the hecla mercantile 00 banking ·...

: 7 " --‘1S. N . .A_ 2•T THE HECLA MERCANTILE 00 BANKING COMPANY M=_,R.OSM. 1 - 1E0IJA._ Our Trade Increases Because we sell the Best Goods at the Lowest Prices. At Melrose we have the Finest Store and Largest Warehouse in Montana. Go to Melrose Get your winter supplies. Buy a Bain wagon and new harness. Get your dry goods and winter clothes. Purchase your mining supplies. Repair your house, and get the necessary articels at H. M. & B. CO'S. BRICK STORE, MELROSE. Sell your grain for cash 01. trade, to the Reda Mercantile and Banking Company, at Melrose or Glendale. We carry a full line of General Merchan- dise, suited to Ranch, Railroad and Mill- ing trade. Full Stock. Low Prices. Careful Attention Large Warehouse . . . . . . . . Banking Facilities MONTANA TO CALIFORNIA. An 1nterentlea Letter Hon. °Man Willha-Noten En Houle. SAN Faxsalissa, Cal., Oct. 22. Editor Tana NE. The description of a country as viewed front the car windows of a fast-moving passenger train, is necessarily an incom- plete one, because but a partial view 18 presented for the mind's inspection, Therefore, we shall but briefly refer to our journey from Butte City to San Fran- cisco. At 2:15 a. m. we boarded the Northern Pacific train at the Montana Union depot. Here we met Postmaster Lamont of Dillon on his way to Sruead to look after his manufacturing interests. We reached Missoula about 6:30 in the morning. We are told that Missoula realty continues to boom. Judge Hiram Knowles, nO well and favorably known in Beaverhead county, is reported to have made 8100.000 by judicious investments in real estate here. After leaving this place a run of seven miles takes us to De Smet, the junction for the branch line to the Cour D 'Alene mines. Aries. twenty-one miles further on, is the diverging point lor tht Flathead Indian agency, five miles distant, north. Ravella is thirty-eight miles from Mis- soula. Supplies for Saint Ignattm mis- sion, five miles north, tunl for the Flat- head country, seventy miles north, are transported from this statiori. Nothing of interest presents itself after we leave Ravella until the town of timead is reached. Here is located the extensive shingle manufactory of Smead & Lamont. with a capacity of MAIO shingles per day. A ferry boat, owned by the firm, phiea between the mill and the bustling village on the opposite shore of Clark's Fork of the Columbia river. All Aboard," shoots the conductor, and away we speed, over high trestle, around sharp Curies with high icon: thins on each side. and burnt timber, towering cedars and stately pines, in close proximity to the track. Suddenly we emerge into an open cortary. and the beautiful watera of Lake Pen D. Oreille lies before us. We are now in Idaho, et the town 14 Hope, a noted summer resort for tourists. Steam- ers make daily trips to all parts of the lake, which is said to be forty miles wide and sixty miles long. The change from mountain to Pacific new standard time is made here. and we set our watches back one hour. Hope is 195 mitre from Butte, and is, I think, destined to become e popular sum- mer resort. Kootenai, eleven miles weld- ward, is the station for the rich mines lying to the north. At Hauser Junction travelers for the COM D 'Melts' country change cars. AN darkness begins to spread its mantle around us, we discern the glimmer of scores of electric lights, and are told that Spokane Falls is in view. The ilisaidnins fire of August 4, 1141411, was a calamity few cities could have survived, but her people worked in liaison, all pulling at the same end if the rope soon old calamity was rolled into the pit- and over the remitihs magnitieent br:ek and stone titmice were . erected. 'Upwards of i1(1,000 people !NM resi.10 within the limits of this prosperous city.. At 430 achiek next morning our train pulled into the depot at Ellensbur,:, Wash., where we stopped for ci few days to visit relatives. We are indebted to Editor Battersim, of the Washington State Register, for emirtesies extended, and deeply regret that ill-heidth tle• ',rived um of a more extended nciputint- ance with Ellensburg and her people. The city of Ellenablog, the emtnty seat of Kittitas comity, and the largest city in central Washington. is situated a /Mort distance from the Yakima river. It occu- pies a beautiful site, sloping slightly to the *intim._ To the weetwiird Mt. Ranier, the loft itt peak of the entire range, looma up grimily. South o' eity the Wm Morel in on the Yakima, MO that the stream poranem its way through ii ,'rooked and narrow ilefile. several miles lonz before It emerges into the brbiti plain of the Columb a. The Kittitae valley ocenpien the mid.ile of the comity. It extends northwest and mathenat it dim- - fence of forty miles, and measures about forty miles across. The raising of cereals is not it success without irrigation, and the same trouble that confronts the ranch- men of Montana relating to water litiga- tions is added to the annoyances of the farmers of this section. Nearly all kinds of fruit is grown, and I can vouch as to the excellence of Washington pears. But we must not tarry too long in one place, so we are off for Tacoma'. 127 miles distant. It is night, and as we approach the Stampede tunnel, in the Cascade monntains, we are told that nearly one- half of this tunnel is arched with Japan- ese brick, and that in a few months' time will see the work complete and the two miles of underground railway will present a safe and pleasant scene, lighte.l up as it is by hundreds of electric lights. We had planned to stop off at Tacoma for it few days, but circumstances are ad- verse, so onward we go to Portland, which city we reach about $ o'dock id -the morn- ing. It is raining and disagreeable, not, I judge. an uncommon occurrence. From my hotel window I notice many of the trees anti house roofs covered with moss. A drummer solemnly tells me that last fall it rained fourteen consecutive days. and when the sun appeared the dogs commenced to bark, being thus able to express their gratitude, that the olive branch was yet in sight. This man has traveled all over Montana, otherwise I should doubt some of his statements. But in truth it shall be said that Portland to -day is one of the most prosperous cake on the Pacific coast. At night we again board the train, and after a comfortable night's rest, awake to find ourselves in the midst of highly cul- tivated farms, fine barns and neat cottages meet our gaze on every hand, surrounded by apple, peach. plum and pear orchares, with the ground literally covered with fruit, and many of the limbs propped up to aid in supporting their burden. In the afternoon the scene changes t we are crossing the Mountains. Above us, per- haps a thousand feet, rims it parallel rail• road, which we soon find out is only a continuation of the Southern Pacific, the road we are now riding over. We could easily step off the car, walk across to the track above and take a half hour's rest before the train could make the ascent. The scenery is wild and picturesque. in- deed. AN evening's shade closes in, the conductor announces five minutes' stop at the soda springs, at the tot of Mt. Shasta. A large tank, filled with the water, under cover, supplied with numer- ous dippers, affords ample opportunities for every one to partake of the medicated Another night's ride and at Si o'clock we arrive at Oakland, where we take the ferry boat for San Francisco. Here, too, it is foggy and chilly, and we are obliged to defer our contemplated sight seeing. Tomorrow we leave for Los Angeles, from which city we may write you again. Ones Witt's. .luai Arrived. A. eardoati of wagons, buggies. linek- boards, phietonm and carts. (treat bar- gains. Ott.t.sist IMPLIMENT 42-19 WANTED. A well develoued, dividend uaying mine by an English Syndicate. Addiess in con- tidviice to "Mining Engineer" Cate I'. 0. Box 7S2 Helena, Montana. 42-If I'll,',! A Bad Cold If sot speedily relieved, may leml to serious Issues. Where there is difficulty of breath- ing, expectoration, or soreness of the throat and bronchial tubes, with a constantly Irri- tating conga, the very best remedy Is Ayers Cherry Pectoral. It removes the phlegm, soothes irritation, stops coughing, and in- duces repose. As all emergency medicine, Ayers Cherry Pectoral should be in every household. "There Is nothing better for coughs than Ayers Cherry PectoraL I use no other prepamtion."-Annie S. Butler, 169 Pond at., Providence, R. I. I suffered severely iron, bronelittis; but was CURED BY Ayers Cherry PLetoral. It saved my life." -Geo. B. Huffier, Goose River, N. S. "About a year ago I took the worst cold that ever a man had, billowed by a terrible cough. The best medical aid was of no avail. At last I begatt to spit bloat, when It was supposed to be all over with me. Every remedy failed, till a neighbor recom- mended Ayers Cherry Pectoral. I took -half a teaupooliful of lids medicine, three times a day, regularly, and very s0011 began to improve. Sty cough left me, my sleep was undisturbed. my appetite re- turned, my emaciated limbs gained flesh and strength and, to -day, thanks to the Pectoral, I am a well inan. " - H. A. Bean, 28 Winter It.. Lawrence, Mass. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral PIteert eV Dr. 1., C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass. Bold by all Drugginta. Price 51; so noolloot, The story ot how Artenitts Ward passed his last Thanksgiving Day in London will be told by his cousin, Harriet Maxwell -Con- verse, in our Thanksgiving Edition. There will also be a Thanksgiving story by E. J. Edwards and some ap- propriate poetry, all of which will be Kral- ion , Mohan,: intenne aching and oitur- bilL mieit at night: wore Icy ncratching If al lowtql ii, continue Illinoru form. winch often bleed anti lacerate. becoming MwAyar ' n I hargaNT idol* the Itching /M.1 Net . int. heal. ulverati.m. and in intig cam retnoveu , Iltu tumors. At dellggitle, Ily mail. for 701 rent, Dr. Swayne A Son. Po ilittlelphia. 12 1 o ON lerreetl rr . ..t. nr•rt rt. E .,,,...,,,..,.„.,...„.‘,....,..,„,,,,,-,.....,, .,..,..,,,...,.....t.•er leer lere. An, ,.,, ,.,,,,.,,.,,, ii ...... , ,zo :; ,, oh, ,, n , . rir .. 11,. , 1 ., :n . 7 .7 1. , : d lin . 7 . . 7:74 ::::::::::::::::: ;r1 - tr a; 1. and7eal on res.. ,...,,,,,s., .... .Vfe fulet, .11 v.,. la olo• emix ,,,;‘, 1 , .....,;,..! "'"'" ° I, ' 2 ! ... l n.t a, itra.n7prc.1.1$ ,er re the rm. . "4 , „7 .." ''''' . ".";.... Y r .f., ' Sn p,oweri” •selelp hero. tint CI . Ite . .....X.. * n "4 / 4 7 1 7 ;. "- i' RI' In At ale., St & 1 170 , 15151. Splenclidlil 111iAtratal The animadversions of that inimitable humorist, R. R. Munkittrick, on Tt?ar?Ksivir) )1( TurkeY Give a particular zest to our Thanksgiving Edition. The article will be profusely illus- trated with pictures of birds of high and low degree and will give you an appetite for dinner. The Gel3loratcd Frero Gure, "APHRODITINE" POSITIVE GUARAN IEE irt •••, ,11,111, •I' ear g noon& Ronal .• A TER .1: ”I •• 1114 ta 11.01101 t,,rtIInlitl 111, 1int,..' got er 111.111141 •11,1 is Ice'. ..f I /le.. 1. .es 11,11.401 tie, twat Mg don dcli,. hook, Seminal M +actin. od o nal ninon rot . 111111 . II ttiltl.,i , dtl'. Indionottlonno. 11 1,1111,, It latk It000lo nyv Lowe of 1 01Ve, mid hich if nO. letel fe 1•10 11eVel.• ..Inee e I I foie, ills.Illy. n boar. ti i , .dis SellS 1,5 wad r•.1 weeild cclMice .1 51 ItTTE1S DI' A It %NTT V. tor ',err 15 ' n . I the ;elm.. I 1 cet, le,e1111.1t r eleol. ' Ile...M.14 tom, old and of ir emu.) le A ennoneri h'ell 01 (aa. A0111, / THE APHRO MEDICINE CO Me:TA:ea e n t, If An X 71 1'0011. %ND ' F or N ile ill N. M. WIDTP., 47111..:Ke.H .450 sliCI Eli EN. It,,,,. St. E. 4 1.111'01 - .1 Wilk-tor. Services ever, e llne edaY ev ening . I !I ightentrolo iMil/a. Nis 4014 - Meets ik & Ripley', hall every Satorday afteraoun at 2 o clock. E. J. Hoglsee. F. A. E. Ma, tit.tina. 1'. E. I n .54.,v Mat, 1.4011., No 34:1, I..• M ,•••r , umber, Hay and Gr . ain. every Wednesday a( ternoon tiarland i;i;.. THOMPSON & REYNOLDS Whalesal aviReta 1Dealers in* haq. Wm. Dean. $ , c). M. I.. Phil ,,, . Ma-tr. Itorilwoy Deportment, V. 211. V. A. -Head- ing room open front 9 It. nt. to Inc p. nt. dailt. sunda) . ., i to III 1, m. I ' ottage proYer 111 ,. e.' iimf every Sunday night. Memlwreltip feet e2 7.4, a Lath, Shingles, Doors, Windows, Moulding, Building year. H. L. Willard. drey. Paper, and all kinds Of Building Material. 1.. , m•-• A 111 RocletY. - Beet. every Wettne, day afternoon at home, I.f niembere. Mrs. E. A Roily, Pre.. Ttneelay nflobrInn on at the Eng err . hall. Mr-. TIMBERSOF' ODD LENOTH '. AND SIZES Ladle.' A oxilinry - Meete every eeeteld Mt Ihnnell. presioient. and MrS tn Eteillogl.e, rice- president. Dilloll Jewelry ad Goo Store, MRS. L. EUPFER, Prop'r, I - - . c.30.t. Furnished on Short Notice. cI_iO1]t1'7 i11 MONTANA STREET. 14e1L- 1,0 ent e• that 1,...ohta 111.1. Handle ell It ii f 1111,11.10 Slot 4.11,4, emtorelally the IttorkEoroi 11,,l'r J crcv , e Try. .11 part.", one eray. Ars, coo Lit, 1 •Iiik 4 of a:I makes of .. ltot. Gun,. !Mira, Pioal+ amLlsatuualtIon ElnIllinfr HMI. Wel Tackle. o hinting and npoorting woods of all 1.dmle a .1^. It THE HORTON WASHER. Dillon, Argenta and Bannack Mail and Express Line Telephone No, 36. Dillon, Montana. P., 0_ DILLON, MONTANA. ANDERSON BROS. En TO WEIPTITMAN & ANDIERSON.1 LIVERY FEED AND SALE STABLE REAR OF CORINNE HOTEL. The Finest 13.1,is in the City. Good Outfits toe Commercial Men and Tourists a Specialty. G. E. JEWELL & CO. 5 ; (anal Jen ell's Blacksmith Shop and Inspect 1 beni. I• 11:11%111(1 . P I )l i and .11:ENTN. 1)11,1.0N. MOST. anon a FREE TRIAL. 21 . 4f The •• Tribilete .' 141mlety Tlie TRIBUNE has added to its estab- lishment a bookhindiug department. A bootibinder, recently from Salt Lake City will look efter this department. We will bital, at reasonable prices, maga- , cities. periodicals and papers, rebind old I books, etc., in all styles Bookii marked. Give Is a trial order. L CbIr&rntre• EnoTleh Mamma.. Remo/ , N2T.713.c3.3.c.e•Et1e. Ata WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS, MANUFACTURER OF Ginger Ale, Birch Beer, Champion Cider, Soda, Sarsapa- rilla and other Carbonated Beverages. AGENT FOR VAL BLATZ' MILWAUKEE BEER. ALSO, =4ea1er ir ar Glassware_ 13/ ilklEcatattatast. POR S A.1_1 I At Reduced Prices, Imported and High Grade morassompimiale.,..Ataississriancom Percheron-Norman, Clydesdale an French Coach STALLIONS. Also Draft Horse, of Superior Quality, at the Stables of POINDEXTER & OPR , Montn Tin. THE DILLON BREWERY, ENNYINYAL PILLS Original ss4414toly Genuine. mare *Aware relable, t000to ink Iccnnc.I Ow in ' ‘I ' etre r n1 r/Z1 " :nloVoio yen oorsor• silk len• ribbon. Lake n• other. N.furter dnweroure oulat..• nor. anti Inelsenn• At Or eLeIrt, ,r..544,'. In entaps fnr extteninro, trrenonlnl. e lhater return SalL I 0,000 Trel.nnale•Sc"' (1111ehe•11,Ckesalealol'es,llooll•nn noon., lima by an Local !envier.. OZMANLIS OR, SEXUAL PILLS flem, Prompt, Positive C',,9 for Impoter7 , , Lars or Manhond. Stmlrtal mlarinns, Spermatorrlfed, Neraournen, Self Distrust, Lou of A frmory, tie. Will make gra a STRONG, W)gor- 01/1, Man Pried 81.00. 6 Boom 85 00. 8.elat OlrectloAr Mulled with oarh Bor. Add air saw Litman Ca, 9910 asset an. 8T.1.01119. - MO. Jos. Trimborn, Proprietor. THE ONLY FIRST-CLASS BREWERY In Southern Montana. BOTTLED BEER A SPECIALTY. Delivered in any quantity to all parts of the city ORDERS from neighboring towns solicited and prompt13‘ filled. LEAVE YOUR ORDERS At IMIlot Itrewery Depot, Montana St.. Oppoalte First Minimal think.

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Page 1: THE HECLA MERCANTILE 00 BANKING · 2016-08-12 · Letter Hon. °Man Willha-Noten En Houle. SAN Faxsalissa, Cal., Oct

:7"--‘1S.• N. .A_ 2•T


M=_,R.OSM. 1-1E0IJA._

Our Trade Increases Because we sell the Best Goods at t

he Lowest Prices. At Melrose we have the

Finest Store and Largest Warehouse in Montana.

Go to Melrose

Get your winter supplies.

Buy a Bain wagon and new harness.

Get your dry goods and winter clothes.

Purchase your mining supplies.

Repair your house, and get the necessary

articels at


Sell your grain for cash 01. trade, to the

Reda Mercantile and Banking Company,

at Melrose or Glendale.

We carry a full line of General Merchan-

dise, suited to Ranch, Railroad and Mill-

ing trade.

Full Stock. Low Prices. Careful Attention

Large Warehouse . . . .

. . . . Banking Facilities


An 1nterentlea

Letter Hon. °Man

Willha-Noten En Houle.

SAN Faxsalissa, Cal., Oct. 22.

Editor Tana NE.

The description of a country as viewed

front the car windows of a fast-moving

passenger train, is necessarily an incom-

plete one, because but a partial view 18

presented for the mind's inspection,

Therefore, we shall but briefly refer to

our journey from Butte City to San Fran-

cisco.At 2:15 a. m. we boarded

the Northern

Pacific train at the Montana Union depot.

Here we met Postmaster Lamont of Dillon

on his way to Sruead to look after his

manufacturing interests.

We reached Missoula about 6:30 in the

morning. We are told that Missoula

realty continues to boom. Judge Hiram

Knowles, nO well and favorably known in

Beaverhead county, is reported to have

made 8100.000 by judicious investments

in real estate here.

After leaving this place a run of seven

miles takes us to De Smet, the junction

for the branch line to the Cour D 'Alene

mines. Aries. twenty-one miles further

on, is the diverging point lor tht Flathead

Indian agency, five miles distant, north.

Ravella is thirty-eight miles from Mis-

soula. Supplies for Saint Ignattm mis-

sion, five miles north, tunl for the Flat-

head country, seventy miles north, are

transported from this statiori. Nothing

of interest presents itself after we leave

Ravella until the town of timead is

reached. Here is located the extensive

shingle manufactory of Smead & Lamont.

with a capacity of MAIO shingles per

day. A ferry boat, owned by the firm,

phiea between the mill and the bustling

village on the opposite shore of Clark's

Fork of the Columbia river. All

Aboard," shoots the conductor, and away

we speed, over high trestle, around sharp

Curies with high icon: thins on each side.

and burnt timber, towering cedars and

stately pines, in close proximity to the

track. Suddenly we emerge into an open

cortary. and the beautiful watera of Lake

Pen D. Oreille lies before us. We are

now in Idaho, et the town 14 Hope, a

noted summer resort for tourists. Steam-

ers make daily trips to all parts of the

lake, which is said to be forty miles wide

and sixty miles long. The change from

mountain to Pacific new standard time is

made here. and we set our watches back

one hour.

Hope is 195 mitre from Butte, and is, I

think, destined to become e popular sum-

mer resort. Kootenai, eleven miles weld-

ward, is the station for the rich mines

lying to the north. At Hauser Junction

travelers for the COM D 'Melts' country

change cars.

AN darkness begins to spread its mantle

around us, we discern the glimmer of

scores of electric lights, and are told that

Spokane Falls is in view. The ilisaidnins

fire of August 4, 1141411, was a calamity


cities could have survived, but her peopl


worked in liaison, all pulling at the same

end if the rope soon old calamity was

rolled into the pit- and over the remitihs

magnitieent br:ek and stone titmice were. erected. 'Upwards

of i1(1,000 people !NM

resi.10 within the limits of this prosperous

city..At 430 achiek next morning ou

r train

pulled into the depot at Ellensbur,:,

Wash., where we stopped for ci few days

to visit relatives. We are indebted to

Editor Battersim, of the Washington

State Register, for emirtesies extended,

and deeply regret that ill-heidth tle•

',rived um of a more extended nciputint-

ance with Ellensburg and her people.

The city of Ellenablog, the emtnty seat

of Kittitas comity, and the largest city in

central Washington. is situated a /Mort

distance from the Yakima river. It occu-

pies a beautiful site, sloping slightly to

the *intim._ To the weetwiird Mt.

Ranier, the loft itt peak of the entire

range, looma up grimily. South o'

eity the Wm Morel in on the Yakima, MO

that the stream poranem its way through

ii ,'rooked and narrow ilefile. several miles

lonz before It emerges into the brbiti

plain of the Columb a. The Kittitae

valley ocenpien the mid.ile of the comity.

It extends northwest and mathenat it dim-


fence of forty miles, and measures about

forty miles across. The raising of cereals

is not it success without irrigation, and

the same trouble that confronts the ranch-

men of Montana relating to water litiga-

tions is added to the annoyances of the

farmers of this section. Nearly all kinds

of fruit is grown, and I can vouch as to

the excellence of Washington pears.

But we must not tarry too long in one

place, so we are off for Tacoma'. 127 miles

distant. It is night, and as we approach

the Stampede tunnel, in the Cascade

monntains, we are told that nearly one-

half of this tunnel is arched with Japan-

ese brick, and that in a few months' time

will see the work complete and the two

miles of underground railway will present

a safe and pleasant scene, lighte.l up as

it is by hundreds of electric lights.

We had planned to stop off at Tacoma

for it few days, but circumstances are ad-

verse, so onward we go to Portland, which

city we reach about $ o'dock id-the morn-

ing. It is raining and disagreeable, not,

I judge. an uncommon occurrence. From

my hotel window I notice many of the

trees anti house roofs covered with moss.

A drummer solemnly tells me that last

fall it rained fourteen consecutive days.

and when the sun appeared the dogs

commenced to bark, being thus able to

express their gratitude, that the olive

branch was yet in sight. This man has

traveled all over Montana, otherwise I

should doubt some of his statements.

But in truth it shall be said that Portland

to-day is one of the most prosperous cake

on the Pacific coast.

At night we again board the train, and

after a comfortable night's rest, awake to

find ourselves in the midst of highly cul-

tivated farms, fine barns and neat cottages

meet our gaze on every hand, surrounded

by apple, peach. plum and pear orchares,

with the ground literally covered with

fruit, and many of the limbs propped up

to aid in supporting their burden. In

the afternoon the scene changes t we are

crossing the Mountains. Above us, per-

haps a thousand feet, rims it parallel rail•

road, which we soon find out is only a

continuation of the Southern Pacific, the

road we are now riding over. We could

easily step off the car, walk across to the

track above and take a half hour's rest

before the train could make the ascent.

The scenery is wild and picturesque. in-

deed. AN evening's shade closes in, the

conductor announces five minutes' stop

at the soda springs, at the tot of Mt.

Shasta. A large tank, filled with the

water, under cover, supplied with numer-

ous dippers, affords ample opportunities

for every one to partake of the medicated

Another night's ride and at Si o'clock

we arrive at Oakland, where we take the

ferry boat for San Francisco. Here, too,

it is foggy and chilly, and we are obliged

to defer our contemplated sight seeing.

Tomorrow we leave for Los Angeles,

from which city we may write you again.

Ones Witt's.

.luai Arrived.

A. eardoati of wagons, buggies. linek-

boards, phietonm and carts. (treat bar-

gains. Ott.t.sist IMPLIMENT 42-19


A well develoued, dividend

uaying mine by an English

Syndicate. Addiess in con-

tidviice to "Mining Engineer"

Cate I'. 0. Box 7S2 Helena,

Montana. 42-If


A Bad ColdIf sot speedily relieved, ma

y leml to serious

Issues. Where there is difficulty of breath-

ing, expectoration, or soreness of the throat

and bronchial tubes, with a constantly Irri-

tating conga, the very best remedy Is Ayers

Cherry Pectoral. It removes the phlegm,

soothes irritation, stops coughing, and in-

duces repose. As all emergency medicine,

Ayers Cherry Pectoral should be in every


"There Is nothing better for coughs than

Ayers Cherry PectoraL I use no other

prepamtion."-Annie S. Butler, 169 Pond at.,

Providence, R. I.

I suffered severely iron, bronelittis;

but was

CURED BYAyers Cherry PLetoral. It saved my life."

-Geo. B. Huffier, Goose River, N. S.

"About a year ago I took the worst cold

that ever a man had, billowed by a terrible

cough. The best medical aid was of no

avail. At last I begatt to spit bloat, when

It was supposed to be all over with me.

Every remedy failed, till a neighbor recom-

mended Ayers Cherry Pectoral. I took

-half a teaupooliful of lids medicine, three

times a day, regularly, and very s0011

began to improve. Sty cough left me, my

sleep was undisturbed. my appetite re-

turned, my emaciated limbs gained flesh and

strength and, to-day, thanks to the Pectoral,

I am a well inan." - H. A. Bean, 28 Winter

It.. Lawrence, Mass.

Ayer's Cherry PectoralPIteert eV

Dr. 1., C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass.Bold by all Drugginta. Price 51; so


The story ot how Artenitts

Ward passed his last

Thanksgiving Dayin London will be told by his

cousin, Harriet Maxwell-Con-

verse, in our Thanksgiving

Edition. There will also be

a Thanksgiving story by

E. J. Edwards and some ap-

propriate poetry, all of which

will be •

Kral-ion, Mohan,: intenne achi

ng and oitur-

bilL mieit at night: wore Icy ncratching

If al

lowtql ii, continue Illinoru form.

winch often

bleed anti lacerate. becoming

MwAyar'n I hargaNT idol* the Itching

/M.1 Net .

int. heal. ulverati.m. and in intig c

am retnoveu ,

Iltu tumors. At dellggitle, Ily mail. for 701

rent, Dr. Swayne A Son. Po ilittlelphi

a. 12 1 o

ONlerreetl rr •

. ..t. nr•rt rt.

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„ .11 v.,. la olo• emix,,,;‘,1, .....,;,..!

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."4, „7 .." ''''' . ".";.... Y r.f., 'Sn p,oweri” •selelp hero. tint

CI.Ite......X..*n"4/4717;." - i' RI' In At ale., St & 1 170, 15151.

Splenclidlil 111iAtratalThe animadversions of that

inimitable humorist, R. R.

Munkittrick, on


)1( TurkeYGive a particular zest to


Thanksgiving Edition. The

article will be profusely illus-

trated with pictures of birds

of high and low degree and

will give you an appetite for


The Gel3loratcd Frero Gure,"APHRODITINE"



irt •

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M +actin. 1¼ od o nal ninon rot.111111.

II ttiltl.,i,dtl'. Indionottlonno. 1 11,1111,, It latk It000lo

nyv Lowe of 1•01Ve, mid hich if nO.

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wad r•.1 weeild cclMice

.1 51 ItTTE1S DI' A It %NTT V. tor ',err

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emu.) le A ennoneri h'ell 01 (aa. A0111, /


An X 71 1'0011. %ND '

For Nile ill N. M. WIDTP.,

47111..:Ke.H .450 sliCI Eli EN.

It,,,,. St. E. 4 1.111'01 - .1 Wilk-•

tor. Services ever, ellneedaY evening. I

!I ightentrolo iMil/a. Nis 4014 - Meets ik

& Ripley', hall every Satorday afteraoun

at 2 o clock.E. J. Hoglsee. F. A. E. Ma, tit.tina. 1'. E. I

n •

.54.,v Mat, 1.4011., No 34:1, I..• M ,•••r,

umber, Hay and Gr. ain.every Wednesday a( ternoon tiarland i;i;.. •

THOMPSON & REYNOLDSWhalesal aviReta 1Dealers in*


Wm. Dean. $,c). M. I.. Phil,,,. Ma-tr.

Itorilwoy Deportment, V. 211. V. A.-Head-

ing room open front 9 It. nt. to Inc p. nt. dailt


sunda).., i to III 1, m. I 'ottage proYer 111,.e.'iimf

every Sunday night. Memlwreltip feet e2 7.4, a

Lath, Shingles, Doors, Windows, Moulding, Building

year.• H. L. Willard. drey. Paper, and all kinds Of Building Material.

1..,m•-• A 111 RocletY.-Beet. every Wettne,

day afternoon at home, I.f niembere.

Mrs. E. A Roily, Pre..

Ttneelay nflobrInn on at the Eng err. hall. Mr-. TIMBERSOF' ODD • LENOTH '. AND • SIZESLadle.' A oxilinry-Meete every eeeteld

Mt Ihnnell. presioient. and MrStnEteillogl.e, rice-

• •


Dilloll Jewelry ad Goo Store,MRS. L. EUPFER, Prop'r, I

- - . c.30.t.

Furnished on Short Notice.

cI_iO1]t1'7 i11

MONTANA STREET. 14e1L- 1,0 ent e• that

1,...ohta 111.1. Handle ell It ii f

1111,11.10 Slot 4.11,4, emtorelally the IttorkEoroi


J crcv, e Try.

.11 part.",

one eray.

Ars, coo Lit, 1 •Iiik 4 of a:I makes of

..ltot. Gun,. !Mira, Pioal+ amLlsatuualtIon

ElnIllinfr HMI. Wel Tackle.

o hinting and npoorting woods of all 1.dmle •a

.1^. It •

THE HORTON WASHER. Dillon, Argenta and Bannack Mail and Express Line

Telephone No, 36. Dillon, Montana.

P., 0_




The Finest 13.1,is in the City. Good Outfits toe Commercial Men and

Tourists a Specialty.

G. E. JEWELL & CO.5;

(anal Jen ell's



and Inspect

1 beni.

I• 11:11%111(1.P


)l i and

.11:ENTN. 1)11,1.0N. MOST.

anon a



The ••Tribilete.' 141mlety

Tlie TRIBUNE has added to its estab-

lishment a bookhindiug department. A

bootibinder, recently from Salt

Lake City will look efter this department.

We will bital, at reasonable prices, maga- ,

cities. periodicals and papers, rebind old I

books, etc., in all styles Bookii marked.

Give Is a trial order.

LCbIr&rntre• EnoTleh Mam

ma.. Remo/,

N2T.713.c3.3.c.e•Et1e. Ata


Ginger Ale, Birch Beer, Champion Cider, Soda, Sarsapa-

rilla and other Carbonated Beverages.



=4ea1er ir ar Glassware_

13/ ilklEcatattatast.

POR S A.1_1 IAt Reduced Prices, Imported and High Grade


Percheron-Norman,Clydesdale an

French Coach

STALLIONS.Also Draft Horse, of Superior

Quality, at the Stables of



Original ss4414toly Genuine.

mare *Aware relable, t000to ink

Iccnnc.I Ow in'‘I'etrern1 r/Z1":nloVoio

yen oorsor• silk len• ribbon. Lake

n• other. N.furter dnweroure oulat..•

nor. anti Inelsenn• At Or eLeIrt, ,r..544,


In entaps fnr extteninro, trrenonlnl.

elhater return

SalL I 0,000 Trel.nnale•Sc"'

(1111ehe•11,Ckesalealol'es,llooll•nn noon.,lima by an Local !envier..


flem, Prompt, Positive

C',,9 for Impoter7,, Lars

or Manhond. Stmlrtal

mlarinns, Spermatorrlfed,

Neraournen, Self Distrust,

Lou of A frmory, tie. Will

make gra a STRONG, W)gor-

01/1, Man Pried 81.00. 6

Boom 85 00.8.elat OlrectloAr Mulled

with oarh Bor. Add

air saw Litman Ca,9910 asset an.

8T.1.01119. - MO.

Jos. Trimborn, Proprietor.


BOTTLED BEER A SPECIALTY.Delivered in any quantity to all parts

of the city

ORDERS from neighboring towns solicited and prompt13‘



Depot, Montana St..

Oppoalte First Minimal think.