Page 1: Dialogue and digilogue, suggesttions for internal communications methods



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Page 2: Dialogue and digilogue, suggesttions for internal communications methods

2 &An overview of various face-to-face and digital dialogue forms in organisations. To

improve internal communications.

Hope you like it, Huib Koeleman

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3 &Dialogue: conversation between two or more people. It is a combination of the word

‘logos’ (greek: word, language, reason) and dia (through) and not, as often thought, di


Digilogue: dialogue using social media. It is a combination of the words dialogue and

digit (number)

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The minimum

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The most important dialogue. The yearly cycle of assessments. Conversations between a manager and his or her employee.

They should talk about opportunities for personal development, appraisal, and 360 degree feed-back.

Yes the employee also assesses the manager.

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TEAM MEETINGS Old fashioned monthly team meetings are now replaced by short meetings in the morning (morning prayer), scrums, project and programme meetings.

Meetings with the colleagues you work with. You can view actual planning information on the team intranet site. The face to face meeting focuses on a conversation, on exceptions and special circumstances, not on routines

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§ XXX ONLINE DIALOGUE Employees can have online conversations with colleagues, using yammer, socialcast or other forms of social intranet.

The use of #hashtags makes it easier to follow conversations on certain topics. Or use #daretoask when you have a question.

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MONITORING In the organisation employees are already discussing the company policy. It’s interesting to know how and where they talk about it. Monitoring helps.

It’s relevant to know who starts discussions and who’s participating in them. Who posts reactions on the intranet platform, et cetera. It’s good to know what they are talking about.

Popular themes

Question/answer ratio

Most liked colleagues

2000 questions

3.500 answers

1.75 ratio

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A mix that works in most organisations

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BRAINSPACE With the arrival of new ways of working we sometimes forget to facilitate the dialogue at the office. Working more and more in teams or scrums (agile working) it’s a good thing to have spaces available where these teams and scrums can meet. A place that is perfect for brainstorms, planning boards and wild ideas. Digital, but also in paper on the walls.

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PIZZA SESSION A pizza session is organised to let colleagues thoroughly discuss topics in an informal atmosphere.

As a colleague you can present a new project or idea. You can use it to have a brainstorm session on a topic or to organise intervision.

A pizza session has an informal setting, but colleagues are supposed to give direct feed-back.


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WONDERWALL A modern notice-board. It’s a big wall in the central hall of the company. Everybody can post a message, ask a question or make a suggestion for improvement.

At the end of the week the result is collected and questions are answered. On that very same notice-board.

Simple and effective


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It’s always a good idea when management visits all the offices. If you want to improve the dialogue the following helps: as MT don’t start with a lecture on your new policy, but ask the people from the office to start with a presentation: what are they working on, what do they like about the organisation? What are there questions?, et cetera. The MT listens and takes the stage after this presentation.

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LARGE GROUPS It’s even possible to have a dialogue in a large group. After a plenary presentation you can split up the large group in smaller groups (6 - 8 persons and a moderator). Give them time to make

sense of the presentation. Give every group an iPad to ask questions and to answer statements on the speech. Send the output to the control room. After a break you can answer the questions in a final plenary session.

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PROEFLABS Het prikbord, maar dan in een nieuw jasje. Een groot bord in de centrale hal, waar iedereen met een post-it vragen op kan stellen of suggesties op kan geven.

Aan het eind van de week wordt de oogst geïnventariseerd en worden alle vragen beantwoord. Ook op die muur. Simpel en effectief


An internal digital platform where information is collected of several digital platforms. Users can see on one screen what colleagues are chatting about, which blogs were published and the latest video-hits.

Everybody can react on the posts. The participants are the source of information, not Corporate Communications.

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COMMUNITIES An online platform is very suitable for the start of several communities: groups of employees who share the same interest at work.

Communities function best when they are moderated by someone who checks if the information is still relevant and up to date. The moderator can also connect people, questions and answers et cetera.

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A more structured form of online dialogue is the online panel discussion. A group of colleagues is invited to discuss a theme during three weeks.

A moderator helps to start the discussion, makes a résumé and combines story lines when necessary.

After three weeks all participants get a summary of the discussion.

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MANAGEMENT PARTICIPATION ? It is simple for a manager to participate in a discussion on internal social platforms.

But beware. It can improve the discussion, but it can also kill it. That depends on the organisation and its culture.

In some cases employees appreciate it, in others they consider it “big brother is watching me” and they back off.


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1000 FLOWERS Corporate communications tends to structure communities top-down. That’s not necessary. It is far more interesting to let 1000 flowers bloom. Facilitate employees to organise themselves on topics they find interesting.

The Corporate Communications department has two tasks: to end communities that are inactive and to prevent that the same discussion is held twice in different communities.


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PROEFLABS Het prikbord, maar dan in een nieuw jasje. Een groot bord in de centrale hal, waar iedereen met een post-it vragen op kan stellen of suggesties op kan geven.

Aan het eind van de week wordt de oogst geïnventariseerd en worden alle vragen beantwoord. Ook op die muur. Simpel en effectief


Using internal social media makes it much easier to find the right talents in your organisation. For work purposes, but also for passions and hobbies.

You can find that colleague that speaks Spanish fluently. Great when you have a blog that needs translating. Online you can find the right person for the right job.

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Interesting additions

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PECHA KUCHA 20 images, 20 seconds for every image. In a Pecha Kucha session colleagues present their ideas to each other. In images. The visuals and the short amount of time makes it possible to exchange many ideas in a short amount of time.

After the presentations you can discuss the pros and cons of each presentation.

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OPEN SPACE This meeting is different. Participants decide on the agenda. For every topic a flip-chart is available. Participants join the flip-over with the topic they would like to discuss. Results are written on the flip-over.

When participants are ready with topic one, they can join an other conversation. The Open Space is ready when all finish discussing. After that, the results are gathered and discussed in the whole group.


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WEBINAR A great way to communicate with colleagues in different locations. You can tell a story or an interview. And there is room to reply on statements or ask questions.

It is also possible to start the discussion in different locations. In that case it’s more a web conference.

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PROEFLABS Het prikbord, maar dan in een nieuw jasje. Een groot bord in de centrale hal, waar iedereen met een post-it vragen op kan stellen of suggesties op kan geven.

Aan het eind van de week wordt de oogst geïnventariseerd en worden alle vragen beantwoord. Ook op die muur. Simpel en effectief


Skype makes it possible to exchange real-time words and images between colleagues at different locations.

Professionals, like designers, can share their ideas (and corrections) using video-calls. During this conversation it’s possible to instruct and show the newly adjusted work. Making it easier to share up-to-date information.

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COLLABORATE WRITING You don’t need sound to have a dialogue. With the new document systems it is easy to write something together with a colleague. Using revisions it is easy to notice what the other contributed. And using facebook-like systems it is also possible to read comments of your colleagues during the writing process. An internal WIKI-plus.

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PROEFLABS Het prikbord, maar dan in een nieuw jasje. Een groot bord in de centrale hal, waar iedereen met een post-it vragen op kan stellen of suggesties op kan geven.

Aan het eind van de week wordt de oogst geïnventariseerd en worden alle vragen beantwoord. Ook op die muur. Simpel en effectief


An easy way to exchange knowledge is starting test labs. Different teams start a new technique using trial & error. They share their experiences on the internal social network. Every month they meet to exchange knowledge and to have intervision. In the end the best system will be the ‘repeatable model’.

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The maslow pyramide on dialogue, it starts in the bases

Individual assesments, tram meetings

Team space, Pizza-sessions, Wonderwall, MT tour, large


Pecha Kucha’s, test labs, Open space

Online dialogue, Monitoring

Online panel, Communities, Social Mash up, Mind share,


Webinar, Skype, Collaborative writing

dialogue digilogue

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COHERENCE Do you need all these methods? No, of course not. It’s always important to check which methods work in your organisation and which don’t. Coherence and consistency are important. The mix should be predictable. Employees should know where to expect what sort of dialogue.

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Or read one of the other presentations on (or , if you understand Dutch, read my books on internal communications) The pictures have been taken by Monique Koeleman, Gijs Mol and yours truly. Tips and ideas are appreciated.

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Thanks in advance, Huib Koeleman

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