

ciat-ivi taisi.i.v ix s nv a ti a.

The DUI.) IHSPATf H i» <lel|yrred to aSVw-rtiswsst > tM« per wrek. pays

.I ul 4'> I* r *nin,m ; 4Mt nsnath*; Bl.Sn i.* three mot)th*; 5iv. nw

*t*rBaSBHI-VtTIKI Y DISPATCH st SJ per aa-

vi I Eld V PIM* V n ll tl 81 perannum.


ll' \ N I I li.» IT ITCH In) ll- f"R

1 Pl INO at I Nfl st Itu.1 Pit N<> »l *.*iO. 1 ITV SO al SHU.1 PIAN" at 41 *>' - 1 IT V XT I al B2fiu.1 OKt, VN al ?(.*.. 1 "Ri. VN at f).*.o.l ujtnvv »i tr- i v\ st si un.

i ) 'iHN-|,,N IM*. Mali. -ins.!.All -MEET Mi - mlCr

rst«*s-*ya». Al«v. a lan-e I"! f -Itt.UTI.I D VM-BlMt at fin taU. piers.

mr lfl-lt*

Alni v.. lal v\ W |M ii \- TRA-V I I I I '¦. N rilli aci'iia.-.stlh

sad la -tillI rsv,ll'.iig Mle sana.. * ult Ute to inak* an ar¬

ith »¦ r... gass] :.«.- , tte Sary to*,l)' BT



sslsflti a My line of*Y».ala basin pt tn. c-i-i

|4*We the 1 elsi 1 a de-a chang.- wdl 1* vtint*' i-.rily ea-

ls.ix d- Ff.*.-,* »«1 J P. tv ARNEB,

atylft-lt* QriiBJBBBB-i-r vcti* vnh iv I-. s, | . jrtKi PARLORll IBTT aad BASKET PHAETON. Rirgaio

i _m.. . Marahal! atreet my 18-11*

ll' AN ! I !'. A i<M NO MAN TOVt l."-'I. vi Tl R ii Wi, (night and niorn-

. , - r- ly to ti,I- !* Inaa haada rating, aad abo giv, Um nantes of

,-.. ar Ber. BBarSMB P> "hom >,»« rsi. rc ti r Ba,vjua your n--lAf i,r, - r.Vt..tty 18-11 are Currier "f". 1.


tr a Ipr)nf-wagon, SlidN ipnllrallon wni !*

r satid-s*ed .

, m Vi., '-an- PltJ'ltrksato*. ¦») ia-it*

ro<)L u V N 11.1)..Havitit/ tinliinit.-tl-v. will nay if ie hlsis-st

v ,l,|. i ,r wharf.Re nv r> lui

I Ll I K-..N V

|8-t*« I86C : Richmond, I ..

yt* WIT IL IN THE VI. INT l'ilt I .

o .- . i ROOM r -tor,

« nu,-, tddresa, -mingsh. der.



¦arfj \n l 1 l>. I" I'.I ] FOR I \-H.>> un.

R. H CHAP!ir \ k Xo .K. arltboul

ll S'-SERVANI who.

IIlpili llgI IV*.ayic- ¦-''-' ''

ic il I), \ SAW-MI I 1. MAN TOli

:*MVof II. H.' laMBa A < ¦...


ii il n. Bl VI !.'- FOB 1 "l R\> \. v I. DI I v HI ti li: wu ip,i -I -.

h psymeiit.v ' I'.

ic in i«. v\; "Ni .tn: i wuM-i-iv;. ll- d I

|ft cl.

!¦ nilRTi on FORTYI VN-fll "I Iv M Vii L-

Vpply i il



VJ '.¦I M-- 1 Vl'II- \M>

tl v ll Ml N.


nu i. stn.t.Md.

\l' W \.\ I EIL Wi Lav. 'Til. r-furt> f VVOt>|. for Eastern

fr.« .r, barge.,!«.n n-

ir poet in thf

t|H vs vi i r- i in In .

I DST. SI Uti m. \>n stOI I X.

LSTCM ¦ ERTIl lt Al 1.VI. V Nfl ft



I "-1 il l - I'll llMOM)1 j i n v K






IV sarah Rulhcr-

N. |0(i.


V -c.ia mv ki

ll M V- VI. IM lill III.ID.

loll Kt VI.

1'"i. i:ia i. un: nu: slmmkrsrs,ii- at art "li


m. 18-11

non res r, wore \,,. .-ir. Kr.,nk-*rkI Ird and lourii.JLi

« \ Da¬rr*, »...| fol ttlc-h it .- w, ||If. -CLOON TA] LOK,

v U at. Vg. Ill III

.,,.TOR I Etsi

M v.m i v< ll HERS UtDOTHERS


ki. ba r. lo tease.inn *

a no g; rori y bb laafarturtag

a j* i-

mBBSIlt lill li

OKI BBS A vs il; I wi-.

IHSStil I riRRRa) HARIXlUNIIII-aH.Vi'i 1< E t'l IM--HI I I lti\.

au nv... i, w,. jj. issj.L.I ll..

flriu-uainc. o! Mild MvlXKER g. -a. \ IL I N -

-c..I ll 11.1. I -Iv I.N lw LR an U.l- Li) dis... ltisulusl '-'I mt, .11 vt:; i , n )i,, l ..',t JJ VIM.! - R ll .,,. «,|,| aIl.Jtran-'", tn un. ir nt ir. asl i) brm* toI ll SRI.)- VV Vi lv!N-, wi,,, a ..ulm

Ra(Hitit*', Un undersigned !- utilborlv-d to .-..]-

P. ,.i.: m- pt fut ailil.iiiii* dm- say of Um

road j i ii vim.) - D. hill.aed] ' li uni.- lt. KH1NKER,

, ll SIM.) - W.t IKIS-.

CHAIM)- WATE INS will '-..i.lli.u,- 1, Us- -Ivie ami Ul ui-iiaini of CHARLEStVATKTX'r* Si"

Referring P> ll.,- notice of dissolution .fthe 1*1. flrm of HILL, sMNK) lt A VV Al MN-I will from th' dste ci,,lo ; t I I V t -T' C< i,

f.KVIN, sud t.t NI RAI COMMItaMON HI vl¬si. ui.dei the flrm-nsnie td t HARLI- D.HIL!. A f O. si the old Outre \V'sr>4ioua-.lilt*, 1414, and 141ft (arv -tn-t. and adletl thcp-tli-oiagc of M.. ol Mm- old frill* willi

Ib«*< Lr. n -. long i-otint-'itd., HARLI'S D. HILL.


Per alsait ten tear* I wa* s**-*rtnt'-d witt the lateflrui. of Hill A -ViuW. i -ucl Hill, -Winker A Wal-kin., li, a! I li Mr I harles D. Hill was th,l*rtiier, sui I take i-h-asure la aotldtiug f.-r,11 iRLl - D HILL X i ... Um iiBliBBa-jft nf my

tl friend* who did l-udn-. with Ila- alsjvclirstis iJuraagmy crssaas-tli o wio, uk-ui.

_my H1-«.H* vt. BJ. p. MOKKI-v

Ru na.m.. Vi, May 14. ls*.'

WK, THE l NDKu-n.NKI). DXAL-ctRS IN MAI ll I.NI-J- ,-t ipi il h. saree

fci.-p.-*- oar of Ua*.nes» si tt o', lock P.M.PBS IN MACHINI-Is' M PIT IEH. sgreea oar of l>u-.i..**» at tt >.. |.«**ai

Doa. BUy *.. n ja- ii '-1 I Mk Imiasii*.f.loRt.E A. -Mi ULG. 8 A. BAHi. t vii \.

i.i I.N ll ttl.U'AY al PI'I.V f <«.

wy 18-at




ll lie IV4 V* | ROM lt I Tl'I*. RM.

All. I.v,:

That la what a great uivty people are doing.

They don't know just wlutt I* Hie matter, but they

have a cotnMnaUon or palm and aches, and radi

month they grow worse. Thc only nure remedy yd

found ts .

imtiwv- tR"N miters

and fhn. hy rapid and thorough asslrollaUon with

Bae Mood, purine, aad enrtebea lt. and rich, -trong

l-l ---I. flowing to Steff part of the -y-tem. rt palra jthe wasted tissues, drivia out dist-**., sm!

health and .frcngUi Ton I* why


BTfl i < t nr.


f "N-I 'MI'II'.X.

Rill 1 vi VII-M.

NI l; VI.I.IA.



inti BRITT i nt Pl v)i:-. Ac.

ltALT! v

. i. s-. pai v -ii.) kt, Halt


I am Serer from Py.«j*sp*ls, an.I for

Hiing, and via- growing.l.t. I lil, d RrcivV- Mon Rn-

M aji-

',1-er. ***"*

n Mi < v

RK.iVV N - IRON Ul li ) L-

l- n,,t drink, and d-« n,,t coiitain \tld lu >. I:

iii ,.| NI INI !'"N a Bl IRP"N VV |1 H IM1 Vi '.



) 1. B HY J> A VI.-' BVEt.l I VLi ) LV1N.KII.LI Bi

\ ni vi B>l Allix., . RI I "l: I'd L'N-

-' ALI'-. HIM l-l -. ' I-. B0R1 - 1 tl

ait! i: )"i: I v v t vi;-") TR] vi..

PRBR1 n.vvi-- p-iiN-KiLi.) i: -I'.Ni.-


1 r l- - v) ) i: Mi- iMviini vi i i i

n ma ii: ) ui.-:

\ ti V

n | i r at*. B .milybIvsbM .--ii bom.

Prom lW ¦.lt I*

ilea (Vassal si (

iii- for i I bam*.Kern H. VV. sPAMS,!


In li

VS. VS liv;'.i'll-.-Kllll

i. vv. DBS -nv-:;tial.

Pl PRY MW I- - I'VIN-i.IL! I i:

.-ara lt

a in con-tan! um and thee* sh" nm-

it taa i lassa fr,, aaa.

lt* SUCces JU* of H.- BB, 'lt. ! v. v

lune a hollie nady for Us. Mut ll

pain mel lie." v doctors" hills maj often).,

liv pi. nipt of Rm P UN-KILL) R.

I'nliW. it '- |« rf,-, ll]th. hand- of a child. Try it ouct BS roughly, sudlt will pcif ll- vain,. Your druggist h:e it c

80C. audll J*r Udtle.

Pl RBI DA, I- .v -"Ni Proprietors,ProvlT. L. I.

.simmons |,| V I ll kia; I IA rotc

SUMMON- LINT I Henri. \Tiilt.

V-li I UL RI ' "i I REDlit --. lli.'ious Mitten r-. v :¦ tl in-of p, aga and

Agu. DI ¦aa***! Batta**,ll'iVV THEY RECOVERED

hesttli. cheerful spirits, sud good appetite, i!,i> ton hy taking

-ivivi"N- rivi i: Bl 01 I. vim:.

I IM -IM.i'-l V. I "N-I IPA I 1"N JIUl a* in vim in i

i i; -i"M.v, ll. i;

vIT ll v- RO i QI AL.

ii.n iiniiv-'.ll.'l s-i'ilherii rmiMlv I- wsrrauU-dnot In coiitain a -li.gli psrUt-k f nilli t nv OT a."

Injurious mineral suhsunee, hut lsPt HELY \Et.Ei ARI.E.

if y.u roi dr,.w-y. aaSdlHaliiil tarra rraqaeat;iv. p,H.r appetite, niel

siiffeilng Crpld Un r.

,-nc" and nothing *m ur.- v,.u so

i ai. I |* ema» tlj Bl lo take

-IMMnN- LIVER ti given w'Mi safety and the happiest results hi

1, I n la ni. It l.t'i- Ihe place uf qui-rv kind, lt is UMchtapest,

pur. st, kiel heal fjinilv medicine lu th, World.IVewsrt i-f couatrrfe ls. Tala- only Um- genuine,

lu "*hl. wrapper with rod / lu Iroiit. piei^nd byJ.H./EILIS A Co.

>"l 1,11V AIL DRUGGISTS, sp 6-codtAu30

. I LORI ll ttl t I I K



nt aaay a laxman'i J



Itah a^nrBsBTaOaiJ

girhmond rfisj^h.ll 1 *DAY.-MAY IC I**-**.!.




fEntcred at the I'rwt-ofnee at Richmond. Va..f4*eODd-<Ta»- matter.

WEATHER REPORT.Inphationm ior"*Ti*-I>av..For the Mid¬

dle Atlantic -nile, (leann"; vveatlier,northerly wind*. -t.itionrtiv or higher BBB*.ant un-, sud liIxher pre»*nre.

The. wkathkh r_sT_KDAr aa* cloudyutitl pleasant.THERIRIMUfBR Vt-tkiihat ft A. M.. H]

ti A. M., HO; noon. Td: P. M., 11] 8 V.M.. 88; ini,lni'_'ht. .'.7.

Mi tenn* -ratlin*. CH.

LOCAL MATTHUS.Itrlefs i»ii(l l»«*r*ton»l*.

Mr. Mcinley, vv'io ,v:i* a candidate forClerk of th. ( h.ine.-ry Court Bl BBB latepri .tarry, ha* prcfi rn-d a n-.|tie*t that tin-vd.* le criiiv I*.ed "in oi .nt. »iiitit > withBm pinn." Mr. QaiTsBBB. who wu* a can¬

didate f.r 11 _-11 ('oiist«i.|e, risk* thnt tinrotes Mbd recounted and properly tau.v.t**ii1." Tie- dtv C.n.i rvntivc (onmiit-tec will ince! to-tHirli! :'t **:l.'i ..'clock nt Ht*SlieritPs of!ic, tn consider thc*.- reajueata.Coscinor ('.murrin ha* n tumid to the

( vt Tn.-'liy i- curt-day at

CotirthoH*.'. .-uni it is expect.,I fiat therewill be public spaaktaa;. The i:>_djwill prolml'ly have speaker* tin re io meitSn.itor Nt vv I* rrj . Blaad ls hi* county.

'1 l,c Ki |.ul.ii. ..ii- ami K. ,1'ijn-t. ri of.! ,ck*"ii Wald will mot pi-iii'.-!it to lioini-

tn kt t f..r t itv ( oiiiieil aad Justot thc I'l-acc.The li*t >'f nniiaiil water-hill* in tin

First distii't. ea-t of Fourteenth *!r"t.ha- 1" en lo nh off, -ill! Mn' vi stet vv ill lc-shut off Wt du-*.lav tbe 17th in-taut ii 1"\. M.At ('cnteiiary Methodist ,1: i: eli I.< v. J.

F. TwHtjr, ol Norfolk, preach, tl mora__fand

'The usual «, ivie* tfttt btiti IRthe other Mi 'ii"<ii*t cburchi *.

sen it .r i:. Dollin/* Will tuc, <¦! Pi'linty, ha* *¦ nt t-> tin- OoTl mr

hi* re-i/n.'in..n bj a in. in'" r of t:iof 1 >i ri. t- ir- of tin' ('iitral Lunatic A-v-lum. Tin- r.oaid inc. t* hen- ThatThc lir*t train of p:i*-- d "Vi r the

Pock ci.ntii-cti"iiol the RkhaTrOnd and Alic-j railroad vi sterday,

.l been commenced in diggingIh. fo undi Hi.,n of .Mr. i'a.i '* Frenchon M.i.n stic-t near Adam*, sad the brick*

iv r- are ahout reidy lo gs to work on hi*BftoUwood block,

st. .i.niies note! arai iib*Boded mti night.v* a compliment to M". J. M. Page, fsro*pi !. to. .' ii.. ..'» band itradering tin ma**n.

il!!*. IKI-HMIA BF ll!' HH'iNTf Villi -

M1MI.V COXDEBN .UK A-*t *i*.ai:I ITENDIRB aNIi Bl IEE. At I lin el itu <>fIri*h citizen* In lil at ( atln ' llitll ORSunday afternoon, OB RbBiVtta "f Captainlap-ton, l;.-v. Katln r Yan li'vvv..tailed ni"'!) t" pri

Jktter -discussion by Messrs. Wllliata|)iiii ii. .lanie* Ilayt-s, E. P. Murphy, Dr.I.t-ekv, aad r. atcAlery, i eommitt.follows, was a).pi n i. tel to draft re*., it it ion- iMessrs. J. L. i apston, 1\ T, Moore, J. \i_j_*_y, l»anicl Uorgan, and William Dal*Iron. **o ti lin reafti r tin rommittM sub*milted a report, vs hi, h aral -. >] ted. r> -

citing th<- fact "f thcand Burke, r(_M**_Knt*r* ooodemo*

lng the sam., :,:.,! ex] ie opinionthnt it wi* ).lam.ed sad executed ..hytheii. ¦aillic-1 I'itt" l'-l . m.nd,"a> .. Md thankin.' .. tl,-- po¦-* "t Richifor the cliariHii'iv sad bonorablj expnbelie, that Ireland'* li.aiihood..rc innoccnl of this atrof'.r tin ir *>liii'jthv f-.r Inland in thlc.ur of trial."

I " l:,..-tin . th d, and theLaatlslmllsr n solutions.

Acth i oi <' of th' \, stry of ( -.palchurch, upon motion it a*ai

Rt ' thi*fl -irv any chan:'. - in the diocesan CSU

ii -hip ..,' (li»('i|!iii( wini i bc ona Isaat this timi .Mid thal the unit) md ;.the < bun b v, ill !.. i-.-t .. cutt i bj leavingto the (..:;. rai ('"iiviTiti'.n..f thc Americani aurel) tbe regul dion of al I d -

trio,. discipline.d B'oi ship.Resolved, That thc contingent fund ot

thedioci*! -h"iil'l lie raised hv u.-*i.incutproportioni d to th.pari-he- ,i* evidenced i.-, their eontrlbB*tioiis f..r parish pOTpOSt -, alni imt ptIta.

Resolved, That all th" i».w.r* .'iv n thcI> ( hy til- lav\s,if tin- Alli--ri.-an Church should Le u»e.l to sid theproper tlev. lojim. ip of all il* itotituti'.n-.uml it woui.I be -p. lalrj proper al thi-lime thal the Council nominate trusteesfr. mi this di..c.*. to tin- (, em rd TbeolN-iiiinaiy, sj pr.-mti'.ciI bj HR li '.aw*.

\\ | , A.NH (Hilo KWIT-OVI'po -ii-.- KB.;>..The Wa-hinetoii and ohiorailroad. niBB-Bg liflv-liv.- vv. -: w mi¬ll from Aii-xainliia. wai -":.' tn.'

sold under dor" of Jud.'.- WelbTord'*.. and vv i* kn", ked d'.wu *

roof**, I iiii'innati and W.-tt ru I.iilroa.ipan] f.>r s.'.'cj,'M,n, whieh roilf"i tin- cash paj bb nt ¦ hi ck foi

tain, which wa* liol paid. OwiBg IO ..

i oinpli. .iti'.iis. Thc Curt ililli.-: ¦'. redof lin itenl i.i.di i '' rUiiii' ..nditioiis.

Thc sale wa* to hav. taken al Alc\-andi int /-dav. hut vt *ti rdav ICiaiatUtatlTi *

Of tin- purcha-sei * arrived herc a;.

soaajal Judg* vVellford to Kraal Ubbb toa[days ni"'' toiiriy oat the I- rms of -ah,' which In did upon tin ir ih p.-itiiu' to hi*..nit r ff..'.'hi a* 8R cariic*l of t'o-ir lat. n-

ti'.ti*. An order wa* tlnieiiiioii ri^nedlio-tpoiiiiiL' thc sale ten day*.

I'm lah-JEH.. I* lr- s-i-d .- fol-lOBTI I'liiain iiliclaimi d at th- ..(..iicim;

Delivery" ol Richmond (tost-olBce: 1.. hArcher,' Mrs. ( . N. lvo.t'.n, Kdvvaid ll.ulcv(BE Mr*, c. A. Holton. Mrs. j|. Bj*m_r*sOB,Mi-* M. T. llutler, lt. B. baldwin. Mr*..1. ('arrinirtun, K. **. Clirisiinu, W K.On n»havv. Mr». I). I>ick*c>, Miss .*>. I)..r-nati, Cluiilo OrtfsB. Mi** (i. M. Jolson,J. r. Kelli v. Mr*. L. C. Lathrop, J. h.I,urned. W. M. McCarty. H. ft ( Major,W. L. BjoMaaOB, A. ll. Shirlcv. simonSolomon. HIM Nelle Smith (J', j. H. Tay¬lor. Mr*, ii. II. Tompkin*, C. Winburn,A. 15. W<Mildrid.'.-.

rilAKMACEUTKAI. »B88(IIIBl8 TloTU1jrlnla BBaal l'liarmwet-utical A**oci:iliotiuieeU here to-day, in thc Hall ot tbe Houseof Dele-rates, at 8*80 o'clock P. M. Mav or

Carrington will deliver an address ,.f wei-come. A full deles**, tion from .vrv [>:nt oftin- State is exjiect, tl, and a- thi- i* the Urstannual meeting of tin- aaaariartoa ia inter.c*tin. time ta cxpi-rted. The Associationwill Ih* in session for three div *, | . rluij-*.Asm L.t.vTK (ti.i«..The city ambitlance

wa* called out thru tim. * yesterday. Awhit* lalMirt-r ut the TndeBai Works "had i

finger liadly ro-ished, received proper medi-e_l utlention. and wai casTietl to hi* borne,A white man at the Tanner A- 6**__a*rjWorks sprained aa ankle and was earrie,home. A negro tuan at the old I*.minimSteamship (omimnvV vt half liuuhed i

thumb so seriously tliat it had to be ainpu.tated. lie wai carried to hi** berne.


Called tl, etina -The Frer-Brldge Appropria¬tion Agreed To-Gaa aad Mater tor the t u.-

toBB-llsase-1'weary-Bve Thoasand Dallar*for Shsekae Creek-The Street.RailwayOrdinance Passed.

A called meetinr of thc Common Coun¬

cil tva* held yesterday afternoon. The fol-l.ivvin.' BBMBBBM vt ere present: Messrs.f lark* T»*c*iilrnt), Amnion*, fol", Curtis.Pa\vi-. Uwsrtto, Kllctt, r.!lv*'*n. I-. r-Mi-«<in, h'orrcntf-r. Prater, f'unn of < layMani. Harirrove, HiK/fln*, King. Luhliock.Patton, Phillip*. Pizzini, Pott-, UoWnaon.Warren, and Wclsigcr.OB nu dion of Mr. Kllctt thc reading of

HR arlBMtaa of thc to«t meeting was dU-pt.n-i-d with.Thc -csai'-n. which waa very -hort, last-

in:' univ alxitit tlin-c-tjuartcr* of an hour,wu- ennfiiif-d rxclu-iveli to the fflBBlllaiBtliiti of mithrvf already pasted ii]«in hy thcHoard of 6Ml IBBBB The follow-In-,' j*SBO»|lutiun- adopted Ly that Hod) at it. Ia-tmccttnL' wen ciinciirrr-d In :

ItesoTutton appropriating (-1,636 for re-

imir* to Hu- Free Lrlflirr-.Hi solution to suspend collection* from

thc Init, il State- C.iivernment for iras snd.sat'T furnished to tiicclMmn-hoTise.

lt, solutions (.1) ri-funilltiL' etilvrt taxi*top. VV. Wttte, .lames lia;/Ivy. .nd JollaPaajtoy. iruarilian, the,

Reaolattoa approprl tin:: .¦?*i.*i'.ooo for thcinil r.v .nu ot cf Shoekof creek fruinFranklin to Hr".-il -treet.


Thc ordinance pa.ed Ly tlc Hoard ofALL mun allow ini: Hie Hiclinmrii! eilyRailway Company to extend its track- BpMain stree! from Ki-rlith -treet was alsopaused ayes. M j noes, 6,

.Mr. Edward- -tated that Mr, CainplM-Ila ra abai nt from Ihe i'v.

. Mi linden ol Mr. BBjaOBs IlaItlljollITU fl.

Pat-SCl I "..! ::t.-Thc follow int- .

v. rt dtopos< <l nf >t -t.ul iv-;-I<.lin Mont", (c,!,.r, d'), rlui-ffsj vvifh

h. in.' ilrunk and disorderly, waa r< ipiin-dto riva -Mr< ty f ,r Iii- g.J hf baylor.

'I lcma* .lordiin. Hhlianl Al'n n, n.A V. i'-Ito .Ii ll- i's"ii [all "il'irnl,, .-h.-ii-.-.-il withIti akin.-am; entering- tin iMUSe (*f Jataes-iiiitii uni stealing iMO-dl*] aiti, 1,- tlcn-fr,,1.1. Rt rs -I nt BB to the Brand jury.Th.Unas Turpin [tutored), di arc d with

. Tiupla."otiiinic 1 until to-day.

.1 '-.ih Dillard and Prank Jackson (bothctitt.r. di. hare .! vv Uh Mealing I I'l Ib, '!.'.!..tiling from tbe otored .-.Im-h

nt to jail fer fifteen dayl i:i'h..1 BBSS Tiuiriituii i',dun ,1:. eh irand nn itli

. wa-., ni on lo ihe rrand jun-.i b !'¦ Bar ilon 'i. eh ira*, d ss it!i

-ame ,,¦.'. tc. vv:i- iliscli ii _',,|.Bi ly Mahon.. har.-, d

BBd LeatilC' .lull!) L. Bf ''if 'lil. Wv- di.

having in bto po*sejt«Ioo one pair ol-ti|i|, .-ed to tort

tlBUed until ih « up,mir,.Musi, i,rav ,-,.|...". ,1 eh-,r.'. ,i arila

B th- -I,ci wa- tim-.! - ..

\iin Ella Bobin on (colored), eltarajedwith bring tiriiiik and ili-urihrlv, was

iin. .1 mi'..linns Pf rkin« fenland), charged arith

di unk and dis,,nh riv. waa tiru ¦:

w iiii.m ll. Mitchell (rotored) and AMelton [white), ebarged with disordeti]e,,mlii,t. Mitchell wa- Onad 66 and i,-

ij'iiied io riva -linty lor toa |wod to>has iur. and Melton di-, hu.

< yrus Pollard .don 1. M - I'm '1 |for dtoorderh enmluct.

Janie* Stance [colon ,1 arith be¬ing -i v i -i'.nt, araa i*o*Bmfttea ta Jaii t< i

thiitv day. in default od -up tv.Alexander P.i,>,,,.,¦« and vv ilium R'yatl

(Loth col,,!. delink,ml ii lng iii'!'aa ni Langua

rees waa lined .-.- and Wyall 8n< d

Tar ..:..¦. I o.- Pr. Bf.II. Tay lor. State bi mtot, ha* completed his

il thc -t'dnadis nf Mr-, lt. C.Grsj nnd Mt. ' Joass,

in Surry countt on the 81smth. Th- Dod ir found ibundant

¦I the pres, I ,.i -. nie iutoith cases, but i.uin-Uter, .1 in i"th,. aa araa alH>- will,. ext Jd for Surrji ,,urtliou-e t" attend the trial of Mary ami

\ ;: ,.,th, two colored .-ii ls, agi d i<

appetite!} four! i, tt Itoiv ith the 'rime.

delila '. Ij ¦¦ »rt in tin- BceoinpJtoli-i-! their erinn. bating tir-t 11

lu iited vv ith a cal! Iv mixpoisoa in it- fed vv ith fatal Beet. A per-llofl "f tin ninaill- cl th.'.Vlllilli' tl, ill vvhi' li ..." Ile ssa- f lind.

Peatji..Aliout ii o'..!. k v.

.ft,-ninon lorna rotor, d pearsons pass-Bear tin- eiinu-r ,,f Marshall and Filth

-tr. .;- lound a cul.-it tl iv lng rerj-iek in Um -tn-.t. Tin y i.-.i-t. d bim totbe -.'-,,ml police station, and Pr. .1 .nc -

w ,s sinntiii.ned. Tlc man tren ra-.vot-s--, and tiled in | -hurt Rhlto, tanglinion-cious ami -pi. i hi..- win n the poy--i lan arrived. Coroner Taylor view<

Ti-, and derided thal di tth a a mu* ,1

by -omi- disorder af tba biala, The bodjwa- untied over ta lac etty authorities.The d> cas.-d wa- aleut f ,ny y ir- old,

-¦ d wa- a -Man.-' r biho ci,- ould identify tin hotly. It i-

thOMgtll Ut*" li' caine ir..:,! Powhatancounty.

nililvN-' I'.v/v vi:. .The l.ulie- "f the< Mt In tl ic i burch vvl.i, hav, int- i. -*' -I tin m-

in i-dialf of the orpbaoi leel v. rv

mud, itilT .1 at tba ta ol*,... iii- past Brash. In v tost of this bet

th'V hiv. ilctennim ,1 to , mltoutaar duriuf.'t!,< pn jj

ir, to go to tic Bi hm md Tto a*

tn and spaad tao evening. Voa need notI any iiiomy unless you vvi-h. hut if

vmi want to enjoy y ur-. If B*aj Into the,-.r. Try it. and NB If sou U"l

|.|e:i-ed.Ml si. A'APE*]'.. Thc stiLjeir 8|

.. ] I i | *-.!..; nt" dl-tll-sed l.lsfevniic' Ls Pr. I rank ClWBUtgtoua amiother-, and it sva- -u.'.-'-t. tl that ..roller--kaiui-


sv:i- in -onie c;i,«c.s the cain

this -.rion- matody.Tba h - lah ly added to it- roll

of merni,, r- Pr-. . hui. -. Milla, '1 b.1. Maota, .J. Mtohanx, \. L Wettford, B.IL stuv.r. and A. C. Palmer.all but one ofwhom have r'-cntlv localed her.-.

TBR Whale ABB < aitai.n Royton..Mr. s. C. fiaciiaaa. Ut* aa*eat "f "the in-iand Whallni.' A--,., iati'-n." failed at thi-

ontoe yestorttoy sad exiitolaad that th.i.-arrival of Captain Dp/lBB and thewlnlc ve-teiilav wa- ivviin.' to a uusumler-

tatsndin-r shout tb* <le|arture of trams

from Weldon. Tbe tram they <-xj*?<1ed tocome on dm-s aotleaveon Mondays. Mi.Freeman ¦.'iv*, assurance that Ih.yton andthe vvhul* will rea* b Main lu-t, i this in.irn-

inif at » A. M. Their car* will have tc

I,,-- tlc rivr iria IteDa Isla conncctioiiand Tritlc-.'-ir tsrldge. Th" <-xhlhltton pa-vilion i- un west !'i".d -tre.-r m-ar theiiewKr- derick-l'iir.' railroad 'l.-!*'t.

Acfoordlag t" IttfonnaUoa furnished u*

thi* vv hah- araa killel sa tba hunk* ot NewItoundtoad and sva- towed to Hustoni where hi* .jBtrafla were reaaa*iad Md ttohods em'-almcl, and i" Ibis condition ha

ddblted to crowds all ovcrthr cut,

try.AaforCaj-tain BoytoB, lie will prnl-nlil;

arva aa esJidbiiJoB lo «!.«. river with hilife.aline dre--. aBd WlU "I"0 show B*T|

» In tim t-avilinn, t.>i.',thcr with bia Cr,¦! order* of kalgbttoH-d, u)ed*ls. &e..I Thc pavilion will no' to: opfn until 3

j o'clock tiiV- altcrnovin.

( onlrlbatfoBM lo ihe l(oll> kimmi .Ifo*iiiorlitl Aaaa-rdBtltwa to A told the «.«..

romitf of WorkIns; 4 onviet Laborom th* BoMlttrn' Ba-ctloa.Through afro. J. T. Roger* (her third

list):i'***ph Han A Cn .| 3 00The Tanner IMn iiey Flnrlne (nmriaiiv. 5 ot)il.C.(Tiaro! lin. {.OOLr-wi* Hinter. j (.,I'. II. Miyo A Brother. 100A.K.Saydar . 1 unOoiirtiiejA \ruilme__. 80

__¦/***¦. 1 00Cash. . 1 noTlv.'ll. 1 SS( . (i(1 »,.,J. BT. (enrail 4 -...,. 9 (K)

jj vt¦ ntir.iiii,.ry . lim.I. H. K titer . Joll. Wallerst.-ln A S..-1. 50CSBTJ. 1 (joClerk* OM I).miln:..n Iron and Nail____f***>***. V Sc;...¦_.. l oi'Pre-tton Belvia....-. 1 no

Total.SKeceived al tin- Di^iatrh counter:

Ca*li fr«sn a rentlefnaa ana! his wire.4) 2 onAlien MnLi*. 1 oo( i-li. I (Kl( r.-)i. 100May L. arel Henry VV. Kllv-..ii.[jr- K. c. Mln.,r. 1 nil.1. M. Rrryn. ioMr*.4. J. Mnntajriie. BooThoma* L. Alfilcud. cu(ieonre a. Smith. 100i n>i;iln i, th,.-*. Mall \t>*nt of l!i'!ini"iidrind l».iiill|erallr.sid. 60

ii . UWle .Vr.-i,lc Vaiyrlian. toftUr. llT-fVirtttvU. 1 0(1

I 21 08I'n-d "ely ackii.iwiisljred. Ino Mo

i.r-iiid baal.$117 osMt. .1. .1. Harvey, tin Batist, will be at

.. (.¦ ttrabarg uni" tia*. aTsoralai al ioo'clock to ail "'it anv tn.-, plant*. ,,r

which may he bl*OUa*hl out. to ad¬dition to quits a h. (ontrihut.-*him*elf.Mr. a. s. i.te. ttwrMigh Kia. .i. T. Re¬

fers, "titi il'ii*. - ;. harli of .. !.>-ward* Ibe btuldlng of th'- nh. rt.

C_____fr___R| AM.Ullin I'll! BAT, )M a ii. is*.'. ,

('(ntl.m. n.- I iioti.e in tour valuedpars r ol tl;'- (tat. tit* donation of i-in k* tothc Hollywood MdinTial Association.Pit '- -av to th- thal I B illhaul tbe mine free of clutrge whenever

i. and much oblige, youri .roly,. -. ru I*...iV.i \.

A fl d 'in.' ol the HollywoodMi nn'rul Association will l-c bi ldSBSt Main street W. din-dav. Mu 1 Tt Ii. .itii o'clock M.Mr. H. C. lim <Tn*i'..t,.r Central Ware*

house) has thought <>f a pian to assist thelulic- of ¦. Hollywood M< m trialtion*' in ..'' ttin-.- up a -lilli.-i,my of fund* patting thei:i t.. the tr..ul,lc and

uii nee of calling 00 each person.Ile ha* co-./,/-/ | d in twenty ..r tliirfyprominent pisces in the (itv Itoxes, aitfa.ard atlachetl, asking lor "HitJ-ihiitioi;* ..f a

p. nnv and .cl-. Hi* pl m ha- been inoperatioa since morning, and i* m ding

I. H. -Ul I l"N.

Ms] IO, l---'._\ I Brd.

Iii' nv* 0, M iv I'i 1 |Permit me to loiTiit the |*sr_graph lo

. ott \ ol v. iterd it In rt .rard I the1st* ii. !..*¦ "fi!, nagoslea A-ylum. A*the rt suit of -"iii'- "i l'e»|'"ll'h nee and atv¦pi¦latanee with tbe obJt*cts >'f tbe iii-titu-ti ,n. Dr. D. II. Oregg, of Kins; Williamcountv. came to Blcbmond some tea daysago for the purpose ,,f purchasing thi***Home ** for tba use of tbe Msgdalen A«-*->'iiti"ti. 1 tool him td the a*v!uin. au 1aller an examination, be w ,- much pie Hied,and told me uim.ii leaning tht price to bujit bul a- be had nut linn- to reiiiain in thecitv, bi pul th- mstti r iota the h md* >.f afriend, w ho was autlioii/cd lo btljf at tinj.ii.-' i*k'd if oo reduction midd lie had.

Alr. .1 .lin*. of Oreaoo Hill, win,bas alansi s i.. n .1 fri. ml :

lum and usa helped it in many wa>*.*. nt. I to n iliic the price a*k' d- .; , then > i- 111 ontributlng 12,250to tbe asylum i'i eotttideratlon of the ob*j. .t 1 ir. in gg bad In \ ¦¦. Bo Uta! tbe

W 1. liol .. pllleha-i (I 1" In. (.1.

andMl d by your in-lormsnt, but of Mr. .'. Tbompsottor Dr. Un snr. I do nol b i-h In

rad from tbe liberalitot I d< run to (rive to

Dr. D.lI.Gi f Richmond]r bia d Hoi

Dst. "To¬mi n. would h 111. tildy vv Ithout an;

' '

rositj bronben . it i* boiled thal

Uhhmond i.pla, msaj of whom. pi --' tl li" *'. inpithv vv ith

thli' bsrity, will oob le B'omi :i

Up"tl W In 1001*1*\ ot maintaioing it. I am ioitj to!»tbe only ebsritable Institution In

the city, *. rd, to whichil di es ii"' 'Tit. lt is

.md unjust di-' rimlns*lion wi tblsyi ..r w it lit'

The iitv ootril titution*

even, and v, t thi* a-yluui. sltogi tin r

id nd at all denominational,and in whose Interesl rift, ,n or tareatyof tin beal Ladles in thi* city are lah.,rim'.roi» w ithout 1 i* na],-ri-ii'liinju*tic.-! lt i- proper, bowerer. to arjthat *' v. 1 '.il a_r. dio ap* i"i aanuaHy lo tin* asy*lum. but tbe appropriation wa. retold )JUm Mayor. Minc what hi* happened in

I to soother institution lately eatsb*li-ind here, I ]',-.*u!.-ii Un- otsyor -viiinot ' ik< th. -ann BC-ttOfl again in 1 _ard to

the M i.-'i ihrn At-yluw.public i"'i' .¦ -h.mid be Dnpt* ae*

ant t.> Dr. (iregg, 1 ha r that I didnot intend to nuke any public aekoow*IciL'UlcIit of lil* li1" 1 llftj v-. ith"i:*eonstlltiog him. bul tin notice in yourpaper of yesterdaj 1- mr explanation and

v. W. W. I'*I*resldeal Board I>ir« *-t-. - fctOgtfsJea a-


Ill (Tiler the pul,lie tll.IV *( e I Vn'1Va hat :t i* ih'! 1 'i Parker leela rail. .1 uponLg ..rr' t, tb noil in i|Ut rdioo- aritti n

and furni*h.(l maa »upposed tobc thorough!) roon neut .villi tlc nutter

i* hen app. oded :

LbsBB-U iy 88 ratfJ ( ni/i.s-'.--Th. M -'-

dil'ii Hoax, "ii -it-;:)'.- -tn*t, lu* beeapurcbaacd for 1*3,(100 fruin J. TbotarpsonBrown, rea] i «tateagent, hy Dr.Oregg and.1 ibo (ire*-. K*<p. Ol thi- -itv. who ci,tri I-

nt. .1 r.*i"tiv.|\ |tat,79Q and f_-_KI0 for ttspurchase for the DM Os tba UOBst, Tl.--

generosity ol these gentlemen i* vortby "flt* friends, who have loaf bbored

I,, put the iiisiitu'i'.n OB I |*runtient basis,will now pr..*..-nie their ba_B*rToaaal vv.rkwithout enil.arra.siiietit.

._ -ssa -.

M I., ins ol 1 li,mi; li I.

For four r-x-on* In- HM I siatOt d8e_reedthat UM . nth *h"iild I *iipplied with

arat. r fem anora, in onh-r that ro vioUntman *h¦.nhl Ot aide tO <ut oil tin water

from hi- nei^h'-or'* Mdj that th. cnn.

I,, pu. ihould be wat. r> d a- well aa laavalleys; thal tin erll "laporii should be dis¬pelled; that tits inhahitant* of BB Rrt-Ilum theil eves h. liv nw ard.

For four re;i«oii* people -houhl tiny theiriBBsa fi"in H' Uer .«-. < ".*- elosing-otit -ale.

Ul lirond -inct. Tln-v an- -old eheaperthin anwv heit- 8888] tssBsf atsBB. i- SktUtcomplete and .\tcii-ivi; the styles are

m.I.hv and vaned: the ;u oumiod.itn.usBssssJi to the demand, bclnx thc largest r**-

tad akaajj-aaaaa in B_a "tv.

|(,HU* Of IlKlilS

Thc Romanv delegation will hring with

tl.emthe Sarshta used by th.m to tBoretaour rtonple that thev htrve U-.n slandered In

accusing th. m .-f nsias ihe Tripod. 1 beyWill also introduce their popular bedhjC»K<* Trlnali." Tiny vvlli al*o rxptah.thctr rrst-BBOf travi Uln«-i-'ii>. «li',**i,!1i'1'*theiwultir *. mmmVm"*'- -'v'-ilnlx'. lin

Reception t 'ninmlttet- trust that visitor* tothe (ongresa ot Nation* will allow Hiern totpiain lu Hieir own rn ma. r. and not In¬terrupt Hiern hy questions.

?.CHaa ll ii,.rire*. Days."Thc hunilnrd itays' Boston «a!e of White

coil*. Notion-. Millinery, Lacs Goods,Hosiery, nnd Kid ti loves. Arc., opened ye*-otdtrf arith I -mall Mm- of fine good* onlv,ind consumers of "*ood gooda will find lt toheir Interest to come at once to '.J03 Broad.tret and make their purchase*.Kid (Hove* direct from a Posion BkBBBt

B tm npn sent* seven of tin- largest facto-.le* In Kuropc. Bc*t BB1BBBB8 ever «een InIttolunnnd._M IM IIKaTf M A WO V1CIMTT.

The hirst Trip ,,/ rj Passemjer TrainAcross the /lette Isle Bruhje..A trial made over the Ih Ile tole and Trcdejrar !c.La- yesterday. A locomotive anti)ttoaaaa toll tba Petonksarf .hop ahoutlialf-pa-t B cYhwk, |ot on th.- Connection!roatl, and went flown to th.- Belle Islejunction. Prom there Hie trail ero--, tlnv ir to tlc Tn di -ar, iv-i-siti^ throuj/b Belletole, and makin-.' the trip with more case

than was at tii-t cxjxTtcd.At the Manchesfr ahutrnent af Belle

I«le bridge, where some extra treatle wasnee,--.irv. il hud Umi th'iin.'ht 10888 difli-ulty vvutilil le met osvinj,' to the manner

In which the extra rail had to ls* laid, hut[| wa- ,,,,.., d easily arid satisfactorily.

'Iii, train sola* a little too far In therredegar yard bren the top piece of one

t. - at the mill-rjc", a matter of bor.s. tjiieiiee.

Pr. sid, nt -cdt. Mr. John f )'Brien (ma*.¦. r tn, ihiuii, ,,f the Petorsburg roadk JIr-lame- V!. Sui,l.-tf, md sci,.I;il otto TB, Were.ti tin train. It was tbougbt u-.

try tin- ATlegbany Hack, aa that is in dailyRR,Thc train wa- wat-Inti with int. ret Ly

1 iiiiinP. r nf 1 du., un Imlin^' 8 |00dmain ol the opcrativ. - at lt, ll tole and Bl

ajar.'/','-ird- Wurit 1 -, /i.;,,.v.--Thc Coi:-

-.ri div. - ,,f thia Ward will m. etron Bight at Daria's hick, Hull atreet be¬tween Eleventh and Twelfth, at T:;!o'"clock md Bonlaate council-tm ii 'ni 1 itistioe ,,f th, pi ace. \ 1turnout of tlie piity i- essential lor ItoorbIVelf.ire.

Briefs, Judge < lui-tim. .,f Hi, htn,.mlllu-tin.'- 1 ,.int. prestdf d in the < itv < ,,nrt

yesterday. There were *.**£ tew canes, sadIh.-v md of sp.ei il iBIROltaiMR

ontemptoted erowaiags ol tbeM iy "Mi.. 11 have I- n de-lard oil in tin-iity. owing !o atmospheric iiillii-rti-. -.

to the -!ip|H,-iti->n th it than vsn-

danger ol h, r vi ti,-st-, toking e Ai.1 lu -t.rt:. ld 1 inuit 1 'oiirt will ui" * Bl tba

i-,,ii,i-li,';ise 1..-day amt adjourn, tl.ere be¬ing no further business before if. 1 i¦ I_-¦1 ry will ree, 1*01*1, n< ala ti na "f tba

oiirt for May- rgeanl 1 I.n rx t lUgerakl vvjll post!ib [to .mi .ti tai ea st tba Iroi

nf th.- 1 -om'.-Ipili... i.Kilay. fcllMtleatoh. in_' piildished hy lujuidat'Lir

w it flin t, n ,ia. - me ;-. ph apj 1

s.. lng tin ir tinn.»-11. tbe iievv-i np. 1>.

'I'ln- noLi,- Tai'ie- orifiniie- t-> 1 imp lg, ,

hut while five fe, t iihove otdinary level UO-Ibinj m tbe way of an e\t.ii-ivt- freab klantieipsb d.

.i'll -.ii'-, di/./itiet,. pal |,lum-.11.mid 'ow -inn -. r, ly aa H"i' BinBBS.

in ti un m v- caw bi paassaraalu mxli. lal 81 (riffs I,y Un-iH.w.rfid t.-iuc sud nl-t. r.t'lv. .¦.!,. t- ..f.i .1, dy .!,.« of -I111111011. liveRe*ratatar, US iras aaalarlal antni.-t.. PlcsaaasIonlv l,j ,f. H. /Mi.iv ,t Co.

Pim-. \i-i*i BSl Pink tri i rc-

Bl Col.rmu -.-. .rn. r 11 trd and Ba*B*l -tr, c's.

HouarA ElWWI 8*1TROW v v !-.::'. f re pur.di.i in*'i :-iwi.

Twa ii- bi ii"i ns titi.-I.; et, for the i

cnn tua, blt the8ral Vm, H, ia ptSa .. vcr

-. ld 'u aRvt v.t> A

818 Mala tr., t.

v. isa. PiI'ur.


ill!'-. ].,». rn.i. lt aaa

liv t M. A Ll V



iiii ki i.e. m ic' i ¦;. I¦. kicwi,

B Brat ui-iiiiui. ni

A Ll i M

Pl, -NT, f n. tn.»

Raw, ll. ' f Bat kV ll ili'.- I BBS*] L cd

i ninc : a 10 I I rn tOI -i Bl I Iisl, TOSP',i; p .I'.-.dirty us.'.'ni tu

v.. ii,, ii it a- '.,, n r< r

C|, .ff.- d ,1 r.e..lill!,,||,| lt ,S

.-V. tnof dlir--Mon.'¦. ,.',,.-,. J:.r. >'l


, iovi t. ll with violentcart i 'xa-

VI I lill M.

/IMVl,on irl-.l.

i.i i vv i ran tv. a.A li C vc R (

,,,, ; Massa A btbsbBbL-. v.i. A

lil i I


i KIMMI- A SS M.Lt VS!- P M .. .m.'ui-loii. rs'u.-*r ll. uri..

furui.i's. IWti mil.- ''-"'Hi .' RuI.ii'-'ii'L

ol vin I- « «'< L'ROT :,;"* .". H I I n vv ii. 1 p. VE. oii.uus loner, -ile of lao laist

i,ir* lemuieata -u I..i alley, BBB rnaIroned li i.-e 'I, VI iv, -I reel: .nd at B T. M..

k -lore, witii dwelling a!-,tc rsa 1 Igh-stnel t*T*o" VLiiii ucl rmiUla

-in-els- kic.n ii as Us ** -tritonRivi PORD, I'1 s M.. tru-tce".

,1, ol B .** *-"-"-- .' .!¦ ->r-iu ililli..a..,y.ami tin. -m.,!, brV * Btsaaf -cIm cit) ut* Kieta-iii nd. als.' B Lou. in llanover . oiiiit> d-ml

ttir.-e mil. fruin V dd ucl.

(lllVVMNI. * KOi-E.tS I'. U. roan,

-ale ofilia! talaahs* sst, wtU twx* -saaall al aptlaaaaiat. aa4 film -niall kwaaat la rear ..f .aaa*

oaBe.-t.nd-n-el Is-tween J»'-k*>u ml l>." o

alaa slsiresss* awelitiag No. Bil uortu a.*-ta.4strtw*. near Ereal.In*-l.

W ll WI ININi.ll Wt.-. ictary and In t-ti/«r T

PM tia VrVln . km.....1 tSsaufsfSa-rtaif i'l.uiaiav will -HI BstArreaJtwIa* ..ti tWssairU

Jains- river .^f...u Ito Pfk*a***a*|ra.iu^.i I-.LU-. "'"I ".. ?""- i'1-ivl^t -,1-sia.ta..-.iii.ii.p-- aal rsTufjsiity Btaaaiaa.

WEI 1 '.Ni.T'N ...ildilN J; SOB, 4 P. XL, tra.

uss'a aakt of luiia**'Bie kn. k rtwwHIisji, alu

ats.ut 11 i acres f Uu-I alu ht-K'*. i Unil-olilli; al the vorn.r,.f Hr .1 .un.n>

.l»ih vt r,. la; ."-lat i P. M.. irastt-aS sale u

a.-.ul ulm- aenvs tn U.t jifsa .«*, ...W-Rli.l ralllsa*. a..* :tl>dii

Lag -'I'l l"rW¦ rnAPPIN a co.. 8 v. vi r.-atn. d -t ora n<

883 atsTt* TnIrd s.rt*-i. tsva|loa a* a 'out.|7,r, :v ttlWar* l.rWl-.

i.i niti.l E.' R v WT on 11.8 P.M.. ftnu of tan. a. rsa with tlaisTlng «*f >l

. ,, Nil.-Sill,- i.s. I half Ulllc .

Hiv Tl.

f o**Ml*"*loNER--' -ALI of U.t- tillite :|aenf HV\ .i lu :igt "-ii -tut) U*lu ralli oat, ul Ahaalictrlall I VI.

UJCHMOND RARt.tP.lU A. M., ht'iiwts'lil fai-ittire. gr.>c»jr*tis. AcKIN-miN A TP4H-LIC. 1 P. M.. mle of ctV

AT haf*-" srtSAi lt>W| atxl tt\m I d'.


. _*n_.i*v taiti.i.r is_srr__raa_tlns *in »*.,"¦. In*i-rrt.~Ji.8 50(?t < sxiaire. Itv.i ln*rrt!<ni.. 1 (Mlun. «,|ii.,re.** Insertions. I 80m.. s,,u-ri,»lt l*)*»**.l'>n«.One ~iuart*, itu Ira ln***v.l»its.h., «| ita rr. otur lo-sath.>.«¦. m*i*». (*»,» m»i*it"**i. la tm

( )ih- s>|a*on. IJirtre wx-wtlt*. 88 00in


» PuTnT COM ri .RT, va.IlYU Kl A MOT-Y,

¦ii.'iT 1'i'ippl, Ircut l'-r' VI. Open allth.- jmr. 1" tan any lintel In the fi'lted state*.-rr un 1 nf« »ii*ar,«_.**. a|.|- Int**.ass, tal.Ir.Old . r\ .. ii;.iirtlli-il. ''.Ililli/, l-.-itOis, S'_|t|i-r,and drlvrns .p*a*4*tity Btt"-.rtlTP. I*n -*-nTne_ttyresurt r - ic tu ru Battiple. lins, Inn tar nraai se-c.Mnm~]itl' h. than aay resort In tin rountrr.(.Urn it* free i, ..ra malan v and fur ib» mal.. Indy.»..ii ni ip u« aoporlSr !...*._ f.r rircalarda--erlMn a hyi/lenlr -yivaatatr,-.. e-Y.

HAMRiHfN pHtBiir.**,my 11.1m Kr>>prirt*->r.


JollN (.. Monal!*. _.r,.|.r1et.-r of Ott- Shove'.nil., sraiiU ta, ni).lu ,-r thirty Mt MMKHllOABDRB**, H"»r Loci ..i_- .v ll.. |»t motitli.flin. .! with tra* Bnc no-It. al (,t .|«*rt1e* e«u-

.iii.« .1 la Ute wvtrraai'l a j.i,-.-..i,i roanlrv, tealllr_ji.isit -fi.Um ''BTI-i'1'i. . Irvin I.r lat!

1!»" iti'.niiula* (with ri.n.rnii nt -tiY--yiaf<-»',tr.l-I* a fine r^-ct r<r Inv.liT.-isT !..Addrsasf'unlsvlile B*B8-*BaaB| HueBit 14-Cl*

did* nail <T>» ra-4ja*4-_JUIIN (.. vIiiKHI*-.,-k tut 11.>ii r< nutty, Va.


OPBB FttnM ji'xk tar TO n( touro si«t.ll'iv your tickets v.. MIUUt..* >pot, (****-»-

apcake and Ohln railroad. *ililli..i" KiMrliia*Itt. k* leave ttpot lmi-«-.alelv ..ti i.rrlv il nf traill*.tot t. rm* ..nd (feiier il information address

( vi: Ititi. I. (. VKVKIT. I" n.pri. ter.Millls'i'ii' 0**ar_Bfaj r.-t-tlBlrts

my 12-lm Hatli e.,_nt>. Va.

Rix 'KltUllHJK AI IM BPBIXG8,Ito* KBRlOoKlol'NTV. VA..


(T(tH-bs:Par day.88 80i'. i.iii |of thirty d..v«i. 80 (Hilan m. ii Ui. or uiiire BBSS.ftn "O

Tass r unii raUltMad al (joshm, (lie-ar-itake amtOnto railway, fat >iirln<«. univ thlrtr-flve iuin-alsa' rids -Mronati a tmsatifal and i<'tup*_i_*i vsi-ley U> Hu ijrmi fountain nf health. Theenlir,'pet sal. Bat*! iiii'lers:"n* th'Touirti ami aaSBa U'repairs, ptactna t!i« pt*up_rt| aa iel ta BSaa H*flB| lils ll in Ihrts c..,mirv i lc inc f..r ll.<-Invalid, in...-, in.iit, ..i .,.. i .1.-, n;.ii._ f..r

W-:i¦_- reen .il -it and tal, .i-mt. I tue bani*Ina and-shina*- A eordlal VuntaSa -.'lome will

, -. i.i. ill, mi ,».r) tiiin_ i» ll.le doa, itn ike "iir K'i'-*t-' "ii.r-rt .IT..*tl<-d. ""1 happy.

11 i.t *>.' i. pi v roB,myll-lin eneral M-na/i-r.

k*AitAiiM.A -ri.iM.-.Ij _

i Mun -i v m s !itvn_r_81 i*iiv ,.| i*-j

OPENS JIN! 1 Ul AM) ( I." .> MITI'M-Ill lt 90TB.

,n i-lm UT IR UA0I v co._

."ARM H'l.lM.**. MAUI POI STY.UH NOW ('1*1 N VM) 111 Mil lu

ld i IVE Vl*l |i.|t>. I ),¦.. ri pi. i, <.,n.i.lil«-t* u,'..- h.vl"f I*.." 'll Ladd kt',,.. I*. Ik Miller, andI..lin ilrns-«l*t*. Rle8sa*i_d. "r ..f the tn..-i.rn t.«r. I Li* I- H.- ie'-t .l.-H-rlitftil warm sulphur-

In Un ...lld.¦li'llV I.III; WK.


NI tlKKK !.<. .ItlilM..

I Wot ll) I.Iki: TO I vki; A VT.W1 H" I.BDEB8 il i.Lt " , iii-iiik'* cuinfv. fal

!. r |..,i t n ul irsi'lTr. s»Vin*. M. .1 I KBHI ll.


I) VU I ll- \I.**MTN(. NhW YORKJ will M. I Hi;s|-(|.V*s tl'AKTMKh'THVMi K(iVltl) tt No. |ih l\*l IVVINTV-I1IICI* -TU. I I. .Icc ti. -t central, and

1 in) In ti" lt. II ii < newly fnr-til*li..l*h"iit. Vtt'iil on-,-tlr-l-. la**. I uti, *

'le-lrlna t" --.nie t'-.m* |n sdvaa*** it,_) ad.lrc**Mi vv 11.1.1 Wi itt van asabavt.ny 1 l--iaw|w

HI 4.4.11-t.

Ill .,1,11's-!., I.ld at i.r'HH.K H rt! R-NKTT'sv WHOLK8ALI l*TABLES, no K-aeklln__s_H b*dorn Eachanan lietel, al LuB PBICES.Lvery sale aaarautttsd ti .. .¦ utlsfaeUoa

.inllN M. RACK,iavid-lin .*s*-__*_ian.


vv ll LIAM vv. a .¦ ? .. BILUAB w. I: ti. ii.Lie I. T)ler.

\\* im ni l: k t WV.VM. -itir-'ii;- ra>> J I vi ki i vu Hi \i i i:«. vm.Iii II.D-

l K"5. No. 2101 \-i ' inv -1 li i i. *>.-i.t' inf""iiiiand il" uldlc r»-in-r-il1v tl.

niv , , kind* nfl vi:.') \ 111:**i \ SH III lill **.. .. A ell

ind ia Obs* -: in I- er,Bc

tired fi.-, ... -. I (aka|. Tl- li .

.i, .¦ I ,".-i fat 'r

J. in in¬ti M 0. 1-** ss] 18 BBBftkasl


AS iii: vi I ll. i (i vi. «.| MA. -'/issod

ll Uti.ll I.l VU':i \ I III: V( I I I ie;-l-l INI I VI

-VII I ll* i il Vi.v\ ,i.-t, . ml Indllni

-. H. Il t ,i

ita ¦'I '. *'-

i i BURK ff ( OAL < ti.Ml'ANV,

vhs: I.* ii, r»sT1 Mivol * ( OAL.

j. it. hy vv.

,Gmt) Mi AsaBt.

i *i. \ 1. KS I) WOOD. -PRU EB ME-\ 1,| , i 1, |.i -I 1 'I ill liVtl-s.- I '!.- Bot

..-.,-, _,,T -.I! I. IICU.-I lt, .i.i *l 1*1*1.1 NT,ti|Nl!. ur . I Ml'.I KLANI1

COAL at lowist .n-li |.r|..-. OAS, anti PINK\\.» >I> T'l.r "r *..-»ed ..¦¦: -tilif. (Kr- Hi -ad.,. | <.. ur.-. <r f'.e I < ni ul., aa- Ul Ul.', pr.-n uti t Sllrd.

. h V lil »> ll. I A(.r

im il. OF ali- M\nv

vv TUB viii- I OAL. _VIHi.lM v SPLINT ' OAL,Mi_V v \U Ml WI i.,

i ,|. r.r TIS r. \\ M )l c Mi*/ .ed j* * 'f-J--.. . ti. tn " it Oraw-tiri'lr*-.

, ..llierwtjsv (..'-.

IIKvlTISi:._,|;| M \ I I i: V 1 l"N ANDI/ -lil \ . V I li: A( I l«»N ..M»fT_.

n Kl w*kki.'.I* JW¦";,'¦.' .1 i-f" - H1.NIT4 l.f.

low Dtf-laB, PartH - .. I f '. "Hf H BjMT i'l'! ot '- '-'"' ¦i.rlca ,.i.(u.lli ' "'^",*

.--.ur -1 " k '- ( i

i.> I J-tfii

FrsxiTi ¦'.:. rt ijmti kk: g\l 'Ht Vt UK!! f>! IT**. PVKI.dK S| 1T*A_JL^

UlM-ti.-ltin.M r-l ll*. »(. l.>.IH,IM. I*fB1 1 Villi I.-* M VI ' ur lt*, vv ll ll tra

liMITKifS Ul"* **r--»t. HianiTi i...u*»

.ll a.etl. V (.un- --ri .t I -l i, 1... l's.'-''I. and22 r***tl. VTrtceiiH. -treet. re ii Ma

F°-.riivtKK r wat nsi.r..


Bi net _o**t_.l« »t.*.T Bta»vt.-l.ra-Tii(>Las.

fgHlf ii v-tLiMisa.

riTTKii ri*rou r.v.*i':xcnt'*(»it tobiv..

\t\i\ Y\<\ (Ml IN'THE MiitrTTIIoR'tlXMtiRDaR-

Isold ssi are..ont _Tt_« tleiilh ,-t .me of t!i«t>BBera.Bal sarUier|*u*n--*al«r*.»i*l'!' -"

It.iVt '.HO N J'Ht\**tN.,.,1 i. !-"t 99-A S-ra_a-,Va.

V' I i.l I Alli I. I'l.AN !'**, vm-II .ia* ked,-ittl-rf ll<.«1n- l>ris-i-»:

.BBKI.T POTATO IT vm-.. _, «. pre loo. or

Vs lu'Vi. AT-W. s*'*- !>**«. »*»».'" *iM t«

. m Vv'i.l V1.AiTTt.UAe.9t*WL<^9ai

. i im-,,1 JortKPH i VI I ai."

J *' W m

1 wcnell, au I r«"aR"J-**-***,B*»(!u_B-T*_.T_ABal#s or (i*tkw,-s-l at^nae.

WATUlN^iolTKLU. A UU.JMMil.. -tn.-l.-jMs-.m; tTtV ii>^'-i%rrn?" _u* non ,r I-.H'**" *>PrAAbittl*-l_Tiriiri b!1\TK\ llX*- t AH YUKS A>0 "J £Syt*

I ICR-l R1.AJ4 riitt i-KMf. B* IV*.

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