  • 1. TM
    The Global Telephony Medium
    eSky Multimedia Sdn BhdConfidential and Proprietary. All Rights Reserved

2. TM
e-numX :We provide global telephony medium for consumers and business.
e-numX : An E-NUMBER which is a number for all your fixed line, fax or mobile telephone number, VoIP, SMS and IMs (Skype , MSN , GoogleTalk, iChat, Yahoo Messenger and many more).
eSky Multimedia Sdn BhdConfidential and Proprietary. All Rights Reserved
3. TM
e-numX :The problem in your daily business
Business and individuals telephone bills is expensive.
High IDD call rate.
High roaming rate.
Some might go for other alternative such as VoIP but another problem arise
Too many SIM card and IM account need to be kept.
Need to update partners & friends with the new number
People want mobility and trouble to make call from PC.
eSky Multimedia Sdn BhdConfidential and Proprietary. All Rights Reserved
4. TM
e-numX :A solution that fits your pocket and your style
The solution: e-numX.
It connects you wherever you are, online or offline, with or without your phone at a very attractive price.
From only 1 per minute, you can make and receive calls without to think anymore.
eSky Multimedia Sdn BhdConfidential and Proprietary. All Rights Reserved
5. TM
e-numX :The benefit that you get

  • We help our customers to decrease their cost of telecommunication by 50% - 90% per annum from the first year onward.

6. We help our business customers to improve their corporate image for having our e-num and global phone numbers thus increasing sales and broaden their market. 7. We help our individual customers to be always connected with their family & friends and business contacts.TM
eSky Multimedia Sdn BhdConfidential and Proprietary. All Rights Reserved
8. TM
e-numX :Our business model
Our model is very simple. Be our Top Up Center today and get these benefits.
Top Up Center plan starting from only US$1000US$200 (today only 9 Jan 2010)
10% instant revenue when you purchase airtime from company
3% revenue for each registration made by you
eSky Multimedia Sdn BhdConfidential and Proprietary. All Rights Reserved
9. TM
e-numX :Thank you
Thank you for your interest in e-numX
One world. One number. For life.
eSky Multimedia Sdn BhdConfidential and Proprietary. All Rights Reserved

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