richmond climax (richmond, ky. : 1897). (richmond, ky...

r j r V JL yA1 = 41 rl fo4 i L iLv1 x 7 7 1 it 1r ii ll I l < t = d I fl o- S Ths store is fully prepared to meet the requirements of S any anti everyman who his an Oxford want IfWe Oxfords for the man who wants good tasto as far as shape S and loather is concerned Jut who must and will have S S- S Foot Comfo rt TfWevo the Young Oxfords Man who for e wants exclusive and extreme styles no matter how pro ¬ S 5 nounced for the more Freakish they are the better he them For these swell dressers we have Oxfords SIS 1likcs are strictly 5 3SssS 5 I nc IDl S 5 S 5 55 5S5 We aim to have and do have allthe wanted styles for Soften have to fit a mans ideas in Oxfords as well as his 1I- S feet TfUlack leathers or Tan Lace or Button Blucher 55Styles Military Heels etc Nothing left outS 1SS- S 5SSS 5I 55 S = S S I James P Tribble S n 55S SS n S SS S S SSSS S SSS S SSSSSSSS S S S SSS S S SSSSS SSSSSSSSSSS 5 5555 S sSSSS SSSSSSSSS S SSS S SSSS The Richmond Climax PUBLISH ItU EVERY WDNBSD Y BY The Climax Printing Co Incorporated J O C BNAULTonPrealdent A D MILLBRPAltor Manger PRICE 100 PER YEAR IS ADVANCE WEDNESDAY JULY 13 19Cc DEMOCRATIC TICKETS For Representative IL W MILLER For Bounty Judge K It TURPI2f For County Attorney K H CROOKK For Sheriff P B BROADDUS For County Olerk JESSE GOBI For Jailor BUCK JOHNSON For Aseeor llOYD P WAORItS For Supt Public Schools JOHN NOLAN For Coroner ROBT L BIGGERSTAFF MayorClarence E Woods Chief of Police J II Alinia- ntuncilmenW S Oldham Richard MciveeT T Covinaton G W Galen J A Mersbon Jennings Maupin Police Judge Jennings Greenleaf City AttorneyT II Collins Magistrate James Dyko- sConstablcL M Scrivner- ANNOUNCEMENT u We are authorized to announce J W Moore a candidate for magistrate rOm Million MnnisUial District sib jectt action of the Democratic party = WHEN the news tVas made public of R W Browns election to the ollioe of Grand B altod Ruler of the B P 0 Elks of America there was universal rejoicingespecially here in his homo State where he is so well and favora by known Mr Brown is business manager of the Louisville Times and u former president of the Kentucky PressAssociation He is exceedingly popular with his fellow newspaper men who congratulate him heartily over his election which was by acclama ¬ tion The Climax voices the senti- ments ¬ of many when we say this se- lection ¬ was wise indeed and the honor bestowed upon Brother Brown is most deserved EVHKY town is anxious to draw trade from as great a distance as pos ¬ sible and the problem of how to ac- complish ¬ the best results in that di ¬ rection has received the best thoughts of business men everywhere One of the most novel plans for this purpose has been adopted by the business men of a Kansas town and it looks hke It ought to be a winner On ev ¬ cry Saturday they will give a prize of t5 to the farmer who has driven the farthest to town to trade To be entitled to the prize however the farmer must trade to the value of at least that amount The plan ought to be an attractive one to the farmers living at a distaice n Ayers You can depend on Ayers Hair Vigor to restore color to your gray hair every time Follow directions and it never fails to do this work It stops Hair Vigor fallingofthe hairalso Theres great satisfaction in knowing you are not going to be disap ¬ pointed Isnt that so Mr lair faded until It wa i about while It took jut one Uittlo of Au r hair Vigor to ret tore It to Its former dark rich color Ynnr hair Vigor c ruiulj does what you claim ru- rItA 31 11000AM Itockinghanii C noo a btt1e T CATEnco AH 1rnit Iowptl Ms- 4a V for Fading Hair THAT Kentucky is not only a stat where the grass is blue and wherE beautiful women are plentiful and thoroughbreds abound but is like- wise a leader In tobacco raising h proved by the following certificate which was properly signed and for warded to Secretary of State Mc I Cbesney United States America Universa Exposition St Louis Mo 1904 Commemorating acquisition Louisi- ana Territory International Jury 01 Awards has conferred a grand prizE upon State of Kentucky tobacco IT is startling to see how mans persons go through life without feel ing the necessity of thinking out tc firm conclusions Such mental inert- ness and intellectual sluggishnes cannot be a preface to active ener- getic and practical living It is ruor vegetating AT a meeting of the Board of Con trot of the Kentucky Slate Fair hel last week announcement was mad that the premium list will reach 25 000 Secretary Bain stated that th agricultural and stock display will bt the greatest in the history of th State A couuESRONnENT of the Manufac turers Record who has visited th sthmus writes that at the rate o progiess made during May it will tab one hundred years to build the canal A state of apathy and insubordina tion exits he says in the Govern- ments establishment COUNTY Superintendent Turner 01 Glassgow was awarded judgment ol 10000 against a book concern To violating the contract by selling book cheaper in South Carolina than thE same books were sold in Kentucky JULY is the month of the harvest when the husbandman realizes the fruits of hid previous sowing It takes months for tho full returns to show but he knows that as he sows he may also hopo to reap Calol1Powcrs Howlifloult amount for worthy charity No wonuer there is need of a greet revival in Louisville since the latest report shows that more than two thousand homes in the Falls City arE without bibles i i r Summer Specials rom now until the end ofsummer you will find goods in every department at Low Prices roui policy to enter the fall season withnew l stock demands this price reduction The price DraperiesfrWall thing special in each department I 1 f IIi 1 j1 DJ f tilT wlll bo wise for all prospective brides to burn old love letters from others save their intended as such a missive caused a jealous young hue band in Texarkana to kill his bride of six weeks IT is reported that a now organiza- tion has teen perfected at Lexington havineJor its object the control of the Burley tobacco production In Ken- tucky ¬ and Ohio The new company will be capitalized at 1500000 THE Shelbyville people have grown tired of depending on negro helpand are making an effort to get a Swiss Colonystarted there In order to se- cure white domestics PERSONAL Miss Julia Higgins went to LAncas- ter ¬ FridayI Mrs Mariah Lynn is ill at the P A C InfirmaryS Misses Mary and Kate Culton were in Ford yesterday Miss Annie McKeo visited in Cin ¬ cinnati last week Mr and Mrs Lewis Nealo are visi- ting ¬ in Danville Mr C L Taggart of Irvine was in tho city Monday MUs Curraleen Smith is at Lake Chautarqua New York lion Grant E Lilly was in Beatty ville last week on business Mr J A Powell of Winchester was here last Wednesday Mr Henry Traynor was in Colum ¬ bus Ohio last week Mr Joe Thurman has returned from Crab Orchard Springs Judge and Mrs N B Turpin are at Witt Spring Estill county Miss Callie Adams spent Sunday with her parents at Lancaster Mrs Joe Bogs visited Mrs J D Gulley during the Lancaster Fair Misses Kate Smith and Rosa May Moberley were in Lancaster last week Mrs J H Wood of Lexington has been the guest of > Miss Janie Myers Mrs Lyon of Beattyville is the guest of Mrs Joe Harris on Third streetMrs W W Burgin and children are visiting relatives in Crrfb Or- chard ¬ Miss Harriett Parrish visited Mist Ela Pcndlcton in Winchester last weekMiss Baumstark of Mt Sterling came last week to visit Mrs Joe A MyersMrs Manous of Owsley county is visiting Mrs Henry Hargis on North streetMiss Catherine Dciss of Indian Territory is the guest of Miss Mar- I SullivanMrs I Thomas Campbell and daugh1 ters have gone to Logan W Virginia I for a visit Miss Virginia Chinn of Frankfort is visiting Misses Sara and Madge BurnamMiss Bean of Louisville has I visiting Mrs James Anderson on Glyn don avenue r Mr Will 14Bybee of Somerset S spent several days last week with his parents here Miss Annie RaIn of Lexington will come today for a visit to Miss Mabel Martin Miss Willie Mae Jarman is in Lex- ington ¬ j visiting the Misses Gourley on Elm Tree Lane Mrs Lou Jckson of Irvine spent last week with her brother IIoxn G E Lilly and family I Mrs R E Little and Miss Mary tAttle have taken rooms at Mrs E V Gibsons for the summer Mrs A R Burnam entertained with a card party last night The af ¬ fair was elegant in every detail Miss McGinnis has returned to Lawrenceburg after a pleasant visit Mrs A D Collins on Third street I Miss Blair the new superintendent of the Pattie A Clay Infirmary ar rived Monday to assume her duties Mrs Mary Smith of Cincinnati arrived Monday night for a visit to her daughter Mrs Ballard II Luxon r Mr L O Schmidt and Miss Kate r Schmidt were in Lexington to attend the funeral of Mr Nicholas Schmidt I Mrs N B Deatherage Mrs Sallie I Cornelison Judge and Mrs Broad dns of Kansas City are at Old Point Comfort Misses Sallie Wells and Eva Mae Rupard of Lexington arc the guests of the formers parents Mr and Mrs W B Wells near Union Mr W It Thomas and laughter > Miss Ethel of Estill Springs i through the city Monday passedII Paris Mr and Mrs W D Oldham and little son Abner left yesterday for a ten days stay at Mudlavia Springs Kramer Indiana IMiss Eva Mac Rupard left today for a several weeks visit to her grand ¬ parents Mr and Mrs W B Wells near Richmond Lexington Leader Mr and Mrs G W Pickels were hosts at an elegant dinner last even ing complimentary to Rev and Mrs Hugh McLcllan About fifteen guests partook of the delicious menuami en ¬ joyed the hospitality Mr and Mrs PickelsTonight the congregation of the eirst Christian church will hold a re ¬ ception the main object of which is to bring into closer relationship its members both old and young and to extenda welcoming hand especially to those received into the church dur ¬ ing the recent revival Mrs G C Crooks is with relatives at Richmond She will go next week to join Professor Crooks at Wcqueton sing where they will spend the re ¬ mainder of the summer Professor Crooks mother will be with relatives in Fayette county during their ab ¬ sence Danville Advocate Several members of the younger set are preparing for a dance at the Masonic Temple on the evening July 27 The Second Regiment ofj of Frankfort has been engaged furnish music The committee on arrangements isMcssn John Ballard Edward Stockton and Laden Burnasi i c r > r rv Mr and Mrs W R Letcher hav 3 I announced the engagement of their daughter Harriett Walters to Mr McKay of Macon Georgia Miss Letcher is tho youngest of six beauti fnl laughters and is one of our citys most popular young women Her fiance Is a prominent young business- man of Macon On Monday evening of last weak i Miss Agnes Ycager entertained with a handsome party at her homo in Lex ington in honor of her guests among J whom is Miss Mao Wallace Ballard of I this city Another partywas given in honor of the same visitors on Wed- nesday ¬ by Miss Elizabeth Luxon and on Thursday Mrs Irvine Prather was hostess at an elegant dinner in honor of these young ladies J Mrs C B Brittain has returned from a months stay in New York where she went on a visit to her hus ¬ band Lieut C B Brittain who ia secretary to Rear Admiral Robley D Evans on the U S Flagship Maine Lieutenant Brittain accompanied his Tife as far as Washington where he took his examination for promo tion on the 29th and 30th of Juno He received his commission on July 1st to the grade of Lieutenant Com ¬ mander Ho his returned to his ship which is off the coast of Massachusetts One of the most delightful flinch nrties of thn summer was given on last Thursday afternoon when Mm Grant E Lilly entertained the West rlguiar guests were Invitedand nine tables were used in the progressions The home was lavishly decorated with growing and cut flowers and the color scheme green and white was carried out in every detail from tallycards up to the ices cakes and bonbons Mrs Lilly is a most charming and gracious hostess and her invitations arc always responded to with joy by her guests Among the outoftown visitors present were Mrs Lou Jackson of Irvine who is a greet at the Lilly home Miss Boyd of Icuisville and Mrs R L Gentry Jr of Nashville Tann Miss Lidia Todhunter of Walnut Hill entertained Friday evening with a beautiful dinner party at her coun ¬ try home It was given in honor of the Rev Robert Sanders pastor of the Walnut Hill church and the guests in a house party ho is entertaining The lovelyold home was decorated with plants and flowers and on the table a profusion of garden blossoms were used effectively A delicious menu was served and the evening was thor- oughly ¬ enjoyed Miss Todhunters guests were Mr Sanders and his guests Miss Olivia Logan of Shelby 7vilIo Miss Jane Courtney of Louis ¬ yule Miss Anne Halley of laynesI Depot and Mis Bright Laura Bright of Richmond Others present were Mr and Mrs Todhun ter Mr Garrard White Mr Harry Brower Major J Embry Allen Lexington Herald IRobt Rajin Dead Mr Robert Ragana highly respected citizen of Poosey locality died Bull ¬ denly yesterday Deceased was about C5 years old and leaves a wife to mourn hit demise Interment will take place today in Richmond cemetery FARMERS SAD EXPERIENCE Buncoed Agriculturist Sits on Steps to Count Cash and Thief Clev erly Purloins Remainder Now YOrkA sad experience with city sharpers has come Into the life of Charles M Brewer a truck farmer hailing from Hickory N C He was at a loss as to how to get back home having been relieved of all his funds Some weeks ago Brower received a letter offering him a farm In New Jer ¬ soy near this city The price was small and he sent on J25 to bind the bargain Donning his best clothes ho then set out for New York to Inspect the farm In hIs ars agent and visited the New Jersey farm with him The land was nothing but a swamp and in a rage the old man demanded that his 25 be returned Tho real estate agent laughed at him but Bsower had heard of District At- torney Jerome and he went to him An Investigation was made with the result that a warrant was issued for the real estate dealer The old farmer was waiting about the criminal court building to see his prisoner when he began to cogitate Over the expense of living In New York and unmindful of the passing pedestrians sat down upon the stairs to figure up what ho had spent and count his money There was still a balance of J4CO In the wallet How did I spend that 407 he asked himself and placing the wallet beside his papors on the steps Brower began to figure up what had become of the money A thief saw the wallet a skillful kick sent it down the steps without tho old man noticing and soon wallet and thief were far away Got to be careful with the rest said Brower as he reached for tho wallet Then he saw there was none His shouts attracted every one In the courthouse but to no purpose Detec tires were called but they had no hopo of recovering Br wers savings LUCK AND LOVE IN ONE BAG Arrest of Alleged Hoodoo Charmer Very Busy ManArticle- Sells Past goodluck with one of his own lucky hoodoo bags as evidence County Detective Merkel arrested Stauffer at his luck and lova factory recently on the charge of sell ¬ bagsDall busywhen shIppingthe was sold for 50 cents and contained inchlong cakesIn sixtimes re4ions on the bag verp as follows goodluck manyfrlendif times the amount you pay for It goodluck lioo around your neck and you will beI withlton forthe be the most effective lucky charm known officebasineeafo TT5 ° o TA eport of the Condition of the tate Bank Trust Co of Richmond Ky No 109110 Wst 5Iain Street Madison County Ky at close of business on the 30th day of June 1901 RESOURCES lash on handu u 8 12006 Ci Ihecks and other Cash Items NH 00 ue from Banks flankers etc 28771 113I iommercial and other paper owned SKI 119 cans upon call witu collateral CO Lima Loans on collateral I 00 x> ans secured by Bonds Mortg I 81191 IS FLeI Estate less Incumbrances 31477 60 urnlture and flxiurea 4000 00 iverirafts 5 3ssJ 4I ill other Assets not included In above 148968 Total r 1J64M1 83 LIABILITIES apital stock paid In 150 000 00I Surplus Contingent or Sinking Fund 10500 00 Undivided Profits v 8414 15 Legs current taxes uu u33ID 21 Deposits subject to eheckS263312 58 Exclnive of all Trust Funds SDue Bills Payable including Certificates of Deposit representing money borrowed 26163 90- Oninvested Bal Trust funds 4S4- 884Totali642O1 88 SUPPLEMENTARY Amount of Trust Fund vi- zMortageMfl230 00 Other Investments 14820 19 Uninvested cash baL 4546 111 Total Trust Funds t 41537 03 Liabilities upon bonds assnrety c None Indemnity held for liability as surety None Due from insolvent Banks Bankers eteu u None Amount of suspended debts Includ- Ing ¬ overdue Joan and pro ested paper secured um 22418 SO Amount of suspended debtsInclnd itigoverdne loans sue protested unsecured B53S 20 Judfments s ¬ overdue six months None Date when balances due depositor were last taken from Depositors Ledger June 30 19B Amount or discrepancy if any with general ledger IS i7 Date whets outstanding Certificates of Icpo itH and CasluerK Checks were last compared with Ledger Same Amount of discrepancy if any with total ahOynu None Highest amount of Indebtedness of any stockholder person company or firm including in the liability of the company or firm the liabil- Ity ¬ of the Individual members thereof or indirectly if such Indebtedness exceeds S per cent of capital stock actually paid in and surplus actually oil hand None How Is indebtedness stated in above Item 12 secured Ie e Sec 610 Ky Statutes u n Highestamountof indebtedness of any or officer if amount of such Indebtedness exceeds 10 percent of paidup capital stock on How is same secured See Section lilO Kentucky Statutes Does amount of indebtedness of any t person company or firm Includ- Ing ¬ the liability of thecompany or firm the liability of the individ ¬ ual members thereof exceed 30 per cent of paidup and actual aurpluauNo If so state amount of such Indebted ¬ ness See Sec 610 Ky Statutes STATE OF KENTUCKY County of Madison IKS R E Turley Cashier of State Dank Trust Co a Trust COlo ted and doing business at No 10S110 W Slain Street in tho City of Richmond ill SAid county belngduly sworn says the foregoing report Is In all respects n true statement of the condition of Co nt the close of business onthe 30th of June 1905 to the best of his knowledge and belief and further says that the business of said Trust Co has bten transacted at the location named nod not elsewhere and that the above report Is made in compliance with an official notice received from the Secretary or State designating the nth day of June ltK5 jUo the tlllY on which such report shall be made Ill TURKEY Cashier Subscribed and sworn to betore me by R ETurley the 3 day of July 1995 L P EVANS Notary Public J SULLIVAN JNO R GIltSON > Directors II II HANGER > muuuuumu QUARTERLY REPORT OF rntz State Bank Trust Co at the close of business on the 30t b day of June 1905- RESOURCES Ijonnxnnd Discounts k71OlC i > Overdrafts unsecured 3tu W Due from National Banks Jil6S2 75 Duo from State flanks and Hankers 1183 2- 5DueirornTrustCompanies 73110 2077203 thinking House and Lot 21010 ou oilier Heal Katate 101775 I- ISpecie511014 31 Currency UttKOO 8VM3I Other Items carried ns Cash 81 00 Furniture and Fixtures m4U OP Current Expenses Last Quarter 3 310 21 All other Assets lisl Total1l6512 l 09 LIABILITIES Capitalstockpaldlniucash150000 00 Surplus Fund 10rjK 00 Undivided Profitsm 8111 15 Due Depositors as follows viz LWUli 58 Deposits suhject 15 check on which In crest is not paid 2H612 58 Deposits to check on whic- hinterestlspsld 00 Demand certificates deposits on which Interest Is paid32500 VU Time certitlcates ol deposits on wnich interest Is 16200 Oil Savitlgt deposits on which Interest- is 00 Certified checks OD Hue National flanks 399 11 Due State Dank and Bankers 41518 Dae Trust Companies 4311112 t1IJUlllnested Total 751209 SUPPLEMENTARY Atehest amount of Indebtedness of any stockholder person compa ¬ ny or firm including in the lia ¬ bility of the company or firm the Individual members thereof dl ¬ rectly or Indirectly If such in ¬ debtedness exceeds 20 per cent of capital stack actually paid In aad actual nmount of surplus of the bank u How Is indebtedness stated in above Item 1 secured See Sec 583 Ky Statutes Does amount 6f any person compa- ny or firm Including In the lia- bility or firm the liability of the individual members thereof ex ceedO per cent of paidup cap- Ital and astnal surplus unNo If so state amount of such Iddebt ¬ edness u Amount of last dlvldenuu Were all expenses losses interest and taxes deducted therefrom be ¬ fore declaring dividend and was not less titan 10 per cent of net profits of the bank for the period covered by the dividend carried to the surplus fund before said dividend was declared Yes See Section 59S Kentucky Sta- tutesTotal167512 oJ STATE OF KENTUCKY COUNTY OF MADISON I BB H K TURIEY Cashier of tho State doingbusiness belntdulY Is In all respects a true statement of the condi ¬ tion of the said Dank at the close of business on the 30th day of June 1003 to the best saythat acted at the location named and not elsewhere and that the above report is made In oomph ¬ ance with an official notice received from the dayJune shall be made It L TURLEY Cnshtcr RTurley Jj V l v ANa Notary Public J A SUIiTIVAN lniaztevoasJNO Public Sale FOR Gilg Taxes On August 1905 at 2 oclock at City Hall in Richmond Ky I will offer for sale the following property for City Tux bill due the City of Richmond Ky for the years 1903 and 1904 unless those taxes and costs are settled on Orhefore the 3rd day of August at 2 oclock White List 1003 1001 Bush White r i 5 50 p 05 jBusli Joe 12 10 1 45 3 > beeMr M v l540i 16 05 i J = Dangerous Germs in I Summer Strengthen the Stomach 1vlth Mion and Keep Welli A wealth ipbi1anthroplst In Npr Yori spends jhousands of dollars etfery summer providing milk for the babies with the result that the mortality is greatly decreased He appreciates the fact that disease germs are common in the summer and that the stomach to resist their at In tackllilOlder diet to insure health but they can so l strengthen tho stomach and digestives organs by the use of Miona that they e too will be tree from sickness in the summer season Take a Mioiia tablet before each meal and it soothe and heal any In flammation that may be present in the lining of the stomach give tone and Bybee Mrs M gdn 4 40 4 85 Bybee Albert 5 50 5 95 Cunningham Lavena 110 120 IeatherageG Sam 55 60s Harrison OH 8 80 970- v Hicks Miller 1 10 2 30 Hicks Mrs Bell 7 70 7 25 Kunes Mrs M F 7 75 Marcum 0 P 4 5- VIcMahan Pat hrs 2 20 2 40 Prather H R 1 10 6 60 Pies La Bell back taxt 2040 v trowers T B 2 75 2 90 Wallace H G 7 70 8 35 White W G kCo 55 CO White Farlpy 60 William John M 11 00 White Chas W n r 5 50 Colored List IfKW 1904 Black Sallie 3 50 S 4 85 Black Jim sr 4 10 f 4s Ballard Winston 3 85 3 O- Rates Sue Co 4 85 Bates Bnford 2 20 2 m Benna Chas 5 95 Big < rstaIT Jas 2 BO Bipg rstau Mereleth 2 20 Burnam J C 3 00 Chambers Jerry 4 40 210- e Ohenault Robt 3 51 Oobb William 2 30 Crntcher Lizzie 2 40 Deatherage Bush 8 35 Dejarnett Sarah 2 40 Ellison Nannie 1 155 1 80 Estill Robt 2 20 1 80 Eltnore Zep 1 10 3 35 Embry Julia A 2 20 2 40 Embry Rebecca 485 Estill Mary 4 40 Francis Lizzy 1 20 File Sarah 2 75 3 06 Fife Mollie 2 20 1 SO Francis Will 1 Co 1 20 Gilbert Amelia 2 75 3 06 Gibbs Mary 1 Co Harris Ben 3 30 3 50 Hood Nathaniel 2 36 Harris Woodson 2 75 Irvine Joe 1 3 06 Jarman Robt 3 7i Mason Millie 1 10 12 Mason Mariah 3 30 30 Martin Humphrey 1 10 2 30 Martin Irvine 2 75 2 PO Mathews Nannie 2 20 2 46 Miller T B 4 75 Miller Matlio J 4 40 4 85 Miller Harriswn 3 30 3 65 tliller Emma 2 75 Miller Sallie 3 30 Poland Lizzie 1 65 1 SC Parkes Geor ann 2 20 3 95 Phelps Jennie 7 20 8 45 Phelps Mary A 1 20 Phehs Sid 2 20 1 20 Presley Anderson agt 2 75 4 IC Phillipps Wm 2 06 Rice George 1 30 3 56 Rhodes David 3 30 3 SC Rhodes Levena 4 50 4 8 Sheppard Chas nr 3 30 3 56 Smith Scott 2 70 Smith Ella 2 20 1 SO Stone Leun J 1 SO 1 SO Stone Mariah 1 SC Stone Manerva 1 65 Stone Irvine 2 4C Smallwood Chas 2 20 1 SO Tevis Cassie 2 75 3 06 Tomlin Henry 2 75 2 IXI Thomas Ben 2 Turner Wyatt 4 40 4 75 Tyre Williams 2 75 Walker Ann 2 75 3 06I Walker Josie 1 10 1 Walker Dick 3 56 Wells Joe 1 20 White Dave 1 00 4 36 White Narcis 3 30 3 GS Willis Allen 3 56 White Sarah 1 f- cWinkfield L D 1 30 3 50 Warntr John 2 75 White Mary 1 10 White James sr 2 20 White Jim n r 330 Yates China 2 75 K P Lodge 1110 OOF 186 T C ONKIL CUy Collector strength to the whole digestive system and aid you in natiHally and easily di ¬ gesting the food it ill the only reme- dy ¬ known that cures indigestion and stomach troubles by strengthing the digestive system It is Guaranteed to make a complete and permanent cure all diseases of the stomalt except cancer MJona restores complete hfciflth to- hewliole oystem and cures head lhe sleeplessness pains antI distreeafafter vertigo heart burn sill the general debility which result from a weak stomach and imperfect digestion A guarantee to refund the money if Miona does not show help is given with every 50 cent box Ask B L Middelton to show you the guarantee Forced to Starve B F Leek of Concord Ky says For 20 years I suffered agonies with a ore on my upper lip so painful some- times that I not eat After M1UIT trying ovorything else I cured It with Bncklens Arnica Salve Its treat for burns cuts and wounds At R O Stocktons drug store only 25c 1m 5 Notice t tttdltors All persons having claims against he estate of Samuel P Hunter ue notified to preFent them to inn at once proved and verified as required by law or they may be barredJ Caperton Exec June 13 1905 tl NOTICE Your city tax bills for the year 1905 are now due and in my hands for col lection On nil those not paid on or before November 1 1905 tIme penalty prescribed by ordinance will be at nchert T C ONell City Collectot Office at City flail 5jl4t Splitting Headache- can be often relieved by a nerve seda tive but the scientific way of treating a headache is to KO right down to tilE real cans or root or the trouble anil one It with Dr Oaldwells Syrup Pep cln It is the only perfect cure for headache dizziness constipnlion and is free from the dangerous aftereffects which so frequently follow thq use ol headache powders Try it Sold by Perrg A Thomas at 50c and 1 Money back if it fails lot Sacrifice Sal- eI I positively going to quit business and move to New York Hence I offer at a sac- rifice ¬ beginning June 1st my entire stock of goods ofall kinds and there is none super- ior ¬ in this section Also the following personal property My 2story brick residence on Main street My 2story brickresidence on Collins street known as the Barlow place A gentle pony rubber tire cart and harness One 4yearold HaxhallVat ican mare A firstclass phaeton All parties owing me will please call andsettle B W TURNER Richmond Ky ITHE I FOR BOYS Select a school for your son where you are satisfied that he will receive careful personal attentirn and make thoroughadvance ¬ ment Consult the patrons of this school and have a talk with the Prin clpil Jas T Barrett Richmond Ky TELEPHONE GROWTH Time Cumberland Telephone and Telegraph Company has issued statement of its business for month of June anti the increase in the number of sub ¬ scribers is shown as follows Number of subscribers June 1 1905 128919 Number added during month 4390 Number discontinued during month 2727 Net increase 7TTT ICC3 Total nuaiber subscribers June 30 1005 130582 S jfn M M t Messrs Suit B ra LOn l4the polite and energetic the t6 oft Racket Store Vt are now showing some ofof the i fr handsomest China ever brought to i1 this city They are also exhibiting 2 some very exquisite pattern in g- 1 V Genuine Cut Glass 4 m t I Their general stock comprises eVI 4perything of use to a housekeeper JpI RememembertheRacket Store when j l 1tin need of beautiful Queensware and sit Glasst > 11 t rr fTTtiir t 5 DRY Gooos NoTloNsSUIT5 CLOAKS FURS WRAPS C i I Albert The Florist Agent for Honakers Flowers Tel 188 Ask Your Neighbor which is the best Mower to buy and his answer will be If you want a Mower that will last longer pull lighter andcut your grass from season to season year in and year out with ¬ out trouble or loss of time and to give you perfect satisfaction you will have to buy an Ideal Deering Mower ci Call and let us show you why the Ideal Deering Mower is the best and let us price you a Mower and Rake We have all kinds of Sulky Spring Steel Teeth Rakes and Sweep Rakes ranging in price from S18 to 40When in town call and let us show and price you our line of Hay Presses Stackers Sweep Bakes Sulky Rakes Gas Engines Pumps and Birdsell Wagons Dont buyla farming tool without- first pricing and looking over uur liie 0I B1huco1IordCoMidsummer Display t SOn and After Wednesday May J 7 J t > I J i Carriage and l eceptionHatsI Fancy Silk ¬ J tumes- Embroidered 1- tJ Linen Suits J- t Muslin Dresses t Linen and Pique Separate J tJSkirts tJ t t Embry and Co Ladies Hatters and Furnishersj East Main Street Iv I PM POPE Headquarters for all kinds of Hardware Stoves Ranges Fine line of Enameled Ware just received Pocket and Table Cutlery Guns Loaded Shells Ammunition of all kinds I Farming Implements Forks Shovels Nails Fence Wire etc 0 Builders Hardware of all kinds j jt 1 am adding to my stocka full line cf Wagon MaterialSpokes Rims Shafts etc1 Get my prices on I Fruit Cans Call and see me 204 Main Street J FjrSr Ji1I 3LJ1 J S iii

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Page 1: Richmond climax (Richmond, Ky. : 1897). (Richmond, Ky j r V JL yA1 = 41 rl fo4 i L iLv1 x 1r ii ll 7 7 it 1 I l < t d = I fl o-S Ths

r j r V JLyA1 = 41 rl fo4 i L iLv1 x7 7 1it1r ii ll I l <

t =dI


S Ths store is fully prepared to meet the requirements of

S any anti everyman who his an Oxford want IfWeOxfords for the man who wants good tasto as far as shape

S and loather is concerned Jut who must and will have

S S-

SFoot Comfort TfWevo

the YoungOxfords

Man whofor

ewants exclusive and extreme styles no matter how pro¬

S5 nounced for the more Freakish they are the better he

them For these swell dressers we have Oxfords SIS1likcs are strictly53SssS5 Inc IDl S

5 S555

5S5 We aim to have and do have allthe wanted styles for

Soften have to fit a mans ideas in Oxfords as well as his 1I-

S feet TfUlack leathers or Tan Lace or Button Blucher55Styles Military Heels etc Nothing leftoutS 1SS-


I James P TribbleS n55S



The Richmond Climax


The Climax Printing CoIncorporated

J O C BNAULTonPrealdentA D MILLBRPAltor Manger





For RepresentativeIL W MILLER

For Bounty JudgeK It TURPI2f

For County AttorneyK H CROOKK


For County OlerkJESSE GOBI


For AseeorllOYD P WAORItS

For Supt Public SchoolsJOHN NOLAN


MayorClarence E WoodsChief of Police J II Alinia-ntuncilmenW S Oldham Richard

MciveeT T Covinaton G W GalenJ A Mersbon Jennings Maupin

Police Judge Jennings GreenleafCity AttorneyT II CollinsMagistrate James Dyko-sConstablcL M Scrivner-


We are authorized to announce JW Moore a candidate for magistrate

rOm Million MnnisUial District sibjectt action of the Democratic party

=WHEN the news tVas made public of

R W Browns election to the ollioe of

Grand B altod Ruler of the B P 0Elks of America there was universalrejoicingespecially here in his homoState where he is so well and favoraby known Mr Brown is businessmanager of the Louisville Times andu former president of the KentuckyPressAssociation He is exceedinglypopular with his fellow newspaper menwho congratulate him heartily overhis election which was by acclama ¬

tion The Climax voices the senti-


of many when we say this se-


was wise indeed and thehonor bestowed upon Brother Brownis most deserved

EVHKY town is anxious to drawtrade from as great a distance as pos ¬

sible and the problem of how to ac-


the best results in that di ¬

rection has received the best thoughtsof business men everywhere One ofthe most novel plans for this purposehas been adopted by the businessmen of a Kansas town and it lookshke It ought to be a winner On ev¬

cry Saturday they will give a prizeof t5 to the farmer who has driventhe farthest to town to trade To beentitled to the prize however thefarmer must trade to the value of atleast that amount The plan oughtto be an attractive one to the farmersliving at a distaice


AyersYou can depend on AyersHair Vigor to restore color toyour gray hair every timeFollow directions and it neverfails to do this work It stops

HairVigorfallingofthe hairalso Theresgreat satisfaction in knowingyou are not going to be disap ¬

pointed Isnt that soMr lair faded until It wai about while It

took jut one Uittlo of Au r hair Vigor toret tore It to Its former dark rich color Ynnrhair Vigor c ruiulj does what you claim ru-rItA 31 11000AM Itockinghanii C

noo a btt1e T CATEncoAH 1rnit Iowptl Ms-

4a V forFading Hair

THAT Kentucky is not only a statwhere the grass is blue and wherE

beautiful women are plentiful andthoroughbreds abound but is like-

wise a leader In tobacco raising hproved by the following certificatewhich was properly signed and forwarded to Secretary of State Mc

I CbesneyUnited States America Universa

Exposition St Louis Mo 1904Commemorating acquisition Louisi-ana Territory International Jury 01

Awards has conferred a grand prizEupon State of Kentucky tobacco

IT is startling to see how manspersons go through life without feeling the necessity of thinking out tc

firm conclusions Such mental inert-ness and intellectual sluggishnescannot be a preface to active ener-getic and practical living It is ruorvegetating

AT a meeting of the Board of Controt of the Kentucky Slate Fair hellast week announcement was madthat the premium list will reach 25000 Secretary Bain stated that thagricultural and stock display will btthe greatest in the history of thState

A couuESRONnENT of the Manufacturers Record who has visited thsthmus writes that at the rate o

progiess made during May it will tabone hundred years to build the canalA state of apathy and insubordination exits he says in the Govern-ments establishment

COUNTY Superintendent Turner 01

Glassgow was awarded judgment ol

10000 against a book concern To

violating the contract by selling bookcheaper in South Carolina than thE

same books were sold in KentuckyJULY is the month of the harvest

when the husbandman realizes thefruits of hid previous sowing Ittakes months for tho full returns toshow but he knows that as he sowshe may also hopo to reap

Calol1PowcrsHowlifloultamount for worthy charity

No wonuer there is need of a greetrevival in Louisville since the latestreport shows that more than twothousand homes in the Falls City arEwithout bibles



r SummerSpecials

rom now until the end ofsummer you willfind goods in every department at Low Prices

roui policy to enter the fall season withnewl stock demands this price reduction The price

DraperiesfrWallthing special in each department

I 1


IIi 1 j1DJ


tilT wlll bo wise for all prospectivebrides to burn old love letters fromothers save their intended as such amissive caused a jealous young hue

band in Texarkana to kill his bride ofsix weeks

IT is reported that a now organiza-

tion has teen perfected at Lexington

havineJor its object the control of theBurley tobacco production In Ken-



and Ohio The new companywill be capitalized at 1500000

THE Shelbyville people have growntired of depending on negro helpandare making an effort to get a SwissColonystarted there In order to se-

cure white domestics

PERSONALMiss Julia Higgins went to LAncas-

ter¬FridayIMrs Mariah Lynn is ill at the P A

C InfirmarySMisses Mary and Kate Culton were

in Ford yesterdayMiss Annie McKeo visited in Cin ¬

cinnati last week

Mr and Mrs Lewis Nealo are visi-



in Danville

Mr C L Taggart of Irvine wasin tho city Monday

MUs Curraleen Smith is at Lake

Chautarqua New York

lion Grant E Lilly was in Beattyville last week on business

Mr J A Powell of Winchesterwas here last Wednesday

Mr Henry Traynor was in Colum ¬

bus Ohio last week

Mr Joe Thurman has returned fromCrab Orchard Springs

Judge and Mrs N B Turpin areat Witt Spring Estill county

Miss Callie Adams spent Sundaywith her parents at Lancaster

Mrs Joe Bogs visited Mrs J D

Gulley during the Lancaster FairMisses Kate Smith and Rosa May

Moberley were in Lancaster last week

Mrs J H Wood of Lexington hasbeen the guest of >Miss Janie Myers

Mrs Lyon of Beattyville is theguest of Mrs Joe Harris on Third

streetMrsW W Burgin and children

are visiting relatives in Crrfb Or-


Miss Harriett Parrish visited MistEla Pcndlcton in Winchester last

weekMissBaumstark of Mt Sterling

came last week to visit Mrs Joe A


Manous of Owsley county isvisiting Mrs Henry Hargis on North

streetMissCatherine Dciss of Indian

Territory is the guest of Miss Mar-I

SullivanMrsI Thomas Campbell and daugh1

ters have gone to Logan W VirginiaI for a visit

Miss Virginia Chinn of Frankfortis visiting Misses Sara and Madge

BurnamMissBean of Louisville has


visiting Mrs James Anderson on Glyndon avenue

r Mr Will 14Bybee of SomersetS spent several days last week with his

parents hereMiss Annie RaIn of Lexington

will come today for a visit to MissMabel Martin

Miss Willie Mae Jarman is in Lex-


j visiting the Misses Gourley onElm Tree Lane

Mrs Lou Jckson of Irvine spentlast week with her brother IIoxn GE Lilly and family

I Mrs R E Little and Miss MarytAttle have taken rooms at Mrs EV Gibsons for the summer

Mrs A R Burnam entertainedwith a card party last night The af¬

fair was elegant in every detailMiss McGinnis has returned to

Lawrenceburg after a pleasant visitMrs A D Collins on Third street

I Miss Blair the new superintendentof the Pattie A Clay Infirmary arrived Monday to assume her duties

Mrs Mary Smith of Cincinnatiarrived Monday night for a visit toher daughter Mrs Ballard II Luxon

r Mr L O Schmidt and Miss Kater Schmidt were in Lexington to attend

the funeral of Mr Nicholas SchmidtI Mrs N B Deatherage Mrs SallieI Cornelison Judge and Mrs Broad

dns of Kansas City are at Old PointComfort

Misses Sallie Wells and Eva MaeRupard of Lexington arc the guestsof the formers parents Mr and MrsW B Wells near Union

Mr W It Thomas and laughter >

Miss Ethel of Estill Springsi through the city Monday



Mr and Mrs W D Oldham andlittle son Abner left yesterday for aten days stay at Mudlavia SpringsKramer Indiana

IMiss Eva Mac Rupard left today fora several weeks visit to her grand ¬

parents Mr and Mrs W B Wellsnear Richmond Lexington Leader

Mr and Mrs G W Pickels werehosts at an elegant dinner last evening complimentary to Rev and MrsHugh McLcllan About fifteen guestspartook of the delicious menuami en¬

joyed the hospitality Mr and Mrs

PickelsTonightthe congregation of the

eirst Christian church will hold a re¬

ception the main object of which isto bring into closer relationship itsmembers both old and young and toextenda welcoming hand especiallyto those received into the church dur ¬

ing the recent revival

Mrs G C Crooks is with relativesat Richmond She will go next weekto join Professor Crooks at Wcquetonsing where they will spend the re¬

mainder of the summer ProfessorCrooks mother will be with relativesin Fayette county during their ab ¬

sence Danville Advocate

Several members of the youngerset are preparing for a dance at theMasonic Temple on the eveningJuly 27 The Second Regiment ofjof Frankfort has been engagedfurnish music The committee onarrangements isMcssn John BallardEdward Stockton and Laden Burnasi i


r >


Mr and Mrs W R Letcher hav 3 Iannounced the engagement of theirdaughter Harriett Walters to MrMcKay of Macon Georgia MissLetcher is tho youngest of six beautifnl laughters and is one of our citysmost popular young women Herfiance Is a prominent young business-man of Macon

On Monday evening of last weak iMiss Agnes Ycager entertained with ahandsome party at her homo in Lex

ington in honor of her guests among J

whom is Miss Mao Wallace Ballard of I

this city Another partywas givenin honor of the same visitors on Wed-


by Miss Elizabeth Luxon andon Thursday Mrs Irvine Prather washostess at an elegant dinner in honorof these young ladies J

Mrs C B Brittain has returnedfrom a months stay in New Yorkwhere she went on a visit to her hus¬

band Lieut C B Brittain who ia

secretary to Rear Admiral Robley DEvans on the U S Flagship MaineLieutenant Brittain accompaniedhis Tife as far as Washington wherehe took his examination for promotion on the 29th and 30th of JunoHe received his commission on July1st to the grade of Lieutenant Com¬

mander Ho his returned to his shipwhich is off the coast of Massachusetts

One of the most delightful flinchnrties of thn summer was given onlast Thursday afternoon when MmGrant E Lilly entertained the Westrlguiarguests were Invitedand ninetables were used in the progressionsThe home was lavishly decoratedwith growing and cut flowers andthe color scheme green and whitewas carried out in every detail fromtallycards up to the ices cakes andbonbons Mrs Lilly is a mostcharming and gracious hostess andher invitations arc always respondedto with joy by her guests Amongthe outoftown visitors present wereMrs Lou Jackson of Irvine who is agreet at the Lilly home Miss Boydof Icuisville and Mrs R L GentryJr of Nashville Tann

Miss Lidia Todhunter of WalnutHill entertained Friday evening witha beautiful dinner party at her coun ¬

try home It was given in honor ofthe Rev Robert Sanders pastor of theWalnut Hill church and the guests ina house party ho is entertaining Thelovelyold home was decorated withplants and flowers and on the table aprofusion of garden blossoms wereused effectively A delicious menuwas served and the evening was thor-oughly


enjoyed Miss Todhuntersguests were Mr Sanders and hisguests Miss Olivia Logan of Shelby

7vilIo Miss Jane Courtney of Louis ¬

yule Miss Anne Halley of laynesIDepot and Mis BrightLaura Bright of Richmond Otherspresent were Mr and Mrs Todhunter Mr Garrard White Mr HarryBrower Major J Embry AllenLexington Herald

IRobt Rajin Dead

Mr Robert Ragana highly respectedcitizen of Poosey locality died Bull ¬

denly yesterday Deceased was aboutC5 years old and leaves a wife to mournhit demise Interment will take placetoday in Richmond cemetery


Buncoed Agriculturist Sits on Stepsto Count Cash and Thief Clev

erly Purloins Remainder

Now YOrkA sad experience withcity sharpers has come Into the life ofCharles M Brewer a truck farmerhailing from Hickory N C He wasat a loss as to how to get back homehaving been relieved of all his fundsSome weeks ago Brower received aletter offering him a farm In New Jer ¬

soy near this cityThe price was small and he sent on

J25 to bind the bargain Donning hisbest clothes ho then set out for NewYork to Inspect the farm In hIsarsagent and visited the New Jersey farmwith him The land was nothing buta swamp and in a rage the old mandemanded that his 25 be returnedTho real estate agent laughed at himbut Bsower had heard of District At-torney Jerome and he went to himAn Investigation was made with theresult that a warrant was issued forthe real estate dealer

The old farmer was waiting aboutthe criminal court building to see hisprisoner when he began to cogitateOver the expense of living In NewYork and unmindful of the passingpedestrians sat down upon the stairsto figure up what ho had spent andcount his money There was still abalance of J4CO In the wallet

How did I spend that 407 heasked himself and placing the walletbeside his papors on the steps Browerbegan to figure up what had become ofthe money A thief saw the wallet askillful kick sent it down the stepswithout tho old man noticing and soonwallet and thief were far away

Got to be careful with the restsaid Brower as he reached for thowallet Then he saw there was noneHis shouts attracted every one In thecourthouse but to no purpose Detectires were called but they had no hopoof recovering Br wers savings


Arrest of Alleged Hoodoo CharmerVery Busy ManArticle-

Sells Past

goodluckwith one of his own lucky hoodoo bagsas evidence County Detective Merkelarrested Stauffer at his luck and lovafactory recently on the charge of sell ¬bagsDallbusywhenshIppingthewas sold for 50 cents and containedinchlongcakesInsixtimesre4ions on the bag verp as followsgoodluckmanyfrlendiftimes the amount you pay for Itgoodlucklioo around your neck and you will beIwithltonforthebe the most effective lucky charmknown


TT5 ° o


eport of the Condition of the

tate Bank Trust Co

of Richmond Ky No 109110 Wst5Iain Street Madison County Ky

at close of business on the 30th dayof June 1901

RESOURCESlash on handu u 8 12006 CiIhecks and other Cash Items NH 00ue from Banks flankers etc 28771 113I

iommercial and other paper owned SKI 119

cans upon call witu collateral CO

Lima Loans on collateral I 00x> ans secured by Bonds Mortg I 81191 ISFLeI Estate less Incumbrances 31477 60

urnlture and flxiurea 4000 00iverirafts 5 3ssJ 4Iill other Assets not included In

above 148968

Total r 1J64M1 83

LIABILITIESapital stock paid In 150 000 00ISurplus Contingent orSinking Fund 10500 00

Undivided Profits v 8414 15

Legs currenttaxes uu u33ID 21

Deposits subject to eheckS263312 58Exclnive of all Trust FundsSDueBills Payable including Certificates

of Deposit representing moneyborrowed 26163 90-

Oninvested Bal Trust funds 4S4-884Totali642O1 88

SUPPLEMENTARYAmount of Trust Fund vi-zMortageMfl230 00

Other Investments 14820 19Uninvested cash baL 4546 111

Total Trust Funds t 41537 03Liabilities upon bonds assnrety c NoneIndemnity held for liability as surety NoneDue from insolvent Banks Bankerseteu u NoneAmount of suspended debts Includ-


overdue Joan and pro estedpaper secured um 22418 SO

Amount of suspended debtsInclnditigoverdne loans sue protested

unsecured B53S 20

Judfments s¬

overdue six months NoneDate when balances due depositor

were last taken from DepositorsLedger June 30 19B

Amount or discrepancy if any withgeneral ledger IS i7

Date whets outstanding Certificatesof Icpo itH and CasluerK Checkswere last compared with Ledger Same

Amount of discrepancy if any withtotal ahOynu None

Highest amount of Indebtedness ofany stockholder person companyor firm including in the liabilityof the company or firm the liabil-Ity


of the Individual membersthereof or indirectly ifsuch Indebtedness exceeds S percent of capital stock actuallypaid in and surplus actually oilhand None

How Is indebtedness stated in aboveItem 12 secured Ie e Sec 610 KyStatutes u n

Highestamountof indebtedness ofany or officer if amountof such Indebtedness exceeds 10percent of paidup capital stock on

How is same securedSee Section lilO Kentucky Statutes

Does amount of indebtedness of any tperson company or firm Includ-Ing


the liability of thecompanyor firm the liability of the individ ¬

ual members thereof exceed 30per cent of paidup andactual aurpluauNoIf so state amount of such Indebted ¬

ness See Sec 610 Ky StatutesSTATE OF KENTUCKY

County of Madison IKS

R E Turley Cashier of State Dank TrustCo a Trust COlo ted and doing businessat No 10S110 W Slain Street in tho City ofRichmond ill SAid county belngduly swornsays the foregoing report Is In all respects ntrue statement of the condition ofCo nt the close of business onthe 30th of June1905 to the best of his knowledge and beliefand further says that the business of saidTrust Co has bten transacted at the locationnamed nod not elsewhere and that the abovereport Is made in compliance with an officialnotice received from the Secretary or Statedesignating the nth day of June ltK5 jUo

the tlllY on which such report shall be madeIll TURKEY Cashier

Subscribed and sworn to betore me by RETurley the 3 day of July 1995



OF rntz

State Bank Trust Co

at the close of business on the 30t bday of June 1905-

RESOURCESIjonnxnnd Discounts k71OlC i>

Overdrafts unsecured 3tu WDue from National Banks Jil6S2 75Duo from State flanks and

Hankers 1183 2-5DueirornTrustCompanies 73110 2077203thinking House and Lot 21010 ouoilier Heal Katate 101775 I-ISpecie511014 31Currency UttKOO 8VM3IOther Items carried ns Cash 81 00Furniture and Fixtures m4U OP

Current Expenses Last Quarter 3 310 21

All other Assets lisl



LIABILITIESCapitalstockpaldlniucash150000 00Surplus Fund 10rjK 00Undivided Profitsm 8111 15Due Depositors as follows viz LWUli 58Deposits suhject 15 check on which

In crest is not paid 2H612 58Deposits to check on whic-

hinterestlspsld 00Demand certificates deposits on

which Interest Is paid32500 VU

Time certitlcates ol deposits onwnich interest Is 16200 Oil

Savitlgt deposits on which Interest-is 00

Certified checks OD

Hue National flanks 399 11Due State Dank and

Bankers 41518Dae Trust Companies 4311112

t1IJUlllnestedTotal 751209

SUPPLEMENTARYAtehest amount of Indebtedness of

any stockholder person compa¬

ny or firm including in the lia ¬bility of the company or firm theIndividual members thereof dl ¬

rectly or Indirectly If such in ¬

debtedness exceeds 20 per centof capital stack actually paid Inaad actual nmount of surplus ofthe bank u

How Is indebtedness stated in aboveItem 1 secured

See Sec 583 Ky StatutesDoes amount 6f any person compa-

ny or firm Including In the lia-bility or firm the liability of theindividual members thereof exceedO per cent of paidup cap-Ital and astnal surplus unNoIf so state amount of such Iddebt ¬

edness uAmount of last dlvldenuuWere all expenses losses interest

and taxes deducted therefrom be¬

fore declaring dividend and wasnot less titan 10 per cent of netprofits of the bank for the periodcovered by the dividend carriedto the surplus fund before saiddividend was declared Yes

See Section 59S Kentucky Sta-tutesTotal167512 oJ


H K TURIEY Cashier of tho StatedoingbusinessbelntdulYIs In all respects a true statement of the condi ¬

tion of the said Dank at the close of businesson the 30th day of June 1003 to the bestsaythatacted at the location named and not elsewhereand that the above report is made In oomph¬

ance with an official notice received from thedayJuneshall be madeIt L TURLEY CnshtcrRTurleyJj V lvANa Notary Public



Public SaleFOR

Gilg Taxes

On August 1905 at 2 oclockat City Hall in RichmondKy I will offer for sale thefollowing property for CityTux bill due the City ofRichmond Ky for theyears 1903 and 1904 unlessthose taxes and costs aresettled on Orhefore the 3rdday of August at 2 oclock

White List1003 1001

Bush White r i 5 50 p 05jBusli Joe 12 10 1 453> beeMr M v l540i 16 05

i J=

Dangerous Germs inI

SummerStrengthen the Stomach 1vlth Mion and Keep Welli

A wealth ipbi1anthroplst In NprYori spends jhousands of dollars etferysummer providing milk for the babieswith the result that the mortality is

greatly decreased He appreciates thefact that disease germs are common inthe summer and that the stomach

to resist their at In

tackllilOlderdiet to insure health but they can so lstrengthen tho stomach and digestivesorgans by the use of Miona that they e

too will be tree from sickness in thesummer season

Take a Mioiia tablet before eachmeal and it soothe and heal any Inflammation that may be present in thelining of the stomach give tone and

Bybee Mrs M gdn 4 40 4 85

Bybee Albert 5 50 5 95

Cunningham Lavena 110 120IeatherageG Sam 55 60sHarrison OH 8 80 970-

vHicks Miller 1 10 2 30

Hicks Mrs Bell 7 70 7 25

Kunes Mrs M F 7 75

Marcum 0 P 4 5-

VIcMahan Pat hrs 2 20 2 40

Prather H R 1 10 6 60

Pies La Bell back taxt2040 vtrowers T B 2 75 2 90

Wallace H G 7 70 8 35

White W G kCo 55 CO

White Farlpy 60

William John M 11 00

White Chas W n r 5 50

Colored ListIfKW 1904

Black Sallie 3 50 S 4 85

Black Jim sr 4 10 f 4sBallard Winston 3 85 3 O-

Rates Sue Co 4 85

Bates Bnford 2 20 2 m

Benna Chas 5 95

Big < rstaIT Jas 2 BO

Bipg rstau Mereleth 2 20

Burnam J C 3 00

Chambers Jerry 4 40 210-e Ohenault Robt 3 51

Oobb William 2 30

Crntcher Lizzie 2 40

Deatherage Bush 8 35

Dejarnett Sarah 2 40

Ellison Nannie 1 155 1 80

Estill Robt 2 20 1 80

Eltnore Zep 1 10 3 35

Embry Julia A 2 20 2 40

Embry Rebecca 485Estill Mary 4 40

Francis Lizzy 1 20

File Sarah 2 75 3 06

Fife Mollie 2 20 1 SO

Francis Will 1 Co 1 20

Gilbert Amelia 2 75 3 06

Gibbs Mary 1 Co

Harris Ben 3 30 3 50

Hood Nathaniel 2 36

Harris Woodson 2 75

Irvine Joe 1 3 06

Jarman Robt 3 7i

Mason Millie 1 10 12Mason Mariah 3 30 30Martin Humphrey 1 10 2 30

Martin Irvine 2 75 2 PO

Mathews Nannie 2 20 2 46

Miller T B 4 75

Miller Matlio J 4 40 4 85

Miller Harriswn 3 30 3 65

tliller Emma 2 75

Miller Sallie 3 30Poland Lizzie 1 65 1 SC

Parkes Geor ann 2 20 3 95

Phelps Jennie 7 20 8 45

Phelps Mary A 1 20

Phehs Sid 2 20 1 20

Presley Anderson agt 2 75 4 IC

Phillipps Wm 2 06

Rice George 1 30 3 56

Rhodes David 3 30 3 SC

Rhodes Levena 4 50 4 8Sheppard Chas nr 3 30 3 56

Smith Scott 2 70

Smith Ella 2 20 1 SO

Stone Leun J 1 SO 1 SO

Stone Mariah 1 SC

Stone Manerva 1 65

Stone Irvine 2 4C

Smallwood Chas 2 20 1 SO

Tevis Cassie 2 75 3 06

Tomlin Henry 2 75 2IXI

Thomas Ben 2

Turner Wyatt 4 40 4 75

Tyre Williams 2 75Walker Ann 2 75 3

06IWalker Josie 1 10 1

Walker Dick 3 56

Wells Joe 1 20White Dave 1 00 4 36White Narcis 3 30 3 GS

Willis Allen 3 56

White Sarah 1 f-

cWinkfield L D 1 30 3 50

Warntr John 2 75White Mary 1 10

White James sr 2 20White Jim n r 330Yates China 2 75K P Lodge 1110

OOF 186T C ONKIL CUy Collector

strength to the whole digestive system

and aid you in natiHally and easily di ¬

gesting the food it ill the only reme-



known that cures indigestion andstomach troubles by strengthing thedigestive system It is Guaranteed to

make a complete and permanent cureall diseases of the stomalt exceptcancer

MJona restores complete hfciflth to-

hewliole oystem and cures head lhesleeplessness pains antI distreeafafter

vertigo heart burn sill thegeneral debility which result from aweak stomach and imperfect digestion

A guarantee to refund the money ifMiona does not show help is given

with every 50 cent box Ask B LMiddelton to show you the guarantee

Forced to StarveB F Leek of Concord Ky says

For 20 years I suffered agonies with aore on my upper lip so painful some-

times that I not eat AfterM1UIT trying ovorything else I cured

It with Bncklens Arnica Salve Itstreat for burns cuts and wounds AtR O Stocktons drug store only 25c


Notice t tttdltors

All persons having claims againsthe estate of Samuel P Hunter ue

notified to preFent them to inn at onceproved and verified as required by lawor they may bebarredJCaperton ExecJune 13 1905 tl


Your city tax bills for the year 1905

are now due and in my hands for col

lection On nil those not paid on or

before November 1 1905 tIme penaltyprescribed by ordinance will be at

nchert T C ONell City CollectotOffice at City flail 5jl4t

Splitting Headache-can be often relieved by a nerve sedative but the scientific way of treating aheadache is to KO right down to tilEreal cans or root or the trouble anilone It with Dr Oaldwells Syrup Pepcln It is the only perfect cure forheadache dizziness constipnlion andis free from the dangerous aftereffectswhich so frequently follow thq use olheadache powders Try it Sold byPerrg A Thomas at 50c and 1 Moneyback if it fails lot

Sacrifice Sal-eII positively going to quit

business and move to NewYork Hence I offer at a sac-


beginning June 1st myentire stock of goods ofallkinds and there is none super-


in this section Also thefollowing personal property

My 2story brick residenceon Main street

My 2story brickresidenceon Collins street known as theBarlow place

A gentle pony rubber tirecart and harness

One 4yearold HaxhallVatican mare

A firstclass phaetonAll parties owing me will

please call andsettleB W TURNER

Richmond Ky



Select a school foryour son whereyou are satisfiedthat he will receivecareful personalattentirn and makethoroughadvance ¬


Consult the patronsof this school and havea talk with the Princlpil

Jas T BarrettRichmond Ky

TELEPHONE GROWTHTime Cumberland Telephone and Telegraph Company has issued statement

of its business for month of June anti the increase in the number of sub ¬

scribers is shown as follows

Number of subscribers June 1 1905 128919Number added during month 4390Number discontinued during month 2727

Net increase 7TTT ICC3

Total nuaiber subscribers June 30 1005 130582

Sjfn M M

t Messrs Suit Bra LOn

l4the polite and energeticthe t6oftRacket Store

Vt are now showing some ofof the ifr handsomest China ever brought to i1

this city They are also exhibiting

2 some very exquisite pattern in g-1V

Genuine Cut Glass 4 mt I

Their general stock comprises eVI4perything of use to a housekeeper JpI

RememembertheRacket Store when j l1tin need of beautiful Queensware and

sit Glasst >11trr fTTtiir

t 5


i I

Albert The Florist Agent for Honakers Flowers Tel 188

Ask Your Neighborwhich is the best Mower to buy and his answer will be If

you want a Mower that will last longer pull lighter andcutyour grass from season to season year in and year out with ¬

out trouble or loss of time and to give you perfect satisfactionyou will have to buy an

Ideal Deering Mowerci Call and let us show you why the Ideal Deering Mower isthe best and let us price you a Mower and Rake We haveall kinds of Sulky Spring Steel Teeth Rakes and SweepRakes ranging in price from S18 to 40When in towncall and let us show and price you our line of Hay PressesStackers Sweep Bakes Sulky Rakes Gas Engines Pumpsand Birdsell Wagons Dont buyla farming tool without-first pricing and looking over uur liie



t SOn and After Wednesday May J 7 J

t> I

Ji Carriage and leceptionHatsI

Fancy Silk ¬

J tumes-Embroidered


tJ Linen Suits J-

t Muslin Dresses tLinen and Pique Separate JtJSkirts tJ

t tEmbry and CoLadies Hatters and Furnishersj

East Main Street

IvI PM POPEHeadquarters for all kinds of

Hardware Stoves RangesFine line of Enameled Ware just received

Pocket and Table Cutlery Guns LoadedShells Ammunition of all kinds

IFarming Implements

Forks Shovels Nails Fence Wire etc 0 BuildersHardware of all kinds j jt 1 am adding to my stockafull line cf Wagon MaterialSpokes Rims Shafts etc1Get my prices on

I Fruit CansCall and see me 204 Main Street

JFjrSr Ji1I 3LJ1 J

