Page 1: Dronne Valley Church News...Sunday 03 July - 18:00 Evensong with Sheila Marshall Sunday 10 July - 10:30 Holy Communion Revds Ann and Michael Wooderson Wed 13 July - 11:00 Holy Communion

Dronne Valley Church NewsBertric Burée July 2011

Many of you will have read Jill Almvang’s name on our prayer list for protection as she works in Haiti. She has been back to Norway for a break and is now obviously back in Haiti but will soon be in a more official capacity. Jill has a brother who lives out here and she comes to worship at BB when she visits him. I was pleased to receive this update and hope you will be too! (Janis Adams) From Jill Almvang in Haiti - Today is Pentecost - Whitsunday, and in just over an hours time I will be joining my Haitian son and his family at their local Pentecostal church to participate in just a small part of what for them is a whole day of celebrations and festivities. I came back to Port-au-Prince almost 3 weeks ago as a volunteer for an American organisation for a six week stay and with 2 main objectives:To help this organisation for the 6 week period (my paid holiday as far as my Norwegian employer is concerned), andTo try to make contacts here with a view to being better placed (than Norway) to get a more permanent, paid position down here.God does indeed move in mysterious ways! I came to an organisation that unbeknown to me, had an acting Finance Manager, and after 3 days of volunteer work, and a short conversation with the Country Director about my hopes for the future, found myself sending him my CV and a covering letter. He checked 3 or my 4 references within 24 hours - despite the 7 hour time lag compared with Europe, and we are now in the final stages of setting up an agreement! Meanwhile I am still formally a volunteer, but attend meetings with donors, etc. as the incoming Finance Manager (FM), I have the FM phone, and the FM mail address, attend in-house meetings as the FM, and generally am functioning in the position! We have to work out the details of how we manage my period of absence in Norway for 6-8 weeks, but it is amazing what can be achieved nowadays using the Internet! So in 3 weeks time I return to Norway, to organise a few "details" including the rental of my apartment, what happens to my post (there's still no way to have it re-addressed to Haiti due to the non-existence of a Haitian postal service still......), and other minor issues, before the trip back again to Port-au-Prince - 3-4 months earlier than I had previously hoped! There was a severe tropical storm here earlier last week, several dead and many injured. I was fine, but there has been a lot of damage in the camp (55.000 people) and my Haitian "son's" friend lost his house and 7 year-old son in the storm, whilst he himself, his wife and mother-in-law all landed up in hospital with serious injuries when their house was swept away by the floods... Another confrontation with our own mortality... It is a source of strength on the "not-so-good" days (whether it be tropical storms or shooting down the road!) to know that there are others out there somewhere who are interested, who care, and who are praying for this country, its people, for us, and the work we are doing here.

‘Come worship with me’

You may recall that we held a 'Back to Church Sunday' two years ago, at which we were each asked to invite a friend to come to church at Bertric Burée for the Harvest service. Michael Harvey, a founder of the Back to Church Sunday programme in the UK, came to talk to us recently, with the main theme that God is preparing people throughout the Chaplaincy, and our role is to invite a friend - simply ask “Would you like to come to church with me?”. Whether the friend says yes or no, then you have done your job.

Although we are all aware that we can invite people to church at any time, we have decided to emphasise this in the month of September when everyone can invite a friend to the style of service they think the friend would prefer – however we are aware that we could make the wrong assumption!

More details to follow in next month's Newsletter.


Page 2: Dronne Valley Church News...Sunday 03 July - 18:00 Evensong with Sheila Marshall Sunday 10 July - 10:30 Holy Communion Revds Ann and Michael Wooderson Wed 13 July - 11:00 Holy Communion

We’ve had several weddings at BB recently and also a birth to report and the happy details are listed below: Also we would like to ask people to include additions to families (grandchildren etc) if they would like as the church family would appreciate knowing about these things.

The wedding blessings are: 28 May Bella Turner & Robert Loynes with Rev Paul Vrolijk officiating

29 May Emily Griffiths & Archie Adam with Rev Sir Timothy Forbes-Adam and Janis Adams officiating.

12 June Shahrooz Sharifrazy & Dr.Jasmin Kavakeb with Rev Brian Davies officiating

15 June Natalie Fuller & Jai Gates at Vendoire with Janis Adams officiating.

Notice of a new arrival:James and Helen Gray are delighted to announce the birth of their grandson - Sebastian James Theodore Gray born 21/06/2011 at 00.09 - 6lbs 11ozs. Just to put the cherry on the top of the icing – new mother Bex has passed her exams and is now Dr Rebecca Gray! Isn't God good giving her the strength to do the exams last week - being 5 days over due - let alone passing them and Sebastian allowing his mummy to do them? All mind blowing stuff! A new mother and a new title... James and Helen would like to add their thanks to everyone for their messages of congratulations. (Isn’t he beautiful)

Services for July 2011Sunday 03 July - 10:30 Service of the Word with Janis AdamsSunday 03 July - 18:00 Evensong with Sheila Marshall Sunday 10 July - 10:30 Holy Communion Revds Ann and Michael Wooderson Wed 13 July - 11:00 Holy Communion Rev Paul Vrolijk Sunday 17 July - 10:30 All Age Worship with Richard Shreeve and Jan AdamsSunday 24 July - 10:30 Holy Communion with Rev Brian DaviesSunday 31 July - 10:00 Special Service. Details below. Everyone is welcome to stay for hospitality after the services

Please note the service change on 31st July. Père Allain, a catholic priest and missionary in Chad, will be celebrating mass in his home church, Bertric Burée, after our service on 31st July at 1100. His family have lived in the village for many years – his mother played the harmonium in church and many of the family have been christened, confirmed, married and had funerals there. This mass is for the family and friends to celebrate his 60th anniversary. We are always grateful to be able to worship at BB and a minor inconvenience to allow the Allain family this time together.

There will be a Bring and Share Lunch on 10 July after the service at Janis and Roger Adams’ home. Please call 05 53 91 32 89 for further details or directions. Please bring food to share and your own cutlery, plates and glasses.


Page 3: Dronne Valley Church News...Sunday 03 July - 18:00 Evensong with Sheila Marshall Sunday 10 July - 10:30 Holy Communion Revds Ann and Michael Wooderson Wed 13 July - 11:00 Holy Communion

Prayer and Praise – July’s Prayer and Praise is cancelled as so many people are away or have visitors.

“I would like to thank everyone who has supported me in prayer etc during and since my operation. I am doing well now and really appreciated the love and support that came my way”. Karla Flambert

Fundraising news for June – please join in and support our lovely church...

A DATE FOR JULYCome, Dine with me – in the country! 9th July

How do you fancy an afternoon on a small holding in the Charente Maritime, walking, feeding animals, fishing, swimming in the pool or the lake (although you may upset the fishermen), or just chilling out with a good book in peaceful surroundings before settling down to a good bar-b-cue by the pool, with dancing and a jolly good time.

Julie will lead a walk through the woods starting at 15:00 and lasting about an hour to an hour

and a half. For those of a Piscean bent there are some lovely big Carp in the lake along with Rudd, Perch and Roach just waiting to be caught (barbless hooks only please) – you may even get a fishing master-class from the resident Kingfisher!

The whole day will have a ‘western’ feel so Stetsons and Cowboy boots are de rigueur – Dan and Kirsty will provide some great ‘western’ music in the evening and we can provide the conviviality? This is a ‘must’ for those with children (either resident, visiting or simply borrowed from a neighbour!). The horses, dogs, chickens, ducks as well as David and Julie Jackson are just waiting to make you welcome on July 9 th from about 13:00 (if you come at 13:00 bring a sandwich or two for your lunch), animal-feeding will be later in the afternoon and the bar-b-cue will start at about 19:00 .

Cost €15 Adults, €10 children (over 5) and toddlers free. Talk to David and Julie on 05 46 86 49 66 for more details and please let them know ASAP if you intend to come so they can get organise the catering.

FEEDBACK: Come sculpt with Roger - was enjoyed by nine on Saturday 11th June, with a smaller group of four the Wednesday before. All produced a wire figure in the style of Giacometti but with considerable individuality! Roger is willing to run another session in the early autumn for those interested.

Come Dine With Me!!! So many of you have enjoyed hosting and attending a Come Dine with me event that the committee agreed we should keep it going. If you would like to host then please get planning. It is a good idea to check your planned date with a committee member first. It’s easy – you decide the type of event, the number of people, the price and the date. So why not give it a go!!!

A HUGE thank you to everyone who contributed to Christian Aid Week. The envelope donations and the coffee morning enabled me to send a cheque for 400€ to Christian Aid. Mike Duncan


Page 4: Dronne Valley Church News...Sunday 03 July - 18:00 Evensong with Sheila Marshall Sunday 10 July - 10:30 Holy Communion Revds Ann and Michael Wooderson Wed 13 July - 11:00 Holy Communion

The Garden Party held on 22nd June in the church grounds was a great success. There were plenty of stalls and good things to buy and the weather stayed dry in spite of the rain that was forecast. I had no difficulty in spending my cash on some lovely fresh veg, all from Beth’s own garden, home made pasties from Shirley and a delicious date cake again made by Beth. The plant stall saw some more of my money in the form of a healthy looking lupine. After a hard afternoon shopping it was good to put my feet up and enjoy a very welcome cream tea and chat to friends. Many congratulations and thanks to everyone involved and 1360 euros was raised. Di Harris-Evans

HOME GROUPS:There are a number of existing Groups meeting in the Dronne Valley: Fortnightly on a Tuesday morning near Verteillac, contact Mike Duncan 05 53 91 30 64. On the other Tuesday at Susanna Isaac’s home, near Riberac, contact Brian Cook on 05 45 98 43 00. Tuesday evenings near Riberac contact Karla Flambert 05 53 90 99 52. Thursday evenings in St Aulaye contact Steve Long on 05 53 91 96 48

Chaplaincy Prayer Chain and Bertric Burée Local ListAt present there are 45 people receiving the Prayer Chain by email each week. I am aware that there are some who do not know of its existence and please do contact me if you would like to be part of the mailing system.The Chaplaincy Prayer Chain is co-ordinated by Madeleine Holmes and she sends names and details of those who have asked for prayer to local church centre co-ordinators – I am responsible for Bertric Burée. Some people wish initially to be put on the Chaplaincy wide list and then be transferred to the Bertric Burée local list as their condition improves. Others prefer to be added to the local list from the onset. Whichever, please contact me first with your request.Our local list is growing and it is sometimes difficult to keep up to date with progress of those who have asked for prayer. It has been suggested that they stay on the list for a maximum of three months, and unless they request otherwise, would then be removed.The church considers prayer a high priority and it is my prayer that this ministry will bring strength, comfort and healing to those in need...- Sheila Marshall [email protected] 05 53 90 95 69


Page 5: Dronne Valley Church News...Sunday 03 July - 18:00 Evensong with Sheila Marshall Sunday 10 July - 10:30 Holy Communion Revds Ann and Michael Wooderson Wed 13 July - 11:00 Holy Communion

WEDNESDAY PRAYER GROUP has started again at Bertric - always on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays from 5.00pm – 6.00pm.

Confirmation Service Oct/Nov 2011Last year’s confirmation preparation and Confirmation Service were very special. Currently, we are looking into the possibility of having another Confirmation Service in Oct/Nov 2011. If you are interested in being confirmed in the Church of England, or would like to find out what is involved, please contact Paul and discuss it with him. Maybe this has been on your mind for some time! Paul Vrolijk ( or [email protected])

Radio Liberté Dear Listeners - I think due to the new website we are reaching more people through the recorded broadcast that ever before, which is good news. Radio Liberté is off the air till August when I shall be speaking to Christine Saccali in Greater Athens (in the Eastern Archdeaconry of the Diocese). Christine is a Reader and she will be telling us about life in her area of the Diocese - tackling the refugee influx, the problems of a country in great debt and the effect on the people, which also puts a strain on the church and it's outreach to those in need. Do join me then.With blessings, Madeleine

Marc VIDEAU - DirecteurRADIO LIBERTE 96.1 MHz , Radio du Périgord Vert, Blanc et Sud CharenteBP 67 - 24 600 Ribérac - Siret: 338 881 428 00027 APE 6010Zassociation loi 1901 agréée jeunesse et éducation populaire 24-613tél: fax: et podcast: / courriel: [email protected]

FROM MY BOOKSHELF: JULY 2011I hold this book dear to my heart, as its very existence and what followed after I had reviewed it for the British Medical Journal in 1989, proves to me that God works in very remarkable ways!Part of my original review contained this:‘Celebration’ is a book essentially about courage. It is autobiographical, tracing the pilgrimage of a woman and her daughter who both suffer from incurable illnesses. Dr. Spufford is a Doctor of Letters of Cambridge University and a Bye- Fellow of Newnham College. She is also a Benedictine tertiary, and an oblate of St. Mary’s Abbey, West Malling. Her work as a 17th century historian is well known, but not so well known outside her circle is that she has suffered severe pain from a progressive bone disorder for many years. Her daughter has a terminal degenerative illness. At one point in the book she describes the moment when her pain was unbearable and she couldn’t control her screams:‘Quite extraordinarily at that moment of unreachability, I had suddenly been aware even as I screamed of the presence of the Crucified. He did not cancel the moment or assuage it but was inside it’.After my review had been published, I contacted Professor Spufford to tell her of my admiration for her life story. I also told her of my own experience of having a disabled daughter (see ‘From My Bookshelf’ June 2011). It seemed that her own spiritual mentor was a priest in Birmingham, which is where I was working, so we were able, with the help of Rev. Richard Hunt (now rector in Chichester), to meet in his rectory one evening in 1990 and discuss our lives and our faith.She was able to tell me that her plan to build a hostel in Cambridge to accommodate disabled students was well under way. They intended to name it Bridget’s Hostel after her daughter. Sadly her daughter had died, and would not be able to use these facilities, which she had longed for, but they would now be available for other disabled students.Fast forward to 1999. We were dejected that no colleges of further education in the Midlands seemed to make accommodation available for disabled students. Sue, our daughter suddenly, out of the blue. said ‘What about Bridget’s?’ So we phoned the hostel and suddenly all doors seemed to open for Sue. She was accepted at 5

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Cambridge Regional College, later transferring to Anglia University to do her degree in Forensic Science. Of course, she could have done none of this if she had not been accepted as a resident of Bridget’s Hostel, founded by Margaret Spufford. Again, (like Joni last month) our lives had been changed by someone who wrote a book. God the librarian? Well, what about ‘The Book of Life’…?!Jennifer Gray July 2011

Randonnée June’s walk was a beautiful walk on a beautiful day, just perfect for exploring the spectacular countryside around Festalemps. We were even treated to a badger scurrying across the footpath – I don’t know who was the more frightened! A big thank you to Fred for all the organisation. The next walk (a circular 9kms) is on Wednesday 20 July at 10.00 meeting at the church at Siorac de Ribérac. Please bring a picnic lunch. Everybody welcome. For further details please Sheila Marshall (05 53 90 95 69). Jeudi Rendezvous – The Jeudi Rendezvous will resume in September. Please watch this space for our new programme.

SOMETHING TO REMEMBER THE NEXT TIME YOU ARE SHOPPING:SECOURS CATHOLIQUE – this is a charity we support annually with our Harvest Gifts. They are based in Riberac and run by the Catholic Church to help those in need. The committee agreed that it would be a good idea if we could make a regular donation to them. This is an excellent way to support the local people. Jill Stephens has volunteered to be responsible for ‘the box’ and delivery to the Secours Catholique and is providing a collecting box at the back of church for your donations of tinned, dried goods, toiletries etc. Please remember to bring a packet or tin – in date please – to fill the box! Try leaving something in your car – somewhere obvious - after the weekly shop as an ‘aide memoire’!

The Graham Kendrick concert was great. The lovely church of St Jacques in Bergerac was packed and we all enjoyed Graham’s songs old and new and I’m glad to say that we were invited to join in some of them. Graham was supported by Velveta and Steve Thompson and Raul D’Oliviera who were superb. The sound levels were a little high, or is that just us getting older. We were pleased to see many French people in the congregation and people who had travelled a considerable distance (some from Toulouse) to be there. Our Chaplain had a chat on stage with Graham and we heard about his Christian life and work and Rev. Derek Cook from Cafe Church gave an address at the end. All in all a great evening and especially as we were in the company of friends and fellow Christians from across the Chaplaincy.’ – Mike & Pam Duncan

MONEY MATTERSCan you make a regular commitment?Would you like to make a donation?Have you considered joining our Christian Stewardship scheme? We rely on the generosity and commitment of those who share in the life of the Chaplaincy to raise around 120,000€ in 2011. This is needed to cover running costs including our full-time salaried Chaplain, communication costs and expenses claimed by volunteer helpers of which a number are Priests who often give their services unpaid but may claim travel and other expenses.We do not receive income from the Church of England (in fact we contribute to support our Bishop and his staff) and we do not have any endowments.If you are reading this article you probably already support us. Can you enter into a commitment to giveregularly? It helps us to plan our activities to know how much income we can expect. At the moment much of our income is in the form of cash given in the collection plate during services. We are grateful for and reliant on this giving but would like you to support us in a committed regular way.Our Christian Stewardship scheme is tax efficient. If you pay income tax in France or the UK or both and join either scheme your giving’s value will increase.


Page 7: Dronne Valley Church News...Sunday 03 July - 18:00 Evensong with Sheila Marshall Sunday 10 July - 10:30 Holy Communion Revds Ann and Michael Wooderson Wed 13 July - 11:00 Holy Communion

UK tax payers can Gift Aid donations through the Intercontinental Church Society. The relief is smaller than under the French system and given to the chaplaincy. Higher rate tax payers will get extra relief when theydeclare their donations on their UK tax return. One off donations can also be made in this way.If you pay French tax on your income and are happy to give to the church by cheque or standing order, everyEuro you give will entitle you to 66 centimes of tax relief. In your tax assessment 66% of all donations up to 20% of your gross income will be deducted from the final tax due. A regular donation of 10 € a week could cost only 176.80 € a year instead of 520 €.If you would like to support us in either of these ways please speak to your local treasurer (Roger Flambert) or stewardship officer (Sue Gamon) or ask me [email protected] a very big “thank you” to the one in four of you who already give regularly! William Parker (Stewardship Officer Chaplaincy of Aquitaine)

Library We are re-starting a library at Bertric-Burée. The idea is that ‘the church’ doesn’t actually own anything which we want to read/watch/listen to, whereas many of us individuals do. So let's all put those items we might be happy to lend out into a central library so that others can see what there is that they can borrow? The items should be of a Christian nature or at least pertaining to Christianity or religion. For example, “The Greatest Hits of Graham Kendrick” or “’The God who is there’ by Francis Schaeffer” would be good to put in the library whilst the “Workshop Manual for the 1963 Morris Marina”, “The Greatest Hits of Gerry and the Peacemakers” and the 40 DVD set of “Gone with the Wind – director’s cut edition” wouldn’t. So, if we all lend items to the library, the library gets a good choice of items to lend out to others – seemples! The library will not replace or affect the operation of Brian and Shirley's second-hand book sales system! Right, that’s the basic idea, let’s put a little flesh on the bones. Say I have 20 CDs, 6 DVDs and a dozen books which I feel other people may wish to borrow; I lend them to the library where they get catalogued and labelled (the librarian puts a small sticky label on the outside of all CDs/DVDs and on the actual disc(s) (providing it isn’t one of those ever-so-clever double-sided discs!) and on the inside of every book and enters the item into the main catalogue. The label provides both a catalogue number and a reference to the owner and gives us a means of tracking the item. You decide you want to borrow a CD – you read the catalogue number, open the register to the page corresponding to the number and sign and date the page – et voila – you've borrowed it! When you return it to the library (within a month, please!) you go back to the page and write in the date of return and put the item back on the shelf. I’ll start the ball rolling – I really do have 20-odd CDs, half a dozen DVDs and a dozen books to put in the library but they look fairly lost on a shelf on their own, so what do YOU have? Bring items to church or to a house group and make sure the librarian is made aware of them so they can be catalogued before going into the system. Of course, you can withdraw your loaned items at any time providing you let the librarian know so he can remove them from the catalogue. Oh yes – the librarian? Currently that would be me! However, I would really, really, really like someone else to take on the role or at least share the role with me.

Over to you! Steve long

Having a cup of coffee or tea after our services at BB provides us with a welcome opportunity to talk to other church members BUT we need people to join the rota to enable that to happen. What does it involve? Arriving at church that bit earlier to fill the urn and plug it in, serving people after the service then washing up! That’s it. How often? Depends how many volunteers there are but not more than once a month. You can volunteer on your own or ‘Ask a Friend’ to do it with you.

There are other ways in which you can help with the jobs that need to be done to ensure the smooth running of our services and we welcome more helpers. If you feel able to contribute either by being on the Welcome team, reading the Bible, leading intercessions, sound management or hosting a Bring and Share lunch then please have a chat with Steve or Janis to find out more.

EGGS !!! There are now eggs available at church. Limited amount so “first come - first served”. The cost is €2 a dozen. (€1 to the church and €1 back to the chickens). If you

want some of these delicious eggs please bring an egg box.


Page 8: Dronne Valley Church News...Sunday 03 July - 18:00 Evensong with Sheila Marshall Sunday 10 July - 10:30 Holy Communion Revds Ann and Michael Wooderson Wed 13 July - 11:00 Holy Communion

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR:Thank you for the facility for advertising. So far I have sold 2 kayaks and received a lot of interest in the electric wheelchair I have for sale (probably now sold). It has been such an easy and successful way of 'moving things on’ as we get too old/to lazy to use them (kayaks, I mean!)' Jennifer Gray

(If you have any comments/news/photographs/complaints etc please send details to the editor Di Harris-Evans [email protected])

Pastoral Care We can provide company, hospital visits, a phone call, a shoulder to cry on and hopefully much more. We really would appreciate being informed of perceived needs so that where possible we can be of help. If you know of anyone who would welcome a visit or call, please ring me (Karla Flambert) on 05 53 90 99 52 so we can arrange for a member of the team to help out.

Caring for our church family and our friends and neighbours outside the church is an important discipleship role for us as Christians. Karla Flambert, as our Pastoral Care coordinator, recently attended a Workshop to exchange ideas with others from around the Chaplaincy working in this area. As a result Karla believes it would be good to organise our Pastoral Care into two types, people who like to 'do'; help in the garden, drive someone to an appointment or take them shopping; and people who 'listen', visit at home or hospital. Please gives this some thought and prayer and decide how your gifts fit into the Pastoral Care for our community. Then let Karla know what you can offer. If you need help from Cancer Support France (by English speakers for English speakers) your contacts are 06 43 67 86 11 or [email protected] (Cancer Support France).


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100 euros or Best offer

Please contact Jennifer Gray for further [email protected] 05 53 90 56 89

For Sale for church fundsAn electronic typewriter with small screen display – offers?Rocking chair recently renovated in blue and white striped material with white woodwork. No reasonable offer refused! Contact Janis on 05 53 91 32 89 or janadams2807@gmail.

Good home wanted – two half Siamese brother and sister plus one European Tigre cats. All are house trained and could go to separate homes. Please contact Mavis Lancashire 05 53 90 24 05

ANN KNIGHT – Soft furnishings, curtains, upholstery. Do you have an old but comfy chair or sofa that needs sprucing up? Need some new curtains?

Why not ask Ann for a professional quotation.Call 05 45 98 22 17


COMMITTEE DUTIES: Local WardensJanis Adams 05 53 91 32 89 ([email protected]) & Steve Long 05 53 91 96 48 ([email protected]) Roger Flambert – Treasurer 05 53 90 99 52Mary Eldon – Minutes Secretary 05 53 91 35 56 Peter Robinson – Deputy Warden and Communications 05 53 91 45 15 Mike Duncan – Deputy Treasurer and Church building 05 53 91 30 649 The Chaplaincy of Aquitaine

Church of England Diocese in EuropeChaplain: Revd Dr Paul Vrolijk

Page 10: Dronne Valley Church News...Sunday 03 July - 18:00 Evensong with Sheila Marshall Sunday 10 July - 10:30 Holy Communion Revds Ann and Michael Wooderson Wed 13 July - 11:00 Holy Communion

Karla Flambert – Pastoral Care - 05 53 90 99 52Beth Dyer - 05 53 90 56 19

STOP PRESSAlpha courses will start in the Chaplaincy in September, including one for our church.

Would you like to join a group near you? Would you like to invite a friend to come with you?

See next month’s Newsletter for more information – or contact Janis.


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