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Civics Chapter 1 and 2 test review game PowerPoint

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1. person who came here from another country

• citizen• government• immigrant• quota

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2. counting of a population

• refugee• migration• naturalization• census

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3. person fleeing persecution in their home country

• refugee• migration• naturalization• census

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4. the organizations, institutions, and individuals who

exercise political authority over a group of people

• civics• citizen• government• immigrant

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5. the annual number of live births per 1,000 membersof a population

• migration• naturalization• census• birthrate

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6. the legal process by which an alien may become acitizen

• h. migration• i. naturalization• j. census• k. birthrate

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7. resident of the United States who is a citizen ofanother country

• quota• alien• refugee• migration

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8. set number

• quota• alien• refugee• migration

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9. movement of large numbers of people from region to region

• quota• alien• refugee• migration

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10. legally recognized member of the country

• civics• citizen• government• immigrant

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11. Civics is the study of

• past civilizations.• b. civilizations today.• what it means to be a citizen.• cities and communities.

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12. The original thirteen colonieswere settled mostly by

• Native Americans.• people from the British Isles.• the Vikings.• Siberians.

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13. Refugees are

• A. people fleeing persecution in their home countries.

• b. automatically made U.S. Citizens.

• c. sent back to their homeland.

• d. allowed into the United States only if they have valuable job skills.

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14. The legal process by which analien may become a citizen is


• a. deportation.• b. adoption.• c. naturalization.• d. immigration.

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15. Naturalized citizens have thesame rights and duties as

native-born Americans. Theonly exception to this is that

they cannot

• a. teach in public schools.• b. run for any public office.• c. get arrested.• d. become president or vice president of the

United States.

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16. The main purpose of thecensus is to find out

• a. the size of each state’s population.• b. how many illegal aliens are living in the

United States.• c. how many people are registered to vote.• d. how much food to grow for export.

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17. The movement of large numbersof people from region to

region is

• a. deportation.• b. migration.• c. immigration.• d. population growth.

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18. Metropolitan areas are madeup of

• a. rural areas and their• suburbs.• b. rural and urban areas.• c. rural, urban, and suburban• areas.• d. urban areas and their• suburbs.

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19. If you were born in any U.S.state or territory, you automatically

become a

• a. naturalized citizen.• b. permanent resident alien.• c. native-born citizen.• d. refugee.

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20. More than 80 percent ofthe current U.S. population

lives in

• a. suburban areas.• b. metropolitan areas.• c. rural areas.• d. apartment buildings.

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• 21. The leaders who planned our government created a system intended to guarantee freedom.

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• 22. The Vikings established the first permanent settlements in North America

• about A.D. 1000.

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• 23. Aliens cannot serve on juries.

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• 24. Aliens enjoy the same benefits as native-born citizens.

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• 25. New York City is the nation’s most populous city.

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26. the lawmaking body of Great Britain

• dictator• Federalists• compromise• Parliament

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27. agreement in which each side gives up part of its

demands in order to reach a solution to a problem

• dictator• Federalists• compromise• Parliament

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28. written plan of government

• democracy• republic• constitution• confederation

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29. basic rights to which all people are entitled

• human rights• ratification• dictator• Federalists

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30. loose association of states

• constitution• confederation• sovereignty• federalism

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31. absolute power

• sovereignty• federalism• human rights• ratification

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32. supporters of the Constitution who favored a strongnational government

• i. dictator• j. Federalists• k. compromise• l. Parliament

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33. approval

• human rights• ratification• dictator• Federalists

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34. system that divides powers between the nationalgovernment and state goverments

• federalism• human rights• ratification• dictator

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35. person who rules with complete and absolute power

• human rights• ratification• dictator• Federalists

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• The traditional beliefs and history of a country‘s people shape its

• government.• dictatorship.• confederation.• highways.

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• Rights such as freedom of speech fulfill which purpose of government?

• helping people cooperate• providing services• providing laws• guaranteeing freedom

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• A person, such as a queen or• king, who reigns over a kingdom• or empire is called a• delegate.• dictator.• monarch.• citizen.

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• The basic law under which Americans live is contained in a

• constitution.• sentence.• charter.• government.

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• A direct democracy functions best

• on the national level.• in a small community.• on the state level.• when everyone agrees on all the issues.

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• The first U.S. plan for government was the

• Declaration of• Independence.• Magna Carta.• Articles of Confederation.• Constitution.

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• The Declaration of Independence was approved by

• Thomas Jefferson.• King George III.• the Continental Congress.• the Senate.

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• The power of the U.S. government comes from

• a. Great Britain.• b. the consent of the• governed.• c. the Continental Congress.• d. the president.

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• A bicameral lawmaking body has two

• a. political parties.• b. amendments.• c. senators from each state.• d. houses.

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• The main purpose of the Federalist Papers was to

• a. justify the Revolutionary• War.• b. criticize the Articles of• Confederation.• c. state American ideals.• d. help increase support for• the Constitution.

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• Most of the Declaration of Independence was written by James Madison.

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• Congress had no trouble passing laws under the Articles of Confederation.

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• Every country in the world has a government.

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• The Declaration of Independence is considered one of the greatest documents in our country’s history.

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• The Articles of Confederation were intended to preserve the states’ sovereignty.

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