

Tuesday, November 6, 1960

Area Churches Plan Policies For Next Decade Grove Street Christian Church.

Tonawanda. N. Y. served as host to a "Decade of Decision" dinner recently sponsored by Christian Theological Seminary, Indianapo­lis and The North Eastern Area Missionary Society for The Disci­ples of Christ Churches.

Fourteen Disciple churches in the Buffalo and Frontier area were represented at the session. Key persons in five departmental areas of church life attended from each church namely, the pastors, chairmen of official c h u r c h boards; presidents of Christian Women Fellowships; c h u r c h school superintendents: finance committee chairmen: also com­mittees on world outreach a n d men's work. Approximately 100 persons were present.

Guest speakers included: The Rev. Jack Sanders provost

for Christian Theological Sem­inary. Indianapolis. Ind,, who out­lined the financial objectives for the seminary for the next 10 years. The Rev^Chester Sillars who set forth toe plans for the North Eastern area Disciple churches for the same period, and the Rev. Frank? Helm. Director of Religious education for the area who called attention to the plans in this area for the next ten years.

Churches represented included: Cleveland Heights, Forest Ave­nue; Richmond Avenue: Univer­sity. Buffalo; Dunkirk: East Au­rora; Niagara Falls: Wurlitzer; Central and Payne Avenue, North Tonawanda; Grove Street, Tona­wanda; Wellsville. The Rev. Don­ald Gardner, chairman for the commission on evangelism for the North Eastern area completed ar­rangements for the meeting.

Tonawanda NEWS Page 3

ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lasky, 488 Woodward Ave . North Tonawanda. announce the engage­ment of their daughter, Frances Carolyn, to Donald David Voisinet, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Voisinet, 748 Robinson Street, North Tonawanda. Miss Lasky is a graduate of North Tonawanda High School and is an employe of the Spaulding Fibre Company. Mr. Voisinet is a graduate of North Tonawanda High School and of Erie County Technical Institute. No date has been set for the wedding.

.. Photo by Charles Maurice

Von Bora Society Will Make Plans For the Holidays The von Bora Missionary Socie­

ty of St. Peter's American Luther­an Church will meet at 8 p.m. Thursday in the parish hall, Bry­ant and Thompson Sts.

Mrs. Harold Valiquette will pre­side at the b u s i n e s s meet­ing. Members are reminded that dollar memberships and renewals in the Lutheran Mission and Ex­tension Society, also the "Scope" the magazine for The American Lutheran Church Women will be accepted at this time.

Plans for the annual Christmas party and other holiday activities will be formulated.

As a program presentation.! Mrs. Walter C. Kriedemann w i l l share these Advent thoughts, "What Do You Know About Ad­vent?" and "What Do You Do About Advent?" All women of the church are invited.

Refreshments will be served by these hostesses: Mesdames M.L. Baseler. Arthur Doebler and Lor­ry Papke.

Pianists Will Appear In Paderewski Event

School Home Aid Indifferent Type Pupil "Inspiring the Indifferent Pu­

pil" was the subject of a talk giv­en before a Tonawanda PTA Coun­cil audience in Riverview School, Tonawanda.

Donald B. Finkle, director of el-1 ementary education in the Lewis* ton-Porter Central School District)} was the guest speaker for t l V | / ^ cent program.

Mr. Finkle said, "Indifferent j students need a special challenge j in the classroom and should bej encouraged to take school work home with them. When they get it j home they should be encouraged;

by their parents, to see that the work is done."

Parents also should provide a quiet place to study, with good lighting, not only for the indif-j ferent student but for all t h e i r children, he said.

A pupil who is classified as in­different, may not have a low "I.Q.," Mr. Finkle said. "He may be a 'slow learner' or there may be some valid reason for indif­ference." Teachers and parents] should cooperate in trying to find the underlying reason for t h e child's seeming indifference to school work."

He warned that the "indifferent pupil" should not be compared: with "the retarded pupil." In a retarded class, often there arej children eager and happy to learn. The indifferent child just is not in­terested in studying," the speak-; er said.

Hubert Roberts, assistant su-: perintendent of schools and sate-ty, relations chairman on the council board encouraged mem­bers of all Tonawanda PTA units to support council activities. Sev­en of the eight PTA Units were represented at the program.

Mrs. John Currier, assistant director for Area 5, Niagara Dis­trict PTA, brought greetings from the district.

Refreshments were served by the Riverview PTA under the di­rection of Mrs. Raymond Bennet-ti, president.

Tonawanda Library New books available in Tona­

wanda Public Library, Main and Fletcher Sts., are announced by Mrs. Buford Bellinger, libr.irian.

FICTION Echo Answers, Margaret Ban­

ning; The Stars in Their Courses, Harry P. Brown; The Yankee from Tennessee, Noel B. Gerson; Mansart Builds a School, William Du Bois; The Progress of a Crime, Julian Symons; Assault on a Queen, Jack Finney; Sleep with Slander, Dolores Hichens; T h e Leopard (Translated from the Italians, Giuseppi di Lampedusa; The Devil's Due, Maurice Proc­tor.

NON FICTION Mark It and Strike It (an auto­

biography), Steve Allen; T h e

Lists New Books Driftwood Book, Mary E. Thomp­

son; Tall Ships and Great Cap-!tains, Addison B. C. Whipple; The Hyphenated Family, H e r m a n Hagedorn; This was Hollywood, Beth Day; Now We Are Enemies; The Story of Bunker Hill, Thom-

jas J. Fleming; Frontier's Ways; Sketches of the Old West, Edward Everet Dale; Find a Career in

'Advertising, Harry Cogswell Ru-! jbicam; Ghost Towns of New Eng­land, Fessenden S. Blanchard; j Spindrift: From a House by the Sea, John Rowlands: South Caro­lina: Annuals of Pride and Pro­test, William F. Guess.

Buy U.S. Savings Bonds


Pendleton Unit, Home Demonstration Lists Activities The Home Bureau Demonstra­

tion Unit, The Bear Ridge Run-! ners. Town of Pendleton, met Nov. j 2 in the home of Mrs. Robert Mc-Auley. 7321 Bear Ridge Rd. with, Mrs. Howard Dyer as co-hostess.

Mrs. John Keller spoke on "How Shall We Pay for Our Schools?"

Projects for the month were set up as follows:

Nov. 2, Swedish Weaving, home of Mrs. Robert Reynolds, 10 a.m.;! and Swedish Weaving, home of Mrs. Jack Reeves, 7:30 p.m., thes same day; Nov. 9, Sewing, cotton dress, home of Mrs. William Pearce. 7:30 p.m.; Nov. 14, Tour| of Good Will Industries; Nov. 15,\ Hooked Rugs, home of Mrs. John Keller, 10 a.m.

The next meeting of the Home Bureau Demonstration Unit will be Dec. 6. in the home of Mrs.; Joseph Nasca, 7120 Bear Ridge Rd. with Mrs. Albert Lindenmuth, co-hostess.

T h a d d e u s and D o r o t h y B i e r n a t .. Featured in Concert (Reeves' Photos)

M r . and M r s . T h a d d e u s M. B i e r n a t will a p p e a r a s solois ts for t h e P a d e r e w s k i S ing ing Soc ie ty ' s Conce r t on n e x t S u n d a y even ing a t t h e S t a t l e r -H i l t on Ho te l Bal l room in Buffalo .

Mr. Biernat is a graduate of the Eastman School of Music in Rochester, while Mrs. Biernat studied at the Sherwood Music School in Chicago. They have both performed as soloists and accom­panists in this area for many-years. Mr. Biernat has directed Methodist Church, North T o n a-

First Methodist Couples Club Sponsors Dance The Couples Club of the First

Dairy Council Announces New Staff Aides The appointment of two n e w

I aides has been announced by Miss | Lois M. Meyer, executive direc­t o r of the Dairy Council of the Niagara Frontier Area, 812 Ken-more Ave.

Miss Margaret M. Hartney of Chicago, a member of the Ameri-; can Dietetic Association, has been; named assistant director. M i s s j Shirley J. Hamann of Harris Hill Road, Lancaster, a member of the American Home Economics Asso­ciation, has been named program

j assistant. Both appointments are! now effective.

Miss Hartney holds a degree in 'dietetics from the College of St. jScholastica in Duluth, M i n n . IShe has served on the dietetic staffs of New York University Hospital, Stouffer Restaurants in New York, and at the La Rabida Sanitarium in Chicago. Miss Ha­mann receipted a degree in Home Economics from Buffalo State Teachers College last June.

various choral groups and at pres-: wanda, will sponsor a dance par­ent Ls choirmaster of the St. Fran- |ty at the YWCA on Nov. 15 from cis of Assisi Church Mens Choir. 18:30 p.m. until midnight.

This week is being celebrated as • Mr. and Mrs. Chester Bell, pres-the 100th anniversary commemo- j idents of the club, will be official rating the birth of Paderewski, the 'hosts for the occasion, great Polish pianist and states-j Music will be furnished by the man. The concert on Sunday will Bud Slater Combo band composed be the culmination of the festivi- of Harry Slater and his sons, John ties in Buffalo. and William, who are members of

The Biernats will perform two the church. groups of two-piano numbers in- Tickets, priced per couple, are eluding Moszkowski's Bolero, The] available from all members of the Arenskv Waltz, and Brazileira bv | Couples Club or may be p u r-Milhaud, the latter two originally chased at the YWCA the night of written for two pianos. Since the dance. The public is invited Paderewski was especially known for his interpretations of Chopin, the Biernats will perform Cho­pin's Waltz in A flat, Op. 64, No. 3 and The Military Polonaise. Bee­thoven's Moonlight Sonata, w i t h which Paderewski was greatly as­sociated, will also be performed in a two piano setting.

The Paderewski mixed choir

and proceeds will go into the church building fund.

Mesdames Harry Slater. James Cochran, William Heft and Ed­ward Lewan will serve refresh­ments during the evening.

Little League Auxiliary Plans Card Party Benefit

\ The Tonawanda American Lit­tle League Auxiliary will sponsor

[a card party for members and | their friends after a business ses-Ision at 8 p.m. Thursday in the 'home of Mrs. Robert Christian, 1231 Maldiner St., Tonawanda, new-j ly-elected president.

Proceeds from the card party 'will benefit Little League activi­ties.

Other new officers of the auxil­iary include: Mrs. Leonard Socie,

j vice president; Mrs. Donald Mari->an, secretary; and Mrs. Freder­ick Maier, treasurer.

ZETA ETA PSI CLUB The Zeta Eta Psi Club, Nu

F el ton PTA Gives Dance for Pupils Feltop Grammar eighth grade

students attended a record hop in the school gym last Friday eve­ning, sponsored by the Felton PTA. Michael Flanigan was the master of ceremonies.

The elimination dance contest was won by Edie Howarth and Dennis Gielow. Lucky numbers were drawn for the many door prizjs of records.

Mrs. Richard Grapes was chair­man of the affair assisted by Mr. and Mrs. Clive Holmes, Dr. and Mrs. Maurice Friot, Mr. and Mrs. J a m e s Sarsfield, Mrs. Metro Wasieczko and Mrs. J. Everton Brauer.

Refreshments were served by Mrs. Michael Dzugan and Mrs. Andrew Mathias. The next dance will be in December.

will be directed by Michael s i o - c h a P t e r * .w,« m e e t T™sda*at

minski, with Marie Semski as ac- 7 : 3 ° P m - * n t n e h o m e of C a r o 1 S e ' companist. The choral numbers m o n - x Dexter St., Tonawanda will include Paderewskis Minuet! Kathleen Dusenbary and Judith as well as the first performance H a i n e s J 3 3 ** co-hostesses. of music from Poland including two of Mr. Slominski's arrange­ments.

Dancing in the Golden Ballroom will follow the concert.

Attending a recent hayride were the following club members and their guests:

Sandra Bridge and David Walk­er, Sandra Bubb and William Pierce, Karen Clark and Thomas Cobernus, Kathleen Dusenbury

Cnnctnllniinn a n d J a m e s Getty. Patricia Michel V - u n a i c i i u i i U f i a n d Warren Derner, Liana Morrill Installs Officers and Gabe Silvashy, Susan Nei-TsM*vnrrsMA/ Kf i s ihf m e i r a n d L a r r y Fuller, Carol Pan-I omorrow ivigni d o l f i a n d M i c n a e l Mayer, Susan Newly elected and appointed of- j Saxon and Robert Taylor, Donna

ficers of Starlight Constellation of |Senf and Fred Hay, Rosemary Junior Stars 43 will be installed j Wagner and Terry McVaugh, at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow in ceremo-i Christine Landel and Richard nies in Central Christian Church, J Henderson, and Sally Shaver and Payne Ave. and Wheatfield Sts.; Pat Dunn. The public is invited.

Miss Trudy Winston, daughter*


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MEN'S CLUB Mr. and Mrs. William Meisner!

will show slides of their European trip as the program feature when the Men's Club of St. Peter's! American Lutheran Church meets at 8 p.m. Wednesday in the par­ish hall, Bryant and Thompson Sts. Ladies Night will be observed' and all members of the congrega-I tion are invited. Refreshments. will be served by the men.

of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Winston of Roncroff Drive, will be installed exalted star of light and love. Oth­er eleeted officers to be installed are: Miss Kathy Stickney, star of happiness; Miss Sharon Crowell, star of mercy; Miss Margery Main, star of kindness; Miss Judy Karkau, star of records; Miss Carol Sisson, star of treasures; and Miss Valerie Doucette, star of reliance.

Mrs. Louis Hock, past matron of Augustus H. Crown Chapter 619, Order of the Eastern Star, will be installing officer.

GRANT PTA BOARD Grant PTA executive board

members will meet at 1:15 p.m. tomorrow in the school cafeteria.



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