Page 1: Dr. Carl B. Taylor - YOURS It is oiu* hope, that the 'patrpnagei we have enjoyed during the


It is oiu* hope, that the 'patrpnagei we have enjoyed during the "year- has been justified in our service to our \friends.. We thank yoir-'and wish you all the

. happiness of .the season.



Mo.nty Burdick o f Bannack was a business visitor in the city Wednesr day. ’

Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Jennings of Bannack „were in town 'Tuesday eve­ning shopping.

l St feis'S'I/ M 1 _*

■ -.1 ' T~''áT¿''ir, Á 'T 'r iV fl -'"ldovm'Jfrom'.?jJoroàt?ad.í oíiday. ' ’ -: B -'"Í # -5 f #€S '^rX *-/ + ’ Il >" r. * - ’H i

'NEVa i Chris Overgaard. of Armstead V as a business. yi^ y;h|jDiHon -Saturday,

Mrs. Koy Jackson was down from Dan^ÿrfrnç^. oì^Jlai Bannack .'last Friday. „ * * • .husûjçàk in the-

’ - ,-------- • - , I’

annack was acity Monday.

Lowell Smith o f Grant ,was in Mr.; i$ d M m Ike Rife, Jr., were town on business .Thursday. down fjtom" Medicine Lodge-Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Birrer of Dell John Neighbor w§ls down from his were in tdvvn Thursday. ranch in* the Centennial va lley. Tues-

. — .—— v* .... . * day. - -■ r’. :; . :William Climer of. Armstead, spent -,.>v

Saturday in the city. r ■ ■ George- Meiyiet and A l Johnson

Miss Dosothy'^ihass v is it«! V ‘ » » k , a b» " ch' o f J“ » “ to >>■“ “friends in Melrose last week.

I Monday.

- Charles B. Murray 'was a business Walter Vance left Tuesday morn-viitor ' Sheridan. Tuesday* i in£ for a visit California over

• 1 j the- holidays. .,T. J. Call'o f Ennis was, a business;

visitor in the city last Monday.,

■ TI. Fb Rash of Monida was in ion Monday, town on a business .trip Thursday. *

Mr, and Mrs. Maynard Nyhart of ¡Twin Bridges were, shopping in Dil-

Mrs.----- Elmer Marlinell and : Mrs.Elmer Salmonson was a business WjlUam Knox of Dell'were shopping

visitor from- Laurin last Saturday. ( jn DBlon Friday.

- Miss Margaret Doyle of Lima >vas [ p r a n k E^ ~ i d> well-known a shopper in the city last Thursday: . Grant iraRchman> wa?, in toWn on

S. Mv McKnight was down fro'iii business Monday his ranch home near Dell .last Fri­day.

Dick Ledbetter, a storekeeder in Waco, Tex., paid his county taxesj>Butte Tuesday for a short stay.

George Melton has returned from this year with_4,65g copper cents. Idaho to spend the Christmas hoL id-ays,

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barrett have returned from Rochester, Minn., and will remain until after the holidays.

■ Gus Peterson-of the Big Hole ba­sin has been released from the Bar- rett hospital where he has been a patient for some time.

__ .___ ' O'Mrs. D. L. Smith accompanied her

son, Melvin, to Rigby, Idaho, on " Wednesday and will go on to Poca­

tello for Christmas.

Mr. and Mrs. Taylor were in town last Tuesday from their home at MelroSe. -

r •_______________

. -A. T. Crossley .was down from his ranch in the Birch Creek section Monday.

Mr. and.Mrs. William Shields and Mrs.' George Strub visited in Bütte on Monday. -

Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. liife and son were down from Medicine Lodge last Thursday.

J, J. McClennan of Lima spent Tuesday in the city attending to business matters.

Clayton Page “of Livingston, form­er old-time resident of this city, stopped o ff for a visit, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank O’Keefe Tuesday on his way- to California for the winter.. .

- FIREMEN ENJOY DANCE—, ..Members o f Dillon’s volunteer fire department and their' friends „enjoyed, a dance Friday night at the city hall auditorium, this being the second of a series of social functions spon-

'' shred by. the organization.

NIGHT CLUB MtEETS—Mrs. Dan Henneberry. was hostess

to members of the Night club last Thursday evening. High score was made by Mrs. Harry Banks while Miss Audrey Tovey was, consoled, .

Commissioner 0. C. Gosman of Lima was a business visitor in the city Saturday.

Matt Orr was. down the latter para o f last week from his mining prop­erty above Argenta.

The Misses Aura Dutcher and Oke.1 kelson were in town on a shopping trip Thursday evening.

Phil Andregg of Missoula, formerly a- resident of this city,, was in town Monday on business.

A. 'J. Faust left Tuesday evening for California where he will spend the holidays visiting with relatives.

The Most Beautiful of All Gifts

‘ Austin Linder was ^business vis­itor’-from Blaine Tuesday. .. ..

T.^ W. O’Neil was a visitor from Armstead o\er the week-end.

, jjileSt E. Wenger- was a gue&t at the.; jVIetlen, hotel Sunday. -

.I.'. . j r - V 1 “ •" '

: Mr. '^nd Mrs. Roscoe Diilet and visitors from Twin Bridges Thurs­day.. .■ ;

i Tam Moran left ’Thursday for Cal­ifornia where he will spend the' hol­iday season. ... ■!

-,<* > - — | ■Mrs. Albert .MetzeL and Mrs. Etta

Metzpl anil son, Elwin, were \n tWn Tuesday iiom Alder. - - .

r* Jn extending to .you our best wisfres for a, joyful Christmas and a New Year of abundant happiness and prosperity,, permit us, also to express the wish that we may ever continue to merit, your highest confidence. ' ' ’ -

• • I . , ' • • • • ■ I

j^tate Bank and Thrust Company

Horace , Johnson has - taken a po­sition as bookkeeper with the Bea­verhead Auto Sajes company.


1 desire in - this, manner to ex-. Dh Monday, Dec. 28, from 2 to tend my sincere thanks and deep 3:30, the Primary . children will be appreciation to . all friends who were entertained at à party at the L. D.

Brigg Young, Guy Nix and Ofrin so kind to me during the illness 'and; g, church. -From- 3:30 'to 5 there Stoddard were in town from the for the many kind .expressions of Will be dancing for all children’ of upper Blacktail Monday. ; ! sympathy shown- me upon the- death [the city oypr nine years of age.

■------ . \ land at the funeral of -my belovedFrank-llazelbaker, Jr., is here for f at^er> j > . J, Humphrey; . I also

thé holiday from the Army & Navy thank the pall bearers, theMilitary- acadepiy at San Diego. minister and those sending the many

, The Rev. and Mrs. R. 0. Shannon, beautiful floral offerings.and daughter, Margaret, motored to ' . Marcella Landier.

Miss Margaret Winter left Tuesday for Salmon to spend the holidays with her father, Joseph a Winter.

William Climer of Armstead was in town on business Saturday.

Mrs. L. W. Harris arrived in the city Sunday to spend Christmas with her mother, Mrs. Ida Lunday.

Mrs. Gregg entertained the World Wide-guild of • the Baptist church at her home Thursday with a Christ­mas party.

F. G. Comforth o f Twin Bridges attended to business matters -in Dil­lon Friday. ^

Mrs, Henry Schpenborn and Miss Mary iSchoenborn were visitors to Butte Friday. * "

Mr. ami Mrs. Carter Edinger o f Fort Wayne, Indiana, arrived in the city Thursday -to visit with Dillon relatives during" the holidays..

Judge Lyman H. Bennett of Vir­ginia 'City spent the early part of the week in Dillon on court business.

Help For Stiff, Aching BackAn aching back may not me'ah

anything serious, but- it surely does not mean anything good. Jo get rid of it quickly take Foley Pills, a diuretic stimulant for the kidneys. They promote the healthful action that clears both blood and body of

‘ lurking poisons which cause the dis­tressing ache. A reliable, valuable medicine', “constantly in' use for over 25 years.. Men and 'women every­where use and recommfehd them. Satisfaction, guaranteed. Try- them. For sale by Geo. M. Gosman/

- Miss Martha Roth left Tuesday for Lewiston, Idaho, where she will visit' with friends during the holi­days. .

♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦ DR. CARL B. TAYLO R ♦♦ Optometrist ♦♦ Glasses fitted to conserve visual ♦♦ comfort, and efficiency. ♦♦ . ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ « ♦ ♦ ♦

Mrs. G. E. Finch returned to her home Tuesday morning after a vis­ât at the home o f her son in L iv­ingston.

Mrs; Alma Ha'rwood left Saturday evening for South Pasadena, Calif.,


Christmas bouquets of our lovely Sweet Peas, Roses or Carnations. We make up especially assorted boxes; for the holidays. I f you want to send a lady a g ift which she will be surer to accept gratefully, let us make up a bouquet.

“ They Carry Your Message” STATE GREENHOUSE & FLORAL CO., Inc.

Phone 137-W « Dillon, Mont.

♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ » ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ f t » »

firstwhere she w ill’ spend the balance o f ^ talkie. A striking drama uthe winter.

Bruce A. Itisley, deputy state ex­aminer, arrived in the city Monday evening and will be engaged for some time in examining!county rec­ords. ■.

Kimball PianosOn D isplay,at the

Tribune -Book Store

SMALL UPRIGHTS — I&Î5.00 to $385.00* *

GRANDS — $495.00 and up. Temur — ULOOphrfni

Balance—$9.00 - $Ì04O - $12.00. Per Mouth

One youngster on the Butte Post carrer force “ is remembering his pa­trons this . Christmas with neatly typewritten cards bearing a holiday message.

Nineteen persons in a sedan are too many to permit proper -operation of the machine, a judge in Quincy, Mass., decided when he fined Sam Venuti $10. _ •

te hup^eA group of twenty Butte burners were' in the Birch Creek section last Sunday on a rabbit hunt. They stated that they were getting the rabbits for the Salvation' Army of Butte for Christmas dinners.


“ For 30-years I had a bad stom­ach. and constipation. Souring food from stomach choked me. Since tak­ing Adlerika I am a new' woman. Constipation is thing o f -the past.” —Alice’ ’Bums.

Most remedies reach ’ only lowèr bowel. That is why you must take them' often; But this simple Ger­man remedy, Adlerika, washes out BOTH upper and Jower bowel. It brings out all. gas and rids you* of poison you would never believe was ill your system. Even the FIRST dosé will surprise yôu. Geo. M. GOsiiupi, Druggist

HARTWIGTHEATRE* Last Times Tonight

The Guardsman IL yn n oAlfred. -Lunt

Fontanne inandtheir

of Viennese love.

Mrs, Frank I’oole, who was oper­ated upon recently at the Murray hospital in Butte, is stated to be getting along nicely.

Robert Funk, Sr., and so.n, Harold, were' here from Sheridan Monday to visit at the homes of Mr. Funk’s daughters, Mrs. W. J. Itomersa and' Mrs. Dan Henneberry.

Mr. and Mr. Emerson Hughes and Mr. and Mrs. Ike Rife spent the latter part of last week in Dillon from .thejr respective ranches on' Medicine Lodge.

" Hope Mathews, Jean Ballard, Jane Herndon- and Ed Simons, stu­dents at „the state university, have returned from Missouia for the hol­idays. 1


A famous pinochle game was played a few evenings ago in Terry Brownings place in the Andrus ho-, tel building. It was for the cham­pionship of Idaho and Montana. It makes the much advertised bridge contest in New York City look like a two-spot. The players were Andy Williams and Sol Sobolski, repre­senting Montana and Jack Edwards of Idaho Falls mid Clarence Bates representing Idaho. Andy desalt. Clarence bid 150. Sol.passed.^ Jack bid 250 and mailed ISO. ‘ Andy passed. Jack led/ Andy topic the trick and followed up. by taking

Country Inn was the,.every trick and .Jack said, “ Hell,what’ig the m atter?" and Montana was proclaimed champion.


The holiday season again affords us an op­portunity to extend oui* Greetings to friends tind patrons— and wish thern

* all— happiness in the dttys ahead.

Dr. Carl B. TaylorOptometrist

Campbellscene of an enjoyable 'dance last Saturday evening, music being fur­nished by the Orange Crush dance band. ’

„ A client wants loan, two years, 8% interest, semi-annual payment, secured upon modem G-room and basement town residence, valued ’at $3,000. Safe loan for idle money. — C. C. Newman, Dillon, Mont..

Pat O’Brien.

Friday and Saturday, Matinee Saturday

Flying HighA stage'riot of daffy do- 1 ings, crazy cracks, gals -J; and music. With Charlotte «> Greenwood, Bert La hr and o

n < > o *> ♦ ♦♦ ♦n4>

A sensational race track / drama— about the blue- * bloods of Old Kentuck. With Clark" Gable, Ernest Torrence and Marie Pro­vost. '

Sunday and Monday Matinee Sunday

Sporting Blood

Tues., Wed., nnd Thurs, - Matinee Tuesday

fl*Free SoulNorma Shearer in h e r J, greatest dramatic achieve- ment. A real thriller com- ♦ bined with a tender ro­mance. With Leslie How- ▲ ard and Lionel Barrymore


Wilber Squires arrived on Friday from MjssOula, where he is -tak­ing his first year’s work at the state university, and will spend the Christ­mas holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Squires.

Miss Mary Gelhaus arrived in the city Sunday from Augusta, -.where she is teaching, to spend . the holi­days' at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gelhaus.

BIRTHDAY DINNER-/-On t he occasion of her seventy-'!

fifth birthday, Mrs. Nellie Berry was a guest Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs.. Ernest Orr on Couth Idaho street. The occasion was also the birthday date of Mrs. M. A. Reeves and Mr. Carl Hansen,

Seated at. dinner were members of the Orr , families and their relatives.

, Friday and Saturday Matinee Saturday.

| Charley’s AuntThe howling comedy of the I age. Charley Buggies and ! T

{> June Collyer iij, the great- /; 2 efet comedy of the age. • J ‘ * « ♦ » ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ < .............................. -

Mrs. William Rosenbaum was in town Monday from Zeigler Springs and states that the road to that re­sort is now open.

Mrs. Inez Donegan of Jackson,- mother o f John* Donegal) o f Twin Bridges who was injured recently by the accidental discharge of a shot­gun, visited Monday with her son, who is ' recovering at the Barrett hospital. •

' Lieutenant Governor and Mrs. F. A. Hazelbaker were ih„ Butte Friday to meet Mrs. Theodore Brantley o f Missoula who will'spend the holidays visiting at the Hazelbaker home h£re.



Constantly in use . over 25 years

jaH sfttdion(jm m hleed

M’en and. women,

everywhere, u&eand

recommend• them:...TRY THEM .

STOCK ns SHIPPED—- M ax" Lauterbach, well-known ranch­man of the valley, shipped several carloads of cattle and hogs to the Spokane market several days ago. George Stimpson accompanied the shipment.

REBEKAllS ENTERTAIN—., The annual Christmas' party of

Diana Rebekah lodge was held last Thursday evening at the Odd Eel 'lows’ hall and proved to be a most’ enjoyable occasion; ...

The program consisted, of a read­ing by, Esther Ann Sch'mittroth, pi­ano solo by Roscoe Gorddn, song by LotHSe Taylor, accordlori. sold by Don Nelson, tap dance by Merle Schmitt'roth and Elsie Lloyd and an instrumental duet by Roscoe. Gordon and Harold Wheat.- . •

The program closed with the as­sembly singing 1‘Silent Night,” “ It Came Upon a Midnight. Clear,” ' and “ Jingle- Bells,’’ after which gifts were distributed to the children pres ent and ’ refreshments ■ servd.


If we have not seen you in person to extend the seiuso n ’ s greeti n gs-th en know ' tliat these „words are from us to you, our friends, “Merry Christ­mas and a Happy and - Prosperous New .Year.”

SewellM arket

Kreso Dip No. 1

For Sale by Geo. M^Gcwàa»

ST. ROSE CARD CLUfD- . "Walter Vance was high man for the third time Thursday-night at the St. Rose Card club meeting, also Winning the prize, offered, for the series. 'John McLean was low While Mrs/Sam Freeman was high scorer f T the ladies and Mrs, Jofin Me-. Lean low. The door prize-.-Was won by Mrs. *T.„K. Julson.• The meeting was ’ the" final, one Tor- the series but‘ it is planned to hold another-series early next'year.


For All Livestockî stockStieep DinAn Exceptionally GotuFIHieep Dip

- 1 Part Krcso Dip No. 1 to 72 Parts Water will kill

Sheep Ticks and Sheep ScabIt does not burn or irritate.Does not injure the fleece or skin.'.It heals Shear cuts and wounds.

Economical - Easy to Use Uniform

Use Kreso Dip No. 1 Freely

to keep all farm n-imbs healthy, to k-il) parasites and for the rapid lu aliiip iof cuts,

■wounds, .scratches and com mon sk in , troubles, bi ' Write or Ask For Free Booklets en .

Animal Welfare And Farm Sanitation.1 *Kreso Dip No. 1 in Original. Packages

For Sale’ by

TOM^SWEET INJURED—Tom' Sweet, old-time Dillon , res­

ident, sustained a long gash in his face • Tuesday • when, cranking'*’ hjs •car some fourteen miles : from town in ..’file. Blacktail section,’ wlien the crank flew off and struck hinL Threestitches were "necessary to elose the[ _ ’ erion seat out onound. * V

Geo. M. GosmanDruggist

T to 3 te x C Ú 2 iSfnn>

THIIoii, u M ow t

dayW lM


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