Page 1: DEMOGRAPHICS - Human Resources · 2013-12-13 · Staff Workforce Analytics and Trends January 31, 2013 Demographics FY2013 Page 4 The university’s budgeted staff workforce declined

Staff Workforce Analytics and Trends Report Series


Fiscal Year 2013

Produced by Texas A&M University, Human Resources, January 2013

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Staff Workforce Analytics and Trends January 31, 2013 Demographics FY2013 Page 2


Executive Summary .......................................................................................................................................... 3 Demographics Analytics and Analyses University-wide and Executive Level Headcount ....................................................................................6

Employees by Gender ................................................................................................................................9 Employees by Race/Ethnicity ................................................................................................................. 10 Employees by Age Range ......................................................................................................................... 12 Employees by Years of Service ................................................................................................................ 13 Employees by Education Level ............................................................................................................... 14 Employees by EEO Job Category and Management Span .................................................................... 15 Interesting Facts ...................................................................................................................................... 18

Appendix 1: Overview, Scope and Methodology ........................................................................................... 19 Appendix 2: Detail Data

Item 1: Number of Employees University-wide by Executive Level .................................................... 20 Item 2: Number of Employees by Gender by Executive Level .............................................................. 21 Item 3: Number of Employees by Race/Ethnicity by Executive Level ................................................ 22 Item 4: Number of Employees by Age Range by Executive Level ........................................................ 23 Item 5: Number of Employees by Years of Service by Executive Level ............................................... 24

Item 6: Number of Employees by Education by Executive Level .........................................................25

Item 7: Number of Employees by EEO Job Category by Executive Level ........................................... 26

Appendix 3: Supplemental Data for Academic Affairs

Item 1: Number of Employees by Gender by Division/College ............................................................. 27

Item 2: Number of Employees by Race/Ethnicity by Division/College .............................................. 28

Item 3: Number of Employees by Age Range by Division/College ...................................................... 29

Item 4: Number of Employees by Years of Service by Division/College ............................................. 30

Item 5: Number of Employees by Education by Division/College ....................................................... 31

Item 6: Number of Employees by EEO Job Category by Division/College ......................................... 32

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Staff Workforce Analytics and Trends January 31, 2013 Demographics FY2013 Page 3

Executive Summary

Introduction The health of an organization depends in large part on the recruitment, retention and leadership of its single most-valuable resource: its employees. To that effort, the Staff Workforce and Analytics Trends report series is designed to put informative data and analyses into the hands of Texas A&M University management. Eight periodic reports provide human resource-related information on budgeted staff employees and include relevant metrics, trends and commentary. Information in this Demographics report focuses on a variety of characteristics of who we are and what we do at Texas A&M University. Texas A&M University is one of the largest state employers in the Brazos and surrounding counties. The focus of this report is on those employees considered to be budgeted staff employees; however the university also employs thousands of faculty, student employees, graduate assistants and seasonal employees. Staff employees make up approximately 65% of the university’s total budgeted workforce, and are generally employees who do not perform teaching responsibilities in their primary duties. Staff employees include a vast array of positions, from administrative assistant to nurse, police officer to lab technician, student development specialist to director. These employees daily provide the administrative, accounting, maintenance, and other support functions in nearly 170 departments that enable the university to fulfill its core mission of teaching, research and public service. Demographics are the personal and professional characteristics of an organization's workforce, broad descriptors of the duties they perform, and the organizational structures under which they report. The information allows a greater understanding of the strengths and diversity employees bring to the table and the complexity inherent in larger organizations. Recognizing trends or changes in employee demographics may allow for more effective leadership and management in support of employee and organizational success and improve workplace satisfaction. Overall Observations The demographic data reflects the economic realities during the past three years both locally and nationally as the university was challenged to manage costs and increase revenue to balance reductions in state appropriations while also harnessing more resources for classroom and research needs. Additionally, these data reflect the efforts by Texas A&M, as well as many other institutions of higher education, to streamline business operations by contracting with external vendors to perform certain functions. The university’s reduction-in-force actions and other budget strategies during FY2011 and FY2012 were eclipsed by the campus-wide change from the decision to outsource some services at the end of FY2012. The contractual agreements with the third-party vendor resulted in substantial cost savings to the university and a significant impact on the size and makeup of the staff workforce. More than 2,000 filled and vacant positions in 19 departments including budgeted staff, working retiree, temporary wage and student employee positions were eliminated under the contract terms. The outsourcing action affected approximately 1,600 active employees. Budgeted staff was the largest group of those affected employees with nearly 1,100 staff employees transitioned to employment with the vendor.

Texas A&M University has 170

departments with 4,800

budgeted staff employees and

2,600 faculty supporting the

core teaching, research and

service mission of the university.

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Staff Workforce Analytics and Trends January 31, 2013 Demographics FY2013 Page 4

The university’s budgeted staff workforce declined from 5,949 employees in FY2011 to 4,834 by FY2013. The loss of 1,115 employees was a 19% reduction in the staff workforce in three years. A significant portion of the total loss was due to the outsourcing action although there had been a general downward trend in employee headcount for several years. The outsourcing of dining, maintenance, custodial and landscape services, and the administrative staff to manage those services, had a greater impact on the non-academic units of Vice President for Administration and the Vice President for Student Affairs. The effects of various budget strategies and the outsourcing action during the past three years can be seen in the university’s diversity presence, employee longevity and organizational headcounts, with the most significant impact on the makeup of employees by education level and job categories.

Female employees remained about 57% of the workforce even though they were more than three-quarters of the reduction in staff headcount between FY2011 and FY2012, and just over half of the reduction between FY2012 and FY2013.

The percentage of Minority employees, which for many years hovered right at or just over 30%, decreased to just below 25% in FY2013. Employees identified as White, Hispanic and Black represented the greatest decrease in headcount, particularly as a result of the outsourcing action.

Most staff employees continue to be between the ages of 45 and 54. Employees age 35 to 44 and 45 to 54 years represented 70% of the total reduction in headcount.

Employees with two to five years of service continued to represent the largest group of employees by service time although they represented 41% of the reduction in workforce.

Most employees who transitioned to the external vendor were in positions that did not require post-secondary education and many involved manual skilled labor with on the job education or training. Many of the affected employees had at or below a high school degree or GED equivalent and were in Service/Maintenance, Secretary/Clerical and Skilled Craft positions. The result during the past three years is a workforce where 71% possess some level of post-secondary education and 58% are in Professional Non-Faculty positions.

The university has an opportunity to make inroads into a more diverse workforce as new employees are hired into vacant positions or new positions are created to meet ever-changing societal expectations, research expansion, or increasing state and federal regulations. Although the university will continue to evaluate strategies to meet fiscal challenges, it should nevertheless strive to attain Vision 2020 goals of increasing diversity in all its forms. Senior leadership and department heads and directors should actively recruit to more closely resemble the diversity of our state and nation, to emphasize the excellent benefits and Aggie environment that make the university a great place to work, and to utilize worklife initiatives and compensation practices that reward and retain an engaged workforce and keeps the institutional knowledge close to home. The university’s greatest resource is its employees; knowing who they are and valuing everything they bring to the table benefits the entire organization.

The loss of 1,115 employees

was a 19% reduction in the

staff workforce between

FY2011 and FY2013.

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Staff Workforce Analytics and Trends January 31, 2013 Demographics FY2013 Page 5

Report Content This report’s primary emphasis is to display demographic and position-related data on budgeted staff employees. There are seven sets of data included in the Analytics and Analyses portion of the report on the following pages: University-wide and Executive Level Headcount; Employees by Gender; Employees by Race/Ethnicity; Employees by Age Range; Employees by Years of Service; Employees by Education Level; and, Employees by EEO Job Category and Management Span, and are followed by a compilation of interesting facts about the staff workforce. The seven data sets are reported at the University level for three fiscal years, 2011, 2012 and 2013. Following the Analytics and Analyses is Appendix 1 which describes the data sources and scope, Appendix 2 which provides detail data by executive level for the seven data sets, and Appendix 3 which provides supplemental data for the Academic Affairs divisions and colleges.

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Staff Workforce Analytics and Trends January 31, 2013 Demographics FY2013 Page 6

5949 5860










2011 2012 2013

# Em




Fiscal Year

Headcount Trend

19% reduction in 3 years

Demographics Analytics and Analyses 1. University-wide and Executive Level Headcount University-wide headcount represents the sum total of the number of employees counted one time each in their primary position and in the assigned ADLOC/Department for their position within Texas A&M University. Headcount does not take into consideration percent effort, appointment months or multiple positions held by one employee, e.g., an employee working in a primary position as a Clerk II and a football game attendant would only be counted once in the Clerk II position. This information is useful to understand the number of employees for which the organization is responsible for providing leadership, supervising, rewarding, assuring compliance, developing policies and practices, addressing work-life issues, and understanding the organization’s impact on the local community. Headcount may also provide a view of performance and efficiency measures when compared to total student population, budget, or other metrics. The university’s budgeted staff workforce declined from 5,949 employees in FY2011 to 4,834 by FY2013. The loss of 1,115 employees was a 19% reduction in the staff workforce in three years. A significant portion of that loss was at the end of FY2012 due to an outsourcing action, although there has been a general downward trend in employee headcount for several years.

Staff headcount decreased 89 employees (- 1.5%) from FY2011 to FY2012 and decreased again 1,026 employees (-17.5%) from FY2012 to FY2013.

The most dramatic change in the university workforce was the outsourcing of four operational services – dining, maintenance, custodial and landscape services, and the administrative staff to manage those services – to an outside vendor, Compass Group, Inc., effective August 3, 2013.

More than 2,000 filled and vacant positions in 19 departments including budgeted staff, working retiree, temporary wage and student employee positions were eliminated.

Nearly 1,100 budgeted staff employees were affected by outsourcing action and transitioned to employment with the third-party vendor, while an additional small group of employees elected to retire or transfer to other jobs.

Just less than 50 affected employees retained employment at the university for a maximum of 24 months in order to reach full-retirement benefits eligibility at which time they will transition to the third-party vendor.

The university continues to identify efficiencies in response to the State’s 2012 – 2013 biennium which included state-mandated funding reductions and the potential for further cuts should the economic recovery not be as robust as hoped. With well over 50% of the university’s budget designated for salaries, wages and associated employee benefits, significant cost savings may be

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Staff Workforce Analytics and Trends January 31, 2013 Demographics FY2013 Page 7

241 245 248

3140 3050 3087

1434 1468


29 27 24143 137 141

674 659489

288 274 2620 0 41






2011 2012 2013

# Em




Fiscal Year

Employees by Executive Level

President Exec VP & Prov-Acad AffairsVP-Admin VP-Mrkg & ComVP-Research VP-Stu AffairsVP & CFO-Fin Univ Accts

# % # %

President 4 1.7% 3 1.2%

Exec VP & Provost-Acad Affairs -90 -2.9% 37 1.2%

VP-Administration 34 2.4% -926 -63.1%

VP-Marketing & Communications -2 -6.9% -3 -11.1%

VP-Research -6 -4.2% 4 2.9%

VP-Student Affairs -15 -2.2% -170 -25.8%

VP & Cfo-Finance -14 -4.9% -12 -4.4%

University Accounts 41 100.0%

Total Change -89 -1.5% -1026 -17.5%


Headcount Change by Executive Level

Executive LevelFY2011-FY2012

realized through strategies that include outsourcing, reorganizations, reduction-in-force actions, and elimination of vacant positions, in addition to any operational cost savings. Viewing employee headcount within the organizational hierarchy at its highest groupings, referred to as executive levels, brings awareness of the size and scope of the eight executive levels and a temporary executive-level unit that was established for the employees who will transition employment within two years to the third-party vendor. One executive level includes the 11 colleges and multiple divisions that primarily provide the teaching, research and public service responsibilities of the university. The remaining seven executive-level units are focused on administrative, facilities (administration), marketing, research, student affairs and finance functions within the university. The loss of more than one thousand employees due to the outsourcing action had a greater impact on the non-academic executive-level units, specifically the Vice President for Administration and the Vice President for Student Affairs. The Executive Vice President & Provost for Academic Affairs (Academic Affairs) unit continues to represent the largest executive level at the university, while the Vice President for Administration continues to be the second largest unit despite the outsourcing of more than half of their workforce.

The President executive level was 5% of staff all three years, and includes high-level administrators, Athletics and other functions directly reporting to the President.

The Executive Vice President & Provost for Academic Affairs comprised 52% of staff in FY2011 and FY2012, and 64% in FY2013.

Vice President for Administration was about 25% of staff in FY2011 and FY2012 and 11% in FY2013.

Vice President for Student Affairs, impacted to a lesser degree by the outsourcing action, was 11% of the workforce in FY2011 and FY2012, and 10% by FY2013, although still the third largest unit.

The Vice President for Finance represented about 5% of the workforce all three years.

Vice President for Research was just less than 3% of the workforce FY2011 through FY2013.

The Vice President for Marketing & Communications was less than 1% of the workforce during the three years and the smallest executive level.

The University Accounts executive level was temporarily established as the primary employing unit for 48 employees retained to reach full retirement eligibility; it is anticipated this executive level will no longer be active after FY2014.

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Staff Workforce Analytics and Trends January 31, 2013 Demographics FY2013 Page 8












0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450

Agriculture And Life Sciences


Bush School Of Gov't & Public Srv




Liberal Arts

Mays Business School


TAMU Qatar

Veterinary Medicine

# Employees

Headcount by College - FY2013









0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200

Exec V.P. & Provost - Acad Affairs


V.P. - Administration

V.P. - Marketing & Communications

V.P. - Research

V.P. - Student Affairs

V.P. & Cfo - Finance

University Accounts

# Employees

Headcount by Executive Unit (excluding Colleges) - FY2013

Considering only the current reporting year, FY2013, the greatest portion of staff employees – nearly two-thirds - is within the executive-level unit comprised of the colleges and multiple divisions that primarily provide the teaching, research and public service responsibilities of Texas A&M.

The eleven colleges within Academic Affairs comprise 1,987 employees, 41% of the staff workforce.

The non-college divisions within Academic Affairs total 1,100 employees, representing 23% of the staff workforce.

The seven executive-level units separate from Academic Affairs total 1,747 employees, 36% of the staff workforce.

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Staff Workforce Analytics and Trends January 31, 2013 Demographics FY2013 Page 9

3391 3320

27772558 2540











2011 2012 2013

# Em




Fiscal Year

Employees by Gender

Female Male

# % # %

Female -71 -2.1% -543 -16.0%

Male -18 -0.7% -483 -18.9%

Total -89 -1.5% -1026 -17.5%


Headcount Change by Gender

FY2011-FY2012 FY2012-FY2013

2. Employees by Gender Employees by gender are the number of employees as viewed by either female or male gender categories identified from employee personnel records. Gender identification, as well as race and/or ethnicity shown on the next page, are demographics self-reported by each employee within their personnel records in the A&M System’s HRConnect online application. This information is useful to evaluate strategies that can successfully recruit, retain, compensate and develop employees in collaboration with outreach initiatives contributing to the university’s diversity goals. During the three year period, FY2011 through FY2013, the number of female staff employees was considerably greater than male employees.

Female employees accounted for about 57% of the staff workforce from FY2011 through FY2013.

Male employees were about 43% of the workforce during the three years.

Female employees were most often in positions categorized as Professional Non-Faculty (58%), Secretarial/Clerical (21%), or Executive/Administrative/ Manager (10%) positions in FY2013.

Male employees were most often in Professional Non-Faculty (58%), Executive/Administrative/ Manager (14%) or Skilled Crafts (8%) positions in FY2013

The reduction of 1,115 in employee headcount between FY2011 and FY2013 differently impacted the workforce across gender groups. Female employees were more than three-quarters of the reduction in staff headcount between FY2011 and FY2012, and just over half of the reduction between FY2012 and FY2013.

Female decreased by 614 employees, 55% of the total reduction in staff workforce.

Male headcount decreased by 501 employees, representing 45% of the total reduction.

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Staff Workforce Analytics and Trends January 31, 2013 Demographics FY2013 Page 10

4069 39683582

576 617359

912 898546

284 280 24897 99 99











2011 2012 2013

# Em




Fiscal Year

Employees by Race/Ethnicity

White Black Hisp Asian Other

3. Employees by Race/Ethnicity Employees by race/ethnicity (referred hereafter as race) are the number of employees as viewed by one of eight race categories identified from employee personnel records. Race identification, as well as gender shown on the previous page, are demographics self-reported by each employee within their personnel records in the A&M System’s HRConnect online application. Race and/or ethnicity categories are Non-Hispanic (White), Black or African American (Black), Hispanic or Latino (Hispanic), Asian, Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander (Asian), American Indian or Alaska Native (American Indian), or Two or More Races, with one additional category shown as Unknown for employees who chose not to disclose. This information is useful to evaluate strategies that can successfully recruit, retain, compensate and develop employees in collaboration with outreach initiatives contributing to the university’s diversity goals. Between FY2011 and FY2013, the greatest number and percentage of staff employees were identified as White, with the next two largest groups being those identified as Hispanic or Black.

Employees identified as White were about 68% of the workforce in FY2011 and FY2012, and 74% in FY2013.

Hispanic was 15% of the workforce in FY2011 and FY 2012; and 11% in FY2013.

Employees identified as Black were about 10% of the workforce the first two years, and just over 7% in FY2013.

Asian was about 5% of the workforce all three years even though headcount reduced from 284 in FY2011 to 248 in FY2013.

Employees identified as American Indian, Hawaiian or Two or More totaled 49 in FY2011 (0.7% of the workforce) and 45 by FY2013 (0.9%).

Employees choosing not to disclose were 59 in FY2011 and 54 by FY2013, 1% of the workforce each year.

The reduction of 1,115 in overall employee headcount between FY2011 and FY2013 differently impacted the workforce across the eight race groups. Employees identified as White, Hispanic and Black represented the greatest decrease in headcount, particularly as a result of the outsourcing action.

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Staff Workforce Analytics and Trends January 31, 2013 Demographics FY2013 Page 11

# % # %

White -101 -2.5% -386 -9.7%

Black Or African American 41 7.1% -258 -41.8%

Hispanic -14 -1.5% -352 -39.2%

Asian -4 -1.4% -32 -11.4%

Amer Indian Or Alaskan Nat -8 -28.6% 0 0.0%

Hawaiian Or Other Pac Islander 0 0.0% -2 -50.0%

Two Or More Races 2 11.8% 4 21.1%

-Not Specified -5 -8.5% 0 0.0%

Total -89 -1.5% -1026 -17.5%


Headcount Change by Race/Ethnicity



FY2011 FY2012 FY2013

Minority 1821 1838 1198

Total Employees 5949 5860 4834

Percentage Minority 30.6% 31.4% 24.8%

Percentage of Minority Employees

Employees identified as White decreased by 487 over the three years and represented 44% of the total reduction.

Employees identified as Black increased headcount between FY2011 and FY2012, but decreased 258 the next period for a net loss of 217 employees, 19% of the three year reduction in headcount.

Hispanic represented 33% of the total reduction during the three years with a loss of 366 employees.

In addition to specific race categories, another view is to group race categories into Non-Minority and Minority to provide a broader view of diversity at the university. For this view, Non-Minority represents employees who self-identified as White. Minority represents aggregated data for employees who self-identified as Black, Hispanic, Asian, American Indian, or Two or More Races.

The percentage of Minority employees, which for many years hovered right at or just over 30%, decreased to just below 25% in FY2013.

Minority employees most often held positions in the job categories of Service/Maintenance (45%), Secretarial/Clerical (29%) and Professional Non-Faculty (25%) in Fy2013.

Non-Minority employees most often were in positions within the Executive/Administrative/ Managerial (84%), Technical/Paraprofessional (79%) and Skilled Craft (76%) in Fy2013.

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Staff Workforce Analytics and Trends January 31, 2013 Demographics FY2013 Page 12

238 243 218

1347 1347




1648 1623


1066 1086


150 159 169











2011 2012 2013

# Em




Fiscal Year

Employees by Age Range

24 & under 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65 & over

# % # %

24 years & under 5 2.1% -25 -10.3%

25-34 years 0 0.0% -189 -14.0%

35-44 years -98 -6.5% -253 -18.0%

45-54 years -25 -1.5% -409 -25.2%

55-64 years 20 1.9% -160 -14.7%

65 years & over 9 6.0% 10 6.3%

Grand Total -89 -1.5% -1026 -17.5%

FY2011-FY2012 FY2012-FY2013

Age Range

Headcount Change by Age Range

4. Employees by Age Range Employees by age range are the number of employees as viewed by calculating their age from the month and year of birth recorded in employee personnel data, displayed within 10 year ranges. This information provides a view of the age distribution within the organization and the impact of cultural or age-related trends and diversity awareness. Information about workforce age may also help identify the portion of employees who may be planning retirements in the near future in order for the organization to maximize career succession planning and minimize institutional knowledge loss. Retirement data are covered more in depth in the Staff Workforce and Analytic Trends (SWAT) Retirement report. More information on age and the cultural impact is covered in a biannual Generations in the Workplace report within the SWAT series. Between FY2011 and FY2013, the greatest number and percentage of staff employees were in the 45 to 54 age group, with the least populated group being employees age 65 and over. The proportion of each age group to total staff remained relatively the same each year.

Seventy-three percent of staff were within the three age groups 25 to 34, 35 to 44 and 45 to 54 in FY2013; a slight decrease from the combined 75% in FY2012.

Employees within the age range 55 to 64 continued to represent about 19% of the workforce each year.

Employees in the lower and upper end of the ranges – those being 24 years and under or 65 years and over - continued to be the smallest age groups and represented 5% and 3% of the workforce, respectively during the three years.

The reduction of 1,115 in overall employee headcount between FY2011 and FY2013 differently impacted the workforce across the six age groups. Employees 35 to 44 and 45 to 54 years of age had the largest decrease in headcount, while employees 65 years and over increased headcount.

Employees at or below the age of 34 had a net decrease during the three years of 209 employees and represented 19% of the total reduction.

Employees in the middle of the pack, ages 35 to 44 and 45 to 54 years, represented 70% of the total reduction during the three years, with a loss of 785 employees.

Employees 55 to 64 years were 13% of the total reduction.

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919968 915828

718 682

519547 501421

319 299 252

243 212 2200









2011 2012 2013

# Em




Fiscal Years

Employees by Years of Service

Less than 2 2 to 5 6 to 10 11 to 15

16 to 20 21 to 25 26 to 30 More than 30

# % # %

Less than 2 years 304 69.2% -99 -13.3%

2 to 5 years -135 -9.0% -326 -24.0%

6 to 10 years -72 -5.9% -232 -20.2%

11 to 15 years -53 -5.5% -87 -9.5%

16 to 20 years -36 -5.0% -163 -23.9%

21 to 25 years -46 -8.4% -80 -16.0%

26 to 30 years -20 -6.3% -47 -15.7%

More than 30 years -31 -12.8% 8 3.8%

Total -89 -1.5% -1026 -17.5%

Headcount Change by Years of Service


Years of Service

5. Employees by Years of Service Employees by years of service are the number of employees as viewed within eight groups defining the years of work accumulated by an employee and recorded as Longevity Months in employee personnel records. Longevity Months include employment at Texas A&M University as well as other Texas state agencies if reported by the employee and verified by the university’s payroll office. This information provides awareness of employee subject-matter or institutional knowledge that could be used for mentoring or career advancement. As employees enter or exit the workforce, understanding the level of knowledge gained or lost by the university could help identify cross-training or business continuity needs. Service time also represents added benefits to the employee through annual leave accruals and supplemental monthly compensation, known as longevity pay; both are indicative of the value conferred upon greater knowledge and loyalty to state employment. Between FY2011 and FY2013, the greatest number and percentage of staff employees had between two and five years of service and nearly half had six to twenty years of service. The proportion of each service group to total staff changed slightly with the total reduction in headcount.

Employees with less than two years of service were 7% of staff in FY2011 and 13% by FY2013.

Employees with two to five years of service were 25% of staff in FY2011 and 21% by FY2013.

The three groups totaling six to twenty years of service were 49% of the workforce in FY2011 and 47% by FY2013.

Employees with 21 years or more of service were 19% of staff in FY2011 and 18% by FY2013. The reduction of 1,115 in overall employee headcount between FY2011 and FY2013 differently impacted the workforce across the eight service time groups. As of FY2013, all but one service group, employees with more than 30 years of service, reduced headcount. Employees with two to five years of service saw the greatest reduction.

Employees with less than two years of service had a 205 net increase due to the increase between FY2011 and FY2012.

Employees with two to five years of service were 41% of the reduction in staff.

Fifty-eight percent (643 employees) of the total reduction in headcount was in the three service groups of six to 10, 11 to 15 and 16 to 20 years of service.

Employees in the two groups 21 to 25 and 26 to 30 years of service reduced in headcount by a combined 193 employees and represented 17% of the total reduction.

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Staff Workforce Analytics and Trends January 31, 2013 Demographics FY2013 Page 14

276 26027

2128 2095


416 416 360

1627 1616 1599

872 860 896

538 524 501

92 89 86







2011 2012 2013

# Em




Fiscal Year

Employees by Education Level

<High Sch High Sch/GED Assoc Bach

Master Doctor Special Prof

# % # %

Less than High School -16 -5.8% -233 -89.6%

High School or GED -33 -1.6% -730 -34.8%

Associate 0 0.0% -56 -13.5%

Bachelor -11 -0.7% -17 -1.1%

Master -12 -1.4% 36 4.2%

Doctorate -14 -2.6% -23 -4.4%

Special Professional -3 -3.3% -3 -3.4%

Total -89 -1.5% -1026 -17.5%

Headcount Change by Education Level

FY2011-FY2012 FY2012-FY2013


6. Employees by Education Level Employees by education level are the number of employees as viewed by their highest-attained level of education identified from employee personnel records. Employee education is self-reported data at time of hire, or any time later when a decree is successfully earned. This information provides a view of the learned knowledge inherent in the organization to help identify educational strengths and academic opportunities for employees, as well as career advancement potential. As an institution of higher education, management’s awareness of the educational attainment by employees and support for furthering educational opportunities demonstrates organizational culture and core values supporting the university's primary mission. The outsourcing action had a significant impact on the makeup of employees by education level as most employees transitioned to the external vendor were in positions that did not require post-secondary education. During FY2011 and FY2012, the greatest number and percentage of staff employees had a high school degree or GED equivalent; by FY2013, the largest group was employees with a Bachelor’s degree. As the workforce size changed due to the outsourcing action, the proportion of employees with education beyond high school increased.

Employees at or below a high school degree or GED equivalent were just over 40% of the workforce in FY2011 and just under 29% by FY2013.

Employees with some level of post-secondary education were 71% of the workforce in FY2013; up from 60% the previous two years.

Nearly 31% of staff employees possess a graduate-level degree in FY2013; up from 25% the previous two years.

The reduction of 1,115 in overall employee headcount between FY2011 and FY2013 differently impacted the workforce as viewed by education. Employees without post-secondary education had the greatest reduction in headcount each year and represented the majority of total change.

Nearly 91% of the total reduction in staff was of employees at or below a high school degree or GED equivalent.

Employees with undergraduate degrees represented 7.5% of the total reduction.

Employees with graduate-level degrees had a net total loss of 19 employees to an increase of employees with a Master degree in FY2013.

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553 551 569

2826 2835 2794

881 798663

375 355 351397 372185

917 949









2011 2012 2013

# Em




Fiscal Year

Employees by EEO Job

Exec Prof Sec Cler Tech Para Skilled Service

# % # %

Executive/Admin/Mgr -2 -0.4% 18 3.3%

Professional Non-Faculty 9 0.3% -41 -1.4%

Secretary/Clerical -83 -9.4% -135 -16.9%

Technical/Paraprof. -20 -5.3% -4 -1.1%

Skilled Craft -25 -6.3% -187 -50.3%

Service/Maintenance 32 3.5% -677 -71.3%

Total -89 -1.5% -1026 -17.5%

Headcount Change by EEO Job Category

EEO Job Category

FY2011-FY2012 FY2012-FY2013

7. Employees by EEO Job Category & Management Span Employees by Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) job category are the number of employees as viewed within the six staff-related job groupings using EEO definitions assigned to each position’s title. EEO job categories are a coding system defined by federal agencies and used to identify job positions in broad descriptors based on scope of work and duties. This provides a view of the level of responsibility, knowledge and skills integral to the organization’s mission, and is also used for various federal and state reporting. A seventh EEO job category, Faculty, is not represented in this report. Between FY2011 and FY2013, the greatest number and percentage of staff employees continued to be in Professional Non-Faculty positions. The outsourcing action had a significant impact on the types of jobs at the university as a majority of eliminated positions did not require formal degrees and many involved manual skilled labor with on the job education or training. As the workforce size changed, the proportion of employees in jobs with administrative, technical or office-based duties and formal education increased.

Executive/Administrative/ Managerial were about 9% of the workforce in FY2011 and FY2012, and 12% in FY2013.

Professional Non-Faculty positions which were about 48% of the workforce in FY2011 and FY2012 represented nearly 58% of staff employees in FY2013.

Secretarial/Clerical remained between 13% and 14% of the workforce in the three years.

Skilled Craft positions were 6% of the workforce the first two years and 4% by FY2013.

Service/Maintenance represented about 16% of the workforce in FY2011 and FY2012, and less than 6% in FY2013.

The reduction of 1,115 in overall employee headcount between FY2011 and FY2013 differently impacted the workforce across the six job categories. Most of the reduction was in Service/ Maintenance, Secretary/Clerical, and Skilled Craft positions. It is worth noting that in higher education, as well as private industry, the changing nature of work place expectations and skill requirements, along with increased use of technology for automating administrative functions, may account in part for the overall declining trend of Secretary/Clerical positions and the increase in Professional Non-Faculty.

Service/Maintenance accounted for nearly 58% of the total reduction, with a net loss of 645 employees over the course of the three years.

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Sec Cler13.7%

Tech Para7.3%



Employees by EEO Job Category - FY2013

217 213 210420 432 431

5312 5215









2011 2012 2013

# Em




Fiscal Year

Employees by MSO Code

Manager Supervisor Other

Secretary/Clerical represented nearly 20% of the total reduction (218 employees), not solely attributable to the outsourcing action as this category has seen a continued declined in headcount for several years.

Skilled Craft decreased by 212 employees, representing 19% of the total reduction.

Professional Non-Faculty had a net loss of 32 employees (2.9%) over the three years, as some positions related to administration of the outsourced positions were also transitioned to the external vendor.

Considering only the current reporting period in FY2013, Professional Non-Faculty is the largest single group of employees by EEO job categories, one in which employees must generally possess post-secondary degrees or a combination of formal education and experience. Skilled Craft and Service/Maintenance represent the smallest two of six job categories.

Executive/Administrative/ Managerial and Professional Non-Faculty combined total 3,363 employees, nearly 70% of all positions at the university.

Secretarial/Clerical and Technical/Paraprofessional are the third and fourth largest groups with about 14% and 7% of the workforce respectively.

The two smallest groups combined, Service/Maintenance and Skilled Craft, represent just over 9% of the workforce.

Another view the workforce is through the Manager, Supervisor, Other (MSO) codes. The MSO codes are associated with each position based on scope of responsibility as defined by the Texas State Auditor’s Office (SAO) and reported in the state’s compensation system. Management-to-staff ratios can be used to determine an organization's span of control, i.e., the number of employees who directly report to a single manager or supervisor. A correlation generally exists between the span of control and the number of layers within an organization and may help identify efficiencies or improvements in distribution of work.

Employees in manager or supervisor positions represented just over 13% (641) of staff in FY2013, an increase from the previous two years of 11%.

Employees classified as Other, i.e., non-management or supervisory, represented about 87%

of the staff in FY2013, a decrease from about 89% the previous two years.

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Texas higher education institutions are statutorily required to comply with a minimum management-to-staff ratio of one manager or supervisor for no fewer than 11 full-time equivalent (FTE) employees. The FTE calculation is based on total hours paid during a quarter and includes all employee types. According to the SAO’s summary report on Full-Time Equivalent State Employees for the Quarter Ending August 31, 2012, the management-to-staff ratio for all state employees decreased in the past five years from one manager or supervisor for every 13.1 employees to 12.7 employees.

Texas A&M’s management-to-staff ratio using the State’s FTE calculation for the first quarter of FY2013 was one manager or supervisor for every 19.12 employees.

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8. Interesting Facts in FY2013

98% of staff work full-time.

4,702 staff work in full-time budgeted positions; 132 work part-time. This gives insight into the number of staff performing duties at full workload or the extent to which wage or temporary employees may or may not be augmenting services. This also provides a view of the number of employees who may be paying for a larger portion of insurance benefits out-of-pocket because employees budgeted at less than 100% effort pay significantly more.

71% of staff have a



3,442 employees possess an associate, bachelor, master, doctorate or special professional degree.

FEMALE – 57%

MALE – 43%

According to the 2010 U.S. Census Bureau, Texas has a gender composition of 50.4% Female, 49.6% Male.

5% Vets

240 staff employees are Veterans. According to a U.S. Department of Labor report, “The Veteran Labor Force in the Recovery” November 3, 2011, 11.8 million veterans are working or looking for work, accounting for 7.7% of the U.S. labor force.

Staff employees contribute to a global presence and experience for students, faculty and visitors.

72 countries outside of the U.S.

are represented in the staff workforce.

In FY2013, 607 employees reported their nationality being other than from the United States, with Mexico, China, Canada and India having the greatest presence of all other countries.

12 Average years of

state service of staff employees

1,953 staff began employment prior to 2000, with 2,881 since then.


Median age of staff employees

3,952 employees reported their home residence in Brazos County, with 40.9% in Bryan, 58.8% in College Station, 0.3% in other communities.

Most A&M staff enjoys short commutes to work in comparison with other Texas cities. According to U.S. Census Bureau 2010 Demographic Profile, mean travel time to work in Texas is 24.8 minutes and less than 17 minutes for Bryan or College Station.

10.93 Number of students for every 1 staff

*Texas A&M University Data and Research Services, Enrollment Profile Fall 2011, 2012 and 2013.

High School or Less


Post Secondary


Graduate Level Degree


Education Level of Employees - FY2013

24 & under 4.5%

25-34 years 24%

35-44 years 23.8%

45-54 years 25.1%

55-64 years 19.2%

65 & over 3.5%

82% in Brazos County




1.49% 0.73%


FY2011 FY2012 FY2013





FY2010-FY2011 FY2011-FY2012 FY2012-FY2013

Student EnrollmentStaff Employment




2% 38% 60%

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APPENDIX 1 Overview Texas A&M University is the flagship institution of The Texas A&M University System, with $1 billion budget and an endowment that typically ranks in the top five nationally among public universities. Playing a key role in the day-to-day operations of the university are about 4,800 staff that provide administrative service and support to future, current and former students, as well as faculty, researchers and campus visitors. The Staff Workforce Analytics and Trends is a series of reports developed by the Texas A&M University Human Resources organization to provide human resource-related information on budgeted staff employees at Texas A&M University–College Station and Qatar. The reports include metrics on a variety of demographic and position-related data, relevant metrics, trends and commentary, and are provided to university management to increase awareness of the make-up of their organization, recognize efficiencies and take advantage of opportunities to build a productive and successful organization. The report series will include: Demographics; Generations in the Workplace; Leave Benefits: Recruitment; Retirement; Compensation; Training and Development; and, Turnover. Scope of Demographics Report

Data are a snapshot of relevant information at October 31 for fiscal year 2013, and at November 30 for fiscal year 2011 and 2012.

Data are for Part 02 ADLOC’d active budgeted staff (non-faculty) positions and incumbent employees in an active regular or working retiree status.

Data for employee, position, title, organizational hierarchy and any other relevant data are from The Texas A&M University System DataWarehouse.

Data presented in this report are for the university as a total and further displayed for numerical counts by Executive-level reporting units and, if shown, Division/College level units.

Executive-level reporting units include the colleges, divisions, departments, centers and/or other units that organizationally report directly to one of the eight units listed below: 1) President 2) Executive Vice President and Provost – Academic Affairs 3) Vice President – Administration 4) Vice President – Marketing & Communications 5) Vice President – Research 6) Vice President – Student Affairs 7) Vice President & CFO – Finance 8) University Accounts (temporary executive level as a result of FY2012 outsourcing of dining,

maintenance, custodial and landscape services)

Division/College level reporting includes all the departments, centers and/or other units that

organizationally report directly to the Division/College.

Methodology for Demographic Report

Beginning with the FY2013 report, data are captured as of October 31; the date change did not materially affect data comparison between fiscal years.

Headcount number change is calculated as the count of one fiscal year minus the count of the previous fiscal year and percentage change is based on the head count from the previous fiscal year.

Employee staff (non-faculty) classification is determined by the primary position’s title and its assigned Faculty Rank Code.

Full-time status is defined as employment in a position budgeted at 100% effort, typically 40 hours per week; part-time is defined by any number less than 100%.

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APPENDIX 2 – Detail Data

Item 1 Number of Employees University-wide by Executive Level


Exec V.P. &

Provost -

Acad Affairs V.P. - Admin

V.P. - Mar &


V.P. -


V.P. -



V.P. & Cfo -



Accounts Total

FY2011 241 3140 1434 29 143 674 288 0 5949

FY2012 245 3050 1468 27 137 659 274 0 5860

FY2013 248 3087 542 24 141 489 262 41 4834

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APPENDIX 2 – Detail Data

Item 2 Number of Employees by Gender by Executive Level

Gender President

Exec V.P. &

Provost -

Acad Affairs V.P. - Admin

V.P. - Mar &


V.P. -


V.P. -



V.P. & Cfo -



Accounts Total

FY2011 241 3140 1434 29 143 674 288 5949

Male 151 1216 813 14 54 238 72 2558

Female 90 1924 621 15 89 436 216 3391

FY2012 245 3050 1468 27 137 659 274 5860

Male 156 1186 827 12 55 236 68 2540

Female 89 1864 641 15 82 423 206 3320

FY2013 248 3087 542 24 141 489 262 41 4834

Male 160 1207 377 9 49 171 68 16 2057

Female 88 1880 165 15 92 318 194 25 2777

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APPENDIX 2 – Detail Data

Item 3 Number of Employees by Race/Ethnicity by Executive Level

Race/Ethnicity President

Exec V.P. &

Provost -

Acad Affairs V.P. - Admin

V.P. - Mar &


V.P. -


V.P. -



V.P. & Cfo -



Accounts Total

FY2011 241 3140 1434 29 143 674 288 5949

White 203 2319 732 25 121 455 214 4069

Black 24 161 236 2 6 119 28 576

Hisp 9 362 418 2 9 75 37 912

Asian 4 237 20 6 14 3 284

Am Ind 1 14 8 3 2 28

Hw 1 2 1 4

Two+ 8 4 2 3 17

Unkn 38 16 1 4 59

FY2012 245 3050 1468 27 137 659 274 5860

White 204 2243 740 23 113 438 207 3968

Black 27 174 264 2 6 118 26 617

Hisp 9 348 421 2 10 75 33 898

Asian 4 229 21 7 16 3 280

Am Ind 1 12 4 2 1 20

Hw 1 2 1 4

Two+ 10 3 3 3 19

Unkn 33 15 1 5 54

FY2013 248 3087 542 24 141 489 262 41 4834

White 207 2267 394 18 113 381 193 9 3582

Black 28 175 55 3 9 49 27 13 359

Hisp 9 367 71 2 10 34 34 19 546

Asian 3 211 11 6 13 4 248

Am Ind 1 11 4 1 2 1 20

Hw 1 1 2

Two+ 14 2 1 4 2 23

Unkn 42 5 2 5 54

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APPENDIX 2 – Detail Data

Item 4 Number of Employees by Age Range by Executive Level

Age Range President

Exec V.P. &

Provost -

Acad Affairs V.P. - Admin

V.P. - Mar &


V.P. -


V.P. -



V.P. & Cfo -



Accounts Total

FY2011 241 3140 1434 29 143 674 288 5949

24 & under 15 135 52 1 5 24 6 238

25-34 67 819 228 3 26 159 45 1347

35-44 70 805 346 10 37 154 78 1500

45-54 60 760 509 6 42 177 94 1648

55-64 22 532 263 7 33 147 62 1066

65 & over 7 89 36 2 13 3 150

FY2012 245 3050 1468 27 137 659 274 5860

24 & under 10 141 59 1 7 19 6 243

25-34 68 776 265 4 30 161 43 1347

35-44 72 743 322 9 39 144 73 1402

45-54 59 754 506 4 32 177 91 1623

55-64 30 545 278 7 27 140 59 1086

65 & over 6 91 38 2 2 18 2 159

FY2013 248 3087 542 24 141 489 262 41 4834

24 & under 19 164 16 3 8 8 218

25-34 67 778 111 4 34 128 36 1158

35-44 71 732 118 8 44 107 69 1149

45-54 53 734 172 5 31 120 83 16 1214

55-64 34 566 103 3 26 106 63 25 926

65 & over 4 113 22 4 3 20 3 169

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APPENDIX 2 – Detail Data

Item 5 Number of Employees by Years of Service by Executive Level

Years of Service President

Exec V.P. &

Provost -

Acad Affairs V.P. - Admin

V.P. - Mar &


V.P. -


V.P. -



V.P. & Cfo -



Accounts Total

FY2011 241 3140 1434 29 143 674 288 5949

Less than 2 18 225 137 2 13 40 4 439

2 to 5 76 812 326 8 33 177 60 1492

6 to 10 49 675 263 4 29 144 59 1223

11 to 15 38 493 234 5 28 111 59 968

16 to 20 18 339 222 5 23 72 39 718

21 to 25 19 281 143 2 8 63 31 547

26 to 30 14 160 80 1 4 39 21 319

More than 30 9 155 29 2 5 28 15 243

FY2012 245 3050 1468 27 137 659 274 5860

Less than 2 35 357 242 3 21 73 12 743

2 to 5 69 728 313 7 27 156 57 1357

6 to 10 48 617 258 4 28 139 57 1151

11 to 15 36 467 220 4 27 107 54 915

16 to 20 20 331 209 5 19 63 35 682

21 to 25 18 264 129 1 7 56 26 501

26 to 30 12 150 73 1 3 40 20 299

More than 30 7 136 24 2 5 25 13 212

FY2013 248 3087 542 24 141 489 262 41 4834

Less than 2 48 415 87 2 22 51 19 644

2 to 5 52 683 119 7 27 99 44 1031

6 to 10 55 597 95 1 29 94 45 3 919

11 to 15 33 493 95 5 26 106 65 5 828

16 to 20 21 316 71 4 20 51 27 9 519

21 to 25 20 268 44 2 10 32 31 14 421

26 to 30 9 167 19 1 1 32 13 10 252

More than 30 10 148 12 2 6 24 18 220

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APPENDIX 2 – Detail Data

Item 6 Number of Employees by Education Level by Executive Level

Education Level President

Exec V.P. &

Provost -

Acad Affairs V.P. - Admin

V.P. - Mar &


V.P. -


V.P. -



V.P. & Cfo -



Accounts Total

FY2011 241 3140 1434 29 143 674 288 5949

<High Sch 1 21 208 1 45 276

High Sch / GED 34 807 864 5 45 245 128 2128

Assoc 10 243 93 6 40 24 416

Bach 122 1030 203 15 44 119 94 1627

Master 63 546 52 9 16 157 29 872

Doctor 9 455 1 21 44 8 538

Special Prof 2 38 13 10 24 5 92

FY2012 245 3050 1468 27 137 659 274 5860

<High Sch 1 13 204 42 260

High Sch / GED 34 757 892 5 40 245 122 2095

Assoc 11 238 98 8 39 22 416

Bach 118 1034 206 13 43 111 91 1616

Master 67 528 54 9 19 154 29 860

Doctor 11 441 2 19 44 7 524

Special Prof 3 39 12 8 24 3 89

FY2013 248 3087 542 24 141 489 262 41 4834

<High Sch 13 4 10 27

High Sch / GED 31 736 300 3 40 118 110 27 1365

Assoc 10 234 53 1 6 36 18 2 360

Bach 128 1078 133 12 42 111 93 2 1599

Master 66 565 44 8 22 159 32 896

Doctor 10 418 3 22 41 7 501

Special Prof 3 43 5 9 24 2 86

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APPENDIX 2 – Detail Data

Item 7 Number of Employees by EEO Job Category by Executive Level

EEO Job Category President

Exec V.P. &

Provost -

Acad Affairs V.P. - Admin

V.P. - Mar &


V.P. -


V.P. -



V.P. & Cfo -



Accounts Total

FY2011 241 3140 1434 29 143 674 288 5949

Exec/Admin/Mgr 33 330 33 16 19 84 38 553

Prof Non-Faculty 173 1895 199 13 91 310 145 2826

Secr/Clerical 21 582 108 4 82 84 881

Tech/Paraprof 1 287 37 21 23 6 375

Skilled Craft 8 14 331 44 397

Service/Maint 5 32 726 8 131 15 917

FY2012 245 3050 1468 27 137 659 274 5860

Exec/Admin/Mgr 32 330 35 16 17 87 34 551

Prof Non-Faculty 178 1892 225 11 84 303 142 2835

Secr/Clerical 21 511 111 4 71 80 798

Tech/Paraprof 1 274 33 23 21 3 355

Skilled Craft 8 12 306 46 372

Service/Maint 5 31 758 9 131 15 949

FY2013 248 3087 542 24 141 489 262 41 4834

Exec/Admin/Mgr 34 340 29 12 22 96 35 1 569

Prof Non-Faculty 184 1965 123 12 89 281 139 1 2794

Secr/Clerical 19 459 34 4 74 71 2 663

Tech/Paraprof 1 283 26 18 19 3 1 351

Skilled Craft 6 12 152 9 6 185

Service/Maint 4 28 178 8 10 14 30 272

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APPENDIX 3 – Supplemental Data for Academic Affairs

Item 1 Number of Employees by Gender by Division/College

Executive VP & Provost / Colleges




And Life


Col: Archi-


Col: Bush

School Of

Gov't &

Public Srv





Col: Geo-


Col: Liberal


Col: Mays


School Col: Science

Col: Tamu




Medicine Total

FY2011 120 128 34 146 208 214 182 115 447 67 405 2066

Female 88 99 26 108 136 88 125 83 192 28 293 1266

Male 32 29 8 38 72 126 57 32 255 39 112 800

FY2012 106 98 34 139 197 202 164 110 440 70 402 1962

Female 78 70 25 98 129 80 114 79 196 31 297 1197

Male 28 28 9 41 68 122 50 31 244 39 105 765

FY2013 107 88 36 144 201 206 173 119 424 82 407 1987

Female 80 60 27 104 129 88 119 81 188 35 296 1207

Male 27 28 9 40 72 118 54 38 236 47 111 780

Executive VP & Provost / Non-College Divisions


Div: AA



Div: Asso



Pgm & Acad


Div: Assoc

Prov & Dean

Of Faculties

Div: Assoc



Div: Assoc

Vp External


Div: Assoc

Vp For Acad

Services Div: Library

Div: Vice

Provost For

Acad Affairs

Div: Vp &

Assoc Prov -



Div: Vp &

Assoc Prov-


Technology Total

FY2011 60 72 25 22 18 312 177 59 4 325 1074

Female 36 54 19 20 12 231 115 45 3 123 658

Male 24 18 6 2 6 81 62 14 1 202 416

FY2012 92 59 25 18 17 349 170 20 4 334 1088

Female 61 44 22 17 11 260 115 14 3 120 667

Male 31 15 3 1 6 89 55 6 1 214 421

FY2013 36 57 23 14 25 402 171 28 4 340 1100

Female 19 44 19 14 17 303 110 20 3 124 673

Male 17 13 4 8 99 61 8 1 216 427

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APPENDIX 3 – Supplemental Data for Academic Affairs

Item 2 Number of Employees by Race/Ethnicity by Division/College

Executive VP & Provost / Colleges




And Life


Col: Archi-


Col: Bush

School Of

Gov't &

Public Srv





Col: Geo-


Col: Liberal


Col: Mays


School Col: Science

Col: Tamu




Medicine Total

FY2011 120 128 34 146 208 214 182 115 447 67 405 2066

White 91 57 29 118 169 168 145 101 290 51 325 1544

Black 7 2 11 6 5 7 4 16 3 17 78

Hisp 8 54 2 13 22 13 24 7 28 5 36 212

Asian 12 3 4 10 25 5 2 96 7 22 186

Am Ind 1 2 1 1 3 8


Two+ 1 1 1 1 1 5

Unkn 13 1 1 16 1 1 33

FY2012 106 98 34 139 197 202 164 110 440 70 402 1962

White 81 56 30 108 156 161 126 94 280 54 326 1472

Black 10 13 7 3 7 5 14 4 18 81

Hisp 6 35 2 14 20 12 25 7 31 5 35 192

Asian 7 2 4 12 23 4 2 98 6 18 176

Am Ind 1 1 1 1 3 7


Two+ 1 1 1 1 1 5

Unkn 6 1 1 2 1 16 1 1 29

FY2013 107 88 36 144 201 206 173 119 424 82 407 1987

White 83 56 30 112 162 166 133 99 270 58 335 1504

Black 9 2 10 5 3 8 4 15 5 17 78

Hisp 8 29 3 16 28 14 24 12 29 3 35 201

Asian 5 2 4 4 21 6 2 89 12 16 161

Am Ind 1 1 1 1 1 5


Two+ 1 1 1 1 3 7

Unkn 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 17 3 3 31

Executive VP & Provost / Non-College Divisions


Div: AA



Div: Asso



Pgm & Acad


Div: Assoc

Prov & Dean

Of Faculties

Div: Assoc



Div: Assoc

Vp External


Div: Assoc

Vp For Acad

Services Div: Library

Div: Vice

Provost For

Acad Affairs

Div: Vp &

Assoc Prov -



Div: Vp &

Assoc Prov-


Technology Total

FY2011 60 72 25 22 18 312 177 59 4 325 1074

White 47 54 15 18 15 194 128 43 2 259 775Black 4 7 4 1 1 30 14 6 1 15 83

Hisp 6 6 3 3 1 72 28 5 1 25 150

Asian 2 2 3 1 12 5 2 24 51

Am Ind 1 2 1 2 6

Hw 1 1

Two+ 2 1 3

Unkn 1 1 1 2 5

FY2012 92 59 25 18 17 349 170 20 4 334 1088

White 71 41 14 14 15 208 124 15 3 266 771

Black 6 10 3 1 1 38 14 4 1 15 93

Hisp 10 5 3 3 85 26 24 156

Asian 2 1 5 1 14 3 27 53

Am Ind 1 1 1 2 5

Hw 1 1

Two+ 2 2 1 5

Unkn 1 1 2 4

FY2013 36 57 23 14 25 402 171 28 4 340 1100

White 26 34 15 9 21 237 123 23 3 272 763

Black 4 11 2 2 2 43 15 2 1 15 97

Hisp 4 7 2 2 1 102 25 23 166

Asian 2 3 4 1 14 4 22 50

Am Ind 1 1 1 1 2 6


Two+ 2 2 1 2 7

Unkn 3 3 1 4 11

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APPENDIX 3 – Supplemental Data for Academic Affairs

Item 3 Number of Employees by Age Range by Division/College

Executive VP & Provost / Colleges

Age Range



And Life


Col: Archi-


Col: Bush

School Of

Gov't &

Public Srv





Col: Geo-


Col: Liberal


Col: Mays


School Col: Science

Col: Tamu




Medicine Total

FY2011 120 128 34 146 208 214 182 115 447 67 405 2066

24 & under 2 9 1 7 4 4 14 4 18 2 37 102

25-34 29 25 5 44 48 32 51 27 148 23 117 549

35-44 33 35 17 43 50 56 44 20 113 23 98 532

45-54 28 31 7 30 55 72 45 28 85 11 95 487

55-64 24 25 4 18 43 43 21 34 69 7 48 336

65 & over 4 3 4 8 7 7 2 14 1 10 60

FY2012 106 98 34 139 197 202 164 110 440 70 402 1962

24 & under 5 2 6 3 1 9 3 10 5 35 79

25-34 22 26 5 35 46 34 45 27 147 22 111 520

35-44 27 22 16 41 46 47 41 20 114 26 96 496

45-54 26 23 8 34 53 68 43 25 85 10 96 471

55-64 24 23 5 21 41 46 20 30 65 4 56 335

65 & over 2 2 2 8 6 6 5 19 3 8 61

FY2013 107 88 36 144 201 206 173 119 424 82 407 1987

24 & under 4 3 1 5 5 2 14 4 9 4 40 91

25-34 26 20 7 43 38 36 43 29 137 25 101 505

35-44 28 17 12 38 42 46 47 26 106 30 106 498

45-54 25 25 10 35 55 66 40 27 80 16 86 465

55-64 23 19 6 21 50 43 22 26 72 4 65 351

65 & over 1 4 2 11 13 7 7 20 3 9 77

Executive VP & Provost / Non-College Divisions

Age Range

Div: AA



Div: Asso



Pgm & Acad


Div: Assoc

Prov & Dean

Of Faculties

Div: Assoc



Div: Assoc

Vp External


Div: Assoc

Vp For Acad

Services Div: Library

Div: Vice

Provost For

Acad Affairs

Div: Vp &

Assoc Prov -



Div: Vp &

Assoc Prov-


Technology Total

FY2011 60 72 25 22 18 312 177 59 4 325 1074

24 & under 2 1 1 11 10 8 33

25-34 6 19 4 6 1 99 44 29 1 61 270

35-44 10 20 8 7 4 83 37 11 3 90 273

45-54 19 20 8 2 6 59 51 8 100 273

55-64 20 10 5 5 6 54 30 7 59 196

65 & over 3 2 2 6 5 4 7 29

FY2012 92 59 25 18 17 349 170 20 4 334 108824 & under 4 45 9 4 62

25-34 16 9 4 6 2 105 39 14 2 59 256

35-44 19 17 6 3 2 77 28 1 2 92 247

45-54 28 16 10 3 5 61 55 3 102 283

55-64 24 12 4 4 8 57 33 2 66 210

65 & over 5 1 1 2 4 6 11 30

FY2013 36 57 23 14 25 402 171 28 4 340 1100

24 & under 2 1 58 8 4 73

25-34 4 13 4 3 4 115 44 16 1 69 273

35-44 4 13 6 5 3 87 20 1 3 92 234

45-54 12 16 8 2 6 73 54 6 92 269

55-64 14 10 3 3 9 59 37 5 75 215

65 & over 2 3 2 3 10 8 8 36

Page 30: DEMOGRAPHICS - Human Resources · 2013-12-13 · Staff Workforce Analytics and Trends January 31, 2013 Demographics FY2013 Page 4 The university’s budgeted staff workforce declined

Staff Workforce Analytics and Trends January 31, 2013 Demographics FY2013 Page 30

APPENDIX 3 – Supplemental Data for Academic Affairs

Item 4 Number of Employees by Years of Service by Division/College

Executive VP & Provost / Colleges

Years of Service



And Life


Col: Archi-


Col: Bush

School Of

Gov't &

Public Srv





Col: Geo-


Col: Liberal


Col: Mays


School Col: Science

Col: Tamu




Medicine Total

FY2011 120 128 34 146 208 214 182 115 447 67 405 2066

Less than 2 6 31 2 6 13 17 14 66 5 29 189

2 to 5 29 37 6 38 47 42 46 27 137 27 125 561

6 to 10 23 26 9 45 31 36 37 25 87 17 81 417

11 to 15 16 13 6 22 35 29 36 20 50 8 75 310

16 to 20 15 12 6 15 30 30 17 15 38 2 34 214

21 to 25 14 3 2 12 26 31 15 16 31 6 32 188

26 to 30 8 1 3 4 13 18 8 4 19 1 16 95

More than 30 9 5 4 13 11 9 8 19 1 13 92

FY2012 106 98 34 139 197 202 164 110 440 70 402 1962

Less than 2 9 20 4 13 25 16 20 4 93 12 43 259

2 to 5 23 24 5 34 41 39 38 23 115 24 119 485

6 to 10 20 21 8 40 31 38 29 24 84 15 75 385

11 to 15 16 13 5 19 27 26 30 20 47 9 74 286

16 to 20 14 12 6 15 26 29 19 15 37 3 32 208

21 to 25 15 3 3 11 26 27 14 15 26 5 32 177

26 to 30 4 1 3 3 11 17 8 3 19 14 83

More than 30 5 4 4 10 10 6 6 19 2 13 79

FY2013 107 88 36 144 201 206 173 119 424 82 407 1987

Less than 2 11 9 6 18 15 24 19 15 79 22 71 289

2 to 5 24 24 6 39 39 33 42 20 110 21 97 455

6 to 10 19 14 7 40 37 36 35 25 72 16 73 374

11 to 15 18 18 7 15 30 29 26 20 60 10 73 306

16 to 20 9 13 5 17 24 25 19 18 40 3 33 206

21 to 25 13 4 3 9 29 27 15 8 23 7 30 168

26 to 30 6 1 2 2 17 19 11 6 20 2 18 104

More than 30 7 5 4 10 13 6 7 20 1 12 85

Executive VP & Provost / Non-College Divisions

Years of Service

Div: AA



Div: Asso



Pgm & Acad


Div: Assoc

Prov & Dean

Of Faculties

Div: Assoc



Div: Assoc

Vp External


Div: Assoc

Vp For Acad

Services Div: Library

Div: Vice

Provost For

Acad Affairs

Div: Vp &

Assoc Prov -



Div: Vp &

Assoc Prov-


Technology Total

FY2011 60 72 25 22 18 312 177 59 4 325 1074

Less than 2 2 1 1 16 3 6 7 362 to 5 7 16 5 4 2 91 39 25 62 251

6 to 10 12 21 7 6 4 87 43 13 2 63 258

11 to 15 9 10 6 4 3 59 26 9 1 56 183

16 to 20 10 11 3 5 2 27 20 1 46 125

21 to 25 8 4 2 3 2 20 15 3 1 35 93

26 to 30 5 7 1 1 5 19 1 26 65

More than 30 7 2 4 7 12 1 30 63

FY2012 92 59 25 18 17 349 170 20 4 334 1088

Less than 2 4 4 1 58 9 5 17 98

2 to 5 16 13 6 3 2 103 35 7 1 57 243

6 to 10 13 14 6 5 3 81 37 5 2 66 232

11 to 15 17 9 4 4 3 60 26 3 55 181

16 to 20 16 10 4 4 2 22 18 47 123

21 to 25 13 3 3 2 2 14 15 1 34 87

26 to 30 7 5 1 1 6 19 28 67

More than 30 6 1 4 5 11 30 57

FY2013 36 57 23 14 25 402 171 28 4 340 1100

Less than 2 5 11 2 1 73 12 4 18 126

2 to 5 4 11 5 6 4 111 30 8 1 48 228

6 to 10 3 5 7 1 3 82 38 7 2 75 223

11 to 15 7 11 6 2 6 65 29 4 57 187

16 to 20 5 8 1 2 1 35 15 1 42 110

21 to 25 7 5 2 3 1 20 16 4 1 41 100

26 to 30 1 2 4 10 18 28 63

More than 30 4 4 5 6 13 31 63

Page 31: DEMOGRAPHICS - Human Resources · 2013-12-13 · Staff Workforce Analytics and Trends January 31, 2013 Demographics FY2013 Page 4 The university’s budgeted staff workforce declined

Staff Workforce Analytics and Trends January 31, 2013 Demographics FY2013 Page 31

APPENDIX 3 – Supplemental Data for Academic Affairs

Item 5 Number of Employees by Education Level by Division/College

Executive VP & Provost / Colleges

Education Level



And Life


Col: Archi-


Col: Bush

School Of

Gov't &

Public Srv





Col: Geo-


Col: Liberal


Col: Mays


School Col: Science

Col: Tamu




Medicine Total

FY2011 120 128 34 146 208 214 182 115 447 67 405 2066

<High Sch 7 2 11 20

High Sch / GED 32 58 5 33 86 38 46 25 80 6 135 544

Assoc 8 8 2 8 22 15 14 10 24 2 48 161

Bach 33 36 12 44 59 65 66 39 101 25 132 612

Master 26 13 10 41 22 45 35 31 32 26 37 318

Doctor 20 3 5 18 19 50 20 9 204 8 26 382

Special Prof 1 3 2 1 1 1 4 16 29

FY2012 106 98 34 139 197 202 164 110 440 70 402 1962

<High Sch 2 2 9 13

High Sch / GED 27 34 5 32 76 32 46 24 75 8 139 498

Assoc 8 9 2 7 24 13 14 9 26 2 48 162

Bach 33 38 11 39 53 62 55 39 98 29 126 583

Master 20 9 10 41 26 47 33 28 36 19 37 306

Doctor 17 3 6 19 18 47 15 9 199 11 25 369

Special Prof 1 3 1 1 1 1 4 1 18 31

FY2013 107 88 36 144 201 206 173 119 424 82 407 1987

<High Sch 3 2 8 13

High Sch / GED 21 27 5 32 80 31 43 24 84 6 141 494

Assoc 7 8 2 8 24 13 15 7 29 2 49 164

Bach 36 30 13 41 57 65 60 45 92 32 129 600

Master 27 14 13 44 26 49 35 31 30 24 34 327

Doctor 15 3 3 18 14 48 19 10 184 17 26 357

Special Prof 1 3 1 1 2 3 1 20 32

Executive VP & Provost / Non-College Divisions

Education Level

Div: AA



Div: Asso



Pgm & Acad


Div: Assoc

Prov & Dean

Of Faculties

Div: Assoc



Div: Assoc

Vp External


Div: Assoc

Vp For Acad

Services Div: Library

Div: Vice

Provost For

Acad Affairs

Div: Vp &

Assoc Prov -



Div: Vp &

Assoc Prov-


Technology Total

FY2011 60 72 25 22 18 312 177 59 4 325 1074

<High Sch 1 1

High Sch / GED 7 14 5 6 5 91 54 7 1 73 263

Assoc 3 1 1 1 23 14 2 37 82

Bach 16 21 8 10 9 118 85 16 1 134 418Master 7 25 6 4 1 75 22 24 1 63 228

Doctor 25 11 5 1 2 5 1 8 1 14 73

Special Prof 2 1 2 4 9

FY2012 92 59 25 18 17 349 170 20 4 334 1088

<High Sch

High Sch / GED 17 12 5 6 5 88 52 1 73 259

Assoc 5 2 1 19 15 34 76

Bach 28 15 7 7 8 162 79 5 2 138 451

Master 15 21 7 4 1 73 21 11 1 68 222

Doctor 26 9 5 1 2 7 3 2 1 16 72

Special Prof 1 1 1 5 8

FY2013 36 57 23 14 25 402 171 28 4 340 1100

<High Sch

High Sch / GED 4 9 2 3 6 91 52 1 74 242

Assoc 2 1 19 12 1 35 70

Bach 9 16 8 9 10 194 83 8 2 139 478

Master 3 20 8 2 6 90 22 13 1 73 238

Doctor 15 10 4 3 8 2 5 1 13 61

Special Prof 3 1 1 6 11

Page 32: DEMOGRAPHICS - Human Resources · 2013-12-13 · Staff Workforce Analytics and Trends January 31, 2013 Demographics FY2013 Page 4 The university’s budgeted staff workforce declined

Staff Workforce Analytics and Trends January 31, 2013 Demographics FY2013 Page 32

APPENDIX 3 – Supplemental Data for Academic Affairs

Item 6 Number of Employees by EEO Job Category by Division/College

Executive VP & Provost / Colleges




And Life


Col: Archi-


Col: Bush

School Of

Gov't &

Public Srv





Col: Geo-


Col: Liberal


Col: Mays


School Col: Science

Col: Tamu




Medicine Total

FY2011 120 128 34 146 208 214 182 115 447 67 405 2066

Exec/Admin/Mgr 7 12 10 22 6 8 12 31 16 18 14 156

Prof Non-Faculty 84 52 22 108 168 176 132 70 327 46 124 1309

Secr/Clerical 21 63 2 16 24 12 35 14 48 3 82 320

Tech/Paraprof 6 9 16 3 51 151 236

Skilled Craft 2 1 1 2 3 4 13

Service/Maint 2 30 32

FY2012 106 98 34 139 197 202 164 110 440 70 402 1962

Exec/Admin/Mgr 7 11 11 22 9 9 13 29 16 18 16 161

Prof Non-Faculty 75 50 21 104 155 169 120 68 328 51 128 1269

Secr/Clerical 18 36 2 13 23 6 30 13 44 1 79 265

Tech/Paraprof 4 9 16 1 48 147 225

Skilled Craft 1 1 1 2 2 4 11

Service/Maint 1 2 28 31

FY2013 107 88 36 144 201 206 173 119 424 82 407 1987

Exec/Admin/Mgr 7 12 12 23 11 8 15 33 15 24 16 176

Prof Non-Faculty 82 53 22 107 159 177 128 76 314 57 131 1306

Secr/Clerical 13 22 2 14 21 5 29 10 39 1 73 229

Tech/Paraprof 3 9 14 1 51 159 237

Skilled Craft 1 1 1 2 3 3 11

Service/Maint 1 2 25 28

Executive VP & Provost / Non-College Divisions


Div: AA



Div: Asso



Pgm & Acad


Div: Assoc

Prov & Dean

Of Faculties

Div: Assoc



Div: Assoc

Vp External


Div: Assoc

Vp For Acad

Services Div: Library

Div: Vice

Provost For

Acad Affairs

Div: Vp &

Assoc Prov -



Div: Vp &

Assoc Prov-


Technology Total

FY2011 60 72 25 22 18 312 177 59 4 325 1074

Exec/Admin/Mgr 35 21 8 6 2 61 2 18 1 20 174

Prof Non-Faculty 20 37 15 13 13 158 54 32 3 241 586

Secr/Clerical 5 14 2 3 3 93 119 9 14 262

Tech/Paraprof 1 50 51

Skilled Craft 1 1


FY2012 92 59 25 18 17 349 170 20 4 334 1088

Exec/Admin/Mgr 44 19 6 5 2 61 3 5 2 22 169

Prof Non-Faculty 41 30 17 10 13 193 51 14 2 252 623

Secr/Clerical 7 10 2 3 2 95 114 1 12 246

Tech/Paraprof 1 48 49

Skilled Craft 1 1


FY2013 36 57 23 14 25 402 171 28 4 340 1100

Exec/Admin/Mgr 20 19 4 4 7 72 3 10 2 23 164

Prof Non-Faculty 14 31 17 10 15 243 54 17 2 256 659

Secr/Clerical 2 7 2 3 87 112 1 16 230

Tech/Paraprof 1 45 46

Skilled Craft 1 1


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