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Polk County Workforce Development Board, Inc. d.b.a.

CareerSource Polk

Request for Proposals For

Comprehensive Customer Services/ One-Stop Operator Services

RFP-PWDB-14-CCS-OSO-01 ISSUE DATE: November 3, 2014 PROPOSALS DUE: December 19, 2014 Noon CONTACT: Luz M. Heredia, Vice President Operations

600 N. Broadway Avenue, Suite B Bartow, Florida 33803 Phone: (863) 508-1600 Fax: (863) 508-1601 Email: [email protected]

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A. Eligible Proposers 4

B. Services Solicited Under this RFP 5

C. Prime Service Provider Responsibility and Restrictions 5

D. Funding Period / Period of Performance 6

E. Management and Financial Requirements 6

F. Funding Available 6

G. Profit & Indirect Cost Rate 7

H. Cost and Price Analysis 7

I. Program Income 7

J. Stand-In Costs 8

K. Purchasing 8

L. Audit Requirements 8

M. Invoice Submissions 8

N. Type of Contract 9

O. Current Customer Service Levels 9

P. Service Provider Orientation/Competency 9

Q. Individual Training Accounts (ITA) 9

R. DEO Staff Management 10

S. Governing Authority 10

T. Outreach & Public Relations 10

U. Questions 10



Legislation 12




A. Proposal Format 44

B. Responsive Proposals 44

C. Conditions Applicable to All Proposals 45



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PART I: INTRODUCTION AND KEY PROVISIONS The Polk County Workforce Development Board, Inc. d/b/a CareerSource Polk is issuing this Request for Proposal (RFP) to solicit agencies with the expertise and capacity to design, administer and deliver various welfare reform and workforce development services to our job seeker and employer customers in Polk County. The expected term for a contract awarded under this solicitation will be from July 1, 2015 and extending through June 30, 2016, provided measurable outcomes are successfully achieved. The period of July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016 is subject to actual funding level received. The contract may be renewed for up to two additional one-year periods with Board approval. The Polk County Workforce Development Board, Inc. (hereinafter CareerSource Polk), is seeking a qualified entity (as described below) to:

1. Provide workforce development services and activities, specifically as covered under the following laws:

The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) of 7/22/2014 (Public Law 113-

128) The Florida Workforce Innovation Act (Chapter 2000-165, Laws of Florida) Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act of 1996 Welfare Transition Program

(WTP) The Supplemental Nutrition Assistant Program (SNAP) The Wagner-Peyser Labor

Exchange Program Social Security Act, Title IV, as amended

The primary goal of all programs covered herein and within the laws listed above is to assist individuals with obtaining employment and self-sufficiency through an individualized mix of work, training, and other related activities. This goal is attained through the provision of career and training services. All services are provided through One-Stop Career Centers and a Mobile One-Stop. The entity submitting a proposal has the sole responsibility for being familiar with the laws listed and their related regulations and policies. The major emphasis of programs and services offered by CareerSource Polk is addressing the reemployment needs of jobseekers. Although the labor market seems to be getting much tighter, there are a significant number of job openings in Region 17. The Service Provider will be expected to use all available resources, including DEO Supply/Demand data, “Help Wanted Online” and other relevant labor market information to identify potential job opportunities and connect jobseekers with those job opportunities.

2. Continue to develop and enhance our workforce development system by focusing on a fully coordinated and integrated customer service strategy, focused on a “single-point of contact” model and that is market driven and offers value-added services to our job seeker and employer customers.

Provide the managerial skills necessary for facilitation and coordination of the delivery of One-Stop services at each career center location in Polk County, Florida. Currently, there are two full-service centers, one in Lakeland one in Winter Haven and a Mobile One-Stop. Addresses of the Polk County One-Stop Career center locations managed by the One-Stop Operator may be accessed through CareerSource Polk’s web site located at

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As the administrative entity and fund recipient, CareerSource Polk has responsibility for the oversight of the One-Stop career centers system in Polk County. CareerSource Polk does not directly deliver any of the managerial services or direct customer services described in this RFP; rather, CareerSource Polk solicits qualified providers on a competitive basis and makes decisions about which respondent will provide the best services at the most competitive cost. The ability to provide professional services is critical to CareerSource Polk when selecting which provider to fund.

The objective of this procurement is to select an entity to effectively and efficiently manage and deliver the services solicited in this RFP. The selected service provider will be required to:

Have the existing expertise, capability and capacity to deliver career services as described on WIOA, Sec. 134 (c) (2) welfare transition and workforce development services to our jobseeker and employer customers as is described in this RFP. There is no funding to provide for an overlap of contracts to allow for training of an inexperienced bidder;

Coordinate efforts with CareerSource Polk’s Business Services Division as it relates to

efforts to improve services to local employers;

Manage and provide the services described in this RFP using a “Service Integration” model. “Service Integration” is the thematic term used to describe a variety of programs and activities to better align, organize, redesign and optimize workforce service delivery and outcomes. Service integration moves beyond co-location and “partnerships” to create one common customer path with a standardized process for a wide range of services, focused on a single point of contact approach, while emphasizing performance and excellent customer service;

Quickly adapt to changes in policies, procedures, priorities, service delivery design, etc.;

Establish and maintain a continuous improvement process that includes data collection,

reporting, data analysis and corrective action mechanisms to ensure that performance goals are achieved;

Maintain a close working relationship with all mandatory partners and improve their involvement in, utilization of, and provision of resources to CareerSource Polk customers; and

Limit the difficult and lengthy transition process for our customers, both employer and jobseeker, by hiring competent staff;

A. Eligible Proposers

All public or private not-for-profit corporations, local higher education agencies, governmental

units, public agencies, or private-for-profit corporations properly organized in accordance with State and Federal law and in business for at least 1 year may submit a proposal for funding. Minority and women-owned and operated businesses are encouraged to submit a proposal.

No entity may compete for funds if: (1) the entity has been debarred or suspended or otherwise

determined to be ineligible to receive federal funds by an action of any governmental agency; (2) the entity's previous contract(s) with CareerSource Polk have been terminated for cause; (3)

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the entity has not complied with an official order to repay disallowed costs incurred during its conduct of programs or services; or (4) the entity's name appears on the convicted vendor list.

B. Services Solicited Under this RFP

Workforce Programs:

1. Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) 2. Welfare Transition Program (WTP)

3. The Supplemental Nutrition Assistant Program (SNAP) CareerSource Polk is committed to a system that provides excellent customer services. CareerSource Polk desires a Service Provider capable of providing a seamless system of services built on a “Service Integration” model that provides a variety of activities to better align, organize, and optimize workforce service delivery and outcomes, creating one common customer path with a standardized process for a wide range of services for the WIOA, WTP and SNAP customers. The proposer selected will manage and deliver a fully integrated menu of services to jobseekers and employers. The Service Provider shall ensure that staff will have the knowledge skills and ability to provide WIOA, WT and SNAP services from intake to exit so that customers do not get “lost in the shuffle”. These services (see Scope of Work for more detail) include, but are not limited to:

1. A service integration model that:

a. Integrates the Customer Pool (people coming in the doors are “our” shared customers);

b. Integrated Customer Flow (there is a common service flow for “our” customers);

c. Integrated Customer Service Teams that support customer flow, with staff from different programs working together to complete the work of the team);

d. Offers career services that include a wide variety of services that includes labor market information, information on job opportunities, assessments, employability skills seminars, unemployment claims taking, work registration, an overview of the welfare transition program and its customers’ rights and responsibilities, job referrals, ;

career counseling, assessment, development of career plans, additional employability workshops, pre-vocational training at outside vendors, training in computer basics (Word, Excel, the internet, computers 101, etc.), and job placement assistance for eligible adults, dislocated workers and youth; and

e. Offers Training services such as enrollment into selected occupational skills training programs at approved training vendors and on-the-job training for eligible adults and dislocated workers.

2. The Service Provider shall be expected to coordinate labor exchange services with the

Wagner-Peyser Program to include the Veterans Program and TAA (Trade Adjustment Act).

3. The Service Provider shall ensure that the business services aspect of all programs are coordinated with CareerSource Polk’s Business Services Team.

C. Prime Service Provider Responsibility and Restrictions

No more than one organization will be selected as prime Service Provider to deliver all activities and services described in this RFP. Each proposer is advised that CareerSource Polk will hold

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the prime Service Provider totally responsible and accountable for effectively and efficiently managing and delivering the services and activities described in this RFP while providing excellent customer service and achieving the contracted performance outcomes. The Service Provider may sub-contract with other entities only upon written prior approval of CareerSource Polk; proposers are encouraged to utilize minority and women-owned and operated businesses as sub-contractors. A proposal that includes sub-contracting all activities and services in this RFP to other agencies will not be considered responsive. Any proposing entity that is a CareerSource Polk approved Training Vendor providing occupational skills training will be required to specify in its proposal how any actual or perceived conflict of interest would be eliminated.

D. Funding Period / Period of Performance

The funding period for contracts awarded under this solicitation will be from July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016 provided performance remains acceptable during that period. Any contract awarded from this RFP will include an option to renew for up to two additional one year periods, contingent upon successful performance.

E. Management and Financial Requirements 1. Management. Proposers must be able to demonstrate the management and financial

capability needed to effectively and efficiently deliver the program proposed. Management capability includes the ability to manage the delivery system effectively and efficiently, conduct self-monitoring for contract compliance, implement a continuous improvement model, achieve the contract objectives, provide quality service delivery, keep appropriate records in an auditable manner, and meet/exceed performance standards.

2. Financial requirements. This includes the ability to maintain fiscal controls, accounting procedures; financial reporting in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, demonstrates sound financial practices, and show evidence of continued financial stability. The successful proposer will maintain separate accounting records for any contract resulting from this RFP to ensure accurate and appropriate reporting of contract expenditures, and ensure that costs are tracked in sufficient detail to determine compliance with contract requirements and ensure funds have not been unlawfully spent. All accounting records must be made available for review upon request for examination, audit, or for the making of excerpts or copies of such records for the purpose of determining compliance with all applicable rules and regulations, and the provisions of the contracts.

F. Funding Available

CareerSource Polk will make sufficient funding available from various sources (WIOA Title I, TANFWIOA, SNAP, REA and RA) to deliver the services requested in this RFP. The proposer is responsible for proposing a reasonable total cost for delivering the services described in this RFP. CareerSource Polk does not anticipate the necessity of committing funding in excess of $2,435,138 per year. This amount is provided as a planning figure only and does not commit CareerSource Polk to award a contract for this amount. Funding during the contract period may be adjusted due to changes in funding received.

This funding level does not include Wagner-Peyser, and Veterans services. However, staff from these other funding sources will be made available on a full time basis and will be placed under

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the functional supervision of the prime Service Provider. These staff resources are funded from and will assist in delivering workforce development services and activities as authorized under the Wagner-Peyser Act, Florida’s unemployment compensation law, Title 38 of United States Code - services for veterans, and the Trade Act of 1974. Funding for this current year is being released for informational purposes. We do not yet have budget figures for the year under discussion. The following outlines the amounts reflected in that contract.

$2,435,138 total contracted this year for operating expenses and does not include the funds set aside to pay for facility costs such as rent, telephone, internet, equipment, etc., and participant costs such as tuition, books, fees, child care, support service, etc. With anticipated budget cuts, and lack of some funding streams, an anticipated amount the coming year will not be known until the legislature and CareerSource Florida, Inc. have made their funding and allocation decisions. The following is a breakdown of this year’s funding in the Primary Services contract. 1. Workforce Investment Act: $753,853.00 2. Welfare Transition: $1,398,657 3. SNAP: $64,798 4. REA: $144,067 5. RA: $64,166

G. Profit & Indirect Cost Rate Indirect programmatic costs are allowed if the entity has an approved indirect cost rate. However, these rates are subject to negotiation but may not exceed the approved indirect cost rate. Profit is also allowed in the delivery of services under this contract. However, the total profit and indirect costs charged by private for-profit entities will be determined at contract negotiation.

H. Cost and Price Analysis

All proposals will be evaluated on the basis of obtaining the most cost-effective price possible while achieving the highest quality service delivery. To accomplish this, CareerSource Polk staff shall conduct a cost and price analysis on proposed costs during the proposal review process. Agencies are encouraged to submit their best offer for providing the services solicited and to thoroughly describe and justify the costs. The cost and price analysis shall be conducted to ensure that the proposed costs are necessary, fair, and reasonable; to determine if the proposed costs are allowable and allocable; to determine if there is a duplication of costs with other programs; to ensure that the costs are directly associated with carrying out only the proposed services; and to ensure that the proposed costs will benefit the program.

I. Program Income

Program Income is income generated by a contract funded with federal grant dollars, as a result of fees, rental, interest, real or personal property, the sale of commodities or items developed with contract funds, and revenues in excess of costs earned by organizations. Program income

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does not include profit earned by for-profit agencies and identified and agreed to in the Contract budget. Program income must be returned to CareerSource Polk.

J. Stand-In Costs

Stand-in Costs are costs paid from non-federal sources that may be used to stand-in for disallowed costs identified as a result of a monitoring report or audit. These costs must be reported as uncharged program costs and must have been allowable under the grant for which the stand-in-costs are offered. They are subject to verification through an audit and must be reported in accordance with standards set by the USDOL.

K. Purchasing Proposers must identify third party or in-house procurement and must abide by Federal, State and procurement policies. If the proposer is a public educational institution or government entity, procurement policies do not need to be described. If the proposer is a for-profit or nonprofit incorporated organization, procurement guidelines must be followed. If the proposer intends to procure equipment, material, etc., the following policy will apply: 1. Any property, equipment purchases must be pre-approved by CareerSource Polk. Any

property, equipment which is non-consumable and non-expendable in nature and costs an aggregate amount in excess of $1,000 must be approved by CareerSource Polk, will be placed on the local inventory list, and will be considered to be USDOL property.

2. Any property/equipment not exceeding an aggregate amount of $1,000 may be purchased by the Service Provider and will be considered to be the Service Provider’s property. A list of these items must be kept by the Service Provider for CareerSource Polk’s review. All items to be purchased, if other than normal office/participant supplies must be specifically included in the budget narrative of this proposal.

L. Audit Requirements

The services delivered under this RFP are considered sub-recipient services and will require the selected proposer to comply with audit requirements for federal funds, OMB Circular A-133. All Service Providers receiving $$750,000 or more in federal funds annually must submit a financial and Single Audit as required by A-133 within (9) months after the end of their fiscal year. Noncompliance can cause non-renewal of the contract. All proposers must submit two (2) copies of the most recent independent audit and financial statements. [Attachment L].

M. Invoice Submissions

All invoices regarding the previous month activities will need to be submitted to CareerSource Polk no later than 30 days, after the end of month. Invoices that are not submitted timely will result in $1,000.00 penalty, not to exceed $5,000.00, being imposed for each day that it is late. Invoices will need to include an original signed hard copy of the invoice, general ledger and supporting documentation. Invoices capturing performance will need to be accompanied by the performance reports referenced on the invoice. The final invoice of the fiscal year will need to be submitted no later than 45 calendar days from June 30.

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N. Type of Contract

Proposed costs will be analyzed and a cost reimbursement contract will be negotiated with a demonstrated performance basis.

1. Payment under a cost reimbursement contract will be based upon actual costs and

performance delivery outcomes.

For the purposes of responding to this RFP, proposers should develop a line-item budget showing all expected costs associated with delivering the proposed services and a performance payment proposal showing the proposed amount of performance revenue (profit or incentives). The expected performance outcomes for Region 17 are the Common Measures that are eligible for incentive dollar earnings. Due to the nature of the funding sources, potential changes in legislation and policies, and performance achieved, proposers are advised that any contract awarded under this RFP maybe modified to incorporate such changes, system-wide adjustments in the delivery system, or any activities provided.

O. Current Customer Service Levels

Proposers should use the following as a planning benchmark for the first year of the contract:

This is a planning estimate only; actual service levels may be higher or lower depending on the local economy, impact of marketing, changes in legislation and/or funding, etc.

P. Service Provider Orientation/Competency

CareerSource Polk will offer the necessary training to Service Provider(s) on the processing and maintenance of documents, operating procedures, and Management Information System requirements that are specific and unique to WIOA/WT/SNAP/REA/RA/WP within certain limitations. It is a requirement that Service Providers have the professional experience, prior training and applicable professional judgment within their staff/organization to perform/accomplish the proposed goals, objectives and activities submitted in accordance with WIOA/WT/SNAP/REA/RA/WP Programs with this RFP. As administrative staffing and funding are limited for the training and technical assistance to Service Providers, Service Providers with prior WIOA/WT/SNAP/REA/RA/WP experience may be given additional consideration for documented performance and understanding of WIOA/WT/SNAP/REA/RA/WP activities as previously delivered.

Q. Individual Training Accounts (ITA)

Individual training accounts (ITAs) are training funds provided by CareerSource Polk that can be used by individuals who have been determined eligible and approved by CareerSource Polk

Program/Service Number of Customers

WT Open case load 606 Vets Registered 3,770 WP Registered 3,065 WIOA Career Services 585

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to be suitable to receive Workforce Investment Act (WIOA)/Welfare Transition (WT) approved training. Allowable ITA expenses are tuition, application/registration fees, certifications, permits, licensure fees, books, uniforms and tools. The Service Provider must use CareerSource Polk’s Management Information Systems to manage the accurate and proper tracking of expenses related to ITAs to ensure expenditures do not exceed obligated amounts.

R. DEO Staff Management

The Service Provider will be responsible for the daily supervision and performance management carried out by Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO) staff assigned to Region 17, that include the Jobseeker, Veteran and Migrant Seasonal Farmworker staff. The Job Seeker services are provided for the universal workforce and in coordination with special programs, including WIOA, MSFW, WTP and WP.

S. Governing Authority Acceptable proposals will meet the specifications contained in this RFP, the requirements of the federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), CareerSource Polk’s Two-Year Plan, Florida’s Work Verification Plan, Florida’s Workforce Innovation Act of 2000,CareerSource Polk’ Welfare Transition Plan, and all applicable policies and regulations. It is incumbent upon proposers to familiarize themselves with these documents during proposal development.

T. Outreach & Public Relations

The Service Provider is responsible for ensuring that services delivered align with the communication and marketing strategy developed by CareerSource Polk. The Service Provider will assist with ideas, concepts and text as it relates to outreach related to specific target groups as defined by the marketing strategy. The Service Provider will also assist with ideas, submissions and updates relative to social media (i.e. Facebook, Twitter, etc.) as well as the organizational website, Examples of marketing and communications developed by the organization can include, but are not limited to, advertising development, news releases, media inquiries and special media campaigns. CareerSource Polk has adopted guidelines for its outreach and public relations efforts. These guidelines are intended to be used for written communications targeting external customers. The external customer is defined as the general public, elected officials and other agency personnel. All marketing and public relations products must be developed and approved by CareerSource Polk’s Community Outreach Coordinator.

U. Questions

All questions not posed at the Proposers’ Conference must be submitted via email no later than 12:00 Noon, November 14, 2014, to [email protected] Questions received at the Proposers’ Conference and before the closing date for questions will be responded to in writing and posted on the CareerSource Polk website. This website can be accessed at

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Procurement Action Date

Issue RFP November 3, 2014

Deadline for Questions prior to Proposer’s Conference November 10, 2014 Noon

Proposer’s Conference and One-Stop Career Center Tour November 12, 2014 10:00 a.m.

Deadline for All Questions November 14, 2014 Noon

Letter of Intent to Propose: November 19, 2014, Noon

Proposals Due: December 19, 2014, Noon

Proposal Review Team Meeting (Proposers’ Presentations):

January 9, 2015

Proposers’ Presentation to Career Council: February 4, 2015

Recommendation to Executive Committee: February 12, 2015

Board Action Regarding Authorization to Negotiate: February 19, 2015

Agreement to be executed by approximately: June 12, 2015

Period of Performance: July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016

All times shown are Eastern Standard Time (EST). CareerSource Polk reserves the right to adjust the schedule when it is in the best interest of CareerSource Polk or to extend any published deadline in this RFP upon notification to those who have submitted a Letter of Intent to Propose by the date and time specified. All potential respondents are strongly encouraged to attend the proposers’ conference, since this will be the best opportunity for having technical and other concerns addressed. The Letter of Intent to Propose must clearly identify the proposer. This Letter of Intent does not commit a proposer to submitting a proposal. The Letter of Intent to Propose and the proposal must be received at the CareerSource Polk Administrative office by the dates and times shown above. The prospective proposer is solely responsible for assuring that anything sent to CareerSource Polk arrives safely and on time. The Letter of Intent to Propose and the proposal should be sent to the attention of: Luz M. Heredia VP Operations 600 N. Broadway Avenue Suite B Bartow, Florida 33830

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PART III: BACKGROUND INFORMATION THE POLK COUNTY WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT BOARD, INC., d/b/a CareerSource Polk is a not-for-profit corporation (501(c) 3) and has been certified by the Governor as a Regional Workforce Development Board. CareerSource Polk’s principle function is the oversight of, and policy guidance to the workforce development systems in Polk County. Our vision is to be the Region’s innovative leader to ensure and sustain a quality workforce for today and in the future. CareerSource Polk is governed by a board of directors comprised of volunteers who represent private sector business, economic development, education, organized labor and community based organizations. CareerSource Polk Priorities for 2015-2016 are: 1. Re-employing jobseekers

2. Expanding business engagement through strong partnerships with the business and

educational community throughout all aspects of the employment process.

3. Improving customer services by embracing and fully implementing a service integration model

as described in part 1, section 3.

4. Aligning the local workforce development system and programs with regional economic

development needs.

5. Pursuing partnerships and grants that create alternative sources of revenue that will enhance

workforce development.

6. Maintaining a consistent, integrated approach to marketing and branding to continue to

increase awareness of the services provided and uphold the image of CareerSource Polk

within the community.

7. Creating new value added partnerships and strengthen existing partnerships with community

organizations that will enhance workforce development.

8. Serving as an advocate for public policy and government funding decisions that will support the

development of a highly skilled workforce while also addressing the needs of the lesser skilled,

in promoting regional economic development.

9. Pursuing implementation of innovative approaches in the delivery of workforce services that will

result in a more invigorated and comprehensive workforce system.

Legislation Federal and state legislative reform, Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of July 22, 2014, redirected welfare programs and the workforce development system to merge into an integrated system, with similar goals and objectives. The focus is on providing value-added services to local employers by preparing jobseekers for employment assisting newly employed individuals to successfully transition from welfare to work, and providing continuing services that promote job retention, career development, life-long learning and economic self-sufficiency. WIOA: The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) provides the framework for the development of a world class workforce system that reduces welfare dependency and raises expectations for the development of a world classwork force. This federal and state legislation recognizes that the most effective workforce development service delivery systems are locally

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designed and operated. They provide flexibility, allowing local program design, which meets the unique needs of our community, its jobseekers and employers. WIOA aligns Federal investments to support jobseekers and employers, strengthen governing bodies that establish state, regional and local workforce investment priorities, helps employers find workers with the necessary skills, aligns goals and increases accountability and information for jobseekers and the public, fosters regional collaboration to meet the needs of regional economics, targets workforce services to better serve jobseekers, improves services to individuals with disabilities and supports access to services. The Workforce Innovations and Opportunity Act will improve the workforce investment system implementing effective education and workforce development opportunities while helping businesses find the skilled employees they need to compete and create jobs. WIOA is built around the following key principles:

Streamlining Services: Eliminating 15 existing programs; applying a single set of outcome metrics to every federal workforce program under the Act; creating smaller, and more strategic state and local workforce development boards, integrating intake, case management and reporting systems while strengthening evaluations; eliminating the sequence of services to better meet the unique needs of jobseekers and employers.

Empowering Individuals: Customers will be empowered to obtain the services and skills they need to enhance their employability. Empowerment will be accomplished through career services and training services through Individual Training Accounts and access to consumer reports, which will provide customers with information about training providers’ services and performance.

Universal Access: Through the one-stop system, every customer will have access to a

set of core employment related services. Increased Accountability: Providers of service will be held accountable for meeting

employment related performance measures. Providers continued access to funding is directly related to their performance.

Local Oversight: Local boards (such as CareerSource Polk) with involvement from the

private sector will be responsible for local program planning and oversight of the local system, assessing the effectiveness, physical and programmatic accessibility, and continuous improvement of the career centers Input from the local level is to be utilized at the state level for statewide planning.

Local Flexibility: WIOA provides local flexibility to improve systems and tailor services to

the region’s employment and workforce needs; supporting access to real-world education and workforce opportunities through on-the-job, incumbent worker and customized training; and sector and pathway strategies. Local partners play a key role in policy development that is customized to meet the needs of the community.

The cornerstone of the workforce investment system is the one-stop service delivery system. This delivery system is the mechanism through which programs and services are integrated. This one-stop delivery system envisions a two-tiered approach. The first tier or career services, allows customers to access services according to their particular needs, either on their own or through case management, which offers a broad array of more in-depth services such as comprehensive assessments, employability skills workshops and job placement services. The second tier, training

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services, provides occupational skills training via vouchers to local public and proprietary schools and other types of employer-specific training, such as on-the-job training and customized training. The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act also identifies a number of mandatory one-stop partners. These required partners must make services available to customers through the One-Stop Centers. Required partners include: Adult Education and literacy activities, Post-secondary Vocational Education, Vocational Rehabilitation, Title V of the Older Americans Act, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, Community Services Block Grant, and Department of Housing and Urban Development employment and training activities. In Florida, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program is also a mandatory partner in the One-Stop career centers. Workforce Innovation Act of 2000. The Workforce Innovation Act of 2000, Ch. 445, Florida Statutes, reorganized workforce development system programs by placing Wagner-Peyser employment services and unemployment compensation, formerly within the Department of Labor and Employment Security, under a newly formed Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO). DEO also includes welfare transition programs. CareerSource Florida, Inc. is focused on creating and maintaining a comprehensive, integrated workforce development system that utilizes local One Stop Career Centers as the primary vehicle for delivering workforce services to the public. CareerSource Polk is also responsible for creating a workforce development strategic plan, providing policy direction and program administration guidance to the DEO and the regional workforce boards. CareerSource Florida, Inc. is required by WIOA to enter into a performance based contract with the Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO) for purposes of DEO administering several federal and state grant programs in compliance with approved plans and in accordance with CareerSource Florida, Inc.’s oversight and policy direction. DEO will therefore be the employer of record for state merit based staff located in North Florida’s One-Stop Career Centers for the purpose of delivering various workforce development services associated with funding from sources such as Wagner-Peyser, Veterans, Unemployment Compensation and other staff. The successful proposer to this solicitation will be responsible for coordinating and collaborating with the DEO staff to ensure full integration of services. Welfare Reform: On August 22, 1996, was signed into law. This law, the “Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996”, P.L. 104-193, introduced major reform to the welfare system. This Act eliminated the federal entitlement program of AFDC and created a new program called Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), which provides block grants to states to provide time-limited cash assistance. The Act also makes far-reaching changes to childcare, the Food Stamp Program, Supplemental Security Income (SSI) for children, benefits for legal immigrants, and the Child Support Enforcement program. This legislation has dramatically changed the nation’s welfare system into one that requires work in exchange for time-limited assistance.

The purpose of TANF, as stated in the legislation is to “increase the flexibility of States in operating a program designed to: (1) provide assistance to needy families so that the children may be cared for in their homes or in the homes of relatives; (2) end the dependency of needy parents on governmental benefits by promoting job preparation, work, and marriage; (3)prevent and reduce the incidence of out-of-wedlock pregnancies and establish annual numerical goals for preventing and reducing the incidence of these pregnancies; and (4)encourage the formation and maintenance of two-parent families.” [Public Law 104-193-Welfare Transition]. Florida’s Welfare Transition (WT) program is designed to provide Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) recipients with

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training, education, support services, and skills needed to gain unsubsidized employment. Work eligible TCA recipients are referred to the WT program and are provided an assessment of their skills, work history, and employability. They may also be assessed for hidden disabilities, domestic issues and mental health and substance abuse issues. Participants are then engaged in work activities that will enhance their work skills via job training at work sites or additional education. These activities are designed to help program participants gain skills and obtain employment needed to increase the likelihood of self-sufficiency. Work eligible program participants are required to participate in a certain number of work activity hours per week to continue to receive TCA.

In Florida, eligibility for Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) is determined by the Department of Children and Families (DCF). The DCF determines TCA eligibility based on income, assets, and other factors. Families interested in applying for TCA should do so by visiting . Wagner Peyser: The Wagner-Peyser Act became law in 1933 and the nationwide public employment service was established. This program is a federally funded labor exchange developed to match employers with qualified unemployed applicants. It is linked to the unemployment compensation program, helping applicants filing for unemployment benefits to find new

employment opportunities. Merit staff assists in the provision of a broad range of career guidance services, relating to counseling and employment-related services, Migrant Seasonal Farmworker Program The Department of Economic Opportunity assists Workforce Boards in operating an outreach and employment program for migrant and seasonal farm workers (MFSW). Veteran’s Services Promotes and maximizes the employment of Florida's veterans, especially veterans with barriers to employment, utilizing the complete menu of available resources. Service Delivery & Procurement CareerSource Polk is required to competitively bid for service delivery. Contracts awarded pursuant to this procurement may be renewed on a yearly basis for a period of up to two years after the initial contract period, or for a period no longer than the term of the original contract, whichever period is longer. All contracts shall specify the terms under which costs may change as estimated in this RFP. Any renewals shall be contingent upon satisfactory performance evaluations by the CareerSource Polk and subject to the availability of funds. Performance

The core performance measures are the key measures of success in achieving the legislative goals of WIOA. The measures are used to: set agreed upon performance goals on a State and local level; ensure comparability of state performance results to maintain objectivity in measuring results for incentive and sanction determinations; and provide information for system wide reporting and evaluation for program improvement.

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WIOA creates a single set of common measures for adults across all core programs, including both occupational training and adult educational programs, and a similar set of common measures across all youth-serving programs. The Service Provider will be subject to negotiated performance measures and levels as defined in Exhibit A, The Service Provider will be expected to ensure that focus is placed on serving individuals that are considered “work ready” so that placement can be obtained in unsubsidized employment and ensure positive performance for the Region. In this regard the Service Provider will be expected to work very closely with CareerSource Polk’s Business Services Division, to ensure that the workforce demands of local employers are fulfilled.

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PART IV: SCOPE OF WORK To fully comply with the requirements of this RFP, the successful proposer will perform all of the following services for CareerSource Polk. Provision of services must be coordinated throughout all locations. Program services include WTP, WP, WIOA as well as other grant funded programs. WIOA programs include, but may not be limited to: Dislocated Worker, Adult and Rapid Response/REACT. In order to accomplish this, proposers must maintain and continue to improve this integrated, responsive system of service delivery that is already in place through CareerSource Polk. The purpose of this workforce development system is to establish the framework for a consistent, fair, and meaningful methodology to provide the required service levels with the underlying focus on re-employment, customer choice and self-determination. It is the goal of this system that the delivery of services will be focused on fully integrating a consistent service delivery process, the core of which is a “Service Integration” model while providing excellent customer service, quality case management, and effective job placement to ensure the long-term success of all customers. The Service Provider must also ensure that individuals are enrolled in appropriate training services in order to ensure the Region meets the required 50% expenditure level for Individual Training Accounts (ITAs). A proposing agency must deliver the services throughout Region 17. Proposals for service delivery for less than the entire Polk County Region will be considered non-responsive. A. Target Groups: The proposer contracted in response to this RFP must provide the services

described in this RFP to the following customers, as appropriate and within funding/eligibility guidelines:

Adult learners and works with basic skills deficiency Employers seeking labor market information, labor exchange services (e.g., posting of job

orders, receiving qualified referrals, etc.), specialized training arrangements for current or prospective workers, etc.

The general public seeking career services Individuals who meet the requirements for WIOA registration and are included in the priority

of service categories, who are enrolled in and provided Intensive services and, in some cases, provided Training services

Individuals seeking specialized services such as veterans, TANF diversion applicants and TAA.

Former enrollees to whom follow-up services are to be provided Individuals receiving TANF that are subject to the welfare transition work requirements who

have been referred by DCF Former TANF recipients who are eligible for transitional benefits Former or current welfare transition clientele to whom follow-up services are to be provided Reemployment assistance for long term unemployed individuals

B. Services to be provided to Jobseekers: The Service Provider must manage and provide the

services described below as well as incorporate the parameters included under section “C. Service Guidelines” that follows.

As mentioned previously in this RFP, the workforce development delivery system shall be managed to provide access to two tiers of services: Career services that combine rigorous and high-quality education, training and other services to meet the particular needs of all jobseekers. Although training services would ideally be offered year-round s, funding may determine the level and

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availability of this activity. Availability of funds, in conjunction with customer need and eligibility guidelines, will determine the combination of services appropriately provided to individual customers. Given funding limitations and the expected volume of customers, it will be necessary to provide many of the core services in groups or in a self-directed manner. (For example, initial orientations, assessments, and some job search activities may be more efficiently provided in groups, while résumé writing and review of job listings may be done independently on a computer in the resource room.), or with assistance of a professional services manager. CareerSource Polk serves two types of customers: Employers and Jobseekers. Under the WIOA One-Stop Career Center concept, CareerSource Polk serves as the primary route by which customers can access employment and training program information and services. Florida’s Department of Economic Opportunity’s Wagner-Peyser funds provide employer/labor exchange services. WIOA funds provide for some Job Seeker-related career services, and Training services. Customers are served by a two-tiered system – Career services and Training services. All customers are eligible for the career services. To advance to training services, an adult or dislocated worker/TAA/TRA participant must receive at least one Core service, demonstrate his/her inability to obtain adequate employment while receiving career services, be assessed as being in need and eligible for training services, and meet WIOA Adult or Dislocated Worker Program eligibility requirements. . The status of WIOA registrants advancing to Training services is changed via the MIS system. All registrants’ program outcomes are data entered via MIS and count against CareerSource Polk WIOA performance. This RFP is soliciting proposals for WIOA and Welfare Transition (WT) Program eligibility determinations and Career and Training services as follows: Career Services: Under WIOA, the service categories of core and intensive services are now integrated into “career services” and there is no required sequence of service, which enables jobseekers to access training services immediately, if necessary. Services shall be made available to adults, out-of-school youth and dislocated workers in the program offices. Career services include:

1. WIOA Adult, Dislocated Worker and Trade Adjustment Assistance/Trade Readjustment Allowance TAA/TRA) eligibility determinations

2. Eligibility for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) funded services in accordance with applicable Florida DEO guidelines and criteria

3. Registering and determining priority of service for WIOA Title I, Subtitle B

4. Assistance in conducting outreach, recruitment and orientation to inform community partners, employers and individual jobseekers about the services available

5. Assessing the skill levels, aptitudes, abilities, and support service needs of the jobseekers, in-depth interviewing and evaluation to identify employment barriers and appropriate employment goals. Adults, Dislocated Workers and TAA program participants may require diagnostic testing and use of other assessment tools

6. Providing job search and placement assistance and where appropriate, career counseling

7. Making available current labor market information (job vacancy listings, skills necessary to get those jobs, and information on demand jobs including wages and skills required) in an easy to understand format

8. Making available information on supportive services and referral to such as appropriate

9. Ensuring customers who are suitable for training have applied for financial aid

10. Assisting in filing UC claims

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11. Providing follow up services for 12 months for those registered in WIOA and placed into unsubsidized employment

12. All customers who are interested in WIOA training services will receive a suitability interview to determine their “eligibility” and ability to obtain economic self-sufficiency with or without further WIOA services. The suitability interview will center on the customer’s past work history and education as related to area demand occupations and local labor market requirements;

13. Developing individual employment plans that include an employment goal, and objectives,

14. Offering individual or group counseling and assisting each with career planning;

15. Managing the cases of individuals seeking Training services;

16. Providing short-term prevocational services, including, but not limited to, development of learning skills, communication skills, interviewing skills, and professional conduct to prepare individuals for a job or training.

Career Services include the use of the resource room at each of the two locations. These resource rooms include computers that will allow access to key information and services, such as EFM and the internet, as well as the capability to conduct a self-assessment, print resumes, and contact potential employers by phone, etc. Training Services are defined as services designed to equip individuals to enter the workplace and retain employment. Training services – the most costly of all services – are provided to those customers that are still unsuccessful in obtaining adequate employment, and are assessed as requiring Training services. Training that leads to industry recognized post-secondary credentials is emphasized. Classroom training may be paid from an ITA or other funding such as Pell Grants, other scholarships, or Welfare Transition funds. Customers will be provided ITAs by the contracted WIOA provider to use to attend training. In accordance with CareerSource Polk’s ITA policy, all ITAs will be categorized using an average entry wage after training. If the ITA is approved, and the course and student are Pell eligible, the customer must acknowledge and agree to the use of ITA as the priority funding source for targeted education with PELL grant being secondary and allotted in coordination with the ITA. Training will be provided by approved training providers. Training services include:

1. Occupational skills training, including training in non-traditional jobs; 2. On the Job Training; 3. Programs that combine workplace training with related instruction, which may include Co-

Operative Education; 4. Training programs operated by the private sector; 5. Skills upgrading and retraining, including incumbent worker training; 6. Entrepreneurial training; 7. Job readiness training; 8. P and literacy activities in combination with services described above 9. Customized training.

A customer’s time in the system is dependent upon the customer’s background and needs. Customers with solid educational credentials, solid basic skills (reading and mathematics), demand occupational skills, and no major barriers to employment will require the least service unless long term unemployed. Conversely, customers’ time in the system will drastically increase with each

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barrier that is introduced into the scenario, whether it is educational, basic skills, occupational skills and/or personal in nature. Those with the most difficult barriers will require the most assistance. Career Management Responsibilities also include:

Accepting all Adult, Dislocated Worker/TAA participants engaged in WIA career services and Training services on July 1, 2015;

Accepting all Adult, Dislocated Worker/TAA participants referred from career services for Training services on/after July 1, 2015;

Screening, interviewing and assessing participants for their employability and needs, conducting/coordinating comprehensive, specialized objective assessments of skill levels and service needs, as necessary.

Developing and maintaining Individual Responsibility Plans;

Conducting individual and group counseling on career planning;

Coordinating and referring participants for training with approved training vendors, as indicated above;

Recruiting employers, providing them with available services, assisting them to develop, list and fill job orders;

Coordinating and completing job placement requirements;

Coordinating and enforcing CareerSource Polk’ ITAs with participants;

Issuing Individual Training Accounts to authorized training vendors to support Participant occupational skills training;

Coordinating participant training-related and supportive service requirements with the CareerSource Polk Supportive Services in accordance with CareerSource Polk’s policies and procedures;

Documenting all programs and funding sources supporting WIOA/WT participants. Clearly presenting the mix of program services and funding used to maximize services while preventing duplication of services/funding;

Completing all required WIOA/WT documents and Management Information System (MIS) data entries related to a participants progress, WIOA/WT registration, enrollment, status changes, program outcome, and follow-up activities;

Maintaining all required contacts with participants following their exits from WIOA programs. Follow-up services and tracking continues for 12 months after a participant exits the WIOA program;

Ensuring collection and maintenance of data required to determine performance outcomes and compliance issues to include required activities, contact with participants and support service requirements; and submittal of all reports to CareerSource Polk, as required;

Providing all fiscal controls to ensure expenditures are in line with relevant policies and procedures;

Maintaining required contacts with participants after they complete all assigned WT activities. Providing a 12 month follow-up and tracking services.

A more detailed description of some of the services identified above, that are to be managed and provided by the Service Provider, follows. The detailed descriptions are listed as 1 –22 below.

1. Outreach and Recruitment. The Service Provider shall be responsible for adequately

informing individuals and groups of the services available. This outreach and recruitment shall also be conducted in order to attract a sufficient number of individuals who are in need of the services provided and who meet the requirements to receive such services that would allow the agency contracted with in response to this RFP to meet the contract’s measurable performance outcomes.

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Outreach and recruitment methods may include formal advertising, use of reciprocal agreements with other agencies, flyers, brochures, word-of-mouth or other methods of program information dissemination. The Service Provider must ensure that the outreach and recruitment is conducted within communities where potentially eligible customers reside and through on going coordinated efforts with other community-based organizations. Note, all marketing activities, materials, and publications must be approved by CareerSource Polk.

The Service Provider shall be responsible for coordinating outreach and recruitment

efforts among the various partners to adequately inform the community of the services available. This outreach and recruitment shall be conducted to attract a sufficient number of individuals who are in need of the services provided and who meet the eligibility requirements to receive such services to allow all agencies contracted in response to this RFP to meet contracted measurable performance outcomes. In collaboration with CareerSource Polk’s policy instructions, emphasis will be placed on recruiting those most in need and those who can most benefit from services.

2. Orientation. The Service Provider shall provide at each location both a general

orientation and program specific orientations (i.e. welfare transition) that inform individuals of the full array of services available, including non-traditional opportunities and services available from other sources. The general orientation shall include a complete overview of the processes and procedures customers can expect as they are provided services. The Service Provider is responsible for ensuring that all program specific requirements (i.e., obligations and opportunities, sanctions, etc.) are addressed in the appropriate orientations. The provision of program specific orientation must be documented in the individuals’ files.

The frequency of delivery of these orientations shall be at the discretion of the service

provider, in close consultation with CareerSource Polk’s designated contract manager. The Service Provider is encouraged to use videos to provide these orientations to ensure a consistent message and quality delivery.

3. WIOA Registration. The Service Provider shall be responsible for registering and

determining the priority of service of individuals prior to providing career and Training services with WIOA funds. Registration involves certifying and documenting the WIOA eligibility and priority of service of the individuals to be served. This WIOA eligibility must be completed in accordance with the strict standards established by the State of Florida and USDOL. This includes completing the required state WIOA application, obtaining the necessary documentation (i.e. number in family, family income, Authorization to Work in the U.S., residency in Polk County, registration with Selective Service as applicable, etc.), identifying barriers to employment, etc. Proposers should take into consideration that certifying WIOA eligibility and priority of service is a very time consuming, detailed process and customers cannot be registered and then provided career or Training services prior to final eligibility certification. In addition, eligibility for WIOA carries with it liability for dollars spent in serving individuals who are not eligible.

Adult - an employed or unemployed individual who is age 18 or older. Employed Worker - An employed individual who is served at the local level. These

individuals may be served by documenting that they are in need of services in order to obtain or retain employment that allows for self-sufficiency, in accordance with the locally established definition of that term.

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Dislocated Worker - an individual who:

a. Has been terminated or laid off, or who has received a notice of termination or layoff, from employment;

b. Is eligible for or has exhausted entitlement to unemployment compensation; or has been employed for a duration sufficient to demonstrate attachment to the workforce, but is not eligible for unemployment compensation due to insufficient earnings or having performed services for an employer that were not covered under a State unemployment compensation law;

c. Is unlikely to return to a previous industry or occupation;

d. Has been terminated or laid off, or has received a notice of termination or layoff, from employment as a result of any permanent closure of, or any substantial layoff at a plant, facility or enterprise;

e. Is employed at a facility at which the employer has made a general announcement that such facility will close within 180 days; or

f. For purposes of eligibility to receive services other than intensive, training services described in Section 134 (c) (2)(A)(xii) of the WIOA Act, or supportive services, is employed at a facility at which the employer has made a general announcement that such facility will close;

g. Was self-employed (including employment as a farmer, a rancher, or a fisherman) but is unemployed as a result of general economic conditions in the community in which the individual resides or because of natural disasters;

h. Is a displaced homemaker; or

i. Is the spouse of a member of the Armed Forces on active duty station of such member, or

j. Is the spouse of a member of the Armed Forces on active duty and who is unemployed or under employed and is experiencing difficulty in obtaining or upgrading employment

4. Assessment. The Service Provider shall make available an initial employment

assessment to customers who are interested in receiving such service and shall provide an initial assessment to all welfare transition referrals. The information obtained from the initial employment assessment will be utilized to help tailor the types of services provided. A more comprehensive assessment shall be made available to all customers registered for WIOA and shall be provided to all Welfare Transition customers. Any individual advancing to Training services must have a comprehensive assessment completed prior to receiving a Training voucher.

CareerSource Polk must approve the initial assessment tool. These tools shall assist the individual customer in identifying the employment area in which he or she would be best suited.

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A comprehensive assessment shall be a multistep, systematic process of gathering and evaluating a variety of information on the skills, abilities, interests / values, physical capabilities, work experiences, leisure activities, education and training, needs, work attitude / personality, life situation, family problems, transportation, motivation, behavior patterns, and economic and financial status of a customer. This assessment must be a client-centered, diagnostic evaluation of the participant’s barriers to employment and will include an identification of other available resources that can be utilized to meet the needs of the customer. All customers may not take part in the same depth of comprehensive assessment activities. The amount and kind of assessment required will depend largely on the nature of the problems / employment barriers identified during counseling and any prior assessments that have been conducted. For example, a Vocational Rehabilitation customer may have a detailed assessment from recently (within the last year) administered tests and observations and therefore the Service Provider may not need to duplicate that part of the assessment process already conducted. This customer may benefit from other assessment activities such as components to determine occupational interest areas, or a discussion about the reasons for his / her lack of success in finding a job. The assessment process will always build upon any prior assessment conducted by the Department of Children and Families or Division of Vocational Rehabilitation.

The assessment process may include behavior observation, detailed interviews with the customer; computer assisted testing, and paper and pencil type assessment. On occasion, specialized tests may be administered that are more appropriate to the customer. This is most likely to occur with special populations, such as individuals with disabilities, or if the customer is interested in specialized training that may have program specific assessments. In all cases, the assessment will comply with the requirements of WIOA, its regulations, Florida Workforce Innovation Act of 2000 and/or any other program specifications. Unemployed insurance claimants may receive eligibility assessments and referrals to training/education resources through Wagner Peyser Employment Services Program.

5. Individual Responsibility Plan (IRP): The Service Provider shall develop an Individual

Responsibility Plan (IRP) for each welfare transition customer and an Individual Service Strategy/Career Plan for each registered WIOA customer. This "road map" will be jointly developed with the customer using CareerSource Polk’s MIS system. The Plans must use the assessment results and will, at a minimum, describe all employment barriers identified and include the mix and sequence of services that should help the customer overcome the barriers identified, supportive services to be provided, and the expected employment outcome(s) or goals.

The Service Provider will be responsible for initiating a “staffing” of any joint customers with the other partners’ case managers to ensure that no services are duplicated and that to the degree possible, multiple funding streams are used for the provision of training services, as applicable. As the needs of the customer change, the Service Provider will be responsible for modifying the Plan to reflect these changes. Since CareerSource Polk’s approach to case management is to provide individualized attention, the customer’s changing needs should

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be identified quickly and a revised action plan developed to meet those needs. This new or revised action plan will become a modification or addendum to the customer’s Plan.

6. Case Management. The Service Provider shall be responsible for providing integrated

case management services to all individuals that receive Career or Training services. Within this Region, case management is recognized as a key component of the service delivery plan and critical to the ultimate success of the customers. Case management is necessary to assure that the needs of customers are met and information required for program and performance reporting is collected.

Integrated case management means an individual who receives benefits/services under two or more programs, such as welfare transition and WIOA, would deal with only one Career Specialist from the beginning of the service delivery process through the provision of the service strategy that was agreed to and that on-going contact with the customer is maintained throughout the time of participation, upon employment, and following termination. The Service Provider shall provide case management as a customer-focused service delivery strategy designed to assist individuals with multiple needs and barriers. It is both a “customer-driven” and a “systems-driven” human resource development strategy. Case management shall balance a sensitivity to the needs, dreams and goals of the customers against a commitment to well-managed, effective and efficient human services program. As a customer-driven strategy, case management must offer an array of interventions designed to address a customer’s needs in a holistic and individualized manner. As a systems-level strategy, case management encourages inter-organizational partnerships (both formal and informal) in order to maximize the proper utilization of human and financial resources and minimize fragmentation, duplication, rigidity and inaccessibility of program services. A case management service delivery approach invests significant time and energy in maintaining a focus on understanding and assisting the customer. Efforts should me bade to ensure that customer service staff are not incentivized to, intentionally or unintentionally, place customers in services for which they are not well suited. A case management approach looks at the big picture, acknowledging that clients are complex individuals who require complicated and coordinated interventions in order to regain control of their lives. The Service Provider will be responsible for tracking the customer's progress, making any recommendations to the Florida Department of Children and Families on sanctioning of welfare transition customers, assisting the customer in overcoming any barriers, providing career and motivational counseling, acting as an advocate on behalf of the customer, and referring the customer to other resources that can meet any needs that are identified. Using the case management approach described above, individual customers’ need for specialized services should be recognized by the Service Provider almost immediately and additional assistance provided. Through a Career and Training services type approach, the Service Provider will provide case management services at the level that the customer and case manager identifies a need for such services. For example, a customer who is enrolled in vocational training and progressing at above average performance may need limited attention from the Service Provider, while another customer in the same training program who may be failing due to substance abuse problems may need a significant amount of the Service Provider’s time. The Service Provider will use the information already collected in the various management information systems to eliminate any duplication of effort and will also enter information into the MIS

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on a frequent basis. The Service Provider's attention is directed to the Data Entry/MIS section within this contract for further information.

7. Pre-Employment/Work Maturity Skills. The Service Provider shall deliver various seminars for welfare transition customers. The intent of these seminars is to provide the knowledge and skills to identify potential jobs apply for a job, interview for a job, and handle difficult situations that may be encountered after hire to ensure successful job retention.

These seminars shall be provided at least every other week at every program location.

The seminars will also be offered at a variety of times including evening and weekend seminars to accommodate the customers’ work schedules. Presentations and lectures from the local businesses and community organizations shall be incorporated.

8. Training Referral. The Service Provider is responsible for providing, or in some cases

referring, each individual to the most appropriate activity for the individual as determined from the assessment and documented in the customer’s Plan. Welfare Transition customers must be referred within the time frames required by State guidelines and only to a countable work activity, such as Occupational Skills Training, On-the-Job Training, Work Supplementation, Community Service Work Experience, etc. as defined by the State.

The training activities available to the Service Provider for referral include those identified under the introduction to this section. Due to their nature and the fact that the majority of the customers referred to Training are in occupational skills training programs or OJT, they are described in more detail below. Occupational Skills Training is offered through individual training accounts here in Region 17. Individual Training Accounts allow customers to select from a full array of approved training options available in the local area in high demand fields. Individual Training Accounts can only be used for designated demand occupation training programs at CareerSource Polk approved training vendors (for instance, vocational technical centers or community college). The approved training vendors provide the occupational skills training specified on the training voucher. The training voucher authorizes CareerSource Polk to pay the costs of tuition, books, and other required training materials. The training vendor has no responsibility other than providing this training and ensuring that the customer develops the needed competencies to be employed in the specific field. All other needs of the customers are met by the Service Provider, including managing customers’ participation in the training, and ensuring that customers receive whatever counseling, supportive services, or other assistance might be needed to ensure successful retention in the training, followed by successful placement into employment and job retention. The Service Provider shall take into consideration that per WIOA regulations, an individual may enroll in Training services prior to award of a Pell grant as long as the career specialists make arrangements for the “application” of the Pell grant funds once they are received. This shall be handled through the budget development process. If an individual’s expenses, including living expenses while in training, outweigh the amount of family income, the CareerSource Polk Training Voucher, and the Pell combined, the Pell shall be used to cover the living expenses and the CareerSource Polk Training Voucher shall be used for tuition, books, and supplies.

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The Service Provider may place Career Specialists onsite at some of the Training Vendors where levels of enrollment warrant such. These career specialists provide a limited array of services geared to coordinating the occupational skills training program and individuals ‘progress. The placement of these career specialists, if the Service Provider wishes to consider such, must be coordinated with the local Training Vendors and approval obtained from CareerSource Polk. On the Job Training (OJT) is offered at local employers who agree to hire the individual customer and train him/her while working on the job. CareerSource Polk’s Business Services Division is responsible for developing OJT agreements with employers throughout Region 17 based upon funding availability. OJT is defined as training in the private or public sector given to a WIOA eligible or welfare transition customer who has been referred to and hired by the employer. OJT occurs while the customer is engaged in productive work, which provides knowledge and skills essential to the full and adequate performance on the job. OJT is full-time paid employment in which the employer provides training for the customer to perform the skills required for the job. The training provided for the customer must be above and beyond the training that the employer usually provides to new employees. Three principles that govern OJT in Region 17 include: a. OJT is not a placement / hiring activity, it is a training program. OJT neither

“purchases” a job slot nor “subsidizes” wages. Instead, it provides a business incentive to the employer for the extra time that a customer requires for training on the job.

b. The training provided under OJT must sufficiently prepare the customer to perform

meaningful work. In order to do this, three steps are necessary:

The employment and training needs of the customer must be carefully assessed, documented, and addressed in a well-crafted individual service strategy.

The employer’s job skill requirements must be specifically identified and carefully analyzed.

A realistic training plan must be constructed which documents the skills required, stipulates a schedule for achieving those skills, and contains criteria for measuring attainment of those skills.

c. The OJT program must be managed efficiently with accountability. At a minimum, this

means that the program must be continuously monitored; written business incentive agreements with the employers must clearly assign accountability and describe a mechanism for measuring performance; and reporting, monitoring, and record-keeping procedures must be followed and must document that training plans and the agreements are being carried out.

OJT is focused on the customer attaining measurable skills in the workplace. These measurable skills are described in each customer’s training plan, which is developed by the Service Provider jointly with the employer and coordinated by CareerSource Polk’s Business Services Team. If measurable skills have been attained by the customer by the end of the training period, the employer may receive a business incentive payment.

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As part of the responsibility of developing OJTs, the Service Provider shall (1) adhere to the CareerSource Polk guidelines for OJT; (2) monitor the training activity and programs of the participant, including on-site monitoring of employers to ensure the OJT training plan is being carried out, and (3) maintain relevant program records.

9. Support Services Coordination. The Service Provider shall coordinate and manage the

provision of support services to WIOA registrants, welfare transition customers and other customers where a funding source so allows. Support services shall include, but are not limited to, transportation, limited medical services, uniforms/clothing, and car repair, depending on funding source/program. Support Services shall only be authorized by the Service Provider when a need has been identified, when the customer will not be successful without this service, and when no other funding is available to pay for such services. The Service Provider is responsible for managing the provision of support services in as cost efficient manner as possible.

CareerSource Polk shall continue to pay for support services directly based on the recommendation and approval of the Service Provider. Note: Childcare for Welfare Transition customers shall be coordinated with and paid through the Early Learning Coalition of Polk County.

10. Job Placement. The Service Provider will be responsible for providing job listing and

referrals to assist customers with finding a job in coordination with Wagner-Peyser and other special programs funded staff. The Service Provider is also responsible for providing additional job placement assistance to each WIOA and WT customer while receiving Training services. This may include coordinating with a local education agency’s placement staff if the customer is enrolled in training at that institution, providing additional workshops, working with the customer directly to provide job leads, specific job development for individual customers, job matching to jobs listed in various job banks, etc. The Service Provider shall coordinate with the CareerSource Polk’s Business Services Division to identify job development opportunities for customers including:

Providing trained staff that are familiar with the job order process and can effectively

use these orders to place customers into jobs.

Encouraging employers to post job openings through CareerSource Polk.

Developing an effective job match process, including the use of assessment and testing information, to ensure that the most qualified candidate is referred to the employer, based on the employer’s stated requirements.

Assisting in the development of specific positions and reasonable accommodations for customers who need a special job opportunity because of special circumstances. This shall be developed based on the needs of the customer as determined in the initial and the comprehensive assessment process. One-on-one marketing identifies employers who can best utilize the skills of these customers.

The Service Provider must ensure that each customer is placed, to the maximum extent possible, in a job that meets the definition of a job placement.

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11. Performance. The Service Provider will be subject to the following performance measures and levels. Additional measures, likely performance levels and definitions, may be found in Exhibit A.


Final Goals

PY 2014


Final Goals

PY 2014

WIOA Adult Entered Employment Rate

90% Welfare Transition Entered Employment Rate (% of closed TANF cases closed due to income)


WIOA Adult Wage Rate as determined by the LLSIL (Average Hourly)

100% Welfare Transition Sanction Re-engagement (% of customers whose case closes due to sanction and returns to participate)


WIOA Dislocated Worker Entered Employment Rate

90% REA Enrollments (# of REA participants enrolled into assessment in the State’s MIS)


WIOA Dislocated Worker Wage Rate as determined by the LLSIL. (Average Hourly)

100% FSET Wage Rate (Wage rate as a % of LLSIL negotiated State Rate)


Welfare Transition Participation Rate

50% FSET Entered Employment Rate 25%

Welfare Transition Entered Employment Rate Wage Rate (as a % of the LLSIL)

69% Welfare Transition 2-Parent Participation Rate


12. Job Retention / Follow-up. After job placement, the Service Provider will be responsible

for assisting WIOA and WT customers with job retention. The length of this job retention assistance will be for at least twelve months. It is the intent of this job retention assistance to help these customers placed into jobs from Career and Training services, overcome any problems that may arise during this critical period and to ensure further progress toward long-term employment and therefore self-sufficiency. This should be accomplished by providing frequent follow-along with the customer and possibly the employer. Job retention is a crucial component in workforce since performance measurement under Common Measures includes retention of employment.

During the retention period, the Service Provider must ensure, to the maximum extent

possible, that the customer receives follow-up services that may help to maintain employment in the second and third quarters after the exit quarter.

The Service Provider will ensure that staff are focused on helping the WIOA, Welfare

Transition, Veteran, MSFW and Wagner Peyser customers enhance their skills in order to not only retain their job, but to take steps to better their skills for career growth. This shall be achieved through a variety of means including:

One-on-one counseling during follow-up contacts that will focus on identifying and

eliminating any barriers that may be preventing a customer from successfully retaining a job.

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Encouraging customers to attend the various workshops offered on topics related to specific methods for retaining a job, enhancing skills and fostering self-sufficiency.

Encouraging further career advancement and skill attainment through occupational

skills training.

13. Sanctions. The Service Provider is responsible for recommending sanctions of Welfare Transition customers to the Department of Children and Families in accordance with State guidelines. Consistent monitoring and tracking of welfare transition customers’ progress by the assigned Career Specialists shall provide the basis for determination of noncompliance with the Welfare Transition Program’s participation requirements. Compliance is tracked by career specialists from the first date of expected participation through completion of all planned activities, including employment retention.

14. Customer Service. The tremendous emphasis on building a close relationship with the

customer necessitates quality, speed and sensitivity to customer demands. This kind of customer service must be done through a seamless set of activities by more than one person.

It will be the responsibility of the Service Provider to ensure procedures are established

and maintained that outlines the seamless services of the workforce development delivery system and to obtain feedback on customer satisfaction with the various services provided. These customers may include external (jobseekers and businesses) and internal (vendors, providers and front-line staff).

15. Quality Control and Continuous Improvement. The Service Provider shall establish

and maintain reliable mechanisms that will immediately identify when a problem occurs, administrative or programmatic, and when corrective action is necessary. The Service Provider quality control process shall include mechanisms to detect and reduce fraud and errors in data collection, eligibility determinations and service delivery. All Service Provider staff shall be responsible for error and fraud detection and reduction.

Internal monitoring activities shall include case file review, data entry review, caseload contacts, and quality control monitoring to ensure continuous improvement. The Service Provider shall also implement follow –up methods to monitor data, state reporting data, customer feedback (job seeker, business and internal survey results) and general feedback.

a. Automation – The Service Provider shall use automation whenever and wherever possible to deliver services. The Service Provider will use all features of the FLORIDA, OSST, State’s MIS, and CareerSource Polk MIS and ensure ongoing training in the use of these systems to provide integrated service delivery. The Service Provider will work with DEO, Children & Families and CareerSource Polk to ensure connectivity and staff training, and will assess the need for additional tracking and management that may require an ancillary system or new functionality. The Service Provider shall also explore other uses of technology to continue to improve service delivery.

b. Use of Forms – CareerSource Polk has guidelines for preparing, reviewing, storing and archiving documents in support of the organization. It supports the mission of the organization to provide a clear branded message and to establish and communicate our identity effectively and consistently within our organization and the community. All

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documents have been identified and tracked on a master documentation log maintained by CareerSource Polk Administrative Staff. The log contains document numbers, titles, approval information, owner, related documents, postdates and document archive information as applicable. The Service Provider will ensure the effective use of forms and documents initially, by using existing documents, then by initiating a review process to streamline the use of forms and reduce redundancy of data in form and document creation. Forms should always be easy to understand, professionally written and presented, and not overwhelming in terms of the frequency or number. Guidelines for preparing, reviewing, storing and archiving documents will change as CareerSource Polk continues to work towards a Document Management System (paperless system).

c. Monitoring Activities - The Service Provider's internal monitoring activities shall include case file review, data entry review, caseload contacts, and quality control monitoring to ensure continuous improvement.

d. Tracking Effectiveness – The Service Provider will track effectiveness using monitoring data, State reporting data, customer feedback (client and employer focus groups and survey results), and feedback from the general public. The Service Provider shall also conduct at least a monthly review and analysis of the data to identify trends, issues, etc.

e. Performance Evaluation – The Service Provider shall continuously evaluate its performance and the overall success of the workforce development service delivery system. This shall include a comprehensive analysis of both financial and performance aspects of the Service Provider's operation. The evaluation shall address such aspects as accountability, supervisory review, monitoring customer progress, customer/employer feedback, cost accounting, monitoring contract compliance, reaching performance objectives, continuous improvement, and immediate corrective action.

f. Supervisory Case Review – The Service Provider shall perform supervisory case reviews in all programs where hard case records exist to ensure compliance to procedural and policy requirements and to the effective provision of services to accomplish the contract goals and objectives. In areas such as Wagner-Peyser where actual case records are not maintained, the Service Provider will ensure a random sampling of system data is reviewed to ensure compliance.

g. The Service Provider shall certify the accuracy and timeliness of the information in the case files.

16. File Maintenance and Documentation. The Service Provider shall be responsible for

maintaining a case file for every job seeker as required by their program. That case file can be a combination of the electronic file and a hard copy file as appropriate. At a minimum, the case file shall include information and documentation of each of the following, as applicable: WIOA application, WIOA enrollment form, the initial and comprehensive assessments, the IEP/IRP and its updates, progress reports, time and attendance records, training completion certification, at least monthly counseling notes,

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hardship exemption request, priority of service plan for those Welfare Transition customers who are within 6 months of reaching their time limits, job placement information and job retention verification. This process will change as CareerSource Polk continues to move to a Document Management System (paperless system). These files are the property of CareerSource Polk and must be turned over to CareerSource Polk upon request or at the end of the contract. The Service Provider shall ensure that all customers’ files, both hard copy and electronic, are up-to-date and accurate. It is the expectation of CareerSource Polk that when either or both hard copy and electronic files are monitored, the files shall be found to have 3% or less out-of-date or incorrect information. Files must be kept for a minimum of five years.

17. Reporting. The Service Provider will maintain documentation necessary to generate

information for required federal, state and CareerSource Polk reports and provide financial and other information on daily operations as requested. The Service Provider will carefully analyze existing reports to determine if reports or report elements are necessary and if the reports meet the needs of CareerSource Polk, Federal and State agencies or the Service Provider's own business requirements.

The Service Provider shall ensure coordination with CareerSource Polk for further

development of management reporting. The Service Provider shall also develop systems (either electronic or manual) to provide user-friendly ad-hoc reporting capability. The Service Provider shall ensure that the combination of the various systems and the Service Provider's processes produce all information needed to manage the daily operations of the workforce development system, including performance measures, unduplicated client and transaction counts, training enrollments by location and vendor, and recidivism rates across integrated enrollment programs.

The Service Provider will ensure timeliness of data entry for all programs. For WIOA, the

application must be entered within at least three (3) days of the date of application. Program exits must be entered within at least three (3) days of the date of the customer’s exit.

A report describing progress toward goals and activities shall be submitted to CareerSource Polk monthly. A quarterly evaluation report is due to CareerSource Polk (this report shall be presented at CareerSource Polk’s Career Council meetings) and should include reports on progress of the participants, goals and objectives and how they are being met, problems encountered, corrective actions taken, coordination strategies, etc.

18. Coordination. The Service Provider must establish and maintain a collaborative and

functional relationship with the region’s partners and other workforce development entities such as the CareerSource Polk Training Vendors, and related community service providers.

19. Locations. The Service Provider shall deliver the services described in this statement of

work at the locations determined by CareerSource Polk. The current full service locations are: 309 N. Ingraham Ave., Lakeland, FL 33801 500 E. Lake Howard Dr., Winter Haven, FL 33881

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Levels of service needed in each location are dependent, to a certain extent, by the traffic

within each office. Therefore, proposers need to build in the flexibility to assign staff and other resources as needed to accommodate customer flow.

20. Standard Operating Procedures. The Service Provider shall ensure that all staff hired as

a result of this contract, including Service Provider staff and all partners, understand and conduct business on a day-to-day basis in accordance with the Standard Operating Procedures approved by CareerSource Polk.

21. Special Grants and/or Contracts, and Workforce Services. Additional grants, contracts

and workforce services may be obtained and provided by CareerSource Polk during the program year. It is anticipated that most of the additional service programs will have deadlines and performance measures. The Service Provider will be required to support CareerSource Polk in the administration/local management of these additional grants and contracts. The Service Provider shall provide information specific to the capacity of the organization to respond to additional requirements while still maintaining normal programs and services and all expected performance levels. The Service Provider shall provide services for those special projects funded by CareerSource Polk or Workforce Florida, Inc. The Service Provider shall also provide technical assistance and staff training to these special projects as requested by CareerSource Polk.

22. Professional Services. The Service Provider will be expected to coordinate and provide

services to professional jobseekers. Professional jobseekers are typically individuals who have training and education beyond high school, usually holding degrees, certifications or licensures recognized in a particular industry, with a work history demonstrating the individual has held a position requiring minimal supervision and involving independent discretion and judgment.

CareerSource Polk’ Professional Service program offers top-quality employment services

designed specifically for the professional jobseeker, to meet the unique needs and challenges facing this particular target market and increase the overall employability of professionals. Services and programs are designed to build and enhance a professional job seeker’s ability to obtain and retain employment. These programs and services include: career coaching, employee development plans, resume critiquing, interviewing skills, job searches, job readiness training, professional networking, and other professional activities.

C. Service Guidelines

1. Staffing: The Service Provider must hire qualified programmatic and technical staff that has the expertise to meet the goals, objectives and requirements of this RFP. The Service Provider must also ensure that job performance expectations are assigned to each staff member and that there are appropriate measurement tools in place to review the job performance at multiple intervals. The Service Provider must have a Performance Improvement Plan system in place as well as an outlined termination system for failure of an individual to meet job requirements.

The experience, abilities, and motivation of the staff play a critical role in the ultimate success of the service delivery. The Service Provider shall ensure that staff is trained as necessary to effectively carry out all activities contracted for; shall develop an ongoing

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training program that focuses on ensuring that staff acquire the basic competencies of their positions and are kept abreast of all new information and processes in a timely manner; and shall use both in-house expertise as well as other resources to ensure that training is comprehensive and provides information which will enhance its ability to carry out this contract’s responsibilities effectively and efficiently.

The Board defines the One-Stop Operator as follows:

a. Is an entity, public or private, that is legally configured to operate in the State of Florida and is an allowable One-Stop Operator under Federal and Florida law.

b. May be an existing provider of workforce development services (but does not necessarily have to be currently providing such services).

c. Is designated by the Board and enters into a contractual relationship with the Board.

d. Is empowered by the Board to provide functional supervision of all One-Stop required services, including all services provided by entities that have voluntarily entered into One-Stop Memorandums of Understanding. (See Section 121 (1) (2) (3) of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act.).

e. Is responsible for developing and maintaining the One-Stop Memorandums of Understanding.

f. Will not establish procedures that will conflict with any governmental law, rule, or regulation.

The One-Stop Operator’s job description is as follows:

a. Coordinate all One-Stop activities with the Board staff.

b. Establish a single point of entry (electronic and physical) for jobseekers.

c. Coordinate with CareerSource Polk’s Business Services Division to establish a single

point of coordination for employers in search of qualified jobseekers, assistance with downsizing, customized training, and other available services.

d. Continue to develop and enhance CareerSource Polk’s workforce development system by focusing on a fully coordinated and integrated customer service strategy that is market driven and offers value-added services to CareerSource Polk jobseekers.

e. Assure the delivery of services to individuals with limited English language skills, disabilities, or other significant barriers.

f. Promote adoption of creative and innovative methods and best practices in the delivery of the required services.

g. Develop and assist with maintaining written local operating procedures with CareerSource Polk’s approval, i.e., broad operational guidelines (such as hours of

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operation, etc.) that will outline the responsibilities and objectives of each of the One-Stop Partners while providing excellent customer service.

h. Facilitate, obtain and maintain joint agreement among the One-Stop Partners

(collectively referred to as the Management Team) regarding the policies that they are to implement. As Management Team members, One-Stop Partners are expected to coordinate, cooperate, and collaborate in fulfilling the agreed upon policies of the One- Stop Operator.

i. Following agreement on the policies of a specific One-Stop center, request that each One-Stop Partner develop a set of written procedures which comply with and are consistent with the agreed-upon policy.

j. Facilitate a meeting of all One-Stop Partners in a specific One-Stop center where each partner’s detailed procedures will be made known to all of the other partners.

k. To increase customer satisfaction – coordinate with CareerSource Polk’s Wagner-Peyser staff to ensure timely and efficient handling of incoming telephone calls-with “call-center” staff that is knowledgeable of the basic available services and the current availability of staff.

l. Coordinate and schedule facilities usage such as, but not limited to classrooms, assessment, and conference rooms.

m. Enforce procedural, conduct, and appearance policies of CareerSource Polk.

n. Ensure that services to veterans are considered a total one-stop responsibility and not just the domain of the Disabled Veterans’ Outreach Program (DVOP). The Service Provider must ensure that Veterans receive Priority of Service from Point of Entry in a seamless manner. The Service Provider will ensure that DVOPs provide both career services to jobseekers.

o. Ensure that quality services are provided to both Migrant Seasonal Farm Workers and agricultural employers.

p. Represent the partner agencies to CareerSource Polk as well as represent CareerSource Polk to the partner agencies.

q. Utilize CareerSource Polk’s established protocol, (via the assigned Contract Manager then to the Vice President of Operations then to the President/CEO) as a conduit to CareerSource Polk.

r. Abide by all Federal, State, and Board procurement policies.

s. Maintain records of all program related expenditures by cost categorization.

t. Follow current and future Board administrative directives especially those directives

that concern the: fiscal responsibilities of the day-to-day operation of the One-Stop Center, Equal Employment Opportunities, and the Americans with Disabilities Act.

u. Maintain a Drug Free Workplace.

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v. Advise and assist CareerSource Polk on all items relevant to One-Stop Credentialing.

w. Follow all of the statutes, rules, and associated policies of the: Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 7/22/14; Social Security Act, Title IV; Chapter 414, Florida Statutes; Chapter 2000—165, Laws of Florida Florida Work Verification Plan

2. Staff Development. Staff development is vital to success of all CareerSource Polk

services. Qualified staff exhibit enthusiasm, capability and commitment to customers, as well as demonstrated certification of their own workforce development. It is expected that all staff whose employment will be maintained from the existing Service Provider, and who have direct customer contact, will obtain FCWP certification or Tier 1 certification within six (6) months of date of hire, regardless of the contract award date. The FCWP certification from the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity is required for all staff beginning the certification process. New hires to the contract that have direct customer contact will achieve professional certification within six (6) months of hire date.

Describe the respondent’s staff development plans. Specifically, included plans for delivering information technology training, case management, program policy, customer service, and management/supervisory training. Specify for each type of training the duration and the frequency. Describe plans for an ongoing training program that focuses on ensuring that all staff acquire the basic competencies of their positions and are kept abreast of all new information and processes in a timely manner. Specify for each type of training the duration and the frequency. Develop, coordinate and ensure completion of all CareerSource Polk staff training plans, including cross-training staff on CareerSource Polk’s resources in compliance with staff development performance measures and ensure input from staff to improve service delivery process. Describe plans for compliance with Florida’s Department of Economic Opportunity, Final Guidance Paper, on One-Stop Credentialing including the proposer’s plan for staff to meet the initial minimum skills standards as well as the subsequent 15-hour Continuing Education Credits per year.

3. Hours of Operation. In order to make services broadly available to customers, the services

should be available beyond traditional hours of operation during times that will meet the needs of the majority of customers. At a minimum, all locations must be open from 8:00 am – 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Any hours of operation, other than the aforementioned, must be approved by CareerSource Polk. In addition, the Service Provider must ensure that arrangements are made to keep service delivery available throughout the holiday seasons with limited closings for major holidays. This may be accomplished through the use of flex scheduling, but must be adhered to.

4. Drug Free and Tobacco Free Workplace. Proposing organizations should note that if

awarded a contract under this RFP, a drug free and tobacco free workplace for both employees and customers must be maintained.

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5. Non Discrimination. No individual shall be excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, subjected to discrimination under, or denied employment in the administration of or in connection with this program on the basis of race, sex, national origin, religion, age, color or disability and each customer shall have such rights as are available under any applicable Federal, State, or local law prohibiting discrimination.

6. Job Vacancies. Any proposer contracted pursuant to this RFP will be expected to list all of

their organization’s local job vacancies with CareerSource Polk and will commit to hiring customers into those job vacancies whenever possible.

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Using the information provided in the previous sections, each proposer should submit a single proposal, no longer than 31 pages in length, single sided on 8.5 by 11 inch white paper using a minimum of 12-point font. Each section is to begin on a separate page. Attachments and required forms are not included in this page count. A. Cover Page – use Attachment 1 [1 page] B. Proposal Abstract – use Attachment 2 [maximum 2 pages]

C. Proposal Narrative [Please note: Clear, thorough, concise answers are better than a flowery,

rambling narrative that does not provide a specific response. Get to the point as quickly and completely as possible. Do not repeat statements or ideas within the text of the proposal. Referring the reviewer to another section of the proposal for other information is preferred rather than repeating the information.]

Organizational Experience / Capabilities [maximum 9 pages] Describe the proposing agency's organizational experience in providing the services proposed and the organization's capabilities to deliver the proposed services by thoroughly responding to the following.

The Service Provider must furnish performance ranking information for all programs and for every area/state where services are provided. Note: If services have been provided for multiple years, it is the expectation that at least the last three (3) years of performance information be furnished with the Service Provider’s response to this RFP. If multiple tools are used to measure performance, information from all must be furnished. 1. Describe your organization’s experience in managing and delivering workforce development

programs and services in a One-Stop environment. Include in the description the organization’s experience and capabilities in:

a. Managing staff from different organizations; b. Managing an integrated multi funding / multi program delivery system; c. Coordinating with mandatory partner agencies, including seeking their involvement in

and sharing of their resources within system; d. Motivating staff from different organizations to provide excellent customer service while

achieving measurable performance outcomes for all funding sources; and e. Transitioning into an already functioning service delivery system.

2. Describe your organization’s specific experience in managing and delivering WIOA, Welfare

Transition (as it is defined in Florida), Wagner-Peyser and other programs mentioned in this RFP’s Scope of Work. Include in the description the organization’s experience and capabilities in:

a. Managing and delivering these services in Florida; b. Determining WIOA eligibility; and

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c. Generating and tracking the local match required.

3. Provide in table format, your organization’s experience and capabilities in achieving

measurable performance outcomes by identifying goals set (either through a contract, plan, or policy) and providing verifiable performance achievement data against those set goals (training completion rate, job placement rate, average wage at placement, job retention rate, cost per placement, participation rate, job seeker and employer satisfaction rate, etc.). Provide this information for each of the programs mentioned in “2” above for each contract held in Florida and in other states during the last 18 months. Provide a contact person, phone number and email address for each such contract.

4. Describe your organization’s financial and administrative experience and capabilities. Include in that description experience in:

a. Managing and accounting for multiple federal, state and local funding sources in

accordance with GAAP; b. Conducting self-monitoring for contract performance and compliance; and c. Developing and implementing a continuous improvement model.

5. Identify any key staff that will be assigned to work on this project, describe why these key

staff would be successful on this project, and provide copies of their resumes to this proposal. In addition, describe what further assistance and expertise will be made available by the proposing organization to support these key staff. Further, it is vital that the proposer has administrative management capabilities required to maintain appropriate staff. Respondents must have in place, or agree to establish Personnel, Grievance, Travel, and Equal Opportunity/Nondiscrimination Policies as well as an Affirmative Action Plan. Proposer will provide copies of established policies and plan listed above as attachments to this proposal.

6. Describe your organization’s experience in managing and providing value added one-stop services to employers. Include in that description experience in:

a. Identifying the workforce development needs of employers that can be met currently and

expanding services to meet future needs; b. Matching the hiring needs of employers with individuals who meet their minimum

qualifications, thus eliminating referrals of unqualified candidates; c. Overcoming the perception of some employers that anything provided by the

“government” is not worth the trouble/not quality services; d. Training employers; and e. Significantly improving the provision of services to employers while also increasing the

use of CareerSource Polk services by employers. Strategy [maximum 17 pages] Describe how the proposer plans to deliver the services requested while meeting the Service Guidelines provided. Identify any proposed subcontract with other agencies to deliver some of

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the services and identify which services each Service Provider will deliver. In addition, briefly describe how the proposer plans to: 1. Rapidly re-employ jobseekers 2. Continue to develop and enhance our workforce development system by focusing on a

fully coordinated and integrated customer service strategy that is market driven and offers value added services to our jobseeker and employer customers;

3. Quickly adapt to changes in policies, procedures, priorities, service delivery design, etc.; 4. Enhance the “Service Integration” model as prescribed by CareerSource Polk; 5. Significantly improve outreach efforts to and provide excellent customer service to local

employers; 6. Establish and maintain a continuous improvement process that includes data collection,

reporting, data analysis and corrective action mechanisms to ensure that performance goals are achieved;

7. Maintain a close working relationship with all mandatory partners and improve their

involvement in, utilization of, and provision of resources; 8. Deliver services to individuals with limited English language skills, disabilities or other

significant barriers; 9. Include any creative and innovative methods in the delivery of the proposed services; 10. What tools will be utilized to determine the needs of jobseekers and how will you ensure

that the information obtained is used to tailor the types of services; 11. What will be done to ensure that service delivery systems are clearly defined, that they

meet the needs of customers, that they are flexible and responsive, and that appropriate modifications are made in a timely manner as customer needs change;

12. What will be done to ensure consistency of operation in lieu of the fact that there will

always be some turnover among staff members; 13. What will be done to instill a professional culture, a sense of accountability, and to align

individual efforts toward common goals and objectives; 14. What will be done to find qualified applicants for job openings when the existing pool of

registered jobseekers does not meet the employer requirements; 15. What approach will be utilized to ensure that all program compliance requirements are

met; 16. Describe how Case Management, as described above will be administered by your

organization. This should include the frequency of contacts with the participants, training institutions, CareerSource Polk’s Business Services Division and employers providing training;

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17. Provide a brief description of your organization’s background in developing, maintaining and presenting curriculum that emphasizes core values and instills meaningful work ethics, employability skills, job readiness/job search skills and interview techniques, and your ability to modify/adjust those services as needed, based upon feedback from area employers;

18. Provide information on where staff will be located. Staff should be within reasonable

distance of the site at which participant services are being provided and, if appropriate, may be co-located with other community partners in/near one or more of the CareerSource Polk offices;

19. Describe any follow-up activities to be done once job placement has been completed; 20. Describe the strategy that will be used for Welfare Transition customers who are required

to maintain participation and engaged in accountable work activity during holidays and breaks that may be associated with their primary accountable activity;

21. Describe the strategy to engage Welfare Transition customers in Community Work

Experience and how new sites will be recruited and developed that will address the interests of the customers as well as provide them marketable and transferable skills.

22. Describe your organization’s past experience in employer relations, job seeker job search

assistance, employer job orders and applicant screening requirements, worksite employee training, and job fill/job placement services within Polk County, Florida and/or comparable geographic area;

23. CareerSource Polk believes that On-the-Job Training (OJT) can be a major component in

the local scheme for serving employers and jobseekers, alike. Please describe your organizations past experience in providing and/or overseeing OJT-related activities. Furthermore, please describe your organization’s experience with and its approach to coordinating, overseeing and providing customized training activities related to job seeker workforce requirements;

24. CareerSource Polk considers customized training to be viable tools for assisting area

employers with upgrading workforce skills and remaining competitive within their industries. Please detail your organization’s past experience in providing, overseeing or collaborating with customized training activities;

25. How are the efforts of staff who deal primarily with jobseekers linked with other entities

who deal primarily with the employer community; 26. Describe how key One-Stop Center leadership will be selected. Service Providers are to

note that copies of key staff resumes must be submitted prior to contract execution. Removal and/or replacement of key personnel require the prior approval of CareerSource Polk who must be notified within three (3) calendar days that a vacancy is possible. In the event key staff positions are vacated, the Service Provider will have no more than 120 calendar days from the date of notification to CareerSource Polk to fill such vacancy. Failure to fill a key vacancy within the allotted time may result, at the sole discretion of CareerSource Polk, in the forfeiture of a part or the total negotiated performance incentive for the quarter or quarters in which the vacancy exists. In preparing your response, please consider the attributes required by the key individuals who will have the most responsibility for shaping your product, connecting it to the customer, and achieving

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performance. Focus on enthusiasm, skills, knowledge, and commitment. We are most interested in:

a. the names and job titles of the key staff that will be in Region 17 and assigned to work

on this project or, if not known, key staff job titles and how such staff will be selected; b. why these specific individuals or, if not known, job titles are critical to project success; c. if a team approach to management is planned, how the strengths of these key

individuals are complementary and not duplicative; and d. the further assistance and expertise that will be made available by your organization to

support these key individuals 27. Based on your staffing chart, identify the number of employer services representative and

career specialist/career consultants and their estimated case load (do not include managerial, supervisory or support personnel in these estimates). In preparing your response be specific about the steps your organization will take to reassign personnel in the event case load numbers exceed your estimate.

Transition Plan [maximum 1 page] An “investment” will be required of any new agency selected as Service Provider; that investment being uncompensated time and effort in training new staff, transitioning from the current Service Provider to a newly selected agency, etc. in order for services to begin with no interruptions on July 1, 2015. Describe how the proposer will deal with this investment in order to conduct an orderly transition from the current One-Stop manager and deliverer of services to ensure that there is no disruption in services or negative impact on our customers. Detail the action steps, strategies and time lines with specific dates for transitioning the services requested under this RFP. This should be presented in table format. Integration [maximum 3 pages] This component of the proposal should identify how service delivery will be integrated into CareerSource Polk’ One Stop System. A detailed description of how workforce service delivery activities and outcomes will be aligned, organized, and optimized to create one common customer path with a standardized process for a wide range of services. The discussion should include the three key components of integrated services:

1. Integration of the Customer Pool (people coming in the doors are “our” shared customers)

2. Integration of the Customer Flow (there is a common service flow for “our” customers)

3. Integration of the Customer Service Teams (there are three main service teams - organized

by “functions” that support customer flow, with staff from different programs working

together to complete the work of the team)

Performance Outcomes [maximum 1 page] Describe how the outcomes in IV.B.11 will be achieved. Explain your organization’s approach to meeting performance standards and how you intend to document, track, validate and report performance outcomes. Provide any reports which may include an annual report to document past performance and outcomes of previous programs administered by your organization which are related to employment and/or training related activities. Provide an assurance that you are

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committed to achieving the minimum performance levels indicated including an assurance that your organization will provide a performance and production matrix consistent with CareerSource Polk’s directive prior to execution of the contract. Identify any enhanced levels of performance your organization is committed to produce for each of the measures referenced. Clearly describe why your organization believes achievement of these enhanced levels is possible. Do not propose units of service (i.e. counseling will be provided to 100 clients). These objectives are provided as an example of the kinds of performance measures and required levels of performance that may be required. Performance levels and standards will be established through contract negotiation.

D. Budget [Use Attachment 3a/b. Additional narrative is limited to 2 pages] A detailed line item budget must be submitted on the attached Budget forms. Costs included in the proposed budget cannot already be paid by another source; they must be actual costs incurred in delivering the proposed services, and these funds cannot supplant funds already received by the proposer. 1. Provide a budget narrative that justifies each proposed expense included on the Budget

forms in terms of it being necessary, allowable and reasonable. Show the method of computation.

2. Give details of the organization's cost allocation method if one is used. e.g., prorating the

cost of supplies based on the number of staff, or the cost of salaries based on percentage of time spent on this contract.

3. Identify any in-kind resources/support for the service delivery system beyond what is

requested in the budget. Include each committed or proposed source of funding and the amount of that funding.

4. State what contingency plans are in place to repay CareerSource Polk in the event that

there are any disallowed costs as a result of an audit or monitoring review. State how the proposer will repay (i.e., performance bond, etc.) welfare transition program funding that may be lost to Region 17 if the proposer’s performance results in low participation rates.

5. Describe how the proposing agency will financially support the costs of doing business until

an invoice can be submitted and paid by CareerSource Polk. Note: no advance payment will be made.

6. If the proposed cost reimbursement contract has a demonstrated performance holdback,

provide the proposed percentage of the total cost that will be withheld (minimum is 20%) until measurable performance outcomes are achieved and documented. Describe the measurable performance outcomes to which the proposer will tie payment and the documentation that will be submitted to prove attainment of the outcome.

7. If funded, what percentage of the proposer’s total budget will this contract represent? 8. Describe how the proposer will budget and spend a minimum of 85% of the total cost of the

contract on direct program costs. Describe any indirect costs that are proposed, how the indirect was determined, and what general costs are included in the rate. If indirect costs are included in the budget, the proposer must have an approved indirect cost rate. Provide a copy of the indirect cost rate approval letter and the approved rate.

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In preparing the budget, proposers should take into consideration that CareerSource Polk will directly pay for facility costs (rent, utilities, phones), equipment (copiers, desks, chairs, tables), information technology (data lines, network development and maintenance, hardware, software, technical support), customer training (tuition, books, uniforms, OJT employer reimbursements, customized training costs), support services for customers (child care, transportation, car repair), and the majority of marketing costs (name recognition media buys, resource room supplies and information pieces, signage, assistance with other brochure development). Therefore proposers should not include costs for such expenses in the budget submitted with the proposal. All proposals will be evaluated on the basis of cost-effectiveness in relation to high quality service delivery. To accomplish this, CareerSource Polk staff shall conduct an analysis of proposed costs during the proposal review process. Agencies are therefore encouraged to submit their best offer for providing the program solicited in this RFP and to thoroughly describe and justify the proposed costs. This analysis shall be conducted to ensure that the proposed costs are necessary, fair and reasonable; to determine if the proposed costs are allowable and allocable; to determine if there is no duplication of costs with other programs; to ensure that the costs are directly associated with carrying out only the proposed services; and to ensure that the proposed costs will benefit the workforce development delivery system.

E. Administrative and Financial Capabilities Checklist [use Attachment 4]

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A. Proposal Format All proposals must be assembled according to the following outline:

1. Attachment 1 - Cover Page

2. Attachment 2 - Proposal Abstract

3. Proposal Narrative a. Statement of Organization Experience/Capabilities b. Strategy c. Transition Plan d. Integration e. Performance Outcomes

4. Attachment 3 a/b - Budget

5. Attachment 4 - Administrative & Financial Capabilities Checklist

6. Mandatory Attachments

Attachment A – Organizational Background Attachment B – Assurances Attachment C – Original signed Debarment and Suspension Certification Attachment D – Original signed Certification Regarding Lobbying Activities Attachment E – Insurance Certification Attachment F – Original signed Drug Free Workplace Certification Attachment G – Original signed Non-Discrimination Certification Attachment H - Original signed Certification Regarding Client Safety Attachment I - Original signed Statement of Public Entity Crimes Attachment J - Original signed Conflict of Interest Statement Attachment K - Collaboration Letters and/or Agreements Attachment L - The proposing agency's most recent complete CPA certified audit or

review; including all management letters or financial statements (if proposer is private for profit agency and they do not have a recent audit).

Attachment M – An organizational chart showing: (1) the proposed program’s relationship to the overall agency's

operations, (2) each position on the organizational chart with an indication of whether

the position is paid or volunteer, and (3) the proposed staffing.

Attachment N – Resumes of key staff that will be involved.

B. Responsive Proposals

To be considered responsive, proposals must meet the following minimum criteria. 1. Two (2) original proposals, ten (10) copies and an electronic version must be received by

the CareerSource Polk Administrative office by no later than the due date and time shown in the Procurement Timetable of this RFP. The timely delivery of a proposal is

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entirely the responsibility of the proposer. Proposals postmarked on or before the proposal due date but delivered after the due date or time will be considered non-responsive. Proposals hand delivered after the due date or time will be considered non-responsive. Proposals that do not have all required attachments and follow length guidelines will be considered non-responsive.

2. The original proposals must be manually signed in blue ink by an official authorized to

represent and bind the proposing agency and should be marked “original”.

3. Proposals must be presented in the same order as set forth in “Proposal Format” above and contain all information requested.

4. Giving incomplete or erroneous information or withholding important information could result

in disqualification or, later, contract termination.

5. Proposers must demonstrate a general understanding of the service delivery system, the services solicited by this RFP and the ability to effectively and efficiently manage and deliver those requested services.

CareerSource Polk will not return proposals, binders or exhibits to proposals. All proposals become the property of CareerSource Polk and will be a matter of public record subject to the provisions of Chapter 119, Florida Statutes. CareerSource Polk shall have the right to use all ideas, or adaptations of those ideas, contained in any proposal received in response to this RFP without the necessity of paying a fee, license, or royalty. Selection or rejection of the proposal will not affect this right.

C. Conditions Applicable to All Proposals

The following conditions are applicable to all proposals:

1. Proposals submitted after the date and time stated on the proposal timeline will not be considered. It is the respondent’s responsibility to insure that their proposal meets all submission requirements.

2. CareerSource Polk reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, in whole or in part,

which it considers not to be in its best interest.

3. Non-conforming proposals are subject to return without review; however, CareerSource Polk reserves the right to waive informalities and minor irregularities in proposals received.

4. Proposers are subject to applicable Equal Employment Opportunity requirements.

CareerSource Polk reserves the right to request copies of your latest Equal Employment Opportunity reports.

5. If a proposer wishes to submit a proposal in collaboration with other partners to provide

components of the activity areas, only one proposal shall be submitted. An example to demonstrate the collaboration may be in the form of an interagency agreement.

6. Acceptable proposals shall meet the specifications contained in this RFP, and the

requirements of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Public Law 113-128. It is incumbent upon proposers to familiarize themselves with these documents during proposal

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development. Reference copies are available on the web page It should be expressly understood that the regulations, Federal, State, and CareerSource Polk approved, are subject to change during the RFP and/or contract period.

7. No proposal will be considered if:

a. The entity has been disbarred by an action of any governmental agency; or b. The entity's previous contracts with Region Five have been canceled for cause; or c. The entity has not complied with an official order of any agency of the State of Florida or

the United States Department of Labor to repay disallowed costs incurred during its conduct of projects or services; or

d. The entity has any record of public entity crimes; or e. For any cause the proposer is determined irresponsible.

8. CareerSource Polk may reject any and all proposals. No guarantees, expressed or implied,

are made by CareerSource Polk or its agents as to the availability of funds. CareerSource Polk assumes no liability for any expenses incurred in connection with the preparation of responses to this RFP.

9. By submission of this proposal, the proposer certifies that in connection with this proposal:

a. The fees or costs in the proposal have been arrived at independently without consultation, communication, or agreement with any other proposer, or with any competitor for the purpose of restricting competition, as to any matter relating to such fees; and

b. No attempt has been made or will be made by the proposer to induce any other person or firm to submit a proposal for the purpose of limiting or restricting competition.

10. Each person signing the proposal certifies that:

a. He/she is the person in the proposer’s organization legally responsible, within that organization, for the decision as to the prices or costs being offered in the proposal and that he/she has not participated in any action contrary to (1) and (2) above; or

b. He/she is not the person in the proposer’s organization legally responsible, within that organization, for the decision as to the prices or costs being offered in the proposal; however, that he/she has been duly authorized in writing, with a copy attached, to act as agent for the persons legally responsible for such decision, and certifies that such persons have not participated, and will not participate, in any action contrary to (1) and (2) above.

11. Service providers must maintain a drug-free workplace for employees and customers.

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PART VII: SELECTION CareerSource Polk maintains a policy that an organization must possess the demonstrated ability to perform successfully under the terms and conditions of a proposed contract prior to the contract being executed. Determinations of demonstrated performance shall take into consideration such matters as to whether the organization has:

1. Adequate financial resources or the ability to obtain them

2. The ability to meet the RFP design specifications at a reasonable cost, as well as the ability to meet performance goals

3. A satisfactory record of past performance in delivering the proposed services, including demonstrated quality of services and successful outcome rates from past programs

4. The ability to provide services and/or a program that can meet the need identified

5. A satisfactory record of integrity, business ethics and fiscal accountability

6. The necessary organization, accounting and operational controls

7. The technical skills to perform the work All prospective proposers are prohibited from contacting any CareerSource Polk Board member, CareerSource Polk Committee Member or CareerSource Polk staff (other than contact person identified in Part I of this RFP) regarding this solicitation to avoid actual conflicts, the appearance of conflicts, or undue influence over the process. Contact with anyone for purposes of influencing the outcome of the procurement process will result in the disqualification of the prospective proposer. A. Proposal Review and Contract Award

Proposals will be initially reviewed and rated by a CareerSource Polk review team using a point system based on a Proposal Evaluation / Rating Form. The review team will prepare a proposal-rating summary and recommendation for consideration by the Board and/or one of its committees. Prospective providers may be invited to make oral presentations and /or explain their proposals. A proposal will be selected for award contingent upon successful contract negotiation. A contract may be awarded based on offers received, without discussion of such offers with the proposers. Each offer should, therefore, be submitted in the most favorable terms, from a price and technical standpoint that the offeror can make. However, the review team reserves the right to request additional data, oral discussion or presentation in support of written proposals. Final award of a contract will be contingent upon:

1. Successful negotiation of a contract

2. Acceptance by the proposer of the contract terms and conditions

3. Satisfactory verification of past performance and systems (e.g., financial), where applicable

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4. Availability of funding

B. Appeal Procedure In accordance with applicable regulations, proposers who are denied funding have the right to appeal. The following steps must be taken for organizations to appeal funding decisions.

1. Submit a letter within 3 business days from the date of the contract award to the

President/Chief Executive Officer of CareerSource Polk stating that an appeal to the contract award is being filed and the specific reasons for that appeal based on the four criteria below:

a. Clear and substantial error or misstated facts by the review team upon which the

decision was made by the Board.

b. Unfair competition or conflict of interest in decision making process c. Any illegal or improper act or violation of law d. Other legal basis on grounds that may substantially alter the Board’s decision. The President/Chief Executive Officer will review the appeal and respond within 10 business days.

2. In the event the President/Chief Executive Officer’s response is not satisfactory to the

proposer, an appeal to CareerSource Polk’s Executive Committee may be requested. The request must be addressed in writing within 15 days from receipt of response from CareerSource Polk to:

CareerSource Polk Attention: Board Chair 600 N. Broadway Avenue Suite B Bartow, Florida 33830

The appeal will be heard at a time set by the Chair after consultation with counsel. C. Conditions of This RFP

This Request for Proposal does not commit or obligate CareerSource Polk to award a contract, to commit any funds identified in this RFP document, to pay any costs incurred in the preparation or presentation of a proposal to this RFP, to pay for any costs incurred in advance of the execution of a contract, or to procure or contract for services or supplies. The following conditions are applicable to all proposals. CareerSource Polk reserves the right to:

1. Accept or reject any or all proposals in whole or in part, which it considers not to be in its best interest.

2. Change or waive any provisions set forth in this RFP.

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3. Return non-conforming proposals without review.

4. Waive informalities and minor irregularities in proposals received.

5. Negotiate any and all proposed terms, conditions, costs, staffing level, services / activities mix, and all other specifics.

6. Request a) additional data, b) technical or price revisions, or c) oral presentations in support of the written proposal.

7. Determine that an arms-length agreement exists between the proposer and any subservice Providers or vendors they might choose to use.

8. Require the establishment of escrow accounts for a Service Provider that currently has outstanding debts to CareerSource Polk as a result of audits or monitoring reviews.

9. Conduct a pre-award review that may include, but is not limited to, a review of the proposer's record keeping procedures, management systems, accounting and administrative systems, and program materials.

10. Use additional or de-obligated grant funds to increase the slot level of successful programs.

11. Change specifications and modify contracts as necessary to (a) facilitate compliance with the legislation, regulations and policy directives, (b) to manage funding and (c) to meet the needs of the customers.

12. End contract negotiations if acceptable progress, as determined by CareerSource Polk, is not being made within a reasonable time frame.

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These objectives are provided as an example of the kinds of performance measures and required levels of performance that may be required. Performance levels and standards will be established through contract negotiations. WELFARE ENTERED EMPLOYMENT RATE - The percentage of closed TANF cases that were closed due to earned income. The numerator is the sum of cases that received TANF during the report period that were closed due to earned income. The denominator is the sum of the cases that received TANF during the report period. STANDARD: 33% WELFARE TRANSITION ENTERED EMPLOYMENT WAGE RATE - The average welfare transition program hourly wage at entry into employment expressed as a percentage of the regionally adjusted Lower Living Standard Income Level (LLSIL) for a family of three. Regional adjustments are based on the Florida Price Level Index. (Source: DEO, Office of Workforce Information Services, Labor Market Statistics) STANDARD: 69% of the current LLSIL. WELFARE PARTICIPATION - The percentage of cases participating in an accountable work activity. NUMERATOR -The number of families receiving TANF that includes a work eligible adult or minor head of household who is engaged in work for the month. DENOMINATOR - The number of families receiving TANF during the month that include a work eligible adult or minor head-of-household, minus the number of families that are subject to a penalty for refusing to work in that month. CURRENT STANDARD: = 50% WIOA ADULT ENTERED EMPLOYMENT RATE - Relates to the WIOA core measure for entered employment at exit. Of those adults unemployed at registration, the percentage employed at exit. CURRENT STANDARD: 90% WIOA ADULT ENTERED EMPLOYMENT WAGE RATE - The average adult hourly wage at entry into employment expressed as a percentage of the regionally adjusted Lower Living Standard Income Level (LLSIL) for a family of three. Regional adjustments are based on the Florida Price Level Index. (Source: AWI, Office of Workforce Information Services, Labor Market Statistics) CURRENT STANDARD: 100% of the current LLSIL. WIOA DISLOCATED WORKER ENTERED EMPLOYMENT RATE - Relates to the WIOA core measure for entered employment at exit. The percentage of all dislocated workers employed at exit. CURRENT STANDARD: 90% WIOA DISLOCATED WORKER ENTERED EMPLOYMENT WAGE RATE - The average dislocated worker hourly wage at exit expressed as a percentage of the regionally adjusted Lower Living Standard Income Level (LLSIL) for a family of three. Regional adjustments are based on the Florida Price Level Index. (Source: AWI, Office of Workforce Information Services, Labor Market Statistics) CURRENT STANDARD: 100% of the current LLSIL.

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ATTACHMENT 1 – Cover Page






Name and title of person authorized to answer any questions about the proposal, negotiate the contract terms and contractually bind the proposer:



I do hereby certify that this proposal is submitted in accordance with the provisions and conditions outlined in RFP-PWDB-14-CCS-OSO-01 that all the information is complete and accurate, and that this proposal represents a firm and fixed offer to provide the requested services. This offer shall remain valid for a minimum of 90 days. I also certify that the fees in the proposal have been arrived at independently, without consultation, communication, or agreement with any other proposer or with any other competitor for the purpose of restricting competition, as to any matter relating to such fees; and no attempt has been made or will be made by the proposer to induce any other person or agency to submit or not submit a proposal for the purpose of limiting or restricting competition. I further certify that this agency can and will provide and make available, at a minimum, all services described in this proposal. Typed Name of Individual with Signatory Authority & Title Signature Date


RFP-PWDB-14-CCS-OSO-01 Cover Page

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ATTACHMENT 2 – Proposal Abstract [maximum 2 pages] NAME OF PROPOSING AGENCY: TOTAL PROPOSED COST: Description: Provide a brief but thorough summary of the experience and capabilities of the proposing organization and the strategies that will be employed to be successful in achieving the measurable outcomes proposed:



Proposal Abstract

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ATTACHMENT 3a – Budget Forms

Budget Line Items Direct Program Costs Non-Direct Costs Total

1. Salaries

2. Fringe Benefits


b) FICA, Med

c) Health Insurance

d) Dental Insurance

e) Life Ins/STD/LTD

f) 401K

g) 401K Admin

h) Unemployment State

i) Unemployment Federal

j) Workers Compensation

3. Office Supplies

4. Staff Travel, in region

5. Staff Travel, out of region

6. Staff training

7. Advertisement/Recruitment

8. Indirect/Overhead

9. Profit

Grand Total

Percentage of Grand Total 100%



Budget Summary

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ATTACHMENT 3b – Budget Forms

Position / Job Title # Staff

Annual Salary

% Charged to this


Amount Charged to

Direct Program

Amount Charged to Non-Direct





Proposed Budget Summary - Salaries

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ATTACHMENT 4 – Administrative & Financial Capabilities Checklist Please respond to each statement or question with a "yes" or "no" answer. Briefly explain any "no" answer on another page or in the limited space provided. Yes No Question

1. All Positions with the proposing agency have up-to-date job descriptions. 2. All employees met the minimum qualifications specified in the job descriptions. 3. All W-2’s and I-9’s with appropriate documentation are on file. 4. Insurance and bonding policies are current and all appropriate staff is covered. 5. Insurance and bonding policies are current and all appropriate staff is covered. 6. The facilities of this agency and any training location are accessible to the

disabled. Attach a completed ADA facility checklist. 7. The books of account are auditable. 8. Administrative and internal accounting controls are adequate to safeguard

program assets. 9. The accounting system adequately accounts for program funds. 10. Financial reports fairly present accrued program expenditures by established

cost categories. 11. Budgetary procedures are adequate to control expenditures. 12. The agency has a written accounting procedures manual that includes

procedures for: a. Coding of expenditures by: i. Contract year or program year ii. Funding source iii. Cost category iv. Bank reconciliations v. Posting to books vi. Monthly close-out vii. Trial balancing viii. Development of accruals ix. Segregation of duties x. Cost allocation xi. Budgetary control xii. Cash management xiii. Cash receipt and disbursement xiv. Payroll 13. The procedures in the accounting manual are being followed. 14. Internal controls: a. For cash receipts: i. Cash is properly controlled and promptly deposited when received ii. Funds are deposited in a bank in interest bearing checking accounts

and secured by FDIC or other security. b. Checks are: i. Pre-numbered ii. Adequately safeguarded


RFP-PWDB-14-CCS-OSO-01 Administrative & Financial Capabilities Checklist

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iii. Properly mutilated when voided iv. Not allowed to be written for cash v. Not allowed to be signed in advance c. For cash disbursements i. Invoices are approved prior to payment ii. Documentation accompanies checks to be signed iii. Documentation is stamped to prevent reuse iv. Control over signature machine is adequate v. Disbursements are made only by check vi. Checks are not returned to preparer after signing d. For bank reconciliations: i. They are performed on time ii. They are performed by someone who does not perform cash

functions iii. Unusual items are investigated promptly e. For payroll: i. Timesheets are used and signed by both the employee and

supervisor ii. Payrolls are approved by management for accuracy and existence

of bona fide employees iii. Preparation and check distribution functions are segregated iv. Leave time is properly controlled f. For purchases: i. Purchase orders are pre-numbered and controlled ii. Receiving reports are prepared and compared to P.O. and invoice iii. Returned purchases are controlled iv. Payments are made within discount periods v. The agency’s budget has no areas for potential cost overruns vi. The agency is not trying to make up for a shortfall in another

program by using the funds from this program. I hereby certify that I have completed this Administrative and Financial Capabilities Checklist accurately and to the best of my knowledge. I, the financial officer or C.E.O. of the proposing agency, accepts responsibility for providing financial services adequate to insure the establishment and maintenance of an accounting system with internal controls adequate to safeguard program funds.


Name of certifying official Signature Date

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ATTACHMENT A – Organizational Background

1. Name of Organization

2. Contact Person

3. Address

4. Telephone Number: 5. FEID Number

6. The Proposer’s organization operates as:

□ an individual □ a partnership □ a public agency (specify)

□ a corporation incorporated under the laws of the State of

□ other (specify)

7. Check to indicate if your organization is: □ community-based organization □ minority-owned enterprise □ female-owned enterprise

8. The proposer’s organization operates on: □ not-for-profit □ profit basis

9. The proposer certifies □ without exception, □ with exception, as explained on the attached, that: a. It has no outstanding liens, claims, debts, judgments, or litigation pending against it which would

materially affect its programmatic or financial abilities to implement and carry out its proposed program;

b. it has not complied with an official order of any agency of the State of Florida, or the United States Department of Labor to repay disallowed costs incurred during its conduct of projects or services;

c. it is current in its payment of applicable federal, state, and local taxes; d. it is free and clear of any disallowed audited costs; e. its costs and pricing data submitted with this proposal are representative of only those

reasonable, allowable, and allocable costs necessary for carrying out it proposed program; f. it will comply with the assurances attached to this RFP, and the WIOA and its promulgated rules

and regulations; g. it is authorized to submit this proposal in accordance with the policies of its governing body; and h. the attached certifications for suspended or debarred, lobbying, and assurances have been

signed by the organization’s authorized person. By my signature, I am empowered and can act on behalf of the proposing organization in submitting this proposal. I certify that the information contained herein is true and correct to the best of my knowledge, and that the offer contained herein is true and correct to the best of my knowledge, and that the offer contained herein is firm and valid for a period not to exceed 60 days from this proposal’s date.


Name of certifying official Signature Date


RFP-PWDB-14-CCS-OSO-01 Organizational Background

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ATTACHMENT B – Assurances As a condition of the receipt of Federal and State funds under the Personal Responsibility Act (Public Law 104-193), and the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) (Public Law 113-128 rules and regulations, hereby identified as CareerSource Polk programs, the Service Provider agrees to submit a plan for the delivery of One-Stop services and operations under the WIOA programs, and agrees to operate the programs in accordance with both Federal, State and local requirements, the Region 17 Workforce Services Two-Year Plan, and all other laws as applicable. THE SERVICE PROVIDER ASSURES THAT:

1. The Service Provider shall be liable to CareerSource Polk, Inc. for any unauthorized costs expended

in the operation of the program and for any disallowed costs that incurred as a result of the service

provider expending funds not authorized under this Agreement or in violation of the appropriate

Federal or State statutes, regulations or guidelines. Any funds requested for reimbursement by the

service provider that are determined by the Board , the Governor, or the Department of Labor to be in

violation of appropriate Federal and State Statutes, regulations or guidelines shall be refunded and

repaid to CareerSource Polk by the Service Provider. If this Agreement or Amendments thereto are

still in effect, CareerSource Polk shall withhold these monies from any allowable reimbursement

request of the Service Provider.

2. The Service Provider agrees to promptly repay CareerSource Polk any amount previously paid to the

Service Provider by CareerSource Polk, which is determined by final audit to be an unallowable cost

or expenditure. The Service Provider shall repay CareerSource Polk any funds found not to have

been expended in accordance with WIOA regulations or any disallowed expenditure in the final

resolution of the audit report. The Service Provider shall repay such amounts from funds other than

funds received under WIOA. CareerSource Polk may withhold funds from future deliverables or cost

reimbursement requests pending resolution of disallowed costs. This provision is subject to any

administrative or other legal procedures available to the Service Provider.

3. The Service Provider shall be liable for prosecution under the criminal provision of the 18U.S.C. 665

for theft or embezzlement of Department of Labor and Employment Security (DLES) funds.

4. The failure of CareerSource Polk to strictly enforce any of the provisions of this

Agreement/Modification, or to require strict performance by the Service Provider of any of the

provisions hereof, shall in no way be construed to be a waiver of such provisions or any other validity

of this agreement or any part hereof, or waive the right of CareerSource Polk to thereafter enforce

each and every provision therein.

5. The Service Provider shall implement administrative controls to identify participant training costs that

are supported by other federal (DOL, Pell Grants, VA, etc.) state or local programs to ensure that

costs are not being duplicated. Coordination and sharing of costs is strongly recommended.

6. The Service Provider shall indemnify, defend and hold CareerSource Polk harmless from all claims,

suits, judgments or damages, including court costs and attorneys’ fees caused by the Service


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Provider’s act or omission in the course of the operation of this contract to the extent permitted by

law. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, the Service Provider does not hereby

waive any of its sovereign immunity, and any obligation of the Service Provider to indemnify, defend

or hold harmless CareerSource Polk, in accordance with the preceding paragraph, shall extend only

to the limit, if any, permitted by Florida law, and shall be subject to the monetary limitations

established by Section768.28, Florida Statutes.

7. CareerSource Polk shall indemnify, defend and hold the Service Provider harmless from all claims,

suits, judgments or damages, including court costs and attorneys’ fees caused by the CareerSource

Polk’ negligent act or omission in the course of the operation of this contract.

8. The DEO requires that our local monitoring plan include fiscal monitoring of all service providers. A

part of that fiscal monitoring takes place on a monthly basis when the Performance Unit

Manager/Workforce Program Specialist verifies that backup support documentation to the invoices

submitted for reimbursement contain the social security numbers and names of individuals that are

enrolled into the Workforce Investment Act (WIOA) programs and Welfare Transition Program. The

Fiscal Department also monitors the invoices for appropriateness of costs, timeliness of the

submission related to the time that the expenditures were incurred dates of enrollment related to

dates of expenditures and overall accuracy of the invoice.

Each month, program fiscal reports are due on the 10th of the month. The Fiscal Department

monitors the reports and invoices over the remainder of that month. When there is a discrepancy, the

Service Provider is immediately notified and appropriate clarification and/or documentation is

requested. If the Service Provider submits the requested documentation prior in a timely manner, and

the Fiscal Department reviews and accepts the documentation/clarification, no reimbursement is

withheld. If the Service Provider fails to submit proper documentation/clarification, all reimbursements

will be withheld until such time that the proper clarification is submitted to and accepted by the Fiscal

Department. CareerSource Polk reserves the right not to pay if invoices are submitted more than

sixty (60) days past the end of the month being invoiced. Each year a final closeout report is due

within forty-two (42) days after the contract end date. After this deadline, no reimbursement can be

made for prior year’s expenses.

9. The Service Provider assures that it will comply with the requirements of WIOA with regulations and

policies promulgated hereunder. The Service Provider further agrees to comply with all subsequent

revisions, modifications and amendments to WIOA and the related regulations as assigned by

CareerSource Polk. Failure by the Service Provider to accept or comply with changes to WIOA or the

related regulations that affect the terms of this Agreement, and which CareerSource Polk shall

present in writing, shall be sufficient basis for termination by CareerSource Polk. The Service

Provider assures that it will comply with CareerSource Polk’s procedural instructions and policies.

10. The Service Provider assures that clarification will be sought from the Board on any policy, law, rule,

regulation and/or directive that is not clearly understood prior to adopting any practice or procedure to

which the Board shall supply clarification. The Service Provider understands that the Board

CareerSource Polk will give the Service Provider thirty (30) days to take corrective action should it be

determined that there is a violation of the WIOA, rules and regulations. If the Service Provider does

not take corrective action, funding will be withheld or revoked.

11. The Service Provider shall maintain sufficient financial records to allow costs to be properly charged

to the appropriate cost categories. The Service Provider shall maintain proper accounts and an

accurate verification of participant statistics.

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The Service Provider understands that modifications and/or revisions to the financial and/or program

aspects of this contract may be required as a result of changes in the Board’s funding allocations.

The Service Provider understands and agrees that if either party desires to change or modify this

Agreement, the proposed changes shall be written documents executed by both parties. The Service

Provider understands that the written proposed changes shall be negotiated and that the Agreement

shall become a written signed modification to the original contract. The Service Provider further

understands that the Board may amend this Contract to conform to those changes in any Federal or

State Statute, Regulation, Procedural Instruction, and/or Executive Order relevant to this Agreement

or any amendment hereto. No funds under this contract may be used in support of any religious, anti-

religious, or political activity.

12. It is understood and agreed by the parties hereto that this is a cost reimbursement contract, which

requires a minimum level of performance for full payment. Failure to meet the minimum level of

performance as outlined in the Statement of Work or to provide the training as specified may result in

payments being withheld or repayment by the Service Provider of all or a portion of the funds paid for

such training or activities.

13. This Agreement may not be modified, amended, canceled, extended or assigned orally without the

express written consent of the Board or the Chief Executive Officer of the Board. All modifications,

amendments, cancellations, extensions and/or assignments must be reduced to writing and

incorporated into an amendment hereto.

14. All records pertinent to this Agreement, including financial, participant, statistical, audit and property,

and supporting documentation, shall be retained for a period of three (3) years from the date of final

payment of this Agreement or until all audits are complete and findings on all claims have been finally

resolved, whichever is the longer period of time. If the Service Provider is not able to retain the

necessary records, such records shall be transferred to CareerSource Polk, Inc. Such records shall

be transmitted to the Board for acceptance in an acceptable condition for storage.

15. All property purchased under the contract will comply with the terms of the State of Florida DEO

policy regarding Accounting and Reporting Requirement for WIOA Property (FMA-86-3).

Accountability for property purchased with WIOA funds must be in accordance with Chapter 273,

Florida Statutes and Rules of the Auditor General - Chapter 10.300 State-Owned Tangible Personal

Property. Equipment ownership will vest with the Service Provider until the end of the program at

which time ownership will revert back to the Board. The Board reserves the right to re-assign

inventory between service providers, as appropriate and necessary. The Service Provider will be

responsible for inventory and limiting use of equipment to WIOA and participants. The Service

Provider understands that Board’s property and equipment being utilized by Service Providers’ staff

must be covered by the Service Providers’ property insurance policy.

16. Property purchased that has an expected normal life of one year or more shall be reported on the

monthly financial report to the Board. Records for nonexpendable property shall be retained for a

period of three (3) years after final disposition of the property.

17. Individuals shall not be discriminated against on the basis of race, sex, national origin, religion, age

or disability in assignment to training and education developed under the WIOA programs.

As a condition to the award of financial assistance under WIOA, and the Service Provider assures, with respect to operation of WIOA funded programs or activities, and all agreements or arrangements

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to carry out the WIOA funded programs or activities, that it will comply fully with the nondiscrimination and equal opportunity provisions of the Nontraditional Employment for Women Act of 1991; Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended; the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended; Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, as amended and with all applicable requirements imposed by or pursuant to regulations implementing those laws, including, but not limited to 29 CFR part 34. The United States has the right to seek judicial enforcement of this assurance.

The Service Provider assures that it will comply with 29 CFR Section 34.21 and shall make efforts to provide equitable services among substantial segments of the population eligible for participation. Such efforts shall include but not be limited to outreach efforts to broaden the composition of the pool of those considered for participation, to include members of sexes, the various race/ethnicity and age groups, and individuals with disabilities.

The Service Provider assures that it will comply with 29 CFR Section 34.23 Dissemination of Policy and that initial and continuing notice shall be provided so that it does not discriminate on any prohibited ground, to: Applicants, eligible applicants, participants, applicants for employment, employees, and members of the public, including those with impaired vision or hearing, and unions or professional organizations holding collective bargaining or professional agreements with the recipient.

The notice requirements imposed require, at a minimum, the notice be posted prominently in reasonable numbers and places, disseminated in internal memoranda and other written communications, included in handbooks or manuals, made available to each participant and made a part of the participant's file. The notice shall be provided in appropriate formats to individuals with visual impairments. Where notice has been given in an alternate format to a participant with a visual impairment, a record that such notice has been given shall be made a part of the participant's file.

#2010-01 In accordance with Federal and State requirements, the contractor shall ensure that the posters listed below, and all others that may be required by law but are not listed below, are displayed prominently at all DEO jurisdictions, including satellite offices and service delivery area recipients.

Equal Employment Opportunity Is the Law (Spanish and English) Florida Law Prohibits Discrimination (Spanish and English) Your Rights Under the Fair Labor Standards Act Family and Medical Leave Act Notice to Workers with Disabilities Migrant & Seasonal Agriculture Worker Protection Act OSHA Job Safety and Health Protection Unemployment Compensation Child Labor Laws Employee Polygraph Protection Act Worker’s Compensation

The Service Provider shall, during each presentation to orient new participants and/or new employees to its WIOA funded programs or activities, include a discussion of participants' and/or employees' rights under nondiscrimination and equal opportunity provisions, including the right to file a complaint of discrimination with the recipient or the Director of Civil Rights. The Service Provider assures that it will comply with Title 29 CFR Part 32.24, Data and Information Collection and Confidentiality, which require recipients to collect the data and maintain the records that the Directorate of Civil Rights finds necessary to determine recipient compliance with nondiscrimination and equal opportunity provisions. Equal opportunity includes:

* Records on applicants, eligible applicants, participants, and terminees, as well as on applicants for employment and employees;

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* By race, ethnicity, gender, age, and "where known" disability status. "Where Known" is the standard applicable for compliance reporting under 29 CFR part 32. For compliance purposes, it is necessary to know, not only the number of individuals who wish to identify themselves as individuals with disabilities, but also the number of individuals who are perceived by the recipient as being individuals with disabilities.

18. Service Providers who are responsible for determining participants’ eligibility will assume the liability

of all costs incurred because of erroneous determinations of eligibility. The Service Provider understands that participant eligibility will be determined prior to enrolling a WIOA participant into any level of service.

19. The Service Provider understands that evaluations and participant progress will be documented in a timely manner in the participant's file and in the appropriate MIS system. This documentation shall consist of grade reports at the end of each training period (if applicable) and thorough case notes, made not less than monthly, which provide a descriptive narrative of services provided and the participant’s circumstances.

20. The Service Provider agrees that conditions of employment or training shall be appropriate and reasonable with regard to the type of work, geographical region, and skills of the participant. No participant will be trained or receive services in buildings or surroundings which are unsanitary or dangerous. The Service Provider assures that on-the-job training participants will be provided the same working benefits at the same level as other employees similarly employed.

21. The Service Provider assures that to the extent that a State Workers' compensation law is applicable,

the Service Provider shall provide information regarding workers’ compensation benefits, in accordance with such law, to the potential employer. The State of Florida shall provide workers’ compensation coverage for all Community Work Experience participants. To the extent that such law is not applicable, each recipient of funds under WIOA shall secure insurance coverage for injuries suffered by such participants.

22. The Service Provider understands that the Board shall assume no liability with respect to bodily

injury, illness or any other damages or losses, or with respect to any claims arising out of any activity under this contract whether concerning persons or property in the Service Provider's organization or any third party.

23. The Service Provider understands that WIOA services and activities are to be coordinated with other agencies in the region and that positive working relationships shall be established for the benefit of the participants. To prevent duplication of funding and to streamline the tracking of the participant’s financial needs and use of funds when HEA, Title IV programs are involved, contracts and agreements with educational institutions shall require the educational institution’s financial aid officer to inform the Region’s Sub state Grantee of the amounts and disposition of any HEA, Title IV awards and other types of financial aid to each WIOA participant awarded after the enrollment of the participant, as part of a continuing, regular information sharing process (Section 1419(b)).

24. The Service Provider shall not assign, delegate, or in any way transfer any of its rights or responsibilities, or any part of the work and services as called for by this contract without prior written approval of the Board.

25. The Service Provider understands that any contract approved to be subcontracted under this

Contract shall be specified by written agreement and shall be subject to each provision of this Contract and all Federal, State, and local laws and regulations. This includes appropriately executed separate sub agreements for on-the-job training, limited internships, and work experience positions.

26. The Service Provider understands and agrees that verbal communications between the parties will

not be accepted in any audit determinations or other matters involving interpretations of the rules and regulations governing the implementation of WIOA and Programs.

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27. The Service Provider assures that it will develop monitoring procedures to ensure that its program is

in compliance with the WIOA and Welfare Acts, and that adequate administrative and accounting controls are being used. The Board C shall have the right to monitor and evaluate all aspects of program activities and the Service Provider shall provide access to all records necessary to accomplish this obligation.

28. The Service Provider shall use the applicable Management Information System (MIS) designed to

facilitate the uniform compilation and analysis of programmatic data. On a time schedule determined by the Board, the Service Provider shall maintain and submit accurate, complete and timely participant and financial records and program reports and/or documentation, as specified by the Board.

29. The Service Provider shall establish and maintain an auditable accounting system, and report on an

accrual basis in accordance with recognized accounting practices and the Board’s and DEO's requirements for fiscal and program reports. This includes establishing record keeping systems that are sufficient to permit the preparation of reports required by FDLES and the Board, and to permit the tracing of funds to a level of expenditure adequate to insure that the funds have not been spent unlawfully.

30. The Board, DEO, the United States Secretary of Labor, the Inspector General of the United States

Department of Labor, the U.S. Comptroller General, or their designated representatives shall have access and the authority to monitor, audit, examine and make excerpts, copies, or transcripts from records, including all contracts, invoices, materials, payrolls, records of personnel, conditions of employment, and other data relating to all matters covered by the Agreement. To carry out this function, officials shall have access to all matter covered by this Agreement during regular business hours and at reasonable locations, including the Contractor's office or any other site at which the Contractor may operate, maintain offices, or keep books and records.

31. The Service Provider assures that an annual audit will follow the audit requirements of DEO Policy,

The Single Audit Act of 1984 and the Federal Office of Management and Budget Circular A-133 and a copy of the audit furnished to CareerSource Polk along with a statement explaining the effect that any findings have on WIOA funds. The Service Provider will follow the allowable cost/cost principles of the Federal OMB Super Circular.

32. The Service Provider understands that monthly payments to finance this contract are for One-Stop

operations, training activities, unsubsidized and subsidized job placements as specified and outlined in the contract statement of work and program summary. Contract deliverables for programs will be provided annually to the Service Provider. Failure to attain those levels of performance may result in funds being withheld until the appropriate deliverables are attained. Continued failure to comply with required contract deliverables may result in contract termination. The Service Providers’ enrollment performance will be compared to planned quarterly benchmarks specified in the contract. Failure to achieve 90% of planned enrollments/placements may result in funds being withheld until the Service Provider is at that level of performance. Under WIOA, if 90% of planned job placements are not met, the Service Provider may be required to repay funds. The cost per placement (total contract dollars divided by total placements) will be the method of calculating the pay back for each placement below 90% of the planned placements.

33. Service provider expenditures will be reviewed after the second quarter of the program year. If

contract funds are not 85% spent or obligated, funds may be de-obligated. 34. Service Provider agrees to abide by Federal and State rules/regulations pertaining to patent rights

with respect to any discovery or invention that arises or is developed in the course of or under such contract. (As applicable). If contracted, the Service Provider agrees to comply with Federal patent rights.

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35. The Service Provider will comply with requirements pertaining to copyrights (agreements which involve the use of copyrighted materials or the development of copyrightable materials), 627.420(h) (4) (ii), and will comply with requirements pertaining to rights to data, 627.420(h) (4) (iii). CareerSource Polk, and the DEO shall have unlimited rights to any data first produced or delivered under this Agreement (agreements which involve the use/development of computer programs/applications, or the maintenance of databases or other computer data processing programs, including the inputting of data).

36. The Service Provider who is a public or private nonprofit agency assures that revenues in excess of

costs shall be treated as program income. Accordingly, these funds may be retained by the Service Provider to underwrite additional training or training related services pursuant to the project or program that generated them. Funds not spent during the Contract period shall be returned to CareerSource Polk within thirty (30) days of the expiration date of the Contract.

37. The Service Provider will adhere to and comply with CareerSource Polk’s Complaint and Grievance Procedures, which have been approved by the DEO’s Office of Civil Rights.

38. Avoidance of Conflict of Economic Interest - an executive, officer, agent, representative, or employee

of the Service Provider will not solicit or accept money or any other consideration from a third person or entity for the performance of an act reimbursed in whole or in part by the Service Provider. No member of any council under WIOA shall cast a vote on the provision of services by that member or any organization, which the member directly represents or vote on any matter that would provide direct financial benefit to that member.

39. The submittal of false information may be considered as fraud and any other breach of these

agreement terms could result in the immediate termination of the Contract. The Service Provider is liable for the repayment of funds that were paid by CareerSource Polk for reported performance, or other compensation for services or expenses subsequently determined to be invalid. Repayment may be by deduction from subsequent invoices or in the form of a check for the amount owed if the program ended.

40. The Service Provider understands that CareerSource Polk has the right to terminate this Contract by

written notification when an extenuating circumstance arises, for example when the work is no longer required. It is understood that the Service Provider will be compensated for work already completed or in the process according to accurate, appropriately submitted documents.

41. In the event and as a result of any breach of this contract, the service provider shall indemnify and

hold harmless CareerSource Polk for any disallowed costs resulting from any such breach of this contract. The management, administration and implementation of all terms and conditions of this Contract shall be performed in a manner satisfactory to the Grantee. The Grantee may act in its own best interest including, but not limited to: a. Requiring a written report of corrective action within specific time frames; b. Withholding payment; c. Disallowing inappropriate claims, payments, or costs; d. De-obligating Contract funds; or e. Terminating or suspending this Contract.

If the Service Provider determines that the program described in this Contract is not functioning as intended, the Service Provider shall notify the Grantee immediately by telephone, followed by written notice, which may result in bilateral corrective action or adjustment of the Contractual terms through modification of this Contract.

42. The Service Provider agrees to abide by Federal and State rules/regulations pertaining to compliance

with all applicable standards, orders, or requirements issued under the Clean Air Act, (42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq.) and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq.), as amended – Contracts and sub grants of amounts in excess of $100,000 shall contain a provision that requires

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the recipient to agree to comply with all applicable standards, orders or regulations issued pursuant to the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq.) and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act as amended (33 U.S.C. 1251 et. seq.). Violations shall be reported to the Federal awarding agency and the Regional Office of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

43. The Service Provider agrees to abide by Federal and State rules/regulations pertaining to compliance

with all mandatory standards and policies relating to energy efficiency, which are contained in the State energy conservation plan issued in compliance with the Energy Policy and Conservation Act.

44. The Service Provider will comply with the uniform fiscal and administrative requirements of the

Federal Office of Management and Budget Circular A-102 as codified for the United States Department of Labor at 29 CFR (Code of Federal Regulations) Part 97.

45. The Service Provider will comply with the Drug Free and Smoke Free Workplace policy. Proposing

organizations should note that if awarded a contract under this RFP, a drug free and smoke free workplace for both employees and customers must be maintained.

46. The Service Provider assures that it will not discriminate in its employment practices with respect to

the Equal Pay Act (1963), Civil Rights Act (1964), Age Discrimination in Employment Act (1967), Americans with Disabilities Act (1990), and Civil Rights Act (1991). No individual shall be denied employment on the basis of race, sex, color, national origin, religion, age, or disability and each employee shall have such rights as are available under any applicable Federal, State, or local law prohibiting discrimination.

47. The Service Provider agrees to list all job vacancies with CareerSource Polk and commit to hiring

customers into those job vacancies whenever possible. 48. This Contract is subject to termination by the Board with thirty- (30) days advance notice in writing to

the Service Provider. Any determination under this provision must be made in good faith, with due consideration given to availability of funding and the dedication of resources by the Service Provider to this Agreement. In the event funds to finance this Contract are not available, the obligations of each party hereunder may be terminated upon no less than twenty-four (24) hours’ notice in writing by CareerSource Polk to the Service Provider. By the signature on this page, the Service Provider certifies that it has read and understands all of the provisions of this Contract and agrees to the information contained herein.


Name of certifying official Signature Date

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ATTACHMENT C – Debarment & Suspension Instructions & Certification Instructions for Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, and Other Responsibility Matters, Primary Covered Transactions

1. By signing and submitting this certificate, the prospective primary participant is providing the

certification set out below.

2. The inability of a person to provide the certification required below will not necessarily result in denial

of participation in this covered transaction. The prospective participant shall submit the explanation of

why it cannot provide the certification set out below. The certification or explanation will be

considered in connection with the Board’s determination whether to enter into this transaction.

However, failure of the prospective primary participant to furnish a certification or an explanation shall

disqualify such person from participation in this transaction.

3. The certification in this clause is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed

when the Board determined to enter into this transaction. If it is later determined that the prospective

primary participant knowingly rendered an erroneous certification, in addition to other remedies

available, the Board may terminate this transaction for cause or default.

4. The prospective primary participant shall provide immediate written notice to the Board if at any time

the prospective primary participant learns its certification was erroneous when submitted or has

become erroneous by reason of changed circumstances.

5. The terms "covered transaction," "debarred," "suspended," "ineligible," "lower tier covered

transaction," "participant," "person," "primary covered transaction," "principal," "proposal," and

"voluntarily excluded," as used in this clause, have the meanings set out in the Definitions and

Coverage sections of the rules implementing Federal Executive Order 12549. You may contact the

Board for assistance in obtaining a copy of those regulations.

6. The prospective primary participant agrees by submitting this certificate that, should the proposed

covered transaction be entered into, it shall not knowingly enter into any lower tier covered

transaction with a person who is debarred, suspended, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded

from participation in this covered transaction, unless authorized by the Board.

7. The prospective primary participant further agrees by submitting this proposal that it will include the

clause titled "Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion-

Lower Tier Covered Transactions," provided by the Board , without modification, in all lower tier

covered transactions and in all solicitations for lower tier covered transactions.

8. A participant in a covered transaction may rely upon a certification of a prospective participant in a

lower tier covered transaction that it is not debarred, suspended, ineligible, or voluntarily excluded

from the covered transaction, unless it knows that the certification is erroneous. A participant may

decide the method and frequency by which it determines the eligibility of its principals. Each



Debarment & Suspension Instructions & Certification

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participant may, but is not required to, check the List of Parties Excluded from Procurement/Non

Procurement Programs

9. Nothing contained in the foregoing shall be construed to require establishment of a system of records

in order to render in good faith the certification required by this clause. The knowledge and

information of a participant is not required to exceed that which is normally possessed by a prudent

person in the ordinary course of business dealings.

10. Except for transactions authorized under paragraph 6 of these instructions, if a participant in a

covered transaction knowingly entered into a lower tier covered transaction with a person who is

suspended, debarred, ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this transaction, in

addition to other remedies available, the Board may terminate this transaction for cause or default.

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This certification is required by the regulations implementing Executive Order 12549, Debarment and Suspension, 29 CFR Part 98, Section 98.510, Participants responsibilities. The regulations were published as Part VII of the May 26, 1988 Federal Register (pages 19160-19211). (BEFORE SIGNING CERTIFICATION, READ ATTACHED INSTRUCTIONS WHICH ARE AN INTEGRAL PART OF THE CERTIFICATION)

1. The prospective primary participant certifies to the best of its knowledge and belief, that it and its

officers / principals:

a. Are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or

voluntarily excluded from covered transactions by any Federal, state or local governmental

department or agency;

b. Have not been convicted of or had a civil judgment rendered against them for commission of

fraud or a criminal offense in connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a

public (Federal, State, or local) transaction or contract under a public transaction; violation of

Federal or State antitrust statutes or commission or embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery,

falsification or destruction of statutes or commission or embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery,

falsification or destruction of records, making false statements, or receiving stolen property;

c. Are not presently indicted for or otherwise criminally or civilly charged by a government entity

(Federal, State, or local) with commission of any of the offenses enumerated in paragraph (1) (b)

of this certification; and

d. Have not had one or more public transactions (Federal, State, or local) terminated for cause or


2. Where the prospective primary participant is unable to certify to any of the statements in this

certification, such prospective participant shall attach an explanation to this proposal.


Name of certifying official Signature Date


RFP-PWDB-14-CCS-OSO-01 Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, and Other Responsibility Matters

Primary Covered Transactions

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ATTACHMENT D – Certification Regarding Lobbying, Certification for Contracts, Grants, Loans, And Cooperative Agreements The undersigned certifies, to the best of his or her knowledge and belief, that:

1. No Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid, by or on behalf of the undersigned, to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of an agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with the awarding of any Federal contract, the making of any Federal grant, the making of any Federal loan, the entering into of any cooperative agreement, and the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment, or modification of any Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement.

2. If any funds other than Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for

influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with this Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement, the undersigned shall complete and submit Standard Form-LLL, "Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying," in accordance with its instructions.

3. The undersigned shall require that the language of this certification be included in the award

documents for all sub-awards at all tiers (including subcontracts, sub-grants and contracts under grants, loans, and cooperative agreements) and that all sub-recipients shall certify and disclose accordingly.

This certification is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was place when this transaction was made or entered into. Submission of this certification is a prerequisite for making or entering into this transaction imposed by section 1352, title 31, U.S. Code. Any person who fails to file the required certification shall be subjected to a civil penalty of not less than $10,000 and not more than $100,000 for each such failure.


Name of certifying official Signature Date


RFP-PWDB-14-CCS-OSO-01 Certification Regarding Lobbying, Certification for Contracts, Grants, Loans, and

Cooperative Agreements Primary Covered Transactions

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ATTACHMENT E – Insurance Certification Each contractor must carry the following types of insurance coverage: bond, liability, automotive, and worker’s compensation. Provide a statement to the extent that this coverage is in place or that it will be obtained prior to the implementation of the proposed activities.




Insurance Certification

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ATTACHMENT F – Drug Free Workplace

Pursuant to the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 and it’s implementing regulations codified at 29 CRF 98. Subpart F, I, _______________________________________, the undersigned, in representation of the, the grantee, attest and certify that the grantee will provide a drug-free workplace by:

1. Publishing a statement notifying employees that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of a controlled substance is prohibited in the grantee’s workplace and specifying the actions that will be taken against employees for violation of such prohibition;

2. Establishing an ongoing drug-free awareness program to inform employees about: a. The dangers of drug abuse in the workplace; b. The grantee’s policy of maintaining a drug-free workplace c. Any available drug counseling, rehabilitation, and employee assistance programs; and d. The penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse violations occurring in the


3. Making it a requirement that each employee to be engaged in the performance of the grant be given a copy of the statement required by paragraph (1);

4. Notifying the employee in the statement required by paragraph (1) that, as a condition of employment

under the grant, the employee will: a. Abide by the terms of the statement; and b. Notify the employer in writing of his or her conviction for a violation of a criminal drug statute

occurring in the workplace no later than five calendar days after such conviction.

5. Notifying the agency in writing ten calendar days after receiving notice under subparagraph (4)(b) from an employee or otherwise receiving actual notice of such conviction. We will provide such notice of convicted employees, including position title, to every grant officer on whose grant activity the convicted employee was working. The notice shall include the identification number(s) of each affected grant.

6. Taking one of the following actions, within 30 calendar days of receiving notice under subparagraph (4)(b), with respect to any employee who is so convicted: a. Taking appropriate personnel action against such an employee, up to and including termination,

consistent with the requirements of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as amended; or b. Requiring such employee to participate satisfactorily in a drug abuse assistance of rehabilitation

program approved for such purposes by a Federal, State, or local, health, law enforcement, or other appropriate agency;

7. Making a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drug-free workplace through implementation of

paragraphs (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), and (6).

8. Notwithstanding, it is not required to provide the workplace address under the grant. As of today, the

specific sites are known and we have decided to provide the specific addresses with the

understanding that if any of the identified places change during the performance of the grant, we will



Drug Free Workplace

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inform the agency of the changes. The following are the sites for the performance of work done in

connection with the specific grant including street address, city, county, state, and zip code.

Check □ if there are workplaces on file that are not identified here. Check □ if an additional page was required for the listing of the workplaces. I declare, under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States, and under the penalties set forth by the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988, that this certification is true and correct.

Signature Typed name and title

I, certify that I am the

(name) (position title and organization)

of the grantee; that I am signing his Drug-Free Workplace Certification on behalf of the grantee, and do so

by the Authority given by that such signing is within the scope of my


Executed on:

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ATTACHMENT G – Non-Discrimination Pursuant to section 188 of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998, Public Law 105-220:

I, the undersigned, in representation of the

, the grantee, attest and certify that the grantee will adhere to any

and all nondiscrimination laws.

Section 188 (2) states that: No individual shall be excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, subjected to discrimination under, or denied employment in the administration of or in connection with, any such program or activity because of race, color, religion, sex (except as otherwise permitted under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972), national origin, age, disability, or political affiliation or belief. The undersigned will adhere to any and all federal, state, and local Board non-discrimination rules and regulations. Name:







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ATTACHMENT H – Certification Regarding Client Safety The Service Provider certifies that all staff working directly or indirectly with youth will submit to a FDLE/FBI background check prior to employment. The results of that background check will be maintained on file for a period of not less than seven years. If the pre-employment background check reveals convictions, pleas of nolo contender or adjudication withheld relating to felony charges, the applicant is ineligible for employment. Convictions for the following Enumerated Crimes or misdemeanors will also render an applicant ineligible: Statute Title 409.325 Public Assistance Fraud 784.11.1.1 Assault 784.03 Battery 784.048 Stalking 790.01(1) Carrying 790.27 Possession/sale of firearm with altered serial number 796.07 Prostitution/Lewdness 800.03 Exposure of Sexual Organs 806.13 Criminal Mischief 817.565 Fraudulent Urine Drug Test 827.04(2) (3) Child Abuse 827.05 Negligent treatment of Children 847.011(1) (2) Pornography offenses Offenses regarding Domestic Violence and cruelty to animals will also render an applicant ineligible.

Signature Date

Notary Public

My Commission Expires:



Certification Regarding Client Safety

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ATTACHMENT I – Statement of Public Entity Crimes


by____________________________________________________________(print individual's name and title) for_______________________________________________(print name of entity submitting sworn statement) whose business address is ________________________________________________________________and (if applicable) its Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) is ________________ (if the entity has no FEIN, include the Social Security Number of the individual signing this sworn statement.)

2. I understand that a "public entity crime" as defined in Paragraph 287.133 (1) (g), Florida Statutes, means

a violation of any state or federal law by a person with respect to and directly related to the transaction of business with any public entity or with an agency or political subdivision of any other state or of the United States, including, but not limited to, any bid or contract for goods or services to be provided to any public entity or an agency or political subdivision of any other state or of the United States and involving antitrust, fraud, theft, bribery, collusion, racketeering, conspiracy, or material misrepresentation.

3. I understand that "convicted" or "conviction" as defined in Paragraph 287.133 (1) (b), Florida Statutes,

means a finding of guilt or a conviction of a public entity crime, with or without an adjudication of guilt, in any federal or state trial court of record relating to charges brought by indictment or information after July 1, 1989, as result of a jury verdict, nonjury trial, or entry of a plea of guilty or nolo contendere.

4. I understand that an "affiliate" as defined in Paragraph 287.133 (1) (a), Florida Statutes, means:

a. A predecessor or successor of a person convicted of a public entity crime; or b. An entity under the control of any natural person who is active in the management of the entity and

who has been convicted of a public entity crime. The term "affiliate" includes those officers, directors, executives, partners, shareholders, employees, members, and agents who are active in the management of an affiliate. The ownership by one person of shares constituting a controlling interest in another person, or a pooling of equipment or income among persons when not for fair market value under an arm's length agreement, shall be a prima facie case that one person controls another person. A person who knowingly enters into a joint venture with a person who has been convicted of a public entity crime in Florida during the preceding 36 months shall be considered an affiliate.

5. I understand that a "person" as defined in Paragraph 287.133 (1) (e), Florida Statutes, means any natural

person or entity organized under the laws of any state or of the United States with the legal power to enter into a binding contract and which bids or applies to bid on contracts for the provision of goods or services let by a public entity, or which otherwise transacts or applies to transact business with a public entity. The term "person" includes those officers, directors, executives, partners, shareholders, employees, members, and agents who are active in management of an entity.

6. Based on information and belief, the applicable statement which I have marked below is true in relation to

the entity submitting this sworn statement. □ Neither the entity submitting this sworn statement, nor any of its officers, directors, executives,

partners, shareholders, employees, members, or agents who are active in the management of the entity, nor any affiliate of the entity has been charged with and convicted of a public entity crime subsequent to July 1, 1989.


RFP-PWDB-14-CCS-OSO-01 Sworn Statement Pursuant to Section 287.133 (3) (a),

Florida Statutes on Public Entity Crimes

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□ The entity submitting this sworn statement, or one or more of its officers, directors, executives,

partners, shareholders, employees, members, or agents who are active in the management of the entity, or an affiliate of the entity has been charged with and convicted of a public entity crime subsequent to July 1, 1989.

□ The entity submitting this sworn statement, or one or more of its officers, directors, executives,

partners, shareholders, employees, members, or agents who are active in the management of the entity, or an affiliate of the entity has been charged with and convicted of a public entity crime subsequent to July 1, 1989; however, there has been a subsequent proceeding before a Hearing Officer of the State of Florida, Division of Administrative Hearings and the Final Order entered by the Hearing Officer determined that it was not in the public interest to place the entity submitting this sworn statement on the convicted vendor list. Attached is a copy of the final order.


Signature Date

State of County of

PERSONALLY APPEARED BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority,

(name of individual signing)

who, after first being sworn by me, affixed his/her signature in the space provided above on this

Day of , 20

Notary Public

My Commission Expires:

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ATTACHMENT J – Conflict of Interest Statement The Proposer must execute either Section 1 or Section 2 hereunder relative to Florida Statute112.313 (12). Failure to execute either Section may result in rejection of this Proposal. SECTION 1 I hereby certify that no official or employee of the Board, or any Board member, or any immediate family member of a Board employee or Board member has a material financial interest in this firm. SECTION 2 I hereby certify that the following named Board official(s), employee(s), Board member(s), or immediate family member of a Board employee or board member has a material financial interest(s) [in excess of 5%] in this firm and has filed the appropriate Conflict of Interest statements with the Board prior to the review and discussion of this proposal. Name Title

Signature Date of filing

Name of official

Company name

Business Address

City State Zip code



Proposer Conflict of Interest Statement

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ATTACHMENT K – Collaboration Letters and/or Agreement Proposers may attach relevant documents here.



Collaboration Letters and/or Agreements

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ATTACHMENT L – Audit Requirements The proposing agency's two most recent complete CPA certified audit or review, including all management letters or financial statements (if proposer is private for profit agency and they do not have a recent audit). REQ



Audit Requirements

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ATTACHMENT M – Organizational Chart An organizational chart showing (1) the proposed program's relationship to the overall agency's operations, (2) each position on the organizational chart with an indication of whether the position is paid or volunteer, and (3) the proposed staffing. REQUEST FOR PROP



Organizational Chart

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Resumes of key staff that will be involved.


RFP-PWDB-14-CCS-OSO-01 Resumes

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