  • 1. Sustainable solutions freely accessible EKOPEDIA.ORG Jean-Luc Henry Ekopedia.orgFounder

2. WHAT ARE THE PROBLEMS ? 3. etc 4. WHAT ARE THE SOLUTIONS 5. EVERYTHING IS INTERDEPENDENT 6. ACT GLOBALLY EVERYTHING IS INTERDEPENDENT 7. HOW COULD WE COMMUNICATE SOLUTIONS 8. AN ENCYCLOPEDIA?! 9. WHERE WHEN was founded? 10. Created on the Web in 2002 11. HOW does work? 12. Through COLLABORATION 13. WHAT IS THE AUDIENCE 14. YOU Ekopedia is dedicated topeopleand to future generations 15. WHO is behind 16. YOU Everyone can participate in creation. 17. WHAT ISEKOPEDIA 18. A more sustainable way of life... You know Why. Here is How 19. A practical encyclopedia Online & collaborative (wiki) Free Free (as freedom) to use, share, modify, distribute. 20. Providing answers and spreading practical knowledge related toenvironmental sustainability . Help everyone become more independent and establish the foundation necessary tobuild a better world . 21. WHAT DOES EKOPEDIA LOOK LIKE 22. 23. WHAT IS A WIKI 24. KNOWLEDGE 1.0 25. KNOWLEDGE 2.0 26. A WEBSITE VERY SIMPLE TO USE COLLABORATIVE WRITING A WIKI IS... 27. BUT REALLY, WHAT IS A WIKI 28. A PAGE 29. EDITING 30. EDITING 31. CHANGES 32. ARTICLES WITH AREVISION HISTORY 33. epit 34. Edits 35. Ed ep it s 36. HISTORY 37. DIFFERENCES 38. IT SHOULD BE ANARCHY 39. And in the end, the love you get is equal to the love you give BENEFITS TO THEOPENING(anonymous edits) AREA LOT SUPERIOR TO THE DISADVANTAGES (VANDALISM) 40. WHOMANAGEIT 41. Andrew-eko, Antaya, Anthony, ArnoLagrange, Astao, Dragonfly, HertzZ, Jay64, Jecolo, Juliane, Laurence, Luna, Mikethekinslayer, Neja, Olivier C, PN-EU ADMINISTRATORS 42. Administrators' mission is more to help than to control, more to guide than to regulate. 43. EKOPEDIA BY THE NUMBERS 44. 7 LANGUAGES Mainly developed in French, Italian and Polish 45. 12 TOPICS Birth Education Food Lodging Clothing Art and craft Thinking Communication Living togetherHealth and care Travel Play 46. + 2200 ARTICLES 47. + 1700 IMAGES 48. + 2500 USERS And tens of thousands of anonymous contributors 49. 12 MILLIONS VISITORS 50. 70000 EDITS 51. 212 COUNTRIES 52. WHAT IS INSIDE EKOPEDIA 53. Breastfeeding Birth 54. Public domain resources Learn 55. Fruits and vegetables Food 56. Passive house Lodging 57. Ecological footprint Think 58. Herbalism & Health Products Health and care 59. etc. 60. None of us knows what we all know, together. Lao Tseu 61. HOW TO COLLABORATE WITH EKOPEDIA 62. YOUR CONTRIBUTIONS 63. YOUR CONTRIBUTIONS Writing Proofreading Pictures- Comments... 64. SPREAD THE WORD 65. YOUR DONATIONS 66. Sustainable solutions freely accessible Presentation under Creative Commons BY SA license Thank you 67. The images used in this presentation are from Flickr Ekopedia Base, Wikipedia Commons and Google Images: Most of them are available underfree license.

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