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Objective: To persuade our target to look to TFC for all of their fashion programming. Create loyalty among current viewers and reach out to potential viewers.

Target: Demographic: Female 18 to 34 Psychographic: Fashionistas with a high degree of interest in fashion and the shoppers/planners.

Current Thought: TFC is one of many cable channels that has fashion programming.

Desired Thought: TFC is the one solely fashion based cable channel.

Rationale: Audience wants to have up to the current season knowledge of the fashion industry.

SMIT: TFC allows you to be an opinion leader on the fashion industry.


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Objective: To inform our target of a new form of entertainment in Springf ield, Mass. The Nor’easters Minor League Baseball Team.

Target: Demographic: Males and Females ages 26-40 Psychographic:

Current Thought: Nor’easters Minor League Baseball Team is a new local sports team.

Desired Thought: Nor’easters Minor League Baseball Team is a source of engaging entertainment for everyone in the family.

Rationale: Our target wants to do something that their friends and family can enjoy together and is only willing to spend within their budget.

SMIT: Nor’easters Baseball is an affordable source of entertainment.

Working class people with limited education and a tight budget. They are looking for something entertaining they can do with their friends and family that isn’t out of their price range. They have an interest in baseball but don’t know a lot about it. They are looking for entertainment that is close to home and worth their hard earned money.

Nor’easters Baseball

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Objective: To inform our target of “Saxonville Italian Sausage” a new product offered by Saxonville.

Target: Demographic: Females 35 to 50 years old Psychographic:

Current Thought: Saxonville now makes Italian Sausage for your cooking needs.

Desired Thought: Saxonville Italian Sausage is a easy and great tasting way to get dinner started.

Rationale: Audience wants to keep the meals she provides up to a quality standard. She also doesn’t have time to plan out a dynamic menu and then make it after a long day.

SMIT: Saxonville Italian Sausage allows the busy mom to always be a gourmet cook in her family’s eyes.

Saxonville Italian Sausage

Head of household mothers that provide the food for the whole family this could be a single mom or a mom in a couple that has two working parents. They are living in the suburbs of major cities where they are hard working in their careers. They don’t have a lot of time or energy after the day’s activities to make a new and family pleasing dinner every night. They are looking for something that is easy to make but doesn’t heat up in the microwave.

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Product Name: I would name the product “Saxonville Italian Sausage” If you give it a seemingly authentic Italian name and then on the back it says from Saxonville Ohio it will make the consumer not trust the product. This brings brand name authenticity and awareness for the consumer.

Sales Promotion Activities:

Gourmet Dinner in 20 Minuets: FREE SAMPLESThis would be a dinner prepared in grocery stores with Saxonville Italian Sausage as the main dish. This would allow consumers to taste the sausage and see how it can be easily incorporated into their weekly dinners.

Try our Italian Sausage for Dinner: JOINT PROMOTIONSBy attaching a small sample of the Italian sausage to the Bratwurst that people are already buying from Saxonville to tap into their current customers for a new product.

Saxonville Italian Sausage, an Inexpensive Quality Family Dinner: COUPONA dollar off coupon is enough to really make an impact on the purchase decision among meat to start a meal. This amount wouldn’t cut into prof its too much. This would be a coupon at the grocery store in the fresh meat section, in the local newspapers and in family magazines next to recipes for Italian sausage dinners.

Saxonville Italian Sausage

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Objective: To increase brand preference among current Burberry customers by introducing the new fragrance, Burberry Brit..

Target: Demographic: Females in their 30s Psychographic:

Current Thought: Burberry Brit is an extension of the brand, it has no iconic status of its own.

Desired Thought: Burberry Brit is an iconic fragrance that mixes the heritage of Burberry with the modern style of today.

Rationale: Audience wants to be noticed and remembered for their eternal style.

SMIT: Burberry Brit allows women to become as iconic as the check on the bottle.

Charismatic English women who are goal oriented, both in their careers and social lives. They are professional and live in urban areas but are not attached to the city life forever. They are stylish in an eternal classic sense. They also have small f lairs that make them unique but not over the top in their appearance. They appreciate the heritage of Burberry but are also receptive of the new modern looks.

Burberry Brit

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Objective: Inform the overweight and obese of a new weight loss drug and support system. We want to show how this is unique and the advantages it has to other over the counter weight loss drugs.

Target: Demographic: Male and Female ages 40 to 55 Psychographic:

Current Thought: Metabical is a weight loss drug that can be bought over the counter.

Desired Thought: Metabical is a weight loss drug and support program to start and sustain a healthy lifestyle.

Rationale: Audience wants something that will last more than a few months. That also won’t allow them to gain more weight than the drug helped them loose in the beginning of the treatment.

SMIT: Metabical is the start to a sustained healthy lifestyle

Metabalic Weight Loss

Working parents with some college education at a mid-level position at their workplace. Living in suburban or small town neighborhoods. They don’t know how to have a healthy lifestyle and are discouraged to pursue one. They are either overweight or obese by the BMI standards. After work and family responsibilities exercise and healthy eating is the last thing on their mind. They know they need a change for health and appearance reasons but just don’t know where to start.

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Objective: To inform our target of a new product from True Earth, the refrigerated whole grain pizza and ingredients.

Target: Demographic: Males and Females ages 25 to 35 who are working professionals in urban areas. Psychographic:

Current Thought: Cucina Fresca Pizza is a refrigerated whole grain pizza with supplemental ingredieants.

Desired Thought: Cucina Fresca Pizza is a healthy option that doesn’t sacrif ice quality or taste.

Rationale: Audience wants a healthy high quality meal when they get home without the hassle of preparing a full home cooked meal

SMIT: Cucina Fresca pizza is the healthy option for an almost home made meal.

Hard working people making their way through their careers. They spend a lot of time at work and don’t have much time to prepare a meal. They are health conscious and value high quality food but just don’t have the energy to make a home cooked meal at the end of the day. They are either dating someone or looking to be in a relationship.

True EarthCucina Fresca

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Mountain ManLager


Objective: Create Brand Preference for Mountain Man Lager as opposed to other affordable beers.

Target: Demographic: Males 35 to 55 Psychographic:

Current Thought: Mountain Man Lager is an affordable lager.

Desired Thought: Mountain Man Lager is a premium tasting beer for a reasonable price.

Rationale: Audience doesn’t want to sacrif ice the taste and enjoyment of a good beer after a long day but doesn’t have a lot to spend.

SMIT: Mountain Man Lager is a premium tasting lager to end a long day with.

Hard working males living in small cities or towns across America that spend their days at their blue color jobs. They want to relax after a long day and have some time with their buddies or just by themselves. They enjoy the taste and quality of a good beer but are not going to overspend because they live on a tight household budget.

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Objective: Inform our audience of the CSR campaign for nutrition and health.

Target: Demographic: Females ages 35 to 45 Psychographic:

Current Thought: Dannon is beginning a CSR campaign for Nutrition and Health.

Desired Thought: Dannon is starting a national campaign for health and wellness for people across the country.

Rationale: Audience wants to know that they are making a difference in people’s lives.

SMIT: Dannon is creating a movement for nutrition and health across America.


Moms that do all the shopping for their families. They live in suburban housing and are stay at home moms. They are health conscious and provide healthy balanced meals for the whole family on a regular basis. They are active in their childrens’ lives and encourage a healthy lifestyle for their whole family.

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CSR: I do think that Dannon should start a CSR campaign to increase brand preference among its target audience.

Activities to Highlight: HEALTH AND NUTRITION

To Create awareness and leadership for health and nutrition among young children. Also to make healthy eating accessible for all children, regardless of their socioeconomic situation.


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Where to go next: Dove should return to product line advertising while keeping the values created from the “Real Beauty” campaign.

Target: I would keep the target the same as before, however as this new campaign evolves it may be necessary to adjust and ref ine it based on what kind of engagement Dove receives.


Continue or Evolve:

The Best Way to Evolve:



Taking the impact made from a social change campaign and bringing back to the product is what makes risk worth it. The ROIwould be much higher than before with the “Real Beauty” values behind the product

Dove would continue along the same path of promoting the product line campaign. It would have to use TV to start getting a buzz going and remind people of the “Real Beauty” values and integrate the products at the same time. It would then move to non-paid advertising like YouTube. It would have to evolve into social media in a new, more engaging way.

Dove would need to embrace twitter and start a conversation online with their audience to keep the values of the campaign a strong base for the product line ads. They would also have the option to respond to negative feedback in real time, the complaint is an opportunity for engagement.

Dove maintains all types of beauty through its products.

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Culinarian Cookware


Objective: Create brand preference for the high quality that comes with Culinarian.

Target: Demographic: Females ages 30 to 45 Psychographic:

Current Thought: Culinarian Cookware is an expensive line of cookware.

Desired Thought: Culinarian has the quality you need to prepare a gourmet meal.

Rationale: Audience wants to know why they are paying the price they are for a good or service. They will pay for high quality but are also looking for a good deal. They are receptive to price promotions and understand that Culinarian’s quality is worth the price.

SMIT: Culinarian cookware’s quality is worth the investment.

Women who love cooking. They can be cooking for two or a whole family but they always present a gourmet meal. They know that high quality cookware makes a difference in the preparation. They also have style to their presentation and appreciate a well - designed cookware set.

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The Promotion would run in January of 2007, this would be a sales promotion. The sales promotion would be 30% off of the retail price. This would affect all of the cookware lines offered from Culinarian.

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