
2. How does your media product represent particular

social groups?

Social Group

My magazine targets young social groups, 16-25 year olds who are fans of the musical genre, indie rock. This has been determined through my initial market research, where respondents had fit into this category. Therefore I have created my magazine with this group in mind so that it will represent these people successfully.


The majority of the subjects in my images are female; representing the female based audience that my market research found. As my young readership would like to know all about other females, who work in the music industry. However I have ensured to include some male subject in order to represent the minority male readers.


The language I used suits the young target audience. Slang such as “Glasto” in my interview targets the young audience, as many young people use lots of slang terms in their own idiolect. It also represents an audience that are strongly interested in music, as ‘Glasto’ is the slang term for the extremely popular annual music festival, Glastonbury.


The main body of text on my double page spread is set out using a ‘Question and Answer’ pattern. This simple lay out makes it easier for the audience to read and understand, useful for the young audience. It also means that they can read the specific questions and answers they want to know about if they have little time.

House Style

The bright colours on the front page and throughout the magazine also help attract the young audience. Also consistency is key to ensure a returning audience; my consistent house style helps achieve this. However in order to keep it interesting I have used a small range of fonts on each page.

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