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Classic Abs

Copyright 2011 Tried & True Fitness


How To Build

"Classic" Abs

A time-tested method for building

a rock-hard midsection

Published by Tried & True Fitness Copyright 2011

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Classic Abs

Copyright 2011 Tried & True Fitness


Title: How To Build Classic Abs Subtitle: A time-tested method for building a rock-hard midsection Author: Matt Marshall Published By: Tried & True Fitness/BBR Publishing Location: BBR PUBLISHING P.O. Box 350363 Westminster, CO 80035 Contact: [email protected] No part of this manual may be reproduced or distributed without the expressed written consent of Matt Marshall and BBR PUBLISHING. Every word of this manual is protected by U.S. Copyright Laws, 2011.

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Copyright 2011 Tried & True Fitness


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Report: How To Build "Classic" Abs

Classic Abs

Photo from 1898... over 100 years ago!

Everybody wants a rockin' set of abs, right?

After all, that's what turns heads at the beach.

But, lately I've noticed something. I've noticed these days kids are running around sporting "new school" abs.

And to me, "new school" abs are simply not as good as "old school" or "classic" abs. Now you're probably wondering what the difference between "new school" abs and "old school" or "classic" abs is, right?

After all, abs are abs... right?

Not Quite. Here's The Difference...

At the time of this writing, all the teen girls in the nation are pumped up over the "Twilight" movie series.

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Copyright 2011 Tried & True Fitness


What's so special about this movie?

I don't have the first freakin' clue. But the teenyboppers are infatuated with the main actor, this cat here �

Now, to me, those are "new school" abs.

Listen, readers of this book probably already know this but abs are muscles and we were all born with abs. For most of us, the abs are covered by a layer of fat. That's why you can't see your abs.

But if you just lose the fat, you'll see your abs.

Now here's the catch:

You do NOT have to strengthen your ab muscles one single bit to "have abs." You can be weak as a kitten, unable to do a single push-up and still "have abs."

And that's what I see when I look at these teeny-bopper Hollywood types and their "new school" abs. Their abs look completely useless -- they don't offer any strength advantages or protective value.

In a way, it would be like completely removing the skin from your hand. You could see all the muscles and bones in your hand. But does that make your hand any stronger? No, you just pulled the skin off.

In the same way, these "new school abs" aren't really that impressive. They're not strong, they're not function... they're just "there" because these guys starved themselves for a few weeks.

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So What Are "Classic" Abs?

Take a look at legendary strongman Mike Dayton.

Not only could Mike Dayton do a one-arm chin-up... he could do 100 one-arm chin-ups.

As you can see, his abs are like granite.

Not only does he "have abs" but you can tell that his abs are strong, powerful and functional.

Punch a guy with "new school abs" in the stomach and he'll drop like a rock. Punch a guy with "old-school abs" in the stomach -- a guy like Mike Dayton... and he'll just laugh. And then probably tear you apart with his bare hands.

Old school, "classic" abs are powerful, strong and sturdy. Because you can't get classic abs just by eating like a bird. You have to BUILD classic abs.

How Do You Build Classic Abs?

First, let's talk about how NOT to build classic abs.

To build old-school abs, you do NOT...

Eat like a bird.

Spend hours every day on the treadmill.

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Knock out thousand of crunches.

No. No. NO!

Decades ago, regular guys got rock-hard abs WITHOUT treadmills or crunches. These old-schools ate hearty portions of red meat, chased it down with giant mugs of frothy beer... and still had chiseled, washboard abs.

So how did they do it?

How did these old-time trainers did rock-hard abs DECADES before the invention of steroids... without "low-fat snacks" and often times while smoking and drinking like sailors?

How Did They Do It?

Photo from 1914

Photo from 1911

Photo from 1898.

To answer that question, you've got to take a trip back in time. 100 Years ago, "fitness clubs" didn't have fancy elliptical machines or spin classes.

Most fitness clubs consisted of a few basic pieces of equipment. Sure, you had your typical old school barbells and dumbbells. But a hundred years ago, most gyms had something you don't see in today's modern fitness clubs.

See if you pick it out in this photo of a gym in 1898.

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Photo of a gym in 1898.

Here's another old school gym from the early 1900's.

If you look closely at the photos above, you'll notice that most turn of the century gymnasiums had strength training equipment AND gymnastic equipment.

And that makes sense: Because most old time trainers combined resistance training with gymnastics training.

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Copyright 2011 Tried & True Fitness



That's The Secret To Building Classic Abs!

It's no secret that gymnasts usually have great abs.

And it's because they do a variety of "old school" exercises that force them to flex their abs very hard for long periods of time.

This is called "isometric or static contraction" and this type of training can give you incredible abdominal development.

The old timers knew this and that's why they combined "gymnastic" type movements with traditional strength training ab exercises.

Now, for the first time in decades, I'm pulling back the curtain on these old school principles and showing YOU how to build classic abs with these ancient practices.

Here Are The Basic Principles Of Classic Ab Training...

#1) Combine resistance training and gymnastic movements.

#2) Go hard and heavy.

#3) To get elite-level ab development, use the classic "vacuum" technique.

Let's break each principle down...

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Copyright 2011 Tried & True Fitness


Principle #1) Combine Resistance Training & Gymnastic movements.

If you've trained abs before -- but felt unhappy with your results -- it's probably because you did not properly combine abdominal resistance training with gymnastic-style abdominal movements.

Here are just a few "Classic Abs" approved resistance and gymnastic-style movements for your abs. There are plenty more but I'd prefer to give you a simple and direct plan of action. I've found that some people find too many choices to be overwhelming.

Resistance-based Ab Exercises:

Weighted Sit-Up. Weighted Leg-Raises. Gymnastic-based Ab Exercises:

Ab Wheel Rollouts Dragon Flags

Note: Because I'm giving this report away free, I could not afford to spend a lot of money on the exercise drawings. So please excuse the quality of these sketches.

Weighted Sit-Ups:

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Sit-ups have fallen out of favor lately. And that's a shame, because sit-ups are better than crunches. And sit-ups with added resistance are a true "classic abs" exercise.

Start with a 10 or 25 pound weight plate. Something easy for you. Don't hold it on your chest or behind your head -- that's weak.

Hold it out over your chest. Then, sit-up by lifting your shoulders off the floor, then your mid-back, and finally your lower back. Go all the way up, until the weight is over your head. Then slowly lower yourself back down.

It is ok to anchor your feet -- in fact it's necessary because you will soon be using some heavy weights.

Eventually you will be using a 45 pound weight plate -- the biggest plate in most gyms. But when you can use MORE than 45 pounds in this exercise, you'll need to switch things up because it is unsafe to hold more than one weight plate in this manner.

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Weighted Leg Raise:

This is another old-school exercise you might recognize. Unfortunately, most people perform this movement incorrectly, and fail to see results.

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But if you perform this movement CORRECTLY, you too can build classic abs.

Most people make the following mistakes:

Mistake #1) Swinging and using momentum.


Mistake #2) Not adding resistance.

At first, perform this exercise without any additional resistance. Start with your legs bent. When that gets too easy, keep your legs straight. Then add additional resistance by holding a dumbbell between your feet. This forces you to perform the movement slowly and correctly. It also forces you to squeeze your feet together for the entire movement, which actually forces your abdominal muscles to contract even harder -- thus helping you build classic abs.

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Copyright 2011 Tried & True Fitness


Ab Wheel Roll-outs:

You've probably seen the ab wheel gizmos at Target or any sporting goods store.

And if you didn't know any better, you might think the ab wheel is a modern fitness invention.

Modern Ab Wheel

But the ab wheel is actually a bona-fide "classic abs" tool -- developed decades ago!

Here's a photo of an old-school ab wheel that is at least 50 years old...

To perform this exercise, you grab the ab wheel by it's handles, crouch like a cat and slowly roll the wheel away from your knees. Go out as far as you can, and then roll your way back.

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When this becomes too easy, try a standing ab wheel roll-out. Be warned, a standing ab wheel roll-out is extremely difficult and I'd wager that fewer than one man in a thousand can accomplish this feat.

Dragon Flags:

This is a true gut-buster.

What do Rocky and Bruce Lee have in common?

Two things actually?

First, they both had "classic abs".

Bruce Lee had ripped abs...

And so did "Rocky"...

And second, they both performed "The Dragon Flag" exercise.


I think not.

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Bruce Lee doing the Dragon Flag.

Rocky, doing the same thing.

To perform this exercise, you'll need a bench. Lie flat on the bench and grip the bench behind your head. To start, bend your knees and touch them to your chest. Curl your butt off the bench and then stick your legs straight up in the air.

Slowly lower your legs by keeping your body stiff as a board. Then, slowly raise your legs back to the starting point.

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How Often?

To build your own set of classic abs, train your abs TWO times per week. THAT'S IT!

(If you're already crying on the inside and thinking "but I need to train my abs every freakin' day!" then calm down. In principle #3 I'm going to show you a technique that will make your waist smaller. And you can even do it every day.)

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Copyright 2011 Tried & True Fitness


In each training session, pick one resistance-based movement and one gymnastics-based movement.

So for example:


Weighted Sit-ups & Ab Wheel Rollouts.


Weighed Leg Raises & Dragon Flags.

Principle #2: Go hard and heavy. (high reps are for pop stars.)

What do Britney Spears and pop star Usher have in common? At one time, both claimed to do 1,000 crunches per day.

What else do they have in common? Neither one has "classic abs."

Sure, neither one is fat. They both have nice, lean physiques. But they do NOT have classic abs -- strong, fit, functional USEFUL abs. Abs that can take a punch.

And if you think about it, it's no surprise. Anything you can do a thousand times in a row really isn't that difficult. And if it's not difficult, it probably won't give you great results.

Most moronic personal trainers will still tell you that train abs with high reps. But modern day medical testing tells us that the muscles of the abdominal wall are comprised mainly of fast twitch muscle fibers. And fast twitch muscle fibers respond best to heavier weights and lower reps.

Don't believe me? Take a look at any Olympic weightlifter. (Not the fatter heavyweights as those guys gain as much fat as possible to increase strength.) But the guys in all the lighter weight classes -- the guys who have to focus on getting as strong as possible WITHOUT carrying a single ounce of unnecessary body fat.

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Copyright 2011 Tried & True Fitness


Olympic weight lifters lift EXTREMELY heavy weights for very low reps. In fact, they rarely do more than 3 reps on any given exercise!

Yet by lifting hard and heavy, many of them build "classic abs."

Next time somebody tells you to train abs with light weights and dozens of repetitions, show 'em this picture. �

An Olympic Weightlifter with "Classic Abs"

So here are the rep range guidelines for the aforementioned Classic Ab exercises.

Weighted Sit-ups: Choose a weight that allows you to complete 5-10 reps maximum with good form. If you can do more than 10 reps, increase the weight.

Weighted Leg Raises: Choose a weight that allows you to complete 7 reps maximum with good form. If you can do more than 7 reps, increase the weight.

Ab Wheel Rollouts: When you can do 10 kneeling rollouts, increase the resistance by adding weight in a back pack or making the transition to a standing ab wheel rollout.

Dragon Flags: If possible, add ankle weights to make this exercise more difficult. If you cannot find ankle weights, just add reps as this exercises is already difficult enough unweighted.

Principle #3: Shrink Your Waist With The Classic Vacuum Technique.

Believe it or not, you can actually shrink the size of your waist without losing a single pound of fat!

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This classic exercise -- developed over 100 years ago -- can be done anywhere at almost anytime to give you a lean and trim waistline.

See for yourself �

And the best part is, you can do this exercise at home -- even while lounging on the couch!

Photo taken over 100 years ago!

Here's how it's done:

Inhale deeply, hold it for a moment and then slowly exhale. As your exhaling, draw your belly in to force all the air out. Continue to pull your belly in as far as it will go.

When you've pulled your belly in as much as you can, hold this position (ok to resume shallow breathing at this point) for 30-60 seconds.

To make this easier, perform this exercise while lying on your back.

To make this tougher, perform this exercise while on your hands and knees.

Try to do this 10 times over the course of a day. Some people report losing 3 inches off their waists in just 3 weeks by doing nothing more than these stomach vacuum exercises.

Your Classic Abs Challenge

You now know everything you need to know to build a rock-hard set of classic abs. All that's left now is for you to put this information into practice.

So I want to issue you a challenge:

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Try this classic ab training routine for the next 30 days. I think you'll be amazed at how strong and razor sharp your abs are after just one month of training with these old school techniques.

Good luck!

Matt Marshall Creator of Classic Abs Publisher of Tried & True Fitness


Since releasing this groundbreaking free report, I've received the following 3 questions over and over. Here are my responses:

Question #1: What kind of diet should I follow on this training plan?

Answer: I think the simplest way to burn fat and develop rock-hard abs is to simply "eat ancient." What do I mean by that? Well, I mean eat like the way your ancestors ate thousands of years ago.

Eat meat, chicken, fish, eggs, dairy, nuts, vegetables and fruit -- the same things your ancestors ate thousands of years ago. Avoid "modern" foods like Twinkies, cereal, and breads. (Yes, bread is a rather modern invention!)

If you eat in this manner, it's my experience that you can eat as much as you like as still end up burning off body fat.

Question #2: Should I perform any type of cardio?

In my opinion, cardio for fat loss is really over-rated. You will lose fat incredibly fast by following a correct diet (see question #1). But if you really want to take things to the next level, here's an incredibly simple way to scorch off body fat in just 10 minutes.

Perform 20 air squats, followed immediately by 10 push-ups. Repeat as many times as you can for 10 minutes.

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Record the total number of "cycles" you achieved in 10 minutes. A "cycle" is one set of 20 air squats and one set of 10 push-ups. If you only get 9 push-ups before the timer goes off, that cycle does not count.

Perform this twice per week (along with regular weight training) and each time try to do one more cycle than you did the time before.

Question #3: Are there any supplements that can help me get Classic Abs?

Actually, yes. Before steroids were invented, before creatine came on the scene and before whey protein powders were used, there was a truly "old-school" supplement that helped guys build muscle, burn fat and get rock-hard abs in record time.

To learn more about this "classic" supplement, go here:

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