
Dear Parent/Guardians,

I wish to welcome your child back to school. I am looking forward to teaching your child and sharing the world of Anatomy & Physiology with him/her. Anatomy & Physiology is a detailed look at the human body and how it works.

Our classroom textbook is: Anthony’s Textbook of Anatomy & Physiology. Your child will need a reference textbook for home use so he or she will need to check out a textbook from the library. If you take the opportunity to examine the contents of the text, you will find the topics we will be covering this year.

For children to be successful in school, they need to bring their school supplies to class daily. The following list contains the items that your child needs for Anatomy.

1. 3-ring Notebook – large size (ex. 2 inches).2. Paper.3. Pens and Pencils. (Do not use red ink, or any other hard-to-read ink for

assignments.)4. Map colors (24 Color Set) for coloring science diagrams, etc.5. Highlighters for highlighting their notes and other papers.

Much of the coursework will be done in class. But there will be work that students will need to complete at home. Course work will include vocabulary, worksheets, science articles, labs, tests, videos, and some projects. The school uses a computerized grade book and the policy for Anatomy is listed below.

Tests - 60% Daily Grades - 40%

If your child needs extra help, I will be available for tutorials according to the following schedule. I am unavailable after school due to being a bus driver for the district. If I believe it is necessary I may assign your child to come to tutorials in an effort to help your child become more successful. Before School: Mondays through Fridays 7:35 to 7:55. During Lunch: Mondays & Wednesdays 11:10 to 11:50 Fridays 11:20 to 12:10

Students will be expected to follow school rules and class rules. School rules are found in the student handbook. Please take the opportunity to read the student handbook and make sure your child knows what is expected of them. Class rules are listed below.

1. Respect others and property at all times.2. Raise your hand when you wish to speak and stay in your seat.3. Follow directions and all safety rules.4. Be prepared for class.5. Keep the classroom clean and organized.6. Homework is due at the beginning of class.

- Class work will be given a chance to be completed during class time. If additional time is needed students will need to complete it as homework or come to tutorials to complete the work. Work turned in late will be reduced.

7. No cheating – graded work will be reduced.8. No improper use of electronics – must be teacher directed.9. No food, lotions, or personal grooming in class.

We will be doing labs during the school year. It is imperative that your child follow safety guidelines in the lab and in the classroom. A safety contract with safety rules is attached to this letter. Please read it with your child. Then sign and return the form at the end of the letter to me. Please fill in all information on the last page and return the last page. I cannot allow anyone to do lab work until a safety contract is signed and returned.

My school website is: The site has helpful information on it such as important due dates, downloads and internet resources. I encourage parents and students to use the website.

I also encourage parents to contact me. The best way to contact me is by email, especially since the block schedule doesn’t always provide me with a daily conference period. My school email is: [email protected]. Emails are a great way for you to communicate at any time, and I will reply to your email as soon as I have the opportunity. You may also call the school if you would like. The school’s number is: 532-6800.

My conference period on is during Period 7 on Mondays (2:00 to 3:30), Wednesdays (2:00 to 3:30), and Fridays (1:55 to 2:40). If you cannot call during that time, you may call and leave a message and again, I will return your call as soon as I have the opportunity.

Sincerely,Mr. Hawk

Proposed Schedule for the Year1st Semester 2nd Semester

1st Six Weeks- Lab Safety- Disease Terminology (chapter 1)- Organization of the Body (chapter 1)- Cells (chapters 3-4)- Tissues (chapter 5)

4th Six Weeks- Muscular System (chapters 10-11)- Cardiovascular System and Blood

(chapters 17-19)

2nd Six Weeks- Tissues continued (chapter 5)- Integumentary System (chapter 6)- Skeletal System and Joints (chapters 7-9)

5th Six Weeks- Lymphatic System and Immunity

System (chapter 20)- Respiratory System (chapters 23-24)- Digestive System (chapters 25-26)- Pig Dissection

3rd Six Weeks- Skeletal System and Joints continued

(chapters 7-9)

6th Six Weeks- Urinary System (chapter 28)- Nervous System and the Senses

(chapters 12-15)- Endocrine System (chapter 16)- Reproductive System (chapters 31-33)

Anatomy & Physiology: Parent/Guardian and Student Agreement Form

I and my child have read the parent letter and understand what is required for class. We also understand the importance of safety in the lab and class rooms.

Student : I have read the parent letter. I have also read and agree to follow all safety rules. I realize that I must obey these rules to ensure my safety, as well as the safety of others. I will cooperate to the fullest extent with my instructor and will follow all written and verbal instructions. I am aware that any violation of this safety contract may result in being removed from the laboratory, detention, referral, and/or receiving a failing grade. I have also read the parent letter and understand it including any responsibilities for class.

Student name printed: _____________________________

Student name signed: _____________________________

Parent/Guardian : Please read the safety rules. Our school tries to create and maintain a safe classroom and laboratory environment. With cooperation between teachers, parents, and students potential problems can be prevented from happening. No student will be permitted to perform laboratory activities unless this contract is signed by both parent/guardian and student.Your signature on this contract indicates that you have read the safety rules and will instruct your child to follow all rules and safety procedures to safe guard your child and other children. Your signature also indicates your understanding of it including any responsibilities your child has for class.

Parent/Guardian: _____________________________

Other Important Information1. Does your child have any allergies? If so, please list them.

2. Are there any medical/physical conditions that you think I need to be aware of to help your child in the lab or in the classroom?

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