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Take a trip to remember

The Perfect Tush ResumeˊGet the job

September 2011

Tips to seal the deal

October 2011

Get on a Game Show

Killer Halloween Costumes

Things Guys Wish Women Knew

What Guys Really Want

Using Campus Resources

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‘11October Travel

22 Things guys wish women knew

6 Australia

9 How do You Get on a Game Show

Campus Life

10 Halloween Costumes

11 Cool Classes your Parents Don't Want you to Take

12 Using Campus Resources

Health and Fitness

16 Ovarian Cancer Don ' t m iss the s igns

18 3 Best Ab Exercises17 Perfect Skin


24 What does your guy really want25 10 Reasons we Love guys

20 Cellulite Busting Foods


26 Choose the Right Career

27 Be an Entrepreneur

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Awaits You ?

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Editor in Chief Susan SukoskyCreative Director Jared Weisman


FitnessEditor Lisa Collins


Travel Editor John Owens

Campus Life

Campus Life Editor Julie Williams


Money Editor Candice Reynolds


Production Director Jenny Singer


Ashley JacobsLeslie EdwardsJoanie Cameron

Tom JenkinsTed Burton

Ed RobinsonBarry Wilford

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Great Barrier Reef

Ayers Rock


Salt Water Crocodile

Sydney Opera House

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Sydney Opera House opened in October of 1973 and has become the iconic symbol for Australia. It is one of the most pho-tographed sites in the world.

It was designed by Danish architect Jorn Utzon in the early 50's. But his designs were beyond current engineering capabilities at the time and he had to rework some of his desgins, it was 1961 before he had solved the problem of how to build the distinguishing feature - the 'sails' of the roof.

It has over 1000 rooms and conducts over 3000 events each year.

The Great Barrier Reef is one of the seven wonders of the world. The marine park which lies almost parallel to the Queensland coast stretches almost 1800 miles.

It has the worlds largest collection of corrals, almost 400 different kinds and over 1500 species of tropical fish. It is the home to the endangered large Green Sea Turtle and breeding ground to the humpback whale.

Ayers Rock the world's largest monolith and an Aboriginal sacred site is Australia's most famous natural landmark.

Kata Tjuta National Park where you can find Ayers Rock, is home to many Aboriginal sacred sites. The rock is it's most spectacular at sunset and sunrise. The steep gruling climb to the top takes about an hour, or you can choose to walk around the sandstone formation.

Aborigones as considered one of the indigenous peoples of Australia, the other is the Torres Strait Islanders.

Aborigones that live in the outback have tried to keep as much of the traditional life alive as possible.

Australians have attempted to build houses and other types of shelter for them. But for the most part, Aborigines use these structures only for storage.

They are a semi-nomadic people and adapt well to the diversity of the Australian countryside.

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How do youget on a Game Show?

It has probably occurred to you at some point in your life that getting on a game show would be fun. Maybe even profitable.

But how does one go about getting on a game show? Surely it is a complicated endeavor that requires you to drive to Hollywood and audition, right? Actually no. It is rather simply and many times they have open casting calls in several of the major metropolitan cities.

The best place to start, as always these days, is the internet.

A good place to start is Mysticart Pictures, they are a casting company for some of the top game and reality shows and they are always casting. Some of the shows they cast for are Wipeout, 101 ways to leave a game show, and one of their newest - Romance Cruise. Of course not to forget you guys, MY RIDE RULES is also casting. As you can see they also cast for reality t.v. a craze that just doesn't look like it is going away anytime soon. So that means anyone has the possibility to be a star.

You can also go directly to the networks themselves.

NBC is currently casting for LOVE IN THE WILD a new show that is a cross between the Amazing Race and Bachelor Pad. They also have several other shows, Fear Factor, the Sing Off, and The Biggest Loser currently casting.

CBS is currently looking for contestants for the next season of The Amazing Race with a November 30th deadline. The are doing open casting calls around the company so check out the website soon.

Survivor is also currently casting for their next season but you will have to be fast to get in on this one as the deadline is October 4th.

So now that you're armed with a little bit of info on how to find these shows, how do you get on one?

The only way to get your application or interview tape to the top of the pile is to stand out. You can not be BORING, do not approach it like a job interview. On the written application they are going to ask you questions like- do you get along with people - if you don't TELL THEM. But add something like, it's because I am so gorgeous and everyone else is jealous. Hard to believe, but they are looking for DRAMA and conflict, within reason.

Be quirky, a little crazy and adorable in your video audition, you can't look like every other video.

You have one shot make it count. Think about the folks you see on these shows what personality traits do they have? Are they disruptive, mean, super sweet, loyal, loud, lovable? Take what would apply to you and exaggerate it.


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Kristen Stewart who is currently filming Snow White and the Huntsman is the inspiration for this years top ten costume choices. Of course many will choose the "sexy" version of this costume which can be purchased at

Halloween Costumes K ill ing i t

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K ill ing i tThis


Of course their will be pirates

Volture Vampirefrom Twilight

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Using Campus Resources Free tutoring is one of the many resources offered by many colleges. If you had to hire a tutor in high school you know what a huge deal this is. Most campuses will have a free drop in individual tutoring center, as well as Math Labs, Reading Labs, and Writing Labs.

Business Center/Student Center will often offer discounted tickets to events in the community, theater tickets etc. As well as give you information on events on campus and activities off campus organized by the school.

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Health Center provides free health care with most University or State College admission. The extent of care will depend on your individual college. Some supply everything you might need from treating a minor cold to immunizations and more.

Most campuses will also have a Wellness center dedicated to Mental health. Stress from studies, work or relationships.

Associated Students although they go by different names, all colleges have an area where students can find everything they need to join a club, an organization, engage in an activity etc.

Want to go camping? Check with Associated students, they can probably rent you a tent, sleeping bag, whatever you need.

There are so many things offered by this organization it is impossible to cover it all.

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Cool Classes Your Parents Don't Want You to TakeWe are NOT saying go out and piss your parents off for no reason.

But sometimes they are so focused on the ending they forget there is a lot of good stuff in the middle.

Depending on what school you are attending there are some classes available that may give you an opportunity to learn something that you may never get an opportunity to learn again. If you plan your classes carefully there should be room to allow at least one fun class each semester. And since you pay by the semester not the class, it is like getting that sailing lesson for free, right?

The argument- If you plan to be the CEO of a major company and hang out in the Hamptons every summer, you better know how to sail. San Diego State University offers several different kinds of classes on sailing.

If you are going into marketing or sales and want to work for a large advertising company that focuses on sporting goods you need to be familiar and diverse. Golf lessons are expensive in the real world, learn it in college.

The San Francisco State offers a course in Lake and Sea Kayaking.

The University of Oregon offers a class in Scuba diving and Unverwater Photography. All useful if you plan to work in a field such as Journalism, and are hoping to get a job with an organization like National Geographics.

So you get the point right? Go outside your major and see what your school has to offer. You can take some classes just for fun, just because you always wanted to learn to kayak or surf. Oh yeah some schools teach surfing. College is more than just books and getting a degree. It's about building you into a person that does well in the real world.

In your quest to do something fun you may just stumble upon an interest that turns out to be your career. Diversity is always a good thing, knowledge of multiple subjects only helps you in seeing the bigger picture in your life and makes you more valuable to your future employer.

Consider classes outside your major even if they aren't as cool as sailing or scuba

diving, if it is something that interests you or could be useful to your career. Just because it is not on the list of required classes doesn't mean it isn't something you shouldn't take.


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Known as the "silent killer," ovarian cancer affects 25,000 women a year. Part of the reason why it's so hard to diagnose and treat is because ovarian cancer symptoms can often be missed. In fact, many ovarian cancer symptoms seem pretty benign. To help celebrate National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month, we've put together a list of five ovarian cancer symptoms that are often overlooked. When it comes to ovarian cancer, information is power!Ovarian Cancer Symptoms That Are Often Missed

1. Bloating. Being occasionally bloated is one thing, but always being bloated is another. See your doctor if you have unexplained bloating lasting more than a few weeks.

2. GI issues. If you have a lasting change in bowel habits such as diarrhea, constipation or GI is-sues, it's important to see your doctor because this can be a ovarian cancer symptom.

3. Persistent abdominal pain or cramping. Another ovarian cancer symptom, this is particularly worrisome if it's in the pelvic region.

4. Urination changes. If you suddenly start to suffer from frequent or an urgent need to go, take note as this can be another ovarian cancer symptom.

5. Feeling full while eating. If it only takes you a few bites to feel full when eating or if you have un-explained and sudden weight loss or weight gain, this can be another symptom of ovarian cancer.

Note that while it's pretty uncommon in women under the age of 40, it's important to know and be aware of ovarian cancer symptoms now, so that it can be caught early. Want to decrease your risk of ovarian cancer? Be sure to eat plenty of carrots and tomatoes as research has shown these foods to be beneficial!

toListenWhatYourHas Body


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Perfect SkinEveryone wants it, few have it. Even the girls in magazines have been touched up to give them that flawless look.

But occassionally you see that girl next door with the perfect skin. She doesn't even wear make-up, her boyfriend likes her natural, YUCK.

If you weren't born with that gorgeous perfect skin don't fret. What makes skin gorgeous even if you have freckles or uneven color, is radience.

How do you get the radience. It's not as hard as you would think. In fact it's pretty boring.

Things you just can't ignore if you want radiant skin.1. Drink LOTS of water2. Eat lots of fruits. Fruits are loaded with antioxidants which will keep your skin looking young and sexy.3. Eat lots of foods with Omega-3, like salmon, this helps with skin elasticity.4. Exercise regularly, not only does sweat-ing help eliminate toxins from your body but it increases the flow of oxygen to your skin.5. Small bursts of sun are good for you, long stints and wind are not.6. Use moisturizers with Retinoids, Antioxi-dants and Peptides to keep skin young and healthy lookings.7. EXFOLIATE AT LEAST TWICE A WEEK to remove dead dull skin cells.7. Last but definitely not least get LOTS OF SLEEP!


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Abs, Abs, AbsEverybody wants great abs, but most people forget that to have that flat front also means incorporating the rest of your core. Core strength depends on all the muscles worked, and that's important for overall health.

Understand whats going on inside.

The Transverse Abdominis runs horizontally un-derneath the Rectus Abdominis and is respon-sible for pulling the belly button inward (towards the spine). Firming this muscle helps get rid of "pouchiness".

Your oblique muscles (side ab-dominals) help you bend from the side or twist your torso. Strong obliques support the lower back, warding off back pain and pos-ture problems. Improved posture, thanks to strong obliques, slims your waist.

The most well-known and prominent abdominal muscle is the rectus adominis. It is a long flat muscle divided down the middle by the linea alba, a strong tendinous sheath, and three more ten-dinous sheaths horizontally giving the washboard effect.

The rectus adominis helps flex the spinal column and stabilizing the trunk during movement of the extremities.

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Work um!This exercise targets the transverse abdominis, the deepest and most im-portant of the four sets of muscles; this is the ab muscle that truly protects your back.

Start on your hands and knees with your back straight. Gently tighten your abdomi-nal muscles to draw your navel in towards your spine; hold for 10 seconds and relax for 10 seconds.

Make sure that your spine does not move at all throughout the

exercise. Do 10 -12 reps.

The tendency will be to let the spine sag during the rest period and to excessively round the spine in the active periods of this exercise.

A dowel rod placed down the middle of the back helps to maintain the neutral curvatures of the spine in both the active and rest phases. Performing this exercise while occasionally glancing at a mirror on the side helps maintenance of proper form, also.

Any exercise that causes you to twist your torso will work the external obliques. But this one will show results FAST!! Lean back stightly to increase resistance. Start will ball in center then just touch from side to side.

The bicycle move is ranked number one for working rectus adominis. Legs elevated, doing the classic bicylce motion, right elbow to left knee. Be careful not to pull head up and strain neck.

Captains chair is second, followed by the classic crunch coming in third for most effective.

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Cellulite Bu sting Foods Let's start with the bad news first. Cellutlite, contrary to popular belief, is not pockets of fat. Without getting to technical, what causes the effect of dimpling is connective tissue under the skin, poor skin quality on the surface and pockets of fat between the connective tissue that is pushed around when the skin is stretched in certain directions. Getting rid of it is almost impossible, making it much less noticable is very doable. The biggest issue is not the fat but your skin and underlying muscles. These need the help of both nutrition and exercise along with a lot of hydration.

Water helps hydrate your skin, and that will help get rid of dimples.

Lecithin, is a substance that is found naturally in eggs, tofu, soy milk and soy cheese. Lecithin acts as a natural spackle for your cells, filling in and rebuilding cell walls. The way this manifests on the outside is through supple skin that's too strong for cellulite to show through.

To see less cellulite, add more of the following lecithin containing foods to your diet:

* eggs* soy products (such as tofu, soy milk, and soy cheese)* cauliflower* peanuts* peanut butter* oranges* tomatoes* spinach* potatoes* iceberg lettuce

#1 Lecithin

Cellulite is defined by a dimple like appearance.




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Cellulite Bu sting Foods#2 Essential Fatty AcidsHelps prevent cell dehydration and plumps up cellulite dimples.

EFAs help to build up the cell membranes to hold onto more water (in a good way) to reduce the appearance of cellulite. Great sources of essential fatty acids include:

* Olive oil* Cold water fish* flaxseed oil* canola oil* walnut oil* seeds* nuts

#3 Amino AcidsAmino acids are essential for the production of collagen and elastin needed by the body's connective tissues.

* meat* poultry* cheese* fish* milk* eggs * soy products

#4 AntioxidantsAntioxidants prevent damage to your skin

* Blueberries* citrus fruits* pomegranates* green tea* red wine* carrots * sweet potatoes

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Things Guys Wish Women KnewGuys like girls that smile. A big healthy smile will put us at ease, it says "yeah you got a chance, come say hi". It also let's us know you enjoy yourself and are fun to be around.

Girls always want the guy to tell them how pretty they look, how sexy they are etc. Guess what, we're insecure too, tell us you like the way we look. Better yet tell us how much you like our strong abs or big guns, we'll eat it up if you say it with conviction. Don't be afraid to flatter us.

If you think you're fat, you probably are. Don't ask us what we think, it puts us in a bad position and we'll have to lie. Ask your girlfriends or just take care of it because if you have to ask you're already insecure about it.

Be confident about the relationship. When you start to stress out about what we're doing when we say we want to hang with the guys it makes us not want to be with you.

Shopping is not fun!! Don't make us do it. We would rather pick up dog poo than go shopping and hold all your bags. Trudging around the mall for hours on end makes a guy want to cut your favorite Victoria Secret bra into little pieces....and we LOVE that bra.

Babe you have too many shoes! Seriously, a pair of flip flops, a good pair of running shoes, a good pair of everyday sneakers and...... well that's it. You can add a pair of 4 inch heels but that's all you need.

Get over the toilet seat thing. Hey if you find it up, put it down. Sorry it's true, it's as much work for us to lift it as it is for you to put it down, wait a minute, no it's less work for you to put it down! Let's move on.

Don't mess with my friends. I like them, you need to like them. We can have joint friends, couple friends, but I still get MY friends. They are part of who I am and you should like them for that reason alone

We enjoy a random grope. Anywhere, anytime. It doesn't have to lead to anything at that moment, but it's nice to know you care.

We hate texting in length unless it contains the words, naked, waiting or beer. Don't text us during a game just to see if we're thinking of you, we will be, but not in a good way. Don't text while we're working out, even with, and especially with the words naked or waiting.

Don't talk about your exes. We already hate them and want to punch them in the face.

When we screw up, go ahead and tell us. But guess what? We're pretty smart, we got it the first time, that's all we need.

Don't ask for details. If I tell you I had a good day leave it at that, I'm not the five o'clock news. If I said I was with the guys I don't need to name them all. What I had for lunch is inconsequential. I still love you.


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Should You Watch Football with Him?If you love the game and he likes that you love it, sure hang out with the guys.

If you're just faking it, make an excuse to be with the girls, he'll love you for giving him space.

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Maybe you're already giving it to him, you just don't know it.

What Does Your Guy

Really Want

Fun and Exciting

Men want woman that like to do what they like to do. That enjoy challenges and don't whine if it's too hard. Although we don't mind coming to your rescue once in awhile.

Cook for Us

We love it when you cook for us. It doesn't have to be anything special. And if it comes with beer....well then it's a perfect meal.

K e e p i n Shape

It doesn't matter what kind of shape we're in we want a girl that keeps herself fit. Yes it can be a double standard, but hey we're guys and you asked.Sexy smooth legs, no dimples. Flat stomach, no jiggle. Great shoulders and back, no underarm bra bulge please. It's not just for looks, it also means you'll be able to keep up.

Private TimeYes we want it, we need it. We love being with you but not every minute of the day. Give us our space and know that while we're with the guys we're thinking about you (some of the time). P.S. we like our friends and you need to as well.


R e s p e c t Us

Show us some respect, don't talk to us like we're little kids, even if we act that way sometimes. We prefer to be asked to do something rather than be told to do something. Don't put us down with little inuendos like "well you know guys". It doesn't make us want to be better for you.

Great Sex No big surprise this one made the list. This means showing enthusiasm for the task at hand, having a sense of humor about things, and patience. Ever wonder why guys cheat? A big part of it is the lack of enthusiasm from their partner, we would like to feel like you really enjoy our sexual encounters not that you feel obligated to do it with us. A sense of humor always comes in handy when things don't go as planned, hey it happens. And patience, it takes a while to figure out what you really want, help us along without making us feel like we're first timers.

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10 Reasons We Love GuysAnd Why we can't live without them1. Those damn sexy smiles

2. When they take charge

3. Their playfulness

4. Ripped abs and bulging pecs

5. A great laugh

6. When their humble and don't act like they know their sexy

7. They make us feel safe

8. They smell like a guy

9. Their not afraid to get dirty, so we don't have to

10. Underneath the sexy their sweet

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The Right Career

Probably the most challenging question you will ever have to face is....."what do you want to be when you grow up".

For most the answer is still "I don't know" actually many adults still don't know what they really want to do, but they're already stuck in jobs they thought they wanted and are afraid to leave.

There is that small percentage of people who have known their whole lives what they wanted to be and their only challenge was getting there. Don't fret if you're one of those, even as Senior year looms ahead, who still really has no idea about what they really want to do with the rest of their lives. It's a big question and for gosh sakes, it is the rest of your life.

Actually it isn't. No one said you have to pick a career and stay in it your whole life. Most peoples jobs, even within the same company, will change as they gain more knowledge, move up the ladder, assume more responsibility and begin to create a far reaching network of important contacts.

You might want to take a personality test that will help you hone in on your strong points. The following link has a pretty good questionnaire.

The most important thing to picking a successful career is knowledge. In this day and age there is absolutely no excuse for not knowing what kinds of careers are actually available.

Some people will choose their career based solely on the paycheck. But the problem with that is that if you hate everyday you work, the weekend will be just too short and eventually you will burn out.

Figure out what you're best suited for. Do you like being indoors or outdoors most of the day. Do you like to sit down with a project and work until it's done or do you like to take lots of breaks to get your creative juices flowing.

Talk to as many people in the real world as you can, go to job fairs just to see what's out there. Google everything that comes to mind and see what it says.

Of course use the resources at school and talk to your counselors. But don't feel that traditional jobs are your only options.

Decide what your good at and see if you can make money doing it. Some people say follow your passion, but if you passion can't pay the bills you need to have a plan B. A lot of the time you can work your passion into a traditional job.

Most importantly you can't just sit on the bench until graduation day and then take the first job that is offered to you. Be prepared long before that, be a participant in your own life and make things happen. No one is every going to hand you a five star job just because you want it.

The most successful people fail the most, because they take the most chances. Don't be afraid to fail.

Do not confuse motion and progress. A rocking horse keeps moving but does not make any progress.

Alfred A. Montapert

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Be an Entrepreneur Let me start by saying being an entrepreneur is the hardest job you will ever do. Passion, thirst, risk-taking, innovation, intelligence, and so many other variables that make up a successful entrepreneur, can not be taught. They are either in your genes or not.

Think about it, all big companies were started by entrepreneurs. Some by one guy, some by families and some by groups of friends or business partners.

Burger King started in 1954 by two guys James McLamore and David Edgerton.

Whole Foods was started in 1978 by twenty-five year old John Mackey and twenty-one year old Rene Lawson Hardy.

And of course we can't forget Steve Wozniack and Steve Jobs in their garage with a bunch of electronic parts purchased on credit because they were both broke. Soon to be Apple.

When you read about these start ups their stories are all very similar. A couple of guys with no money, living in the back of a van, taking an idea they really believed in and sticking with it. The stories you don't hear very often are how long they suffered with no money or how many times they failed before they perfected their ideas.

The fact is there are very few start-ups that make it. Usually because the owners didn't start with a solid plan or couldn't stick it out through the tough times.

If you have what it takes

Now that you know how tough it is, let's talk about why anyone would do it to begin with. Sometimes it is because a person has a vision of something that doesn't exist yet, like the personal computer. Sometimes it is because people can see a better way to do something that already exists. One of the biggest reasons people want to start their own business is because of the old saying "you'll never get rich working for someone else". And some people just have to be rich. But doing it for the money is probably the number one biggest reason most people fail. The companies that made it big where started by people who truly believed in their product and were willing to suffer the fifteen hour long work days and sleeping in a van, because they knew what they had was going to be big.

Being an entrepreneur can be the most rewarding work you can do, and if you get lucky and do it right it will give you a big pay off.

But do it right, have a solid plan. Have a great idea or product you really believe in. Be in tune with the market, does anyone want your great idea? Be able to follow it through, even in the tough times. It could mean while all your friends are buying houses and new cars you're still living at home and putting in very long days at the "office".

Not everyone CAN or SHOULD be an entrepreneur. But for some, it is the perfect job.


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