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    Information to customer

    Telefono SIRIO.

    Manufactured by Atlinks

    Environmental declaration

    Support documentation

    This document is describing the environmental features of the Sirio. Telecom Italia

    corded phone.

    Where applicable, the report of the test performed by Telecom Italia labs is

    detailed. For the other statements, documentation provided by the supplier is attached.

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    Authors: Luca GIACOMELLO

    Federico BALLESIO

    Marco Vincenzo INFANTINO

    Verified: Luca GIACOMELLO

    Approved: Mauro QUAGLIA

    DOCUMENT TITLE: Sirio. Atlinks – energy and environmental efficiency test results

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    1 TEST RELATED TO THE SIRIO. ENVIRONMENTAL DECLARATION ...................................... 4

    2 ENERGY EFFICIENCY ................................................................................................................ 4

    3 DISASSEMBLING TEST RESULTS ............................................................................................ 7

    4 MATERIALS INFO AND DATASHEETS ..................................................................................... 8

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    In order to evaluate the improvements on the new product Sirio. in comparison to the previous generation of corded phones (Sirio 187 Plus, manufactured by Industrie Dial Face and deployed in big volumes until 2008), the following comparative analyses have been performed:

    - Energy consumption measurements, in absolute values and taking into account that the new solution providing remote powering from the TLC exchange reduces to zero the impact on the customer premises consumption. The energy consumption data can then be used to calculate the environmental impact in CO2 equivalent, as per the conversion factors defined by international organizations referred to the italian energy mix.

    - Analysis of materials adopted for the product (base, handset, cords etc.)

    - Disassembling test, in order to check how easy is to separate the various parts and materials at the end of the product’s useful life

    - The package has been also analysed in terms of materials’ usage. Improvement actions have been defined but not yet implemented.



    The test setup adopted is described in the following:

    Instrument Mftr. Model CSELT Ref.

    Power Analyzer

    YOKOGAWA Wt3000 S2532

    Anemometer TESTO 410-2 S2533


    SALMORAGHI 1750-1/Q S0647

    Bal.Meas. Attachment

    Wandel & Goltermann

    SMZ-600/50 -

    DC Power Supply

    Agilent E3634A 200212977

    DC feeding CSELT TBR38 95H0752

    Sine/Noise Gen.

    Bruel & Kjaer 1049 -

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    Figure - Test setup for energy consumption

    The aim of the setup is to reproduce the “on hook” (no conversation), “off hook” (ongoing call) and “off hook” with hands-free activated (additional consumption is expected) operational states.

    Results are reported in the following, compared with the previous generation product (Sirio 187, measured both in AC and in DC as it was powered by an external power supply, having its own efficiency).


    Mode Vdc mean

    (V) I mean (mA)

    P. mean (mW)

    Linea - On hook 50.015 0.023 1.148

    Linea - Off hook + Pink Noise 9.439 50.226 474.173

    Linea - Off hook + Pink Noise + Vivavoce 9.504 49.863 473.999

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    Mode P.mean


    On hook 0.00115

    Off hook + Pink Noise 0.47417

    Off hook + Pink Noise + Vivavoce 0.47400

    In summary:

    1. in full operation, the mean consumption is approx. 0,48 Watt,

    2. in low power operation, the mean consumption is approx. 0,0012 Watt,

    The advantage for Sirio. is clear, but in addition a calculation has been performed estimating the mean yearly consumption of the product defining the following daily duty cycle: 22 hours in On Hook state, 1 hour in Off Hook (conversation) and 1 hours in Off Hook with hands-free activated.

    On the basis of this duty cycle and applying the conversion factors between energy consumption and greenhouse gases emissions (the ETH Zurich database report for each kWh of energy consumption a mean impact of around 680 g of CO2 equivalent) it is possible to evaluate the savings in terms of environmental impact when Sirio. is replacing Sirio 187 in deployment:


    Yearly mean energy

    consumption (kWh)

    Yearly mean CO2

    eq. emissions


    Sirio 187 Plus 15,98 10,87

    Sirio. 0,36 0,25

    Equivalence between avoided greenhouse gases emissions and equivalent impact referred to cars

    As comparison to a real case, it is possible to refer the greenhouse gas emissions to the equivalent impact related to the cars’ usage, in particular class B vehicles. As reference, a car covering 15000 km each year and emitting around 120 g of CO2 per km is considered, from which the corresponding yearly emissions of CO2 are calculated as equal to 1,8 tons. Applying the equivalence to the above reported data:

    Difference of gas emissions per single product (kg CO2 eq.) 10,62

    Difference of gas emissions on 100000 pieces (t CO2 eq.) 1062

    Number of stopped vehicles per 100000 pieces 590

    Another term of comparison for the avoided gas emissions is typically related to the equivalent number of trees planted (trees in their life cycle are adsorbing huge quantities of carbon dioxide).

    The conversion factor used in the italian project “Parchi per Kyoto” managed by Kyoto club and Legambiente, indicates that 1 wood composed by 250000 trees corresponds to an average

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    absorption of 175000 tons of CO2. It means that each tree represents 0,7 tons of CO2 absorbed in its life cycle.

    Therefore, it can be deducted that:

    Difference of gas emissions per single product (kg CO2 eq.) 10,62

    Difference of gas emissions on 100000 pieces (t CO2 eq.) 1062

    Number of trees planted 1517


    The procedure adopted for the test was: complete disassembling of the products, with separation of plastic part from electronic board and with measurement of the time needed to complete the whole process, depending on the number of screws and from the way the various parts are mechanically “coupled”. After completing this step, all the parts were weighted.

    Data reported in the following table are related to the two products to evaluate Sirio. Improvements.

    Product Total weight (g) Number of screws Disassembling time (s)

    Sirio 187 Plus 650,6 8 395

    Sirio. 670 13 357

    It can be calculated that the disassembling time has been reduced by around 10%. The number of screws is higher in case of Sirio. but the snap fits adopted for Sirio 187 are not optimized from the point of view of the disassembling process.

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    ABS case

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    Cardboard package

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    Telephone cord

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    ABS plug

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