Page 1: Collateralized Loan Obligations Team€¦ · David Postilion Associate New York, NY 212-438-0030 david.postilion@ Catherine Rautenkranz Associate Centennial, CO 303-721-4713

CollateralizedLoan Obligations Team

Page 2: Collateralized Loan Obligations Team€¦ · David Postilion Associate New York, NY 212-438-0030 david.postilion@ Catherine Rautenkranz Associate Centennial, CO 303-721-4713

S&P Global Ratings maintains a separation of commercial and analytical activities.

Structured Finance Ratings CLO Leadership

Market Outreach & Research

Analytics & Research Sector Lead Research

Winston ChangManaging DirectorS.F. Global Head of Analytics & ResearchNew York, [email protected]

Stephen AnderbergManaging DirectorNew York, NY212-438-8991 [email protected]

James ManziSenior DirectorWashington, [email protected]

Relationship Management Market Outreach Media Relations

Vanessa Chinn Associate DirectorNew York, [email protected]

Neil McPhersonSenior DirectorNew York, NY212-438 [email protected]

Luke ShaneSenior Communications ManagerNew York, NY212-438 [email protected]

Global Practice Lead Head of U.S. & Canadian Structured Finance

Horacio AldreteManaging Director New York, NY212-438-1647 [email protected]

Mark RisiManaging Director New York, NY212-438-2588 [email protected]

Analytical Manager Analytical Manager

Jimmy KobylinskiSenior DirectorNew York, [email protected]

Brian O’KeefeSenior DirectorNew York, NY [email protected]

Page 3: Collateralized Loan Obligations Team€¦ · David Postilion Associate New York, NY 212-438-0030 david.postilion@ Catherine Rautenkranz Associate Centennial, CO 303-721-4713

Structured Finance Ratings CLO Analytical Team

Christopher Davis Director – Lead AnalystNew York, NY212-438-3019christopher.davis@

Timothy WalshDirector – Lead AnalystNew York, [email protected]

K.P. RajanDirector – Lead AnalystNew York, [email protected]

Lauren FastiggiDirector – Lead AnalystNew York, NY212-438-5223lauren.fastiggi@

Paul KalinauskasDirectorNew York, NY [email protected]

Anna WidernikDirectorCentennial, CO303-721-4858anna.widernik@

Jeffrey BurtonAssociate DirectorCentennial, [email protected]

Daniel HuAssociate DirectorNew York, [email protected]

Andrew LokenAssociate DirectorNew York, NY212-438-2755andrew.loken@

Yann MartyAssociate DirectorNew York, [email protected]

Suilan Mo-EscowitzAssociate DirectorNew York, NY 212-438-1627 [email protected]

Vikas RathodAssociate DirectorCentennial, [email protected]

Brian (Bo) TrantAssociate DirectorNew York, [email protected]

Shirley ZhangAssociate DirectorNew York, [email protected]

Matthew CheresonAssociateCentennial, [email protected]

Lorna DiamondAssociateCentennial, [email protected]

Tullio Fazzio AssociateToronto, ON 416-507-2501 [email protected]

Jerry JurcisinAssociateCentennial, [email protected]

Ryan PennaAssociateNew York, [email protected]

David PostilionAssociateNew York, [email protected]

Catherine RautenkranzAssociateCentennial, [email protected]

Page 4: Collateralized Loan Obligations Team€¦ · David Postilion Associate New York, NY 212-438-0030 david.postilion@ Catherine Rautenkranz Associate Centennial, CO 303-721-4713

Structured Finance Ratings CLO Analytical Team

Patrick AndersonRating AnalystCentennial, [email protected]

Bill SweattRating AnalystCentennial, CO [email protected]

Mark WilliamsRating AnalystCentennial, [email protected]

Darrin Haynes Research AssistantCentennial, CO303-721-4150 [email protected]

Haiqa MohamedCredit AnalystNew York, [email protected]

Corporate Ratings - U.S. Leveraged Finance

Analytical Manager Sector Lead Sector Lead

Ramki MuthukrishnanSenior DirectorU.S. Leveraged FinanceNew York, NY212-438-1384ramki.muthukrishnan@

Bob SchulzManaging DirectorLeveraged FinanceNew York, [email protected]

Steve WilkinsonSenior DirectorU.S. Recovery & Leveraged FinanceNew York, NY212-438-5093steve.wilkinson@

Kenny TangDirectorNew York, [email protected]

Page 5: Collateralized Loan Obligations Team€¦ · David Postilion Associate New York, NY 212-438-0030 david.postilion@ Catherine Rautenkranz Associate Centennial, CO 303-721-4713

With hundreds of credit rating analysts on the S&P Global Ratings CLO, corporate, and loan recovery ratings teams, our collateralized loan obligation ratings are built on a foundation of asset-specific analysis. Our CLO analysis responds to shifting conditions in the loan market, whether it’s in the credit profile of the companies issuing the loans or in the loans themselves. Our opinions and credit risk research add new insights about this sector, allowing market participants to make more informed business and investment decisions.

Visit our website for our perspective on CLOs:



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Page 6: Collateralized Loan Obligations Team€¦ · David Postilion Associate New York, NY 212-438-0030 david.postilion@ Catherine Rautenkranz Associate Centennial, CO 303-721-4713

S&P Global Ratings maintains a separation of commercial and analytical activities.

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