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Magazine + Poster

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As you can see from the four images on the left instead of actually taking a photo shoot I have instead just used screen shots from footage in the trailer as I felt it is more authentic because the villain is in action whereas in a photo shoot it is in a way a fake front that the model will put on as they are being told to do so for a still shot, the difference is when acting they are in the moment. Because I wanted my poster and magazine cover to appeal to the audience and draw them in I made it a prioritythat the image would intrigue them that is why I ensured the knife was shown in both images.

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I have combined all three of my media texts by using the title simply because it is the most important passage of text in the trailer. It is important that the target audience knows what the title of the film is so that they are aware of what to research and what to ask to see when it comes out.

In three of the texts I have used the same font with variations for example italics in the one for the magazine and on the trailer they are both just ‘Minion Pro’ (the name of the font). On the magazine and poster I have used the title again but two different fonts although I ensured that they were both red to give off a bloody colour, the variation depended on the image and colour scheme. Ensuring that the title is seen clearly is important for the text to be effective as it is vital that the audience is aware of the title of the movie.

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When putting together my media texts I also made it important that I had the name of the my company appear in every text in my magazine I mentioned it twice for my target audience to get an expanded insight on what the company does and to give the company a bigger reputation I also made it clear that this company produced the film by involving the name in all media texts.

Personally I believe that this is important to have the name of the company shown so that producers, directors, editors and actors are credited for there efforts and due to the fact that the name keeps appearing in each of my texts I believe that this is an effective way for the target audience to be aware of who has made this film.

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I have combined my main actor who is the villain’s name on my poster and magazine, on my poster I have mentioned the fact that he is acting and on my magazine I have included an interview with Matt Cairns so that my audience have the opportunity to get to know him on a personal scale. This is important as I feel it is another way of involving the audience with the film and making them know more about the actor personally feeling a more personal relationship when watching the movie.

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As shown above, due to the fact that this is a horror movie I followed the typical convention to make it dark and gloomy. Going against modern conventions and filming in broad daylight I ensured that this didn’t effect the scale of how dark I wanted my film to be so when editing I lowered the brightness. All three texts are darkened so my audience can identify that they are all from the same production but I also made it essential that my main villain was wearing the signature grey hoody which he is wearing in all three texts so that my audience can easily identify him along with his clothing. Also his signature weapon which is a knife can be identified and related to him along with his hoody.

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