Page 1: December 2011 Cornerstone

Irvington Presbyterian Church Fremont, CA December, 2011


Worship 10:15 a.m.

(Nursery and Children Sun-

day School During Service)

J.O.Y. Bible Study: 9:00 a.m.

Irvington Chinese

Presbyterian Service:

10:15 a.m.

Weekdays at IPC 9

Communion and Prayer

Church Directory

Bible Studies

Inside this issue:

Deacons Update 2

Missions Update 3

Session News & Notes 4

Youth Ministry 5

Children’s Ministry 6

Activities Update 7

Congregation News 8

Your Congregation 10

October Calendar 11

Mailing 12

The Word Became FleshThe Word Became Flesh

At Christmastide we celebrate the central event in the history of the earth.

What happened at Bethlehem altered the universe forever. Something really

new took place when God became a human

being: not an interpretation but an event.

This was far more than learning something new

about the way the world is. When Pythagoras

discovered that the square on the hypotenuse is

equal to the sum of the squares on the other

two sides, he found something that was just as true the day before, though

no one knew it. But in 50 B. C. to say, “God is Man” would not have been true

in the same way in which it was true in 10 A. D. This changes everything.

While Mary was pregnant, the angel told Joseph about the child soon to be

born, “You shall call him Jesus, because he shall save his people from their

sins.” (Matthew 1:21) This is why he came, not to break the yoke of Caesar

and to bring in the kingdom of David, but to break the yoke of sin and set up

the kingdom of God. In His great love for us, He made the long cross-cultural

journey from eternal glory to the conflict-ridden Middle East.

The heart of the problem is the problem of the heart. Jesus came to change

people’s hearts, not just to free us from the penalty of sin and leave the bitter

cause. He came to free us from the power of evil in our lives. He came to

give new life, to heal us of sin within, to set us free to desire the right things in

the right way.

Jesus fully represents our fallen race. The genealogy in Matthew 1:2-16 lists

men and women who were notorious for their evil character. “David was the

father of Solomon, whose mother had been Uriah’s wife.” (Matthew 1:6) A

sorry tale of adultery and murder lies behind that brief verse. No one can be

ashamed to claim his help. No matter how far you have fallen, no matter how

well you think you have done, Jesus is fully adequate to bring new life. Jesus

became a human being so that we can become truly and fully human for the

first time.

Merry Christmas from Pastor Michael

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Irvington Presbyterian Church page 2 November, 2011


Nine Deacons attended our November 15 meeting. Geraldine Hoyt was absent due to illness. Also

present were Pastor Michael, Ron Fong, Kamroon and Mustapha Baksh. Pastor Michael opened

the meeting with prayer and a devotional.

The minutes of the October meeting were approved as read. The treasurer’s report was accepted

and filed for audit. Deacon Peggy Handono, presented a written report based on the information re-

ported at the Session Meeting she attended on October 27. Karen Jaycox was scheduled to attend

the November 17 Session Meeting as the Deacon’s representative. Geraldine Hoyt, Mary Wolfe and

Dawn Lunn will prepare communion on December 4. Coffee assignments were confirmed.

Parish lists were reviewed and eight new members were assigned to parishes. Members Tim and

Jeanne Stachowiak will be relocating to Austin, Texas. We wish them well in the future.

It was reported that the new total for “Let the Bell Ring Again Fund” was $3,904. Our original goal

was achieved; sincere thanks to all who contributed. Praise be to God, as work continues to have

the bell ringing again by year’s end.

The Deacons have initiated a program that identifies and recognizes members of the congregation

for providing a service or doing something good. This program, known as “Acts of Kindness” was

conceived by and is also being implemented by Deacon Karen Jaycox. The first member recog-

nized was Justin Chaikin. He was sent a card and a $25.00 gift certificate to Cold Stone Creamery.

Thanks, Justin, for your continued contributions to IPC. The meeting was closed with prayer.

Christmas Poinsettias Christmas Poinsettias -- Shirley MurrayShirley Murray

In keeping with the Deacons’ annual tradition of celebrating the birth of Christ, poinsettias to deco-

rate the sanctuary will be available for purchase by signing up with Shirley Murray

on Sunday, December 4 and 11 during the coffee hour following worship. You may

also place your order by calling Shirley at 408-269-1516.

Poinsettias can be dedicated to a loved one, in memory of someone dear to you, a

sick friend or any other occasion. Dedications will be listed in the Bulletin on

Sunday December 18. The plants will be placed in the sanctuary on December 17, and may be

picked up after worship service on December 25. The cost of each Poinsettia is $8.50.

Deacons in Action Deacons in Action - Editors

Sincere thanks to June Dawson for welcoming us to the November 15 monthly Deacon’s meeting.

We had an opportunity to witness first hand our Ministry of Compassion and Service set the stage for

their ongoing activities in service to our congregation. Most impressive, is the careful consideration

and planning for each and every congregant to insure that the church resources are available to

those in need. It was evident to us that our Deacons have their fingers on the pulse of the changing

needs of our congregation. We now have a greater appreciation for their benevolent ministry.

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At IPC there is a group of us who meet monthly to pray for the women and children in Sudan. We are part of a larger national organization; “She is Safe” (SIS), devoted to helping women and chil-

dren in the poorest and least-reached parts of the world.

In today’s world women and children are the least fed, least educated, often most abused, abducted, abandoned and enslaved. They comprise 80% of the world’s refugees, 70% of the poor, 66% of the illiterate, and 80% of the unreached. Millions are trafficked and millions more endure female mutila-tion of which, 500,000 die each year. SIS is devoted to helping these women and children through

ministries in Africa (Mali, Sudan, Egypt), the Middle East, India, Nepal, China and Indonesia.

SIS has invited those who care, to be advocates in an area listed above. Advocates then commit to praying for and helping support ministries in their selected area. Prayer draws us together and con-nects us with God’s heart for at risk women and children. Prayer is also a powerful medium for us to

join in God’s work to help free and empower these women and children.

For more than a year our group has been meeting on the second Tuesday of each month in the McKowen Room at 10 AM and at 7 PM. We feel privileged to be a part of God’s work with our pray-

ers. We would love for you to select a time convenient to you, and join us in prayer.

FAITH PROMISE WORKS! FAITH PROMISE WORKS! -- Bonnie Nichols, Teresa OliverBonnie Nichols, Teresa Oliver Faith promise is an individual’s promise of a monetary contribution for mission outreach. It is made after prayerful consideration and is used to support Missions Funds over and above donations to the General Fund. A willing donation to mission outreach provides the resources to help fulfill Jesus’ promise of salvation to people everywhere. Over the last 11 years, because of your generous contributions, Mission Outreach has continued to explore new opportunities and look for new ways to serve. In 2011 IPC provided prayer & financial support to three additional Missionaries: David & Sara Treece with Interserve, Richard & Wendy Yancey with Pioneers and Caroline Kurtz with the Light of Hope Ministry. In 2011 we were visited by several Missionaries who shared what God is doing in the remote areas with the support of your generous contributions: May – Jack Blanch with The Navigators August – David & Sara T with Interserve October – Caroline Kurtz with Presbyterian Frontier Fellowship (PFF) for the Arssi Oromo outreach. Funds from our well-attended Crab Feed in February were sent to the Arssi Oromo outreach. To learn more about the missions IPC is supporting, talk to one of your Missions Team Members: Pastor Michael Boyland, Patti Boyland, Kamroon Baksh, Mustapha Baksh, Mary Ellen McKowen, Bonnie Nichols, Teresa Oliver, Jenni Pellot and Virginia Stull. Each week use your standard offering envelope to make your contribution and record your faith promise amount on the “Missions” line. You may also mail your faith promise offering to the Church office and note “Missions Outreach” on your

check. Help support Missions - The Heart of the Church!

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Irvington Presbyterian Church page 4 December, 2011

Session News & Notes - Ron Fong

The Bell

Session authorized a $2,340 contract to install

the bell on the roof of the choir room.

Tri-City Free Breakfast

In October 2011:

2443 meals were served, 594 provision bags

were distributed, 629 hours were volunteered,

an average of 134 guests were served at each

breakfast and 178 lbs. of peanut butter were

collected for distribution during our participation

in “Make a Difference Day.”


Session held a special meeting on Friday

November 18, to accept 8 new members:

Michael & Jeanette Santo, Waymond & Gustina

Ho, Dave & Betty Burke and Richard & Mary

Lou Craig.

Session added 17 members to its inactive roll.

The current church membership, including the

new members, is 120. Per Capita Taxes for

2012 to Presbytery will be $32 per person.

Clerk Actions

Session adopted Roberts Book of Order as its

parliamentary guide with the exception of allow-

ing online email meetings to be held within a

fixed period, and affirmed at the next actual

Session Meeting with minutes.

There will be six Presbytery Meetings in 2012 -

January 31, March 13, May 8, June 12,

September 11 and November 13.

Joan Fong is a nominee for “delegate to the

PCUSA 220th General Assembly” in 2012. This

will be voted on at the San Francisco Presbytery

meeting in Walnut Creek on January 31.


Finance advises that general giving for 2011 is

lower than 2010, but rental income is higher than

2010. We anticipate ending 2011 in the black,

primarily because the budgeted re-roofing of the

Social Hall will occur in 2012 instead of 2011.

The 2012 budget will be adopted by Session in

December after reviewing the stewardship drive.

Nominating Committee (Nom Comm)

Nom Comm is in the process of identifying candi-

dates for 8 Deacon and 8 Elder vacancies. A

Congregational Meeting to elect officers will be

held on December 18.

Buildings & Grounds

Session has authorized $1200 for commercial

cleaning of the sanctuary carpets.

Don Carson is working on revising our rental

lease with the Communidad Church.

Orion Security checks our facilities twice nightly.

The Clerk plans to have bids by the end of the

year for re-roofing Social Hall (funding in part by

a CDBG grant from the City of Fremont). The

goal is to complete re-roofing by June 30, 2012.

PG&E and the Clerk are conducting an energy

audit with the goal of reducing our energy con-

sumption. This is may reduce our expenses, and

minimize our footprint on the planet.


Session approved:

$350 to acquire new microphones.

Youth Sunday December 11 concurrent with

the Birthday Party for Jesus.

Christmas Concert Program Saturday

December 17.

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Irvington Presbyterian Church page 5 December, 2011

Youth Ministry - Anh Truong

12 Stones Student Ministries:12 Stones Student Ministries:

The goal of 12 Stones Ministry at IPC is to prepare

students 7th grade through college to accept

Christ. The investment, dedication and prayers of

IPC 12 Stones Ministry is to help insure Christ is

known, living and constantly influencing the lives

of our youth.

12 SM: Youth Fellowship:12 SM: Youth Fellowship:

Just as a stone is a piece of rock that has been

refined through the course of its life, people also

need to be refined by Christ to be part of His King-


12 Stones Youth Fellowship, therefore, set out to

challenge students with life-changing decisions.

The truth needs to be told, heard and lived. We

do not want to change who you are and He does

not want to either. Come as you are - Broken,

Happy, Sad, Hardened, Failure, Powerful or any-

thing else and join us on Fridays at 7:45 - 9:45 pm

in room #3. For more information visit our Face-

book group page: “12Stones Fellowship.”

12 SM: Sunday Youth Service12 SM: Sunday Youth Service

The point of Sunday morning service is more than

just waking up early and learning about Christ. It’s

about being with the church body as one and wor-

shiping. We use an array of teaching tools to get

God’s word known and understood. Join us Sun-

day morning at 10:15 -11:25 am in the Sanctuary

and in room #3 after worship.

12Stones Student Ministries News:12Stones Student Ministries News:

Sunday Morning Youth ServiceSunday Morning Youth Service

Sunday Youth Worship is devoted to helping our

students solve problems as they go through differ-

ent stages of awareness of what Christ means to

them. We are using the book “Thrive - Do More

Than Survive Your Faith.” to help them deal

with spiritual questions and problems they are

likely to encounter as they approach adulthood.

This 30-day devotional will be used over a 30-

week period in our Sunday Youth Worship.

According to the author,

Ben Hardman,

”teenagers face numer-

ous challenges as they

make the transition from

high school into adulthood, including the chal-

lenge of maintaining a vibrant faith. The spiritual

topics of childhood and adolescence morph into

new questions that often require deeper belief

and understanding.”

Hardman has worked with teenagers helping

them to find answers to the spiritual questions

and problems they face as they keep Christ the

main focus in their lives.

This book is designed to help teenagers explore

“How decisions made now affect their future

What idolatry is and how it still exists in our


Developing spiritual disciplines

Journeying with God

Understanding and living out the gospel.”

Our goal in Youth Worship is to challenge our

students to explore the Scriptures with a new

outlook. They can then question their choices

to help them satisfy their need for spiritual faith

and guidance. We will begin with the origins of

Scripture and explore ways our youths can in-

corporate the Word of God in their lives. We

strive to help our teenagers in their search for a

deeper relationship with Christ.

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Irvington Presbyterian Church page 6 December, 2011

Children’s Ministry

November 27November 27thth--January 8January 8thth

This winter, many will be without the basic resources needed to keep warm and healthy. You can

make a difference in the lives of those less fortunate by giving the gift of warmth to someone in need

this holiday season. I Kidz! invites you to contribute to IPC Coat Drive by

bringing your gently used coats of any size to the Church on Sunday. There

is a portable closet in the narthex where you can leave your donation. These

coats will be donated to CityTeam Ministries, Oakland, during their January

Coat Drive. They will then be distributed to the needy in the community.

We need individuals who can assist iKidz in sorting, boxing and counting your donated coats.

Contact Jeanette Beland via the Church Office if you would like to help.

Hirsch Kids Club Hirsch Kids Club -- Jeanette OllisonJeanette Ollison

Hirsch Kids Club, the Bible club at Hirsch Elementary School, is continuing to make a significant

impact this year with 100+ students attending each week. Imagine so many students hearing Bible

stories, praying, and learning about God each Monday afternoon right on the school campus! The

children also have a chance to play sports, memorize Bible verses, and enjoy crafts and games, all

centered around a weekly theme.

For the next couple of weeks the students will be working on a Christmas presentation that will in-

clude a skit, songs, and memory verses that tell a part of the Christmas story. On December 12,

there will be a Happy Birthday Jesus party to remember the time that Jesus was born. Kids Club will

be extended an additional hour, with parents invited to watch the presentation and enjoy a few treats


Please pray for the volunteers that we will be able to connect with the parents and encourage those

who are not attending a church to worship at IPC. It would be wonderful to see the children and their

families growing in faith and love for God.

Sunday December 17Sunday December 17

It was a dark and chilly night….so begins the story that would change the lives

of a group of shepherds for years to come. What happened on that “night of

nights?” Join iKidz as we share our drama/musical “Which Way to the Sta-

ble?” as part of IPC’s Annual Christmas Program. What a great opportunity to

invite family, friends and neighbors to a celebration of incarnation. There will

be something for everyone.

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Activities Update

On Thursday October 27, Cornerstone Editors attended a Session meeting. Session is the Council

for the congregation. It is composed of the Pastor, moderator of Session, and eleven members who

were elected by the congregation to active service as Ruling Elders. “The Session has responsibility

for governing the congregation and guiding its witness to the sovereign activity of God in the world,

so that the congregation is and becomes a community of faith, hope, love and witness.”

Session meetings at IPC are held on the third Thursday of each month. Any member of the congre-

gation may attend a session meeting as a visitor and take part in discussions but cannot vote.

One important appointee is the Clerk of Session, Ron Fong, whose functions include capturing and

recording every detail of each meeting. See an edited version of the November 17 minutes on P4.

In general, we gained a lot from this meeting. There was a formal agenda that the moderator used

to keep the meeting on track. It was impressive to see the number of issues that were resolved or

addressed in the allotted time. We ask that you continue to pray that Session be granted the

guidance, wisdom and compassion to govern our church.

It is that wonderful time of the year when we can all give a little to help many. Bring

your unwrapped gifts for persons of any age on December 11 and celebrate with us.

You may include paper and ribbon if you wish. The gifts will be distributed by Tri-City

Volunteers to needy families in our community. The Lord has done so much for us so

let us respond with generous hearts.

Christmas Concert Christmas Concert -- Pastor MichaelPastor Michael

The annual Christmas concert begins at 6 pm on Saturday December 17. This year’s program will

feature the iKidz drama troupe performing a musical. As part of this musical,

the children will lead the congregation in singing Christmas carols. Special

song and instrumental selections will be performed by the IPC choir and

Nancy and Brad Catania, our guests for the afternoon. Pastor Michael on his

guitar and Patti on the flute, will perform a duet. Hot drinks and cookies will

be served in Social Hall after the concert.

CDs of Nancy and Brad Catania music will be available for purchase in the Social Hall.

Birthday Party for Jesus Birthday Party for Jesus -- Bonnie Nichols, Teresa OliverBonnie Nichols, Teresa Oliver

Session in Action Session in Action -- EditorsEditors

IPC Ladies Lunch IPC Ladies Lunch - Eleanor ConwellEleanor Conwell

Our fellowship lunch for this month will be at The Olive Garden on Farwell Drive. Please call Jeane

Garrett (796-8873) if you plan to attend. She will arrange for enough seating for our group.

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Congregation News

Irvington Presbyterian Church page 8 December, 2011

New ArrivalNew Arrival

Shelley Smith and Robert Reavis were married on

October 15 and are enjoying their new life together.

Bob moved into Shelley's

house at 5701 Antone Road,

Fremont, 94538. Shelley

can be reached at 651-4237.

Bob can be reached at his

original number 657-8421.

May God bless this happy union.

Pastor Michael

Bradley Carter

Pat Hughes

Leila Kalin

Denise Pennelly

Jeanne Stachowiak

Virginia Stull

Beverly Wagner

Michael Young

Lisa Young

Delores Anderson and

Edward Kurtz

Kamroon and Mustapha Baksh

Jeanette and Michael Santo

Carol Reavis

Matthew Young born Tuesday

October 25.

Congratulations and best wishes

to Lisa and Michael Young

Welcome New MembersWelcome New Members

8 new members were formally accepted to the

church during worship service on Sunday November

27. This event was witnessed by Pastor Michael,

Elders and the congregation.

Pictured above with Pastor Michael (from left to

right) are new members:

Dave Burke, Betty Burke,

Gustina Ho, Waymond Ho

Richard Craig, Mary Lou Craig,

Jeanette Santo, Michael Santo

Wedding Bells

Page 9: December 2011 Cornerstone

Anyone who trusts in Jesus Christ and has been baptized is welcome to partake of

the Lord’s Supper in our church. It is a gift from God for us who do not deserve it,

but who gratefully receive his love and his cleansing power. We prepare to receive

the bread and cup by confessing our sins and doing our utmost to patch up any

differences with other people. At IPC we celebrate communion on the first Sunday

of each month, and on Thursday mornings at 7:30 am in the Sanctuary.

Communion Communion —— Pastor BoylandPastor Boyland

Irvington Presbyterian Church page 9 December, 2011

Pastor: Rev. Michael Boyland

Chinese Pastor: Dick Hwang

Youth Ministries Director : Anh Truong

Children Ministries Director: Jeanette Beland

Music Director: Daniel Khuc

Organist: Daniel Khuc

Office Manager; Frankie Cabral

Men’s Bible Study — Men meet with Pastor Boyland at Bay Street Coffee Roasting Friday

mornings from 8 am to 9 am to discuss selected Bible sections. All men are welcomed.

Women's Bible Study - We continue our topical Bible study on Monday mornings from 9:30 to

11:00. The topic varies each week and may include anger, fasting and forgiveness. The study book guides us to the appropriate scripture that addresses each topic. We invite women of IPC (and

friends) to come and learn with us in the McKowen Room, Monday mornings, 9:30-11:00.

Early Sunday Morning Bible Study– 8:15 to 9:00 in the McKowen Room. In addition to

studying the Bible, we offer fellowship, support and prayer. This is an ideal class for those involved in church service and who are unable to attend other bible studies. Contact Jenni Pellot, Darlene

Neesham or Mary Ellen McKowen for additional information.

J.O.Y Adult Bible School— Sunday mornings at 9:00 am in the McKowen Room.

Home Bible Study— Meet at Mary Ellen McKowen’s home on alternate Mondays at 7:00 pm.

Contact Mary Ellen McKowen for more information (510) 657 6360.

Weekdays at IPC

Address: 4181 Irvington Avenue

P.O. Box 1336,

Fremont, CA 94538

Phone: (510) 657 3133

Email: [email protected]

Office Hours:

8:00 am —12:00 pm, Monday – Friday

Church DirectoryChurch Directory

Bible StudiesBible Studies

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Irvington Presbyterian Church Page 10 December, 2011

- Editors

organizations such as the World Affairs Council

in San Francisco and Model U.N. He greatly

enjoys singing in the IPC choir and says, “the

people there are

the best.” Adrian

shares his views

about the pros

and cons of being

the last child liv-

ing at home: “The

advantage is that

I have my parents’ undivided attention. The

disadvantage is that I have my parents’ undi-

vided attention.”

Jeff is the Stewardship Elder. Most people

know him as the man who asks for their pledge

card. Weekdays, he is an engineering program

manager at NetApp. He loves hiking up snow-

covered mountains with the IPC Alpine Club.

Karen is a Deacon, program coordinator for the

Tri-City Free Breakfast Program and shares the

monthly IPC “Life of the Body.” These appoint-

ments allow her to interface with wonderful

people who give of themselves and show God’s

love by helping others.

The Jaycoxes attended Sunnyvale Presbyterian

in Santa Clara. When they decided to look for a

church closer to home, they selected IPC.

From the first visit, their kids loved Steve Dang,

the youth director; and the family felt uplifted by

the music of Dan Chaikin’s praise band. The

second week they attended a ministry fair. At

the encouragement of Pastor Michael and oth-

ers they attended a potluck the third week. The

fourth week Mary Ellen asked Karen to be her

guest at the ladies luncheon. By then the entire

Jaycox family felt they were part of IPC. Karen

states, “we were loved into the church.”

Knowing Your CongregationKnowing Your Congregation

The Jaycox family have been members of Irving-

ton Presbyterian Church for the last 4 years. Jeff

and Karen are the proud parents of thee children:

Brendan, Colette, and Adrian.

Jeff was born into a Navy family. As a child he

lived in many locations including Hawaii where he

attended high school. His family was stationed in

Guam in 1962 when Typhoon Karen, a category 5

super-typhoon, devastated the island. Karen

teases him that, even with that advance warning,

he still married a Karen! Jeff became a Christian

while attending church in Maryland. He received

his electrical engineering degrees from MIT and

began work in Dallas, TX. Karen was born in

North Dakota, the youngest of 7 girls. Two of her

sisters were missionaries and she became a

Christian at an early age. Karen taught in Japan

and Mexico and had decided to pursue English as

a Second Language in graduate school, which

would better enable her to travel the world. She

stopped in Dallas for the summer, met Jeff and

laughs, “instead of traveling the world, I now live in

Fremont with 3 kids and a dog!”

Brendan, their eldest child, is 22. He was born

with hydrocephalus that resulted in severe mental

retardation. Brendan resides in a wonderful group

home in Union City where Karen and Jeff visit him

every Sunday. He loves all things musical and

can entertain himself for hours on a keyboard.

Colette, age 20, is a sophomore at Columbia Uni-

versity where she is majoring in political science

with an emphasis on the Middle East. She thrives

in this academic environment and is having the

time of her life in New York City. Arabic is her

most challenging class.

Adrian, age 17, is a senior at Mission San Jose

High School and an Eagle Scout. His strong

interest in world affairs keeps him involved in

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Page 12: December 2011 Cornerstone


4181 Irvington Avenue

P.O. Box 1366

Fremont, CA 94538-0133


Non-Profit Organization



Permit No. 52

Fremont, CA

We do appreciate the time and dedication of We do appreciate the time and dedication of

all who submitted articles and provided in-all who submitted articles and provided in-

formation for December. formation for December.

You play a significant role as we work to-You play a significant role as we work to-

gether in the name of Christ.gether in the name of Christ.

Note: December 22 is the Note: December 22 is the

deadline for our January issue deadline for our January issue

This month’s Cornerstone pictures were This month’s Cornerstone pictures were

provided courtesy of provided courtesy of Johnny Handono, Johnny Handono,

Peggy Handono, Karen Jaycox and Peggy Handono, Karen Jaycox and

Bob Reavis .Bob Reavis .

Color printing provided by Color printing provided by

Ken Ariathurai.Ken Ariathurai.

Kamroon and Mustapha,Kamroon and Mustapha,

Your EditorsYour Editors


Holiday Worship Schedule

Christmas Eve at 7 pm: Service, Blessings, Carrols and Readings from Prophets

Christmas Day at 10:15 am: Regular Service with lots of Joy and Christmas songs

New Year’s Day at 10:15 am: Regular Service

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