Page 1: Connections - ShulCloud€¦ · July 20, 2015. Connections Beth Sholom Congregation Newsletter Sivan/Tammuz/Av/Elul 5775 June/July/August 2015 Volume 95, No. 4 11th Annual Shabbat

In this issue:

Early Learning at Beth Sholom is now

enrolling for Fall. Spread the word about the latest preschool intiatives.

See page 8.

Important High Holiday Seating

InformationSee Page 5.

11th Annual Shabbat at the Shore will

take place on Friday, August 21, 2015. See page 18 for more


NEXT ISSUE DEADLINE is July 20, 2015.

ConnectionsBeth Sholom Congregation Newsletter

Sivan/Tammuz/Av/Elul 5775

June/July/August 2015

Volume 95, No. 4

11th Annual Shabbat at the Shore

Don’t Miss Beth Sholom’s Annual Golf and Games Outing

Wednesday, July 1, 2015 The 2015 Beth Sholom Annual Golf and Games Outing will be held at Sunnybrook Golf Club. The club hosted the 1971 United States Senior Men’s Amateur Championship and was the site of the 1978 United States Women’s Amateur Championship. In 2005, the club hosted the Pennsylvania Open. Come and support the golf outing by bringing a friend to play, being a sponsor, and/or asking your business associates and friends to be sponsors.

To register visit

Beth Sholom wishes you a wonderful and relaxing summer! Don’t forget that we are open 365 days a year and offer warm and wonderful Shabbat services, including Shabbat at the Shore. We invite you to participate in this summer service on Friday, August 21 at 7:00 p.m. in Margate, NJ. Davening on the beach is open to all and a casual Shabbat dinner will be held at the Island House. See page 18 for more information. We look forward to seeing you there!

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David Glanzberg-Krainin Raymond & Ruth Perelman Senior Rabbinic Chair [email protected]

Andrea L. Merow, Rabbi [email protected]

Hazzan Jeffrey Weber [email protected] Harvey Friedrich, Executive Director [email protected]

Selma Roffman, Interim Religious School Director [email protected] Eileen Weingram, Early Learning Director [email protected] Julie Glass, Director of Congregational Engagement [email protected] Brooke Keyser, Director of Marketing & Communications [email protected] Karen Sandler, Facility Coordinator & Secretary [email protected] _____________________________________________________

Officers of the Board, 2014-2015 Richelle Hittinger, Esq., President [email protected]

June Feith, Vice President Gerald Segal, Vice President Arthur Frankel, Vice President Robert S. Cohen, Esq., Treasurer Howard Soloman, Esq., Assistant Treasurer Larry Cutler, Secretary Jeffrey Gordon, Assistant Secretary Rick Manstein, Immediate Past President


Brooke Keyser, Design, Editor [email protected] Sylvia Pomerantz and Karen Sandler - Proofreaders

If you have never had a chance to peruse the Web site—take a look. Once there, you can listen to world experts on a dizzying array of subjects distill the essence of their work into 20-minute talks. It is an extraordinary place to expand the mind in unimaginable ways.

One of my favorite talks is one given by MIT researcher Dr. Sherry Turkle who speaks on the topic “Connected, but Alone.”

In this talk, Dr. Turkle speaks about the impact that technology and social media are having on our ability as human beings to engage on one of the most primal forms of human connection: the ability to converse with another person. Turkle’s research has shown that there has never been a time in human history when people are more connected. The ability to share a thought instantaneously on Twitter; to post photos in real-time on Facebook; or to e-mail a colleague leaves us constantly connected. But being connected is in no way equivalent to being engaged in conversation with another person. Because conversation requires intimacy and presence. We have to make eye contact; we have to respond to the words and to the non-verbal cues that we are experiencing. In contrast, connecting means only the act of making public a fleeting impulse or idea.

Dr. Turkle says that face-to-face conversation unfolds slowly: “It [conversation] teaches patience. When we communicate on our digital devices, we learn different habits. As we ramp up the volume and velocity of online connections, we start to expect faster answers. To get these, we ask one another simpler questions; we dumb down our communications, even on the most important matters. It is as though we have all put ourselves on cable news. Shakespeare might have said, “We are consumed with that which we were nourished by.”

Not only do we end up losing the ability to engender deep and meaningful relationships with others, but we lose the ability to reflect on our own lives as well. Our communication with technology speeds up our lives; we expect faster and faster responses. If we have not received an e-mail reply within an hour, we assume the person with whom we are communicating with is lazy. In our rapid-fire addiction to quick responses, we lose the ability to be self-reflective. But the rush to connect with others leaves us increasingly uncomfortable with being alone.

Try this experiment: The next time you are at a meeting—whether at work or a volunteer organization—watch the number of people who are fidgeting with their smart phones during the course of the meeting. By my estimates, at least one third of the people sitting around me at meetings that I attend spend at least 25% of the time on their smart phone and tuned out of the goings-on. Maybe that’s because many meetings are boring.

Continued on page 2.

Beth Sholom Congregation 8231 Old York Road Elkins Park, PA 19027-1595 Phone: 215-887-1342 Fax: 215-887-6605

In SholomRabbi David Glanzberg-Krainin

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In BlessingRabbi Andrea Merow

But the fact that we are losing our ability to engage with each other in meaningful ways is surely also a factor. Yet there is some heartening news: We Jews have the answer! It is called Shabbat—a time of cessation; a time for conversation; a time for building relationships; a time to engage deeply with people in our family and in our communities. Shabbat is the recognition that connecting is no substitute for conversation and engagement with the people that we love. And when we use Shabbat to remind us of the value of deep relationships, we can bring those skills into our daily lives as well.

Here is Dr. Turkle’s vision for a future of deeper human relationships: “I am a partisan for conversation. To make room for it, I see some first, deliberate steps. At home, we can create sacred spaces: the kitchen, the dining room. We can make our cars “device-free zones.” We can demonstrate the value of conversation to our children. And we can do the same thing at work. There we are so busy communicating that we often don’t have time to talk to one another about what really matters. Employees asked for casual Fridays; perhaps managers should introduce conversational Thursdays. Most of all, we need to remember — in between texts and e-mails and Facebook posts — to listen to one another, even to the boring bits, because it is often in unedited moments, moments in which we hesitate and stutter and go silent, that we reveal ourselves to one another.”

As the summer approaches, my berakhah—my blessing—for each of us is that we will make more conscious efforts to resist instant communication gratification, and make more effort to engage in deep and meaningful conversations with the people that we love. Shabbat gives us the blueprint for infusing the rest of the week with a deeper sense of our humanity. May the months of summer give us the space to begin this sacred project.

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SHUL BUDDIES Beth Sholom is a community where people care about each other. Last year, we formed a committee called “Shul Buddies” whose goal is to work together to find ways of assisting congregants through acts of kindness.

Over the past year volunteers have been cooking, writing cards to members in the hospital, running errands, offering rides to those who need help getting to shul, and calling or visiting people that just need to hear a friendly voice. Email us at [email protected] or call us at 215-887-1342 ext 233. Leave a message if you would like to volunteer. We require volunteers to do a short training. Also, we would love help from our community in finding any congregants that could use a buddy.

Our goal is to involve as many members of the congregation as possible in this project. Time commitments are flexible. You can spend several hours a week or just a few minutes once a month connecting and caring for people in our community.

Thanks, and we look forward to meeting you.

Susie, Ruth, Agnes and Janet

The 9th of Av Our Resilient People Last year on the eighth day of the Hebrew month of Av, I had an eventful day and I remember many moments from that time. It was the morning and afternoon before Jews around the world commemorate the destructions of the First and Second Temples in Jerusalem, in 586 b.c.e and in 70 c.e, respectively. It is the day before one of the saddest days on the Jewish calendar. On the 9th of Av, we remember these destructions and more. Some ancient texts blame the first destruction on the bad morality of our ancestors and the destruction of the Second Temple on the sin of Jews hating one another for no reason. Or the destructions might have occurred because the armies of our enemies were stronger than ours. On the 9th of Av we would sit and ponder the many destructions that have befallen our people.

But on the 8th of Av I was more interested in the resilience of our people as evidenced by the blossoming of the modern State of Israel.

It was the 8th of Av and I woke up on that day to a clear blue Jerusalem sky with plans to enjoy the city. I was surprised that I had not heard sirens in Jerusalem that week. I had seen many signs that said, “We are strong together, we love Israel, we trust the IDF” but I had heard no sirens. So even though it was early August and the South was being bombarded with rockets and Israeli soldiers were deployed in combat during the IDF’s Protective Edge Operation, Jerusalem felt far from the tumult of the south. I ate brunch with a close friend at a café overlooking the Jerusalem Botanical Gardens. I visited the Israel Museum. And it was there that I heard the sirens. I was outside viewing the bamboo installation. Children were laughing and climbing on the giant bamboo fort. And then the sirens came, louder and louder. Kind guards invited us to come inside. Maybe invite is not a strong enough word. With many others I listened to radio reports blaring from smart phones. The sirens were not from Iron Dome. They were old-fashioned police sirens. And then we heard a terrorist had stolen a bulldozer and overturned a bus with it. A pedestrian died. But it seemed contained, so resilient Israelis quickly went back to their day.

A few hours later I found myself in a residential Jerusalem area at Café Aroma sipping an iced coffee. Again the sirens. Not Iron Dome sirens but police sirens. Another act of terrorism had occurred. It was way over on the other side of the city, but this was the second incident of the day and even my Israeli friends began to wonder if things were changing quickly in this small, Holy city.

Continued on page 3.

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The Campaign for Beth Sholom Congregation An Update Part 7

I am pleased so many of you attended our May 5th ribbon cutting for our new elevator. That same evening, we held a dedication ceremony for the Finkel-Sterling Lounge, unveiled our renewed Presidential Picture Wall and revealed a prototype of our Campaign Dedication Wall. In my remarks that evening, I reported that we are now at 80% of our fund-raising goal of $12,000,000. Presentations were made that evening on some of our new campaign funded initiatives. These programs provide incentives to new Preschool families and address the spiritual needs of our congregants and larger community through the newly created Hazak Program.

These projects and programs, and others reported in this column impact our daily congregational lives. They include better lighting in the Sisterhood Sanctuary, new Scholar-in-Residence Program funding, and new scholarship funding for summer camp and Israel trips for our children - what we achieve through our Campaign is of lasting significance.

I previously reported plans are underway to replace Torah covers used for the High Holidays. The last set was made over thirty years ago and is in need of replacements. You can learn more about this program by calling the office today.

Requests for proposals have been sent out initiating the planning process to replace the roof on the Religious School building, heating and air conditioning for the Fischman Auditorium, and giving that auditorium a much needed facelift. These are ambitious plans that need your continued support to succeed.

I am so proud of what we have accomplished as a Congregation. I know we will reach our goal. The goal will be that much more meaningful when each of you have a part in our success. This is but one way that you as a member of Beth Sholom have an opportunity to touch the future with your personal legacy. I am always available through the synagogue office at (215) 887-1342, ext. 109 or by e-mail at [email protected]. If you need an immediate response, when you call the synagogue, be sure to ask for Brooke Keyser, our Director of Marketing and Communications, or Harvey Friedrich, our Executive Director.

Fred Wolfson

The sun was setting and we ate the meal before the Fast of the 9th of Av. We walked to the Haas Promenade so that we could listen to the Book of Lamentations, Eicha, while overlooking this holy city. We could not find our minyan. Later we found out that the police had moved the minyan to a place where they would be under the watchful eye of the police. So we joined another group that was about to read the Book of Lamentations. The group seemed like a religious extended family. We found out that they had driven in from their homes near Hevron to read about the destruction of ancient Jerusalem right in the new, rebuilt Holy City. After the chanting of Eicha the rabbi of their settlement gave a sermon on why it is important to understand the views of others. It was exquisite.

Equally exquisite was the warm welcome that we were given. I was speaking English and I was wearing a kippah – and it was clear that I was not an Israeli. But the elderly religious woman who sat with us on the steps of the Promenade did not care about that. She was happy to share her space and her megillah with us. She told us that her husband was the one who had chanted and that she was so happy that we joined them. She told us that she and her family came every year to this spot to hear about the destruction of this place. But her presence, and ours, showed that our people were not destroyed, but survived. Our people have learned resilience. Our people have learned to rebuild. She came to hear words about how Jews need not practice sinat hinam, senseless hatred. They came to this spot so that they could see a rebuilt Jerusalem that they were part of rebuilding.

I recently spoke with the friend that I shared this experience with. Her response to it was: Yes, we are resilient people, and to be part of the resilience of our people is to contribute to the rebuilding of our people. To be part of the resilience of our people is to pass on our traditions and to be involved in the building of our culture, people and land.

This Tisha B’Av we will again mourn the destructions of our Temples and the destruction of Jewish communal life so many centuries ago. But, I will also take into Tisha B’Av the sense that we are a resilient people. We can learn to be moral – the reason the rabbis gave for the destruction of the first Temple. We can learn to not hate one another – the reason for the destruction of the second Temple. We will support a secure and safe Israel and we will provide compelling Jewish education and community to ensure that the next generation can live an engaged Jewish life, so that they may continue to build up Jerusalem and all it represents.


In BlessingRabbi Andrea Merow

Continued from page 2

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Getting to Know YouHazzan Jeffrey Weber

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It is hard to believe that my first year with you at Beth Sholom Congregation is almost over. What a fine year it has been. I can honestly say that the only thing I regret is that my family and I have not been part of this great congregation and community before this year. What a joy it is to come to work each day to a place where there are so many caring, interested, involved, and hard working people. Our teachers, staff, volunteers, lay leaders and Rabbis exhibit all of the good traits and ethics that our Jewish religion and culture should embody.

Among the things that I have enjoyed are the following; Our Neshamah Band services have been a great source of joy; Our volunteer band players are very talented and a lot of fun to make music and experience prayer with; Music with the preschool is an amazing experience. Watching our children as young as 18 months old learn the joy of Jewish music through song, motion and with instruments is so fantastic. Imagine how good it is to see a toddler start out the year, sitting and hopefully listening to the music, transform into a person that is getting up on his or her feet with an instrument in hand, dancing and making a joyful noise, with a big smile.

Our adult choir, Kol Sholom, is making great music and having fun doing so. We are always eager to invite more of our congregants to join us. We have been singing once a month during the 8:00 p.m. Friday night service, the Kehilah Hannukah program, and we sang in the May 31 Gala Concert.

Please watch for announcement of the High Holidays choir, which should begin rehearsing soon. I look forward to preparing for the beginning of another amazing year with you at my new home, Beth Sholom Congregation. Keep a song and a prayer in your heart.

Join us for our weekly dance session. Come and join us!

Meet nice people, shmooze, exercise and have fun!

7:30 -8:30 pm beginners dancing

8:30 -11:00 pm open dancing



Contact Julie Glass for more information: 215-887-3625, x 216

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This is my last Connections article as President of Beth Sholom. I want to thank all of you for affording me the opportunity to serve as your President. When I took office three years ago, some of you offered me congratulations, and some of you offered your condolences, assuming that I was undertaking a disagreeable task. While we have faced many challenges, and will continue to do so, the reward and satisfaction of the past three years have been beyond what I could ever have imagined. What I have enjoyed the most is the warmth and genuine friendship from so many of you. From the moment I took office, you have made me feel very special. My Presidency has been a labor of love.

In presenting these farewell remarks, I am reminded of the tradition that the President of the United States gives a farewell address before leaving office. I would like to share with you some of the thoughts of two recent Presidents.

In his farewell address to the nation, President George W. Bush said: “President Thomas Jefferson once wrote, ‘I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past.’ As I leave the house he occupied two centuries ago, I share that optimism. America is a young country, full of vitality, constantly growing and renewing itself. And even in the toughest times, we lift our eyes to the broad horizon ahead.” And above all, I…. thank you for the countless acts of courage, generosity, and grace that I have wit-nessed these past eight years. President Bill Clinton said goodbye with the following words: “As for me, I’ll leave the presidency more idealistic, more full of hope than the day I arrived and more confident than ever that America’s best days lie ahead.” The past three years have reinforced the notion that Beth Sholom recognizes the value of embracing the future. We are fortunate to have so many committed staff members who have worked with us to make Beth Sholom such a dynamic and inviting place.

Rabbi Glanzberg-Krainin, I want to thank you for being our teacher, our inspiration and our friend. You have rejoiced with us as we celebrated births, B’nai Mitzvah, graduations and weddings, and you consoled us as we faced the sorrows and challenges of our lives. The two of us have spent many hours commiserating, debating and planning to enable Beth Sholom to adhere to its mission and to become a visionary and vibrant congregation for the 21st century.

Rabbi Merow, you have shown us your unique ability to move people Jewishly from where they were to a level that they could only imagine. You have done so by fanning sparks of possibility into flames of knowledge and achievement. You have taught us to appreciate and learn the beauty of Torah and to make room for it in our heads and hearts.

Thank you, Cantor Weber, for making Beth Sholom your new home. We look forward to working with you to reach new levels of participation, devotion and musical connection to Judaism.

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The Executive Director has one of the most challenging jobs in our Congregation. Harvey, it is difficult to describe all of functions that you must fulfill. I am deeply grateful to you for all of your efforts and for all of the support and assistance that you gave me during my Presidency.

All of our staff members are devoted to their positions at Beth Sholom. Each of you puts immeasurable energy into maintaining and sustaining our congregation. It has been my privilege to work with you during these past three years.

I would especially like to thank all of our volunteers, including our officers, directors and trustees. The vitality and continuity of our Congregation depends on YOU. Without you, all of our programs, our unique and inspirational forms of davening, our quest for spiritual wellbeing, and our paths toward improvement would simply be plans on paper. Based on my experiences, I am confident that we will continue to work together to strengthen the connections that keep our Congregation vital and relevant. We have inherited this sacred institution from prior generations. It is up to all of you to deliver a vibrant and diverse Congregation to the next generation.

Ken y’hi ratzon.


High Holiday Seating Changes Planned for Second Day of Rosh Hashanah, September 15, 2015

Members were recently notified by mail of planned changes in our High Holiday seating for this fall. The changes will be in effect for the second day of Rosh Hashanah. Many of you may have noticed that attendance on the second day of the Holiday has gradually diminished over the past several years. As a result, the Board of Directors has approved a Religious Committee recommendation that we hold a single service on the second day of the Holiday.

Consistent with this recommendation, there will be a single service on the second day held in the Main Sanctuary. Since seating is assigned in the Main Sanctuary. the office needs to know by July 1st if you do not intend to use your assigned seats on the second day. All assigned seats which our members intend to occupy on the second day will have a colored sticker signifying that those seats are reserved. Seats that are not being used on the second day, as well as all unreserved seats in the Main Sanctuary, will be available on a first come, first served basis, for members and guests attending the service. In this manner, people with assigned seats will be able to continue with them, and available seats will be readily identified for use. If you currently sit in the Main Sanctuary for the holidays, we ask that you help facilitate this change by notifying the office of your intention NOT to attend services on Tuesday, September 15, 2015, the second day of Rosh Hashanah. You can do this by email to Karen Sandler at [email protected] or by telephone at 215.887.1342, ext. 101. If you do not contact us, we will anticipate your participation on the second day of Rosh Hashanah. Please call me directly should you have any question about this plan at 215.887.4489. Your assistance in providing a timely notice to our office is most appreciated. Sincerely, Harvey Friedrich Executive Director

From the PresidentShelley Hittinger

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Congregational EngagementJulie Glass

As you dive into your favorite pool, lake, ocean or book, think about diving into Beth Sholom for the community that speaks to you. Whether it’s Sisterhood, Men’s Club or Social Action/Mitzvot B’Yahad, Beth Sholom has something for you! Look at these places that you can reach into: Beth Sholom Food Pantry: Feeding more than 100 families a week, the Pantry is always looking for volunteers. If you have some time off this summer, consider helping your neighbors to have enough food for the week. You will be surprised how rewarding this endeavor feels!

Beth Sholom Mitzvah Garden: Did you know we have a graden that helps to provide fresh vegetables to those who might not otherwise afford them? Weed, water or pick - all jobs are equally important!

The Shabbat Experience Committee: Have you ever attended The Shabbat Experience? Do you ever wonder how all of that programming is accomplished, or how 300 cups of grape juice get poured? Join the committee and help with a program unique to Beth Sholom. Shul Buddies: This group of dedicated volunteers is trying to help those who need it. Need a ride, a meal or someone to talk to? Shul Buddies is the place to go. Like to help others? Shul Buddies is looking for you.

Rummage Sale: Did you get to volunteer for the Rummage Sale, or did you get an amazing bargain? Over 50 volunteers helped to raise over $16,000 for the Congregation by organizing and arranging things that someone else gave away. The next Rummage Sale is November 15 and 16. If this is your passion, we would love to share the fun with you.

Something else: Sometimes your passion doesn’t yet have a place. Share it with us, so we can help you share it with others. Teaching, helping, baking - let us know what interests you, and we will help you share it with others.

I look forward to helping you dive in.


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Todah Rabbah to my Beth Sholom Chevra (crowd)

from Rabbi Andrea Merow

I want to express my deep gratitude for all of your help and concern over the last several months as I healed from a leg fracture that occurred in early February. A surgeon repaired the leg and I now have a nice rod and screws in my leg that allow me to stand and to heal well. I keep quoting Psalm 23, “thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.” In my case, a rod also holds me up. In addition to the medical care that I received I am grateful to the Beth Sholom community for the many, many donations to our Accessibility Fund in honor of my recovery and for all of your kind cards, calls and e-mails. Thank you for wonderful home cooked meals; we should do a cookbook of all of the great food that our congrega-tion prepares. Thank you also to all who continue to help me out with driving. I appreciate our wonder-ful community.

Rav todot- many thanks!

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Religious SchoolSelma Roffman

JQuest B’Yachad – We are off to a good start!

“What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.”

This was stated by Juliet in the famous play by William Shakespeare. To biblical scholars, names have major significance whether analyzing the first man named, “Adam,” (The root means “of the red earth”), or the name of our first forefather, “Avraham,” whose name means “the father of many nations.” Starting in September, Beth Sholom students will attend a newly energized school named “JQuest B’Yachad.” It is easy to guess that the “J” stands for Jewish. The word “quest” is defined as a long or arduous search for something. The final word in the name of our new school is in Hebrew and means “together.” The significance of this name means that students from three area synagogues, Beth Sholom, Adath Jeshurun and Kenesth Israel, are embarking together on a search of their Jewish heritage with skilled teachers and rabbis. The good news is – “we are off to a good start!” The process to unite our schools has already started with activities at the end of the school year to acquaint students with each other. Many students met previously in public and private schools, while others became new friends at joint activities. Together with an increased student population, a new spirit of adventure in implementing cutting-edge teaching techniques and an invigorated staff of teachers and leaders, our students will be offered opportunities to explore our ancient traditions while using 21st century technology.

Some of the community mitzvah projects our students participated in at the conclusion of the school year, to implement and prepare them for JQuest B’Yachad are as follows: Gan students and their families learned about the “Kare for Kids Project” and made blankets for babies, children and teens with Marlene Snyder. First graders visited “Families Forward Philadelphia,” a shelter housing transitional families. Mechinah students traveled to the Mitzvah Circle in Harleysville, decorating and packing food bags while learning about the organization. Kitah Alef students spent a Sunday morning planting in the Mandell Garden at Gratz College, while Kitah Bet students visited the Abramson Center for Senior Adults playing games and sharing stories. These are just a few examples of how students from three schools united b’yahad”- “together” - to contribute to the community while becoming familiar with each other.

Our rabbis teach: “All new beginnings have their challenges,” however, the JQuest B’Yahad program is already meeting challenges and finding creative ways to bring about positive resolutions. With the school year concluding, it is with great

excitement that Beth Sholom Congregation joins in the venture and brings our synagogue’s traditions to enhance this new program. Under the leadership of Rabbi Merow and the new educational director, Ana Apter, we are off to a great start and the future looks exciting! Arnold Lurie and the Educational Committee are enthusiastically planning together with leaders from the other synagogues.

While beginnings are difficult at times, so are endings. It has been my personal great blessing to have worked as Interim Educational Director of Beth Sholom Religious School for the past two years. During that time, I met wonderful and dedicated families and colleagues. In particular, one of my greatest joys was getting to know your children and their desire for knowledge and learning. I thank Lisa Weiss-Shore and Glori Kasner, our PO presidents, for their continued support and willingness to help our students. It has also been a distinct honor and pleasure to work with the professional synagogue leaders, Rabbi David Glanzberg-Krainin, Rabbi Andrew Merow and Hazzan Jeffrey Weber, champions of the pursuit of excellence in Jewish education. Julie Glass and Eileen Weingram, my roommates on the second floor, were always ready to help and teach me the fine nuances of working at Beth Sholom. A special “todah rabah” also to Harvey Friedrich, Brooke Keyser, Karen Sandler, Terry Straus, Susan Weinberg, and our maintenance and housekeeping staff for sharing their knowledge and friendship with a new member of the team. I say “shalom l’hitraot” to everyone, knowing that in the past two years we have improved as “daveners,” made progress in Hebrew reading, learned about the holidays and heroes of our people, participated in diverse electives and became friends with a congregation in Israel, Magen Avraham.

So now it is time to embark upon our journey at “JQuest B’Yahad.” We are off to a good start!

All best wishes,Selma RoffmanInterim Director of Beth Sholom Religious School

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Early LearningEileen Weingram

Each June it is time to reflect on the successes of the past year, and make note of what should be repeated and what should be changed. It has been a wonderful year in every way for Early Learning at Beth Sholom!

We had a 26% increase in the number of students enrolled. That also means that we had close to 26% more parents become part of our school community. We were thrilled to welcome these new families and they have had a huge impact on our school this year. The parents have become involved with our school, the synagogue and with each other. We have had whole class outings at each other’s homes, individual play dates, and terrific volunteers at synagogue events. The parents have quickly become involved and feel like they “belong” here at Beth Sholom --- this is their home!

We were fortunate to receive grants from both Keystone Stars and Success by Six, a United Way Program. With close to $28,000 we have been able to refurbish our classrooms with new furniture, purchase iPads and educational supplies. Our teachers, in order to meet the Star 4 requirement of taking 24 credits each year have been busy attending classes and bringing their new knowledge back to the classroom. New equipment allows them to more easily implement what they are learning. All of this benefits our children.

Our Mandarin program is finishing its first year. The parents are excited to hear their children sing Happy Birthday and count to 10 in another language. You might even find them showing off this new knowledge on Facebook. New parents are attracted to us knowing that we are up to the most current trends in early childhood education by teaching Mandarin.

Our parents met with the Rabbis four times this year at Shabbat lunch. They had a chance to get to know one another and discuss interesting topics. This was a successful new program this year.In addition to our new Initiative, which offers a 40% tuition grant up to $4,000 for four years to new Jewish families, another generous congregant established a scholarship fund for our other families.We are so happy that we are able to help families afford a high quality preschool education for their children.

The incredible PTO held an exceedingly successful event, “Indulge Your Senses.” They met regularly, paying attention to every detail to plan a fun night out for everyone. With delicious chocolate and wine tastings, sanctuary tours, live music and fabulous prizes it was an incredible event in every way. Again, this all benefits our children. The money raised will be used to help equip a room for indoor gross motor activities. A very special thank you to the leaders of our committee, Dan

Shmilovich, Leona Goldshaw, Rachel Saifer Goldman, Yvonne Blackwell, and Wendy Dumas. A huge thank you to our excellent, and entertaining Preschool parent and Montgomery County Commissioner Josh Shapiro, Helene Mansheim for her expertise in leading the tours and to Amy Warmflash for sharing her talent in creating a beautiful room for us all to enjoy.

Camp begins on Monday, June 8 and will last for 12 weeks. Because of a late Labor Day, this summer we will not only have the largest group than we have had for many years but also the longest camp season. We do our best to provide programming year-round for working parents.

How lucky we are to have our amazing staff! They love the children and are dedicated to creating the best possible experience for the children.

With these three exceptional components, the best children, parents and staff, we can all reflect on the 2014-2015 school year in the most positive way!

My best wishes to you and your families for a safe, healthy and enjoyable summer!

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Throughout our country during this commencement season, graduates are celebrating the completion of academic studies in various institutions of learning. It is interesting to note that the word “commencement” means “beginning,” not “conclusion,” of activity. We Jews know this well, since when we finish a book of the Torah, we enthusiastically exclaim, “Hazak, Hazak v’Nithazek” or “Be strong, be strong and let us strengthen one another,” which in essence, is blessing us to be strong into the beginning of the next book, the future.

As summer approaches and we have finished a year of working and planning, we look forward to the vacation season. Immediately after summer vacation is the start of our New Year. All these new beginnings are different -- some are difficult and some not so hard. Sometimes we approach a new activity or situation with anxiety, trepidation and nervousness. As an example, a new job or relationship can be scary. Yet some approach such a new beginning with excitement and anticipation.

If nothing stood in your way, how would you spend your summer? Are there are new things you might like to do or try? Would you embark on a dream vacation? Would you learn a new trade? Take a new class? Escape to a faraway island? Learn a new skill? You might decide to study a particular subject or assume a new mitzvah. You could accept a new challenge … of an elected office, maybe in the Sisterhood, Men’s Club, or Synagogue.

For the most part, life is easy in the summer. This season teems with a sense of freedom and brims with optimism. The sunshine and great bursts of flowers and leaves growing on the trees bring a fresh cheeriness to people. Yet, we need to put value on this summertime. This time is valuable. We can use some of our summer to unleash our potential and use our G-d-given talents and skills. This is a good season for commencement. We can find joy in looking forward with anticipation to new beginnings …. and going from strength to strength.

Sisterhood featured some wonderful programs this past spring. We hope you were able to share some of them with us. On March 18, Sam Feinberg, writer, lecturer, and vocal historian presented a program called The Joy of Music. He talked about the great voices of the past. We learned which singer broke the racial line at the Met, and which singer was chosen as the lead on opening night of a great world operatic premiere. His lecture was well attended. On April 18 the women of Sisterhood led the entire Shabbat service as we celebrated Sisterhood Shabbat.

Our women were amazing. This was followed by an elegant Kiddush lunch. Our Lunch and Learn speaker was Ruth Shaw. We were all enthralled by her talk. Then on April 22 we again traveled to the Great White Way to see the story of how Peter became Pan with the musical hit, Neverland. May 20 was the date of our annual Donor Celebration Dinner honoring our generous donors. We were delighted to feature Hazzan Jeffrey and Andrea Weber in concert. Donor contributions

SisterhoodPatti First

[email protected]

Executive Board Members 2015-16

President Patti First Program VP’s Sandra Kazman Lisa Weiss-Shore

Membership VP’s Lynn Album Sylvia Pomerantz

Treasurer Linda Abrams Religious VP’s Marla Friedenberg Anna Green

Corresponding Secretary Carol Rosenbaum

Recording Secretary Dianne Cutler Torah Fund Chairman Marilyn Miller

Communications Lorna Adelman

Parliamentarian Anita Schatz

Immediate Past Kay SchwartzCo-Presidents Shirley Weiner

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are paid in many ways throughout the year, making it easy to support Sisterhood’s endeavors. It was an enchanting evening for all who attended. Many thanks to the Webers who helped make it so special! On June 3 our women had the opportunity to show respect to the leaders of Sisterhood at our Installation. Our dynamic speaker was Rabbi Lynnda Targan, co-founder of the Women’s Midrash Institute and a teacher in the Gratz College Scholar’s Program. Her topic was “Biblical Women as Moral Agents”. Petit lunch followed this wonderful program.

Please remember to visit the Sisterhood Gift Shop for a wonderful selection of gifts and wines. We also sell Giant Supermarket scrip!

We look forward to September and the commencement – the start – of our new year of activities. Our Program Committee is already hard at work planning many great events. Why not get involved? Sisterhood can use your support and help! We’d love to see you at our meetings and events.

Please call me if you’d like to become more involved. I’ll be happy for your assistance!

Patti ( 215-887-1888)

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Men’s ClubElliot Miller

[email protected]

Connections Page 10

The Beth Sholom Men’s Club wishes to acknowledge the generous contributions by the Beth Sholom Community to our recent Herb Sobel Memorial Passover Food Drive and for the generous contributions made to Men’s Club in support of the Yom Hashoah Yellow Candle program.

On February 28, 2015, members of the Men’s Club demonstrated their davening skills at Men’s Club Shabbat. Our Prayer Leader was Bob Billet and our davening was led by David Cohen, Bob Lankin and Steve Shapiro. Our Torah readers were Mark Love, Israel Skolnick, Josh Pilchik, Steve Kelsen, Harry Leibson, Harry Salem, Max Miller and Aaron Mansheim who also chanted Haftarah. “Past Men’s Club Presidents,” “Officers of the Men’s Club,” “Men’s Club Board members,” “Men who play on the Beth Sholom Softball teams,” and “New Members of Beth Sholom” were honored with aliyot. Also participating in the service were Jerry Hellmann, David Sternberg, Andy Shaw, Joel Ravitch, Steve Perlman, Dan Norris, Myron Goldman, Jeff Gordon, and Al First. Don Sable gave a passionate D’var Torah on achievements made by the State of Israel. Hazzan David Tilman closed out the service leading all of the participants in the service in a spirited Adon Olam.

In March, we welcomed recently elected Congressman Brendan Boyle to our Men’s Club Brunch; we packed Yom Hashoah Yellow candles each labeled with the name of a child who perished in the Shoah, and we supported Project H.O.P.E. by packing Passover food packages for distribution to needy families. Attendees at the Bernard Wolfman Civil Discourse Project Forum appreciated our assistance registering and greeting them to the program.

Our slate of Officers and Board Members was elected at our Closing Dinner on May 7, 2015. Yacher koach to David Sternberg, our next President and the enthusiastic slate of officers who will continue to present relevant and compelling programming not just for the Men’s Club but for the entire Beth Sholom community.

Don Sable, our Programming Vice-President, is again planning a Men’s Club Mini Summer Film Festival, with our first film viewing in June.

The Men’s Club has two softball teams in the Delaware Valley Synagogue League. There are nineteen teams in the Delaware Valley Synagogue League, representing synagogues and Jewish organizations located in Eastern Montgomery County, Lower Bucks County and Northeast Philadelphia. Anyone interested may contact Gary Kushner at [email protected], Steve Pilchik at [email protected] or Jon Tabas at [email protected].

Michael and Eileen Weingram, Len and Linda Abrams, Hazzan Weber, and my wife Susan and I will be attending the Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs International Convention in Miami Beach in July. Michael will be honored with the Region’s Ma’asim Tovim Award from the Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs and Hazzan Weber, along with five other Cantors, will perform in a cantorial musical extravaganza.

Football Season begins before Labor Day. Please support our fundraising goals by joining the Men’s Club Football Pools. Send your check for $50 to join the Survivor Pool or join the Hi/Lo Pool for $100. Better yet, join both. If you have any questions, please contact Don Sable at [email protected]. Information can also be found on our website

It’s not too early to start thinking about our Family Sukkah Project. Email our head Sukkah Builder, Jon Tabas at [email protected] to order a Sukkah or to have your Sukkah rebuilt.

This is my last Connections article as President of the Men’s Club. The past three years have been truly rewarding and I feel so fortunate to have had the honor to be President of the Men’s Club of our Congregation. Being President has truly been a growth experience for me as it forced me to step out of my “comfort zone” and do things I never thought I would be able to do. I feel very fortunate to have worked with a wonderful group of men who have all helped in making the last three years a success.

I would like to thank the Officers, Board Members and the Past Presidents for their support and the work they have done during the past three years. I also want to thank our clergy, professional, office, and housekeeping staffs for their efforts and thoughtfulness in supporting the Men’s Club.

As you can see, our Men’s Club has numerous activities and projects all year long. There are activities and projects for every man in our community and I want to invite every man in our Congregation to participate in Men’s Club. My wife Susan and my son Max join me in wishing you a wonderful summer.

Beth Sholom Men’s Club members are seen here packing Yom Hashoah candles for mailing.

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Exciting News from the Visitor Center

The Beth Sholom Visitors Center had a tour from Taiwan visit this past Spring. This brings us to 63 countries who have come for tours! We hope everyone is enjoying the new elevator and we are thrilled that we can offer accessible tours.

July and August tours will be by appointment only so contact the Preservation Foundation office at 215-887-1342, ext 227 or visit for more information.

Please keep the Visitor Center in mind when booking Board or Special Event meetings. We have many catering options available for groups and we can offer a tour to your group before or after a meeting or event.

Ami Profeta using the new elevator.

Eugene Pohl Memorial College Program

Attention College Students, Parents and Grandparents of College Students

Help us reach out!

We like to keep in touch with our college students by sending them gift packages

around the Jewish holidays. Help us by giving the office your student’s information. Please

contact Karen Sandler at the synagogue office with any questions at

215-887-1342, ext. 101 or by email at [email protected].

Yom Hashoah Yellow Candle Chair, Saul Langsam and Beth Sholom Men’s Club President Elliot Miller

A note from Sylvia & Harold Paul

Dear friends and Rabbis:

Many thanks for your coming to the funeral and Shiva House in memory of our beloved grandson, Hale Paul. May you and your families be blessed with good health filled with much happiness for the wonderful feeling you gave us.


Sylvia and Harold Paul

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10th Annual Beth SholomShabbat at the Shore

Bring a blanket or beach chair & join us onthe beach in front of 9100 Atlantic Avenue &

Cedar Grove in Margate, NJ

Casual Shabbat Service followed by dinner

Friday Evening, August 21, 2015

7 pm Davening on the beach (weather permitting)8 pm Casual Shabbat dinner at the Island House (RSVPS required)

Outside beach service open to all (weather permitting)

Cost for Dinner: $24 per person $16 for kids under 12Dinner Reservations & payment due by August 17For more information, please contact Julie Glass at

215.887.3625 ext. 216 or [email protected]

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-------------------- Beth Sholom Family News --------------------BirthsDina & Brad Baker on the birth of their grandson, Atlas Ebel BakerLaynie & Leor Barazani and Susan & Moshe Barazani on the birth of their son and grandson, Noah Aiden BarazaniShoshi & Eli Nadav on the birth of their grandson, Chai ShoshaniRonniza & David Schlesinger on the birth of their daughter, Lauren Ariela SchlesingerMiriam & Jamshid Tehrani on the birth of their granddaughter, Eliana Sarai LevyGayle & Warren Vogel on the birth of their granddaughter, Josie Maya VogelGreta & Andrew Wrigley on the birth of their son, Shael Emmet

EngagementsRene & Mark Feitelson on the engagement of their daughter, Adena, to Ben FlaxWarren Jaffe on his engagement to Alyse SciollaHelen & Neil Shupak on the engagement of their son, Brian to Tiffany FemianoEllen & Hazzan David Tilman on the engagement of their son, Rabbi Howard Tilman to Naomi KarpRenee & Rob Van Naarden on the engagement of their son, Jacob, to Courtney Ryder

MarriagesCharlotte Weisberg & Rafael Grinberg on their marriage

Mazal Tov!Lorna Adelman on the naming her great granddaughter, Sydney MehokRuth Bluethenthal Appel on the Aufruf of her son, Ben Appel, and Hannah OstroffRabbi Deborah Glanzberg-Krainin on her new position as Chief Program & Strategy Officer of Jewish Federation of Greater PhiladelphiaMichael Schatz on receiving his doctorate in Jewish Education from Gratz CollegeJonathan Tabas on being named 2014 Surveyor of the Year by the PA Society of Land Surveyors

Get Well WishesGinger BlockJerry BlockAlbert Mills

In Recent MemoriamSYLVIA BOXBAUMmother of Marc BoxbaumEVELYN CHAIRMANGERTRUDE DASHmother of Mark Dash

ELIZABETH DIAMONDHonorary Director of Beth Sholommother of Elaine MeyersJACK FELDMANDAVID LEHMANfather of Doreen ShelowRAYMOND FREUDBERGHusband of Myra FreudbergRICHARD FREYMANbrother of Betsy WolfDR. JACOB GOLDSTEINROSA GOLDSTEINSONDRA RENDELMANHARVEY EARLE ROTTERfather of Jeff RotterRITA ROSENmother of Simon RosenJUDITH STENDIGmother of Debbie GoldsteinARNOLD ZASLOWbrother of Jerome Zaslow

Hazzan Emeritus David F. Tilman is pictured with Philadelphia Orchestra Music Director Yannick Nezet-Seguin backstage at Verizon Hall prior to his last panel discussion on the Leonard Bernstein Mass. He participated in four panels on theological, musical, and thematic topics in the Mass. These topics were presented at Temple University and on the Verizon Hall stage prior to three performances of this masterpiece.

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SOCIAL ACTION/MITZVOT B’YAHADNorma Finkelstein and Jeannette Norris, Co-Chairs

On Shabbat morning, April 11th, Judith Bernstein Baker, Executive Director of HIAS Pennsylvania and Justin Mixon, an Immigrant Youth Attorney for HIAS PA, presented a wonderful program at our annual Reitenberg Memorial/ Social Action-Mitzvot B’yahad Lunch and Learn. They noted that the mission of HIAS- to provide legal and supportive services to immigrants and refugees from all backgrounds- is based on the core Jewish belief of welcoming the stranger and the basic Jewish value of treating every individual with dignity, compassion and respect. Our speakers were able to give all who attended great insight into the complex legal and social problems facing immigrant youth. It is vital to support the mitzvah work of HIAS, which continues to ensure that immigrants are treated fairly and are fully integrated into American society.

Summertime is here…and so our work in the Mitzvah Garden begins! Alan Rothman, our knowledgeable and dedicated garden supervisor, will once again oversee the planting of a variety of vegetables. This fresh produce, grown in our own soil, is distributed each week at the Mitzvah Food Pantry and is greatly appreciated.Help is needed throughout the summer months to keep our plants growing strong and to harvest in the fall.

If you enjoy being outdoors, this is the volunteer opportunity for you! Please contact Alan Rothman at [email protected].

A recent article featured in the spring 2015 issue of “Voices of Conservative/Masorti Judaism” focused on a growing trend in Conservative congregations throughout the country. Social action is becoming a powerful tool to engage people who are otherwise not interested in joining synagogues. In addition to the positive impact social action has on the larger community, there is increasing evidence that people are developing a deeper, more meaningful connection with their Judaism when there is a focus on tikkun olam - repairing the world - as a core commitment of synagogue life. Social action is rooted in Jewish values and links the Torah’s commandments to hands-on work and advocacy. Rabbi David Baum of Congregation Shaarei Kodesh in Boca Raton, Florida: “We have these commandments to feed the hungry and look out for the less fortunate. When people learn and then do it, they become more connected to Judaism and G-d.”

The goal of Mitzvot B’yahad is to engage our congregants in learning and conversations on issues about which they are most passionate. Our mission is to advocate for and help those who are struggling in our communities, both within our walls and outside of them. It is exciting to read about a growing involvement in social action and social justice as part of a larger change among Conservative synagogues. Throughout history, Jews have always believed in the warmth and power of community. ”We didn’t call it social action,” said Deborah Goldstein, social action chair at Beth Meyer Synagogue in Raleigh, NC. “We called it taking care of each other…and most of us just do it instinctively. As we move forward and think about who we are, this is part of it. This is who we’ve always been.” ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Mazal Tov To our BaT MiTzvah!

Sophie Warsetsky

Daughter of Sarah and Stuart Warsetsky

June 13, 2015

Sophie is a seventh grade student at Jack M. Barrack Hebrew Academy where her favorite subjects are dance and art. She is also a member of the dance and art clubs at school. She competes in local dance competitions and enjoys cake decorating, listening to music and bonding with her sisters over TV shows. Sophie participates in the Rosh Hodesh: It’s a Girl Thing program and every summer she attends Camp Ramah in the Poconos. Sophie has two sisters, Ashley and Hailey, and her grandparents are Sharon and Stephen Seiden and Barbra and Gerry Warsetsky.

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©2014 JBHA


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DONATIONS: Beth Sholom Congregation thanks you for supporting the operating budget through your donations in appreciation, honor and memory.

Connections Page 16

Florence & I Alan Cohen Fund Contributions By .......................................... In Honor Janet Wolk & Family . Recovery, Rabbi Andrea Merow Cook for a Friend Contributions By ............................... In Appreciation Canasta Ladies .................................. Cook for a Friend Contributions By .......................................... In Honor Devorah Roberts-Grosky & Aaron Grosky.................... ........................................... Volunteer, Ronne Hellman Devorah Roberts-Grosky & Aaron Grosky ................................... Volunteer, Rosa Goldstein (z”l) Elly & Joe Kaman................... Birth, Eliana Sarai Levy Agnes & Charles Kraus ............ Happy Purim, Joy Fish Agnes & Charles Kraus ........................... Happy Purim, Rabbi & Mrs. Layman Agnes & Charles Kraus ...... Happy Purim, Sora Landes Agnes & Charles Kraus ................ Happy Purim, Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Diamond Agnes & Charles Kraus ......................... Happy Purim, Hazzan & Ellen Tilman Agnes & Charles Kraus ............................ Happy Purim, Fran & Larry Chelder Rebecca and Sora Landes .. Happy Purim to our friends Pat & Jules Mendelsohn ......... Recovery, Robert Rubin Kay Schwartz ........................ Recovery, Linda Abrams Kay Schwartz ......................... Birth, Eliana Sarai Levy Kay Schwartz ......................... Recovery, Muriel Tabas Kay Schwartz .......................... Birth, Atlas Ebel Baker Kay Schwartz ..................... Recovery, Felice Orlansky Shirley Weiner ............................ Recovery, Bob Rubin Contributions By ...................................... In Memory Wendy & Larry Cohen ........................... Judith Stendig Matthew Ekstein ................................. Edwin Schwartz Family Education Fund Contributions By .......................................... In Honor Billy Neuman ................... Birthday, Eileen Finkelstein Contributions By ...................................... In Memory Marcia Halpern & Jay Leistner ....... Sondra Rendelman Marcia Halpern & Jay Leistner .................... Rita Rosen Marcia Halpern & Jay Leistner ............. Jenny Bruskoff Barbara & Harry Goldberg Fund for Jewish Education Contributions By ............................... In Appreciation Howard Goldberg .............................Jewish Education Contributions By ...................................... In Memory Howard Goldberg ..................................... Ruth Werner Scot Goldberg .............................Mildred Diamondston Scot Goldberg ................................... Evelyn Schneider Scot & Debbie Goldberg ...................... Harry Goldberg Dr. Jacob & Rosa Goldstein Memorial Fund Contributions By ...................................... In Memory Rachael & Josh, Abrams & family . Dr. Jacob Goldstein Bernice Adoni................................ Dr. Jacob Goldstein Lynn Album .................................. Dr. Jacob Goldstein American Financial Advisors ......... Dr. Jacob Goldstein Claire Baliban ................................ Dr. Jacob Goldstein Sara & Bruce Berger ...................... Dr. Jacob Goldstein Ilana & Josh Berlin ........................ Dr. Jacob Goldstein Sheila Berman ............................... Dr. Jacob Goldstein Beth Sholom Men's Club ............... Dr. Jacob Goldstein Beth Sholom Sisterhood................. Dr. Jacob Goldstein Arlene & Stephan Bieber ............... Dr. Jacob Goldstein Barbara Block ................................ Dr. Jacob Goldstein Ginger & Jerry Block ..................... Dr. Jacob Goldstein Arlene & Albert Brest .................... Dr. Jacob Goldstein Rosalyn & Larry Buchsbaum ......... Dr. Jacob Goldstein Irene Cluck .................................... Dr. Jacob Goldstein Wendy & Larry Cohen .................. Dr. Jacob Goldstein Judy Cohen .................................... Dr. Jacob Goldstein Sarah & Sonny Coslov ................... Dr. Jacob Goldstein Sidney Cramer ............................... Dr. Jacob Goldstein Hilma Cramer ................................ Dr. Jacob Goldstein Cuban Community Center ............. Dr. Jacob Goldstein Diane & Harvey Cutler .................. Dr. Jacob Goldstein Jeanette & Mark Dash.................... Dr. Jacob Goldstein

Fyllis & Mark Etter ....................... Dr. Jacob Goldstein Patti & Al First .............................. Dr. Jacob Goldstein Barbara & Kenneth Forman ........... Dr. Jacob Goldstein Joan & Larry Freedman ................. Dr. Jacob Goldstein Suzan & Harvey Friedrich ............. Dr. Jacob Goldstein Helene Geiss ................................. Dr. Jacob Goldstein Jeffrey Gladstein ........................... Dr. Jacob Goldstein Belinda & Alex Glijansky.............. Dr. Jacob Goldstein Heidi & Jeffrey Gordon ................. Dr. Jacob Goldstein Heidi & Jeff Gordon ...................... Dr. Jacob Goldstein The Grafstein Family ..................... Dr. Jacob Goldstein Heather Greenberg ........................ Dr. Jacob Goldstein Sylvia & Robert Greenspan ........... Dr. Jacob Goldstein Bernice & Marcel Groen ............... Dr. Jacob Goldstein Shari & Bob Henry ........................ Dr. Jacob Goldstein Robert Iocco .................................. Dr. Jacob Goldstein Esther Janoff ................................. Dr. Jacob Goldstein Harriet & Mark Kay ...................... Dr. Jacob Goldstein Elly & Joe Kamen ......................... Dr. Jacob Goldstein Rhena & Steve Kelsen ................... Dr. Jacob Goldstein Carol Kershbaum........................... Dr. Jacob Goldstein Elsie & Harold Kolansky ............... Dr. Jacob Goldstein Agnes and Rabbi Charles Kraus .... Dr. Jacob Goldstein Ruth & Rabbi Robert Layman ....... Dr. Jacob Goldstein Miriam Lefkowitz & family ........... Dr. Jacob Goldstein Ellyn & Seth Lehr.......................... Dr. Jacob Goldstein Valerie & Joe Lieberman ............... Dr. Jacob Goldstein Marcia Halpern & Jay Leistner ...... Dr. Jacob Goldstein Esther & William Litvin ................ Dr. Jacob Goldstein Judy & Bill Loy ............................. Dr. Jacob Goldstein Cheryl & Barry Magen .................. Dr. Jacob Goldstein Marial & George Manstein ............ Dr. Jacob Goldstein Susan & Jules Markowitz .............. Dr. Jacob Goldstein Adela Matyas ................................ Dr. Jacob Goldstein Tina & Tim Maxey ........................ Dr. Jacob Goldstein Sara Mayer ................................... Dr. Jacob Goldstein Pat & Jules Mendelsohn ................ Dr. Jacob Goldstein Ivy & David Mermelstein .............. Dr. Jacob Goldstein Sonny and Edward Merow ............ Dr. Jacob Goldstein Ellen & Saul Miller ....................... Dr. Jacob Goldstein Marilyn Miller ............................... Dr. Jacob Goldstein Susan & Elliot Miller..................... Dr. Jacob Goldstein Fern & Neil Mittin......................... Dr. Jacob Goldstein Shirley & Sidney Morgan .............. Dr. Jacob Goldstein Sharon & Craig Myers ................... Dr. Jacob Goldstein Jeannette & Dan Norris ................. Dr. Jacob Goldstein Phila. Gastroenterology Assoc. ...... Dr. Jacob Goldstein Lee Pincus ..................................... Dr. Jacob Goldstein Charles Plotnick ............................ Dr. Jacob Goldstein Joyce & Frank Podietz ................... Dr. Jacob Goldstein Emily Pons .................................... Dr. Jacob Goldstein Myriam & Isaac Reiser .................. Dr. Jacob Goldstein Gerri & Allen Richmond ............... Dr. Jacob Goldstein Diego Rivera ................................. Dr. Jacob Goldstein Selma & Marty Roffman ............... Dr. Jacob Goldstein Miriam Rosen ................................ Dr. Jacob Goldstein Paula & Alan Rothman .................. Dr. Jacob Goldstein Anne & Harvey Rubin ................... Dr. Jacob Goldstein Elaine Rubin.................................. Dr. Jacob Goldstein Randye & Don Sable ..................... Dr. Jacob Goldstein Judy & Lionel Schlank .................. Dr. Jacob Goldstein Gloria Schwartz ............................. Dr. Jacob Goldstein Kay Schwartz ................................ Dr. Jacob Goldstein Beverly & Jerry Segal …… ........... Dr. Jacob Goldstein Judy & Steven Shapiro .................. Dr. Jacob Goldstein Judith & Jacob Shipon ................... Dr. Jacob Goldstein Helen & Neil Shupak ..................... Dr. Jacob Goldstein Paula & Craig Sobel ...................... Dr. Jacob Goldstein Joan & Jerry Spivack ..................... Dr. Jacob Goldstein David Statman ............................... Dr. Jacob Goldstein Corinne Stone ................................ Dr. Jacob Goldstein Terry Straus ................................... Dr. Jacob Goldstein Betsy Tabas ................................... Dr. Jacob Goldstein Linda & Jonathan Tabas ................ Dr. Jacob Goldstein Muriel Tabas Ecker ....................... Dr. Jacob Goldstein Michael Trager .............................. Dr. Jacob Goldstein Ann & Robert Tuteur..................... Dr. Jacob Goldstein Renee & Rob Van Naarden .......... Dr. Jacob Goldstein

Gayle & Warren Vogel ................. Dr. Jacob Goldstein Susan & Marvin Weinberg ............ Dr. Jacob Goldstein Eileen & Michael Weingram ......... Dr. Jacob Goldstein Weiss-Shore Family ...................... Dr. Jacob Goldstein Arlene & Barry Weissman ............ Dr. Jacob Goldstein Miriam Wexler .............................. Dr. Jacob Goldstein Betsy & Sheldon Wolf .................. Dr. Jacob Goldstein Marla & Fred Wolfson .................. Dr. Jacob Goldstein Elvira & Jose Zuazo ...................... Dr. Jacob Goldstein Hazzan Weber’s Discretionary Fund Contributions By .............................. In Appreciation Shelley & Carl Hittinger .... Birth, Chai Shoshani Nadav Shelley & Carl Hittinger ......... Marriage, Charlotte Weisberg & Rafael Grinberg Susanna & Rick Manstein .......................................... Birth, Chai Shoshani Nadav Susanna & Rick Manstein ......... Marriage, Charlotte Weisberg & Rafael Grinberg The Koval Family ............. Bat Mitzvah, Hannah Koval Weiss-Shore Family ........................Hazzan’s Kindness Betsy & Sheldon Wolf ................. Gratitude for Hazzan Contributions By ......................................... In Honor Elaine Frankel .................................Birth, Eden Coslov Holocaust Education Fund Contributions By ......................................... In Honor Shelley & Carl Hittinger ........... Birth, Atlas Ebel Baker Shelley & Carl Hittinger .. Birth, Lev Benjamin Berman Shelley & Carl Hittinger ......... Marriage, Adam Kornblau & Carolina Bencosme Shelley & Carl Hittinger ...................................... Birth, William Logan Wolfson Contributions By ...................................... In Memory Shelley & Carl Hittinger ................ Dr. Jacob Goldstein Shelley & Carl Hittinger .............................. Rita Rosen Shelley & Carl Hittinger ................ Harvey Earle Rotter Shelley & Carl Hittinger .............................. Rita Rosen Shelley & Carl Hittinger ............................. Janet Weiss Honorial Fund Contributions By .............................. In Appreciation Betsy & Sheldon Wolf ........... Gratitude, Fred Wolfson Betsy & Sheldon Wolf .............Gratitude, Steve Kelsen Contributions By ......................................... In Honor Noga & Maurice Gold .......... Mazal Tov, Rabbi Merow Shelley & Carl Hittinger .... Birth, Noah Aiden Barazani Shelley & Carl Hittinger .......... Recovery, Ginger Block Leibson Family ............................. Our Shabbat Aliyah Susanna & Rick Manstein .......................................... Birth, Noah Aiden Barazani Susanna & Rick Manstein ....... Recovery, Ginger Block Phyllis & Harry Salem ...... Bat Mitzvah, Hannah Koval Gail & Harold Stein ............... Birth, Eden Allie Coslov Israel Action Committee Contributions By ......................................... In Honor Selma & Marty Roffman ..... Recovery, Felice Orlansky Contributions By ...................................... In Memory Judy & Steven Shapiro .................... Sandra Rendelman Memorial Fund Contributions By ...................................... In Memory Lorna Adelman ............................. Dr. Jacob Goldstein Bernice Adoni ...............................Raymond Freudberg Albert & Arlene Brest ............................ Judith Stendig Jeanne & Stuart Byrd ........................ Florence Leistner Suzan & Harvey Friedrich ...................... Judith Stendig Phyllis & Jill Goodman .................... Matilda Goodman Julie & Joseph Gronich ................... Sondra Rendelman Marla & Bob Haaz ................................. Judith Stendig Marla & Bob Haaz .............................. Barry Silverman Shelley & Carl Hittinger ...................... Sylvia Boxbaum Shelley & Carl Hittinger .................... Richard Freyman Shelley & Carl Hittinger ........................Rosa Goldstein Shelley & Carl Hittinger ........................ Arnold Zaslow Shelley & Carl Hittinger .................. Sondra Rendelman Caryn & Norman Klar ............................ Lillian Devins

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Leibowitz Family ........................... Harvey Earle Rotter Mimi Mager ............................................ Lillian Devins Susanna & Rick Manstein ................... Sylvia Boxbaum Susanna & Rick Manstein .................. Richard Freyman Susanna & Rick Manstein ..................... Rosa Goldstein Susanna & Rick Manstein ............... Sondra Rendelman Susanna & Rick Manstein ..................... Arnold Zaslow Carra & Scott Minkoff & Family ................. Rita Rosen Tracey & Albert Papa ................. Evelyn Silk Chairman Bette Petrov & Family ............................ Mollie Lankin Harriet & Bruce Rabb ............................. Lillian Devins Kay Schwartz ......................................... Beloved Wife Judy & Steven Shapiro ............................ Judith Stendig Liz & Bob Solms ......................................... Rita Rosen Joan & Gerald Spivak ........................... Bernard Borine Gail & Harold Stein ........................................ Ida Stein Linda & Jonathan Tabas .................... Florence Leistner Linda & Jonathan Tabas ......................... Mollie Lankin Linda & Jonathan Tabas ......................... Judith Stendig Linda & Jonathan Tabas .............................. Rita Rosen Miriam & Jamshid Tehrani ............ Dr. Jacob Goldstein Evelyn Toll ....................................... Betty Lynn Dubin Evelyn Toll ........................................... Edna Nameroff Susan & Marvin Weinberg .............. Sondra Rendelman Susan & Marvin Weinberg ............. Harvey Earle Rotter Sharon Zisserman .......................................Shirley Silk Men’s Club Charities Contributions By ...................................... In Memory Stanley Daniel ......................................... Vally Bacher Stanley Daniel .................................... Hedwig Budwig Stanley Daniel ..................................... Samuel Budwig Minyan & Munch Contributions By .......................................... In Honor Bernice & Mark Schwartz ...................................... Man of the Year, Len Abrams Contributions By ...................................... In Memory Fern & Neil Mittin .................................. Judith Stendig Marla & Fred Wolfson ............................ Judith Stendig Marla & Fred Wolfson ........................... David Einstein Marla & Fred Wolfson .................... Elizabeth Diamond Mitzvah Food Pantry Contributions By ............................... In Appreciation Mickey Black ................................................ Seth Lehr Arlene & Albert Brest ................. Rabbi Andrea Merow Dajo Company ............................. Mitzvah Food Pantry Alan & Ruth Horowitz ................. Mitzvah Food Pantry Susan Hurwitz ............................. Mitzvah Food Pantry Lynne Poritsky............................ Rabbi Andrea Merow Lynne Poritsky..................................... Larry Oxenberg Lynne Poritsky..............................................Don Sable Mary Elise Ross.......................... Mitzvah Food Pantry Sharon Stein ................................ Mitzvah Food Pantry Contributions By .......................................... In Honor Penny & Sheldon Bernick .. Birthday, Sharon Bornstein Eileen Finkelstein ............... Recovery, Felice Orlansky Elly & Joe Kamen...................Recovery, David Tilman Janet Levin ................ Special Birthday, Claire Schafus Pam & Joe Yohlin.............. Birthday, Sharon Bornstein Contributions By ...................................... In Memory Lynn Brenner ...................................... Joseph L. Sarner Lynn Brenner ........................................ Leonard Sarner Lynn Brenner ......................................... Marion Sarner Morton Brenner ..............................Edward A. Brenner Arlene & Albert Brest ............................ Lynn Arbittier Muriel Tabas Ecker ...................... Raymond Freudberg Muriel Tabas Ecker ........................... Evelyn Chairman Eileen Finkelstein .......................... Dr. Jacob Goldstein Eileen Finkelstein ........................................ Rita Rosen Estelle Katz .......................................... Fannie Barnow Estelle Katz ........................................... Harry Barnow Estelle Katz ................................................ Harry Katz Miriam Lefkowitz ........................................ Rita Rosen Sara & Steven Levin & Family .............. Gertrude Dash Sylvia & Harold Paul ........................ Seymour Zubatch Miriam Rosen ................................ Dr. Jacob Goldstein

Miriam & Allan Schneirov ............ Dr. Jacob Goldstein Shirley Weiner ....................................... Henry Boreen Music Fund Contributions By .......................................... In Honor Kay Schwartz ....................... Recovery, Hazzan Tilman Miriam Norris Memorial Contributions By .......................................... In Honor Sharon & Chuck Presser .......................... Gilda Tainow Contributions By ...................................... In Memory Rebecca Landau ..................................... Miriam Norris Valarie & Joe Lieberman ............................ Janet Weiss Valerie & Joe Lieberman ...................... Barbara Brown Ethel Hamburger ................................Marvin Jacobson Ethel Hamburger ................................Hyman Jacobson Ethel Hamburger .................................. Betty Jacobson Ethel Hamburger ................................ Irvin Hamburger Prayer Books/Etz Hayim Bibles Contributions By .......................................... In Honor Penny & Sheldon Bernick... Birthday, Sharon Bornstein Contributions By ...................................... In Memory Marge Boxbaum ..................................... Mollie Lankin Gloria & Michael Dion ................................ Doris Dion Gloria & Michael Dion ........................... Mollie Lankin Gloria & Michael Dion ......................... E. Manny Stein Lana Dishler ........................................... Mollie Lankin Amy, Genna & Jordan Greenbaum ......... Mollie Lankin Carol Klinbraha ...................................... Mollie Lankin Debbie & Neil Klinger ........................... Mollie Lankin Erica Loney ............................................ Mollie Lankin Anita & Nathan Shatz .................... Dr. Jacob Goldstein Shirley Weiner .................................. Florence Leistner Mona Weinstein ..................................... Mollie Lankin Preschool Contributions By ............................... In Appreciation Sarah & Sonny Coslov................ Rabbi Andrea Merow Carol Kershbaum............. Eileen & Michael Weingram Bernice & Mark Schwartz .............. Michael Weingram Contributions By .......................................... In Honor Marissa & Noah Coslov ............ Naming, Ruby Coslov Sarah & Sonny Coslov............. Birth, Atlas Eden Baker Sarah & Sonny Coslov......... Recovery, Susan Friedrich Sarah & Sonny Coslov......... Recovery, Larry Oxenberg Sarah & Sonny Coslov..... Birth, Lev Benjamin Berman Sarah & Sonny Coslov............ Birth, Josie Maya Vogel Muriel Tabas Ecker ................ Birth, Josie Maya Vogel Eileen & Michael Weingram .......... Birth, Eden Coslov Contributions By ...................................... In Memory Sarah & Sonny Coslov................... Harvey Earle Rotter Sarah & Sonny Coslov............................ Judith Stendig Sarah & Sonny Coslov..................... Sondra Rendelman Eileen & Michael Weingram ....................... Rita Rosen Eileen & Michael Weingram .................. Judith Stendig Eileen & Michael Weingram ............. Richard Freyman Eileen & Michael Weingram ..... Father of Susan Kenig Rabbi Glanzberg-Krainin Discretionary Fund Contributions By ............................... In Appreciation Julie & Joseph Gronich ................................. Tzedakah Andras & Theresa Spiegel ..... Rabbi Glansberg-Krainin Betsy & Sheldon Wolf ................................... Gratitude Rabbi Aaron Landes Educational Endowment Fund Contributions By .......................................... In Honor Jeffrey & Heidi Gordon .......... Birth, Josie Maya Vogel Contributions By ...................................... In Memory Audrey Berger ........................................... Mikey Pines Judy & Bill Loy ...................................... Judith Stendig Corinne Stone ..................................... Nan Banks Wolf Corinne Stone ...........................................Harold Stone Rabbi Merow Discretionary Fund Contributions By ............................... In Appreciation Jill, Matt & Hannah Ammins ...... Rabbi Andrea Merow

Ruth Bluethenthal-Appel ............. Rabbi Andrea Merow Joshua & Bryna Landes & Family .................................................... Rabbi Andrea Merow Ramah Scholarship Fund Contributions By .............................. In Appreciation Arlene & Stephan Bieber................ Michael Weingram Miriam & Jamshid Tehrani.......... Rabbi Andrea Merow Contributions By ......................................... In Honor Arlene & Stephen Bieber .... Engagement, Jacob Van Naarden to Courtney Ryder Muriel Tabas Ecker ............... Birthday, Shirley Weiner Muriel Tabas Ecker ................Recovery, Linda Abrams Carol Kershbaum .............. Birthday, Sasha Kershbaum Ruth & Robert Layman .................... Engagement, Adena Feitelson to Ben Flax Anita & Nate Schatz ... Special birthday, Amnon Sitchin Joan & Jerry Spivack ........ Recovery, Rob Van Naarden Miriam & Tamshid Tehrani .... Birth, Josie Maya Vogel Miriam & Tamshid Tehrani ......... Marriage, Adam Kornblau to Caroline Bencosme Contributions By ...................................... In Memory Abrams Family ................................ Sondra Rendelman Linda & Leonard Abrams ....................... Judith Stendig Rosa Goldstein (z”l) .......................... Seymour Zubatch Bernice & Marcel Groen ........................ Judith Stendig Bob Lankin ...................................... Molly Schleifstein Linda Levin & Family ..................... Sondra Rendelman Anita & Nate Schatz .................................... Steve Lynn Anita & Nathan Schatz ................... Marley Goldbacher Anita & Nate Schatz ...................................... Ed Cohen Judy & Steven Shapiro ...................... Richard Freyman Scholarship Fund Contributions By ......................................... In Honor The Glijanskys .......... Engagement, Kimberly Kaufman School Fund Contributions By ......................................... In Honor Sarah & Sonny Coslov ...... Bat Mitzvah, Hannah Koval Contributions By ...................................... In Memory Elly & Joe Kamen ...................................... Janet Weiss The Shores ................................................. Janet Weiss Samuel Shuster Kosher Mitzvah Food Pantry Contributions By ......................................... In Honor Sara & Bruce Berger ........................ Birth, Josie Vogel Sara & Bruce Berger ........................ Engagement Michael to Fernanda Loya Kay Schwartz ......................... Birth, Josie Maya Vogel Kay Schwartz ................... Birth, William Logan Schatz Kay Schwartz ....................... Recovery, Marilyn Miller Kay Schwartz ............................ Recovery, Evelyn Toll Kay Schwartz ...................... Recovery, Rene Goldsman Kay Schwartz ........................... Recovery, Lynn Album Kay Schwartz .................... Bat Mitzvah, Hannah Koval Judi & Steven Shapiro ............. Marriage, David Langsam to Stephanie Levine Judi & Steven Shapiro ............ Birth, Josie Maya Vogel Helen & Neil Shupak .............Recovery, Linda Abrams Helen & Neil Shupak ..................... Birth, Emma Miller Helen & Neil Shupak ............... Birth, Sean Henry Isard Helen & Neil Shupak ........... Recovery, Marilyn Miller Gayle & Warren Vogel ............. Recovery Lynn Album Gayle & Warren Vogel .... Recovery, Lisa Weiss-Shore Gayle & Warren Vogel .................... Birth, Eliana Levy Gayle & Warren Vogel ........ Recovery, Marilyn Miller Contributions By ...................................... In Memory Florence Alman ............................................ Sol Alman Beth Zion-Beth Israel Minyan ..................... Rita Rosen Helen & Neil Shupak ............................. Carl Gochman Helen & Neil Shupak ................................. Janet Weiss Helen & Neil Shupak ......................... Esther Silverman Helen & Neil Shupak ...................... Sandra Rendelman Gayle & Warren Vogel .............................. Janet Weiss

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Social Action Contributions By ............................... In Appreciation Carol Kershbaum ................ Susan & Marvin Weinberg Contributions By ...................................... In Memory Susan & Jules Markowitz ...................... David Lehman Susan & Jules Markowitz .............. Dr. Jacob Goldstein Temple Sholom Legacy Fund Contributions By ............................... In Appreciation Denise LePera............................................. Arnie Lurie Contributions By ...................................... In Memory Lori Blank & Family .................................. Janet Weiss Sandy Blumstein ........................................ Janet Weiss Sandy & David Chernow ........................... Janet Weiss Brenda Edelman ........................................ Janet Weiss Frannie Kaplan Grossman .......................... Janet Weiss Glori & Jordan Kasner ............................... Janet Weiss Kathi & Steven Kauffman .......................... Janet Weiss Miriam, Sarah & Rachel Lefkowitz............ Janet Weiss Sherri & Stuart Leibowitz .......................... Janet Weiss Marcia & Jordan Levin .............................. Janet Weiss Helene & Aaron Mansheim ....................... Janet Weiss Selma & Marty Roffman ............................ Janet Weiss Rubin Family ............................................. Janet Weiss Kay Schwartz ............................................ Janet Weiss Rosalie & Harold Shore ............................. Janet Weiss Universal Accessibility Fund Contributions By .......................................... In Honor Bernice Adoni............ Recovery, Rabbi Andrea Merow Sheila Berman & Isaac Bensadoun ..................................... Birth, Goldman granddaughter Linda Bojman ............ Recovery, Rabbi Andrea Merow Ginger & Jerry Block . Recovery, Rabbi Andrea Merow Norma Finkelstein & Marvin Levine .................................. Recovery, Rabbi Andrea Merow Patti & Al First .......... Recovery, Rabbi Andrea Merow Noga & Maurice Gold & Family .................................. Recovery, Rabbi Andrea Merow Bernice & Marcel Groen ............................................... .................................. Recovery, Rabbi Andrea Merow Elly & Joe Kamen...... Recovery, Rabbi Andrea Merow Harriet & Mark Kay... Recovery, Rabbi Andrea Merow Rhena & Steve Kelsen .................................. Recovery, Rabbi Andrea Merow Sora Landes ............... Recovery, Rabbi Andrea Merow Ruth & Rabbi Robert Layman .................................. Recovery, Rabbi Andrea Merow Val & Joe Lieberman . Recovery, Rabbi Andrea Merow Ellen & Saul Miller .... Recovery, Rabbi Andrea Merow Neuhauser & Driban family .................................. Recovery, Rabbi Andrea Merow Shirley & Jules Pearlstine .................................. Recovery, Rabbi Andrea Merow Lee Pincus & Family . Recovery, Rabbi Andrea Merow Chaya Pittler .............. Recovery, Rabbi Andrea Merow Selma & Marty Roffman .................................. Recovery, Rabbi Andrea Merow Caroline & Marvin Rosenbaum .................................. Recovery, Rabbi Andrea Merow Libby Schwartz & Rhea Rhode .................................. Recovery, Rabbi Andrea Merow Helen & Neil Shupak . Recovery, Rabbi Andrea Merow Contributions By ...................................... In Memory Susan & Elliot Miller .............................. Judith Stendig Diane & James Schott .................... Dr. Jacob Goldstein Yahrzeits Contributions By ...................................... In Memory Randy Abrams ........................................ Sadie Abrams Randy Abrams ................................... Bessie Kauffman Lorna Adelman ........................................... Hinda Barg Lorna Adelman .................................. Samuel Adelman Lorna Adelman .......................................... Robert Weil Bernice Adoni......................................... Claire Barrish Bernice Adoni................................. Uriel Moshe Adoni Bernice Adoni............................................ Abe Barrish Karen Avart ........................................... Nathan Bidner

Claire Baliban ......................................... Esther Cohen Arnold Bank ............................................ Samuel Bank Bernice Barankin ................................... Brad Barankin Joseph Barg ................................................ Sonya Barg Barbara Barkon .......................................Asher Barkon Barbara Barkon .................................... Isadore Barkon Harriet Barsky ......................................Daniel J. Fisher Harriet Barsky ............................................ Hilda Kolin Rosemarie Beltz .......................................... Rita Rosen Theodora Benn ...................................... Louis Leopold Jody Kleinman Bennetts ......... Freda Kleinman Tierney Linda Berger ......................................... Julius Wolfson Arlene Bieber .................................... Herman Milgrom Stephan Bieber ........................................ David Bieber Stephan Bieber ......................................... Ludwig Hess Stephan & Arlene Bieber ...................... Hayden Anolik J. Robert Birnhak ...................................... Rae Birnhak Michelle & Bruce Boimel ......................... Susan Litwin Michelle & Bruce Boimel ....................... Louis Gordon Michelle & Bruce Boimel ................... Florence Gordon Michelle & Bruce Boimel .................. Abraham Boimel Michelle & Bruce Boimel ....................... Sylvia Boimel Benjamin Boodman ........................... Samuel Boodman Roberta Bordman .............................. David Seiderman Sharon Bornstein ................................ Joseph Goldberg Stanley Brecher ....................................... Kate Brecher Stanley Brecher ................................... Edward Brecher Harriet Brooks ......................................... Allan Brooks Harriet Brooks ....................................... Shirley Brooks Avrom Brown ........................................ Morton Brown Michele Brown ....................... June Rothberg Leimberg Miriam Buchsbaum ............................ Henna Goldstein Mildred F. Citron ...................................... Rose Friesel Judith Cohen ............................................Sadye Cohen Stanley Cohen ....................................... Reuben Cohen Leonard Cook .............................. Sadie Gertrude Cook Dianne Cutler ................................... Solomon Sikowitz Bertha Dash .......................................... Harold Landow Anice Davis ........................................ Sidney Rothman Anice Davis ......................................... Sylvia Rothman Muriel Tabas Ecker ................................. Israel Salidor Muriel Tabas Ecker ................................ Morton Tabas Brenda Edelman .................................Manuel Edelman Adrianne Epstein ...................................... Lewis Slubin Lana Epstein ......................................... Abraham Krum Lana Epstein .................................................. Ida Krum Paula Epstein ...................................... Anna O. Epstein Paula Epstein .................................... Max W. Goldberg Betty Feiner .............................................. Freda Feiner Betty Feiner ............................................ Jerome Feiner Edward Feiner ...................................... Priscilla Feiner Riva Feiner ............................................. Boris Oschrin Riva Feiner ............................................. Rosel Oschrin Eileen Finkelstein ................................ Herman Fischer Eileen Finkelstein .......................... Sue Ann Silverstein Alvin First ....................................................Betty First Joy Fish ......................................................... Ida Tenor Joy Fish ............................................. Rabbi Judah Fish Selma Fleigelman ........................... Benjamin Aptowitz Philip Fox ...................................................... Rose Fox Philip Fox ..................................... Marlene Shlomchink Arthur Frankel ....................................... Daniel Frankel Mildred Frankel ....................................... Alice Wexler Arlene Friedman ................................. Naomi Feinstein William Garfinkle.............................. Gladys Garfinkle Helene Geiss ......................................... Louis Harrison Helene Geiss ........................................... Samuel Geiss Randi Lipton Gelman ........................... Dorothy Lipton Hana Gershman ..................................... Regina Kaplan Hana Gershman .................................... Mendel Kaplan Larry Gershman.................................... Max Gershman Larry Gershman............................... Stephen Gershman Jacob Gevurtz ........................................... Goldie Stern Mr. & Mrs. Jacob Gevurtz ...................... Justin Gevurtz Miriam Giguere ................................. Harold Glassman Marilyn Glaser ......................................... Edith Tucker Marilyn Glaser ..................................... Herman Tucker Norman Glassman ................................... Ida Glassman

Belinda Glijansky .................................. Clara Ghelman Karen Gold ............................................ Ina Lieberman Karen Gold ..................................... Samuel Lieberman Maurice Gold .............................................. Anne Gold Maurice Gold ............................................... Sara Segal Malkeh Goldstein ...................................... Peter Moyle Rosa Goldstein (z”l) ............................. Srul Rubinstein Roslyn Gorchow ..................................... Gordon Wein Roslyn Gorchow ....................................... Sylvia Wein David Gordon ........................................... Jack Gordon Edward Gordon ........................ Abraham Allen Gordon Edward Gordon ...................................... Jennie Gordon Jeffrey Gordon .......................................... Abe Gordon Jeffrey Gordon ......................................... Adolph Blau Jeffrey Gordon ................................... Gertrude Gordon Bernard Granor .................................... Michael Leskin Ray Green .............................................. Lena Decovny Ray Green .............................................. Bessie Dobkin Ray Green ............................................. Israel Decovny Ray Green ................................. Robin Merle Gomizky Shauna Greenberg ................................ Joseph Azorsky Dorothy Greene........................................ Ruth Fuiman Dorothy Greene................................ Barnett R. Greene Dorothy Greene........................................ Celia Greene Robert Greenspan...................... Bertram H. Greenspan Elliott Haaz ..................................... Nathaniel Urovsky Marla Haaz ........................................ Dorothy Kniazer Steven Harlem ...................................... Stewart Harlem Steven Harlem ....................................... Harold Harlem Jerome Hellmann ............................ Manfred Hellmann Robert Henry .......................................... Evelyn Henry Shari Henry .....................................Harman Chackman Marjorie Inselman ............................. Nathan M. Harris Patricia Isenberg .................................... Fannie Phillips Patricia Isenberg ..................................... Harry Phillips Ruth M. Jacobson (z”l) ............................ Ruth Fuiman Shirley Kanfer ................................... Leonard Seidman Glori Kasner ................................................ Fred Cove Jordan Kasner ......................... Rae Friedman Edelstein Steven Kauffman ................................. Edith Kauffman Steven Kauffman ............................... Joseph Kauffman Kenneth Kaufman .................................. Bess Kaufman Madeleine Kaufman .............................. Gladys Ronner Harriet Kay .............................................. Jack Samson Harriet Kay ........................................... Morris Samson Mark Kay ................................................... Joseph Kay Mark Kay .................................................Stella B. Kay Susan Kestenbaum ................................... Rose Strauss Brooke Keyser ....................................... Marsha Magid Sandra Kline ........................................... Henry Crespy Edward M. Kohn..................................... Sara H. Kohn Lois Laman ............................................Robert Novick Ada Landes ............................................... Mollie Light Ada Landes ................................... Abraham Silverberg Ada Landes ......................................... Anna Silverberg Ada Landes .............................. Joseph Wm. Silverberg Sora Landes .................................. Dr. Judah Eisenberg Rabbi Robert Layman ............................ Mark Layman Ilene Leabman ......................................... Isadore Udell Janet Levin ............................................... Joseph Levin Sara Levin ............................................... Anne Kaslow Ruth Lift ................................................. Hava Herman Henry Lipschutz .................................. Louis Lipschutz Henry Lipschutz ................................... Lena Lipschutz Eileen Lowenstein ....................... Ruth Cissie Abrohms Judi Loy ................................................ Bernard Talbot Judi Loy ..................................................... Ruth Talbot William Loy ................................. Margaret Minna Loy Gerald Magid ................................. William Stumacher Gerald Magid ......................................... Harriet Magid Julie Magid ....................................... Yvette Magaziner Shelly Mantz ........................................... Betty Dumoff Shelly Mantz ......................................... Melvyn Mantz Adela Matyas ........................................ Clara Ghelman Miriam Maurer ..................................... Lilly Merdinger Phyllis Meloff ................................. Manuel Silverstein Jules Mendelsohn ........................... Morris Mendelsohn Patricia Mendelsohn ............................. Marshall Green

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Ivy Mermelstein ............................................ Alex Gibs Abraham Miller .................................. Benjamin Miller Marilyn Miller ........................................... Irwin Miller Marilyn Miller .............................................. Faye Katz Sidney Mittman .................................... Julius Mittman Jeffrey Moskowitz ............................ Irving Moskowitz Joseph Myerov ........................................ Rose Myerov Joseph Myerov ......................................... Abe Myerov Lee Myers........................................ Rose Morgenstern Lee Myers............................... Eve Morgenstern Miller Robert Myers ........................................... Albert Myers Lee & Robert Myers ................................ Cindy Myers Albert Neckritz ....................................... Lena Neckritz Albert Neckritz .................................... Louis Dinerman Albert Neckritz ........................................ Sophie Leifer Albert Neckritz ................................... Gloria Steinberg Albert Neckritz ........................................ Morris Leifer Rhea Needle ...............................................Etta Needle Rhea Needle .......................................... Robert Needle Ethel Neibauer .............................................. Louis Fox Billy Neuman ...................................... Arnold Neuman Billy Neuman ..................................... Pearl Haimowitz Billy Neuman .................................. Harold L. Neuman Abraham Perkins ...................................... Max Perkins Esther Perkins ............................................. Sara Ciplet Esther Perkins ......................................... Nathan Ciplet Lee Pincus ........................................... Rebecca Pincus Elliot Rank .............................................. Samuel Rank Rita Rosen Poley .......................................... Ida Rosen Selma Roffman ............................. Arthur Jack Metzger Selma Roffman .............................. Esther Rae Metzger Gail Rosen ........................................ Abraham Bolnick Rochelle Rosen ........................................Martin Rosen Rochelle Rosen .................................... Albert Schwartz Michael Rosner....................................... Albert Rosner Paula Rosner ........................................ Beatrice Rosner Robert Roth .............................................. Nancy Strell Alan Rothman ......................................... Carl Rothman Alan Rothman ...................................... Sylvia Rothman Ilene Rothman ........................ Freda Kleinman Tierney Lillian & Ed Rothman ............. Freda Kleinman Tierney Drew Salaman .......................................... Boris Zilban Karen & David Sandler ........................ Oliver Mironov Karen & David Sandler ....................... Gabriel Mironov Edwin Sav .................................................. Nathan Sav Louis Schiffman .................................. Sarah Kleinman Louis Schiffman ............................... Bertha Schiffman Judith Schlank .................................... Bernard Feldgus Lionel Schlank ............................ Davida Schlank Glick Gerri Seligson ............................................. Nellie Fink Marlene Sellers ........................................ Frank Sellers Marlene Sellers ..........................................Rose Sellers Charles Shechtman ............................. Leon Shechtman Marilyn Sherby .................................. Frank Braverman Lisa Weiss-Shore .................................... Samuel Weiss Lillian Shoyer ............................................ Rose Savich Constance Shurman ............................ Selma Weisberg Raymond Silk ........................................... Harold Beck Raymond Silk ..............................................Anna Beck Lillian Singer .................................. Hedy Karen Singer Alan Smith ............................................. Dorothy Smith Ruth Smith....................................... Harold L. Neuman Steven Smith ............................................ Sandra Smith Robert Snyder ................................ Mathilde Rosenthal Bryna Soroka .......................................... Kenneth Baill Bryna Soroka ......................................... Jo-Ann Soroka Allen Spector ..................................... Abraham Spector Selma Spielman ................................. Samuel Spielman Arthur Steiger ....................................... Charles Steiger Gail & Harold Stein .............................. Benjamin Stein Gail & Harold Stein ............................ Lillian Holzman Harold Stein.................................................... Ida Stein Harriet Stein ....................................... Bessie Chamelin Leah Stein ................................................... Louis Stein Lucille Stein ............................................ Harry Brooks Sylvia Stern ............................................... Esther Stern Sylvia Stern .............................................. Morris Klein Corinne Stone ................................... Philip Rabinowitz

Martin Sussman ................................ Phillip Lipschultz Martin Sussman ........................ Rose & Louis Sussman Betsy Tabas ................................................ Myer Robb Rhonda Tangir ....................................... Rose Edelstein Miriam Tehrani ................................ William Goldberg Louis Teller .............................................. Harry Kivitz Sylvia & Harry Toben ..................... Jay Craig Perlstein Sylvia Toben .............................................. Joseph Kay Ann Tuteur ............................................. Thelma Fisher Robert Tuteur ........................................ Herbert Tuteur Barbara Victor ............................. Abraham Jacob Gold Warren Vogel ............................................ Belle Vogel Warren Vogel .......................................... Joseph Vogel Ann Waldman ....................................... Rose Schwartz Ann Waldman ...................................... Lena Waldman Marvin Weinberg ..............................George Weinberg Eugene Weiner .................................. J. George Weiner Shirley C. Weiner ................................. Leon J. Weiner Shirley C. Weiner ...................................... Abe Weiner Sara Weingram ....................................... Eli Weingram Sally Weinstein ................................ Samuel Weinstein Michael Weiss ................................. Abraham Flayman Barry Weissman ....................... Ruth Gilden Weissman Lisa Weiss-Shore ..................................... Arthur Weiss Michael Weiss ........................................ Nathan Weiss Marci Weitz ........................................... Arnold Mazer Mauricio Wilk ...............................................Luis Wilk Kenneth Winneg ..................................... Allan Winneg Bernard Wolf .......................................... Richard Wolf Donald Wolk ....................................... Meyer Ginsberg Donald Wolk .......................................... Roberta Wolk Eliahu Yehuda .................................... Margalit Yehuda Eliahu Yehuda ........................................ Nadje Yehuda Ruth Zalut .............................................. Maurice Lazu Jerome M. Zaslow ........................... Beatrice Kolcheim Jerome Zaslow ......................................... Annie Eason Marilyn Zemble ........................... Abraham Jacob Gold Betty Zinman.......................................... Philip Zinman

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Thank you for Supporting Our Sponsors

724 Sansom Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106

Tel: 215-925-8639 Fax: 215-925-5955

Robert Alan MansteinResearch & Customer Service


[email protected]

Connections Page 23

Hebrew Free Loan Society of Greater Philadelphia


Up to $7,500 available to members of the Jewish community. Up to $15,000 available

for new businesses. 267.709.9652

Page 25: Connections - ShulCloud€¦ · July 20, 2015. Connections Beth Sholom Congregation Newsletter Sivan/Tammuz/Av/Elul 5775 June/July/August 2015 Volume 95, No. 4 11th Annual Shabbat

Thank you for Supporting Our Sponsors

Howard M. Soloman Esquire

Wills, Trusts, Powers of Attorney and

Living Wills Estate Planning

Small Business Planning Elder Care Taxation

Free Initial Consulation in your home or my office

1760 Market Street, Ste. 600

Philadelphia, PA 19102 215-568-9474


[email protected]

Connections Page 24

Klein Active Adult Center in Montgomery County

Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday • 10:00am-2:00pmLocated at Congregation Adath Jeshurun

7763 Old York Road • Elkins Park, PA 19027

• FREE daily hot kosher lunch by Betty the Caterer *reservations for lunch required; donations accepted

• FREE Transportation/Buxmont• Lifelong Learning classes• Intergenerational events• Current event discussions• Chess, Knitting, Wii and other games• Daily fitness including Zumba Gold®• And more!

Call to sign up TODAY!

Klein JCC partners with Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia and United Way of SE PA. Funded in part by Montgomery County Aging and Adult Services. A non-profit organization and an equal opportunity employer.

For more information, contact

Sue Weiner Program Coordinator

Joanne Beck Assistant Program & LLL




Volunteer Opportunities

Page 26: Connections - ShulCloud€¦ · July 20, 2015. Connections Beth Sholom Congregation Newsletter Sivan/Tammuz/Av/Elul 5775 June/July/August 2015 Volume 95, No. 4 11th Annual Shabbat

Beth Sholom Congregation

8231 Old York Rd.

Elkins Park, PA 19027-1595

Beth Sholom Annual Golf & Games Outing

July 1, 2015Sunnybrook Golf Club

Help support the golf outing by bringing a friend to

play, sponsor a hole, and ask your business associates

and friends to be a sponsor!

For more information, contact Jerry Hellmann at

215-884-1476 or [email protected]


November 15 & 16Collections start Oct. 25th

Volunteers NEEDED!

PLEASE save your unwantedjewelry, toys, household items,kitchenware, pictures, books &


Questions? Contact Sara: [email protected]

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