  • 1. Connecting the
    • Drupal Design Camp
  • 2. Berlin, June 2011

3. @royscholten 4. Admin UX++

  • Design effective workflows for the primary tasks that create value for the customer and the business.

5. Drupal 7 UX focus: content creator Verity

  • Create content find content edit content

6. Drupal 8 UX 7. Site builder tools Content workflows Core product Prairie Grow the team 8. Site builder tools Content workflows Core product Prairie Grow the team 9. Drupal 8 UX focus: site builder Jeremy

  • Create layout and navigation: menus, blocks, modules, appearance, regions, taxonomy, content types, oh my!

10. Design for the mental model 11. But if a View just created a component, and put it into a library, and then over here where you're generating a page layout, you can add that view to your page as a component? 12. If everything worked this way, the perceived complexity would diminish. Instead, our complexity would be about finding and identifying the components you want to use on that particular page. But that's a fixable problem. We can write awesome search widgets and stuff. merlinofchaos 13. Pages & Components 14. Site builder tools Content workflows Core product Prairie Grow the team 15. Does 'Save' publish my content?


16. Site builder tools Content workflows Core product Prairie Grow the team 17. Core Product

  • Snowman & friends

Bill Watterson Calvin and Hobbes. Obviously 18. Connect which? 19. Given two functionally equivalent CMS's, the simplest one should be selected. Submitted by Dries on January 11,2006- 17:31 20. To make Drupal great we must take away most of the choices from the default UI. Submitted by nk (chx) on Sat,2011 -06-25 05:47 21. 22. Use case? 23. Site builder tools Content workflows Core product Prairie Grow the team 24. Prairie

  • Improve community performance

25. Site builder tools Content workflows Core product Prairie Grow the team 26. Grow the team

  • Have process. Keep usability testing. Checklists. Help the community make better informed design decisions.

27. The best way to have a good idea is to have lots of ideas 28. Diverge / converge 29. 30. Research Model (personas) Requirements Framework design Detailed design 31. Usability testing

  • "Now I see taxonomy. That's a big word for this kinda stuff. Funny, cause I think of biology and stuffed deer"

32. Checklists 33. Site builder tools Content workflows Core product Prairie Grow the team 34. Designing Drupal

  • Drupal core UI and themes

35. Drupal contributed projects 36. 37. 38. ?

  • #ddceu ftw!

39. Drupal 7 UX focus: content creator Verity

  • Create content, find content, edit content, publish, schedule

40. Drupal 8 UX focus: site builder Jeremy

  • Create layout and navigation: add components to pages.


  • yoroy on and IRC

42. @royscholten 43. Connecting the

  • Drupal Design Camp

44. Berlin, June 2011 45. @royscholten

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