Download - Deadshot


Notes: - This character is constructed using the regular rules found in the Aberrant Players Guide and Aberrant core book. - The basic 30 Nova Points are used to construct this (starting) character. If you would like to it as an NPC, I would recommend spending at least 5-10 more. - A small background is provided but most items in the back-story are kept intentionally vague and the characters personality is kept intentionally flexible (to be easily adapted to nearly any campaign). - This character contains no taint. If you feel it is a little underpowered feel free to add some taint for 1 or 2 more Nova points. Nova Name: Deadshot Real Name: Mark Roberts Eruption: Gradual transformation Nature: Rebel Allegiance: Himself Concept: Assassin Background: The consummate professional. Nothing's personal and no part of his job really bothers him. It's business - that's it. Mark became Deadshot over the course of a year or so of his regular routine (that's killing people on an almost monthly basis). His powers as a nova reflect that fact. Roleplaying Notes: Take no chances *ever*. Mark didnt survive 21 years in his profession only to throw it all away. At 42-years old, Mark has established a thorough routine for nearly everything (he always ties his right shoe first, e.g.). So, if someone's watching you, you leave the scene immediately. Contracts have a date range, you can come back tomorrow and finish it if you like. Please take note that this character was created more as an exercise to show that a nova without too much damage potential could be an effective rival to almost any player group. Deadshot's is really a sketch of the anime character Golgo 13 (only more "realistic" since Deadshot would never take the kind of chances Golgo 13 did). Alternately, Mark might also try to turn over a new leaf. Becoming a nova has given him a different (better?) perspective on life. Take his painting, for example, up until he erupted he could never master the kind of flowing movements needed to produce anything good. Now, hes become a talented amateur. Maybe his being a nova doesnt require him to be a killer to survive anymore Attributes: Strength: 2, Dexterity: 5, Stamina: 3, Perception: 4, Intelligence: 2, Wits: 2, Appearance: 2, Manipulation: 3, Charisma: 1 Abilities: Athletics 1, Drive 3, Firearms 5, Melee 2, Stealth 3, Awareness 2, Investigation 2, Computer 1, Intrusion 4, Medicine 1, Survival 2, Arts (painting) 2, Biz 2, Interrogation 1, Streetwise 1, Subterfuge 3. Backgrounds: Resources 3, Cipher 2, Contacts 2 (criminal underworld), Dormancy 1. Advantages: Willpower: 8, Quantum: 3, Taint: 0, Quantum Pool: 26, Initiative: 9 Mega Attributes:M-Wits: 1 (quickness), M-Perception 2 (that creepy feeling), M-Dexterity 1 (accuracy). Quantum Powers:ESP 2 [lvl 2]: only works with sight and sound (no touch, smell, taste or nova senses will work), increased range ((perception + power rating) x 40 meters). Aberrations: None. Merits and Flaws: None. (Note that the flaw "secret" wasn't picked because Mark can't be connected with any of his previous jobs.) Health Levels: Standard. Other in-character notes: Mark likes to use a heavy revolver and a rifle (armor-piercing rounds). With his ESP, Mark can shoot someone who is inside his or her house from outside, without the need for a window. Also, Deadshot will always preemptively activate his perception enhancement to make sure he's not being recorded (before he assembles his rifle, e.g.). Mark also owns a modified Audi (safe speed = 200, max speed = 380, maneuver = 5, passengers = 5, armor = 4). Out-of-character notes: Deadshot can be a perfect opponent for most any nova group. Especially ones hired to play bodyguard...

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