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A conversation around Technology in schools

By ROHIT PANDEFounder -Classteacher Learning systems

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What have we done so far

• Core teaching in classroom• Assessments• Home-school communication• Labs

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What has the experience been thus far ?

• Are smart boards smart enough or starting to become boring by themselves ?

• Have you tried tablets ?• Can we feel the difference ?

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What did we expect from edtech

• Tools and productivity and choices for teachers. Has it saved time for teachers ?

• Better learning outcomes – Do we have the evidence beyond anecdotal ?

• Personalization to each students style and level.

• Came as a deluge from vendors and experts, got no time to evaluate properly

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Making classrooms SMART again

• Move forward from the drill of showing repetitive multi-media

• Is technology still a barrier for the teacher-student conversation ?

• Has everyone become passive ? How to get them to be active again ?

• So, whats the vision now for the classroom of the future ? - Paperless or thoughtless

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Is the mobile phone a game changer

• Have we leveraged the teacher mobile properly for attendance , assessment, communication, Lesson planning, Teacher Training

• Real time observations and behavior tracking• Teacher mobile to Parent mobile: Alerts and

notifications• Parent-Parent connect:Whatsapp • Student tablets and selective use of student

mobiles for collaboration

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An app for everything

• Whatsapp or a dedicated app• Creating structured conversations between

stakeholders• Multiple apps,videos,websites to operate in a

single shell.• Sharing best practices across the curriculum

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What are the lessons learnt ?

• Pilot first or in one go• Primary or Secondary ?• Mobile driven platforms

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How to measure success ?

• Student learning levels• Teacher feedback• Success in communication to all stakeholders• Leadership in innovation vs following others.

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What new is brewing around us ?

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• Field trips• Virtual Master classes• Augmented worksheets/colouring books/flash


VR and AR

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• Catching learners where they are• Online collaboration

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Can bots augment teachers

• Can robots become teaching assistants ?• Substitution classes/teacher catering to

multiple classrooms

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3D printing and tinkering

Can every child be a maker?Learning by doingAlgorithmic Thinking across the curriculum

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AI in education - Machine learning

• Learning Analytics• Content analytics• Towards personalized learning experiences

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Involv question :

Whats the image which best describes the classroom of the future to you ?

• Students in their own world on VR headsets• Each one working on his personalized learning device• AI driven bots moving around providing personalized help to

each learner

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How do we move forward from here carrying everyone along ?

• Buy pre-cooked meals or make the dish oneself

• Does technology need to be repetitive or creative ?

• Can we make the linkage - from Panel to tablet to phone across classrooms and home

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Involv question

At a fundamental level, the success of education technology truly lies in

• Understanding each learner better• Creating personalized pathways for every learner to his own style and

goal• Helping teachers foster greater communication and engagement with

the learners• Helping each child find expression for the inherent creaivity within them


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