  • 7/31/2019 CIO - Top 10 Reasons to Modernize the Desktop - May 2011 - English


    Modernizethe Desktop

    10 Reasons to

    Executive SummaryIn todays competitive business landscape, users needs are continuously

    changing. No longer is work a place, but rather an idea that is ubiquitous,

    constant and borderless. Employees want access to their data and appli-

    cations anytime, anywhere, from any device, so that ideas, collaboration

    and innovation arent limited to business hours or ofce buildings. Theywant information on demand and are looking to emerging tools for new

    ways to communicate and work.

    To keep up with these changing and evolving needs, IT departments

    need a solution that meets the needs of both the employees and IT

    something not possible with a traditional PC model. Desktop moderniza-

    tion is about evolving from the PC-centric model to a user-centric model.

    This means moving beyond the physical PC to a state that is highly

    exible, easy to manage, customizable to suit users needs, and ready

    for new and future technology. The journey to user-centric computing

    begins with modernizing the desktopcutting the ties that bind users,applications and data to a single piece of hardware.

    Users beneftfrom the freedom to connect, regardless of location

    and device, to an environment that is personalized and familiar.

    IT departments beneft from efciencies, achieving the control,

    security and manageability that traditional desktop computing could

    never offer.

    Businesses beneft from lower operational costs, faster time to

    market, and heightened employee productivity.


  • 7/31/2019 CIO - Top 10 Reasons to Modernize the Desktop - May 2011 - English


    A New Desktop Strategy Approach

    IT departments are in need of a better solution. For years, managing and supporting desktops

    has ranked as one of the IT departments most signicant burdens, and the situation only gets

    worse. The endless onslaught of security patch releases, combined with frequent desktop

    application and operating system upgrades and changes in hardware that require conict

    resolution, leave IT in constant catch-up mode and detract staff from more strategic tasks.

    At the same time, the unrelenting march of different client devices into the work-

    placeranging from notebooks to tablets to smartphonessignicantly complicates desktop

    support. Employees also expect new applications and access methods used outside of the

    ofce to be available for business use, and often bring new, unauthorized applications into the

    corporate environment without warning. These changes in end-user technology expectations

    and demands mean IT professionals must remain at the ready to support new client devices,

    applications and delivery methods.

    By modernizing the desktop, IT professionals can signicantly reduce the costs and head-

    aches associated with desktop deployment and management, while also delivering on the

    exibility and accessibility that users demand. The rst step toward this modernization is to

    leverage desktop virtualization to sever hardware device dependency, making the concept of

    ubiquitous access anytime, from anywhere, a reality.

    Here are 10 reasons IT departments should embark on a desktop modernization strategy:

    1, 2. Quantifying the Business Value of VMware View, Michael Rose and Randy Perry, IDC, September 2009.

    Reduce Total Cost o Ownership

    VMware View allows IT administrators to take advantage of automation and centralized man-

    agement, and includes tools for easily provisioning new desktops and setting policies. With

    a single, central desktop image, IT staff can quickly create desktops and push out updates to

    thousands of virtual desktops in minutes, signicantly reducing the time and expense required

    to perform common tasks.

    According to IDC, organizations that deploy VMware View instead of traditional PCs can

    experience annual cost savings of roughly 50 percent, averaged over a ve-year period.1

    Unleash User FreedomVMware View allows employees to gain access across devices and locations with a consistent

    user experience whether they are in the ofce, at home or traveling. And because this user

    experience is consistent, employees are more productive since they always know where their

    documents are and are greeted by the same customized interface each time they log in.

    VMware View really extends the boundaries of the university out to our students wherever

    they are. Students can access their H drives, applications and network resources even if

    theyre off campus; normally, theyd have to drive on campus and physically go into a student

    computer lab.

    Josh Spencer, Team Lead, University of Toledo Desktop Development Group



    Simpliy Desktop Security

    By centralizing desktop components, VMware View heightens security because sensitive

    content need never leave the data center, virtually eliminating the threat of data loss or theft.

    The ability to move data from the edge of the IT environment into the data center inherently

    reduces the security risk to an IT organization. Centralization of data access can mitigate the

    risk of data leakage and theft and simplify compliance procedures.

    Michael Rose and Randy Perry, IDC2


  • 7/31/2019 CIO - Top 10 Reasons to Modernize the Desktop - May 2011 - English


    Take Control

    With VMware View, IT departments can control data, application and intellectual-property

    access through centralized policies developed by IT. For example, IT administrators can create

    policies that dictate if a user can move les from his or her virtual desktop in the data center

    to a local endpoint device.

    Manage Applications More Efciently

    IT departments can further simplify desktops by deploying VMware ThinApp, which works

    with VMware View to accelerate application deployment and simplify application migration.

    With ThinApp, applications run completely isolated from one another and from the operating

    system for conict-free execution on endpoint devices. ThinApp application packages can

    be deployed to different Windows platforms (e.g., XP, Vista, Windows 7), eliminating costly

    recoding and testing so that migrating existing applications to new operating systems can be

    done easily.

    We can roll out any application we want to the virtual desktops just by updating

    the master desktop image. Thats a far cry from having to physically visit the remote locations

    to install the application.

    Michael LaForge, Network Administrator, Columbia Memorial Hospital

    Simpliy Desktops or Users

    With automated backups as well as centralized updating, patching and anti-virus/

    malware scanning, VMware View simplies the end-user experience so employees can focus

    on productivity and not worry about managing their desktop. And because users data and

    applications are stored in the data center, impact is signicantly minimized in the case of

    client hardware loss or failure, because users can log in from another device and quickly pick

    up work where they left off.

    As an end-user, I no longer have to worry about things like backups, updates or patches.

    With my View desktop I dont have to play IT, so I can focus on my work and being produc-


    Chris Westphal, VMware View User

    Integrate IT Inrastructure

    Deploying VMware View desktop virtualization with VMware vSphere for server virtualizationallows IT departments to reap the benets of tight integration. The benets of virtualization,

    including management, performance and availability efciencies, can be extended from the

    data center to the desktop. In addition, the same skill set can be leveraged by IT professionals

    to deploy and manage infrastructure for virtualized desktops and servers.

    Today, virtualization of servers is a no-brainer. Every IT manager in a large institution knows

    that this is the direction of the entire industry. The intelligent thing to do is to take the addi-

    tional step and adopt other virtualization tools to make IT maintenance more efcient.

    Raf Burtz, Manager of Information Systems, Holmes Place

    VMware View enables desktop management from a single point of control,even in remote, branch ofces or third-party ofces. The virtual desktop al-

    lows us to control desktop security and perform upgrades with no outages.

    Tony Marion, Director of Infrastructure, Australian Bureau of Statistics





  • 7/31/2019 CIO - Top 10 Reasons to Modernize the Desktop - May 2011 - English


    Improve Business Agility

    The ubiquitous access that desktop virtualization delivers means technology doesnt get

    in the way of innovation, but rather enhances it by allowing for new ways to work anytime,

    anywhere. Employee productivity increases as technology makes access to data and applica-

    tions fast, exible and mobile, and users are freed to focus on strategic issues. By allowing for

    maximum exibility with minimum management, desktop virtualization becomes a business

    driver, unlike traditional desktops that can drain both IT and end-user resources.

    Migrate to New Platorms

    By combining desktop virtualization with VMware ThinApp, organizations can signicantly

    reduce the time and expense of moving to new platforms. In addition, ThinApp removes

    concerns over application conicts, eliminating the potential for the need to rewrite code thatconicts can produce. And by abstracting applications from the operating system, ThinApp

    eases support for environments that are a mixture of new and older operating system ver-


    Migration to Microsoft Windows 7 can be done with VMware View and VMware ThinApp in about

    half the time it takes to migrate traditional desktops to the new OS, and at roughly half the cost.

    Ease Adoption o New Technologies

    By enabling a more efcient IT process, desktop virtualization products such as VMware View

    simplify administration tasks so that essential IT staff can focus on more strategic areas. VM-

    ware View eases the adoption of new end-user devices and sets the stage for next-generation

    computing models such as cloud-based and SaaS-based application delivery to truly modern-ize the desktop. Running virtualized desktops means IT departments can deploy a variety of

    end-user devices, or allow employees to leverage their own, without security, management or

    control concerns. And employees can be allowed to use new types of applications and ser-

    vices safely, without management or conict concerns. Finally, IT can spend less time manag-

    ing desktops and more time driving innovation for your business.

    With VMware View, we are far more agile as an organization. Projects which would previously

    have been considered big and resource-consuming can now be achieved in record time.

    George Wrath, Head of Systems, New College Durham, County Durham, U.K.

    More Inormation

    VMware View Product Page

    VMware View Customer Reerences

    Quantiying the Business Value o VMware View




    At TechTeam, [VMware View] is enabling us to expand our revenue-gener-

    ating helpdesk operations cost efciently, through an infrastructure that can

    scale and adapt quickly to meet future demands

    Daniel Chapiewski, Global Infrastructure Director, TechTeam Global Inc.

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