Page 1: Efcient Estimation of Nonparametric Regression with Autocorrelated Errors Oliver ... · 2019. 12. 19. · Oliver Linton Enno Mammen LSE Mannheim Yale University, October, 2004. Introduction

Ef�cient Estimation of NonparametricRegression with Autocorrelated ErrorsOliver Linton Enno MammenLSE MannheimYale University, October, 2004

Page 2: Efcient Estimation of Nonparametric Regression with Autocorrelated Errors Oliver ... · 2019. 12. 19. · Oliver Linton Enno Mammen LSE Mannheim Yale University, October, 2004. Introduction


� We discuss the ef�cient estimation of themodel

B(L)Yt = A(L)m(Xt) + "t;

where� "t is an i.i.d. sequence with �nitevariance �2" and independent of theregressorsXt

� the regressors Xt are assumed to followsome stationary process

� A(L) =P1

j=0 ajLj and B(L) =P1

j=0 bjLj

� The function m(:) is assumed to beunknown but smooth.

� It is of interest to estimate m, andA(L); B(L).


Page 3: Efcient Estimation of Nonparametric Regression with Autocorrelated Errors Oliver ... · 2019. 12. 19. · Oliver Linton Enno Mammen LSE Mannheim Yale University, October, 2004. Introduction

� Leading case of interest is the nonparamet-ric regression model

Yt = m(Xt) + ut;

t = 1; : : : ; T; where the residual process utsatis�es

A(L)ut = "t =1Xj=0


� In this caseA(L)Yt = A(L)m(Xt) + "t;

which is in the above form with A(L) =B(L):

� This is the model considered by Xiao,Linton, Carroll, and Mammen (JASA,2003) XLCM.


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Parametric Case

� Suppose thatm(x) = �>x

for some unknown parameters. This classicmodel has been extensively treated in theeconometrics literature.� The variance of OLS is proportionalto the long run variance of the processfXtutg and least squares standard errorsthat ignore this fact are inconsistent andneed to be modi�ed in a non-trivial way.

� Also, one can generally improve ef-�ciency of least squares estimatorsby using a GLS weighting schemethat re�ects the error autocorrelationfunction.

� Cochrane-Orcutt, Hildreth-Lu, Prais-Winsten, and Durbin-Watson et als.

� Some cases where OLS=GLS. Specif-ically, when the regressors are polyno-mials in time, see for example Andersen


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(1971, p581).� Compare this with the case where m(:) isnonparametric, which has been analyzedin Robinson (1983), Masry (1996ab) forexample.� In this case, standard kernel regressionsmoothers do not take account of thecorrelation structure in Xt or ut andestimate the regression function in thesame way as if these processes wereindependent.

� Furthermore, the variance of suchestimators is proportional to the shortrun variance of ut; �2u = var(ut) anddoes not depend on the regressor orerror covariance functions X(j) =cov(Xt; Xt�j); u(j) = cov(ut; ut�j);j 6= 0:

� Practitioners accustomed to correctingstandard errors for dependence believethat the standard errors in nonparametricregression are therefore suspect.


Page 6: Efcient Estimation of Nonparametric Regression with Autocorrelated Errors Oliver ... · 2019. 12. 19. · Oliver Linton Enno Mammen LSE Mannheim Yale University, October, 2004. Introduction

� XLCM introduced an alternative non-parametric estimator of m that was moreef�cient than the usual estimators and tookaccount of the autocorrelation structure.

� The estimation method of XLCM isunattractive because it requires severaldegrees of smoothing.

� We propose an alternative estimator of thefunctionm based on solving a type 2 linearintegral equation.

� We show that it has attractive theoreticaland �nite sample properties.� In particular, it has smaller asymptoticvariance than the main method ofXLCM

� It also works in the case where ut isa unit root process, whereas standardkernel regression and XLCM proceduresdo not.


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Estimation Method

� First suppose that A(L); B(L) are known.� Letting Zt = B(L)Yt we have

Zt =1Xj=1

ajm(Xt�j) + "t;

which is an additive autoregression withi.i.d. errors and with a restriction on theadditive components.

� De�nem as the minimizer of the criterion


2648<:Zt �



9=;2375 :

� It follows that m satis�es the �rst ordercondition


248<:Zt �1Xj=1




35 = 0for any measurable function h:

� This implies that, taking h(:) to be the


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Dirac delta function,1Xj=1

ajE[ZtjXt�j = x] =1Xj=1


+XXj 6=k

ajakE[m(Xt�j)jXt�k = x]:

� This can be re-expressed asm(x) = m�(x) +

ZH(x; y)m(y)f0(y)dy

m = m� +Hm;which is a linear type 2 integral equation inL2(f0) with

m�(x) =1Xj=1

a�jE[ZtjXt�j = x]

H(x; y) = ��1Xj=�1

a+jf0;j(y; x)


where a�j = aj=P1

j=1 a2j and a

+j =P

k 6=0 aj+kaj=P1

l=1 a2l ; while f0 is the

density ofXt and f0;j is the joint density of(Xt; Xt�j):


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Assumption A1. The operator H(x; y)is Hilbert-Schmidt i.e.,Z Z

H(x; y)2f0(x)f0(y)dxdy <1:� Under assumption A1, H is a self-adjointbounded compact linear operator on theHilbert space of functions L2(p0), andtherefore has a countable number ofeigenvalues:

1 > j�1j � j�2j � ::::;with

P1j=1 �

2j <1:

Assumption A2. There exist nom 2 Mwith kmk2 = 1 such that

P1j=1 ajm(yt�j) = 0

with probability one.� This condition rules out a certain `con-curvity' in the stochastic process. That is,the data cannot be functionally related inthis particular way.

� Under A1-A2 there exists a unique solutionto the integral equation that satis�es

m = (I �H)�1m�:


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Further Details for a special case

� Suppose that Xt is a scalar absolutelycontinuous random variable and that

A(L) = B(L) = 1� �0L;

� i.e., this is nonparametric regression withAR(1) disturbances.

Yt = m(Xt) + ut;

ut = �0ut�1 + "t

� Then we writeZt(�) = Yt � �Yt�1

for any �:


Page 11: Efcient Estimation of Nonparametric Regression with Autocorrelated Errors Oliver ... · 2019. 12. 19. · Oliver Linton Enno Mammen LSE Mannheim Yale University, October, 2004. Introduction

The estimation method is

1. For each � compute estimators ofbm��; bH�


2. Solve an empirical version of the integralequation to obtain an estimatorbm�


3. Choose b� to minimize the pro�led negativelog likelihood or least squares criterionwith respect to �:

4. Let bm(x) = bmb�(x):


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� For any fZt(�)g and lag j de�ne bgj(x; �) =ba0; where (ba0;ba1) are the minimizers ofTX


fZt(�)� a0 � a1(Xt�j � x)g2Kh (Xt�j � x)

with respect to (a0; a1); where K is asymmetric probability density function,h is a positive bandwidth, and Kh(:) =K(:=h)=h.

� Then de�nebm��(x) =


1 + �2fbg0(x; �)� �bg1(x; �)g

bH�(x; y) =��1 + �2

bf0;1(x; y) + bf0;1(y; x)bf0(x) bf0(y) ;


bf0;1(y; x) = 1

T � 1


Kh(y �Xt)Kh(x�Xt�1);

bf0(x) = 1





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� De�ne bm� as any solution to the equationm = bm�

� +bH�m;

in L2( bf0)� Let b� = arg min

�2[�1;1]bST (�);

wherebST (�) = TXt=2

fYt � �Yt�1 � bm�(Xt) + �bm�(Xt�1)g2 :

� Finally, let bm(x) = bmb�(x):


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� How we solve the integral equation inpractice. Note that one can rewrite as anintegral equation on [0; 1]2 as

my�(s) = m

�y� (s) +

Z 1


Hy�(s; t)m�(t)dt;

where Hy�(s; t) = Hy

�(F�10 (s); F

�10 (t))

with y = F�10 (s); x = F�10 (t) andmy

�(t) =

m�(F�10 (t)) andm�y

� (t) = m��(F

�10 (t)) and

F0 is the c.d.f. of Xt. For simplicity wedrop the super�uous y superscript in thesequel.

� Let ftj;n; j = 1; : : : ; ng be some equallyspaced grid of points in [0; 1]; and letqj;n = bF�10 (tj;n) be the empirical tj;nquantile of Xt: Now approximate theorigirnal equation by

bm�(qi;n) = bm��(qi;n)+


bH�(qi;n; qj;n)bm�(qj;n);

i = 1; : : : ; n:


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� The linear system can be written in matrixnotation

(In � bH�) bm� = bm��;

where In is the n� n identity,bm� = (bm�(q1;n); : : : ; bm�(qn;n))>bm�

� = (bm��(q1;n); : : : ; bm�


bH� = �"

1 + �2

bf0;1(qi;n; qj;n) + bf0;1(qj;n; qi;n)bf0(qi;n) bf0(qj;n)#ni;j=1

is an n� n matrix.� We then �nd the solution valuesbm� = (bm�(q1;n); : : : ; bm�(qn;n))


to this system by direct inversion when n isless than say 2000.


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Main Result

� We shall assume that the error process futgis independent of the process fXtg and weassume that fXtg is a �-mixing process.

� Suppose that Assumptions 1 to 7 hold.Then, p

Th�bm(x)�m(x)� h2b(x)�

=) N


�2"f0(x)(1 + �20)


� Compare this with� the usual kernel estimator, which hasvariance


= jjKjj22�2"

f0(x)(1� �20);

� the estimator of XLCM, which hasvariance




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� Note that the standard nonparametricregression estimator is not consistent when�0 = 1; whereas our procedure is.

� The XLCM procedure also does not workin the unit root case because it relies on theinitial standard nonparametric regressionestimator.


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The parametric part

� When j�0j < 1pT (b�� �0) =) N(0; V );

� Consistency is shown bysup


���T�1bST (�)� S(�)��� = op(1)for some � > 0; and unique minimizationof limit S(�):

� Distribution theory follows from Taylorexpansion.

� When �0 = 1 we conjecture thatT (b�� �0) =) D

for some unit root distribution.� Consistency is shown by

T�1bST (1) P�! �2"and for all � > 0lim infT!1


���T�1 �bST (�)� bST (1)���� > 0:


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Heuristic Argument

� For each �bm� �m� = (I � bH�)�1 bm�

� � (I �H�)�1m�

= (I � bH�)�1(bm�

� �m��)

+h(I � bH�)

�1 � (I �H�)�1im��

= (I � bH�)�1


� �m��) + (

bH� �H�)(I �H�)�1m�

i= (I � bH�)


� �m��) + (

bH� �H�)m��


� Therefore, providedbm�� �m�

� and bH� �H�

are small in an appropriate sensebm��m� ' (I�H�)�1h(bm�

� �m��) + (

bH� �H�)m��



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� It can be further shown thatbm� �m� ' (bm�� �m�

�) + (bH� �H�)m


� When kH�k < 1 this can be seen as followssince(I �H�)

�1 = I +H� +H2� + : : :


� �m��) = op(bm�

� �m��)

because applying the operator H� involvesaveraging.

� The full argument allowing also for thecase that kH�k � 1 is given in Linton andMammen (2003, Proposition 1).


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� We proceed in the case that � = �0: Wehavebm��0(x)�m�

�0(x) = bm�;A


�0(x)+RT (x);

wheresupxjRT (x)j = op(T�2=5);

whilebm�;A�0(x) =


1 + �20






�fZt(�0)� E[Zt(�0)jXt]g





�fZt(�0)� E[Zt(�0)jXt�1]g ;

whereE[Zt(�0)jXt] = m(Xt)� �0E[m(Xt�1)jXt]E[Zt(�0)jXt�1] = E[m(Xt)jXt�1]��0m(Xt�1):


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� Likewise( bH��H�)m

��(x) = bm�;C


�0(x)+RHT (x);

wheresupxjRHT (x)j = op(T�2=5):

� It follows thatbm�;A�0(x) + bm�;C

�0(x) ' 1

1 + �20






�"t � �0







� This term is asymptotically normal withzero mean and variance given in thetheorem.


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Numerical Results

� We suppose thatm(x) = �0x


whereXt � N(0; 1) and "t � N(0; �):

� We examine the cases T 2 f800; 400; 200gand �0 2 f0; 0:2; 0:4; 0:6; 0:8; 1:0g; and usens = 1000 replications:

� We compute our estimator bm using 200 gridpoints and assuming in the �rst instancethat �0 is known.

� We also compute the standard local linearestimator em; in both cases the Gaussiankernel was used.


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� We chose bandwidth to be optimal accord-ing to (asymptotic) weighted mean squarederror

P1(bm) = plimT!1

T 4=5Z c

�c[bm(x)�m(x)]2 f0(x)dx;

� This giveshopt = cKcMT


wherecK = (2cjjKjj22=�22(K))1=5

is to do with the kernel andcM = (�

2"=(1 + �


20(F0(c)� F0(�c)))1=5;

where F0(x) is the c.d.f. of the covariate, isto do with the model.

� We have taken c = 2; which correspondsto an interval containing almost 95% of thecovariate distribution.


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� For the standard local linear estimator theoptimal bandwidth is



withc�M = (�

2"=(1� �20)�20(F0(c)� F0(�c))1=5

provided �0 6= 1 (when �0 = 1 we set �0 inthe formula arbitrarily to 0.9):

� In Figure 1 below we report the relativevalue of the performance measure

PT (bm) = E Z c

�c[bm(x)�m(x)]2 f0(x)dx

to PT (em); where E is computed by the av-erage over Monte Carlo simulations. Bothestimators use their optimal bandwidths,and consequently their theoretical relativeef�ciency is �

1� �201 + �20



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Shows the empirical performance ratioPT (bm)=PT (em) for different sample sizes

along with the asymptotic valueP1(bm)=P1(em) predicted from theasymptotic theory. Xt iid N(0; 1):


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Shows the empirical performance ratioPT (bm)=PT (em) for different sample sizes

along with the asymptotic valueP1(bm)=P1(em) predicted from the asymp-

totic theory. Xt iid N(0; 1):Xt = 0:95Xt�1 + ut withXt � N(0; 1):


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Shows Average Sum of Square Residualsagainst parameter value in the unit root case

from �ve simulations


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Concluding Remarks

� The more general model with A(L) 6=B(L) can be treated similarly.

� Estimation works �ne when A;B are loworder. Otherwise need to parameterize insome way, so that

A(L) =1Xj=0


and � 2 Rp

� Can allow for heteroskedasticity with notmuch change in methods and results.

� For example supposeYt = m(Xt) + "t�t

with �2t some volatility process where "t isindependent ofXt:We could have�2t = f (Xt; Xt�1; : : : ; Yt�1; : : :):

� Suppose that �2t is known. Then �nd m tominimize


"�Yt �m(Xt)


�2+ ln�2t



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The solution is

m(x) =EhYt�2tjXti


In practice �2t has to be estimated fromresiduals.

� If for some smooth unknown function f�2t = f (Xt)

then there is no gain, but otherwise there is.


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