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DHA EXAM 18-06-2015 LAHORE PAKISTAN..1) cushing syndrome is caused by ?2)Reserpine in parkinsonism contraindicated with ?3) pH is used to find ?4) first pass effect of drug is affected by all except?5) digoxin cause ?6) angina symptoms 7) which is liquid dosage form characterstics?8) phospholine iodide MOA?9) which drug cause water retention ?10) phase 3 action 11) drug of choice in obese type2 ?12) clofibrate moa ?13) which of the following drug not used theraputically ?14) which parameter is not used in acute MI ?15) dose of vit-C for adult female ?16) drug of choice in angina ?17)the ppm concentration of of a 6.35x10-6M solution of sucrose molecular wt of substance is 342.3g/mole?18) how many benzocaine used to prepare 1:1000 ,80cc benzocaine.?19) which of the following is not cephalosporine ..?20) one question is about anticoagulants?21) enoxaparine is taken by ?22) omeprazole moa ?23) long term use of thiazide diuretics required ?24) loop diuretics causes all except ?25) one question is about solution ?About 45 to 50 questions are from files ,calculations are same as in files.most important files are 723 & 120. past papers .and CVS from of luck remember in prayers .

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