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Beba el Futuro de Su Bebe…

|2| JUNE 26 - JULY 2, 2009 | |JUNE 26 - JULY 2, 2009 | 3

Let’s look at both theGood and the Bad

By Hilbert Morales, EL OBSERVADOR




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EL OBSERVADOR was founded in 1980 to serve theinformational needs of the Hispanic community inthe San Francisco Bay Area, with special focus on

San Jose, the capital of Silicon Valley. All Rights Reserved: No part of this publication maybe transmitted or reproduced in any form or by anymeans, this includes photo copying recording, or

by an information storage and retrieval systems, electronic or mechanical, without the ex-

press written consent of the publishers. Opinions espressed in El Observador by persons

submitting articles are not necessarily the opinionsof the publishers.


A weekly newspaper serving Latinos in the San Francisco Bay Area.

P.O. Box 1990, San Jose, CA 9510999 N. First Street, Suite 100, San Jose, California 95113

Shortchanging Our ChildrenSquanders Our Future

Can you imagine it happeninghere? The Iranian demonstra-tions involving millions of in-

dividuals who are asking “What happenedto my vote?” This has been occurringsince that election’s outcome was an-nounced within an hour of closure of thepolls. Note the extensive influence of theIslamic religious authorities. Now contrastthis to the concept of “separation ofchurch and state’ here in America whereevery vote must be counted. Election out-comes are determined by a transparentprocess which is the result poll watchers,observers, and the Federal Department ofJustice officials who monitor the votecounting process to ensure its honesty, ob-jectivity and correctness. Remember thatthis was not always so. Jim Crow laws area thing of the past and now women canvote.

Consider the creative application anduse of twitter, facebook and texting. Thesecommunication systems can be appliedwhen one’s cell phone may access the in-ternet for emails. The Iranian officials didtheir best to ‘jam’ these electronic com-munication systems, however, enough in-formation got transmitted that severalnews services could provide news cover-age which we all viewed on our local tel-evision news. The good thing is that eventnews was made available to all who wereinterested. Another good outcome wasthat the autocratic authorities in Iran couldnot suppress the concerns of their peoplewho were asking “What happened to myvote?” An effective stable government

usually has the consent of those beinggoverned.

Volunteer Work An Invaluable Ex-perience

Did you know that though unemploy-ment is 11.2% (and probably higher inLatino communities) and that summerjobs for students are in short supply?However, there are many non-profit or-ganizations which are looking for volun-teers. Latino youth, in particular, need tobe encouraged to be community volun-teers. However, to gain the most out of avolunteer job, try to find one wherein youlearn a skill or are supervised by a senioremployee who will take time to be a coun-selor and mentor. Many individuals endup being hired by an organization afterbeing a volunteer who becomes a knownperson whose skills, communicationstyles and personality fit the company’sneeds.

Are you aware of the many goodthings done by local civic groups? Kiwa-nis, Pueblo de San Jose (Gloria Torres,President) and Kiwanis, East ValleyChapter, have both raised monies whichare used to do things for needy youth andto award scholarships? Their “TurnAround Scholarships” are provided toLatino youth who are still in high school.The San Jose American GI Forum Schol-arship Foundation, whose board member-ship includes representatives of the GIForum, San Jose Chapter, and the GIForum, East Valley Chapter, have madeawards exceeding $30,000 to deservinghigh school applicants who plan to con-

tinue their education. This is a good thing,however, more will be done to support thebest and brightest students in our commu-nity when more small businesses con-tribute at least $100 each. If every localLatino owned and operated business pro-vided $100, an estimated $1,400,000could be raised and distributed as schol-arships. The good is that this is possible;the bad is that it has not yet happened tothis level of engagement.

Los Amigos de Washington Elemen-tary School and The Digital Club are bothcommittees of the Rotary Club of SanJose. These two groups will be mergedthis year because one supports the schoolwith literacy mentors, a career fair alongwith underwriting the costs of Thanksgiv-ing, Christmas gifts, and field trips (allneeding funding) and the Digital Club hasbeen providing computers, computertraining, and has become an effectivefundraiser. Principal Maria Arias Evanshas been delighted with the support pro-vided and creative in directing its use. Thisis a good thing.

The point being made is that in spiteof two wars, political unrest, high localunemployment, and an economy dam-aged by greed and dishonesty, many ordi-nary people are going about their lives andcoping very well. Those who cope bestare the ones who make it a point to helpothers according to need and ability toprovide. A good mental health exercise isto take a look at both the good and the badin your own life.Δ

My column has been absent from this space for six weeks because I havebeen assisting my daughter, a nurse in Nevada, take care of her preemietwin babies. In feeding, diapering, bathing and swaddling baby Gracie and

baby Ruthie, and after raising my own children to adulthood, I have the exquisite oppor-tunity once again for the most important labor of love in the world: nurturing a child. As Iheld my grand daughters, I looked into their tiny angelic faces, their eyes staring into myeyes, and I pondered their future. At this age they are total possibility: future scientists,legislators, artists, educators, astronauts. Time, nurturing, education and dedication willtell for my babies, for all babies, what they will be.

They are adored by our extended family and I know that every need, birthday wish,and enriching experience will be provided to the extend possible within our middle classability. I know that a quality education, from pre-school to graduate school is on their hori-zon as they age into childhood, adolescence and young adulthood.

But as I look into their eyes, I imagine the eyes of other babies—equally needing tobe fed every two hours, kept warm to sleep well, with parents safe in their homes, securein their livelihoods to provide for their children who they surely love as much as I love mygrand babies. How many children are not assured of the most basic needs: food, shelter,healthcare, and education? The answer is that although our nation can easily ensure thatall children “born in the U.S.A.,” as the song goes, can have all their needs met, this doesnot happen. Prenatal health care to ensure healthy development is not a given, as babiesare born everyday with preventable congenital illnesses, often condemned to diminishedlives. Mothers addicted to drugs give birth to babies toxic with alcohol, cocaine, meth-amphetamine, heroin, or HIV. Parents living on the streets or shelters have no securehome to take their baby after birth.

Our nation, the richest in history, has a child poverty rate (according to the UnitedNations)) of 22%, only slightly less than Mexico’s rate of 26%. This measure is substan-tiated by a U.S. Census Bureau report that 26% of Latino children in California live belowthe poverty level of $13,000 for a family of three. More alarming, this data is prior to theexpected peak of our current financial meltdown of closed factories, home foreclosures,and more than one in ten workers unemployed. A number of states are joining California’sapproaching bankrupt status, limiting or even eliminating the very safety-net services forchildren and families created after the Great Depression that may be eclipsed by our cur-rent national economic mismanagement.

Prior to this dismal economy, parents earning low wages (under-employed) or nowages at all (un-employed) qualified for services, including subsidized childcare, so thatthey could work or train for work, and equally important—to ensure child safety, good nu-trition, a nurturing environment and the early educational development of infants. Theseare exactly the CalWORKs programs being ironically terminated by the Terminator Gov-ernor— a billionaire whose four children are assured the best of everything that money,fame and ruling elite connections can offer. But what are the prospects for the children ofthe non-famous, not wealthy, not well connected? What public infrastructure will remainafter the state budget cuts for the children and families, not just for the low-income, butalso for the middle-income working families whose modest American Dream is to raise afamily, nurture their children, provide them with a quality education, and the benefits of alifetime of honest work and responsible citizenship?

As a society we are shortchanging too many of our children, failing to nurture theirpotential as future scientists, educators, compassionate leaders, inspiring poets, and en-lightened world citizens. Our present economic myopia squanders the future, perhapseven the survival of our society.

Gracie and Ruthie Villagrán

|4| JUNE 26 - JULY 2, 2009 |

The White House and members ofCongress must move quickly on en-acting a just and humane immigration

reform package that will reunite families, rein-vigorate the economy, and remove the term “il-legal or undocumented immigrants” from thedialogue in this country. Ethnic media, whichreaches over 60 million adults in the UnitedStates, calls on Congress to move decisively onimmigration reform because there are few issuesas important to the nation’s well-being as anoverhaul of the inefficient, inhumane and eco-nomically debilitating immigration system. Moreimportantly, we are also urging our readers andviewers to contact their Senators and Congress-

men and let them know that immigration reformmust be a national priority.

The immigration system is broken not justfor 12 million undocumented immigrants, butalso for specialized workers blocked from join-ing the American economy because of narrowquotas, and mothers and fathers and brothers andsisters of U.S. citizens who must wait for yearsbefore being reunited with their families.

Our nation needs comprehensive immigra-tion policies that will replace a broken system ofraids and roundups with one that protects allworkers from exploitation, improves America’ssecurity and builds strong communities. It’s timeto end the division between workers, which has

allowed big business to exploit both sides.Clearly, working-class citizens and immigrantworkers have much in common - dreams of bet-ter homes, education for their families and qual-ity healthcare. There is more that brings ustogether, than separates us. United we can be astrong force for change, changes that that bringmore workforce safety and humane conditions.

Immigration is often portrayed as an explo-sive, divisive issue. In reality it’s not. Since therepeal of the national origins quota system in1965, which discriminated against certain immi-grants, a consensus has been building towards animmigration system that respects the country’score values. These include economic opportu-

nity, equality under the law regardless of ethnicbackground, and an embrace of the world’s mostinnovative, energetic and ambitious workers.Now, with the country facing serious competitionfrom workers abroad, it’s more important thanever to create a world-class immigration system.It’s for the good for families, good for commu-nities and good for America.

This editorial was produced in associationwith New America Media (, a national association of ethnic media,and was published by ethnic media across thecountry this week to bring attention to the ur-gency of immigration reform |JUNE 26 - JULY 2, 2009 | 5

Time for Immigration Reform is Now

Por Rosario Vital - El Observador

El Distrito Escolar Unificado de SanJosé aprobó por unanimidad incre-mentar el numero de estudiantes de

20 a 30 estudiantes por aula en los primerosgrados.

Luego de 2 horas de reunión con maestrosy padres de familias el pasado 18 de junio acor-daron tomar esta decision.

Primero porque no hay otra salida, la crisiseconómica los ha obligado a tomar esta de-cisión y tienen que salvar los 6 millones dedeficit que tienen, segundo porque consideranque los maestros están suficientemente califi-cados para encargarse de 30 estudiantes poraula y tercero la educacion tambien está en lospadres y que esto no es el fin del mundo.

Más niños por aula

|6| JUNE 26 - JULY 2, 2009 |

¡Gane una aventura parala familia GRATIS!Participe en el concurso de losParques Salga y Juegue Este Veranoy gane un certificado de regalovalioso para una Aventura parala Familia, y más. Un sorteo pararegalar cada semana durantelos meses de junio y julio.¡Vaya a paraparticipar!

¿Dónde puede acampar, pescar,andar en bicicleta, caminar, pasearal perro, montar a caballo, disfrutarde un kayak, descubrir la historia,mirar las estrellas, disfrutar de lamúsica, ver aves y más a sólounos minutos?¡Todo esto está disponible, lamayor parte GRATIS, y la mayoríaa sólo un corto paseo de distancia!

¿Dónde puede acampar, pescar,andar en bicicleta, caminar, pasearal perro, montar a caballo, disfrutarde un kayak, descubrir la historia,mirar las estrellas, disfrutar de lamúsica, ver aves y más a sólounos minutos?¡Todo esto está disponible, lamayor parte GRATIS, y la mayoríaa sólo un corto paseo de distancia!

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Every year, more than 40,000 babies are bornwith Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.

Do you know what fetal alcohol syndrome is? Fetal Al-cohol Syndrome is the leading known cause of mental re-tardation and developmental disabilities in children. It iscaused when a mom drinks alcohol while she’s pregnant.

Alcohol acts like a poison and can permanently dam-age a baby’s development. A baby with Fetal Alcohol Syn-drome may have slow growth, facial defects and braindamage.

The good news is that Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is100% preventable!

By not drinking alcohol while pregnant, a mom can pre-vent her unborn baby from developing Fetal Alcohol Syn-drome.

The US Surgeon General says that NO amount of al-cohol is safe while pregnant. Beer, wine, wine coolers, hard

liquor (whiskey, rum, vodka, etc.) and liqueurs all contain al-cohol. Any alcohol that a pregnant woman drinks goesstraight into her baby’s tiny body.

So don’t drink your baby’s future away! The effects ofalcohol in pregnancy will last a lifetime.

If you are pregnant and are concerned about your al-cohol consumption, stop drinking today and talk with yourdoctor.

For help to stop drinking, please call:Gateway: Alcohol and Drug Adult Managed-Care Serv-

ices at 1-800-488-9919 or contact Alcoholics Anonymousin Santa Clara County 12 step support group meetings at408-374-8511.

For more information on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome,please contact your doctor or FIRST 5 Santa Clara

County at 408.260.3700 or

Don’t Drink Your Baby’s Future Away Mothering Begins Before Birth |JUNE 26 - JULY 2, 2009 | 7

Tutankhamun: Exposición que vale oro

By Osvaldo Castillo - El Observador

Late last year, the County of Santa Clara Board ofSupervisors approved the creation of an honorarypost of Santa Clara County Poet Laureate. The po-

sition was given to Nils Peterson. Peterson’s job as Poet Laureate is to elevate poetry in the

awareness of Santa Clara County residents and to help cele-brate the literary arts; serve as an advocate for poetry, litera-ture, and the arts; contribute to Santa Clara County’s poetryand literacy legacy; and lead a community project that makespoetry more accessible.

Peterson’s first task was to create a poem that embodiedthe lives and experiences of those that live in Santa ClaraCounty. He created this poem by asking residents of SantaClara County to write and submit lines about their lives in thecounty.

“I received roughly 500 lines and used 100 of them to cre-ate the poem,” Peterson said. “The poem is called A FamilyAlbum, Santa Clara County, 2009.”

In order for the lines to be selected, Peterson said thatthe lines had to be between 9 and 13 syllables long.

“There are many reasons for this,” Peterson said. “Thefirst, and more obvious is that it gives a uniformity to the endproduct. It also gives a challenge. One learns that to say some-thing beautiful is to use up three syllables, which one coulduse to show its beauty.”

The poem consists of six sections; Work, People, OurLives, What Was Lost, What’s Here, and The Look of OurPlace.

Some of the lines in the poem included, “From plump, pur-ple plums to shiny silver apples”, “A hint of garlic seasons themorning fog”, and “Heading west on Hedding and the roadlooks like a feel”. Peterson choked up as he read the entirepoem.

“We have a broad range of people in this county,” Peter-son said. “Our county consists of people of different ethnicities,different ages, different levels of employment. We are verylucky to have each other here in Santa Clara County.”

All contributors to the poem had their names printed belowthe section of the poem they contributed.

For more information on the poem call the Santa ClaraCounty office of Public Affairs at (408) 299-5119.Δ

County UnveilsFamily Poem

Por Rosario VitalEl Observador

Unas majestuosas piezas de Egipto hanllegado al Museo de Young. Luego de 30años regresan a San Francisco y tiene

la oportunidad de presenciar esta maravillosa ex-posición hasta marzo de 2010. Aunque el sarcófagoy la máscara de la muerte no se les permitieron salirde Egipto y no están incluidas en la exposición,ésta cuenta con 130 objetos que nunca antes hansido vistos en los Estados Unidos y tampoco sevieron en la exposición de la década del 70.

Esta piezas en exhibición son de la tumba deKing Tut y otros reyes ancestrales.

Tutankamón y la Edad de Oro de los Faraones”es la famosa exposición que ha contado con 6 millones de visitantes de todo el mundo. La exposi-ción fue presentada anteriormente en el Museo deArte Contemporáneo de Los Angeles, el MuseoField de Chicago, Fort Lauderdale Museum of Art,El Instituto Franklin de Filadelfia, el Arena de Lon-dres, y El Museo de Arte de Dallas.

Ahora se exhibe en San Francisco con 11galerías por recorrer para observar los cientos deobjetos puestos a exposición. Cada vez que el visitante hace el recorrido tiene la opción de es-cuchar una guía auditiva en español que le explicael material puesto en exhibición.

“Tutankhamun y la Edad de Oro de losFaraones” explora las figuras que dirigió el antiguoEgipto hace más de 3,000 años. La exposición secentra en la décimo octava dinastía, un período de100 años, cuando Egipto fue en el apogeo de supoder y la “edad de oro” del arte egipcio. Esta fuela época en que sus antepasados y Tutankhamunreinó. La amplia gama de estos elementos destacasu diadema real y uno de los cuatro oro y piedraspreciosas con incrustaciones en los órganos inter-nos momificados.

El ingreso para esta exhibición es de $32.50 poradulto y $16.50 niños (6-17), las personas de la ter-cera edad pagan $30.50 hay paquetes familiares. ElMuseo de Young está ubicado en 50 Hagiwara TeaGarden Dr, at John F. Kennedy Drive en el GoldenGate Park de San Francisco. Informes (415) 750-3600 o visiste Se recomiendasacar los boletos por anticipado. ∆

By Osvaldo Castillo - El Observador

Imagine working hard through college andearning a degree in one of many fields.Imagine the excitement and joy about the

possibility of making decent pay and working rea-sonable hours. Then, imagine being told that afterall your hard work and dedication, the only job thatyou are able to get is flipping burgers or servingfood.

Gabriel is a San Jose State graduate who hashad to hear these words.

“I graduated from San Jose State in 2007 andreceived a degree in industrial engineering,” Gabrielsaid. “I want to be able to put my degree to use.”

Gabriel believes that immigration reform isneeded because it will motivate students to stay inschool and better themselves.

“A lot of these students have nothing to lookforward to and end up dropping out,” Gabriel said.“They need a reason to stay in school.”

Another student who may have to find work ata restaurant rather then use his degree to achievesomething better in their life is Fernando.

“Because of my undocumented status, I will notbe able to go to medical school,” Fernando said.

According to the Bay Area DREAM Act Coali-tion, approximately 65,000 students graduate fromU.S. high schools each year and have been in thecountry more than five years, but face limitedprospects for completing their education or workinglegally in the U.S. because they were brought hereat a young age without immigration documents.

Approximately 50,000 undocumented studentsare currently enrolled in higher education institu-tions across the U.S. and are eligible for theDREAM Act. They are educating themselves inhopes of DREAM Act passage so they can legalizetheir status and pursue their dreams. Currently, onlya small fraction of undocumented students whograduate from high school go on to college.

Some who support the Dream Act are also upsetthat the current version of the Dream Act includesmilitary services as an option to gain citizenship. Ac-cording to, the current versionof the Dream Act isn’t only about education, it is bi-partisan legislation that dangerously ties educationand recruiting immigrants into the military with gaining U.S. citizenship.

Military recruiters have free access to highschools across America, particularly in poor anddisenfranchised communities. The Pentagon spendsbillions of dollars every year marketing the military.Their advertising strategy is simple: utilize a slick

and flashy marketing campaign to glorify war andkilling to children and young people.

For more information on the Dream Act andother forms of immigration reform visit, or call 1(866)961-2143.

|8| JUNE 26 - JULY 2, 2009 |

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|10| JUNE 26 - JULY 2, 2009 |

Por Rosario Vital - El Observador

Estudio de salud indica que la gentede color vive enferma y muere jovenen California por esta razón urge

una reforma de salud universal.El estudio presentado por Salud para los

Estados Unidos indica que gente de bajos re-cursos recibe baja atención de salud aúncuenten con seguro medico no están recibiendoel mismo trato indica el reporte.

Latinos y asiáticos están más propensos amorir de complicaciones en el hospital. Mien-tras que las barreras del idioma es una de losproblemas.

El Congresista Mike Honda urgió pasar una

Reforma Comprensiva de Salud para evitar queestas disparidades sigan ocurriendo.

La reforma de salud es necesaria para con-trolar todos los costos, incrementar todos losopciones de consumos, proveer tranquilidad yasegurar que todos tengan acceso a un cuidadode salud equitativo y a costos razonables.

Honda sostuvo que el Sistema de SaludUniversal debe ser para todos, debe existir unplan de Seguro Médico público, Cuidado desalud para familias y es importante pelear con-tra esta disparidad, se debe pedir que todosreciban tratamiento en su idioma y se debe in-vertir en las comunidades para actuar ante lasepidemias de obesidad y enfermedades crónicasque están afectando a diferentes sectores.

Reforma desalud para

todos |JUNE 26 - JULY 2, 2009 | 11



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Downtown San JoseFarmers’ Market at SanPedro SquareWhen: Friday, May 1 -Dec. 18, 2009Where: San PedroSquare (along San PedroStreet between Santa Clara and St. Johnstreets). Info: (408) 279-1775

Music in the Park Pres-ents The Tubes withFee WaybillWhen: Thursday July 2,5:30-9:15Where: Plaza de Cesar

Chavez, Market and SanFernando streets, down-town San Jose Info: (408) 279-1775

Be Creative at theEdenvale Branch Li-braryWhen: July 1, 4:00 5:00 p.m.Where: Edenvale BranchLibrary, CommunityRoom, 101 Branham Ln.East, Info: Info:(408) 808-3036

Starlight Cinemas When: Nine Wednes-

days June 10 - August 26 Where: SAN PEDROSQUARE (San PedroStreet between Santa Clara and St. Johnstreets),POST STREET (be-tween First and MarketSt.),SoFA DISTRICT (SouthFirst St. at William St.)Info: 408.279.1775 ext318

AZTEC DANCE!When: Every TuesdayFrom 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.Where: MACLA Theater510 South 51h Street,San Jose

Info: (408) 998-2783

Yes, You Can! ExerciseTips for All Ages, Sizesand Fitness LevelsWhen: Saturday, June27, 2:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.Where: Cupertino Com-munity Hall, 10300 TorreAvenue, CupertinoInfo: (408) 293-2326 ext.3001/3080

Building Better Boneswith Safe, Effective Exer-cisesWhen: Thursday, July 30,10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.mWhere: Saratoga Library,

13650 Saratoga Ave.,SaratogaInfo: (408) 293-2326 ext.3001/3080

The Who’s Tommy atCity LightsWhen: July 16 - August23, 2009 Where: City Lights The-ater Company, San JoseInfo: 408-295-4200 [email protected]

Manipulating the Un-wanted: Labor, War andPublic PolicyWhen: Now ThroughJune 30. M,T,Th 11-6; W11-8, F, 11-5; Sat. 1-5Where: Dr. Martin LutherKing Jr. Library. San JoseInfo: (408) 808-2061

SAVE THE DATEMACSA-Celebrating45 Years of Commu-nity ServiceWhen: June 27,2009. 5 p.m. to Mid-nightWhere: MexicanHeritage Plaza inSan JoseInfo: (408) 928-1122ext. 1134∆

F.A.C.E. CampFine Arts Camp Ex-traordinaire Summer

2009When: June 22- August 6Where: Millikin Elemen-tary SchoolInfo: (408) 615-3140 or

1960’s and 1970’s:Berkeley Public SchoolDesegregationWhen: Saturday, July 11,and Saturday & Sunday,July 18 &19Where: Berkeley PublicLibraryInfo:

San Francisco Events:

Georgia O’Keeffe andAnsel Adams: NaturalAffinities”:SFMOMA Unites TwoCelebrated Artists May30-Sept. 7, 2009Pearl Jam, Beastie Boysand Dave MatthewsBand Headline Outside Lands Music &Arts Festival in San Fran-cisco’s Golden Gate Park Aug.28-30, 2009


When: Sunday, June 28,at 2:00 p.m.Where: Sigmund SternGrove located at 19th Av-enue and Sloat Boule-vard in San FranciscoInfo: www.sterngrove.orgor call (415) 252-6252

Summer Drama FunWhen: June 22, 2009 -August 14, 2009Where: Young Perform-ers TheatreFort Mason Center,Building C, Third Floor,Room 300.Info: (415) 346-5550

Broadway Revival of“South Pacific” Headedfor San Francisco inSeptember 2009Info: 415.227-2651 [email protected]

Comunicación Compa-siva Comunicación No Vio-lenta, conexión con unomismo para poderconectar a nuestros hijosy otras personasDía: Hasta el 4 de agostoHora: 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. Donativo: $5-$10 (sinotiene dinero es bien-venido)

Lugar: Somos Mayfair370-B South King RoadSan José, Ca, 95116408.975.9908 o [email protected]

Salve su vida medi-tandoDías: Miércoles 8-9pmDomingos 11- 12pmLugar: 2175 TheAlamedaS. 105 San Jose CA95126Informes: (408) 720-9669

Concurso de Dibujo“Este es mi México”Fecha Límite: 30 de junioParticipan niños de 7 a11 añosPremio: Computadora,Cámara digital o materi-ales de dibujoEnviar materialConsulado General deMéxico540 N. First St. San José95112Info: Edith Devora (408)2943414 ex.

Tutankhamun y la Edadde OroExibición majestuosa enel Museo de YoungDías: 27 de Junio- 28 de

marzo 2010Lugar: Museo de Young50 Hagiwara Tea GardenDriveJohn F. Kennedy Drive,Golden Gate ParkSan Francisco, CAInfo: (415)

Exhibición de arteHasta el 19 de junioHora: Lunes a ViernesHasta 8pmLugar: Orchard Commer-cialNorth First ARTS space2665 N. First St. SanJose, CA 95134

SCOREConsejeros para los Pe-queños negocios deAméricaLugar: 84 West SantaClara St, San JoseInfo:

Academia de Cienciasen California Abiertolunes a sabadoHora: 9:30 a.m.- 5p.m.Domingos:Hora: 11 a.m.- 5 p.m.Lugar: 55 Music Con-course Dr.Gloden Park San Fran-cisco CA 94118Info: (415) 379-8000

Pruebas Confiden-ciales de SIDA CentroCRANE976 Lenzen Ave. Suite15008San Jose, 95126Info: (408)

Contacto con el cos-mosDías: Miércoles y Domin-gosLugar: Centro HolísticoVocacional2130 The Alameda SanJose, CAInfo: 408 720-9669

Co-dependientes Anón-imos¿Se considera una per-sona con muchas depen-dencias?¿No puede vivir porqueel amor de su vida lodejó?¿No puede controlar suscelos?.Este grupo para latinosle ayudará.Informes: (408)561-6726

La Familia¿Problemas de ViolenciaDoméstica?Llame al (408) 541-6100ext. 144 o al (408) 541-6100 ext. 143∆

|12| JUNE 26 - JULY 2, 2009 |

Calendar Calendario

Call Now & Receive 50% off Your Allergy Test

June 4

Long Gon Bon and Evolution

Classic Rock98.5 KFOX

June 11

Sierra Leone’sRefugee All Stars

World/[email protected]

June 18

Third Eye Blind andPilot Speed (opener)Alternative RockChannel 104.9

June 25

Pete EscovedoOrchestra

Latin Jazz98.1 KISS FM

July 2

The Tubesfeaturing Fee Waybill

Classic Rock98.5 KFOX

July 9


ReggaeLive 105 (105.3)

July 16

Pato Banton ofThe Now Generation

ReggaeKSJO 92.3 La Preciosa

July 23

Matt Nathanson

Pop/RockMIX 106.5

July 30

Colin Hay ofMen at Work

Pop94.5 KBAY

August 6

Anthony David

Contemporary R&BKBLX 102.9 FM

August 13

Better Than Ezra

Pop/RockMIX 106.5

August 20

Sonny Landreth

Blues/RockKFOG 97.7 SJ/104.5 SF

August 27

White Album Ensemble

performs“Across the Universe”

Beatles Tribute94.5 KBAY

FREEThursday Concerts

June 4 – Aug. 27

5:30 – 9:15 p.m.

Plaza de Cesar Chavez

Downtown San Jose

A San Jose Downtown Association Production | Supported in part by a Cultural Affairs grant from the City of San Jose

408. 279. 1775

sjdowntown.comThe Tubes featuring Fee Waybill

Classic Rock

OpenerDusty Rhodes and the River Band


Visit Fahrenheit’s Restaurant and Loungein the ParkServing creative sangria cocktails and award winning cuisine

July 2 |JUNE 26 - JULY 2, 2009 | 13FICTITIOUS BUSINESS


The following person(s) is(are)doing business as: Sandra’s C.Family Day Care, 314 E JulianSt., San Jose, CA 95112, SantaClara Co. Sandra A Chacon Ro-driguez, 314 E Julian St., SanJose, CA 95112. This business isconducted by an individual regis-trant has not yet began doingbusiness under the fictitious busi-ness name or names listedhereon. “I declare that all infor-mation in this statement is trueand correct.” (A registrant whodeclares as true informationwhich he or she knows to be falseis guilty of a crime.)Sandra A Chacon RodriguezJune 26; July 3, 10, 17, 2009This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 06/19/2009


NO. 525879The following person(s) is(are)doing business as: Digital Ele-ments, 2579 Glen Dundee Way,San Jose, CA 95148, SantaClara Co. Chad Stanton, 2579Glen Dundee Way, San Jose, CA95148. This business is con-ducted by an individual registranthas not yet began doing businessunder the fictitious businessname or names listed hereon. “Ideclare that all information in thisstatement is true and correct.” (Aregistrant who declares as true in-formation which he or she knowsto be false is guilty of a crime.)Chad StantonJune 26; July 3, 10, 17, 2009This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 06/24/2009


NO. 525763The following person(s) is(are)doing business as: Vicki SalonStudio, 2331 Mammoth Dr. Apt2., San Jose, CA 95116, SantaClara Co. Phoung Yen Dang,2331 Mammoth Dr., Apt 2, SanJose, CA 95116. This business isconducted by an individual regis-trant has not yet began doing busi-ness under the fictitious businessname or names listed hereon. “Ideclare that all information in thisstatement is true and correct.” (Aregistrant who declares as true in-formation which he or she knowsto be false is guilty of a crime.)Phoung DangJune 26; July 3, 10, 17, 2009This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 06/22/2009


NO. 525762The following person(s) is(are)doing business as: ChristinaBeauty Salon, 1910 RosenrlfleCir, San Jose, CA 95148,Santa Clara Co. Christina Tran,2782 Croft Dr., San Jose, CA95148. This business is con-ducted by an individual registrantbegun doing business under thefictitious business name or nameslisted here in 7/22/909. “I declarethat all information in this state-ment is true and correct.” (A regis-trant who declares as trueinformation which he or sheknows to be false is guilty of acrime.)Christina TranJune 26; July 3, 10, 17, 2009This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on



NO. 525686The following person(s) is(are)doing business as: Kim’s NailsSpa, 16555 De Anza Blvd, CA95014, Santa Clara Co. KimAnh Le. 1814 Sageland Dr., SanJose, CA 95131, Kim Dung Le,269 N Temple Dr. Milipitas, CA95035. This business is con-ducted by a general partnershipregistrant begun doing businessunder the fictitious businessname or names listed here in06/15/09. “I declare that all infor-mation in this statement is trueand correct.” (A registrant whodeclares as true informationwhich he or she knows to be falseis guilty of a crime.)Kim Anh LeJune 26; July 3, 10, 17, 2009This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 06/19/2009


NO. 525728The following person(s) is(are)doing business as: Iglesia deDios Juan 14:21, 541 MaderaAve, San Jose, CA 95112,Santa Clara Co. Moises A Arani-var, 541 Madera Ave, San Jose,CA 95112, Juana M Aranivar,541 Madera Ave, San Jose, CA95112 . This business is con-ducted by an unincorporated as-sociation other than a partnershipregistrant begun doing businessunder the fictitious businessname or names listed here in6/22/09. “I declare that all infor-mation in this statement is trueand correct.” (A registrant whodeclares as true informationwhich he or she knows to be falseis guilty of a crime.)Moises A AranivarJune 26; July 3, 10, 17, 2009This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 06/22/2009


NO. 524921The following person(s) is(are)doing business as: Nydia’sBeauty Salon, 1210 E, SantaClara St., San Jose, CA 95116,Santa Clara Co. NydiaMoctezuma, 1210 E. Santa ClaraSt., San Jose, CA 95116. Thisbusiness is conducted by an unin-corporated association other thana partnership registrant begundoing business under the fictitiousbusiness name or names listedhere in 6/02/09. “I declare that allinformation in this statement is trueand correct.” (A registrant who de-clares as true information which heor she knows to be false is guilty ofa crime.)Nydia MoctezumaJune 26; July 3, 10, 17, 2009This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 06/02/2009


NO. 109CV145670Superior Court of California,County of Santa Clara-In the mat-ter of the application of: Quan Lyand Kiet Ly TO ALL INTER-ESTED PERSON: The court findsthat petitioners quan Ly and KietLy have filed a petition forChange of Name with the clerk ofthis court for a decree changingnames as follows: a. JosephBobby Ly to Joseph Kiet Ly THECOURT ORDERS that all per-

sons interested in this matter ap-pear before this court at the hear-ing indicated below to showcause, if any, why the petition forchange of names should not begranted on 8-18-09 at 8:45 am,Room 107: located at 191 N. FirstStreet, San Jose, CA 95133. Acopy of the Order to Show causeshall be published at least once aweek for four successive weeksprior to the date set for hearing onthe petition in El Observador, anewspaper of general circulation,printed in the county of SantaClara.June 24, 2009Mary Ann GrilliJudge of the Superior CourtJune 26; July 3, 10, 17, 2009


NO. 109CV145684Superior Court of California,County of Santa Clara-In the mat-ter of the application of: MulukenKassie TO ALL INTERESTEDPERSON: The court finds that pe-titioner Muluken Kassie has fileda petition for Change of Namewith the clerk of this court for adecree changing names as fol-lows: a. Muluken Kassie to SelamAyanaw THE COURT ORDERSthat all persons interested in thismatter appear before this court atthe hearing indicated below toshow cause, if any, why the peti-tion for change of names shouldnot be granted on 8-18-09 at 8:45am, Room 107: located at 191 N.First Street, San Jose, CA 95133.A copy of the Order to Showcause shall be published at leastonce a week for four successiveweeks prior to the date set forhearing on the petition in El Ob-servador, a newspaper of generalcirculation, printed in the countyof Santa Clara.June 24, 2009Mary Ann GrilliJudge of the Superior CourtJune 26; July 3, 10, 17, 2009


NO. 109CV145557Superior Court of California,County of Santa Clara-In the mat-ter of the application of: Javierand Ma Guadalupe Arciga TOALL INTERESTED PERSON:The court finds that petitionersJavier and Ma. Guadalupe Arcigahave filed a petition for Change ofName with the clerk of this courtfor a decree changing names asfollows: a. Ivette Garcia Arciga toIvette Garcia Arciga b. MaGuadalupe to Guadalupe ArcigaTHE COURT ORDERS that allpersons interested in this matterappear before this court at thehearing indicated below to showcause, if any, why the petition forchange of names should not begranted on 8-18-09 at 8:45 am,Room 107: located at 191 N. FirstStreet, San Jose, CA 95133. Acopy of the Order to Show causeshall be published at least once aweek for four successive weeksprior to the date set for hearing onthe petition in El Observador, anewspaper of general circulation,printed in the county of SantaClara.June 23, 2009Mary Ann GrilliJudge of the Superior CourtJune 26; July 3, 10, 17, 2009


NO. 109CV145398Superior Court of California,County of Santa Clara-In the mat-ter of the application of: John

James Zambrano Jr. TO ALL IN-TERESTED PERSON: The courtfinds that petitioner John JamesZambrano Jr. has filed a petitionfor Change of Name with theclerk of this court for a decreechanging names as follows: a.John James Zambrano Jr to JohnJames Zambrano THE COURTORDERS that all persons inter-ested in this matter appear beforethis court at the hearing indicatedbelow to show cause, if any, whythe petition for change of namesshould not be granted on 8-11-09at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA95133. A copy of the Order toShow cause shall be published atleast once a week for four suc-cessive weeks prior to the dateset for hearing on the petition inEl Observador, a newspaper ofgeneral circulation, printed in thecounty of Santa Clara.June 19, 2009Mary Ann GrilliJudge of the Superior CourtJune 26; July 3, 10, 17, 2009



The following person(s) has/haveabandoned the use of the ficti-tious business name(s). The infor-mation given below is as itappeared on the fictitious busi-ness name statement that wasfiled at the County Clerk-Recorder’s office. Nixtend, 755 E Capitol Ave#0304, Milpitas, CA 95035. Filedin Santa Clara County on11/15/2004 under file no.453355. Steve Leung, 755 ECapitol Ave 0304, Milpitas, CA95035, Sherina Li, 755 E CapitolAve. 0304, Milpitas, CA 95035.This business was conducted bygeneral partnership. I declare thatall information in this statement istrue and correct ( A registrant whodeclares as true informationwhich he or she knows to be falseis guilty of a crime.) Sherina LiJune 26; July 3, 10, 26, 2009This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on06/08/2009


NO. 524801The following person(s) is(are)doing business as: 3AAA SanJose Airport & Limo, 604 Beta Ct. Apt B Campbell, CA 95008,Santa Clara Co. Eyesus TransLLC, 604 Beta Ct. Apt B, Campbell,CA 95008. This business is con-ducted by a limited liability regis-trant began doing business underthe fictitious business name ornames listed here in 05/25/09. “Ideclare that all information in thisstatement is true and correct.” (Aregistrant who declares as true in-formation which he or she knowsto be false is guilty of a crime.)Eyesus Trans LLCGetayalew Mengesha/ManagerJune 19, 26; July 3, 10, 2009This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 05/29/2009


NO. 525327The following person(s) is(are)doing business as: Friendly Chiro-practic Center, 4130 B MontereyRd., San Jose, CA 95111, SantaClara Co. Loan Tran, 3442Chemin De Riviere, San Jose, CA95148. This business is conducted

by an individual registrant begandoing business under the fictitiousbusiness name or names listedhere in 06/11/09. “I declare that allinformation in this statement is trueand correct.” (A registrant who de-clares as true information which heor she knows to be false is guilty ofa crime.)Loan TranJune 19, 26; July 3, 10, 2009This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 06/11/2009


NO. 524541The following person(s) is(are)doing business as: Vastra, 714Valley Way, Santa Clara, CA95051, Santa Clara Co. NamritaGupta, 714 Valley Way, SantaClara, Ca 95051, Sukumar Krish-naraj, 714 Valley Way, Santa Clara,CA 95051. This business is con-ducted by husband and wife reg-istrant began doing business underthe fictitious business name ornames listed here in 05/01/09. “Ideclare that all information in thisstatement is true and correct.” (Aregistrant who declares as true in-formation which he or she knowsto be false is guilty of a crime.)Sukumar KrishnarajJune 19, 26; July 3, 10, 2009This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 05/22/2009


NO. 525411The following person(s) is(are)doing business as: YLL, 5811Lalor Drive, San Jose, CA95123, Santa Clara Co. Mo-hamad Elkhayat, 5811 Lalor Drive,San Jose, CA 95123. This busi-ness is conducted by an individualregistrant began doing businessunder the fictitious business nameor names listed here in 06/15/09.“I declare that all information in thisstatement is true and correct.” (Aregistrant who declares as true in-formation which he or she knowsto be false is guilty of a crime.)Mohamad ElkhayatJune 19, 26; July 3, 10, 2009This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 06/15/2009


NO. 525538The following person(s) is(are)doing business as: CuatesLandscaping, 721 Concord Ave,San Jose, CA 95128, SantaClara Co. Carlos Lugo, 721 Con-cord Ave, San Jose, CA 95128.This business is conducted by anindividual registrant has not yetbegun doing business under thefictitious business name or nameslisted hereon. “I declare that all in-formation in this statement is trueand correct.” (A registrant who de-clares as true information which heor she knows to be false is guilty ofa crime.)Carlos LugoJune 19, 26; July 3, 10, 2009This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 06/17/2009


NO. 525506The following person(s) is(are)doing business as: MelendezManagement Group, 1081 NobleLane, San Jose, CA 95132,Santa Clara Co. Steven Melen-dez, 1081 Noble Lane, San Jose,CA 95132. This business is con-

ducted by an individual registrantbegan doing business under thefictitious business name or nameslisted here in 01/16/09. “I declarethat all information in this statementis true and correct.” (A registrantwho declares as true informationwhich he or she knows to be falseis guilty of a crime.)Steven MelendezJune 19, 26; July 3, 10, 2009This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 06/16/2009


NO. 525398The following person(s) is(are)doing business as: L&M Serv-ices, 2365 Loma Park Court, SanJose, CA 95124, Santa ClaraCo. Louisa Polin, 2365 LomaPark Court, San Jose, CA 95124.This business is conducted by anindividual registrant began doingbusiness under the fictitious busi-ness name or names listed here in09/06/02. “I declare that all infor-mation in this statement is true andcorrect.” (A registrant who declaresas true information which he or sheknows to be false is guilty of acrime.)Louisa PolinJune 19, 26; July 3, 10, 2009This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 06/12/2009


NO. 524862The following person(s) is(are)doing business as: Vida Salud-able, 1925 Alum Rock Suite #D,San Jose, CA 95116, SantaClara Co. Cristina Santamaria,2775 Chopin Ave, San Jose, CA95122. This business is conductedby an individual registrant begandoing business under the fictitiousbusiness name or names listedhere in 06/03/09. “I declare that allinformation in this statement is trueand correct.” (A registrant who de-clares as true information which heor she knows to be false is guilty ofa crime.)Cristina SantamariaJune 19, 26; July 3, 10, 2009This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 06/01/2009


NO. 524728The following person(s) is(are)doing business as: A & R Janitor-ial, 4146 San Miguel Way, SanJose, CA 95111, Santa Clara Co.Cheryl A Mendoza, 4146 SanMiguel Way, San Jose, CA95111, Daniel O Uribe, 4146 SanMiguel Way, San Jose, Ca95111. This business is conductedby husband and wife registrant hasnot yet began doing businessunder the fictitious business nameor names listed hereon. “I declarethat all information in this statementis true and correct.” (A registrantwho declares as true informationwhich he or she knows to be falseis guilty of a crime.)Daniel O UribeJune 19, 26; July 3, 10, 2009This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 05/27/2009


NO. 525429The following person(s) is(are)doing business as: Artmaster-works, 248 Lychee Ct, San Jose,CA 95111, Santa Clara Co. Art-masterworks INC., 248 Lychee

Ct., San Jose, CA 95111. Thisbusiness is conducted by a corpo-ration registrant has not yet begandoing business under the fictitiousbusiness name or names listedhereon. “I declare that all informa-tion in this statement is true andcorrect.” (A registrant who declaresas true information which he or sheknows to be false is guilty of acrime.)Artmasterworks IncMichael Houland/TreasurerJune 19, 26; July 3, 10, 2009This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 06/15/2009


NO. 524598The following person(s) is(are)doing business as: Jim’s TileService, 3142 Barletta Ln., SanJose, CA Santa Clara Co. Jim-mie Chircop, 3142 Barletta LN.,San Jose, CA 95127. This busi-ness is conducted by an individualregistrant began doing businessunder the fictitious business nameor names listed here in 05/22/09.“I declare that all information in thisstatement is true and correct.” (Aregistrant who declares as true in-formation which he or she knowsto be false is guilty of a crime.)Jimmie ChircopJune 19, 26; July 3, 10, 2009This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 05/22/2009


NO. 524597The following person(s) is(are)doing business as: Excellent PureWater, 2639 Senter Rd., SanJose, CA 95111, Santa Clara Co.Billy Ly, 3418 Pisces Dr., SanJose, CA 95111, Tuyen Troung,3418 Pisces Dr., San Jose, CA95111. This business is conductedby husband and wife registrantbegan doing business under thefictitious business name or nameslisted here in 07/01/09. “I declarethat all information in this statementis true and correct.” (A registrantwho declares as true informationwhich he or she knows to be falseis guilty of a crime.)Billy LyJune 19, 26; July 3, 10, 2009This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 05/22/2009


NO. 525331The following person(s) is(are)doing business as: Realty WorldEvergreen, 2055 Junction Ave #135, San Jose, CA 95131, SantaClara Co. JCS Financial Serv-ices, INC., 2055 Junction Ave#135, San Jose, CA 95131. Thisbusiness is conducted by a corpo-ration registrant began doing busi-ness under the fictitious businessname or names listed here in10/16/1998. “I declare that all in-formation in this statement is trueand correct.” (A registrant who de-clares as true information which heor she knows to be false is guilty ofa crime.)JCS Financial Services Inc.Jose C Salcedo/CEOJune 19, 26; July 3, 10, 2009This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 06/11/2009


NO. 109CV145174Superior Court of California,

County of Santa Clara-In the mat-

ter of the application of: PingZhang TO ALL INTERESTEDPERSON: The court finds that pe-titioner Ping Zhang has filed a pe-tition for Change of Name with theclerk of this court for a decreechanging names as follows: a.Ping Zhang to Irene Zhang THECOURT ORDERS that all personsinterested in this matter appear be-fore this court at the hearing indi-cated below to show cause, if any,why the petition for change ofnames should not be granted on 8-11-09 at 8:45 am, Room 107: lo-cated at 191 N. First Street, SanJose, CA 95133. A copy of theOrder to Show cause shall be pub-lished at least once a week for foursuccessive weeks prior to the dateset for hearing on the petition in ElObservador, a newspaper of gen-eral circulation, printed in thecounty of Santa Clara.June 17, 2009Mary Ann GrilliJudge of the Superior CourtJune 19, 26; July 3, 10, 2009


NO. 109CV144937Superior Court of California,

County of Santa Clara-In the mat-ter of the application of: Chien HuuNguyen TO ALL INTERESTEDPERSON: The court finds that pe-titioner Chien Huu Nguyen hasfiled a petition for Change of Namewith the clerk of this court for a de-cree changing names as follows: a.Chien Huu Nguyen to Jesse ChienNguyen THE COURT ORDERSthat all persons interested in thismatter appear before this court atthe hearing indicated below toshow cause, if any, why the petitionfor change of names should not begranted on 8-11-09 at 8:45 am,Room 107: located at 191 N. FirstStreet, San Jose, CA 95133. Acopy of the Order to Show causeshall be published at least once aweek for four successive weeksprior to the date set for hearing onthe petition in El Observador, anewspaper of general circulation,printed in the county of SantaClara.June 15, 2009Mary Ann GrilliJudge of the Superior CourtJune 19, 26; July 3, 10, 2009


NO. 109CV144909Superior Court of California,

County of Santa Clara-In the mat-ter of the application of: JoseManuel Mejia Hernandez TOALL INTERESTED PERSON: Thecourt finds that petitioner JoseManuel Mejia Hernandez has fileda petition for Change of Name withthe clerk of this court for a decreechanging names as follows: a.Jose Manuel Mejia Hernandez toMichelle Hernandez THE COURTORDERS that all persons inter-ested in this matter appear beforethis court at the hearing indicatedbelow to show cause, if any, whythe petition for change of namesshould not be granted on 8-11-09at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA95133. A copy of the Order toShow cause shall be published atleast once a week for four succes-sive weeks prior to the date set forhearing on the petition in El Obser-vador, a newspaper of general cir-culation, printed in the county ofSanta Clara.June 15, 2009Mary Ann GrilliJudge of the Superior Court

June 19, 26; July 3, 10, 2009

|14| JUNE 26 - JULY 2, 2009 | www.el-observador.comFICTITIOUS BUSINESS


The following person(s) is(are)doing business as: Gran Abun-dancia, 830 Stewart Drive, Sun-nyvale, CA 94085, Santa ClaraCo. Marcela M Mateos, 424 PaulaCt Apt 17, Santa Clara, CA 95050,Antonio Otero, 424 Paula Ct. 17,Santa Clara, CA 95050. This busi-ness is conducted by husband andwife registrant has not yet begundoing business under the fictitiousbusiness name or names listedhereon. “I declare that all informa-tion in this statement is true andcorrect.” (A registrant who declaresas true information which he or sheknows to be false is guilty of acrime.)

Marcela M MateosJune 12, 19, 26; July 3, 2009

This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on06/11/2009


NO. 524377The following person(s) is(are)doing business as: 1. CampStitch, 2. Pink and Scented, 3.Pink n Scented, 4. Pink &Scented, 3385 Meridian Ave, SanJose, CA 95124, Santa ClaraCo. Marjorie R Casey, 3385 Merid-ian Ave, San Jose, CA 95124.This business is conducted by anindividual registrant has not yetbegun doing business under thefictitious business name or nameslisted hereon. “I declare that all in-formation in this statement is trueand correct.” (A registrant who de-clares as true information which heor she knows to be false is guilty ofa crime.)

Marjorie R CaseyJune 12, 19, 26;July 3, 2009

This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on05/18/2009


NO. 524894The following person(s) is(are)doing business as: DAO DentalCare, 301 Piercy Road, SanJose, CA 95138, Santa ClaraCo. Dao Dental Corp., 301 PiercyRoad, San Jose, CA 95138. Thisbusiness is conducted by a corpo-ration registrant has not yet begundoing business under the fictitiousbusiness name or names listedhereon. “I declare that all informa-tion in this statement is true andcorrect.” (A registrant who declaresas true information which he or sheknows to be false is guilty of acrime.)

DAO Dental Corp.Theresa Dao –Makiyama/CEOJune 12, 19, 26;July 3, 2009

This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on06/02/2009


NO. 525053The following person(s) is(are)doing business as: B & L QualityVending Services, 4810 TuscanyCircle, San Jose, CA 95135,Santa Clara Co. Louis J Esquivel,4810 Tuscany Circle, San Jose, Ca95135, Blanca Estela Esquivel,4810 Tuscany Circle, San Jose,CA 95135. This business is con-ducted by husband and wife regis-trant began doing business underthe fictitious business name ornames listed here in 06/10/2009. “Ideclare that all information in thisstatement is true and correct.” (Aregistrant who declares as true in-formation which he or she knowsto be false is guilty of a crime.

Louis J EsquivelJune 12, 19, 26;July 3, 2009

This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on06/04/2009


NO. 525110The following person(s) is(are)doing business as: C and S Enter-prises, 250 Polaris Ave, Moun-tain View, CA 94043, Santa ClaraCo. Charles Owen, 250PolarisAve, Mt. View, Ca 94045. Thisbusiness is conducted by an indi-vidual registrant began doing busi-ness under the fictitious businessname or names listed here in11/2/1989. “I declare that all infor-mation in this statement is true andcorrect.” (A registrant who declaresas true information which he or sheknows to be false is guilty of acrime.)

Charles OwenJune 12, 19, 26;July 3, 2009

This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on6/05/2009


NO. 525082The following person(s) is(are)doing business as: Amber Deli-cias, 5494 Lean Ave # 9, SanJose, CA 95123, Santa ClaraCo. Maria Luisa Enriquez, 5494Lean Ave # 9, San Jose, CA95123. This business is conductedby an individual registrant has notyet begun doing business underthe fictitious business name ornames listed hereon. “I declarethat all information in this statementis true and correct.” (A registrantwho declares as true informationwhich he or she knows to be falseis guilty of a crime.)

Maria Luisa EnriquezJune 12, 19, 26;July 3, 2009

This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on06/04/2009


NO. 525168The following person(s) is(are)doing business as: 1. NimblePhonics, 2. Toddler Phonics, 230230 Monroe Dr. #6, MountainView, CA 94040, Santa ClaraCo. Chris Hakim, 230 MonroeDrive # 6, Mountain View, CA94040. This business is conductedby an individual registrant has notyet begun doing business underthe fictitious business name ornames listed hereon. “I declarethat all information in this statementis true and correct.” (A registrantwho declares as true informationwhich he or she knows to be falseis guilty of a crime.)

Chris HakimJune 12, 19, 26;July 3, 2009

This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on06/08/2009


NO. 525083The following person(s) is(are)doing business as: PABLO’SCLEANING SERVICES, 122 Gra-ham Ave. #9, San Jose, CA95110, Santa Clara Co. PABLOAGUIRRE, 122 GRAHAM AVE #9,SAN JOSE, CA 95110. This busi-ness is conducted by an individualregistrant has not yet begun doingbusiness under the fictitious busi-ness name or names listed hereon.“I declare that all information in thisstatement is true and correct.” (Aregistrant who declares as true in-formation which he or she knowsto be false is guilty of a crime.)

Pablo AguirreJune 12, 19, 26;July 3, 2009

This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on06/04/2009


NO. 524587The following person(s) is(are)doing business as: BandaSinaloense Los Nuevos delPacifico, 587 Gridley St., SanJose, CA 95127, Santa ClaraCo. Luis Arciano, 50 E., 39th Ave#2, San Mateo, CA 94403, Grego-rio Lizarraga, 587 Gridley St., SanJose, CA 95127, David Contreras,246 B St., Hayward., CA 94541.This business is conducted by ageneral partnership registrantbegan doing business under thefictitious business name or nameslisted here in 10/2/2008. “I declarethat all information in this statementis true and correct.” (A registrantwho declares as true informationwhich he or she knows to be falseis guilty of a crime.)

Gregorio LizarragaJune 12, 19, 26;July 3, 2009

This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on05/22/2009


NO. 525258The following person(s) is(are)doing business as: 1. Lift, 2. LiftStudio, 3. Lift Design Studio, 763Parma Way, Los Altos, CA94024, Santa Clara Co. KevinBrook Herman, 763 Parma Way,CA 94024. This business is con-ducted by an individual registranthas not yet begun doing businessunder the fictitious business nameor names listed hereon . “I declarethat all information in this statementis true and correct.” (A registrantwho declares as true informationwhich he or she knows to be falseis guilty of a crime.)

Kevin Brook HermanJune 12, 19, 26;July 3, 2009

This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on6/09/2009


NO. 525152The following person(s) is(are)doing business as: Rico N SonsTrucking, 1774 Orlando Dr., SanJose, CA 95122, Santa ClaraCo. Erlinda Rico, 1774 OrlandoDr., San Jose, CA 95122. Thisbusiness is conducted by an indi-vidual registrant began doingbusiness under the fictitious business name or nameslisted here in 9/28/2008. “I declarethat all information in this statementis true and correct.” (A registrantwho declares as true informationwhich he or she knows to be falseis guilty of a crime.)

Erlinda RicoJune 12, 19, 26;July 3, 2009

This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 06/08/2009


NO. 109CV143624Superior Court of California,

County of Santa Clara-In the mat-ter of the application of: Alicia deLourdes Ramirez Paez TO ALL IN-TERESTED PERSON: The courtfinds that petitioner Alicia de Lour-des Ramirez Paez has filed a peti-tion for Change of Name with theclerk of this court for a decreechanging names as follows: a.Giselle Carlize Paez to GiselleCarlize Ramirez Paez THECOURT ORDERS that all personsinterested in this matter appear be-fore this court at the hearing indi-cated below to show cause, if any,why the petition for change ofnames should not be granted on 7-21-09 at 8:45 am, Room 107: lo-cated at 191 N. First Street, SanJose, CA 95133. A copy of the

Order to Show cause shall be pub-lished at least once a week for foursuccessive weeks prior to the dateset for hearing on the petition in ElObservador, a newspaper of gen-eral circulation, printed in thecounty of Santa Clara.

May 29, 2009Mary Ann Grilli

Judge of the Superior CourtJune 12, 19, 26;July 3, 2009


NO. 109CV144140Superior Court of California,

County of Santa Clara-In the mat-ter of the application of: Minh-Nguyet Thi Le TO ALLINTERESTED PERSONS: Thecourt finds that petitioner Minh-Nguyet Thi Le has filed a petitionfor Change of Name with the clerkof this court for a decree changingnames as follows: a. Minh-NguyetThi Le to Jessica Le THECOURT ORDERS that all personsinterested in this matter appear be-fore this court at the hearing indi-cated below to show cause, if any,why the petition for change ofnames should not be granted on 8-04-09 at 8:45 am, Room 107: lo-cated at 191 N. First Street, SanJose, CA 95133. A copy of theOrder to Show cause shall be pub-lished at least once a week for foursuccessive weeks prior to the dateset for hearing on the petition in ElObservador, a newspaper of gen-eral circulation, printed in thecounty of Santa Clara.

June 5, 2009Mary Ann Grilli

Judge of the Superior CourtJune 12, 19, 26;July 3, 2009



The following person(s) has/haveabandoned the use of the fictitiousbusiness name(s). The informationgiven below is as it appeared onthe fictitious business name state-ment that was filed at the CountyClerk-Recorder’s office. Rico NSons Trucking, 1774 OrlandoDr., San Jose, CA 95122. Filedin Santa Clara County on 9/13/07under file no. 489811. Jose LRico, 177 Orlando Dr., San Jose,CA 95122.This business was con-ducted by an individual. I declarethat all information in this statementis true and correct ( A registrantwho declares as true informationwhich he or she knows to be falseis guilty of a crime.)

Jose L. RicoJune 12, 19, 26;July 3, 2009

This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on06/08/2009


NO. 524135The following person(s) is(are)doing business as: Flores AutoTransmission Repair, 675 E ElCamino Real Suite C, Sunny-vale, CA 94087, Santa Clara Co.Walter Dieguez Flores, 359 N Sun-nyvale Ave, Sunnyvale, CA 94085.This business is conducted by anindividual registrant began doingbusiness under the fictitious busi-ness name or names listed here in05/04/09. “I declare that all infor-mation in this statement is true andcorrect.” (A registrant who declaresas true information which he or sheknows to be false is guilty of acrime.)

Walter Dieguez FloresJune 5, 12, 19, 26, 2009

This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on05/11/2009


NO. 524090The following person(s) is(are)doing business as: Felipe Garden-ing’s, 731 S Almaden Ave, SanJose, CA 95110, Santa ClaraCo. Felipe Zuniga Lopez, 731 S Al-maden Ave, San Jose, CA 95110,Griselda Zuniga Alcazar, 731 S Al-maden Ave, San Jose, CA 95110.This business is conducted by hus-band and wife registrant begandoing business under the fictitiousbusiness name or names listedhere in 02/2005. “I declare that allinformation in this statement is trueand correct.” (A registrant who de-clares as true information which heor she knows to be false is guilty ofa crime.)

Felipe Zuniga LopezJune 5, 12, 19, 26, 2009

This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on05/11/2009


NO. 524722The following person(s) is(are)doing business as: Sandy’sTrucking, 1176 S 8th Street, SanJose, CA 95112 Santa Clara Co.Pedro Antonio Tobar 1176 S 8thStreet, San Jose, CA 95112. Thisbusiness is conducted by an indi-vidual registrant began doing busi-ness under the fictitious businessname or names listed here in03/15/09. “I declare that all infor-mation in this statement is true andcorrect.” (A registrant who declaresas true information which he or sheknows to be false is guilty of acrime.)

Pedro A TobarJune 5, 12, 19, 26, 2009

This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 05/27/2009


NO. 524872The following person(s) is(are)doing business as: My WorldCleaning SRVC, 1511 Aborn Rd,San Jose, CA 95121, SantaClara Co. Rocio Garcia, 1511Aborn Rd, San Jose, CA 95121.This business is conducted by anindividual registrant began doingbusiness under the fictitious busi-ness name or names listed here in06/01/09. “I declare that all infor-mation in this statement is true andcorrect.” (A registrant who declaresas true information which he or sheknows to be false is guilty of acrime.)

Rocio GarciaJune 5, 12, 19, 26, 2009

This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 06/01/2009


NO. 523920The following person(s) is(are)doing business as: Tacomania,960 S 1st Street, San Jose, CA95110, Santa Clara Co. JosefinaFlores, 5104 Edenview Dr, SanJose, CA 95111. This business isconducted by an individual regis-trant began doing business underthe fictitious business name ornames listed here in 11/07/07. “Ideclare that all information in thisstatement is true and correct.” (Aregistrant who declares as true in-formation which he or she knowsto be false is guilty of a crime.)

Josefina FloresJune 5, 12, 19, 26, 2009

This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 05/05/2009


NO. 524053The following person(s) is(are)doing business as: Gift 2 Gab

Gallery, 190 Martha St #D, SanJose, CA 95112, Santa Clara Co.Adrian Gonzalez, 1026 AlabamaSt., San Francisco, CA 94110.This business is conducted by anindividual registrant began doingbusiness under the fictitious busi-ness name or names listed here in04/27/09. “I declare that all infor-mation in this statement is true andcorrect.” (A registrant who declaresas true information which he or sheknows to be false is guilty of acrime.)

Adrian GonzalezJune 5, 12, 19, 26, 2009

This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 05/08/2009


NO. 523972The following person(s) is(are)doing business as: Dollar Town &More, 33 South Capitol Ave, SanJose, CA 95127, Santa ClaraCo. Ajaz Fatima, 1848 Clay St.,Santa Clara, CA 95050, Abdul RSyed, 1848 Clay St., Santa Clara,CA 95050. This business is con-ducted by husband and wife regis-trant began doing business underthe fictitious business name ornames listed here in 04/15/1996. “Ideclare that all information in thisstatement is true and correct.” (Aregistrant who declares as true in-formation which he or she knowsto be false is guilty of a crime.)

Abdul R SyedJune 5, 12, 19, 26, 2009

This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 05/06/2009


NO. 524732The following person(s) is(are)doing business as: Amy’s FlowerShop, 14398 ½ Union Ave. CanJose, CA 95124, Santa ClaraCo. Norma A Villegas, 5055 DentAve #50, San Jose, CA 95118.This business is conducted by anindividual registrant has not yetbegun doing business under thefictitious business name or nameslisted hereon. “I declare that all in-formation in this statement is trueand correct.” (A registrant who de-clares as true information which heor she knows to be false is guilty ofa crime.)

Norma A VillegasJune 5, 12, 19, 26, 2009

This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 05/28/2009


NO. 524816The following person(s) is(are)doing business as: Eric Chris-tensen Fine Art & Editions, 3883Woodford Dr., San Jose, CA95124, Santa Clara Co. EricChristensen Fine Art & Editions,3883 Woodford Drive, San Jose,CA 95124. This business is con-ducted by a corporation registrantbegan doing business under thefictitious business name or nameslisted here in 07/15/2004. “I de-clare that all information in thisstatement is true and correct.” (Aregistrant who declares as true in-formation which he or she knowsto be false is guilty of a crime.)

Eric Christensen Fine Art &Editions, David E Sylvia

President - CEOJune 5, 12, 19, 26, 2009

This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 05/29/2009


NO. 524591The following person(s) is(are)doing business as: U.S. Port Es-

cort, 237 Arriba Dr., Sunnyvale,CA 94086, Santa Clara Co. An-thony Ballester, 237 Arriba Dr. #9,Sunnyvale, CA 94086. This busi-ness is conducted by an individualregistrant has not yet begun doingbusiness under the fictitious busi-ness name or names listed hereon.“I declare that all information in thisstatement is true and correct.” (Aregistrant who declares as true in-formation which he or she knowsto be false is guilty of a crime.)

Anthony BallesterJune 5, 12, 19, 26, 2009

This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 05/22/2009


NO. 524787The following person(s) is(are)doing business as: Utility Calcu-lus, 10072 Mossy Oak Ct., Cu-pertino, CA 95014, Santa ClaraCo. Andrew Maurer, 10072 MossyOak Ct., Cupertino, CA 95014.This business is conducted by anindividual registrant has not yetbegun doing business under thefictitious business name or nameslisted hereon. “I declare that all in-formation in this statement is trueand correct.” (A registrant who de-clares as true information which heor she knows to be false is guilty ofa crime.)

Andrew MaurerJune 5, 12, 19, 26, 2009

This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 05/29/2009


NO. 524737The following person(s) is(are)doing business as: John’s Gar-dening, 1400 Bridge St., YubaCity, CA 95993, Sutter Co. JohnCooper, 1400 Bridge St, Yuba City,CA 95993. This business is con-ducted by an individual registrantbegan doing business under thefictitious business name or nameslisted here in 05/29/08. “I declarethat all information in this statementis true and correct.” (A registrantwho declares as true informationwhich he or she knows to be falseis guilty of a crime.)

John CooperJune 5, 12, 19, 26, 2009

This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on5/28/2009


NO. 109CV143826Superior Court of California,County of Santa Clara-In the mat-ter of the application of: Maria Cristina Ellescas Stafford &Donald Carl Stafford TO ALL IN-TERESTED PERSON: The courtfinds that petitioners Maria CristinaEllescs Stafford & Donald CarlStafford have filed a petition forChange of Name with the clerk ofthis court for a decree changingnames as follows: a. ChristianGregory Ellescas Stafford toChristian Gregory Stafford. THECOURT ORDERS that all personsinterested in this matter appear be-fore this court at the hearing indi-cated below to show cause, if any,why the petition for change ofnames should not be granted on 7-28-09 at 8:45 am, Room 107: lo-cated at 191 N. First Street, SanJose, CA 95133. A copy of theOrder to Show cause shall be pub-lished at least once a week for foursuccessive weeks prior to the dateset for hearing on the petition in ElObservador, a newspaper of gen-eral circulation, printed in thecounty of Santa Clara.

June 2, 2009Mary Ann Grilli

Judge of the Superior CourtJune 5, 12, 19, 26, 2009


NO. 109CV143924Superior Court of California,County of Santa Clara-In the mat-ter of the application of: GelilaSamuel TO ALL INTERESTEDPERSON: The court finds that pe-titioner Gelila Samuel has filed apetition for Change of Name withthe clerk of this court for a decreechanging names as follows: a.Gelila Samuel to Gelila SamuelTekleab. THE COURT ORDERSthat all persons interested in thismatter appear before this court atthe hearing indicated below toshow cause, if any, why the petitionfor change of names should not begranted on 7-28-09 at 8:45 am,Room 107: located at 191 N. FirstStreet, San Jose, CA 95133. Acopy of the Order to Show causeshall be published at least once aweek for four successive weeksprior to the date set for hearing onthe petition in El Observador, anewspaper of general circulation,printed in the county of SantaClara.

June 3, 2009Mary Ann Grilli

Judge of the Superior CourtJune 5, 12, 19, 26, 2009


NO. 109CV143722Superior Court of California,County of Santa Clara-In the mat-ter of the application of: ArlynnKnudsen TO ALL INTERESTEDPERSONS: The court finds thatpetitioner Arlynn Knudsen has fileda petition for Change of Name withthe clerk of this court for a decreechanging names as follows: a. Ar-lynn Knudsen to Arlynn Ea-glestar THE COURT ORDERSthat all persons interested in thismatter appear before this court atthe hearing indicated below toshow cause, if any, why the petitionfor change of names should not begranted on 7-28-09 at 8:45 am,Room 107: located at 191 N. FirstStreet, San Jose, CA 95133. Acopy of the Order to Show causeshall be published at least once aweek for four successive weeksprior to the date set for hearing onthe petition in El Observador, anewspaper of general circulation,printed in the county of SantaClara.

June 1, 2009Mary Ann Grilli

Judge of the Superior CourtJune 5, 12, 19, 26, 2009



The following person(s) has/haveabandoned the use of the fictitiousbusiness name(s). The informationgiven below is as it appeared onthe fictitious business name state-ment that was filed at the CountyClerk-Recorder’s office. Amy’sFlower Shop, 14398½ UnionAve., San Jose, CA 95124. Filedin Santa Clara County on 04/19/08under file no. 508467. RocioLopez, 14534 Union Ave # B2,SanJose, CA 95124. This businesswas conducted by an individual. Ideclare that all information in thisstatement is true and correct ( Aregistrant who declares as true in-formation which he or she knowsto be false is guilty of a crime.)

Rocio LopezJune 05, 12, 19, 26, 2009

This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on5/28/2009

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Gabriela Ruvalcaba, AgentInsurance Lic. #: 0F70727

2180 Story Road, Suite 203San Jose, CA 95122Bus: 408-251-8886

Patricia L Money, AgentInsurance Lic. #: 0830118

164 Los Gatos-Saratoga RoadLos Gatos, CA 95030Bus: 408-399-6669

Andre An Nguyen, AgentInsurance Lic. #: 0F61381

1340 Tully Road, Suite 308San Jose, CA 95122Bus: 408-298-7300

Alexandra M Anderson, AgentInsurance Lic. #: 0C81294

980 El Camino Real, Suite 350Santa Clara, CA 95050

Bus: 408-244-4400

Michael P Murillo, AgentInsurance Lic. #: 05946061449 Park Avenue, Suite 3

San Jose, CA 95126Bus: 408-295-0554

Tressa L Williams, AgentInsurance Lic. #: 0C11579

1171 Homestead Road, Suite 115Santa Clara, CA 95050

Bus: 408-243-4400

Frank Shao, AgentInsurance Lic. #: 0D55756

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Rose Mary Nuñes, AgentInsurance Lic. #: 0C54690

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Chelsea venció por 4 a 1 a su similarde Colbol 1. Por su parte Milángoleó a Cafeteros por 6 a 3. Por su

parte Ramales y Halcaones tuvieron un encuen-tro de película. Ambos equipos empataron 5 a5.

EO Copa llega por cortesía de la FundaciónEl Observador y la Liga Pacífico Fútbol 8 quehan unido esfuerzo para ofrecer a la comunidadla sana diversión y competencia en el Área dela Bahía. Asita al Cataldi Park localizado en3900 Cataldi Dr. en San Jose.

EO Copa sigue jornada

Tabla de posicionesChelsea 10Colbol 7Ramales 5Milán 4Halcones 4Cafeteros 3

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