
2. Objective of this course... To understand the effects of the impacts of themodern human society upon the environment welive in Issues that effect the managers involving Networking or Politics Business itself, the projects, or the programs Resources like natural resources, facilities, money etc To explore ways to reduce our environmental footprint in day to day activities 3. What is Environmental Management It is the management of All the components of biological, physical andchemical in both biotic (living) and abiotic (non-living) The interaction of social, cultural, and economicenvironment with the bio-physical environment. 4. Why do we need to study thiscourse? We have just one planet which can sustain life andnot 9 The resources are limited Space on earth Non-renewable energy Natural resources The environment is depreciating in life sustainingcapabilities at an ever increasing pace. At this rate, the day is not far when we reach a pointof no return and face the wrath of global climaticchange We need to understand our responsibility towards theenvironment and adopt an environment friendlysystem of working 5. Hot, Flat and Crowded 6. Crowded World population in Year 1800 1 billion Year 1922 2 billion Year 2000 6 billion Year 2050 9 billion (estimated) The population has & will increase due to Health care Disease Eradication Economic development World population today is around 6.7 billion and willincrease by 2.5 billion in 43 years UN Populationreport dated 13 May 2007 7. Crowded The maximum growth will happen in the lesserdeveloped countries as their economies grow from5.4 billion in 2007 to 7.9 billion in 2050 Developed countries population will remain more orless stable and shall hover around 1.2 billion Some facts Year 1800 London was the largest city with pop. 1million Year 1900 111 cities with pop. 1 million Year 1995 300 cities with pop. 1 million 5 cities with pop. over 10 million in 1975 14 cities with pop. over 10 million in 1995 26 cities with pop. over 10 million in 2015 (estimated) UN pop. Fund statistics Mumbai has a pop. of over 19 million 8. What are the effects of Crowding Loss of arable land Over fishing Water shortage Air & water pollution Stress on cities infrastructure Per capita decrease in facilities like health care By 2030 number of cities dwellers expected to rise to5 billion Associated Press 27/06/2007 These increases will happen more in smaller citiesthan in the larger ones around 45% growth in pop. Terrorism will no longer be a problem, demographicswill 9. Population Growth 10. A Beach in China 11. Aamchi Mumbai... 12. Flat Personal computer invented in around 1975. By 1977 PC were being mass produced PC enabled users to become authors of their owncontent Then came the Internet, WWW & Web browser Software and transmission protocols startedflattening the world by enabling outsourcing Geopolitical flatteners are the fall of Berlin Wall onOct 03, 1990 & collapse of communist SovietUnion These factors made the world seamless makingthe world entirely flat. 13. Flat 200 million people improved their economicconditions in 1980s and 1990s in China andIndia, raising them from poverty 10 of millions added to the middle class This created more demand for products like cellphones, computers, gas stoves, refrigerators etc These products created demand for raw materialsand led to increase of green houses gases (GHG)either during production, usage or upondiscarding 14. Light Bulb Example In the next 12 years we shall have another 1billion people Now, if we give each of these people a 60 Wincandescent light bulb The weight of individual light bulb isnegligible, but 1 billion light bulbs will weigharound 20000 metric tonnes If we were to turn these light bulbs ON, all at onetime for 4 hours a day, we would need 10000 MWof electricity which would need 20, 500 MWpower plants. If these power plants are coalfired, imagine the amount of GHG emitted 15. Hot The global average temperatures have increasedby 0.8C vis--vis 1750s It all started with the industrial revolution in late1700s when we went from manual or horsepower to machine power, from agricultural tomanufacturing societies Industrial revolution was the revolution of energy Steam engine converted the chemical energy ofcoal/wood to mechanical energy of industrialmachinery Eventually coal was started being preferred forwood as it generated twice as much energy asthe same weight of food. This slowed down deforestation 16. Earth has a fever and needshelp! 17. Hot Coal was used for Industrial process Metallurgy Heating building Power steam engines Crude oil was commercially exploited in 1800s whereis first replaced whale oil used for lighting lamps andthen for heating, manufacturing and fuel for engines. In short, man needed these sources of energy for Light Heat Motive power, or Electricity 18. The Industrial Revolution 19. Transportation Revolution Early 20th century saw a TransportationRevolution - from the internal combustionengine The first gasoline powered automobile was madein 1885 First mass produced automobile was the OldsMobile in 1902 by Ransom E. Olds. It was Henry Ford in 1896 who started working onan assembly line. The Fords T-Mobile which first rolled out in 1908and by 1927 when it stopped production 18millions cars had rolled out of the assembly line 20. Hot These cars, produced a lot of CO2 and required alot of crude, iron steel & rubber which furtheremitted more GHG during their production. This triggered industrialisation and which resultedin urbanisation and suburbanisation We had now been sucked into a vicious cycle ofenergy dependency which produced lot ofemissions and caused a lot of harm to theenvironment We build an inefficient system with greatefficiency Soon the entire world copied America and Europeand followed the path of self destruction 21. Fuels Fuels from Hell Coal Oil Natural gas Fuels from Heaven Wind Hydro Solar Tidal Biomass 22. The Green House Effect 23. The Green House Effect Without GHG the earths average temperature isestimated to be 15C cooler. A 5-6 C drop intemperature brings in an Ice-age Composition of Earths atmosphere has remainedmore or less constant for over 20 million years But in the last 100-200 years, things have changed Concentration of CO2 for 10000 years have been 280ppm as evident from polar ice core samples Since, 1950s this has increased 2007 CO2 concentration was 384ppm and climbing 2ppm per year Average global temperatures have increased 0.8 C 24. Concentration of GHGs 25. Green House Gases 26. Green House Gases Global green house gases emissions due to human activities have grown since pre-industrial time, with an increase of 70% between 1970 & 2004 27. CO2 & CH4 CO2 sources Fossil fuels, deforestation, forest fires, agriculture, large scale cattle grazing CH4 sources Solid waste land fills, animal defecation, coal minng, rice farming, cattle belching CH4 is 21 times more potent in trapping heat than CO2 28. When Hot meets Flat and CrowdedConvergence of Global Warming, Overpopulation and Global Flattening 29. s 30. Convergence of Hot, Flat andCrowded Energy demand and supply Petro-dictatorship Climate change Energy poverty Biodiversity loss 31. Energy Demand and Supply Fuels from Hell are expensive, dirty, and not reallyabundant The demand for fossil fuels grew by 5% per yearbetween 1951-1970 in the developed nations Developing nations, the demand is growing almostclose to their rate of economic growth Global consumption of energy will double betweennow and 2050 In 2004 the first demand let energy shortageoccurred, causing price hikes Price increase in 1973, 1980 & 1990 were mainly dueto the wars and revolution in the east But by 2004, with countries like China & Indiacreating surplus demands for oil, ahead ofsupply, pushed demand to 3 million barrels per dayfrom the estimated 1.5 million barrels per day 32. Petro-Dictatorship 33. Petro-dictatorship As price of oil goes up, pace of freedom goesdown Hence, you will observe cash rich/oil richcountries mostly have dictators ruling In 2006, Russian President (now Prime Minister)Vladimir Putin, turned off gas supply toUkraine, because the newly elected UkrainianPresident was pro-western Petro-dictatorship is best seen in the Middle-East, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela 34. Climate Change Anthropogenic GHG like CO2 are long lived andstay in the atmosphere for over 1000 years Average global temperatures have risen by 0.8Cthan in 1750s 11 of the last 12 warmest years (1995-2006)since 1850s A 2C rise in temperature may kill 10 millionpeople 5C rise in temperature may kill 100 million people Frequent hurricanes in the US like Katrina, floodsin Bihar, droughts in sub-Saharan Africa are fewexamples 35. Energy Poverty The lack of the access to the basic energy, likeelectricity, requirements in certain parts of theworld especially in the less developed nations Between 2003 and 2007 South Africas gridstarted to deteriorate and the early 2007 sawfrequent blackouts SA imported 44590 generators in 2007 vis-`a-vis790 in 2003 Businesses suffered Energy poverty is one of the main factors of over-crowding of urban areas in LDCs 36. Global Energy Poverty 37. Global Energy Poverty 38. Biodiversity Loss Disrupting ecosystems Half of the worlds tropical & temperate forests aregone Rate of deforestation is about an acre/second intropics Half of wetlands are gone 1/3rd of Mangroves are gone 90% of predator fish are gone 20% of coral are gone & 20% are threatened Species are disappearing 1000 times faster thanbefore In 2006, we lost a close relative, the Yangtze Riverfreshwater dolphin It is not the loss of a species but the loss of a genus 39. We are running an uncontrolledexperiment on the only home wehaveAll these problems were increasing till we reached atipping point after the year 2000 40. Thank [email protected] 41. The Kyoto Protocol International agreement linked to the UnitedNations Framework Convention on ClimateChange Binding targets for 37 industrialised nations andEU for reducing GHGs Protocol has 3 mechanisms Emissions trading Clean development mechanism Joint Implementation

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