
Don’t Text While Driving Alessa Rosa

“In 2012, over 3,300 people were killed and an estimated 421,000 injured in crashes related to distraction.”

- Consumer Reports

Who is more likely to text and drive?

-  Drivers under 30 -  63% use handheld phones when

driving -  30% also text -  Only 30% feel it’s dangerous

Reasons why people text -  To stay connected -  Out of habit -  Don’t believe to affect their driving -  Fear of missing on something important -  Addicted to texting

Are those reasons worth a life?

Why you shouldn’t do it

-  Putting others at risk -  Putting yourself at risk -  Possible legal issues -  Possible car damages

Ways to stop this bad habit

-  Turn phone to “Do not Disturb”

-  Use voice commands -  Download apps such as

DriveMode -  Think about others’ safety -  Place phone out of reach

Stop the texts, stop the wrecks!

-  Pledge to not text & drive! -

Sources -





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