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PESCOLANCIANOThe name Pescolanciano comes from Pesclum Lanzanum that indicated the rock (Pesclum) and his Norman lord (Lanz)

THE CASTLEThe castle is situated on a fortificated Sannitico site. Some historical documents show the presence of a castle since the time of Alboino, king of Longobard.

When Federico II arrived in Pescolanciano, the land was owned by a feudal lord , Ruggiero of Peschio Langiano

Ruggiero was ordered by the King Federico II to defeated the family Caldora of Carpinone , to destroy their castle and to besiege the land and the other enemies with military force.

CHIAUCIChiauci has ancient origins.

You have to back to the Norman age to find the origins of this little town.

It was called Clvicia and its feudatory was Oderisio de Rigo Nigro.

During the kingdom of Carlo d' Angi Chiauci was owned by the family Bucca then it passed to the Bosco and to the Montagano and then to Ferrante de Capua whose daughters, after its untimely death, ceded it to the Sanfelice in the first decade of the 16th centuryCAMBIARE LA FOTO

CIVITANOVAThe name of Civitanova has been attributed in the Middle Ages to distinguish it from an earlier settlement which stood near , Civitavetula or Civitavecchia , now renamed Duronia

The first information about Civitanova go back to the 11th century when the Count of Isernia Beraldo wanted to build A Benedectine monastery in his territory.

After a series of owners (from the Angevin time to the beginning of the 17 century) Civitanova was sold by auction and bought by the Dukes of Pescolanciano.

FROSOLONEIn pre-Roman time it was inhabited by Oscan-Samnite populations. Some historians want Frosolone to be identical to Fresilia, the Samnite town conquered by The Roman dictator Marco Valerio Massimo in the year 303 b.C.

In Victoria Square there is a seventeen-century cross-stone with two medieval lions that once decorated the ancient portal of parish Church..

A sumptuos Renaissance residence has replaced tha ancient medieval castle, while the historical centre has still got the medieval model a baionetta

ROCCASICURABefore Romans Roccasicura was the land of the Samnites Pentri.

Ancient Samnites, Pentri, Romans and Lombards ahave left traces of their civilization, especially in the area Vandra (Lombard word meaning "border).

Roccasicura was situated on the slopes of the valley of the rivers and Vandra Bad weather in Italy: ancient Samnites, Pentri, Romans and Lombards also have left traces of their civilization, especially in the area Vandra (Lombard word meaning "border") appear remains of convents cells

The name of the village comes probably from the impregnability of the castle (destroyed by the hearthquake in 1732) once overlooking the builtup area.After varoius overlords, the family dEvoli owned Roccasicura till the feudalism abolition.


In the Longobard time the present territory had belonged to the County of Isernia, while during the Norman and Swabiandomination it belonged to the County of Molise..

The firs informations go back to the Angiovin time, when it was given to the overlords: Carlo II dAngi, Giovanni de Giussa and, at equal share, to Andrea dIsernia.

After the following of other overlords, the last owners were the family Dei Medici in the 19th century.

SESSANO DEL MOLISEFounded in the Norman time, the original community tooks the name of Saxana, probably because of the rocky nature of the soil. It belonged to Isnardo Giso who was stripped by Charles I dAngi in 1279.


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