entities

School of Accountancy 

School of Economic and Business Sciences

African Microeconomic Research Umbrella (AMERU)

Institutions and Political Economy Group (IPEG)Strategic Foresight Research Group (SFRG)

School of Law 

Centre for Applied Legal Studies

Mandela Institute

Wits School of Governance

Centre for Defence and Security Studies

Centre for Public Enterprises

Centre for Learning on Evaluation and Results

Graduate School of Business Administration –

Wits Business School

Centre for Entrepreneurship 

The different Schools and entities within the School of

Economic & Business Sciences undertake applied re-

search in a variety of ways, some examples of which

are described, namely: The African Microeconomic

Research Umbrella brings together South African and

African researchers to conduct rigorous quantitative re-

search on African microeconomic issues, specically on

rms and labour markets.

The Institutions and Political Economy Group (IPEG) pro-

motes the study of the relationship among institutions,

organisations and markets. It applies the insights gener-

ated by institutional, organisational, political and pub-

lic economics to issues pertaining to economic perfor-

mance through time.

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The Strategic Foresight Research Group combines the

expertise of Accountants and Management scientists in

projects that have a strategic focus including risk and

crisis management, education, tax and accounting

systems, social responsibility and business sustainability.

Faculty of Commerce, Law &Management

Did you know?

In the nal results of the 2012 national examinations writ-

ten by prospective chartered accountants released,

Wits graduates achieved spectacular success in the

exams set by the independent industry body, the South

African Institute for Chartered Accountants (SAICA).

Five of the top 10 positions in Part 1 of the SAICA exam

were claimed by graduates from the School of Ac-

countancy which also scored a phenomenal rst timepass rate of 97% compared to the national average of

86%. The School of Accountancy has a SAICA Level 1

accreditation status, which is the highest level of ac-

creditation awarded by SAICA.

Programmes on offer

* Not offered

Doctor of Philosophy – PhD 2 years full-time or 4 years part-time

Master of Business Administration – MBA 2 year full-time or 4 years part-time

Master of Commerce – MCom – by research or in the following elds: Ac-

counting, Taxation, Economics, Information Systems, Development Theory and

Policy, Business Science: Business Finance. By research only: Human Resource

Management, Insurance and Risk Management, Marketing, Management

1 year full-time or 2 years part-time

Master of Economic Science – MEconSc 1 year full-time or 2 years part-time

Master of Laws – LLM – by research or in the following elds: Commercial and

Business Law, Corporate Law, Environmental Law, Human Rights Advocacy

and Litigation, Information and Communication Law, International Law, Inter -

national Law and Economics, Labour Law, Pensions Law, Tax Law, General

1 year full-time or 2 years part-time

Master of Management – MM – by research or in the following elds:

Humanitarian and Development Management, Governance and Public

Leadership, Public and Development Sector Monitoring and Evaluation,

Public and Development Management, Entrepreneurship and New Venture

Creation, Finance and Investment Management, Public Policy, Security,

Business and Executive Coaching, Strategic Marketing, Social Security

Policy Management and Administration

1 year full-time or 2 years part-time

Bachelor of Accounting Science with Honours – BAccScHons* 1 year full-time

Bachelor of Commerce with Honours – BComHons – in the eld of


1 year full-time

Bachelor of Commerce with Honours – BComHons – in the eld of Taxation 1 year full-time

Bachelor of Commerce with Honours – BComHons – in the elds

of: Economics, Insurance and Risk Management, Management,Human Resources, Finance, Marketing, Development Theory and Policy,

Information Systems

1 year full-time or 2 years part-time

Bachelor of Economic Science with Honours – BEconScHons 1 year full-time or 2 years part-time

Higher Diploma in Accountancy – HDipAcc 1 year full-time

Postgraduate Diploma in Management – PDM – in the following elds: Business

Administration, Human Resources, Security, Humanitarian and Development

Management, Public Development Sector Monitoring and Evaluation, Gov-

ernance and Public Leadership, Public and Development Management

1 year full-time or 2 years part-time

Postgraduate Diploma in Law in the following elds: Commercial and Business

Law, Communications Law, Corporate Law, Environmental Law, Human Rights

Advocacy and Litigation, International Law and Economics, Information andCommunication Law, International Law, Labour Law, Tax Law, Pension Law,


1 year full-time or 2 years part-time

 +27 (0)11 717-8390/3582

E [email protected]

* Available to existing and eligible Wits students who graduate at Wits and then enrol for BAccScHons directly thereafter.External candidates usually only qualify for HDipAcc.

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The Faculty maintains strong links with industry and fa-

cilitates student bursaries, scholarships and internships.

It has the highest number of endowed professorships or

chairs in the University. Large volumes of contract re-

search are conducted for local and international com-


Engineering has high calibre academic and support

staff, purpose built laboratories, and computing and

library facilities which enable Wits to provide the

opportunity for advanced skilling in specialist areas and

training in cutting edge research.

Engineering offers a Graduate Diploma, Masters by

coursework, Masters by coursework and research report,

Masters by research and Doctor of Philosophy. There are

also special options which permit science graduates

to undertake postgraduate study in engineering. The

variety and quality of the postgraduate qualications

in engineering ensure that capable and committed

students, with good rst degrees, can equip themselves

for leadership roles in technology and related elds.

The rst two decades of the 21st Century has continued

to show dramatic changes in the global economy,

politics and the social environment which have

immense inuences on planning within the developing

Faculty of Engineeringand the Built


The Faculty of Engineering

and the Built Environment is at

the forefront of creating wealth

by providing society with well

educated and entrepreneurial



Programmes on offer

By submission of published work:

Doctor of Architecture – DArch

Doctor of Engineering – DEng

Doctor of Town and Regional Planning – D(TRP)

Doctor of Science in Architecture DSc(Arch)

Doctor of Science in Building – DSc(Building)

Doctor of Science in Engineering – DSc(Eng)

Doctor of Science in Quantity Surveying– DSc(QS)

Doctor of Science in Town and Regional Planning – DSc(TRP)

By research:

Doctor of Philosophy – PhD 2 years full-time or 4 years part-time

Master of Architecture – MArch 1 year full-time or 2 years part-time

Master of Science in Building – MSc (Building) 1 year full-time or 2 years part-time

Master of Science in Engineering – MSc(Eng) 1 year full-time or 2 years part-time

Master of Science in Town and Regional Planning – MSc (TRP) 1 year full-time or 2 years part-time

Master of Science in Quantity Surveying- MSc (QS) 1 year full-time or 2 years part-time

By coursework and research report:

Master of Architecture (Professional) – MArch(Prof)

A postgraduate degree for students who hold a Bachelor of

Architectural Studies with Honours

1 year full-time or 2 years part-time

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 +27 (0)11 717-7002/03/04/06/07/08/7603

[email protected]

Faculty of Engineering and the BuiltEnvironment

Master of Architecture in the eld of Sustainable and Energy Efcient Cities 1 year full-time or 2 years part-time

Master of the Built Environment in the eld of Housing 1 year full-time or 2 years part-time

Master of Urban Studies 1 year full-time or 2 years part-time

Master of Urban Design 1 year full-time or 2 years part-time

Master of Science in Engineering – MSc(Eng) 1 year full-time or 2 years part-time

Master of Science in Building 1 year full-time or 2 years part-time

Master of Science in Development Planning 1 year full-time or 2 years part-time

By coursework:

Master of Engineering – MEng 1 year full-time or 2 years part-time

Graduate Diploma in Engineering – GDE 1 year full-time or 2 years part-time

Postgraduate Diploma in Property Development and Management –


1 year full-time

PG Diploma in Planning 1 year full-time or 2 years part-time

Honours degrees: 1 year full-time

Bachelor of Architectural Studies with Honours BAS(Hons)

Bachelor of Science with Honours in Construction Management BSc(Hons)


Bachelor of Science with Honours in Quantity Surveying BSc(Hons)(QS)

Bachelor of Science with Honours in Urban and Regional Planning BSc(Hons)


world and in attitudes towards the use of the natural

environment in urban growth and change.

The delivery of affordable housing and other highly

relevant social and physical challenges form the basis

of the teaching and research programmes in both the

School of Architecture and Planning and the School of

Construction Economics and Management.

Issues that pertain to townships, informal settlements,

metropolitan systems and provincial policies are at the

heart of a number of postgraduate student projects.

These issues are relevant to the South African context

and climate but draw on internationally accepted

disciplinary principles.

Doctoral studies range from a gender-orientated

analysis of urban homelessness (the rst study of its

kind), to an examination of indigenous construction

techniques and a treatise on early Cape architecture.

Distinctly Wits

An A rated scientist in the School of Mechanical,

Industrial and Aeronautical Engineering, Prof. Beric

Skews was awarded an Honorary Fellowship of

the Royal Aeronautical Society in London. Of the

more than 19 600 world-wide membership, only 47

currently have this honour, regarded as the world’s

highest distinction for aerospace achievement,

awarded only for the most outstanding

contributions to the aerospace profession.

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Programmes on offer

Since opening its doors in 1919, the Medical School in the

Faculty of Health Sciences has graduated more than 7

000 doctors and hundreds of graduates from the allied

medical disciplines of Dentistry, Nursing, Occupational

Therapy, Pharmacy and Physiotherapy.

The Faculty offers a wide range of postgraduate

degrees and diplomas, from the Masters of Medicine

and Dentistry for clinical specialist training to Masters

degrees in a variety of disciplines ranging from Biokinetics

and Sports Medicine to Biostatistics, Infectious Disease

Epidemiology, Pharmacy, Public Health and many


Postgraduate students in the Faculty are offered

a selection of courses on research methodology,

scientic writing skills and biostatistics. Monthly lunch

time talks by researchers, for postgraduate students,

are held in the popular Postgraduate Hub. An annual

postgraduate social event and a bi-ennial Research

Day and Postgraduate Expo provide students with

the opportunity to become part of a thriving research


The Faculty is home to many individual researchers, butalso to 18 research entities, of which eight are jointly

accredited by the Medical Research Council, and one

is a Centre of Excellence. There are also three National

Research Foundation Chairs and two Research Thrusts

which have been approved by the University’s Senate.

All these intensive research niches provide a nurturing

and research-rich environment for postgraduate


The Wits Health Sciences Library serves staff and stu -

dents of the Faculty. It was established in 1926 and

houses over 40 000 books and over 1 000 electronic and

printed journal titles.

Faculty of HealthSciences

The Faculty of Health Sciences

is the largest of its kind in Africa,

has an outstanding internation-

al reputation and has produced

graduates who have gone on

to become world leaders in theirchosen elds.


The Faculty of Health Sciences acknowledges its role in

the training of health professionals, in the advancement

of knowledge through research and its responsibility

to be relevant and responsive to the health needs of

the communities that it serves and to the country. It

aspires to be the Faculty of choice for postgraduate

and professional Health Sciences training particularly

in the South African and sub-Saharan context, offering

modern and relevant curricula and facilities, with

national and international reputations.

* Not offered

Research degrees

In any eld of research approved by the Faculty Graduate Studies Committee and the proposed supervisor(s) and

Heads of School(s).

Doctor of Science (Medicine or Dentistry): by submission of published work 

Doctor of Philosophy: by submission of published work or by submission of a thesis. 2 year full-time or 4 years part-time

Doctor of Medicine (MD): by submission of published work 

Master of Science in (Dentistry, Medicine, Nursing, Occupational Therapy and

Physiotherapy): by submission of a dissertation

1 year full-time or 2 years part-time

Degrees by coursework and research report:

Master of Science in Dentistry MSc(Dent) in clinical disciplines: Community Den -

tistry, Digital Dentistry, Maxillo Facial and Oral Surgery, Oral Pathology, Orthodon-

tics, Periodontics and Oral Medicine, Prosthodontics

1 year full-time or 2 years part-time

Master of Science in Medicine MSc(Med) in the elds: Applied Physiology (in

abeyance), Bioethics and Health Law, Biokinetics, Biology and Control of African

Disease Vectors (July intake only), Child Health, Emergency Medicine, Forensic

Pathology (in abeyance), Genetic Counselling*, Haematology (in abeyance),

Immunology (in abeyance), Medical Microbiology (in abeyance), Nuclear

Medicine, Pharmaceutical Affairs (part-time only), Pharmacotherapy (part-time

only), Sports Medicine, Sports Science (in abeyance), Tropical Diseases (in abey-ance), Virology (in abeyance)

1 year full-time or 2 years part-time

Master of Science in Epidemiology MSc(Epi) in the elds: Biostatistics and Epide -

miology, Population-Based Field Epidemiology, Infectious Diseases Epidemiology

18 months full-time or 3 years part-


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The Health Sciences Postgraduate Ofce

 +27 (0)11 717-2075/6

[email protected]

 Health Sciences, Medical School,7 York Road, Parktown, 2193, South Africa.

Application forms for Health Sciences programmes

must be submitted directly to the Health Sciences

Faculty Ofce.

Master of Science in Occupational Therapy MSc(OT) 1 year full-time or 2 years part-time

Master of Science in Physiotherapy MSc(Physio) 1 year full-time or 2 years part-time

Master of Science in Nursing MSc(Nursing) 1 year full-time or 2 years part-time

Master of Pharmacy (MPharm) 1 year full-time or 2 years part-time

Master of Public Health (MPH) in the elds: Communicable Diseases*, Community

Rehabilitation*, Demography and Population Studies*, Disaster Management*,

Environmental and Occupational Health*, Gender and Health*, Health Man-

agement*, Health Measurement*, Health Promotion*, Health Systems and Policy,

Hospital Management*, Maternal and Child Health, Occupational Hygiene, Pri-

mary Health Care Management*, Rural Health, Sexual and Reproductive Rights

and Health*, Social Behaviour Change Communication

1 year full-time or 2 years part-time

Master of Dentistry (MDent) in the specialties** Community Dentistry, MaxilloFacial and Oral Surgery, Oral Pathology, Ortho-dontics, Periodontics and Oral

Medicine, Prosthodontics

3 / 4 years full-time depending onspecialty

Master of Medicine (MMed)** in the specialties: Anaesthesia, Anatomical Pathol-

ogy, Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, Chemical Pathology, Clinical Pathology, Commu-

nity Health (Public Health Medicine and Occupational Medicine), Dermatology,

Diagnostic Radiology, Family Medicine, Forensic Pathology, Haematology, Inter -

nal Medicine, Medical Genetics, Neurology, Neurosurgery, Nuclear Medicine,

Microbiology, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Ophthalmology, Orthopaedic Sur-

gery, Otorhinolaryngology, Paediatrics, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Psy-

chiatry, Radiation Oncology, Surgery, Urology, Virology

3 / 4 / 5 years full-time depending

on specialty


Bachelor of Health Sciences with Honours in the eld of Biokinetics, Chemical

Pathology, Human Biology, Physiology, Pharmacology (Biosciences track), Phar -

macology (Health Sciences track), Human Genetics, Forensic Sciences, Medical

Cell Biology, Molecular Medicine and Medical Biochemistry

1 year full-time or 2 years part-time


Postgraduate Diploma in Child Health (PGDCH) in the elds: Community Paedi -

atrics, Neurodevelopment *

1 year full-time or 2 years part-time

Diploma in Occupational Health (DOH) 2 years part-time

Diploma in Public Health (DPH) in the elds: Communicable Diseases*, Com-

munity Rehabilitation*, Demography and Population Studies*, Disaster Manage-

ment*, Environmental and Occupational Health*, Gender and Health*, Health

Management*, Health Measurement*, Health Promotion*, Health Systems and

Policy, Hospital Management*, Maternal and Child Health, Occupational Hy-

giene, Primary Health Care Management*, Rural Health, Sexual and Reproduc-

tive Rights and Health*, Social and Behaviour Change Communication

1 year full-time or 2 years part-time

Diploma in Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (DTM&H) 1 year part-time

Postgraduate Diploma in Occupational Therapy (PGDipOT) 2 years part-time

Postgraduate Diploma in Physiotherapy(PGDipPhysio) 1 year full-time

Diploma in Advanced Nursing (DAdvNursing) in the elds: Advanced Psychiatric

Nursing, Community Health Nursing*, Child Nursing, Forensic Nursing*, Genetics

Nursing*, Infection Control, Intensive Care Nursing, Nephrology Nursing, Nurs-

ing Management, Occupational Health Nursing, Oncology and Palliative Care,

Operating Theatre Nursing*, Ophthalmic Nursing, Orthopaedic Nursing*, Trauma

and Emergency Nursing

1 year full-time or 2 years part-time

** The Master of Medicine in Clinical Disciplines and the Master of Dentistry in Clinical Disciplines are limited to applicants who have

 registered with The Health Professions Council of South Africa and hold a registrars post in a clinical discipline

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The Faculty offers a wide range of programmes, some

of which are vocationally oriented and lead to careersin specic professions, while others are theory and re-

search oriented and impart critical analytical skills that

open up to a range of careers in academia and re-

search institutes, the public and private sectors and

non-governmental organisations alike.

Academics in the Faculty have a wide range of links,

which include collaborative research with other lead-

ing scholars in universities in Africa, Asia, Europe, North

America and the Middle East.

Our programmes seek to be at the cutting edge

of postgraduate studies by taking innovative multi-disciplinary, cross-disciplinary and trans-disciplinary

approaches, linking the arts, social sciences, natural

science, law and management. Students are exposed

Faculty of HumanitiesThe Faculty of Humanities is

one of the leading centres

for postgraduate studies and

research in South Africa and


Postgraduate students in the

Faculty are taught and super-

vised by leading academics

many of whom have attained

an international reputation.

The Faculty seeks to creatively

and critically engage with its lo-

cation in Johannesburg, argu-

ably South Africa’s most glob-

ally networked city, which has

dynamic political, social, eco-

nomic and cultural links to Af-

rica and the world.


to rigorous theoretical and methodological training

which imparts strong research and analytical skills and

enables them to adapt to the constantly changing

world of work in the 21st Century.

The Faculty increasingly attracts postgraduate students

from within South Africa and different parts of Africa

and therefore comprises a diverse community that

contributes to providing a very stimulating environmentin which to study. The vision of the Faculty is to ensure

that it is distinguished for its critical analytic approaches

to knowledge production that advance democratic life

and that it remains one of the most highly recognised

entities in the country, Africa and the world.

Research Institutes and Units

Constitution of Public Intellectual Life Programme

Centre for Researching Education and Labour (REAL


History Workshop

Society, Work and Development Institute

Wits Institute for Social and Economic Research

Learning Information Network Knowledge Centre

Humanities Graduate Centre

The Humanities Graduate Centre provides access to

high-quality seminars and research supervision, a con-

genial setting and outstanding facilities for graduate

study. It is a point of connection for local and interna-

tional students, researchers and employers.

The Centre draws on the skills of the country’s leading

academics in the Humanities and Social Sciences. This

intellectual expertise is harnessed to produce both aca-

demic researchers and graduates who are not simply

personnel trained in particular procedures, but innova-

tors, initiators and thought leaders.

It is close to the main libraries, the postgraduate club,

post ofce, the cafeteria, the residence shuttle pickup

point and secure late-night parking. Networked com-

puters, photocopiers, telephones and workspaces are

available until late into the night.

The Graduate Centre offers a forum for dynamic inter -

action and debate. Visiting academics, researchers,

student-run seminars and conferences combine to cre-

ate a vibrant atmosphere of intellectual interchange.

In developing partnerships with other educational insti-

tutions, business, the state and employers, the Gradu-

ate Centre aims to assist in producing a new genera -

tion of critical graduates, and researchers who arealso squarely oriented towards the world of work, and

equipped to envision, plan for and realise South Africa’s

future in all its complexity.

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Research Capacity Development

One of the Centre’s most important functions is to pro-

vide an ongoing programme of research training and

research capacity development for postgraduate stu-

dents in the Faculty of Humanities but also, where ap-

propriate, for other postgraduates in the University. This

programme includes an extensive research methodol-

ogy workshop series as well as academic writing and

publication workshops.

The Graduate Centre also runs postgraduate mentor -

ship programmes designed to support students who

have had very little prior research experience with the

research component of their postgraduate degrees.

This programme is directed, in particular, to postgradu-

ate professional students and those who have been

admitted on the basis of recognition of their prior learn-

ing or experience.

Postdoctoral Fellowships

The Graduate Centre in conjunction with the Dean and

other Schools in the Faculty, often hosts short-term post-

doctoral fellowships which are designed to assist the

Faculty’s post-doctoral students publish their research

and/or undertake further research.

Internships and Networking

The Graduate Centre provides opportunities for stu-

dents to gain direct access to the worlds in which they

will be seeking employment, through a programme of

structured internships. The World of Work Training and

Internship Programmes allow students to develop initial

experience and begin to establish the contacts nec-

essary to enter the work environment. The internship

is an effective method of recruitment for a variety of

employers. Research shows that in the USA, internships

have become the major method of graduate recruit-


The aim is to assist postgraduates with the transfer of

their academic training, to a meaningful application

within the world of work.

In conjunction with the Postgraduate Project Ofce, the

Centre runs a series of workshops to help graduates en-

hance their academic skills as well as their capacity to

undertake research. A key component of the Centre’s

work relates to its research and research methodology


+27 (0)11 717-4032/5

Programmes on offer

Faculty of Humanities

 +27 (0)11 717-8202 (Humanities)

[email protected]

717-3018 (Education)

E [email protected]

Doctor of Literature – DLitt 2 years full-time or 4 years part-time

Doctor of Philosophy – PhD 2 years full-time or 4 years part-time

Doctor of Music – DMus 2 years full-time or 4 years part-time

Doctor of Philosophy – Education – PhD 2 years full-time or 4 years part-time

Master of Arts – MA 1 year full-time or 2 years part-time

Master of Arts (Audiology) – MA (Audiology) 1 year full-time or 2 years part-time

Master of Arts (Fine Arts) – MA (Fine Arts) 1 year full-time or 2 years part-time

Master of Arts (Heritage) – MA (Heritage) 1 year full-time or 2 years part-time

Master of Arts (Rock Art Studies) – MA (Rock Art Studies) 1 year full-time or 2 years part-time

Master of Arts (Social Work) – MA (Social Work) 1 year full-time or 2 years part-time

Master of Arts (Speech Pathology) – MA (Speech Path) 1 year full-time or 2 years part-time

Master of Arts in Translation by coursework and research report 1 year full-time or 2 years part-time

Master of Arts (Organisational Psychology) 1 year full-time, 1 year internship

Master of Arts in Clinical Psychology 2 years formal time and 1 year experiential

Master of Arts in Community-Based Counselling Psychology 1 year formal time and 1 year experiential

Master of Music (MMus) 1 year full-time or 2 years part-time

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Faculty of Humanities

Master of Education (MEd) 1 year full-time or 2 years part-time

Master of Education in Educational Psychology MEd (Educ Psych) 1 year full-time

Bachelor of Arts with Honours – BA(Hons), in the elds of:

African Languages and Linguistics, African Literature, Applied Drama:

Thetre in Education, Communities and Social Context, Applied Lan-

guage and Literacy Education, Archaeology, Arts, Culture and Herit-

age Management, Anthropology, Creative Writing, Demography and

Population Studies, Development Studies, Digital Arts, Drama and Film,

Drama Therapy, English, English Education, European Literature, French

Language and Literature, Geography, German Language and Litera-

ture, Heritage Studies, History, History of Art, International Relations, Ital-

ian Language and Literature, Journalism and Media Studies, Labour

Policy and Globalisation, Media Studies, Migration Studies, Linguistics,

Philosophy, Political Studies, Psychology, Organisational Psychology,

Publishing Studies, Sociology, Industrial Sociology, Development Sociol-

ogy, Translation, Interpreting

1 year full-time or 2 years part-time

Bachelor of Arts with Honours – BA(Hons) joint honours programmes in

Anthropology and Sociology, Arts and Culture Management and His -

tory of Art, English and History of Art, English and International Rela-

tions, English and Linguistics, English and Media Studies, English and

Philosophy, French and International Relations, French and Linguistics,

French and Translation, Heritage and Arts and Culture Management,

History and Political Studies, International Relations and Media Studies,International Relations and Sociology, Philosophy and Political Studies,

Political Studies and Sociology

Bachelor of Arts with Honours in South African Sign Language 1 year full-time or 2 years part-time

Bachelor of Education with Honours – BEd(Hons) 1 year full-time or 2 years part-time

Postgraduate Diploma in Arts 1 year full-time or 2 years part-time

Postgraduate Diploma in Arts in Rock Art Studies 1 year full-time or 2 years part-time

Postgraduate Diploma in Translation and Interpreting 1 year full-time or 2 years part-time

Postgraduate Diploma in Education (PDE) 1 year full-time or 2 years part-time

Postgraduate Certicate in Education (PGCE) 1 year full-time or 2 years part-time

Refer to for information on elds of study offered within the Faculty

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An extensive range of study options exist at the Honours

and Masters levels in the Biological and Life Sciences,

Physical Sciences, Mathematical Sciences and Earth


Research strength ensures that staff members keep in

touch with the latest developments in their eld which

has benecial effects for both undergraduate and

postgraduate teaching. In addition to basic research

in various elds, including high energy physics, rock art,

climatology, palaeontology, palaeoanthropology, mo-

lecular biology and environmental science, the Fac-

ulty of Science has a number of leading researchersinvolved in the elds of nancial and industrial math -

ematics, AIDS research and the treatment of diseases,

materials science, and synthetic and structural chem-

istry. Increasing effort is being devoted to applied re-

search linked to a variety of activities in southern Africa.

Faculty of Science

The Faculty of Science at Wits

is one of the leading research

and teaching facilities in the

country. Our qualications are

recognised by major institutions

locally and abroad.


Five of the 16 A-rated scientists at Wits based are in the

Faculty of Science.

Postgraduate Studies and ResearchThe Faculty proudly offers cutting-edge postgraduate

degrees to graduate students across diverse subject

areas. The Honours degree (taken immediately after

the rst degree) deepens a candidate’s knowledge

in a specic area and provides a rst experience ofresearch.

The Faculty has a number of particularly strong research

elds which attract many students to undertake Masters

and Doctoral degrees by dissertation or thesis.

The Faculty of Science postgraduate programmes

are designed to allow students to learn research

techniques and to pursue research at the highest

levels in experimental, theoretical, computational and

applied sciences. Collaboration within Schools and

multidisciplinary research centres such as the Centre of

Excellence in Strong Materials, the Rock Art Research

Institute, the University’s Institute for the Study of theEnvironment, and the Climatology Research Group are

examples of entities that provide exciting opportunities

for innovative research.

Many of the academic staff, research associates and

honorary staff within the Faculty are internationally

respected scientists. The supervision and research

programmes available at Wits are of the highest

standard and ensure excellence. The Faculty engenders

a culture of publication in leading international journals

and encourages students to attend national and

international conferences. Studying in the Faculty

will instill a student with academic and professional

excellence, as well as pride.

 +27 (0)11 717-6014

E [email protected]

Doctor of Philosophy – PhD 2 years full-time or 4 years part-time

Master of Science – MSc 1 year full-time or 2 years part-time

MSc by coursework and research report in the elds: Archaeology of Pre-Colonial

Food Producing Societies, Actuarial Science, Computer Science, Computational

and Applied Mathematics, Environmental Sciences, Geography and Environ-

mental Studies, GIS & Remote Sensing, Hydrogeology, Mathematics, Mathemati-

cal Sciences (Interdisciplinary), Mathematical Statistics, Medical Physics, Palaeo-

archaeology, Physics (Experimental, Theoretical or Applied Physics), Radiation

Protection, Physics, Engineering and Safety of Power Nuclear Reactors, Materials

Science. Science Education, Biotechnology and Resource Conservation Biology

is offered every alternative year 

1 year full-time or 2 years part-time

Master of Science by dissertation – MSc (Dissertation) 1 year full-time or 2 years part-time

Bachelor of Science with Honours – BScHons – in the elds of Mathematical Sta-

tistics, Operations Research, Actuarial Science, Animal, Plant and Environmental

Sciences, Archaeology, Geography, Geography, Archaeology and Environmen-

tal Studies, Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Genetics and Developmental Biology,

Microbiology and Biotechnology, Applied Mathematics, Advanced Mathematics

of Finance, Chemistry, Computer Science, Geology, Geophysics, Palaeontology,Palaeontology and Geology, Mathematics, Physics. Mathematical Sciences (In-

terdisciplinary). With the Faculty of Humanities: Psychology, Science Education

1 year full-time or 2 years part-time

(not all Honours elds of study are

offered part-time.)

Postgraduate Diploma in Science – PGDipSc 1 year full-time or 2 years part-time

Programmes on offer

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General admission requirementsThe requirements below are a guideline only. Final

selection will be made subject to the availability of

places, academic results and other entry requirements

where applicable. Prospective applicants are advised

to consult the Student Enrolment Centre or relevant

faculty ofce in order to determine the specic

requirements for admission.

Doctor of Philosophy:  Award of a degree at the

Masters level is a pre-requisite.

Senior doctorate:  The candidate is required to

apply directly to the relevant Faculty as an ad hoc

Committee of the Faculty Board concerned needs

to ascertain whether a prima facie  case exists for

admission of the candidate.

Masters: An appropriate qualication taken over not

less than four years of study.

Honours: Candidate must be a graduate in an

appropriate qualication.

Postgraduate diploma or certicate: Candidate must

be a graduate in an appropriate qualication.

Please noteAttention is drawn to the fact that unless the special

permission of the Senate is obtained, no person may be

registered as a student of this University while he/she is

registered as a student of another university.

The special permission of Senate is also required to

register in the same academic year for more than one

degree or diploma in the same faculty. In addition, no

person may register in the same academic year as

a student in more than one faculty unless the written

authority of the Deans concerned is obtained.

Whilst the University makes every effort to ensure that

the information published here is accurate, we reserve

the right to make changes to (1) the programmes on

offer, (2) the curricula programme, and (3) the offering

schedule and calendar.

International applicants

Please make sure you read the information on pages

28 to 32.

Applying toWits

Application procedures

Apply online at:


Faculty of Health Sciences: Students interested inapplying for any of the programmes offered by the

Faculty of Health Sciences should approach the

Faculty Ofce directly for all matters pertaining to their

enquiry (see page 8 for contact details)

Other faculties, PhD or Masters by Dissertation

applications:  Students wishing to read for a PhD

or Masters by Dissertation should rst enquire from

the school concerned about identifying a suitable

supervisor for their intended studies, then apply online


All other applications: Apply online at:

Your application will be considered by the School and

Faculty in which you intend registering.

Please refer to our website for the closing dates  of

various programmes:


Application fee: A non-refundable application fee of

R200 for international and South African applicants is


For payment of the application fee use the following

banking details:

• Standard Bank; Braamfontein branch; branch

code: 004805; account number: 200 346 385. SWIFT


  Please use the unique number when making



Once you have applied online you can upload the

required supporting documents by visiting: 

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Required documentation:1. Certied copies of all your programme (degree)

certicates and a full academic transcript covering

all periods of registration. Include all details of courses

undertaken and the marks obtained. Certied copies

must bear the original Commissioner of Oaths’ stamp

and signature. Any documentation not in English

must be translated and sworn to by an authorised


2. Curriculum vitae.

3. A short outline of your intended research area

(no more than one typed page) – for Masters (by

research) or PhD applicants only (NOT A REQUIREMENTFOR HEALTH SCIENCES AND SCIENCE), and if you are

applying for a Master of Arts programme, a sample

of research work or a long essay written or translated

into English.

5. An applicant to a postgraduate programme who

holds a foreign qualication, is required to submit

proof of evaluation of the qualication by the South

African Qualications Authority (SAQA).

  SAQA can be contacted on +27 (0)12 431-5070 or

email [email protected].

Further information is also available on the SAQA


6. Proof of English Language prociency if your degree

is not from an English medium institution.

Submission of academic record

Foreign universities*

If you have been or are at present a registered student

at a university or similar institution outside the Republic

of South Africa, you must:

• Attach certied copies of all your programme

certicates and a full transcript of your academic

record, to your application form. If you have appliedfor Financial Aid, obtain a separate copy for their


• Include all details of courses undertaken and the

marks obtained. Any documentation not in English

must be translated and sworn to by an authorised


You are also advised that after receipt of the initial

application, you may be asked to submit full details

of the syllabuses of previous degrees to assist with the

evaluation of the application. Documentation not in

English must be accompanied by an original sworn

translation, signed by a Notary Public.

Academic records must be original copies. Degree/

diploma certicates may be original documents or

copies certied by a Commissioner of Oaths.

Your foreign degrees have to be evaluated by the

South African Qualications Authority in Pretoria.

*Details concerning the length of study involved must

be submitted.

Out-of-seat registrationInternational Masters (Research) and PhD students

based outside of South Africa (out-of-seat) are

permitted to register either on a full-time or a part-time

basis whilst conducting research outside of South Africa.

In terms of Immigration Directive 31 of 2008 , Any foreigner

who intends to be part of a systematic investigation

and study of material, sources, do research into or

for e.g. an institute etc., in order to establish facts or research conclusions may upon application be issued

with a Visitor’s permit in terms of section 11(1)(b)(ii)(cc)

of the Act.

Students registering in this category must provide:

1) Conrmation of acceptance

2) Letter from the Faculty conrming out-of-seat


3) The Visitor’s Visa to be applied for when visiting South


4) Medical aid NOT required. It is recommended that

a travel insurance be purchased for the duration of

the stay in South Africa.

Student Call Centre  + 27 (0)11 717-1888


Postgraduate Application Checklist

This is a generic checklist, more specic information

regarding your application can be viewed on the

Self-Service Portal once

you have lodged your application to study.

Applicants who submit academic qualications

through the Self-Service Portal are reminded to also

post/deliver a duly certied copy to Student Enrol-

ment Centre. Certied copies needs to reect the

original Commissioner of Oaths’ stamp and signa-


Please provide the following with your application:

• Certied academic transcripts for all your aca-

demic qualications

• Certied degree certicates (unless graduation

date falls in the following academic year)

• SAQA and IELTS English Prociency for internation-

al applications (SAQA also required for SA can-

didates who studied abroad).

• Curriculum vitae

• Applicants who do not hold an undergraduatedegree/diploma must please submit a certied

school leaving certicate

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Average tuition fees

These are the tuition fees for South African students for

study in 2015.

Fees may increase by approximately 10 percent or

more in 2016, so you need to add at least 10% to the

gures below for 2016 fees.

International applicants are required to pay an

annual registration fee in conjunction with the

local tuition fees cited below.

Faculty of Commerce, Law andManagement

 Average Tuition Fee per programme

MBA R204310

MM (Depending on choice of units) R38630 -R111170

PDM (Depending on choice of units) R25000 -


LLM (by coursework and research report)

 – (1 year full-time)


LLM by research, full-time R16410

LLM by research, full-time, second term R8300

LLM by research, part-time R10940

LLM by research, part-time, second term R7300

PhD by research, full-time R17710

PhD by research, full-time, second term R8990

PhD by research, part-time R11810

PhD by research, part-time, second term R7880

HDipLabourLaw R29360

HDip Tax Law R29360

MCom by coursework and research



MCom by research, full-time R19560

MCom by research, full-time, second



MCom by research, part-time R13040

MCom by research, part-time, second



PhD by research, full-time R20240

PhD by research, full-time, second term

- Law


PhD by research, part-time R13500

PhD by research, part-time, second term

- Law


BCom Hons R50370

BEconSci Hons R32510

HDipAcc R45640

Faculty of Engineering and the BuiltEnvironment

 Average Tuition Fee per programme

BAS(Hons) R50920



BSc(Hons)(QS) R61220

BSc(Hons)(URP) R55360

MArch(Prof) R54630

MArch(Sustainable Energy) R55750

MEng R94880 - R98980

MSc(Building) R67820

MSc(DP) R50320

MSc(Eng) R73270

MBE R45600

MUD R55770

MUS R55020

GDE R51540

PGDipPDM R59340

PGDipPlanning R36990

Research Programmes  

Masters by research, full-time R24380 per year 

Masters by research, full-time,

second term


Masters by research, part-time R16250

Masters by research, part-time,

second term


PhD by research, full-time R23180 per year 

PhD by research, full-time,

second term


PhD by research, part-time R15460 per year 

PhD by research, part-time,

second term


Fees Ofce

 +27 (0)11 717 1530

Tuition fees

Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the information contained in this section was correct at the time of publication,

this information should be considered as a guide only.

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Faculty of Health Sciences

Faculty of Humanities

 Average Tuition Fee per programme

BAHons R24220 - R33700

BEd(Hons) R27220

MA by coursework and research report

 – Applied Ethics for Professionals R51470

 – Demography and Population Studies R34090

 – Digital Animation R34090

 – Dramatic Art R34090

 – Fine Arts R43070

 – Human Geography R33390

 – Applied Language and Literacy Educ R35560

 – ICT Policy and Regulation R43200

 – Organisational Psychology R41950

 – Paleoarchaeology R33390

 – Psychology R42840

 – Social Development R34770

 – Tourism R31280

- Archaeology of Pre-colonial Food Producing Societies R32820

 Average Tuition Fee per programme

MDent and MDent holders of approved posts are entitled to 90% remission fees  

MDent (clinical disciplines) Per year of study R37970 - R55920

MFamMed by coursework and research report R25090

MMed (clinical disciplines) R61970 - R81590

MPharm by coursework and research report R51360

Master of Public Health- full-time, rst year  R18580

Master of Public Health- full-time, second year  R33920

Master of Public Health- part-time, rst year  R9290

Master of Public Health- part-time, second year  R16990

MSc(Dent) by research, full-time R25480

MSc(Dent) by research, full-time, second term R12880

MSc(Dent) by research part-time R16990

MSc(Dent) by research part-time, second term R8590

MSc(Dent) by coursework and research report R53270MSc(Med) by coursework and research report R51220 - R63370

MSc(Nursing) by coursework and research report R37700

MSc(OT) by coursework and research report R39240

MSc(Physiotherapy) by coursework and research report R36630

MSc(Med), MSc(Nursing), MSc(OT),MPharm & MSc(Physio) by research- full-time, per year  R25480

MSc(Med), MSc(Nursing), MSc(OT),MPharm & MSc(Physio) by research- full-time, second term R12880

MSc(Med), MSc(Nursing), MSc(OT),MPharm & MSc(Physio) by research- part-time, per year  R16990

MSc(Med), MSc(Nursing), MSc(OT),MPharm & MSc(Physio) by research- part-time, second term R8590

PhD by research, full-time, per year  R22150

PhD by research, full-time, second term R11180

PhD by research, part-time, per year  R14790

PhD by research, part-time, second term R9860

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 – Applied Linguistics, African Literature, Applied Drama: Theatre in education, Antrhopology,

Biography and Society, Arts and Culture Studies, Development Sociology, Development Studies,

Diversity Studies, Drama Therapy, English Education, Human Rights, European Literature, Film and

Television, French and Francophone Studies, Gender Studies, German Studies, Global South, Health

Sociology, History, History and Film Documentary, History of Art, Industrial Sociology, Interactive

Media, International Relations, Italian Studies, Journalism and Media Studies, Labour Policy and

Globalisation, Linguistics, Literary Theory and Crit Prac, Migration and Displacement, Modern and

Contemporary Literature, Philosophy, Political Studies, Precolonial Studies, Politics and Gender,

Publishing, Publishing Studies, Sociology, Translation and Interpreting, Writing


MA(Audiology) R29600

MA(Clin Psych)(two years of study) R54530

MA(Comm-based Counselling Psych)(two years of study) R54530

MA(Heritage) R34010

MA(Rock Art) R30990

MA (Translation) R47180

MA(Occ Social Work) R38150

MA(Speech Pathology) R34310

MEd by coursework and research report (General) R26130

PGDA(depending on eld of study) R20170 - R29220

PDE R18000

PGCE R30670

PGDipHE R23920

Research Programmes (per year of study)  

Masters by research, full-time R19930 per year  

Masters by research, full-time, second term R10110

Masters by research, part-time R13290 per year  

Masters by research, part-time, second term R6740

PhD by research, full-time R17940 - R19740

per year 

PhD by research, full-time, second term R9110 - R10030

PhD by research, part-time R11960 - R13160

PhD by research, part-time, second term R6080 - R6690

MEd by research, full-time R20610 per year  

MEd by research, full-time, second term R10490

MEd by research, part-time R13740 per year  

MEd by research, part-time, second term R7000

PhD by research, full-time R18470 per year 

PhD by research, full-time, second term R9400

PhD by research, part-time R12320 per year 

PhD by research, part-time, second term R6270

Faculty of Science 

 Average Tuition Fee per programme  

Honours R29350 - R33190

Posgraduate Diploma in Science R33380 - R35880

MSc by coursework and research report R46800 - R56610

MSc by research, full-time R20040

MSc by research, full-time, second term R10190

MSc by research, part-time R13360

MSc by research, part-time, second term R8910

PhD by research, full-time R19220PhD by research, full-time, second term R9760

PhD by research, part-time R12820

PhD by research, part-time, second term R8550

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Closing dates

Commerce, Law & Management

Please consult the Student Enrolment Centre for possible

amendments to these dates.

Intake Closing Date for applications Programme of study

January 2016


30 September Graduate School of Business Administration – Master

of Business Administration, Postgraduate Diploma in

Management programmes, PhD in Management

and Master of Management by Dissertation

School of Architecture – BAS Honours, Bsc URP Hon-ours and Master of Urban Design

Masters and Postgraduate Diploma programmes

offered by School of Law

30 November School of Governance programmes

31 October Applies to both coursework and research degrees,

Honours and Postgraduate Diplomas not listed


April 2015 28 February Applies to pure research degrees only *

July 2015 22 May Limited coursework programmes are available in

July in the School of Governance and GraduateSchool of Business Administration

Contact the Student Enrolment Centre for offerings

September 2015 31 July Applies to pure research degrees only *

International applicants 30 August (unless earlier closing

date specied)

Applies to both coursework and research and

pure research degrees, Honours and Postgraduate


* Please note: Commerce and Law do not have April and September intakes and only consider applications for a

limited number of pure research degrees for the July intake and only under exceptional circumstances.

Student Call Centre

+ 27 (0)11 717-1888


Engineering and the Built Environment

Health Sciences 

Applications and enrolment for pure research programmes within the Faculty are open throughout the academicyear until the end of September. Please ensure that your application reaches the Faculty Ofce timeously

Master of Science in Physiotherapy

Master of Science in Nursing

Master of Science in Occupational Therapy

Master of Science in Nursing

Master of Pharmacy

Master of Science in Dentistry

Master of Science in Medicine

Doctor of Philosophy

End August Honours Programmes


End September Molecular Medicine and Medical Biochemistry

Forensic Sciences

Human Genetics

Pure Research Programmes  – PhD’S and Masters by Dissertation

Applicants for these programmes may apply at any time during the course of the year. Please check the tables

below for exceptions

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End October Human Biology

Medical Cell Biology

End November  Physiology

End July Masters Programmes (Coursework and Research Report)

Master of Public Health

Rural Health

Social Behaviour Change Communication

Occupational Hygiene

Maternal and Child Health

Health Systems and Policy

Master of Science in Epidemiology

Epidemiology and Biostatistics

Population-Based Field Epidemiology

Infectious Diseases Epidemiology

Research Data Management

Master of Science in Medicine (Genetic Counselling)

Master of Science in Medicine (Biology and African Disease Vectors)

End August Master of Science in Nursing

End September  Master of Science in Physiotherapy

Master of Science in Occupational Therapy

Master of Science in Dentistry

Master of Science in Medicine (Bioethics & Health Law)

Master of Science in Medicine (Child Health Community Paediatrics)

Master of Science in Medicine (Pharmaceutical Affairs)

Master of Science in Medicine (Pharmacotherapy)

Master of Science in Medicine (Biokinetics)

Master of Science in Medicine (Sports Medicine)

End October  Master of Science in Medicine (Child Health Neurodevelopment)

Next intake will be in 2017

End December  Master of Science in Medicine (Emergency Medicine)

End August Postgraduate Diplomas

Diploma in Advanced Nursing (Trauma and Emergency Nursing)

Diploma in Advanced Nursing (Nephrology Nursing)

Diploma in Advanced Nursing (Opthalmic Nursing)

Diploma in Advanced Nursing (Advanced Psychiatric Nursing)

Diploma in Advanced Nursing (Nursing Education)

Diploma in Advanced Nursing (Nursing Management)

Diploma in Advanced Nursing (Infection Control)

Diploma in Advanced Nursing (Intensive Care Nursing)

Diploma in Advanced Nursing (Child Nursing)Diploma in Advanced Nursing (Oncology & Palliative Care)

Diploma in Occupational Health

End September  Diploma in Advanced Nursing (Occupational Health Nursing)

Postgraduate Diploma in Occupational Therapy

Postgraduate Diploma in Physiotherapy

End October  Postgraduate Diploma in Child Health (Neurodevelopment)

End November  Diploma in Tropical Medicine & Hygiene

End July Diploma in Public Health

Social and Behaviour Change Communication

Rural HealthHealth Systems and Policy

Maternal and Child Health

Occupational Hygiene

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Intake Closing Date for


Programme of study

January 2016


Open 2 March, Close 3 June Master of Arts in Community Based Counselling Psychology

Open 2 March, Close 15 May Master of Arts in Clinical Psychology

Open 2 March, Close 31 July Master of Education in Educational Psychology

Open 4 May , Close 30 September Masters in Research Psychology and Masters of Arts by

Coursework and Research Report Psychology

Open 4 May , Close 30 September  Master of Arts in Psychology by Coursework and Research


Open 4 May, Close 30 eptember  Master of Arts in the eld of Social and Psychological


Open 4 May, Close 31 August BA Honours in Organisational Psychology

Open 4 May, Close 30 September BA Honours in Psychology

Open 4 May, Close 30 September Masters of Arts by Coursework and Research Report in

Organisational Psychology

Open 4 May, Close 30 October  Masters of Arts in Occupational Social Work

Open 4 May, Close 30 October Master of Arts in Social Development

Open 4 May, Close 30 October Master of Arts in Speech Pathology and Audiology


Intake Closing Date for


Programme of study

January 2016

  31 August

30 September 

Honours in Journalism

Career entry: International and SA applicants

Mid-career: International and SA applicants

30 September 

31 October 

Honours in Sign Language

International applicants

SA applicants

30 September 

 Masters in Journalism

International and SA applicants

30 September 

Honours and Masters in Media Studies

International and SA applicants

31 October 

30 November 

Honours and Masters and PhD in Modern Languages

International applicants

SA applicants

30 September 

30 November 

 All other disciplines (Honours and Masters Programmes)including ICT Policy and Regulation

International applicants

SA applicants

Faculty of Humanities

Closing dates

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Faculty of Science

Intake Closing Date for applications Programme of study

January 2016 30 October   Master of Science by Coursework

and Research

BSc Honours


Intake Closing Date for


Programme of study

January 2016

31 July

30 August

Honours and Masters in Labour, Policy and Globalisation


International applicants

SA applicants

30 September 

31 October 

Honours and Masters in African Centre for Migration and


International applicants

SA applicants

30 September 

30 November 

Honours and Masters in Applied Ethics for Professionals

International applicants

SA applicants

30 October 

30 November 

Honours and Masters in History

International applicants

South African applicants

30 September 

 All other disciplines including Diversity Studies and

Human Rights

International and SA applicants


Intake Closing Date for


Programme of study

January 2016

31 October 

30 November 

 All disciplines (Honours and Masters Programmes) (no mid

year intake for coursework degrees)

International applicants

SA applicants


Intake Closing Date for


Programme of study

January 2016  All disciplines including Applied Language and Literacy

Education and English Education (Honours and Masters


31 August International applicants

30 October SA applicants

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Campus Housing and Residence Life is responsible for

overseeing all aspects of the University’s residence pro-

gramme, including accommodation and meals, and

the provision of recreational facilities and programmes

for the improved academic performance and the ho-

listic development of students within a residential envi-


The Central Accommodation Ofce on the Ground

Floor of Senate House deals with all enquiries regarding

student accommodation. This ofce is also responsiblefor limited staff and visitor accommodation, as well as

conference information.

How to apply

New students to the University or frst time residence ap-


1. The closing date for postgraduate student applica-

tion is 31 October each year. Late applications will

not be accepted.

2. Applications for accommodation can be done on-

line at

3. If you are offered University accommodation, a re-

fundable deposit of R850 must be paid as conrma-

tion of your acceptance of a place in residence.

This deposit must be paid within the stipulated time

after you have been offered a place in residence.

All applicants need to pay the deposit regardless of

whether or not they have a bursary.

  The deposit slip must be retained and a copy must

be sent to the Central Accommodation Ofce.

4. Before admission to a residence, an international

student will be required to pay 75% of his/her resi-

dence fees for the year. The balance to be paid by

31 March.

5. Bursary students must provide proof of their bursary

upon registration. The bursary letter would need to

stipulate that it would cover accommodation costs.

For on campus information:

[email protected]

For off campus alternative information: [email protected]


+27 (0)11 717-9172/3/4

E [email protected] Funding options for postgraduatestudents


University Postgraduate Merit Awards

A university postgraduate Merit Award is available to

assist graduates to complete their Honours, Masters and

PhD degree by research or by a combination of course

work and research on a full-time or part-time basis. This

bursary requires students to meet a minimum academic

standard in order to be awarded the bursary.

Wits Bursaries

Students with an excellent academic record will beconsidered for a Merit Bursary if registered for an Hon-

ours, Masters or PhD degree. The funding for these

bursaries comes from a variety of sources and Wits is

specically targeting donors to make secure fund-

ing available for international students. A signicant

amount of this funding is for students who wish to pursue

a Masters by dissertation or a PhD.

External Statutory Postgraduate Funding

Students may apply for additional funding for Honours,

Masters and PhD registration through other statutory

bodies, e.g. NRF, MRC, CSIR.

Outside Funding / Bank Loans / Bursaries

Most banks offer students loans. Details are directly

available from the nancial institutions. A number of or -

ganisations offer relevant bursaries.

Travel Grants

Travel grants are available to assist postgraduate stu-

dents with top-up funding to attend conferences in

South Africa, elsewhere in Africa and international con-

ferences. The value of these grants depends on avail-

ability of funds.

Please visit our website for more information

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The International Students Ofce seeks to complement

the services provided by faculties and academic de-

partments to international students.

External to the University, the ofce interfaces with

foreign representatives in South Africa, the Depart-

ment of Home Affairs, Medical Aid providers, the

SA Medical Schemes Council, the Matriculation

Board and Higher Education South Africa (HESA) and

the South African Qualications Authority (SAQA) 

The ofce offers the following non-academic services:

• Provide information on Wits and on studying (and

living) in South Africa;

• Provide information and guidance on obtaining a

Matriculation Exemption;

• Advice on immigration issues - application

procedure for study visas and renewals of study


• Provide information on South African approved

medical aid service providers;

• Ensure that all international students are in

compliance with university and government

requirements prior to registration;

• Co-ordinate orientation of new students to


• Facilitates airport transfers

In cooperation with the Internationalisation and Strate-

gic Partnerships Ofce (ISPO), the International StudentsOfce also facilitates the Semester Study Abroad Pro-

gramme as well as other programmes creating oppor-

tunities for Wits students to study/conduct research at

partner universities abroad.

Postal address:

International Students Ofce

University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg

Private Bag 3

Wits, 2050, Republic of South Africa

+27 11 717 1054 / +27 11 717 1059

[email protected]

For more information visit: and click on International

STUDY VISAHow to apply for a study visa

The University is not permitted to register you until you

have produced your VALID Study Visa. It could take at

least 6 to 8 weeks for your Study Visa application to be

processed. It is also important for you to note that your

Study Visa is issued to study at one institution and you

would have to apply for a change of conditions, should

you want to change institutions. This can be done in the

city applicable to the new institution of study.

You are required to apply for a Study Visa at the South

African High Commission, Embassy, Consulate or TradeMission in your country of residence. If there is no South

African representative in that country, you must apply

at the nearest South African High Commission, Embassy,

Consulate or Trade Mission.

The following are the current requirements to be sub-

mitted to the South African Embassy/Consulate in your

country to obtain your Study Visa (please conrm re-

quirements with the relevant authority):

1. A passport valid for not less than 30 days after in-

tended studies

2. Payment of the prescribed administrative fee

3. Conrmation and proof of payment of a South Af-

rican Medical Aid Cover with a medical scheme

registered with the SA Medical Schemes Council.

Cover must remain valid for the duration of the cal-

endar year 

4. Letter of Offer from the University stating the dura-

tion of degree

5. Medical and Radiological reports (less than six

months old)

6. Yellow Fever vaccination certicate, if relevant

7. Relevant certicates if married, widowed, divorced

or separated

8. Details regarding arranged accommodation while

in South Africa

9. Proof of sufcient funds to cover tuition fees and


10. A police clearance certicate for the past 12

months or longer since the age of 18

You are advised to submit the documentation as soon

as possible to the South African High Commission, Em-

bassy, Consulate or Trade Mission – DO NOT  send thedocumentation to Wits University. We, however advise

that you keep a copy of your submission and all re-

ceipts safely. Some South African Embassies, High Com-



The InternationalStudents Ofce

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missions, Consulates and Trade Missions require a letter

of undertaking from Wits University stating that a student

will not be taking the place of a South African citizen

and that the University will inform the Department of

Home Affairs should the student discontinue his/herstudies. If you require such a document, the Internation-

al Students Ofce will be able to facilitate this request.


The holder of a study visa for studies at a higher educa-

tion institution may conduct part-time work for a period

not exceeding 20 hours per week. Immigration Amend-

ment Act 2011, Act No. 13 of 2011.

If you are in South Africa visa applications are submit-

ted to DHA through VFS Global

dha/southafrica. You are permitted to apply for the


1. Renewal of existing visa

2. Change of conditions of visa. This is not applicable

to short term Visitor’s Visas.

3. Endorsement of a work or business visa for part-time

study at Wits

Applications must be submitted 60 days prior to expiry

of current visa. Please make sure that you have all your

documents when submitting to the VFS ofce.

Any international person on a short term Visitor’s Visawill not be permitted to change the visa type and con-

ditions unless in exceptional circumstances

1. In the case of an emergency lifesaving treatment for

longer than three months

2. Is an accompanying spouse or child of a holder of

the business or work visa who wishes to apply for a

study or work visa


A Refugee is a foreign national who has refugee statusaccorded by the United Nations High Commissioner for

Refugees (UNHCR), has a South African identity book

which is stamped as refugee status, and is normally

valid for two years until permanent status is awarded.

If not, accorded status reverts to ‘Asylum Seeker’. The

Refugee Act, Act No. 130 of 1998 (Section 27) provides

refugee students the right to study without a study visa.

No medical aid cover is legally required, however it is


Please Note: Registered students are legally required

to update their records with the International Students

Ofce each time they renew their permit.

If the expiry date lapses, this may result in an automat-

ic deregistration.


An Asylum Seeker is a person in possession of a valid visa

issued under the Immigration Act, Act No. 13 of 2002

(Section 13) Department of Home Affairs.

No medical aid cover is legally required, however it is

highly recommended.

Please Note:  Registered students are legally required

to update their records with the International Students

Ofce each time they renew their permit. If the expiry

date lapses, this may result in an automatic deregistra-



Children of diplomatic staff under the age of 23 years

are exempt from a study visa and they pay local tuition

and related international levies.

Spouses of diplomatic staff do not automatically qualify

for exemptions from a study visa. DIRCO (Department

of International Relations and Co-operation) will con-

sider each application on its merits.

These concessions are only for the period the Diplomat

is in ofce in the Republic of South Africa. These ben-

ets are not transferable. Once the Diplomat’s service

ends in South Africa, the student automatically reverts

to regular international student status as per their citi-

zenship for which all relevant international fees will be



These are students who attend university for a period ofless than three consecutive months. These students may

enter South Africa on a visitor’s visa and are therefore

not required to obtain a study visa. Block release stu-

dents are also exempted from the requirement of medi-

cal aid cover, however it is recommended.

Please Note: Registered students are legally required to

update their records with the International Students Of-

ce each time they enter the Republic of South Africa

to continue their Block Release programme.

International Students Ofce and click on International

I  nt   er n at  i   on al    s t   u d  ent   s 

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In terms of the Immigration Act No. 13 of 2002 as Amend-

ed and its Regulations any prospective student to the

Republic of South Africa, must provide proof of medi-

cal cover with a medical scheme registered in terms of

the Medical Schemes Act, 1998 Act 131 of 1998.

Although you might be able to secure a study visa with

other types of medical products, be they South African

or other wise, the University of the Witwatersrand only

accepts South African Medical Aid products.

To comply with the regulations, the University requires a

membership certicate as proof of full Medical Aid cov-

er with a South African based medical aid scheme for

the full calendar year, until 31 December of that year.

To avoid unnecessary complications, please make the

necessary nancial arrangements with the medical aid

provider prior to your entry into South Afr ica. Should you

rely on sponsorship, please ensure that you advise your

sponsor of this requirement as soon as you get sponsor-

ship or acceptance. The required medical aid cover

fee must be paid directly to the Medical Aid Company,

separate to that of the tuition fees.

Students will not receive a Clearance Certicate unless

they can show a membership certicate as proof of a

valid and comprehensive medical aid cover for the

duration of the academic year (until 31 December),

Guidelines based on the Wits system

Please be advised that the University is unable to pro -

vide a direct conversion of the Wits credit system into

either the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) or the

Grade Point Average (GPA). This information merely

serves as a guideline.

Wits credit–rating systemThe South African National credit-rating system rates

10 notional study hours as equivalent to one credit.

Credits represent a measure of all the learning activities

engaged in by the student and include, among oth-

ers, contact time, self-study, Work Integrated Learning

(WIL), assignments, projects and examinations.

Certicate, Diploma, Bachelor’s degree and Bachelor

of Honours degree qualication types assume a 30-

week full-time academic year 2. Master’s degree and

Doctoral qualication types assume a 45 week full-time

academic year.

An average full-time equivalent student is expected

to study for a 40-hour week, thus requiring a minimum

credit load of 120 credits per academic year for Cer -

ticates, Diplomas, and Bachelor’s degrees and 180

credits per academic year for Master’s degrees and

Doctorates. On average, there are four 45 minute lec-

tures per week, per course. Attendance of tutorials and

practicals is usually compulsory.

Academic year

The academic year at Wits runs from February to No-

vember 1. The year is further broken down into two se-mesters: Semester 1 – February to June / Semester 2 –

July to November.



Wits grading system(As reected on academic transcripts)

Class Wits Percentage Code

First 75% and over A

Upper Second 70% to 74% B

Second 60% to 69% C

Third 50% to 59% D

Fail 0% to 49% F

without a Clearance Certicate they cannot register at

the Institution.

Students who are members or dependents on a South

African based parent/guardian/spousal/work medi-

cal aid are required to present a recent membership

certicate for the annual registration. The membership

certicate must reect active membership for the cur -

rent year.Medical Aid providers with weekly consulting hours on

Wits campus:

CompCare Wellness Medical Scheme / 086 112 4636

Discovery Health Medical Scheme

0860 99 88 77 / +27 11 529 6496

Momentum Health

0860 102 493 / +27 (0)12 671 8511

The above products have guaranteed that cancellation

of coverage will not be refunded without written com-

munication from the International Students Ofce con-

rming the student’s deregistration/completion status.

For other SA Medical Aid Products to be considered:

The certicate/letter conrming membership must be

for the current year.

For more details about all Medical Aid providers in South

Africa, contact:

SA Medical Scheme Council

0861 123 267 +27 (0)12 431 0500

1  Health Sciences programmes commence in January

and nish mid-December. 2  Professional clinical degrees in Health Sciences are long-

er than the assumed 30-week full-time academic year.

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English Prociency

Wits, as an English-medium university requires that its

students are procient in English before they are ac-

cepted. An applicant, whether at undergraduate or

postgraduate level, must have attained a certain level

of prociency in English, namely:

• A pass in an examination equivalent to English at the

Higher Grade (First or Second Language) at the South

African matriculation level (or, for certain immigrants

only, English at the Standard Grade [First Language]

plus an A-level pass in the immigrant’s home lan-


• A pass in English Language at the GCSE/GCE/IGSCE

Ordinary level (or equivalent examination);• A pass in the IELTS (International English Language

Testing System) with a score of at least 7.0.

Information, including application forms and dates

when tests are held, may be obtained from the British


The Wits Language School also offers English training

to students who wish to improve their language skills.

The WLS is now part of the Faculty of Humanities and

is closely linked to the School of Literature, Language

and Media, which offers academic programmes. WLS

offers non-academic courses for adult learners. It of-

fers public classes, corporate training and private tui-tion. WLS takes pride in its excellent services, high quality

training programmes that have a sound research and

academic framework and the quality of its training per-


English as a Foreign Language (EFL) Courses are de-

signed for foreign and second language speakers and

consist of six levels from pre- beginners to advanced

level. An assessment test determines at which level stu-

dents’ would start the course.

Wits Language School: Wits University, Private Bag X3,

Wits, 2050, Johannesburg, South Africa,

 +27 11 717 4208 / Fax: +27 11 717 4219

[email protected] / www.witslanguageschool.comIH Johannesburg – Language Lab also offers IELTS prep-

aration workshops on certain Saturdays.

Language Lab – IH Johannesburg, 54 De Korte Street,

Braamfontein, Johannesburg, South Africa

+27 11 339 1051 / Fax: +27 11 403 1759

[email protected] /

British Council at the British Embassy or Consulate in your

country or British Council in Johannesburg

British Council in Johannesburg, 275 Jan Smuts Avenue,

Dunkeld Corner, Dunkeld West,

 +27 11 560 9300 / Fax: +27 11 560 9301

[email protected]

The University prefers the applicant to take the IELTS,

however consideration will be given should an appli-

cant have a pass in TOEFL(Test of English as a Foreign

Language) which is equivalent to the IELTS 7.0

Language policy



All postgraduate international students are required to

pay an application fee (R200) when submitting their ap-

plication for study. Other fees include a non-refundable

annual International Registration Fee (IRF), tuition fees 

and if applicable, on campus accommodation fees.

75% of the tuition, IRF and on-campus accommodation

fees is payable on registration. The balance is due with-

in two months after registration. This excludes students

with Refugee status.  Students will not be registered  if

they do not pay 75% of the annual fees (tuitions, IRF

and on-campus accommodation), prior to registration,

or have evidence of sponsorship.

The Southern African Development Community (SADC)

member countries pay annual local tuition fees andrelated costs (see Table below). The SADC member

countries are Angola, Botswana, Democratic Repub-

lic of Congo, Lesotho, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique,

Namibia, Seychelles, Swaziland, Tanzania, Zambia and


All international students (those who are not South Afri-

can citizens or who do not have permanent residence

status in South Africa) are required by the Department

of Home Affairs to provide proof of available funds for

the tuition fee for the academic year prior to receiving

their study visa.

The following categories of students are also required to

pay international fees:• International Students who are married (including

same sex marriages) to SA citizens or permanent

residents – pay international fees until they have ob-

tained SA citizenship or permanent residency.

• International Students who are in life partnerships with

SA citizens or permanent residents – pay International

fees until they have obtained SA citizenship or perma-

nent residency.

• International Students who pay SA taxes (e.g. con-

tract workers or temporary residents) – the criterion

of paying tax in South Africa does not change a per-

son’s immigration status and as such it is not sufcient

for a reduction in international fees.

• International Students who pay SADC taxes – payingtax in a SADC country does not change a person’s

immigration status and as such does not qualify for

exemption from international fees.

• SA & SADC Temporary Residents – If there is an expiry

visa date and if individuals are required to renew resi-

dence status periodically, then such individuals are

not permanent residents of the country and do not

qualify to pay local fees.

• SA Permanent Resident Applicants under Review (in-

cluding those married to SA residents/citizens) – there

is no guarantee that permanent residence status will

be granted. Until such status is granted, international

fees apply.

• International Students who are children of South Af-

rican citizens or Permanent Residents – pay interna-

tional fees until they themselves have obtained SA

citizenship or permanent residency.

Refer to the tables overleaf for 

IRF and tuition fees

I  nt   er n at  i   on al    s 

t   u d  ent   s 

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How to pay fees

 Application fee:

Standard Bank; Braamfontein, branch code: 004805;

account number: 200 346 385. Swift code: SBZAZAJJ

Tuition fees and the annual international registration

fee (IRF):

Standard Bank; Braamfontein; branch code: 004805;

account number: 002 891 697. Swift code: SBZAZAJJ.Please fax proof of payment to +27 11 717 4918 and

state your Person number as a reference


made at the Fees Ofce at Wits University or at any

Standard Bank; Braamfontein; branch code: 004805;

account number: 002 891 697.

If fees are transferred electronically please quote

your person number as the reference.


Telephone the Fees Ofce at +27 11 717 1544/43/42

and fax the details to +27 11 717 4918,or visit the University in person.

Downloadable form for credit card payment is avail-

able on the website:

2015 Fee structure for postgraduate international students

Apply online at:

h // i /

I  nt   er n at  i   on al    s 

t   u d  ent   s 


(Full-time, Part-time1, PG/Block Release – for

Degree and Diploma Qualications and

Study Abroad/Occasional)

Local tuition fees + R5 030

As per the higher education agreement between South Africa andRwanda, students sponsored by the Government of Rwanda will betreated as SADC students.1If working in South Africa on a valid Work/Business visa you are re-quired to apply for an endorsement to study part-time.

Outside of SADC

(Full-time, Part-time1, PG/Block Release –forDegree and Diploma Qualications)

Local tuition fees + R5 030

As per the higher education agreement between South Africa andRwanda, students sponsored by the Government of Rwanda will betreated as SADC students.1If working in South Africa on a valid Work/Business visa you are re-

quired to apply for an endorsement to study part-time.

Study Abroad/Occasional

Outside of SADCR54 820 per semester 


(Full-time, Part-time, PG/Block Release forDegree and Diploma Qualications Study


Pay local tuition only (On South African terms)

Asylum Seekers

(Full time, Part time, PG/Block Release – forDegree and Diploma Qualications and

Study Abroad/Occasional)Local tuition fees + R5 030

Diplomats and their dependents stationed in

South Africa

(Full-time, Part-time, PG/Block Release – forDegree and Diploma Qualications and

Study Abroad/Occasional)

Local tuition fees + R5 030

Fees apply whilst student’s diplomatic status is valid; proof is requiredfor each year of registration. Should status end the student will revert

to their nationality status and all regular international registration feeswill apply accordingly.

International Wits employees and their de-pendents

(Full-time, Part-time1

, PG/Block Release – forDegree and Diploma Qualications and

Study Abroad/Occasional)

Local tuition fees + R5 030

Staff bursaries are for permanent employees

of the University and it is managed viaHuman Resources.1If working in South Africa on a valid Work/Business visa you are re-quired to apply for an endorsement to study part-time.

Short Courses (Certicates of Attendanceand Competence) 

Local tuition fees + R5 030

Fee Structure for International Affiliates All visiting international students and academics who are not regis-tering for degree courses but wish to be afliated to Wits whilst pursu-ing their own research towards studies at their own university will payfees, in advance, as follows: R2 398 per month or R27 665 per annum. This is administered via the respective School / Faculty.

Student Call Centre  + 27 (0)11 717-1888

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