Download - Dronepromo Pitch 01

  • 7/29/2019 Dronepromo Pitch 01


    Droes: A PromoI Case Yo Didt Aready Kow.

    1.11.12 | R. Moore

  • 7/29/2019 Dronepromo Pitch 01


    Treatmet: Form + Cotet

    OverviewSe s yor idea, top to bottom. Tik it trog.

    Big idea, Toe, Form + Cotet, Emotio, Actio, Story, Impressio

    WhAT DOES IT lOOK lIKE?Stye, Paette, Imagery, Aaogy

    WhAT DOES IT SOunD lIKE?Msic, Sod Desig, Mood, Toe

    In a world where privacy is almost a relic of a bygone era, the White House has allocated almost

    63 billion dollars to the Federal Aviation Association. This would allow for the government to

    take a Big Brother-esque role in daily civilian life, more so than they do already. Approximately

    30,000 drones will occupy civilian airspace by 2020, say many news agencies. Seattle PD already

    has a few drones and LAPD has already used it to hunt down Chris Dorner. Lets not forget all the

    drone strikes in Yemen and Pakistan, which have killed over 1,000 civilians since they began - and

    have begun to intensify under Obamas reign. (Is reign a strong word?)

    This promo is a promo for drones - drones in use by the government, by police, by military. Much

    like how during the Bush presidency there was a great sense of patriotism and us-vs-them aswell as intense military worship, in the year 2030 I can denitely see something more subtle than

    this happening - an explanation to kids as to why drones are good, why they are tools working to

    secure our freedoms and liberties. Much like how people say Spy on me all you want - Ive got

    nothing to hide and indenite detention if youre suspected of being a terrorist? Theres no way

    Id be suspected of being a terrorist! Im trying to liken the tone to something similar to the PSAs

    I remember from my own childhood - if you see something strange, tell a cop! theyre going to

    help you, that sort of thing. I want there to be a sardonic manner to it, not necessarily satire, but

    something close.

    So to hone in on this I chose to mimic propaganda posters. Old-fashioned, Do your part! kind

    of propaganda. Ive taken reference from both Communist and American propaganda postersbut unfortunately, as it was pointed out to me, the Russians may have had better design, but it

    was COMMUNIST design. To make a truly American piece, I had to rely more heavily on Allied

    designs, which sadly werent as great.

    Im trying to use a limited color palette, but Im actually struggling with it as I u

    either into strictly black & white or a rainbow of color whenever I illustrate / de

    are supposed to be cheery illustration characters aimed at a younger crowd.

    Ive got a script! Of my own voice for now, but I know a girl with a nice, clear v

    whos agreed to do a VO for me.

  • 7/29/2019 Dronepromo Pitch 01


    use as may images as yo tik make sese ere... bWe sod see

    Referece: Stye

  • 7/29/2019 Dronepromo Pitch 01


    use as may images as yo tik make sese ere... bWe sod see

    Referece: Stye

  • 7/29/2019 Dronepromo Pitch 01


    use as may images as yo tik make sese ere... bWe sod see

    Referece: Caracters & Textre

  • 7/29/2019 Dronepromo Pitch 01


    use as may images as yo tik make sese ere... bWe sod see

    Referece: Moooooootio

  • 7/29/2019 Dronepromo Pitch 01


    Breakdow: Cocept











    I a ftre were droes ca spy, soot ad captre,

    te govermet tries to make te ivasio of idivida

    privacy a ormaity, ad te desire to remai private a


    A ist of Ideas, toe, motifs, teciqes, moods,imagery etc.

    Pick oe sige idea tat yo tik ecapsates te piece.

    Tis is a oe-ier tat sms p te etire piece

    Tis sod come from yor eary tikig

    Orweia 2030

  • 7/29/2019 Dronepromo Pitch 01


    Tese are te storyboards Ive got for ow. Te detais aret tere, bt teskeeto is. Im strggig wit restrictig mysef to a 4 coor paette.

    Additioay, I tik Im goig to styize tem more... ookig at it ow, teistratio stye is a itte too...pedestria?

    coorizatio sti to be doe Im cosiderig makig te droes soot dow at te border, ad to addtextre / detais to te adscape. Te crve of te red stripe is spposed toow into the curve of the borderline.

    Camera foows crve of borderie ti it straigtes ot ad beAfgaista motais (Afgai motais?). More detai to btese for sre. Especiay te iform.

    Teyre spposed to mimic tese posters

  • 7/29/2019 Dronepromo Pitch 01


    Ct to a scope. Spposed to be from te Rave droe tat te sodier jstaced. Missies are spposed to foow after ad yo ca see severapeope divig for cover.

    Te exposio igts p te scope, ad from te exposio comes ammigbird droe!

    Te mmigbird droe ads o a sodiers ad... its spposbackgrod.

    Describe aytig were ot seeig i tis beat if frame Describe aytig were ot seeig i tis beat if frame Describe aytig were ot seeig i tis beati f frame

  • 7/29/2019 Dronepromo Pitch 01


    Storyboard: BThese frames need to reect the nished look AND t ell the s

    Describe aytig were ot seeig i tis beatif frame Ct to te may tigs a droe ca do - spotigt, missie, megapoe, radiofreqecy appicatios, ad yes, tats a msroom cod. Ceter is a camerawic Ive yet to coor.

    Zoom ito te camera es, come ot to a idyic, sbrba sc

  • 7/29/2019 Dronepromo Pitch 01


    Storyboard: B

    Teyre spposed to mimic tese posters

    These frames need to reect the nished look AND t ell the s

    Two little kids sleeping in that same bed you just saw. The reection of the

    stter i te birds eye is tat of teir widow.A mass of protestors pt o V masks. Text says: like tese gys! Text wi write over: To serve & protect!

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