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Data, research and advisory services


Laterite Ethiopia

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Laterite is a data, research and advisory firm dedicated to bringing high-quality research services to the most underserved markets. Our approach is structured, data intensive, and embedded in the local context.

Over the past ten years, we have completed more than 100 research projects with clients including large foundations and international organizations, academic researchers, and NGOs in the sectors of education, public health, agriculture, youth and livelihoods, urbanization and migration, and gender. We have offices in Rwanda, Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda and the Netherlands, with a team of over 60 full-time researchers and data experts, based primarily in East Africa.

Laterite strives to carry out impactful research that helps decision-makers find solutions to complex development problems.

About Laterite


Capacity statement: Laterite Ethiopia

August 2021

Our offices


Addis Ababa



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- Quantitative & qualitative data collection- Phone & SMS surveys- Audio-assisted surveys- Behavioral games- Anthropometric & biometric measurements- Observational learning and child development assessments

- Program / impact evaluation- Socio-economic household surveys- Poverty analysis- Prevalence studies- Attitude / perception studies- Policy / program landscape mapping

- Learning partnerships- Embedded research advisors- Research portfolio management- Monitoring & evaluation

Our services

Our strengths

Expert team with degrees from top universities and experience in emerging markets

Strong understanding of the context via our local teams, networks and relationships

Full-cycle research project support capabilities, from design to data collection to analysis

What we offer


Top quality at every step of the process, from enumerator training to data monitoring

Emphasis on ethically sound research, from child safeguarding to COVID-19 protocols

Focus on innovation in the way we work, always seeking new and better ways to do research

Data Research Advisory

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Laterite in Ethiopia


Capacity statement: Laterite Ethiopia

Laterite Ethiopia specializes in large-scale, complex research and data collection projects. Our office in Addis Ababa has been in operation since 2016 and includes experts in research and both quantitative and qualitative data collection. We work with a roster of over 340 trained local enumerators who carry out both in-person and remote data collection. Our enumerators are competitively recruited, hold Bachelor’s degrees, and are fluent in local languages as well as English. We have worked in all regions of Ethiopia on topics including agriculture, livelihoods, public health, education, migration, and gender.

We have worked in all regions of Ethiopia






full-time staff


households surveyed in 2019-20

qualitative interviews in 2019-20

enumerator days in 2019-20

Laterite Ethiopia at a glance

August 2021

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Quantitative data collection partner for Gender & Adolescence: Global Evidence Overseas Development Institute (ODI)GAGE is a large-scale longitudinal study that aims to collect data on adolescent wellbeing with a focus on gender in a range of countries. In Ethiopia, Laterite worked with the GAGE consortium to collect this data, including through a large-scale impact evaluation of over 8,000 adolescent boys and girls in Ethiopia on topics such as health and wellbeing, education, voice and agency, and economic empowerment.

Midline and endline data collection for impact evaluation of the Strengthen PSNP4 Institutions and Resilience (SPIR) Development Food Security Activity (DFSA)International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) The SPIR DFSA is a five-year project supporting implementation of the Productive Safety Nets Project (PSNP) in Ethiopia. IFPRI is carrying out a randomized controlled trial (RCT) impact evaluation of the SPIR DFSA to compare the impact of different combinations of livelihood and nutrition components of the project on measures of household wellbeing, food security, child and maternal nutritional status and related outcomes. For the RCT, Laterite collected quantitative data

across a sample of 4,300 households in the most remote areas of Oromia and Amhara at midline and endline, including anthropometric measurements of recent mothers and their infants. Laterite also carryied out an additional household listing exercise across 180 kebeles. The survey includes detailed socio-economic modules and sensitive modules related to IPV, maternal depression, and GBV. > Read the blog about midline data collection

Examples of our work

Laterite Ethiopia at a glance

Our enumerators traveling in rural Amhara to carry out in-person surveys for the IFPRI SPIR DFSA midline in 2019

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High-frequency phone monitoring of households, firms and refugees to assess the impact of COVID-19 in EthiopiaWorld BankLaterite tracked 3,300 rural and urban households over one year; 1,600 urban refugee households over two months; and 800 firms over five months using high-frequency remote surveying. The aim of the project was to gain insights into how the unfolding COVID-19 health and economic crisis was affecting families in Ethiopia. Laterite was responsible for all data collection, enumerator training and supervision, ensuring data quality, and carrying out data cleaning and field reporting.> Read findings via the World Bank

Understanding the Context for Teaching and Learning in EthiopiaMastercard FoundationLaterite conducted a scoping study focusing on three educational systems in Ethiopia: secondary education, TVET and non-formal education for adults. We analyzed available statistics on teaching institutions, students and teachers/trainers, and conducted key informant interviews with stakeholders in Ethiopia’s educational system. The results were used to create systems maps focusing on the framework of policy, governance, and financing. The first phase of the project focused on Addis Ababa and the federal level; and the second was country-wide and focused on regional variations. It also included education in emergencies.

Embedded and independent research and M&E services for coffee agronomy training programs in East AfricaTechnoServeLaterite works within TechnoServe's Coffee East Africa program to maximize learning, improve the research function. and increase harmony between imp-lementation and research. Services include helping clients design research strategies that directly feed into their operations, while meeting monitoring and reporting requirements; helping clients design discrete research projects in a way that is rigorous, pertinent, and feasible within operational and budget constraints; training at all stages of the research cycle, from instrument and research design to data management and cleaning to analysis; and back-stopping and access to our network of expert researchers across East Africa. > Read the case study


Capacity statement: Laterite Ethiopia

August 2021

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Sachin GathaniManaging Partner Sachin is one of Laterite's founding partners. He has over 12 years' experience leading complex data collection and research projects, and has led over 65 projects in East Africa. Born and raised in Kenya, Sachin holds a Master's in International Affairs (Economic Policy & African Studies) from Colombia University.

Anneka WickramanayakeSenior Research AssociateAnneka manages a portfolio of quantitative and mixed-methods research projects across a range of sectors in Ethiopia. She has expertise in designing and implementing M&E frameworks in East Africa and India. Anneka holds a Master's degree in Public Health from the University of California, Berkeley.

Key contacts in Ethiopia

Fitsum Dagmawi Data Manager Born and raised in Ethiopia, Fitsum holds an MBA with concentration in Project Management. He has over 10 years of experience in field research, managing data collection teams, conducting qualitative research, and leading operations on large-scale and complex research projects in Ethiopia.

Get in touchWant to learn more about our work in Ethiopia, or discuss a potential opportunity? We look forward to hearing from you!

Email: [email protected]

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Rwanda | Ethiopia | Kenya | Uganda | The Netherlands

From data to policy

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